# - always_put_required_named_parameters_first # we prefer having parameters in the same order as fields https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/10219
- always_require_non_null_named_parameters
- always_specify_types
- annotate_overrides
# - avoid_annotating_with_dynamic # conflicts with always_specify_types
# - avoid_as # required for implicit-casts: true
- avoid_bool_literals_in_conditional_expressions
# - avoid_catches_without_on_clauses # we do this commonly
# - avoid_catching_errors # we do this commonly
- avoid_classes_with_only_static_members
# - avoid_double_and_int_checks # only useful when targeting JS runtime
- avoid_empty_else
# - avoid_equals_and_hash_code_on_mutable_classes # not yet tested
- avoid_field_initializers_in_const_classes
- avoid_function_literals_in_foreach_calls
# - avoid_implementing_value_types # not yet tested
- avoid_init_to_null
# - avoid_js_rounded_ints # only useful when targeting JS runtime
- avoid_null_checks_in_equality_operators
# - avoid_positional_boolean_parameters # not yet tested
# - avoid_print # not yet tested
# - avoid_private_typedef_functions # we prefer having typedef (discussion in https://github.com/flutter/flutter/pull/16356)
# - avoid_redundant_argument_values # not yet tested
- avoid_relative_lib_imports
- avoid_renaming_method_parameters
- avoid_return_types_on_setters
# - avoid_returning_null # there are plenty of valid reasons to return null
# - avoid_returning_null_for_future # not yet tested
- avoid_returning_null_for_void
# - avoid_returning_this # there are plenty of valid reasons to return this
# - avoid_setters_without_getters # not yet tested
# - avoid_shadowing_type_parameters # not yet tested
- avoid_single_cascade_in_expression_statements
- avoid_slow_async_io
- avoid_types_as_parameter_names
# - avoid_types_on_closure_parameters # conflicts with always_specify_types
# - avoid_unnecessary_containers # not yet tested
- avoid_unused_constructor_parameters
- avoid_void_async
# - avoid_web_libraries_in_flutter # not yet tested
- await_only_futures
- camel_case_extensions
- camel_case_types
- cancel_subscriptions
# - cascade_invocations # not yet tested
# - close_sinks # not reliable enough
# - comment_references # blocked on https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/20765
# - constant_identifier_names # needs an opt-out https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/204
- control_flow_in_finally
# - curly_braces_in_flow_control_structures # not yet tested
# - diagnostic_describe_all_properties # not yet tested
- directives_ordering
- empty_catches
- empty_constructor_bodies
- empty_statements
# - file_names # not yet tested
- flutter_style_todos
- hash_and_equals
- implementation_imports
# - invariant_booleans # too many false positives: https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/811
- iterable_contains_unrelated_type
# - join_return_with_assignment # not yet tested
- library_names
- library_prefixes
# - lines_longer_than_80_chars # not yet tested
- list_remove_unrelated_type
# - literal_only_boolean_expressions # too many false positives: https://github.com/dart-lang/sdk/issues/34181
# - missing_whitespace_between_adjacent_strings # not yet tested
- no_adjacent_strings_in_list
- no_duplicate_case_values
# - no_logic_in_create_state # not yet tested
# - no_runtimeType_toString # not yet tested
- non_constant_identifier_names
# - null_closures # not yet tested
# - omit_local_variable_types # opposite of always_specify_types
# - one_member_abstracts # too many false positives