--Update to Seth-Bling's MarI/O app local gui = gui local base = string.gsub(@@LUA_SCRIPT_FILENAME@@, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%1") local pool = dofile(base.."/pool.lua") local util = dofile(base.."/util.lua")() local statusLine = nil local statusColor = 0x0000ff00 pool.onMessage(function(msg, color) print(msg) local stderrColor = util.nearestColor(color, { -- Green ['92'] = { r = 0 , g = 255, b = 0 }, -- Red ['91'] = { r = 255, g = 0 , b = 0 }, -- Yellow ['93'] = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 0 }, -- Blue ['94'] = { r = 0 , g = 0 , b = 255}, -- Magenta ['95'] = { r = 255, g = 0 , b = 255}, -- Cyan ['96'] = { r = 0 , g = 255, b = 255}, -- White ['97'] = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, }) io.stderr:write('\x1b['..stderrColor..'m'..msg..'\x1b[0m\n') statusLine = msg statusColor = color end) local guiHeight = 0 local guiWidth = 0 pool.onRenderForm(function(form) guiWidth, guiHeight = gui.resolution() gui.left_gap(500) gui.top_gap(0) gui.bottom_gap(0) gui.right_gap(0) form:draw(-500, 0) if statusLine ~= nil then gui.rectangle(-500, guiHeight - 20, guiWidth, 20, 1, 0x00000000, statusColor) gui.text(-500, guiHeight - 20, statusLine, 0x00000000) end end) local DONK_LOAD_POOL = os.getenv('DONK_LOAD_POOL') if DONK_LOAD_POOL ~= nil and DONK_LOAD_POOL ~= "" then pool.requestLoad(DONK_LOAD_POOL) end pool.run():next(function() print("The pool finished running!!!") end):catch(function(error) if type(error) == "table" then error = "\n"..table.concat(error, "\n") end io.stderr:write(string.format("There was a problem running the pool: %s", error)) print(string.format("There was a problem running the pool: %s", error)) end)