--[[ The MIT License (MIT) ===================== Copyright © `2015` `Colin Fein` Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] -- Port of https://github.com/rhysbrettbowen/promise_impl/blob/master/promise.js -- and https://github.com/rhysbrettbowen/Aplus -- local queue = {} local State = { PENDING = 'pending', FULFILLED = 'fulfilled', REJECTED = 'rejected', } local passthrough = function(x) return x end local errorthrough = function(x) error(x) end local function callable_table(callback) local mt = getmetatable(callback) return type(mt) == 'table' and type(mt.__call) == 'function' end local function is_callable(value) local t = type(value) return t == 'function' or (t == 'table' and callable_table(value)) end local transition, resolve, run local Promise = { is_promise = true, state = State.PENDING } Promise.mt = { __index = Promise } local do_async = function(callback) if Promise.async then Promise.async(callback) else table.insert(queue, callback) end end local reject = function(promise, reason) transition(promise, State.REJECTED, reason) end local fulfill = function(promise, value) transition(promise, State.FULFILLED, value) end transition = function(promise, state, value) if promise.state == state or promise.state ~= State.PENDING or ( state ~= State.FULFILLED and state ~= State.REJECTED ) or value == nil then return end promise.state = state promise.value = value run(promise) end function Promise:next(on_fulfilled, on_rejected) local promise = Promise.new() table.insert(self.queue, { fulfill = is_callable(on_fulfilled) and on_fulfilled or nil, reject = is_callable(on_rejected) and on_rejected or nil, promise = promise }) run(self) return promise end resolve = function(promise, x) if promise == x then reject(promise, 'TypeError: cannot resolve a promise with itself') return end local x_type = type(x) if x_type ~= 'table' then fulfill(promise, x) return end -- x is a promise in the current implementation if x.is_promise then -- if x is pending, resolve or reject this promise after completion if x.state == State.PENDING then x:next( function(value) resolve(promise, value) end, function(reason) reject(promise, reason) end ) return end -- if x is not pending, transition promise to x's state and value transition(promise, x.state, x.value) return end local called = false -- Catches errors thrown by __index metatable local success, reason = pcall(function() local next = x.next if is_callable(next) then next( x, function(y) if not called then resolve(promise, y) called = true end end, function(r) if not called then reject(promise, r) called = true end end ) else fulfill(promise, x) end end) if not success then if not called then reject(promise, reason) end end end run = function(promise) if promise.state == State.PENDING then return end do_async(function() -- drain promise.queue while allowing pushes from within callbacks local q = promise.queue local i = 0 while i < #q do i = i + 1 local obj = q[i] local success, result = pcall(function() local success = obj.fulfill or passthrough local failure = obj.reject or errorthrough local callback = promise.state == State.FULFILLED and success or failure return callback(promise.value) end) if not success then reject(obj.promise, result) else resolve(obj.promise, result) end end for j = 1, i do q[j] = nil end end) end function Promise.new(callback) local instance = { queue = {} } setmetatable(instance, Promise.mt) if callback then callback( function(value) resolve(instance, value) end, function(reason) reject(instance, reason) end ) end return instance end function Promise:catch(callback) return self:next(nil, callback) end function Promise:resolve(value) fulfill(self, value) end function Promise:reject(reason) reject(self, reason) end function Promise.update() while true do local async = table.remove(queue, 1) if not async then break end async() end end -- resolve when all promises complete function Promise.all(...) local promises = {...} local results = {} local state = State.FULFILLED local remaining = #promises local promise = Promise.new() local check_finished = function() if remaining > 0 then return end transition(promise, state, results) end for i,p in ipairs(promises) do p:next( function(value) results[i] = value remaining = remaining - 1 check_finished() end, function(value) results[i] = value remaining = remaining - 1 state = State.REJECTED check_finished() end ) end check_finished() return promise end -- resolve with first promise to complete function Promise.race(...) local promises = {...} local promise = Promise.new() Promise.all(...):next(nil, function(value) reject(promise, value) end) local success = function(value) fulfill(promise, value) end for _,p in ipairs(promises) do p:next(success) end return promise end return Promise