-- zzlib - zlib decompression in Lua - Implementation-independent code -- Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Francois Galea -- This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to -- the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want -- To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See -- the COPYING file or http://www.wtfpl.net/ for more details. local base = string.gsub(@@LUA_SCRIPT_FILENAME@@, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%1") local unpack = table.unpack or unpack local infl = dofile(base.."/inflate-bit32.lua") local zzlib = {} local function arraytostr(array) local tmp = {} local size = #array local pos = 1 local imax = 1 while size > 0 do local bsize = size>=2048 and 2048 or size local s = string.char(unpack(array,pos,pos+bsize-1)) pos = pos + bsize size = size - bsize local i = 1 while tmp[i] do s = tmp[i]..s tmp[i] = nil i = i + 1 end if i > imax then imax = i end tmp[i] = s end local str = "" for i=1,imax do if tmp[i] then str = tmp[i]..str end end return str end local function inflate_gzip(bs) local id1,id2,cm,flg = bs.buf:byte(1,4) if id1 ~= 31 or id2 ~= 139 then error("invalid gzip header") end if cm ~= 8 then error("only deflate format is supported") end bs.pos=11 if infl.band(flg,4) ~= 0 then local xl1,xl2 = bs.buf.byte(bs.pos,bs.pos+1) local xlen = xl2*256+xl1 bs.pos = bs.pos+xlen+2 end if infl.band(flg,8) ~= 0 then local pos = bs.buf:find("\0",bs.pos) bs.pos = pos+1 end if infl.band(flg,16) ~= 0 then local pos = bs.buf:find("\0",bs.pos) bs.pos = pos+1 end if infl.band(flg,2) ~= 0 then -- TODO: check header CRC16 bs.pos = bs.pos+2 end local result = arraytostr(infl.main(bs)) local crc = bs:getb(8)+256*(bs:getb(8)+256*(bs:getb(8)+256*bs:getb(8))) bs:close() if crc ~= infl.crc32(result) then error("checksum verification failed") end return result end -- compute Adler-32 checksum local function adler32(s) local s1 = 1 local s2 = 0 for i=1,#s do local c = s:byte(i) s1 = (s1+c)%65521 s2 = (s2+s1)%65521 end return s2*65536+s1 end local function inflate_zlib(bs) local cmf = bs.buf:byte(1) local flg = bs.buf:byte(2) if (cmf*256+flg)%31 ~= 0 then error("zlib header check bits are incorrect") end if infl.band(cmf,15) ~= 8 then error("only deflate format is supported") end if infl.rshift(cmf,4) ~= 7 then error("unsupported window size") end if infl.band(flg,32) ~= 0 then error("preset dictionary not implemented") end bs.pos=3 local result = arraytostr(infl.main(bs)) local adler = ((bs:getb(8)*256+bs:getb(8))*256+bs:getb(8))*256+bs:getb(8) bs:close() if adler ~= adler32(result) then error("checksum verification failed") end return result end function zzlib.gunzipf(filename) local file,err = io.open(filename,"rb") if not file then return nil,err end return inflate_gzip(infl.bitstream_init(file)) end function zzlib.gunzip(str) return inflate_gzip(infl.bitstream_init(str)) end function zzlib.inflate(str) return inflate_zlib(infl.bitstream_init(str)) end local function int2le(str,pos) local a,b = str:byte(pos,pos+1) return b*256+a end local function int4le(str,pos) local a,b,c,d = str:byte(pos,pos+3) return ((d*256+c)*256+b)*256+a end function zzlib.unzip(buf,filename) local p = #buf-21 local quit = false if int4le(buf,p) ~= 0x06054b50 then -- not sure there is a reliable way to locate the end of central directory record -- if it has a variable sized comment field error(".ZIP file comments not supported") end local cdoffset = int4le(buf,p+16) local nfiles = int2le(buf,p+10) p = cdoffset+1 for i=1,nfiles do if int4le(buf,p) ~= 0x02014b50 then error("invalid central directory header signature") end local flag = int2le(buf,p+8) local method = int2le(buf,p+10) local crc = int4le(buf,p+16) local namelen = int2le(buf,p+28) local name = buf:sub(p+46,p+45+namelen) if name == filename then local headoffset = int4le(buf,p+42) p = 1+headoffset if int4le(buf,p) ~= 0x04034b50 then error("invalid local header signature") end local csize = int4le(buf,p+18) local extlen = int2le(buf,p+28) p = p+30+namelen+extlen if method == 0 then -- no compression result = buf:sub(p,p+csize-1) else -- DEFLATE compression local bs = infl.bitstream_init(buf) bs.pos = p result = arraytostr(infl.main(bs)) end if crc ~= infl.crc32(result) then error("checksum verification failed") end return result end p = p+46+namelen+int2le(buf,p+30)+int2le(buf,p+32) end error("file '"..filename.."' not found in ZIP archive") end return zzlib