local utime, bit, callback, exec = utime, bit, callback, exec local base = string.gsub(@@LUA_SCRIPT_FILENAME@@, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%1") local Promise = nil local _M = {} _M.isWin = package.config:sub(1, 1) == '\\' --- Converts a function into a promise. --- Useful for decoupling code from the original event it was fired in. ---@param next function The function to resolve on the next tick ---@return Promise Promise A promise that returns the value of the next function function _M.promiseWrap(next) local promise = Promise.new() promise:resolve() return promise:next(next) end --- Wait for a specified amount of time. Note that this is dependent on the --- timer timeout getting set elsewhere in the code, probably in the Promise --- handler setup ---@param delayUsec number Number of microseconds to wait ---@return Promise Promise A promise that resolves when the time has elapsed function _M.delay(delayUsec) return Promise.new(function(res, rej) local sec, usec = utime() local start = sec * 1000000 + usec local finish = start local unTimer = nil local function onTimer() sec, usec = utime() finish = sec * 1000000 + usec if finish - start >= delayUsec then callback.unregister('timer', unTimer) res() end end unTimer = callback.register('timer', onTimer) end) end function _M.loadAndStart(romFile) return Promise.new(function(res, rej) local unPaint = nil local paint = 0 local function onPaint() paint = paint + 1 _M.promiseWrap(function() if paint == 1 then exec('pause-emulator') elseif paint > 1 then callback.unregister('paint', unPaint) res() end end) end unPaint = callback.register('paint', onPaint) exec('load-rom '..romFile) end) end function _M.getTempDir() local temps = { os.getenv("TMPDIR"), os.getenv("TEMP"), os.getenv("TEMPDIR"), os.getenv("TMP"), } local tempDir = "/tmp" for i=1,#temps,1 do local temp = temps[i] if temp ~= nil and temp ~= "" then tempDir = temps[i] break end end return tempDir end --- Echo a command, run it, and return the file handle --- @param cmd string The command to execute --- @param workdir string The working directory --- @param env table The environment variables function _M.popenCmd(cmd, workdir, env) local cmdParts = {} if workdir ~= nil then if _M.isWin then table.insert(cmdParts, 'cd /d "'..workdir..'" &&') else table.insert(cmdParts, 'cd "'..workdir..'" &&') end end if env ~= nil then for k,v in pairs(env) do if _M.isWin then table.insert(cmdParts, string.format("set %s=%s&&", k, v)) else table.insert(cmdParts, string.format("%s='%s'", k, v)) end end end table.insert(cmdParts, cmd) local fullCmd = table.concat(cmdParts, " ") print(fullCmd) --[[ local dummy = "/dev/null" if isWin then dummy = "NUL" end return io.open(dummy, 'r') ]] return io.popen(fullCmd, 'r') end --- Echo a command, run it, and handle any errors --- @return string string The stdout function _M.doCmd(...) return _M.scrapeCmd('*a', ...) end function _M.openReadPipe(name) if _M.isWin then local cmd = 'cd /d "'..base..'" && "'..base..'/namedpipe/createAndReadPipe.exe" "'..name..'"' print(cmd) return io.popen(cmd, 'r') else return io.popen("socat 'UNIX-LISTEN:".._M.getTempDir().."/"..name.."' -", 'r') end end function _M.openReadPipeWriter(name) local writer = nil while writer == nil do if _M.isWin then writer = io.open('\\\\.\\pipe\\'..name, 'w') else writer = io.popen("socat 'UNIX-CONNECT:".._M.getTempDir().."/"..name.."' -", 'w') end end return writer end --- Download a url --- @param url string URI of resource to download --- @param dest string File to save resource to function _M.downloadFile (url, dest) return _M.doCmd('curl -sL "'..url..'" > "'..dest..'" || wget -qO- "'..url..'" > "'..dest..'"') end --- Unzip a ZIP file with unzip or tar --- @param zipfile string The ZIP file path --- @param dest string Where to unzip the ZIP file. Beware ZIP bombs. function _M.unzip (zipfile, dest) return _M.doCmd('tar -xvf "'..zipfile..'" 2>&1 || unzip -n "'..zipfile..'" -d "'..dest.. '" 2>&1', dest) end --- Create a directory --- @return string dir The directory to create function _M.mkdir(dir) if _M.isWin then return _M.doCmd('if not exist "'..dir..'" mkdir "'..dir..'"') else return _M.doCmd("mkdir '"..dir.."'") end end --- Run a command and get the output --- @param formats table|string|number List or single io.read() specifier --- @return table table List of results based on read specifiers function _M.scrapeCmd(formats, ...) local poppet = _M.popenCmd(...) local outputs = nil if type(formats) ~= 'table' then outputs = poppet:read(formats) else outputs = {} for i=1,#formats,1 do table.insert(outputs, poppet:read(formats[i])) end end _M.closeCmd(poppet) return outputs end --- Check the command's exit code and throw a Lua error if it isn't right --- @param handle file* The handle of the command function _M.closeCmd(handle) local ok, state, code = handle:close() if state ~= "exit" then return end if code ~= 0 then error(string.format("The last command failed: %s %d", state, code)) end end function _M.table_to_string(tbl) local result = "{" local keys = {} for k in pairs(tbl) do table.insert(keys, k) end table.sort(keys) for _, k in ipairs(keys) do local v = tbl[k] if type(v) == "number" and v == 0 then --goto continue end -- Check the key type (ignore any numerical keys - assume its an array) if type(k) == "string" then result = result.."[\""..k.."\"]".."=" end -- Check the value type if type(v) == "table" then result = result.._M.table_to_string(v) elseif type(v) == "boolean" then result = result..tostring(v) elseif type(v) == "number" and v >= 0 then result = result..string.format("%x", v) else result = result.."\""..v.."\"" end result = result..",\n" ::continue:: end -- Remove leading commas from the result if result ~= "" then result = result:sub(1, result:len()-1) end return result.."}" end function _M.file_exists(name) local f=io.open(name,"r") if f~=nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function _M.nearestColor(needle, colors) local opacity = bit.band(needle, 0xff000000) local needle = { r = bit.lrshift(bit.band(needle, 0x00ff0000), 4), g = bit.lrshift(bit.band(needle, 0x0000ff00), 2), b = bit.band(needle, 0x000000ff), } local minDistanceSq = 0x7fffffff local value = nil for name,color in pairs(colors) do local distanceSq = ( math.pow(needle.r - color.r, 2) + math.pow(needle.g - color.g, 2) + math.pow(needle.b - color.b, 2) ) if distanceSq < minDistanceSq then minDistanceSq = distanceSq value = name end if value == nil then value = name end end return value end function _M.regionToWord(region, offset) return bit.compose(region[offset], region[offset + 1]) end return function(promise) Promise = promise return _M end