local random = random local base = string.gsub(@@LUA_SCRIPT_FILENAME@@, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%1") local util = dofile(base.."/util.lua") local config = dofile(base.."/config.lua") local serpent = dofile(base.."/serpent.lua") local temps = { os.getenv("TMPDIR"), os.getenv("TEMP"), os.getenv("TEMPDIR"), os.getenv("TMP"), } local tempDir = "/tmp" for i=1,#temps,1 do local temp = temps[i] if temp ~= nil and temp ~= "" then tempDir = temps[i] break end end local tmpFileName = tempDir.."/donk_runner_".. string.hex(math.floor(random.integer(0, 0xffffffff))).. string.hex(math.floor(random.integer(0, 0xffffffff))) local function message(_M, msg, color) if color == nil then color = 0x00009900 end for i=#_M.onMessageHandler,1,-1 do _M.onMessageHandler[i](msg, color) end end local function save(_M, filename) for i=#_M.onSaveHandler,1,-1 do _M.onSaveHandler[i](filename) end end local function onSave(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onSaveHandler, handler) end local function load(_M, filename) for i=#_M.onLoadHandler,1,-1 do _M.onLoadHandler[i](filename) end end local function onLoad(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onLoadHandler, handler) end local function onMessage(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onMessageHandler, handler) end return function() if util.isWin then util.downloadFile('https://github.com/watchexec/watchexec/releases/download/1.13.1/watchexec-1.13.1-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.zip', base..'/watchexec.zip') util.unzip(base..'/watchexec.zip', base) os.rename(base..'watchexec-1.13.1-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu', base..'/watchexec') end local _M = { onMessageHandler = {}, onSaveHandler = {}, onLoadHandler = {}, poppets = {}, hostProcess = "lsnes", } if util.isWin then _M.hostProcess = util.scrapeCmd('*l', 'powershell "(Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter ProcessId=$((Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter ProcessId=$((Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter ProcessId=$PID).ParentProcessId)).ParentProcessId)").ExecutablePath') if _M.hostProcess == nil or _M.hostProcess == "" then _M.hostProcess = "lsnes-bsnes.exe" end else -- FIXME Linux end _M.onRenderForm = function(handler) end _M.onMessage = function(handler) onMessage(_M, handler) end _M.message = function(msg, color) message(_M, msg, color) end _M.onSave = function(handler) onSave(_M, handler) end _M.onLoad = function(handler) onLoad(_M, handler) end _M.run = function(species, generationIdx, genomeCallback, finishCallback) local inputPrefix = tmpFileName..'_input_' local outputPrefix = tmpFileName..'_output_' -- Create the input files and output files for i=1,#species,1 do local inputFileName = inputPrefix..i local inputFile = io.open(inputFileName, 'a') inputFile:close() local outputFileName = outputPrefix..i local outputFile = io.open(outputFileName, 'a') outputFile:close() end while #_M.poppets < #species do local i = #_M.poppets+1 local outputFileName = outputPrefix..i local inputFileName = inputPrefix..i message(_M, _M.hostProcess) local settingsDir = nil if isWin then settingsDir = tempDir.."/donk_runner_settings_"..i util.mkdir(settingsDir) end local envs = { RUNNER_INPUT_FILE = inputFileName, RUNNER_OUTPUT_FILE = outputFileName, APPDATA = settingsDir, } local waiter = util.startWaiting(outputFileName) local cmd = '"'.._M.hostProcess..'" "--rom='..config.ROM..'" --unpause "--lua='..base..'/runner-process.lua"' local poppet = util.popenCmd(cmd, nil, envs) table.insert(_M.poppets, poppet) util.finishWaiting(waiter) end local waiters = {} for i=1,#species,1 do table.insert(waiters, outputPrefix..i) end local waiter = util.startWaiting(waiters, nil, tmpFileName.."_output_*") message(_M, 'Setting up child processes') for i=1,#species,1 do local inputFileName = tmpFileName.."_input_"..i local inputFile = io.open(inputFileName, 'w') inputFile:write(serpent.dump({species[i], generationIdx})) inputFile:close() end message(_M, 'Waiting for child processes to finish') util.finishWaiting(waiter, #waiters) message(_M, 'Child processes finished') for i=1,#species,1 do message(_M, "Processing output "..i) local outputFileName = tmpFileName..'_output_'..i local outputFile = io.open(outputFileName, "r") local line = "" repeat local ok, obj = serpent.load(line) if not ok then goto continue end if obj == nil then goto continue end if obj.type == 'onMessage' then message(_M, obj.msg, obj.color) elseif obj.type == 'onLoad' then load(_M, obj.filename) elseif obj.type == 'onSave' then save(_M, obj.filename) elseif obj.type == 'onGenome' then for i=1,#species,1 do local s = species[i] if s.id == obj.speciesId then s.genomes[obj.genomeIndex] = obj.genome break end end genomeCallback(obj.genome, obj.index) elseif obj.type == 'onFinish' then finishCallback() end ::continue:: line = outputFile:read() until(line == "" or line == nil) outputFile:close() end end return _M end