local gui, input, movie, settings, exec, callback, set_timer_timeout = gui, input, movie, settings, exec, callback, set_timer_timeout local base = string.gsub(@@LUA_SCRIPT_FILENAME@@, "(.*[/\\])(.*)", "%1") local Promise = nil local config = dofile(base.."/config.lua") local game = nil local mathFunctions = dofile(base.."/mathFunctions.lua") local util = dofile(base.."/util.lua")() local Inputs = config.InputSize+1 local Outputs = #config.ButtonNames local guiWidth = 0 local guiHeight = 0 local function message(_M, msg, color) if color == nil then color = 0x00009900 end for i=#_M.onMessageHandler,1,-1 do _M.onMessageHandler[i](msg, color) end end local netPicture = nil local genomeCtx = gui.renderctx.new(470, 200) local function displayGenome(genome) genomeCtx:set() genomeCtx:clear() gui.solidrectangle(0, 0, 470, 200, 0x99606060) local network = genome.network local cells = {} local i = 1 local cell = {} for dy=-config.BoxRadius,config.BoxRadius do for dx=-config.BoxRadius,config.BoxRadius do cell = {} cell.x = 50+5*dx cell.y = 70+5*dy cell.value = network.neurons[i].value cells[i] = cell i = i + 1 end end local biasCell = {} biasCell.x = 80 biasCell.y = 110 biasCell.value = network.neurons[Inputs].value cells[Inputs] = biasCell for o = 1,Outputs do if o == 4 then goto continue end cell = {} cell.x = 400 cell.y = 20 + 14 * o cell.value = network.neurons[config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes + o].value cells[config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes+o] = cell local color if cell.value > 0 then color = 0x000000FF else color = 0x00ffffff end gui.text(403, 10+14*o, config.ButtonNames[o], color, 0xff000000) ::continue:: end for n,neuron in pairs(network.neurons) do cell = {} if n > Inputs and n <= config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes then cell.x = 140 cell.y = 40 cell.value = neuron.value cells[n] = cell end end for n=1,4 do for _,gene in pairs(genome.genes) do if gene.enabled then local c1 = cells[gene.into] local c2 = cells[gene.out] if c1 == nil then c1 = { x = 0, y = 0, } end if c2 == nil then c2 = { x = 0, y = 0, } end if gene.into > Inputs and gene.into <= config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes then c1.x = 0.75*c1.x + 0.25*c2.x if c1.x >= c2.x then c1.x = c1.x - 40 end if c1.x < 90 then c1.x = 90 end if c1.x > 220 then c1.x = 220 end c1.y = 0.75*c1.y + 0.25*c2.y end if gene.out > Inputs and gene.out <= config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes then c2.x = 0.25*c1.x + 0.75*c2.x if c1.x >= c2.x then c2.x = c2.x + 40 end if c2.x < 90 then c2.x = 90 end if c2.x > 220 then c2.x = 220 end c2.y = 0.25*c1.y + 0.75*c2.y end end end end gui.rectangle( 50-config.BoxRadius*5-3, 70-config.BoxRadius*5-3, config.BoxRadius*10+5, config.BoxRadius*10+5, 2, 0xFF000000, 0x00808080 ) for n,cell in pairs(cells) do if n > Inputs or cell.value ~= 0 then local color = math.floor((cell.value+1)/2*256) if color > 255 then color = 255 end if color < 0 then color = 0 end local alpha = 0x50000000 if cell.value == 0 then alpha = 0xFF000000 end color = alpha + color*0x10000 + color*0x100 + color gui.rectangle( math.floor(cell.x-5), math.floor(cell.y-5), 5, 5, 1, 0x00, color ) end end for _,gene in pairs(genome.genes) do if true then local c1 = cells[gene.into] local c2 = cells[gene.out] if(c1 == nil) then c1 = { x = 0, y = 0, } end if(c2 == nil) then c2 = { x = 0, y = 0, } end local alpha = 0x20000000 if c1.value == 0 then alpha = 0xA0000000 end local color = 0x80-math.floor(math.abs(mathFunctions.sigmoid(gene.weight))*0x80) if gene.weight > 0 then color = alpha + 0x8000 + 0x10000*color else color = alpha + 0x800000 + 0x100*color end gui.line( math.floor(c1.x+1), math.floor(c1.y), math.floor(c2.x-3), math.floor(c2.y), color ) end end gui.rectangle( 49, 71, 2, 7, 0x00000000, 0x00FF0000 ) local pos = 100 for mutation,rate in pairs(genome.mutationRates) do gui.text(100, pos, mutation .. ": " .. rate, 0x00ffffff, 0xff000000) pos = pos + 14 end netPicture = genomeCtx:render() gui.renderctx.setnull() end local buttons = nil local buttonCtx = gui.renderctx.new(500, 70) local function displayButtons(_M) buttonCtx:set() buttonCtx:clear() gui.rectangle(0, 0, 500, 70, 1, 0x000000000, 0x33990099) local startStop = "" -- FIXME this won't work I think??? if config.Running then startStop = "Stop" else startStop = "Start" end gui.text(5, 2, "[1] "..startStop) --gui.text(130, 2, "[4] Play Top") gui.text(240, 2, "[6] Save") gui.text(320, 2, "[8] Load") gui.text(400, 2, "[9] Restart") local insert = "" local confirm = "[Tab] Type in filename" if _M.inputmode then insert = "_" confirm = "[Tab] Confirm filename" end gui.text(5, 29, "..."..config.NeatConfig.SaveFile:sub(-55)..insert) gui.text(5, 50, confirm) buttons = buttonCtx:render() gui.renderctx.setnull() end local formCtx = nil local form = nil local function displayForm(_M) if #_M.onRenderFormHandler == 0 then return end if form ~= nil and _M.drawFrame % 10 ~= 0 then gui.renderctx.setnull() for i=#_M.onRenderFormHandler,1,-1 do _M.onRenderFormHandler[i](form) end return end formCtx:set() formCtx:clear() gui.rectangle(0, 0, 500, guiHeight, 1, 0x00ffffff, 0xbb000000) --gui.circle(game.screenX-84, game.screenY-84, 192 / 2, 1, 0x50000000) local areaInfo = _M.areaInfo[_M.currentArea] local distanceTraversed = 0 if areaInfo ~= nil then distanceTraversed = areaInfo.startDistance - areaInfo.shortest end gui.text(5, 30, "Timeout: " .. _M.timeout) gui.text(5, 5, "Generation: " .. _M.currentGenerationIndex) gui.text(130, 5, "Species: " .. _M.currentSpecies.id) gui.text(230, 5, "Genome: " .. _M.currentGenomeIndex) gui.text(130, 30, "Max: " .. math.floor(_M.maxFitness)) --gui.text(330, 5, "Measured: " .. math.floor(measured/total*100) .. "%") gui.text(5, 65, "Bananas: " .. _M.totalBananas) gui.text(5, 80, "KONG: " .. (game.getKong() - _M.startKong)) gui.text(5, 95, "Krem: " .. (game.getKremCoins() - _M.startKrem)) gui.text(130, 65, "Coins: " .. (game.getCoins() - _M.startCoins)) gui.text(130, 80, "Lives: " .. game.getLives()) gui.text(130, 95, "Bumps: " .. _M.bumps) gui.text(230, 65, "Damage: " .. _M.partyHitCounter) gui.text(230, 80, "PowerUp: " .. _M.powerUpCounter) gui.text(320, 65, string.format("Current Area: %04x", _M.currentArea)) gui.text(320, 80, string.format("Traveled: %d", distanceTraversed)) displayButtons(_M) formCtx:set() buttons:draw(5, 130) if netPicture ~= nil then netPicture:draw(5, 200) end form = formCtx:render() gui.renderctx.setnull() for i=#_M.onRenderFormHandler,1,-1 do _M.onRenderFormHandler[i](form) end end local function painting(_M) guiWidth, guiHeight = gui.resolution() if formCtx == nil then formCtx = gui.renderctx.new(500, guiHeight) end _M.drawFrame = _M.drawFrame + 1 displayForm(_M) end local function evaluateNetwork(_M, network, inputs, inputDeltas) table.insert(inputs, 1) table.insert(inputDeltas,99) if #inputs ~= Inputs then message(_M, "Incorrect number of neural network inputs.", 0x00990000) return {} end for i=1,Inputs do network.neurons[i].value = inputs[i] * inputDeltas[i] end for _,neuron in pairs(network.neurons) do local sum = 0 for j = 1,#neuron.incoming do local incoming = neuron.incoming[j] local other = network.neurons[incoming.into] sum = sum + incoming.weight * other.value end if #neuron.incoming > 0 then neuron.value = mathFunctions.sigmoid(sum) end end local outputs = {} for o=1,Outputs do if o == 4 then goto continue end local button = o - 1 if network.neurons[config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes+o].value > 0 then outputs[button] = true else outputs[button] = false end ::continue:: end return outputs end local controller = {} local function updateController() for b=0,#config.ButtonNames - 1,1 do if controller[b] then input.set(0, b, 1) else input.set(0, b, 0) end end end local frame = 0 local lastFrame = 0 local function evaluateCurrent(_M) local genome = _M.currentSpecies.genomes[_M.currentGenomeIndex] local inputDeltas = {} local inputs, inputDeltas = game.getInputs() controller = evaluateNetwork(_M, genome.network, inputs, inputDeltas) if controller[6] and controller[7] then controller[6] = false controller[7] = false end if controller[4] and controller[5] then controller[4] = false controller[5] = false end end local function fitnessAlreadyMeasured(_M) local genome = _M.currentSpecies.genomes[_M.currentGenomeIndex] return genome.fitness ~= 0 end local function newNeuron() local neuron = {} neuron.incoming = {} neuron.value = 0.0 --neuron.dw = 1 return neuron end local function generateNetwork(genome) local network = {} network.neurons = {} for i=1,Inputs do network.neurons[i] = newNeuron() end for o=1,Outputs do if o == 4 then goto continue end network.neurons[config.NeatConfig.MaxNodes+o] = newNeuron() ::continue:: end table.sort(genome.genes, function (a,b) return (a.out < b.out) end) for i=1,#genome.genes do local gene = genome.genes[i] if gene.enabled then if network.neurons[gene.out] == nil then network.neurons[gene.out] = newNeuron() end local neuron = network.neurons[gene.out] table.insert(neuron.incoming, gene) if network.neurons[gene.into] == nil then network.neurons[gene.into] = newNeuron() end end end genome.network = network end local rew = movie.to_rewind(config.NeatConfig.Filename) local function rewind() return game.rewind(rew):next(function() frame = 0 lastFrame = 0 end) end local function initializeRun(_M) settings.set_speed("turbo") -- XXX Does this actually work or only affects new VM loads? settings.set('lua-maxmem', 1024) local enableSound = 'on' if config.NeatConfig.DisableSound then enableSound = 'off' end exec('enable-sound '..enableSound) gui.subframe_update(false) return rewind():next(function() if config.StartPowerup ~= nil then game.writePowerup(config.StartPowerup) end _M.currentFrame = 0 _M.timeout = config.NeatConfig.TimeoutConstant -- Kill the run if we go back to the map screen game.onceMapLoaded(function() _M.timeout = -100000 end) _M.bumps = 0 -- Penalize player for collisions that do not result in enemy deaths game.onEmptyHit(function() _M.bumps = _M.bumps + 1 end) game.clearJoypad() _M.startKong = game.getKong() _M.totalBananas = 0 _M.lastBananas = game.getBananas() _M.startKrem = game.getKremCoins() _M.lastKrem = _M.startKrem _M.startCoins = game.getCoins() _M.startLives = game.getLives() _M.partyHitCounter = 0 _M.powerUpCounter = 0 _M.powerUpBefore = game.getBoth() _M.currentArea = game.getCurrentArea() _M.lastArea = _M.currentArea for _,areaInfo in pairs(_M.areaInfo) do areaInfo.shortest = areaInfo.startDistance end local genome = _M.currentSpecies.genomes[_M.currentGenomeIndex] generateNetwork(genome) evaluateCurrent(_M) end) end local function getDistanceTraversed(areaInfo) local distanceTraversed = 0 for _,areaInfo in pairs(areaInfo) do distanceTraversed = areaInfo.startDistance - areaInfo.shortest end return distanceTraversed end local function mainLoop(_M, genome) return game.advanceFrame():next(function() local nextArea = game.getCurrentArea() if nextArea ~= _M.lastArea then _M.lastArea = nextArea game.onceAreaLoaded(function() _M.timeout = _M.timeout + 60 * 5 _M.currentArea = nextArea _M.lastArea = _M.currentArea end) elseif _M.currentArea == _M.lastArea and _M.areaInfo[_M.currentArea] == nil then message(_M, 'Searching for the main exit in this area') return game.findPreferredExit():next(function(preferredExit) local startDistance = math.floor(math.sqrt((preferredExit.y - game.partyY) ^ 2 + (preferredExit.x - game.partyX) ^ 2)) _M.areaInfo[_M.currentArea] = { startDistance = startDistance, preferredExit = preferredExit, shortest = startDistance, } end) end end):next(function() if lastFrame + 1 ~= frame then message(_M, string.format("We missed %d frames", frame - lastFrame), 0x00ff0000) end lastFrame = frame if genome ~= nil then _M.currentFrame = _M.currentFrame + 1 end genome = _M.currentSpecies.genomes[_M.currentGenomeIndex] if _M.drawFrame % 10 == 0 then displayGenome(genome) end if _M.currentFrame%5 == 0 then evaluateCurrent(_M) end game.getPositions() local timeoutConst = 0 if game.vertical then timeoutConst = config.NeatConfig.TimeoutConstant * 10 else timeoutConst = config.NeatConfig.TimeoutConstant end -- Don't punish being launched by barrels -- FIXME Will this skew mine cart levels? if game.getVelocityY() < -2104 then message(_M, "BARREL! ".._M.drawFrame, 0x00ffff00) if _M.timeout < timeoutConst + 60 * 12 then _M.timeout = _M.timeout + 60 * 12 end end local areaInfo = _M.areaInfo[_M.currentArea] if areaInfo ~= nil and game.partyY ~= 0 and game.partyX ~= 0 then local exitDist = math.floor(math.sqrt((areaInfo.preferredExit.y - game.partyY) ^ 2 + (areaInfo.preferredExit.x - game.partyX) ^ 2)) if exitDist < areaInfo.shortest then areaInfo.shortest = exitDist if _M.timeout < timeoutConst then _M.timeout = timeoutConst end end end local hitTimer = game.getHitTimer(_M.lastBoth) if hitTimer > 0 then _M.partyHitCounter = _M.partyHitCounter + 1 --message(_M, "party took damage, hit counter: " .. _M.partyHitCounter) end local powerUp = game.getBoth() _M.lastBoth = powerUp if powerUp > 0 then if powerUp ~= _M.powerUpBefore then _M.powerUpCounter = _M.powerUpCounter + 1 _M.powerUpBefore = powerUp end end local krem = game.getKremCoins() - _M.startKrem if krem > _M.lastKrem then message(_M, string.format("Kremcoin grabbed: %d", _M.timeout), 0x00009900) _M.lastKrem = krem _M.timeout = _M.timeout + 60 * 10 end local currentBananas = game.getBananas() local moreBananas = currentBananas - _M.lastBananas if moreBananas > 0 then _M.totalBananas = _M.totalBananas + moreBananas end _M.lastBananas = currentBananas _M.timeout = _M.timeout - 1 if lastFrame ~= frame then message(_M, string.format("We missed %d frames", frame - lastFrame), 0x00990000) end -- Continue if we haven't timed out local timeoutBonus = _M.currentFrame / 4 if _M.timeout + timeoutBonus > 0 then return mainLoop(_M, genome) end -- Timeout calculations beyond this point -- Manipulating the timeout value won't have -- any effect local coins = game.getCoins() - _M.startCoins local kong = game.getKong() message(_M, string.format("Bananas: %d, coins: %d, Krem: %d, KONG: %d", _M.totalBananas, coins, krem, kong)) local bananaCoinsFitness = (krem * 100) + (kong * 60) + (_M.totalBananas * 50) + (coins * 0.2) if (_M.totalBananas + coins) > 0 then message(_M, "Bananas, Coins, KONG added " .. bananaCoinsFitness .. " fitness") end local hitPenalty = _M.partyHitCounter * 100 local bumpPenalty = _M.bumps * 100 local powerUpBonus = _M.powerUpCounter * 100 local distanceTraversed = getDistanceTraversed(_M.areaInfo) - _M.currentFrame / 2 local fitness = bananaCoinsFitness - bumpPenalty - hitPenalty + powerUpBonus + distanceTraversed + game.getJumpHeight() / 100 local lives = game.getLives() if _M.startLives < lives then local extraLiveBonus = (lives - _M.startLives)*1000 fitness = fitness + extraLiveBonus message(_M, "Extra live bonus added " .. extraLiveBonus) end if game.getGoalHit() then fitness = fitness + 1000 message(_M, string.format("LEVEL WON! Fitness: %d", fitness), 0x0000ff00) end if fitness == 0 then fitness = -1 end genome.fitness = fitness if fitness > _M.maxFitness then _M.maxFitness = fitness end if _M.genomeCallback ~= nil then _M.genomeCallback(genome, _M.currentGenomeIndex) end message(_M, string.format("Gen %d species %d genome %d fitness: %d", _M.currentGenerationIndex, _M.currentSpecies.id, _M.currentGenomeIndex, math.floor(fitness))) _M.currentGenomeIndex = 1 while fitnessAlreadyMeasured(_M) do _M.currentGenomeIndex = _M.currentGenomeIndex + 1 if _M.currentGenomeIndex > #_M.currentSpecies.genomes then game.unregisterHandlers() for i=#_M.dereg,1,-1 do local d = table.remove(_M.dereg, i) callback.unregister(d[1], d[2]) end input.keyhook("1", false) input.keyhook("4", false) input.keyhook("6", false) input.keyhook("8", false) input.keyhook("9", false) input.keyhook("tab", false) return end end return initializeRun(_M):next(function() return mainLoop(_M, genome) end) end) end local function register(_M, name, func) callback.register(name, func) _M.dereg[#_M.dereg+1] = { name, func } end local function save(_M) for i=#_M.onSaveHandler,1,-1 do _M.onSaveHandler[i](_M.saveLoadFile) end message(_M, "Will be saved once all currently active threads finish", 0x00990000) end local function onSave(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onSaveHandler, handler) end local function load(_M) for i=#_M.onLoadHandler,1,-1 do _M.onLoadHandler[i](_M.saveLoadFile) end message(_M, "Will be loaded once all currently active threads finish", 0x00990000) end local function onLoad(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onLoadHandler, handler) end local function keyhook (_M, key, state) if state.value == 1 then if key == "tab" then _M.inputmode = not _M.inputmode _M.helddown = key elseif _M.inputmode then return elseif key == "1" then _M.helddown = key config.Running = not config.Running elseif key == "4" then -- FIXME Should be handled similarly to other events _M.helddown = key pool.requestTop() elseif key == "6" then _M.helddown = key save(_M) elseif key == "8" then _M.helddown = key load(_M) elseif key == "9" then -- FIXME Event inversion _M.helddown = key pool.run(true) end elseif state.value == 0 then _M.helddown = nil end end local function saveLoadInput(_M) local inputs = input.raw() if not _M.inputmode then -- FIXME _M.saveLoadFile = config.NeatConfig.SaveFile return end if _M.helddown == nil then local mapping = { backslash = "\\", colon = ":", comma = ",", exclaim = "!", dollar = "$", hash = "#", caret = "^", ampersand = "&", asterisk = "*", leftparen = "(", rightparen = ")", less = "<", greater = ">", quote = "'", quotedbl = "\"", semicolon = ";", slash = "/", question = "?", leftcurly = "{", leftbracket = "[", rightcurly = "}", rightbracket = "]", pipe = "|", tilde = "~", underscore = "_", at = "@", period = ".", equals = "=", plus = "+", } for k,v in pairs(inputs) do if v["type"] ~= "key" or v["value"] ~= 1 then goto continue end if k == "back" then config.NeatConfig.SaveFile = config.NeatConfig.SaveFile:sub(1, #config.NeatConfig.SaveFile-1) _M.helddown = k goto continue end local m = k if mapping[k] ~= nil then m = mapping[k] end if #m ~= 1 then goto continue end config.NeatConfig.SaveFile = config.NeatConfig.SaveFile..m _M.helddown = k ::continue:: end elseif _M.helddown ~= nil and inputs[_M.helddown]["value"] ~= 1 then _M.helddown = nil end end local function run(_M, species, generationIdx, genomeCallback) game.registerHandlers() _M.currentGenerationIndex = generationIdx _M.currentSpecies = species _M.currentGenomeIndex = 1 _M.genomeCallback = genomeCallback register(_M, 'paint', function() painting(_M) end) register(_M, 'input', function() frame = frame + 1 updateController() saveLoadInput(_M) end) register(_M, 'keyhook', function(key, state) keyhook(_M, key, state) end) input.keyhook("1", true) input.keyhook("4", true) input.keyhook("6", true) input.keyhook("8", true) input.keyhook("9", true) input.keyhook("tab", true) return initializeRun(_M):next(function() return mainLoop(_M) end) end local function onMessage(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onMessageHandler, handler) end local function onRenderForm(_M, handler) table.insert(_M.onRenderFormHandler, handler) end return function(promise) Promise = promise if game == nil then game = dofile(base.."/game.lua")(Promise) end local _M = { currentGenerationIndex = 1, currentSpecies = nil, genomeCallback = nil, currentGenomeIndex = 1, currentFrame = 0, drawFrame = 0, maxFitness = 0, dereg = {}, inputmode = false, helddown = nil, saveLoadFile = config.NeatConfig.SaveLoadFile, timeout = 0, bumps = 0, startKong = 0, lastBananas = 0, totalBananas = 0, startKrem = 0, lastKrem = 0, startCoins = 0, startLives = 0, partyHitCounter = 0, powerUpCounter = 0, powerUpBefore = 0, currentArea = 0, lastArea = 0, areaInfo = {}, lastBoth = 0, onMessageHandler = {}, onSaveHandler = {}, onLoadHandler = {}, onRenderFormHandler = {}, } _M.onRenderForm = function(handler) onRenderForm(_M, handler) end _M.onMessage = function(handler) onMessage(_M, handler) end _M.onSave = function(handler) onSave(_M, handler) end _M.onLoad = function(handler) onLoad(_M, handler) end _M.run = function(species, generationIdx, genomeCallback) return run(_M, species, generationIdx, genomeCallback) end return _M end