Update to [Seth Bling's Mar I/O][1] lua code, forked from [mam91/Neat-Genetic-Mario][2].
## (Planned) additions & changes ##
* [x] [Fixed function which determines if Mario got hit].
* [x] [Added a variable for BizHawk path to make setup easier].
* * [x] [Added instructions to Readme][Readme#1].
* [ ] Include powerups to fitness calculation. (as antagonist to the damage counter)
* [ ] Option to start with specific powerup.
* [ ] Give bonus for received 1-Ups.
* [ ] Include lists of good/neutral for both sprites and extended sprites.
## Readme from [original repository][2]
> Added coins/score/damage to fitness calculation.
> Added version with weighted distance: added circle around mario where enemies inside the circle are treated as most important and enemies
> outside of the circle have their weights reduced depending on how far outside the circle.
> Added a start/stop button so that the algorithm doesn't auto-start on load and so that one can easily pause the algorithm.
> For some reason, the load feature did not work on my machine. This is now fixed so that I can load a previously saved pool.
> Moved the neat graphics to the form window instead of as a gui overlay. I liked the gui overlay but I prefer to to separate the game > window from the neat information.
> Did some miscellaneous house-keeping, like moving global config settings into their own file, etc.
3. Clone the repository or download the zip file and place the neat-mario folder in your \BizHawk-2.2\Lua\SNES\ folder. (like: BizHawk-2.2\Lua\SNES\neat-mario)
4. Open config.lua and change variable _M.BizhawkDir to point on your BizHawk directory.