diff --git a/ChunkMerge.ahk b/ChunkMerge.ahk
index 2a2494e..685a224 100644
--- a/ChunkMerge.ahk
+++ b/ChunkMerge.ahk
@@ -1,38 +1,28 @@
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
WinWait, ahk_exe i)ChunkMerge.exe
-WinActivate, ahk_exe i)ChunkMerge.exe
-ControlFocus Button1, A
-Send {Space}
-WinWaitNotActive, i)ChunkMerge
+WinGet, ChunkMain, ID, ahk_exe i)ChunkMerge.exe
+WinActivate, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
Clipboard := ChunkMerge_NifFile
+ControlFocus Edit1, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
Send +{Insert}
-Send {Enter}
-WinWaitActive, i)ChunkMerge
-ControlFocus Button2, A
-Send {Space}
-WinWaitNotActive, i)ChunkMerge
Clipboard := ChunkMerge_CollisionFile
+ControlFocus Edit2, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
Send +{Insert}
-Send {Enter}
-WinWaitActive, i)ChunkMerge
-ControlFocus, ComboBox1, A
+ControlFocus, ComboBox1, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
Send, %ChunkMerge_TemplateFile%
-ControlFocus, Mesh Data, A
-Send {Space}
-ControlFocus, Name of NiTriShape, A
-Send {Space}
+ControlClick, Mesh Data, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
+ControlClick, Name of NiTriShape, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
-Send {Enter}
+ControlSend Convert, {Space}, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
-Sleep 3000
-WinClose, ahk_exe i)ChunkMerge.exe
\ No newline at end of file
+Loop {
+ Sleep 100
+ ControlGetText, FinishedText, RichEdit20W1, ahk_id %ChunkMain%
+ IfInString, FinishedText, Nif converted successfully
+ {
+ Break
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76250d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+mkfile_path := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+current_dir := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(mkfile_path)))
+scriptFiles := $(patsubst Source/Scripts/%.psc,plugin/Data/Scripts/%.pex,$(wildcard Source/Scripts/*.psc))
+textureFiles := $(patsubst Source/Textures/%.xcf,plugin/Data/Textures/%.dds,$(wildcard Source/Textures/_EQ_ItemRoulette/*.xcf))
+modelFiles := $(patsubst Source/Meshes/%_mesh.blend,plugin/Data/Meshes/%_final.nif,$(wildcard Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/*_mesh.blend))
+all: zip
+ rm -rf \
+ plugin/Data/Meshes \
+ plugin/Data/Scripts \
+ plugin/Data/Textures && true
+distclean: clean
+ rm -rf build && true
+ mkdir build
+zip: build/Item_Roulette_for_VRIK.zip
+build/Item_Roulette_for_VRIK.zip: plugin
+ rm -rf "$@"
+ powershell -Command 'Compress-Archive -Path "plugin/*" -DestinationPath "$@"'
+plugin: scripts models
+scripts: $(scriptFiles)
+plugin/Data/Scripts/%.pex: Source/Scripts/%.psc
+ "$(SKYRIM_BASE)/Papyrus Compiler/PapyrusCompiler.exe" \
+ "$^" \
+ "-f=$(SKYRIM_BASE)/Data/Source/Scripts/TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg" \
+ "-i=$(SKYRIM_BASE)/Data/Source/Scripts;Source/Scripts" \
+ "-o=$@" \
+textures: $(textureFiles)
+ GIMP=$$(powershell -Command '(Get-Item "$(ProgramW6432)/GIMP*/bin/gimp-console*.exe").FullName')
+ "$$GIMP" -n -i --batch-interpreter python-fu-eval -b "import export_gimp_textures"
+models: $(modelFiles)
+build/ChunkMerge/ChunkMerge.exe: build/chunkmerge.7z
+ 7z x -y "-obuild" "$<"
+ powershell -Command 'Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/downloads/skyfox69/NifUtils/ChunkMerge0155.7z" -OutFile build/chunkmerge.7z'
+build/ChunkMerge/ChunkMerge.xml: build/ChunkMerge/ChunkMerge.exe
+ cat > "$@" <<'HERE'
+ $(current_dir)/nif.xml
+ $(current_dir)\\Source\\Meshes\\_EQ_ItemRoulette
+ 0
+ 0
+ 1
+ 1
+ 1
+ -553455049
+ SkyrimHavokMaterial
+ Material
+ Unknown
+ 1
+ 0
+ 0
+ 0
+ ffffffff
+ ffffff00
+ ff200020
+ ffff00ff
+plugin/Data/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_final.nif: Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_template.nif plugin/Data/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_collision.nif plugin/Data/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_mesh.nif build/ChunkMerge/ChunkMerge.xml
+ cp "$(filter %_mesh.nif,$^)" "$@"
+ build/ChunkMerge/ChunkMerge.exe &
+ powershell -Command '$$env:ChunkMerge_NifFile=Split-Path (Join-Path "$@" "."); $$env:ChunkMerge_CollisionFile=Split-Path (Join-Path "$(filter %_collision.nif,$^)" ".") ; $$env:ChunkMerge_TemplateFile="$(notdir $(filter %_template.nif,$^))" ; Start-Process -Wait -FilePath AutoHotKey -ArgumentList @("ChunkMerge.ahk") ; Stop-Process -Name ChunkMerge'
+plugin/Data/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_mesh.nif: Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_mesh.blend
+ BLENDER=$$(powershell -Command '(Get-Item "$(ProgramW6432)/Blender*/Blender*/blender.exe").FullName')
+ "$$BLENDER" --background --python "./export_blender_models.py" -- "$^" "$@"
+plugin/Data/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_collision.nif: Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/%_collision.blend
+ BLENDER=$$(powershell -Command '(Get-Item "$(ProgramW6432)/Blender*/Blender*/blender.exe").FullName')
+ "$$BLENDER" --background --python "./export_blender_models.py" -- "$^" "$@"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container.blend b/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container.blend
index 0eff22b..11ba423 100644
Binary files a/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container.blend and b/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container.blend differ
diff --git a/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_collision.blend b/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_collision.blend
index 34d6b98..84c4fb5 100644
Binary files a/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_collision.blend and b/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_collision.blend differ
diff --git a/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_mesh.blend b/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_mesh.blend
index 924b3e7..2da1e05 100644
Binary files a/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_mesh.blend and b/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette/roulette_container_mesh.blend differ
diff --git a/Source/Scripts/_EQ_ItemRoulette_Quest.psc b/Source/Scripts/_EQ_ItemRoulette_Quest.psc
index 5f443b2..d93359a 100644
--- a/Source/Scripts/_EQ_ItemRoulette_Quest.psc
+++ b/Source/Scripts/_EQ_ItemRoulette_Quest.psc
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@ Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Static Property _EQ_ItemRoulette_Roulette Auto
ObjectReference[] DisplayItems
+ObjectReference Roulette
-Int MAX_ITEMS = 6
+Int MAX_ITEMS = 5
+Float UI_DISTANCE = 32.0
+Float UI_DEGREES = 7.0
+Float UI_ZEES = 4.0
Event OnInit()
DisplayItems = New ObjectReference[127]
@@ -21,15 +24,38 @@ EndEvent
Function Main()
Debug.Trace("Item Roulette loaded")
+ Roulette = PlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(_EQ_ItemRoulette_Roulette)
RegisterForModEvent("_EQ_ItemRoulette_Activate", "OnMyAction")
VRIK.VrikAddGestureAction("_EQ_ItemRoulette_Activate", "Activate Item Roulette")
Event OnUpdate()
+ Float handX = VRIK.VrikGetHandX(true)
+ Float handY = VRIK.VrikGetHandY(true)
+ Float handZ = VRIK.VrikGetHandZ(true)
+ Float playerAngle = PlayerRef.GetAngleZ()
+ Roulette.MoveTo(PlayerRef, UI_DISTANCE * Math.sin(playerAngle), UI_DISTANCE * Math.cos(playerAngle), VRIK.VrikGetHmdZ(), true)
Int index = 0
While index < MAX_ITEMS && DisplayItems[index] != None
- DisplayItems[index].SetPosition(VRIK.VrikGetHandX(true) + CIRCLE_RADIUS * Math.sin(60 * index), VRIK.VrikGetHandY(true), VRIK.VrikGetHandZ(true) + CIRCLE_RADIUS * Math.cos(60 * index))
+ ; TLRB
+ Float top = 0
+ Float left = 0
+ If index == 0
+ top = -UI_ZEES
+ ElseIf index == 1
+ left = -UI_DEGREES
+ ElseIf index == 2
+ top = 0
+ left = 0
+ ElseIf index == 3
+ left = UI_DEGREES
+ Else
+ top = UI_ZEES
+ EndIf
+ DisplayItems[index].MoveTo(PlayerRef, UI_DISTANCE * Math.sin(playerAngle - left), UI_DISTANCE * Math.cos(playerAngle - left), (VRIK.VrikGetHmdZ() - PlayerRef.Z) + top)
index += 1
@@ -38,8 +64,6 @@ EndEvent
Event OnMyAction(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender)
Debug.Trace("VRIK activated me!")
- PlayerRef.PlaceAtMe(_EQ_ItemRoulette_Roulette)
- ;/
Int numItems = PlayerRef.getNumItems()
Int formIndex = numItems
Int count = 0
@@ -52,5 +76,4 @@ Event OnMyAction(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender)
DisplayItems[count - 1] = invItemInst
- /;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/build.ps1 b/build.ps1
index 3138b6b..03b02e3 100644
--- a/build.ps1
+++ b/build.ps1
@@ -5,17 +5,11 @@
.PARAMETER InstallDependencies
Installs script dependencies with Chocolatey, except Papyrus, and quit
- .PARAMETER Scripts
- Build Papyrus scripts
+ .PARAMETER StartVortex
+ Start Vortex on the appropriate port and do nothing else.
- Build Blender models
- .PARAMETER Textures
- Build GIMP textures
- Build the ZIP AND NOTHING ELSE. You probably don't want this option.
+ Build a specific Makefile target
Syncs the plugin with Vortex. This option requires Node.js and pnpm to
@@ -37,20 +31,13 @@ param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
+ [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
+ [Switch]
+ $StartVortex,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
- [Switch]
- $Scripts,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
- [Switch]
- $Models,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
- [Switch]
- $Textures,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
- [Switch]
- $Zip,
+ [String]
+ $Target,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $False)]
@@ -70,14 +57,16 @@ if($InstallDependencies) {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072
Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
- choco install blender gimp 7zip autohotkey
+ choco install blender gimp 7zip autohotkey make nodejs
+ return 0
-if(-not $Scripts -and -not $Models -and -not $Textures -and -not $Zip) {
- $Scripts = $true
- $Textures = $true
- $Models = $true
- $Zip = $true
+if($StartVortex) {
+ Stop-Process -Name Vortex -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ $VortexPath = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\57979c68-f490-55b8-8fed-8b017a5af2fe).InstallLocation
+ $GameId = (Get-Item "$env:APPDATA/Vortex/skyrim*").BaseName
+ & "$VortexPath/Vortex.exe" --remote-debugging-port=$KickPort --game=$GameId
+ return 0
New-Item -ItemType Directory "$PSScriptRoot/build" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
@@ -143,139 +132,26 @@ if($Reload) {
-if($Scripts) {
- # Compile the scripts
- & "$SkyrimBase/Papyrus Compiler/PapyrusCompiler.exe" `
- "$PsScriptRoot/Source/Scripts" `
- "-f=$SkyrimBase/Data/Source/Scripts/TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg" `
- "-i=$SkyrimBase/Data/Source/Scripts;$PsScriptRoot/Source/Scripts" `
- "-o=$PsScriptRoot/plugin/Data/Scripts" `
- "-all"
+make -C "$PSScriptRoot" SKYRIM_BASE=$SkyrimBase $Target
- if($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
- return $LastExitCode
- }
-if($Textures) {
- Push-Location "$PSScriptRoot"
- $Gimp = (Get-Item -Path @("$Env:ProgramFiles/GIMP*/bin/gimp-console*.exe", "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}/GIMP*/bin/gimp-console*.exe")).FullName
- & $Gimp -n -i --batch-interpreter python-fu-eval -b "import export_gimp_textures"
- if($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
- return $LastExitCode
- }
- Pop-Location
-if($Models) {
- $Blender = (Get-Item -Path @("${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}/blender*/blender*/blender.exe", "$env:ProgramFiles/blender*/blender*/blender.exe")).FullName
- & $Blender --background --python "$PSScriptRoot/export_blender_models.py"
- if($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
- return $LastExitCode
- }
- $ChunkmergeBase = "$PSScriptRoot/build/ChunkMerge"
- $MeshSourceDir = "$PSScriptRoot/Source/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette"
- $MeshDestDir = "$PSScriptRoot/plugin/Data/Meshes/_EQ_ItemRoulette"
- $ChunkMergeZip = "$PSScriptRoot/build/chunkmerge.7z"
- if(-not (Test-Path $ChunkmergeBase)) {
- Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://github.com/downloads/skyfox69/NifUtils/ChunkMerge0155.7z" -OutFile $ChunkMergeZip
- 7z x "-o$PSScriptRoot/build" $ChunkMergeZip
- }
- $ChunkMergeConfig = @"
- $SkyrimBase
- $PSScriptRoot/nif.xml
- $MeshSourceDir
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
- -553455049
- SkyrimHavokMaterial
- Material
- Unknown
- 1
- 0
- 0
- 0
- ffffffff
- ffffff00
- ff200020
- ffff00ff
- Out-File -Encoding ascii -FilePath "$ChunkmergeBase/ChunkMerge.xml" -InputObject $ChunkMergeConfig
- $ChunkMerge = "$ChunkmergeBase/ChunkMerge.exe"
- & $ChunkMerge
- # FIXME This path is not recursive because ChunkMerge can't handle it
- foreach($ChunkTemplate in (Get-Item "$MeshSourceDir/*_template.nif")) {
- $env:ChunkMerge_NifFile = Join-Path $MeshDestDir ($ChunkTemplate.Name -replace "_template.", ".")
- $env:ChunkMerge_CollisionFile = Join-Path $MeshDestDir ($ChunkTemplate.Name -replace "_template.", "_collision.")
- $env:ChunkMerge_TemplateFile = $ChunkTemplate.Name
- Start-Process -Wait -FilePath AutoHotkey -ArgumentList @("$PSScriptRoot/ChunkMerge.ahk")
- if($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
- return $LastExitCode
- }
- }
-if($Zip) {
- # ZIP up the deployment package
- $ZipPath = "$PSScriptRoot/build/Item Roulette for VRIK.zip"
- Remove-Item $ZipPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- Compress-Archive -Path $PSScriptRoot/plugin/* -DestinationPath $ZipPath
+if(-not $LastExitCode -eq 0) {
+ return $LastExitCode
if($KickVortex) {
- # Restart Vortex and kick off deploy-mods event via Chrome Debug Protocol.
- $VortexRunningWithDebuggingPortActive = `
- (Get-NetTCPConnection -State Listen -LocalPort $KickPort -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) `
- | Where-Object {
- $tcpConn = $_
- Get-Process -Name Vortex | Where-Object { $tcpConn.OwningProcess -eq $_.Id }
- }
- if (-not $VortexRunningWithDebuggingPortActive) {
- Stop-Process -Name Vortex -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- $VortexPath = (Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\SOFTWARE\57979c68-f490-55b8-8fed-8b017a5af2fe).InstallLocation
- $GameId = (Get-Item "$env:APPDATA/Vortex/skyrim*").BaseName
- & "$VortexPath/Vortex.exe" --remote-debugging-port=$KickPort --game=$GameId
- }
pnpm install -C "$PSScriptRoot"
+ if(-not $LastExitCode -eq 0) {
+ return $LastExitCode
+ }
node "$PSScriptRoot/kick-vortex.js"
+ if(-not $LastExitCode -eq 0) {
+ return $LastExitCode
+ }
if($Reload) {
diff --git a/export_blender_models.py b/export_blender_models.py
index efb3f1b..821dccf 100644
--- a/export_blender_models.py
+++ b/export_blender_models.py
@@ -2,24 +2,25 @@ import bpy
import os
import itertools
from pathlib import Path
+import sys
+argv = sys.argv
+ index = argv.index("--") + 1
+except ValueError:
+ index = len(argv)
+argv = argv[index:]
curdir = Path(__file__).parent
-print("Current directory: " + str(curdir))
-plugin_data_dir = curdir.joinpath("plugin/Data")
-print("Plugin directory: " + str(plugin_data_dir))
-mesh_src_dir = curdir.joinpath("Source/Meshes")
-print("Mesh Source directory: " + str(mesh_src_dir))
-mesh_dest_dir = plugin_data_dir.joinpath("Meshes")
-print("Mesh Dest directory: " + str(mesh_dest_dir))
-blend_paths = itertools.chain(Path(mesh_src_dir).rglob("*_mesh.blend"), Path(mesh_src_dir).rglob("*_collision.blend"))
-for blend_path in blend_paths:
- dest_blend_path = mesh_dest_dir.joinpath(blend_path.relative_to(mesh_src_dir))
- nif_parent = dest_blend_path.parent
- nif_path = nif_parent.joinpath(dest_blend_path.stem.replace('_mesh', '') + '.nif')
- print("CONVERTING: " + str(blend_path) + " -> " + str(nif_path))
- try:
- nif_parent.mkdir(parents=True)
- except FileExistsError:
- pass
- bpy.ops.wm.open_mainfile(filepath=str(blend_path))
- bpy.ops.export_scene.nif(filepath=str(nif_path))
\ No newline at end of file
+blend_path = Path(argv[0])
+nif_path = Path(argv[1])
+nif_parent = nif_path.parent
+print("CONVERTING: " + str(blend_path) + " -> " + str(nif_path))
+ nif_parent.mkdir(parents=True)
+except FileExistsError:
+ pass
\ No newline at end of file