2015-10-07 12:32:44 +02:00

14844 lines
601 KiB

/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
declare module 'vso-node-api/Serialization' {
* Metadata for deserializing an enum field on a contract/type
export interface ContractEnumMetadata {
enumValues?: {
[name: string]: number;
export interface SerializationData {
requestTypeMetadata?: ContractMetadata;
responseTypeMetadata?: ContractMetadata;
responseIsCollection: boolean;
* Metadata for deserializing a particular field on a contract/type
export interface ContractFieldMetadata {
isArray?: boolean;
isDate?: boolean;
enumType?: ContractEnumMetadata;
typeInfo?: ContractMetadata;
isDictionary?: boolean;
dictionaryKeyIsDate?: boolean;
dictionaryValueIsDate?: boolean;
dictionaryKeyEnumType?: ContractEnumMetadata;
dictionaryValueEnumType?: ContractEnumMetadata;
dictionaryValueTypeInfo?: ContractMetadata;
dictionaryValueFieldInfo?: ContractFieldMetadata;
* Metadata required for deserializing a given type
export interface ContractMetadata {
fields?: {
[fieldName: string]: ContractFieldMetadata;
export interface IWebApiArrayResult {
count: number;
value: any[];
* Module for handling serialization and deserialization of data contracts
* (contracts sent from the server using the VSO default REST api serialization settings)
export module ContractSerializer {
* Process a contract in its raw form (e.g. date fields are Dates, and Enums are numbers) and
* return a pure JSON object that can be posted to REST endpoint.
* @param data The object to serialize
* @param contractMetadata The type info/metadata for the contract type being serialized
* @param preserveOriginal If true, don't modify the original object. False modifies the original object (the return value points to the data argument).
function serialize(data: any, contractMetadata: ContractMetadata, preserveOriginal?: boolean): any;
* Process a pure JSON object (e.g. that came from a REST call) and transform it into a JS object
* where date strings are converted to Date objects and enum values are converted from strings into
* their numerical value.
* @param data The object to deserialize
* @param contractMetadata The type info/metadata for the contract type being deserialize
* @param preserveOriginal If true, don't modify the original object. False modifies the original object (the return value points to the data argument).
* @param unwrapWrappedCollections If true check for wrapped arrays (REST apis will not return arrays directly as the root result but will instead wrap them in a { values: [], count: 0 } object.
function deserialize(data: any, contractMetadata: ContractMetadata, preserveOriginal?: boolean, unwrapWrappedCollections?: boolean): any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces' {
import Serialization = require('vso-node-api/Serialization');
* Information about the location of a REST API resource
export interface ApiResourceLocation {
* Area name for this resource
area: string;
* Unique Identifier for this location
id: string;
* Maximum api version that this resource supports (current server version for this resource)
maxVersion: string;
* Minimum api version that this resource supports
minVersion: string;
* The latest version of this resource location that is in "Release" (non-preview) mode
releasedVersion: string;
* Resource name
resourceName: string;
* The current resource version supported by this resource location
resourceVersion: number;
* This location's route template (templated relative path)
routeTemplate: string;
export interface IHeaders {
[key: string]: any;
export interface IBasicCredentials {
username: string;
password: string;
export interface IRequestHandler {
prepareRequest(options: any): void;
export interface IHttpResponse {
statusCode?: number;
headers: any;
export interface IQCoreApi {
connect(): Q.Promise<void>;
export interface IHttpClient {
get(verb: string, requestUrl: string, headers: any, onResult: (err: any, res: IHttpResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
send(verb: string, requestUrl: string, objs: any, headers: any, onResult: (err: any, res: IHttpResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
sendFile(verb: string, requestUrl: string, content: NodeJS.ReadableStream, headers: any, onResult: (err: any, res: IHttpResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
getStream(requestUrl: string, apiVersion: string, headers: any, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
makeAcceptHeader(type: string, apiVersion: string): string;
request(protocol: any, options: any, body: any, onResult: (err: any, res: IHttpResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
export interface IRestClient {
baseUrl: string;
httpClient: IHttpClient;
getJson(relativeUrl: string, apiVersion: string, customHeaders: IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
options(requestUrl: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
create(relativeUrl: string, apiVersion: string, resources: any, customHeaders: IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
update(relativeUrl: string, apiVersion: string, resources: any, customHeaders: IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
uploadFile(verb: string, relativeUrl: string, apiVersion: string, filePath: string, customHeaders: IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
uploadStream(verb: string, relativeUrl: string, apiVersion: string, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, customHeaders: IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
replace(relativeUrl: string, apiVersion: string, resources: any, customHeaders: IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
declare module 'vso-node-api/HttpClient' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
import http = require("http");
import ifm = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
export class HttpClient implements ifm.IHttpClient {
userAgent: string;
handlers: ifm.IRequestHandler[];
socketTimeout: number;
constructor(userAgent: string, handlers?: ifm.IRequestHandler[], socketTimeout?: number);
get(verb: string, requestUrl: string, headers: ifm.IHeaders, onResult: (err: any, res: http.ClientResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
send(verb: string, requestUrl: string, objs: any, headers: ifm.IHeaders, onResult: (err: any, res: http.ClientResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
sendFile(verb: string, requestUrl: string, content: NodeJS.ReadableStream, headers: ifm.IHeaders, onResult: (err: any, res: http.ClientResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
getStream(requestUrl: string, apiVersion: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
makeAcceptHeader(type: string, apiVersion: string): string;
_getOptions(method: string, requestUrl: string, headers: any): any;
request(protocol: any, options: any, objs: any, onResult: (err: any, res: http.ClientResponse, contents: string) => void): void;
declare module 'vso-node-api/RestClient' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
import ifm = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import Serialization = require('vso-node-api/Serialization');
export function processResponse(url: any, res: any, contents: any, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: any): void;
export function enumToString(enumType: any, enumValue: number, camelCase: boolean): any;
export class RestClient implements ifm.IRestClient {
baseUrl: string;
basePath: string;
httpClient: ifm.IHttpClient;
constructor(httpClient: ifm.IHttpClient);
getJson(url: string, apiVersion: string, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
options(url: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
delete(url: string, apiVersion: string, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
create(url: string, apiVersion: string, resources: any, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
update(url: string, apiVersion: string, resources: any, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
uploadFile(verb: string, url: string, apiVersion: string, filePath: string, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
uploadStream(verb: string, url: string, apiVersion: string, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
replace(url: string, apiVersion: string, resources: any, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
_getJson(verb: string, url: string, apiVersion: string, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
_sendJson(verb: string, url: string, apiVersion: string, data: any, customHeaders: ifm.IHeaders, serializationData: Serialization.SerializationData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
declare module 'vso-node-api/VsoClient' {
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require("q");
import restm = require('vso-node-api/RestClient');
import ifm = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
export interface ClientVersioningData {
* The api version string to send in the request (e.g. "1.0" or "2.0-preview.2")
apiVersion?: string;
* The request path string to send the request to. Looked up via an options request with the location id.
requestUrl?: string;
export class InvalidApiResourceVersionError implements Error {
name: string;
message: string;
constructor(message?: string);
* Base class that should be used (derived from) to make requests to VSS REST apis
export class VsoClient {
private static APIS_RELATIVE_PATH;
private static PREVIEW_INDICATOR;
private _locationsByAreaPromises;
private _initializationPromise;
restClient: ifm.IRestClient;
baseUrl: string;
basePath: string;
constructor(baseUrl: string, restClient: restm.RestClient);
* Compares the version on the server (locationVersion) to the api version given by the client (apiVersion).
* Returns a negative value if the location version is older (less than) the api version
* Returns 0 if the two are equal
* Returns a positive value if the location version is newer (greater than) the api version
private compareResourceVersions(locationVersion, apiVersion);
* Gets the route template for a resource based on its location ID and negotiates the api version
getVersioningData(apiVersion: string, area: string, locationId: string, routeValues: any, queryParams?: any): Q.Promise<ClientVersioningData>;
* Sets a promise that is waited on before any requests are issued. Can be used to asynchronously
* set the request url and auth token manager.
_setInitializationPromise(promise: Q.Promise<any>): void;
* Gets information about an API resource location (route template, supported versions, etc.)
* @param area resource area name
* @param locationId Guid of the location to get
_beginGetLocation(area: string, locationId: string): Q.Promise<ifm.ApiResourceLocation>;
private beginGetAreaLocations(area);
resolveUrl(relativeUrl: string): string;
* Issues an OPTIONS request to get location objects from a location id
_issueOptionsRequest(requestUrl: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, locationsResult: any) => void): void;
protected getRequestUrl(routeTemplate: string, area: string, resource: string, routeValues: any, queryParams?: any): string;
private replaceRouteValues(routeTemplate, routeValues);
_getLinkResponseHeaders(xhr: XMLHttpRequest): {
[relName: string]: string;
declare module 'vso-node-api/ClientApiBases' {
import Q = require('q');
import restm = require('vso-node-api/RestClient');
import httpm = require('vso-node-api/HttpClient');
import vsom = require('vso-node-api/VsoClient');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
export class ClientApiBase {
baseUrl: string;
userAgent: string;
httpClient: httpm.HttpClient;
restClient: restm.RestClient;
vsoClient: vsom.VsoClient;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], userAgent?: string);
setUserAgent(userAgent: string): void;
connect(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
export class QClientApiBase {
api: ClientApiBase;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], api: typeof ClientApiBase);
connect(): Q.Promise<any>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/common/TfsInterfaces' {
export interface TeamProjectCollectionReference {
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
export interface TeamProjectReference {
abbreviation: string;
description: string;
id: string;
name: string;
revision: number;
state: any;
url: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
id: string;
url: string;
export var TypeInfo: {
TeamProjectCollectionReference: {
fields: any;
TeamProjectReference: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedServiceRef: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces' {
export interface IdentityRef {
displayName: string;
id: string;
imageUrl: string;
isAadIdentity: boolean;
isContainer: boolean;
profileUrl: string;
uniqueName: string;
url: string;
export interface JsonPatchDocument {
* The JSON model for a JSON Patch operation
export interface JsonPatchOperation {
* The path to copy from for the Move/Copy operation.
from: string;
* The patch operation
op: Operation;
* The path for the operation
path: string;
* The value for the operation. This is either a primitive or a JToken.
value: any;
export enum Operation {
Add = 0,
Remove = 1,
Replace = 2,
Move = 3,
Copy = 4,
Test = 5,
export interface ResourceRef {
id: string;
url: string;
export interface VssJsonCollectionWrapper extends VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase {
value: any[];
export interface VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<T> extends VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase {
value: T;
export interface VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase {
count: number;
export var TypeInfo: {
IdentityRef: {
fields: any;
JsonPatchDocument: {
fields: any;
JsonPatchOperation: {
fields: any;
Operation: {
enumValues: {
"add": number;
"remove": number;
"replace": number;
"move": number;
"copy": number;
"test": number;
OperationReference: {
fields: any;
ResourceRef: {
fields: any;
VssJsonCollectionWrapper: {
fields: any;
VssJsonCollectionWrapperV: {
fields: any;
VssJsonCollectionWrapperBase: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/BuildInterfaces' {
import TfsInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/TfsInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface AgentPoolQueue extends ShallowReference {
_links: any;
* The pool used by this queue.
pool: TaskAgentPoolReference;
export enum AgentStatus {
* Indicates that the build agent cannot be contacted.
Unavailable = 0,
* Indicates that the build agent is currently available.
Available = 1,
* Indicates that the build agent has taken itself offline.
Offline = 2,
export interface ArtifactResource {
* The type-specific resource data. For example, "#/10002/5/drop", "$/drops/5", "\\myshare\myfolder\mydrops\5"
data: string;
* Link to the resource. This might include things like query parameters to download as a zip file
downloadUrl: string;
* The type of the resource: File container, version control folder, UNC path, etc.
type: string;
* Link to the resource
url: string;
export enum AuditAction {
Add = 1,
Update = 2,
Delete = 3,
* Data representation of a build
export interface Build {
_links: any;
* Build number/name of the build
buildNumber: string;
* The build controller. This should only be set if the definition type is Xaml.
controller: BuildController;
* The definition associated with the build
definition: DefinitionReference;
* Indicates whether the build has been deleted.
deleted: boolean;
* Demands
demands: any[];
* Time that the build was completed
finishTime: Date;
* Id of the build
id: number;
keepForever: boolean;
* Process or person that last changed the build
lastChangedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Date the build was last changed
lastChangedDate: Date;
* Log location of the build
logs: BuildLogReference;
* Orchestration plan for the build
orchestrationPlan: TaskOrchestrationPlanReference;
* Parameters for the build
parameters: string;
* The build's priority
priority: QueuePriority;
* The team project
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
properties: any;
* Quality of the xaml build (good, bad, etc.)
quality: string;
* The queue. This should only be set if the definition type is Build.
queue: AgentPoolQueue;
* Queue option of the build.
queueOptions: QueueOptions;
* The current position of the build in the queue
queuePosition: number;
* Time that the build was queued
queueTime: Date;
* Reason that the build was created
reason: BuildReason;
* The repository
repository: BuildRepository;
* The identity that queued the build
requestedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* The identity on whose behalf the build was queued
requestedFor: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* The build result
result: BuildResult;
* Source branch
sourceBranch: string;
* Source version
sourceVersion: string;
* Time that the build was started
startTime: Date;
* Status of the build
status: BuildStatus;
tags: string[];
* Uri of the build
uri: string;
* REST url of the build
url: string;
validationResults: BuildRequestValidationResult[];
export interface BuildAgent {
buildDirectory: string;
controller: ShallowReference;
createdDate: Date;
description: string;
enabled: boolean;
id: number;
messageQueueUrl: string;
name: string;
reservedForBuild: string;
server: ShallowReference;
status: AgentStatus;
statusMessage: string;
updatedDate: Date;
uri: string;
url: string;
export interface BuildArtifact {
* The artifact id
id: number;
* The name of the artifact
name: string;
* The actual resource
resource: ArtifactResource;
export enum BuildAuthorizationScope {
* The identity used should have build service account permissions scoped to the project collection. This is useful when resources for a single build are spread across multiple projects.
ProjectCollection = 1,
* The identity used should have build service account permissions scoped to the project in which the build definition resides. This is useful for isolation of build jobs to a particular team project to avoid any unintentional escalation of privilege attacks during a build.
Project = 2,
export interface BuildCompletedEvent extends BuildUpdatedEvent {
export interface BuildController extends ShallowReference {
_links: any;
* The date the controller was created.
createdDate: Date;
* The description of the controller.
description: string;
* Indicates whether the controller is enabled.
enabled: boolean;
* The status of the controller.
status: ControllerStatus;
* The date the controller was last updated.
updatedDate: Date;
* The controller's URI.
uri: string;
export interface BuildDefinition extends BuildDefinitionReference {
_links: any;
* Indicates whether badges are enabled for this definition
badgeEnabled: boolean;
build: BuildDefinitionStep[];
* The build number format
buildNumberFormat: string;
* The comment entered when saving the definition
comment: string;
* The date the definition was created
createdDate: Date;
demands: any[];
* The description
description: string;
* The drop location for the definition
dropLocation: string;
* Gets or sets the job authorization scope for builds which are queued against this definition
jobAuthorizationScope: BuildAuthorizationScope;
* Gets or sets the job execution timeout in minutes for builds which are queued against this definition
jobTimeoutInMinutes: number;
options: BuildOption[];
properties: any;
* The repository
repository: BuildRepository;
retentionRules: RetentionPolicy[];
triggers: BuildTrigger[];
variables: {
[key: string]: BuildDefinitionVariable;
export interface BuildDefinitionChangedEvent {
changeType: AuditAction;
definition: BuildDefinition;
export interface BuildDefinitionChangingEvent {
changeType: AuditAction;
newDefinition: BuildDefinition;
originalDefinition: BuildDefinition;
export interface BuildDefinitionReference extends DefinitionReference {
* The author of the definition.
authoredBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* If this is a draft definition, it might have a parent
draftOf: DefinitionReference;
* The quality of the definition document (draft, etc.)
quality: DefinitionQuality;
* The default queue which should be used for requests.
queue: AgentPoolQueue;
export interface BuildDefinitionRevision {
changedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
changedDate: Date;
changeType: AuditAction;
comment: string;
definitionUrl: string;
name: string;
revision: number;
export interface BuildDefinitionSourceProvider {
* Uri of the associated definition
definitionUri: string;
* fields associated with this build definition
fields: {
[key: string]: string;
* Id of this source provider
id: number;
* The lst time this source provider was modified
lastModified: Date;
* Name of the source provider
name: string;
* Which trigger types are supported by this definition source provider
supportedTriggerTypes: DefinitionTriggerType;
export interface BuildDefinitionStep {
alwaysRun: boolean;
continueOnError: boolean;
displayName: string;
enabled: boolean;
inputs: {
[key: string]: string;
task: TaskDefinitionReference;
export interface BuildDefinitionTemplate {
canDelete: boolean;
category: string;
description: string;
iconTaskId: string;
id: string;
name: string;
template: BuildDefinition;
export interface BuildDefinitionVariable {
allowOverride: boolean;
isSecret: boolean;
value: string;
export interface BuildDeletedEvent extends RealtimeBuildEvent {
build: Build;
export interface BuildDeployment {
deployment: BuildSummary;
sourceBuild: ShallowReference;
* Represents a build log.
export interface BuildLog extends BuildLogReference {
* The date the log was created.
createdOn: Date;
* The date the log was last changed.
lastChangedOn: Date;
* The number of lines in the log.
lineCount: number;
* Data representation of a build log reference
export interface BuildLogReference {
* The id of the log.
id: number;
* The type of the log location.
type: string;
* Full link to the log resource.
url: string;
export interface BuildOption {
definition: BuildOptionDefinitionReference;
enabled: boolean;
inputs: {
[key: string]: string;
export interface BuildOptionDefinition extends BuildOptionDefinitionReference {
description: string;
groups: BuildOptionGroupDefinition[];
inputs: BuildOptionInputDefinition[];
name: string;
ordinal: number;
export interface BuildOptionDefinitionReference {
id: string;
export interface BuildOptionGroupDefinition {
displayName: string;
isExpanded: boolean;
name: string;
export interface BuildOptionInputDefinition {
defaultValue: string;
groupName: string;
help: {
[key: string]: string;
label: string;
name: string;
options: {
[key: string]: string;
required: boolean;
type: BuildOptionInputType;
visibleRule: string;
export enum BuildOptionInputType {
String = 0,
Boolean = 1,
StringList = 2,
Radio = 3,
PickList = 4,
MultiLine = 5,
export enum BuildPhaseStatus {
* The state is not known.
Unknown = 0,
* The build phase completed unsuccessfully.
Failed = 1,
* The build phase completed successfully.
Succeeded = 2,
export interface BuildProcessTemplate {
description: string;
fileExists: boolean;
id: number;
parameters: string;
serverPath: string;
supportedReasons: BuildReason;
teamProject: string;
templateType: ProcessTemplateType;
url: string;
version: string;
export enum BuildQueryOrder {
* Order by finish time ascending.
FinishTimeAscending = 2,
* Order by finish time descending.
FinishTimeDescending = 3,
export enum BuildReason {
* No reason. This value should not be used.
None = 0,
* The build was started manually.
Manual = 1,
* The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.ContinuousIntegration.
IndividualCI = 2,
* The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.BatchedContinuousIntegration.
BatchedCI = 4,
* The build was started for the trigger TriggerType.Schedule.
Schedule = 8,
* The build was created by a user.
UserCreated = 32,
* The build was started manually for private validation.
ValidateShelveset = 64,
* The build was started for the trigger ContinuousIntegrationType.Gated.
CheckInShelveset = 128,
* The build was triggered for retention policy purposes.
Triggered = 175,
* All reasons.
All = 239,
export interface BuildRepository {
checkoutSubmodules: boolean;
* Indicates whether to clean the target folder when getting code from the repository. This is a String so that it can reference variables.
clean: string;
* Gets or sets the name of the default branch.
defaultBranch: string;
id: string;
* Gets or sets the friendly name of the repository.
name: string;
properties: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or sets the root folder.
rootFolder: string;
* Gets or sets the type of the repository.
type: string;
* Gets or sets the url of the repository.
url: string;
export interface BuildRequestValidationResult {
message: string;
result: ValidationResult;
export enum BuildResult {
* No result
None = 0,
* The build completed successfully.
Succeeded = 2,
* The build completed compilation successfully but had other errors.
PartiallySucceeded = 4,
* The build completed unsuccessfully.
Failed = 8,
* The build was canceled before starting.
Canceled = 32,
export interface BuildServer {
agents: ShallowReference[];
controller: ShallowReference;
id: number;
isVirtual: boolean;
messageQueueUrl: string;
name: string;
requireClientCertificates: boolean;
status: ServiceHostStatus;
statusChangedDate: Date;
uri: string;
url: string;
version: number;
export interface BuildSettings {
defaultRetentionPolicy: RetentionPolicy;
maximumRetentionPolicy: RetentionPolicy;
export interface BuildStartedEvent extends BuildUpdatedEvent {
export enum BuildStatus {
* No status.
None = 0,
* The build is currently in progress.
InProgress = 1,
* The build has completed.
Completed = 2,
* The build is cancelling
Cancelling = 4,
* The build is inactive in the queue.
Postponed = 8,
* The build has not yet started.
NotStarted = 32,
* All status.
All = 47,
export interface BuildSummary {
build: ShallowReference;
finishTime: Date;
keepForever: boolean;
quality: string;
reason: BuildReason;
requestedFor: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
startTime: Date;
status: BuildStatus;
export interface BuildTrigger {
triggerType: DefinitionTriggerType;
export interface BuildUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeBuildEvent {
build: Build;
export interface BuildWorkspace {
mappings: MappingDetails[];
* Represents a change associated with a build.
export interface Change {
* The author of the change.
author: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* The location of a user-friendly representation of the resource.
displayUri: string;
* Something that identifies the change. For a commit, this would be the SHA1. For a TFVC changeset, this would be the changeset id.
id: string;
* The location of the full representation of the resource.
location: string;
* A description of the change. This might be a commit message or changeset description.
message: string;
* Indicates whether the message was truncated
messageTruncated: boolean;
* A timestamp for the change.
timestamp: Date;
* The type of change. "commit", "changeset", etc.
type: string;
export interface ConsoleLogEvent extends RealtimeBuildEvent {
lines: string[];
timelineId: string;
timelineRecordId: string;
export interface ContinuousDeploymentDefinition {
* The connected service associated with the continuous deployment
connectedService: TfsInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceRef;
* The definition associated with the continuous deployment
definition: ShallowReference;
gitBranch: string;
hostedServiceName: string;
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
repositoryId: string;
storageAccountName: string;
subscriptionId: string;
website: string;
webspace: string;
export interface ContinuousIntegrationTrigger extends BuildTrigger {
batchChanges: boolean;
branchFilters: string[];
export enum ControllerStatus {
* Indicates that the build controller cannot be contacted.
Unavailable = 0,
* Indicates that the build controller is currently available.
Available = 1,
* Indicates that the build controller has taken itself offline.
Offline = 2,
export enum DefinitionQuality {
Definition = 1,
Draft = 2,
export enum DefinitionQueueStatus {
* When enabled the definition queue allows builds to be queued by users, the system will queue scheduled, gated and continuous integration builds, and the queued builds will be started by the system.
Enabled = 0,
* When paused the definition queue allows builds to be queued by users and the system will queue scheduled, gated and continuous integration builds. Builds in the queue will not be started by the system.
Paused = 1,
* When disabled the definition queue will not allow builds to be queued by users and the system will not queue scheduled, gated or continuous integration builds. Builds already in the queue will not be started by the system.
Disabled = 2,
* A reference to a definition.
export interface DefinitionReference extends ShallowReference {
* The project.
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
* If builds can be queued from this definition
queueStatus: DefinitionQueueStatus;
* The definition revision number.
revision: number;
* The type of the definition.
type: DefinitionType;
* The Uri of the definition
uri: string;
export enum DefinitionTriggerType {
* Manual builds only.
None = 1,
* A build should be started for each changeset.
ContinuousIntegration = 2,
* A build should be started for multiple changesets at a time at a specified interval.
BatchedContinuousIntegration = 4,
* A build should be started on a specified schedule whether or not changesets exist.
Schedule = 8,
* A validation build should be started for each check-in.
GatedCheckIn = 16,
* A validation build should be started for each batch of check-ins.
BatchedGatedCheckIn = 32,
* All types.
All = 63,
export enum DefinitionType {
Xaml = 1,
Build = 2,
export enum DeleteOptions {
* No data should be deleted. This value should not be used.
None = 0,
* The drop location should be deleted.
DropLocation = 1,
* The test results should be deleted.
TestResults = 2,
* The version control label should be deleted.
Label = 4,
* The build should be deleted.
Details = 8,
* Published symbols should be deleted.
Symbols = 16,
* All data should be deleted.
All = 31,
* Represents the data from the build information nodes for type "DeploymentInformation" for xaml builds
export interface Deployment {
type: string;
* Deployment iformation for type "Build"
export interface DeploymentBuild extends Deployment {
buildId: number;
* Deployment iformation for type "Deploy"
export interface DeploymentDeploy extends Deployment {
message: string;
* Deployment iformation for type "Test"
export interface DeploymentTest extends Deployment {
runId: number;
export enum GetOption {
* Use the latest changeset at the time the build is queued.
LatestOnQueue = 0,
* Use the latest changeset at the time the build is started.
LatestOnBuild = 1,
* A user-specified version has been supplied.
Custom = 2,
* Data representation of an information node associated with a build
export interface InformationNode {
* Fields of the information node
fields: {
[key: string]: string;
* Process or person that last modified this node
lastModifiedBy: string;
* Date this node was last modified
lastModifiedDate: Date;
* Node Id of this information node
nodeId: number;
* Id of parent node (xml tree)
parentId: number;
* The type of the information node
type: string;
export interface Issue {
category: string;
data: {
[key: string]: string;
message: string;
type: IssueType;
export enum IssueType {
Error = 1,
Warning = 2,
export interface MappingDetails {
mappingType: string;
serverPath: string;
export enum ProcessTemplateType {
* Indicates a custom template.
Custom = 0,
* Indicates a default template.
Default = 1,
* Indicates an upgrade template.
Upgrade = 2,
export interface PropertyValue {
* Guid of identity that changed this property value
changedBy: string;
* The date this property value was changed
changedDate: Date;
* Name in the name value mapping
propertyName: string;
* Value in the name value mapping
value: any;
export enum QueryDeletedOption {
* Include only non-deleted builds.
ExcludeDeleted = 0,
* Include deleted and non-deleted builds.
IncludeDeleted = 1,
* Include only deleted builds.
OnlyDeleted = 2,
export enum QueueOptions {
* No queue options
None = 0,
* Create a plan Id for the build, do not run it
DoNotRun = 1,
export enum QueuePriority {
* Low priority.
Low = 5,
* Below normal priority.
BelowNormal = 4,
* Normal priority.
Normal = 3,
* Above normal priority.
AboveNormal = 2,
* High priority.
High = 1,
export interface RealtimeBuildEvent {
buildId: number;
export interface RequestReference {
* Id of the resource
id: number;
* Name of the requestor
requestedFor: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Full http link to the resource
url: string;
export interface RetentionPolicy {
branches: string[];
daysToKeep: number;
deleteBuildRecord: boolean;
deleteTestResults: boolean;
export interface Schedule {
branchFilters: string[];
* Days for a build (flags enum for days of the week)
daysToBuild: ScheduleDays;
* The Job Id of the Scheduled job that will queue the scheduled build. Since a single trigger can have multiple schedules and we want a single job to process a single schedule (since each schedule has a list of branches to build), the schedule itself needs to define the Job Id. This value will be filled in when a definition is added or updated. The UI does not provide it or use it.
scheduleJobId: string;
* Local timezone hour to start
startHours: number;
* Local timezone minute to start
startMinutes: number;
* Time zone of the build schedule (string representation of the time zone id)
timeZoneId: string;
export enum ScheduleDays {
* Do not run.
None = 0,
* Run on Monday.
Monday = 1,
* Run on Tuesday.
Tuesday = 2,
* Run on Wednesday.
Wednesday = 4,
* Run on Thursday.
Thursday = 8,
* Run on Friday.
Friday = 16,
* Run on Saturday.
Saturday = 32,
* Run on Sunday.
Sunday = 64,
* Run on all days of the week.
All = 127,
export interface ScheduleTrigger extends BuildTrigger {
schedules: Schedule[];
export enum ServiceHostStatus {
* The service host is currently connected and accepting commands.
Online = 1,
* The service host is currently disconnected and not accepting commands.
Offline = 2,
* An abstracted reference to some other resource. This class is used to provide the build data contracts with a uniform way to reference other resources in a way that provides easy traversal through links.
export interface ShallowReference {
* Id of the resource
id: number;
* Name of the linked resource (definition name, controller name, etc.)
name: string;
* Full http link to the resource
url: string;
export interface TaskAgentPoolReference {
id: number;
name: string;
export interface TaskDefinitionReference {
id: string;
versionSpec: string;
export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanReference {
planId: string;
export enum TaskResult {
Succeeded = 0,
SucceededWithIssues = 1,
Failed = 2,
Canceled = 3,
Skipped = 4,
Abandoned = 5,
export interface Timeline extends TimelineReference {
lastChangedBy: string;
lastChangedOn: Date;
records: TimelineRecord[];
export interface TimelineRecord {
_links: any;
changeId: number;
currentOperation: string;
details: TimelineReference;
errorCount: number;
finishTime: Date;
id: string;
issues: Issue[];
lastModified: Date;
log: BuildLogReference;
name: string;
order: number;
parentId: string;
percentComplete: number;
result: TaskResult;
resultCode: string;
startTime: Date;
state: TimelineRecordState;
type: string;
url: string;
warningCount: number;
workerName: string;
export enum TimelineRecordState {
Pending = 0,
InProgress = 1,
Completed = 2,
export interface TimelineRecordsUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeBuildEvent {
timelineRecords: TimelineRecord[];
export interface TimelineReference {
changeId: number;
id: string;
url: string;
export enum ValidationResult {
OK = 0,
Warning = 1,
Error = 2,
* Mapping for a workspace
export interface WorkspaceMapping {
* Uri of the associated definition
definitionUri: string;
* Depth of this mapping
depth: number;
* local location of the definition
localItem: string;
* type of workspace mapping
mappingType: WorkspaceMappingType;
* Server location of the definition
serverItem: string;
* Id of the workspace
workspaceId: number;
export enum WorkspaceMappingType {
* The path is mapped in the workspace.
Map = 0,
* The path is cloaked in the workspace.
Cloak = 1,
export interface WorkspaceTemplate {
* Uri of the associated definition
definitionUri: string;
* The identity that last modified this template
lastModifiedBy: string;
* The last time this template was modified
lastModifiedDate: Date;
* List of workspace mappings
mappings: WorkspaceMapping[];
* Id of the workspace for this template
workspaceId: number;
export interface XamlBuildDefinition extends DefinitionReference {
_links: any;
* Batch size of the definition
batchSize: number;
buildArgs: string;
* The continuous integration quiet period
continuousIntegrationQuietPeriod: number;
* The build controller
controller: BuildController;
* The date this definition was created
createdOn: Date;
* Default drop location for builds from this definition
defaultDropLocation: string;
* Description of the definition
description: string;
* The last build on this definition
lastBuild: ShallowReference;
* The repository
repository: BuildRepository;
* The reasons supported by the template
supportedReasons: BuildReason;
* How builds are triggered from this definition
triggerType: DefinitionTriggerType;
export var TypeInfo: {
AgentPoolQueue: {
fields: any;
AgentStatus: {
enumValues: {
"unavailable": number;
"available": number;
"offline": number;
ArtifactResource: {
fields: any;
AuditAction: {
enumValues: {
"add": number;
"update": number;
"delete": number;
Build: {
fields: any;
BuildAgent: {
fields: any;
BuildArtifact: {
fields: any;
BuildAuthorizationScope: {
enumValues: {
"projectCollection": number;
"project": number;
BuildCompletedEvent: {
fields: any;
BuildController: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinition: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionChangedEvent: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionChangingEvent: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionReference: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionRevision: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionSourceProvider: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionStep: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionTemplate: {
fields: any;
BuildDefinitionVariable: {
fields: any;
BuildDeletedEvent: {
fields: any;
BuildDeployment: {
fields: any;
BuildLog: {
fields: any;
BuildLogReference: {
fields: any;
BuildOption: {
fields: any;
BuildOptionDefinition: {
fields: any;
BuildOptionDefinitionReference: {
fields: any;
BuildOptionGroupDefinition: {
fields: any;
BuildOptionInputDefinition: {
fields: any;
BuildOptionInputType: {
enumValues: {
"string": number;
"boolean": number;
"stringList": number;
"radio": number;
"pickList": number;
"multiLine": number;
BuildPhaseStatus: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": number;
"failed": number;
"succeeded": number;
BuildProcessTemplate: {
fields: any;
BuildQueryOrder: {
enumValues: {
"finishTimeAscending": number;
"finishTimeDescending": number;
BuildReason: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"manual": number;
"individualCI": number;
"batchedCI": number;
"schedule": number;
"userCreated": number;
"validateShelveset": number;
"checkInShelveset": number;
"triggered": number;
"all": number;
BuildRepository: {
fields: any;
BuildRequestValidationResult: {
fields: any;
BuildResult: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"succeeded": number;
"partiallySucceeded": number;
"failed": number;
"canceled": number;
BuildServer: {
fields: any;
BuildSettings: {
fields: any;
BuildStartedEvent: {
fields: any;
BuildStatus: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"inProgress": number;
"completed": number;
"cancelling": number;
"postponed": number;
"notStarted": number;
"all": number;
BuildSummary: {
fields: any;
BuildTrigger: {
fields: any;
BuildUpdatedEvent: {
fields: any;
BuildWorkspace: {
fields: any;
Change: {
fields: any;
ConsoleLogEvent: {
fields: any;
ContinuousDeploymentDefinition: {
fields: any;
ContinuousIntegrationTrigger: {
fields: any;
ControllerStatus: {
enumValues: {
"unavailable": number;
"available": number;
"offline": number;
DefinitionQuality: {
enumValues: {
"definition": number;
"draft": number;
DefinitionQueueStatus: {
enumValues: {
"enabled": number;
"paused": number;
"disabled": number;
DefinitionReference: {
fields: any;
DefinitionTriggerType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"continuousIntegration": number;
"batchedContinuousIntegration": number;
"schedule": number;
"gatedCheckIn": number;
"batchedGatedCheckIn": number;
"all": number;
DefinitionType: {
enumValues: {
"xaml": number;
"build": number;
DeleteOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"dropLocation": number;
"testResults": number;
"label": number;
"details": number;
"symbols": number;
"all": number;
Deployment: {
fields: any;
DeploymentBuild: {
fields: any;
DeploymentDeploy: {
fields: any;
DeploymentTest: {
fields: any;
GetOption: {
enumValues: {
"latestOnQueue": number;
"latestOnBuild": number;
"custom": number;
InformationNode: {
fields: any;
Issue: {
fields: any;
IssueType: {
enumValues: {
"error": number;
"warning": number;
MappingDetails: {
fields: any;
ProcessTemplateType: {
enumValues: {
"custom": number;
"default": number;
"upgrade": number;
PropertyValue: {
fields: any;
QueryDeletedOption: {
enumValues: {
"excludeDeleted": number;
"includeDeleted": number;
"onlyDeleted": number;
QueueOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"doNotRun": number;
QueuePriority: {
enumValues: {
"low": number;
"belowNormal": number;
"normal": number;
"aboveNormal": number;
"high": number;
RealtimeBuildEvent: {
fields: any;
RequestReference: {
fields: any;
RetentionPolicy: {
fields: any;
Schedule: {
fields: any;
ScheduleDays: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"monday": number;
"tuesday": number;
"wednesday": number;
"thursday": number;
"friday": number;
"saturday": number;
"sunday": number;
"all": number;
ScheduleTrigger: {
fields: any;
ServiceHostStatus: {
enumValues: {
"online": number;
"offline": number;
ShallowReference: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentPoolReference: {
fields: any;
TaskDefinitionReference: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationPlanReference: {
fields: any;
TaskResult: {
enumValues: {
"succeeded": number;
"succeededWithIssues": number;
"failed": number;
"canceled": number;
"skipped": number;
"abandoned": number;
Timeline: {
fields: any;
TimelineRecord: {
fields: any;
TimelineRecordState: {
enumValues: {
"pending": number;
"inProgress": number;
"completed": number;
TimelineRecordsUpdatedEvent: {
fields: any;
TimelineReference: {
fields: any;
ValidationResult: {
enumValues: {
"oK": number;
"warning": number;
"error": number;
WorkspaceMapping: {
fields: any;
WorkspaceMappingType: {
enumValues: {
"map": number;
"cloak": number;
WorkspaceTemplate: {
fields: any;
XamlBuildDefinition: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/BuildApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import BuildInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/BuildInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface IBuildApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
createArtifact(artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact, buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact) => void): void;
getArtifact(buildId: number, artifactName: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact) => void): void;
getArtifactContentZip(buildId: number, artifactName: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getArtifacts(buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifacts: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact[]) => void): void;
getBadge(project: string, definitionId: number, branchName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, badge: string) => void): void;
deleteBuild(buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getBuild(buildId: number, project: string, propertyFilters: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, build: BuildInterfaces.Build) => void): void;
getBuilds(project: string, definitions: number[], queues: number[], buildNumber: string, minFinishTime: Date, maxFinishTime: Date, requestedFor: string, reasonFilter: BuildInterfaces.BuildReason, statusFilter: BuildInterfaces.BuildStatus, resultFilter: BuildInterfaces.BuildResult, tagFilters: string[], properties: string[], type: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType, top: number, continuationToken: string, maxBuildsPerDefinition: number, deletedFilter: BuildInterfaces.QueryDeletedOption, queryOrder: BuildInterfaces.BuildQueryOrder, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, builds: BuildInterfaces.Build[]) => void): void;
queueBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, project: string, ignoreWarnings: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, build: BuildInterfaces.Build) => void): void;
updateBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, build: BuildInterfaces.Build) => void): void;
getBuildCommits(project: string, buildId: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, changes: BuildInterfaces.Change[]) => void): void;
getBuildController(controllerId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Controller: BuildInterfaces.BuildController) => void): void;
getBuildControllers(name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Controllers: BuildInterfaces.BuildController[]) => void): void;
createDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, project: string, definitionToCloneId: number, definitionToCloneRevision: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition) => void): void;
deleteDefinition(definitionId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getDefinition(definitionId: number, project: string, revision: number, propertyFilters: string[], onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference) => void): void;
getDefinitions(project: string, name: string, type: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definitions: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference[]) => void): void;
updateDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, definitionId: number, project: string, secretsSourceDefinitionId: number, secretsSourceDefinitionRevision: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition) => void): void;
getBuildDeployments(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, deployments: BuildInterfaces.Deployment[]) => void): void;
getBuildLog(project: string, buildId: number, logId: number, startLine: number, endLine: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getBuildLogs(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, logs: BuildInterfaces.BuildLog[]) => void): void;
getBuildLogsZip(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getBuildOptionDefinitions(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, options: BuildInterfaces.BuildOptionDefinition[]) => void): void;
createQueue(queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue) => void): void;
deleteQueue(id: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getAgentPoolQueue(controllerId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue) => void): void;
getQueues(name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queues: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue[]) => void): void;
getDefinitionRevisions(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, revisions: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionRevision[]) => void): void;
getBuildSettings(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, setting: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings) => void): void;
updateBuildSettings(settings: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, setting: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings) => void): void;
addBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
addBuildTags(tags: string[], project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
deleteBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
getBuildTags(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
getTags(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
deleteTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate) => void): void;
getTemplates(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, templates: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate[]) => void): void;
saveTemplate(template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate, project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate) => void): void;
getBuildTimeline(project: string, buildId: number, timelineId: string, changeId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Timeline: BuildInterfaces.Timeline) => void): void;
getBuildWorkItemsRefs(project: string, buildId: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workitems: VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]) => void): void;
getBuildWorkItemsRefsFromCommits(commitIds: string[], project: string, buildId: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workitems: VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]) => void): void;
export interface IQBuildApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
createArtifact(artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact, buildId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact>;
getArtifact(buildId: number, artifactName: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact>;
getArtifacts(buildId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact[]>;
getBadge(project: string, definitionId: number, branchName?: string): Q.Promise<string>;
getBuild(buildId: number, project?: string, propertyFilters?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build>;
getBuilds(project?: string, definitions?: number[], queues?: number[], buildNumber?: string, minFinishTime?: Date, maxFinishTime?: Date, requestedFor?: string, reasonFilter?: BuildInterfaces.BuildReason, statusFilter?: BuildInterfaces.BuildStatus, resultFilter?: BuildInterfaces.BuildResult, tagFilters?: string[], properties?: string[], type?: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType, top?: number, continuationToken?: string, maxBuildsPerDefinition?: number, deletedFilter?: BuildInterfaces.QueryDeletedOption, queryOrder?: BuildInterfaces.BuildQueryOrder): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build[]>;
queueBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, project?: string, ignoreWarnings?: boolean): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build>;
updateBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, buildId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build>;
getBuildCommits(project: string, buildId: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Change[]>;
getBuildController(controllerId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildController>;
getBuildControllers(name?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildController[]>;
createDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, project?: string, definitionToCloneId?: number, definitionToCloneRevision?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition>;
getDefinition(definitionId: number, project?: string, revision?: number, propertyFilters?: string[]): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference>;
getDefinitions(project?: string, name?: string, type?: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference[]>;
updateDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, definitionId: number, project?: string, secretsSourceDefinitionId?: number, secretsSourceDefinitionRevision?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition>;
getBuildDeployments(project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Deployment[]>;
getBuildLogs(project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildLog[]>;
getBuildOptionDefinitions(): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildOptionDefinition[]>;
createQueue(queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue>;
getAgentPoolQueue(controllerId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue>;
getQueues(name?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue[]>;
getDefinitionRevisions(project: string, definitionId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionRevision[]>;
getBuildSettings(): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings>;
updateBuildSettings(settings: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings>;
addBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
addBuildTags(tags: string[], project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<string[]>;
deleteBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
getBuildTags(project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<string[]>;
getTags(project: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
getTemplate(project: string, templateId: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate>;
getTemplates(project: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate[]>;
saveTemplate(template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate, project: string, templateId: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate>;
getBuildTimeline(project: string, buildId: number, timelineId?: string, changeId?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Timeline>;
getBuildWorkItemsRefs(project: string, buildId: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]>;
getBuildWorkItemsRefsFromCommits(commitIds: string[], project: string, buildId: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]>;
export class BuildApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IBuildApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Associates an artifact with a build
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact} artifact
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact
createArtifact(artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact, buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact) => void): void;
* Gets a specific artifact for a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} artifactName
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact
getArtifact(buildId: number, artifactName: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact) => void): void;
* Gets a specific artifact for a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} artifactName
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getArtifactContentZip(buildId: number, artifactName: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Gets all artifacts for a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact[]
getArtifacts(buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifacts: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} branchName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string
getBadge(project: string, definitionId: number, branchName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, badge: string) => void): void;
* Deletes a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function
deleteBuild(buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Gets a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} propertyFilters - A comma-delimited list of properties to include in the results
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Build
getBuild(buildId: number, project: string, propertyFilters: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, build: BuildInterfaces.Build) => void): void;
* Gets builds
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number[]} definitions - A comma-delimited list of definition ids
* @param {number[]} queues - A comma-delimited list of queue ids
* @param {string} buildNumber
* @param {Date} minFinishTime
* @param {Date} maxFinishTime
* @param {string} requestedFor
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildReason} reasonFilter
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildStatus} statusFilter
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildResult} resultFilter
* @param {string[]} tagFilters - A comma-delimited list of tags
* @param {string[]} properties - A comma-delimited list of properties to include in the results
* @param {BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType} type - The definition type
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of builds to retrieve
* @param {string} continuationToken
* @param {number} maxBuildsPerDefinition
* @param {BuildInterfaces.QueryDeletedOption} deletedFilter
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildQueryOrder} queryOrder
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Build[]
getBuilds(project: string, definitions: number[], queues: number[], buildNumber: string, minFinishTime: Date, maxFinishTime: Date, requestedFor: string, reasonFilter: BuildInterfaces.BuildReason, statusFilter: BuildInterfaces.BuildStatus, resultFilter: BuildInterfaces.BuildResult, tagFilters: string[], properties: string[], type: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType, top: number, continuationToken: string, maxBuildsPerDefinition: number, deletedFilter: BuildInterfaces.QueryDeletedOption, queryOrder: BuildInterfaces.BuildQueryOrder, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, builds: BuildInterfaces.Build[]) => void): void;
* Queues a build
* @param {BuildInterfaces.Build} build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} ignoreWarnings
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Build
queueBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, project: string, ignoreWarnings: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, build: BuildInterfaces.Build) => void): void;
* Updates a build
* @param {BuildInterfaces.Build} build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Build
updateBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, buildId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, build: BuildInterfaces.Build) => void): void;
* Gets the changes associated with a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of changes to return
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Change[]
getBuildCommits(project: string, buildId: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, changes: BuildInterfaces.Change[]) => void): void;
* Gets a controller
* @param {number} controllerId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildController
getBuildController(controllerId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Controller: BuildInterfaces.BuildController) => void): void;
* Gets controller, optionally filtered by name
* @param {string} name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildController[]
getBuildControllers(name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Controllers: BuildInterfaces.BuildController[]) => void): void;
* Creates a new definition
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition} definition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionToCloneId
* @param {number} definitionToCloneRevision
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition
createDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, project: string, definitionToCloneId: number, definitionToCloneRevision: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition) => void): void;
* Deletes a definition and all associated builds
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function
deleteDefinition(definitionId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Gets a definition, optionally at a specific revision
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} revision
* @param {string[]} propertyFilters
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference
getDefinition(definitionId: number, project: string, revision: number, propertyFilters: string[], onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference) => void): void;
* Gets definitions, optionally filtered by name
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} name
* @param {BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType} type
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference[]
getDefinitions(project: string, name: string, type: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definitions: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference[]) => void): void;
* Updates an existing definition
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition} definition
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} secretsSourceDefinitionId
* @param {number} secretsSourceDefinitionRevision
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition
updateDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, definitionId: number, project: string, secretsSourceDefinitionId: number, secretsSourceDefinitionRevision: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition) => void): void;
* Gets the deployment information associated with a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Deployment[]
getBuildDeployments(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, deployments: BuildInterfaces.Deployment[]) => void): void;
* Gets a log
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} logId
* @param {number} startLine
* @param {number} endLine
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getBuildLog(project: string, buildId: number, logId: number, startLine: number, endLine: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Gets logs for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildLog[]
getBuildLogs(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, logs: BuildInterfaces.BuildLog[]) => void): void;
* Gets logs for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getBuildLogsZip(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildOptionDefinition[]
getBuildOptionDefinitions(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, options: BuildInterfaces.BuildOptionDefinition[]) => void): void;
* Creates a build queue
* @param {BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue} queue
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue
createQueue(queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue) => void): void;
* Deletes a build queue
* @param {number} id
* @param onResult callback function
deleteQueue(id: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Gets a queue
* @param {number} controllerId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue
getAgentPoolQueue(controllerId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue) => void): void;
* Gets queues, optionally filtered by name
* @param {string} name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue[]
getQueues(name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queues: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue[]) => void): void;
* Gets revisions of a definition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionRevision[]
getDefinitionRevisions(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, revisions: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionRevision[]) => void): void;
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings
getBuildSettings(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, setting: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings) => void): void;
* Updates the build settings
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings} settings
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings
updateBuildSettings(settings: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, setting: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings) => void): void;
* Adds a tag to a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} tag
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
addBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
* Adds tag to a build
* @param {string[]} tags
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
addBuildTags(tags: string[], project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
* Deletes a tag from a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} tag
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
deleteBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
* Gets the tags for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
getBuildTags(project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
getTags(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tags: string[]) => void): void;
* Deletes a definition template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Gets definition template filtered by id
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate
getTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate[]
getTemplates(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, templates: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate[]) => void): void;
* Saves a definition template
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate} template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate
saveTemplate(template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate, project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate) => void): void;
* Gets details for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting BuildInterfaces.Timeline
getBuildTimeline(project: string, buildId: number, timelineId: string, changeId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Timeline: BuildInterfaces.Timeline) => void): void;
* Gets the work item ids associated with a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of workitems to return
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]
getBuildWorkItemsRefs(project: string, buildId: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workitems: VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]) => void): void;
* Gets the work item ids associated with build commits
* @param {string[]} commitIds
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of workitems to return, also number of commits to consider if commitids are not sent
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]
getBuildWorkItemsRefsFromCommits(commitIds: string[], project: string, buildId: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workitems: VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]) => void): void;
export class QBuildApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQBuildApi {
api: BuildApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Associates an artifact with a build
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact} artifact
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createArtifact(artifact: BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact, buildId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact>;
* Gets a specific artifact for a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} artifactName
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getArtifact(buildId: number, artifactName: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact>;
* Gets all artifacts for a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getArtifacts(buildId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildArtifact[]>;
* @param {string} project
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} branchName
getBadge(project: string, definitionId: number, branchName?: string): Q.Promise<string>;
* Gets a build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} propertyFilters - A comma-delimited list of properties to include in the results
getBuild(buildId: number, project?: string, propertyFilters?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build>;
* Gets builds
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number[]} definitions - A comma-delimited list of definition ids
* @param {number[]} queues - A comma-delimited list of queue ids
* @param {string} buildNumber
* @param {Date} minFinishTime
* @param {Date} maxFinishTime
* @param {string} requestedFor
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildReason} reasonFilter
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildStatus} statusFilter
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildResult} resultFilter
* @param {string[]} tagFilters - A comma-delimited list of tags
* @param {string[]} properties - A comma-delimited list of properties to include in the results
* @param {BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType} type - The definition type
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of builds to retrieve
* @param {string} continuationToken
* @param {number} maxBuildsPerDefinition
* @param {BuildInterfaces.QueryDeletedOption} deletedFilter
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildQueryOrder} queryOrder
getBuilds(project?: string, definitions?: number[], queues?: number[], buildNumber?: string, minFinishTime?: Date, maxFinishTime?: Date, requestedFor?: string, reasonFilter?: BuildInterfaces.BuildReason, statusFilter?: BuildInterfaces.BuildStatus, resultFilter?: BuildInterfaces.BuildResult, tagFilters?: string[], properties?: string[], type?: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType, top?: number, continuationToken?: string, maxBuildsPerDefinition?: number, deletedFilter?: BuildInterfaces.QueryDeletedOption, queryOrder?: BuildInterfaces.BuildQueryOrder): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build[]>;
* Queues a build
* @param {BuildInterfaces.Build} build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} ignoreWarnings
queueBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, project?: string, ignoreWarnings?: boolean): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build>;
* Updates a build
* @param {BuildInterfaces.Build} build
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
updateBuild(build: BuildInterfaces.Build, buildId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Build>;
* Gets the changes associated with a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of changes to return
getBuildCommits(project: string, buildId: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Change[]>;
* Gets a controller
* @param {number} controllerId
getBuildController(controllerId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildController>;
* Gets controller, optionally filtered by name
* @param {string} name
getBuildControllers(name?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildController[]>;
* Creates a new definition
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition} definition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionToCloneId
* @param {number} definitionToCloneRevision
createDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, project?: string, definitionToCloneId?: number, definitionToCloneRevision?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition>;
* Gets a definition, optionally at a specific revision
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} revision
* @param {string[]} propertyFilters
getDefinition(definitionId: number, project?: string, revision?: number, propertyFilters?: string[]): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference>;
* Gets definitions, optionally filtered by name
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} name
* @param {BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType} type
getDefinitions(project?: string, name?: string, type?: BuildInterfaces.DefinitionType): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.DefinitionReference[]>;
* Updates an existing definition
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition} definition
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} secretsSourceDefinitionId
* @param {number} secretsSourceDefinitionRevision
updateDefinition(definition: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition, definitionId: number, project?: string, secretsSourceDefinitionId?: number, secretsSourceDefinitionRevision?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinition>;
* Gets the deployment information associated with a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
getBuildDeployments(project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Deployment[]>;
* Gets logs for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
getBuildLogs(project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildLog[]>;
getBuildOptionDefinitions(): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildOptionDefinition[]>;
* Creates a build queue
* @param {BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue} queue
createQueue(queue: BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue>;
* Gets a queue
* @param {number} controllerId
getAgentPoolQueue(controllerId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue>;
* Gets queues, optionally filtered by name
* @param {string} name
getQueues(name?: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.AgentPoolQueue[]>;
* Gets revisions of a definition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
getDefinitionRevisions(project: string, definitionId: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionRevision[]>;
getBuildSettings(): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings>;
* Updates the build settings
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings} settings
updateBuildSettings(settings: BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildSettings>;
* Adds a tag to a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} tag
addBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* Adds tag to a build
* @param {string[]} tags
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
addBuildTags(tags: string[], project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* Deletes a tag from a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} tag
deleteBuildTag(project: string, buildId: number, tag: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* Gets the tags for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
getBuildTags(project: string, buildId: number): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getTags(project: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* Gets definition template filtered by id
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
getTemplate(project: string, templateId: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getTemplates(project: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate[]>;
* Saves a definition template
* @param {BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate} template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
saveTemplate(template: BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate, project: string, templateId: string): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.BuildDefinitionTemplate>;
* Gets details for a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
getBuildTimeline(project: string, buildId: number, timelineId?: string, changeId?: number): Q.Promise<BuildInterfaces.Timeline>;
* Gets the work item ids associated with a build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of workitems to return
getBuildWorkItemsRefs(project: string, buildId: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]>;
* Gets the work item ids associated with build commits
* @param {string[]} commitIds
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of workitems to return, also number of commits to consider if commitids are not sent
getBuildWorkItemsRefsFromCommits(commitIds: string[], project: string, buildId: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.ResourceRef[]>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/CoreInterfaces' {
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export enum ConnectedServiceKind {
* Custom or unknown service
Custom = 0,
* Azure Subscription
AzureSubscription = 1,
* Chef Connection
Chef = 2,
* Generic Connection
Generic = 3,
export interface IdentityData {
identityIds: string[];
export interface Process extends ProcessReference {
_links: any;
description: string;
id: string;
isDefault: boolean;
export interface ProcessReference {
name: string;
url: string;
export enum ProjectChangeType {
Modified = 0,
Deleted = 1,
Added = 2,
* Contains information of the project
export interface ProjectInfo {
abbreviation: string;
description: string;
id: string;
lastUpdateTime: Date;
name: string;
properties: ProjectProperty[];
* Current revision of the project
revision: number;
state: any;
uri: string;
version: number;
export interface ProjectMessage {
project: ProjectInfo;
projectChangeType: ProjectChangeType;
export interface ProjectProperty {
name: string;
value: string;
export interface Proxy {
* This is a description string
description: string;
* The friendly name of the server
friendlyName: string;
globalDefault: boolean;
* This is a string representation of the site that the proxy server is located in (e.g. "NA-WA-RED")
site: string;
siteDefault: boolean;
* The URL of the proxy server
url: string;
export enum SourceControlTypes {
Tfvc = 1,
Git = 2,
* The Team Context for an operation.
export interface TeamContext {
* The team project Id or name. Ignored if ProjectId is set.
project: string;
* The Team Project ID. Required if Project is not set.
projectId: string;
* The Team Id or name. Ignored if TeamId is set.
team: string;
* The Team Id
teamId: string;
* Represents a Team Project object.
export interface TeamProject extends TeamProjectReference {
* The links to other objects related to this object.
_links: any;
capabilities: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string;
* The shallow ref to the default team.
defaultTeam: WebApiTeamRef;
* Data contract for a TeamProjectCollection.
export interface TeamProjectCollection extends TeamProjectCollectionReference {
* The links to other objects related to this object.
_links: any;
* Project collection description.
description: string;
* Project collection state.
state: string;
* Reference object for a TeamProjectCollection.
export interface TeamProjectCollectionReference {
* Collection Id.
id: string;
* Collection Name.
name: string;
* Collection REST Url.
url: string;
* Represents a shallow reference to a TeamProject.
export interface TeamProjectReference {
* Project abbreviation.
abbreviation: string;
* The project's description (if any).
description: string;
* Project identifier.
id: string;
* Project name.
name: string;
* Project revision.
revision: number;
* Project state.
state: any;
* Url to the full version of the object.
url: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedService extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
* The user who did the OAuth authentication to created this service
authenticatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Extra description on the service.
description: string;
* Friendly Name of service connection
friendlyName: string;
* Id/Name of the connection service. For Ex: Subscription Id for Azure Connection
id: string;
* The kind of service.
kind: string;
* The project associated with this service
project: TeamProjectReference;
* Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as https://windows.azure.com
serviceUri: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceDetails extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
* Meta data for service connection
connectedServiceMetaData: WebApiConnectedService;
* Credential info
credentialsXml: string;
* Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as https://windows.azure.com
endPoint: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
id: string;
url: string;
* The representation of data needed to create a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
export interface WebApiCreateTagRequestData {
name: string;
export interface WebApiProject extends TeamProjectReference {
* Set of capabilities this project has
capabilities: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string;
* Reference to collection which contains this project
collection: WebApiProjectCollectionRef;
* Default team for this project
defaultTeam: WebApiTeamRef;
export interface WebApiProjectCollection extends WebApiProjectCollectionRef {
* Project collection description
description: string;
* Project collection state
state: string;
export interface WebApiProjectCollectionRef {
* Collection Tfs Url (Host Url)
collectionUrl: string;
* Collection Guid
id: string;
* Collection Name
name: string;
* Collection REST Url
url: string;
* The representation of a tag definition which is sent across the wire.
export interface WebApiTagDefinition {
active: boolean;
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
export interface WebApiTeam extends WebApiTeamRef {
* Team description
description: string;
* Identity REST API Url to this team
identityUrl: string;
export interface WebApiTeamRef {
* Team (Identity) Guid. A Team Foundation ID.
id: string;
* Team name
name: string;
* Team REST API Url
url: string;
export var TypeInfo: {
ConnectedServiceKind: {
enumValues: {
"custom": number;
"azureSubscription": number;
"chef": number;
"generic": number;
IdentityData: {
fields: any;
Process: {
fields: any;
ProcessReference: {
fields: any;
ProjectChangeType: {
enumValues: {
"modified": number;
"deleted": number;
"added": number;
ProjectInfo: {
fields: any;
ProjectMessage: {
fields: any;
ProjectProperty: {
fields: any;
Proxy: {
fields: any;
SourceControlTypes: {
enumValues: {
"tfvc": number;
"git": number;
TeamContext: {
fields: any;
TeamProject: {
fields: any;
TeamProjectCollection: {
fields: any;
TeamProjectCollectionReference: {
fields: any;
TeamProjectReference: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedService: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedServiceDetails: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedServiceRef: {
fields: any;
WebApiCreateTagRequestData: {
fields: any;
WebApiProject: {
fields: any;
WebApiProjectCollection: {
fields: any;
WebApiProjectCollectionRef: {
fields: any;
WebApiTagDefinition: {
fields: any;
WebApiTeam: {
fields: any;
WebApiTeamRef: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/common/OperationsInterfaces' {
* Reference for an async operation.
export interface OperationReference {
* The identifier for this operation.
id: string;
* The current status of the operation.
status: OperationStatus;
* Url to get the full object.
url: string;
export enum OperationStatus {
* The operation object does not have the status set.
NotSet = 0,
* The operation has been queued.
Queued = 1,
* The operation is in progress.
InProgress = 2,
* The operation was cancelled by the user.
Cancelled = 3,
* The operation completed successfully.
Succeeded = 4,
* The operation completed with a failure.
Failed = 5,
export var TypeInfo: {
OperationReference: {
fields: any;
OperationStatus: {
enumValues: {
"notSet": number;
"queued": number;
"inProgress": number;
"cancelled": number;
"succeeded": number;
"failed": number;
declare module 'vso-node-api/CoreApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import CoreInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/CoreInterfaces');
import OperationsInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/OperationsInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface ICoreApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
createConnectedService(connectedServiceCreationData: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails, projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, connectedService: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService) => void): void;
getConnectedServiceDetails(projectId: string, name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, connectedService: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails) => void): void;
getConnectedServices(projectId: string, kind: CoreInterfaces.ConnectedServiceKind, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, connectedServices: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService[]) => void): void;
createIdentityMru(mruData: CoreInterfaces.IdentityData, mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
deleteIdentityMru(mruData: CoreInterfaces.IdentityData, mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getIdentityMru(mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, identityMru: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]) => void): void;
updateIdentityMru(mruData: CoreInterfaces.IdentityData, mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTeamMembers(projectId: string, teamId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, members: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]) => void): void;
getProjectCollection(collectionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projectCollection: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollection) => void): void;
getProjectCollections(top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projectCollections: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollectionReference[]) => void): void;
getProjectHistory(minRevision: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projectHistory: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]) => void): void;
getProject(projectId: string, includeCapabilities: boolean, includeHistory: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject) => void): void;
getProjects(stateFilter: any, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projects: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]) => void): void;
queueCreateProject(projectToCreate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference) => void): void;
queueDeleteProject(projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference) => void): void;
updateProject(projectUpdate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject, projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference) => void): void;
getProxies(proxyUrl: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, proxies: CoreInterfaces.Proxy[]) => void): void;
getTeams(projectId: string, teamId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, team: CoreInterfaces.WebApiTeam) => void): void;
export interface IQCoreApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
createConnectedService(connectedServiceCreationData: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails, projectId: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService>;
getConnectedServiceDetails(projectId: string, name: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails>;
getConnectedServices(projectId: string, kind?: CoreInterfaces.ConnectedServiceKind): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService[]>;
getIdentityMru(mruName: string): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]>;
getTeamMembers(projectId: string, teamId: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]>;
getProjectCollection(collectionId: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollection>;
getProjectCollections(top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollectionReference[]>;
getProjectHistory(minRevision?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]>;
getProject(projectId: string, includeCapabilities?: boolean, includeHistory?: boolean): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProject>;
getProjects(stateFilter?: any, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]>;
queueCreateProject(projectToCreate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject): Q.Promise<OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference>;
queueDeleteProject(projectId: string): Q.Promise<OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference>;
updateProject(projectUpdate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject, projectId: string): Q.Promise<OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference>;
getProxies(proxyUrl?: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.Proxy[]>;
getTeams(projectId: string, teamId?: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiTeam>;
export class CoreApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ICoreApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails} connectedServiceCreationData
* @param {string} projectId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService
createConnectedService(connectedServiceCreationData: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails, projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, connectedService: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService) => void): void;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {string} name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails
getConnectedServiceDetails(projectId: string, name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, connectedService: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails) => void): void;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {CoreInterfaces.ConnectedServiceKind} kind
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService[]
getConnectedServices(projectId: string, kind: CoreInterfaces.ConnectedServiceKind, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, connectedServices: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService[]) => void): void;
* @param {CoreInterfaces.IdentityData} mruData
* @param {string} mruName
* @param onResult callback function
createIdentityMru(mruData: CoreInterfaces.IdentityData, mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {CoreInterfaces.IdentityData} mruData
* @param {string} mruName
* @param onResult callback function
deleteIdentityMru(mruData: CoreInterfaces.IdentityData, mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} mruName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]
getIdentityMru(mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, identityMru: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]) => void): void;
* @param {CoreInterfaces.IdentityData} mruData
* @param {string} mruName
* @param onResult callback function
updateIdentityMru(mruData: CoreInterfaces.IdentityData, mruName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {string} teamId
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]
getTeamMembers(projectId: string, teamId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, members: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]) => void): void;
* Get project collection with the specified id or name.
* @param {string} collectionId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollection
getProjectCollection(collectionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projectCollection: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollection) => void): void;
* Get project collection references for this application.
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollectionReference[]
getProjectCollections(top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projectCollections: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollectionReference[]) => void): void;
* @param {number} minRevision
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]
getProjectHistory(minRevision: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projectHistory: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]) => void): void;
* Get project with the specified id or name, optionally including capabilities.
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {boolean} includeCapabilities - Include capabilities (such as source control) in the team project result (default: false).
* @param {boolean} includeHistory - Search within renamed projects (that had such name in the past).
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.TeamProject
getProject(projectId: string, includeCapabilities: boolean, includeHistory: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject) => void): void;
* Get project references with the specified state
* @param {any} stateFilter - Filter on team projects in a specific team project state (default: WellFormed).
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]
getProjects(stateFilter: any, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, projects: CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]) => void): void;
* Queue a project creation.
* @param {CoreInterfaces.TeamProject} projectToCreate - The project to create.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference
queueCreateProject(projectToCreate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference) => void): void;
* Queue a project deletion.
* @param {string} projectId - The project id of the project to delete.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference
queueDeleteProject(projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference) => void): void;
* Update an existing project's name, abbreviation, or description.
* @param {CoreInterfaces.TeamProject} projectUpdate - The updates for the project.
* @param {string} projectId - The project id of the project to update.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference
updateProject(projectUpdate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject, projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, project: OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference) => void): void;
* @param {string} proxyUrl
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.Proxy[]
getProxies(proxyUrl: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, proxies: CoreInterfaces.Proxy[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {string} teamId
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting CoreInterfaces.WebApiTeam
getTeams(projectId: string, teamId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, team: CoreInterfaces.WebApiTeam) => void): void;
export class QCoreApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQCoreApi {
api: CoreApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails} connectedServiceCreationData
* @param {string} projectId
createConnectedService(connectedServiceCreationData: CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails, projectId: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService>;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {string} name
getConnectedServiceDetails(projectId: string, name: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedServiceDetails>;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {CoreInterfaces.ConnectedServiceKind} kind
getConnectedServices(projectId: string, kind?: CoreInterfaces.ConnectedServiceKind): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiConnectedService[]>;
* @param {string} mruName
getIdentityMru(mruName: string): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]>;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {string} teamId
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
getTeamMembers(projectId: string, teamId: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]>;
* Get project collection with the specified id or name.
* @param {string} collectionId
getProjectCollection(collectionId: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollection>;
* Get project collection references for this application.
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
getProjectCollections(top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectCollectionReference[]>;
* @param {number} minRevision
getProjectHistory(minRevision?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]>;
* Get project with the specified id or name, optionally including capabilities.
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {boolean} includeCapabilities - Include capabilities (such as source control) in the team project result (default: false).
* @param {boolean} includeHistory - Search within renamed projects (that had such name in the past).
getProject(projectId: string, includeCapabilities?: boolean, includeHistory?: boolean): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProject>;
* Get project references with the specified state
* @param {any} stateFilter - Filter on team projects in a specific team project state (default: WellFormed).
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
getProjects(stateFilter?: any, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.TeamProjectReference[]>;
* Queue a project creation.
* @param {CoreInterfaces.TeamProject} projectToCreate - The project to create.
queueCreateProject(projectToCreate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject): Q.Promise<OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference>;
* Queue a project deletion.
* @param {string} projectId - The project id of the project to delete.
queueDeleteProject(projectId: string): Q.Promise<OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference>;
* Update an existing project's name, abbreviation, or description.
* @param {CoreInterfaces.TeamProject} projectUpdate - The updates for the project.
* @param {string} projectId - The project id of the project to update.
updateProject(projectUpdate: CoreInterfaces.TeamProject, projectId: string): Q.Promise<OperationsInterfaces.OperationReference>;
* @param {string} proxyUrl
getProxies(proxyUrl?: string): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.Proxy[]>;
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {string} teamId
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
getTeams(projectId: string, teamId?: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<CoreInterfaces.WebApiTeam>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/FileContainerInterfaces' {
export enum ContainerItemStatus {
* Item is created.
Created = 1,
* Item is a file pending for upload.
PendingUpload = 2,
export enum ContainerItemType {
* Any item type.
Any = 0,
* Item is a folder which can have child items.
Folder = 1,
* Item is a file which is stored in the file service.
File = 2,
export enum ContainerOptions {
* No option.
None = 0,
* Represents a container that encapsulates a hierarchical file system.
export interface FileContainer {
* Uri of the artifact associated with the container.
artifactUri: string;
contentLocation: string;
* Owner.
createdBy: string;
* Creation date.
dateCreated: Date;
* Description.
description: string;
* Id.
id: number;
* Location of the item resource.
itemLocation: string;
* Name.
name: string;
* Options the container can have.
options: ContainerOptions;
* Project Id.
scopeIdentifier: string;
* Security token of the artifact associated with the container.
securityToken: string;
* Identifier of the optional encryption key.
signingKeyId: string;
* Total size of the files in bytes.
size: number;
* Represents an item in a container.
export interface FileContainerItem {
* Container Id.
containerId: number;
contentId: number[];
contentLocation: string;
* Creator.
createdBy: string;
* Creation date.
dateCreated: Date;
* Last modified date.
dateLastModified: Date;
* Encoding of the file. Zero if not a file.
fileEncoding: number;
* Hash value of the file. Null if not a file.
fileHash: number[];
* Length of the file. Zero if not of a file.
fileLength: number;
* Type of the file. Zero if not a file.
fileType: number;
* Location of the item resource.
itemLocation: string;
* Type of the item: Folder, File or String.
itemType: ContainerItemType;
* Modifier.
lastModifiedBy: string;
* Unique path that identifies the item.
path: string;
* Project Id.
scopeIdentifier: string;
* Status of the item: Created or Pending Upload.
status: ContainerItemStatus;
ticket: string;
export var TypeInfo: {
ContainerItemStatus: {
enumValues: {
"created": number;
"pendingUpload": number;
ContainerItemType: {
enumValues: {
"any": number;
"folder": number;
"file": number;
ContainerOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
FileContainer: {
fields: any;
FileContainerItem: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/FileContainerApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import FileContainerInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/FileContainerInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface IFileContainerApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
createItem(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, containerId: number, itemPath: string, scope: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Container: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem) => void): void;
createItems(items: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>, containerId: number, scope: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Container: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]) => void): void;
deleteItem(containerId: number, itemPath: string, scope: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getContainers(scope: string, artifactUris: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Containers: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainer[]) => void): void;
getItems(containerId: number, scope: string, itemPath: string, metadata: boolean, format: string, downloadFileName: string, includeDownloadTickets: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Containers: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]) => void): void;
export interface IQFileContainerApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
createItem(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, containerId: number, itemPath: string, scope?: string): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem>;
createItems(items: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>, containerId: number, scope?: string): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>;
getContainers(scope?: string, artifactUris?: string): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainer[]>;
getItems(containerId: number, scope?: string, itemPath?: string, metadata?: boolean, format?: string, downloadFileName?: string, includeDownloadTickets?: boolean): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>;
export class FileContainerApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IFileContainerApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Creates the specified item in the container referenced container.
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {number} containerId
* @param {string} itemPath
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem
createItem(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, containerId: number, itemPath: string, scope: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Container: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem) => void): void;
* Creates the specified items in in the referenced container.
* @param {VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>} items
* @param {number} containerId
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]
createItems(items: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>, containerId: number, scope: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Container: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]) => void): void;
* Deletes the specified items in a container.
* @param {number} containerId - Container Id.
* @param {string} itemPath - Path to delete.
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param onResult callback function
deleteItem(containerId: number, itemPath: string, scope: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Gets containers filtered by a comma separated list of artifact uris within the same scope, if not specified returns all containers
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param {string} artifactUris
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainer[]
getContainers(scope: string, artifactUris: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Containers: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainer[]) => void): void;
* Gets the specified file container object in a format dependent upon the given parameters or HTTP Accept request header
* @param {number} containerId - The requested container Id
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param {string} itemPath - The path to the item of interest
* @param {boolean} metadata - If true, this overrides any specified format parameter or HTTP Accept request header to provide non-recursive information for the given itemPath
* @param {string} format - If specified, this overrides the HTTP Accept request header to return either 'json' or 'zip'. If $format is specified, then api-version should also be specified as a query parameter.
* @param {string} downloadFileName - If specified and returning other than JSON format, then this download name will be used (else defaults to itemPath)
* @param {boolean} includeDownloadTickets
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]
getItems(containerId: number, scope: string, itemPath: string, metadata: boolean, format: string, downloadFileName: string, includeDownloadTickets: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Containers: FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]) => void): void;
export class QFileContainerApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQFileContainerApi {
api: FileContainerApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Creates the specified item in the container referenced container.
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {number} containerId
* @param {string} itemPath
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
createItem(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, containerId: number, itemPath: string, scope?: string): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem>;
* Creates the specified items in in the referenced container.
* @param {VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>} items
* @param {number} containerId
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
createItems(items: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>, containerId: number, scope?: string): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>;
* Gets containers filtered by a comma separated list of artifact uris within the same scope, if not specified returns all containers
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param {string} artifactUris
getContainers(scope?: string, artifactUris?: string): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainer[]>;
* Gets the specified file container object in a format dependent upon the given parameters or HTTP Accept request header
* @param {number} containerId - The requested container Id
* @param {string} scope - A guid representing the scope of the container. This is often the project id.
* @param {string} itemPath - The path to the item of interest
* @param {boolean} metadata - If true, this overrides any specified format parameter or HTTP Accept request header to provide non-recursive information for the given itemPath
* @param {string} format - If specified, this overrides the HTTP Accept request header to return either 'json' or 'zip'. If $format is specified, then api-version should also be specified as a query parameter.
* @param {string} downloadFileName - If specified and returning other than JSON format, then this download name will be used (else defaults to itemPath)
* @param {boolean} includeDownloadTickets
getItems(containerId: number, scope?: string, itemPath?: string, metadata?: boolean, format?: string, downloadFileName?: string, includeDownloadTickets?: boolean): Q.Promise<FileContainerInterfaces.FileContainerItem[]>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/GalleryInterfaces' {
export interface ExtensionAccount {
accountId: string;
accountName: string;
export interface ExtensionFile {
assetType: string;
contentType: string;
fileId: number;
shortDescription: string;
version: string;
* The FilterResult is the set of extensions that matched a particular query filter.
export interface ExtensionFilterResult {
* This is the set of appplications that matched the query filter supplied.
extensions: PublishedExtension[];
* The PagingToken is returned from a request when more records exist that match the result than were requested or could be returned. A follow-up query with this paging token can be used to retrieve more results.
pagingToken: string;
* Package that will be used to create or update a published extension
export interface ExtensionPackage {
* Base 64 encoded extension package
extensionManifest: string;
* An ExtensionQuery is used to search the gallery for a set of extensions that match one of many filter values.
export interface ExtensionQuery {
* Each filter is a unique query and will have matching set of extensions returned from the request. Each result will have the same index in the resulting array that the filter had in the incoming query.
filters: QueryFilter[];
* The Flags are used to deterine which set of information the caller would like returned for the matched extensions.
flags: ExtensionQueryFlags;
export enum ExtensionQueryFilterType {
* The values are used as tags. All tags are treated as "OR" conditions with each other. There may be some value put on the number of matched tags from the query.
Tag = 1,
* The Values are an ExtensionName or fragment that is used to match other extension names.
DisplayName = 2,
* The Filter is one or more tokens that define what scope to return private extensions for.
Private = 3,
* Retrieve a set of extensions based on their id's. The values should be the extension id's encoded as strings.
Id = 4,
* The catgeory is unlike other filters. It is AND'd with the other filters instead of being a seperate query.
Category = 5,
* Certain contribution types may be indexed to allow for query by type. User defined types can't be indexed at the moment.
ContributionType = 6,
export enum ExtensionQueryFlags {
* None is used to retrieve only the basic extension details.
None = 0,
* IncludeVersions will return version information for extensions returned
IncludeVersions = 1,
* IncludeFiles will return information about which files were found within the extension that were stored independant of the manifest. When asking for files, versions will be included as well since files are returned as a property of the versions. These files can be retrieved using the path to the file without requiring the entire manifest be downloaded.
IncludeFiles = 2,
* Include the Categories and Tags that were added to the extension definition.
IncludeCategoryAndTags = 4,
* Include the details about which accounts the extension has been shared with if the extesion is a private extension.
IncludeSharedAccounts = 8,
* Include properties associated with versions of the extension
IncludeVersionProperties = 16,
* Excluding non-validated extensions will remove any extension versions that either are in the process of being validated or have failed validation.
ExcludeNonValidated = 32,
* AllAttributes is designed to be a mask that defines all sub-elements of the extension should be returned.
AllAttributes = 31,
* This is the set of extensions that matched a supplied query through the filters given.
export interface ExtensionQueryResult {
* For each filter supplied in the query, a filter result will be returned in the query result.
results: ExtensionFilterResult[];
export interface ExtensionVersion {
files: ExtensionFile[];
flags: ExtensionVersionFlags;
lastUpdated: Date;
properties: {
key: string;
value: string;
validationResultMessage: string;
version: string;
versionDescription: string;
export enum ExtensionVersionFlags {
* No flags exist for this version.
None = 0,
* The Validated flag for a version means the extension version has passed validation and can be used..
Validated = 1,
* One condition in a QueryFilter.
export interface FilterCriteria {
filterType: number;
* The value used in the match based on the filter type.
value: string;
export enum PagingDirection {
* Backward will return results from earlier in the resultset.
Backward = 1,
* Forward will return results from later in the resultset.
Forward = 2,
export interface PublishedExtension {
allowedAccounts: ExtensionAccount[];
categories: string[];
displayName: string;
extensionId: string;
extensionName: string;
flags: PublishedExtensionFlags;
lastUpdated: Date;
longDescription: string;
publisher: PublisherFacts;
shortDescription: string;
tags: string[];
versions: ExtensionVersion[];
export enum PublishedExtensionFlags {
* This should never be returned, it is used to represent a extension who's flags havent changed during update calls.
UnChanged = 1073741824,
* No flags exist for this extension.
None = 0,
* The Disabled flag for an extension means the extension can't be changed and won't be used by consumers. The disabled flag is managed by the service and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers.
Disabled = 1,
* BuiltIn Extension are available to all Tenants. An explicit registration is not required. This attribute is reserved and can't be supplied by Extension Developers. BuiltIn extensions are by definition Public. There is no need to set the public flag for extensions marked BuiltIn.
BuiltIn = 2,
* This extension has been validated by the service. The extension meets the requirements specified. This attribute is reserved and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers. Validation is a process that ensures that all contributions are well formed. They meet the requirements defined by the contribution type they are extending. Note this attribute will be updated asynchronously as the extension is validated by the developer of the contribution type. There will be restricted access to the extension while this process is performed.
Validated = 4,
* This extension registration is public, making its visibilty open to the public. This means all tenants have the ability to install this extension. Without this flag the extension will be private and will need to be shared with the tenants that can install it.
Public = 256,
* This extension has multiple versions active at one time and version discovery should be done usig the defined "Version Discovery" protocol to determine the version available to a specific user or tenant. @TODO: Link to Version Discovery Protocol.
MultiVersion = 512,
* The system flag is reserved, and cant be used by publishers.
System = 1024,
* This is the set of flags that can't be supplied by the developer and is managed by the service itself.
ServiceFlags = 1029,
export interface Publisher {
displayName: string;
extensions: PublishedExtension[];
flags: PublisherFlags;
lastUpdated: Date;
longDescription: string;
publisherId: string;
publisherName: string;
shortDescription: string;
* High-level information about the publisher, like id's and names
export interface PublisherFacts {
displayName: string;
publisherId: string;
publisherName: string;
* The FilterResult is the set of publishers that matched a particular query filter.
export interface PublisherFilterResult {
* This is the set of appplications that matched the query filter supplied.
publishers: Publisher[];
export enum PublisherFlags {
* This should never be returned, it is used to represent a publisher who's flags havent changed during update calls.
UnChanged = 1073741824,
* No flags exist for this publisher.
None = 0,
* The Disabled flag for a publisher means the publisher can't be changed and won't be used by consumers, this extends to extensions owned by the publisher as well. The disabled flag is managed by the service and can't be supplied by the Extension Developers.
Disabled = 1,
* This is the set of flags that can't be supplied by the developer and is managed by the service itself.
ServiceFlags = 1,
export enum PublisherPermissions {
* This gives the bearer the rights to read Publishers and Extensions.
Read = 1,
* This gives the bearer the rights to update Publishers and Extensions (but not the ability to Create them).
Write = 2,
* This gives the bearer the rights to create new Publishers at the root of the namespace.
Create = 4,
* This gives the bearer the rights to create new Extensions within a publisher.
Publish = 8,
* Admin gives the bearer the rights to manage restricted attributes of Publishers and Extensions.
Admin = 16,
* TrustedPartner gives the bearer the rights to publish a extensions with restricted capabilities.
TrustedPartner = 32,
* PrivateRead is another form of read designed to allow higher privilege accessors the ability to read private extensions.
PrivateRead = 64,
* An PublisherQuery is used to search the gallery for a set of publishers that match one of many filter values.
export interface PublisherQuery {
* Each filter is a unique query and will have matching set of publishers returned from the request. Each result will have the same index in the resulting array that the filter had in the incoming query.
filters: QueryFilter[];
* The Flags are used to deterine which set of information the caller would like returned for the matched publishers.
flags: PublisherQueryFlags;
export enum PublisherQueryFilterType {
* The values are used as tags. All tags are treated as "OR" conditions with each other. There may be some value put on the number of matched tags from the query.
Tag = 1,
* The Values are an PublisherName or fragment that is used to match other extension names.
DisplayName = 2,
* The My Query filter is used to retrieve the set of publishers that I have access to publish extesions into. All Values are ignored and the calling user is used as the filter in this case.
My = 3,
export enum PublisherQueryFlags {
* None is used to retrieve only the basic publisher details.
None = 0,
* Is used to include a list of basic extension details for all extensions published by the requested publisher.
IncludeExtensions = 1,
* This is the set of publishers that matched a supplied query through the filters given.
export interface PublisherQueryResult {
* For each filter supplied in the query, a filter result will be returned in the query result.
results: PublisherFilterResult[];
* A filter used to define a set of extensions to return during a query.
export interface QueryFilter {
* The filter values define the set of values in this query. They are applied based on the QueryFilterType.
criteria: FilterCriteria[];
* The PagingDirection is applied to a paging token if one exists. If not the direction is ignored, and Forward from the start of the resultset is used. Direction should be left out of the request unless a paging token is used to help prevent future issues.
direction: PagingDirection;
* The page size defines the number of results the caller wants for this filter. The count can't exceed the overall query size limits.
pageSize: number;
* The paging token is a distinct type of filter and the other filter fields are ignored. The paging token represents the continuation of a previously executed query. The information about where in the result and what fields are being filtered are embeded in the token.
pagingToken: string;
export enum SigningKeyPermissions {
Read = 1,
Write = 2,
export var TypeInfo: {
ExtensionAccount: {
fields: any;
ExtensionFile: {
fields: any;
ExtensionFilterResult: {
fields: any;
ExtensionPackage: {
fields: any;
ExtensionQuery: {
fields: any;
ExtensionQueryFilterType: {
enumValues: {
"tag": number;
"displayName": number;
"private": number;
"id": number;
"category": number;
"contributionType": number;
ExtensionQueryFlags: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"includeVersions": number;
"includeFiles": number;
"includeCategoryAndTags": number;
"includeSharedAccounts": number;
"includeVersionProperties": number;
"excludeNonValidated": number;
"allAttributes": number;
ExtensionQueryResult: {
fields: any;
ExtensionVersion: {
fields: any;
ExtensionVersionFlags: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"validated": number;
FilterCriteria: {
fields: any;
PagingDirection: {
enumValues: {
"backward": number;
"forward": number;
PublishedExtension: {
fields: any;
PublishedExtensionFlags: {
enumValues: {
"unChanged": number;
"none": number;
"disabled": number;
"builtIn": number;
"validated": number;
"public": number;
"multiVersion": number;
"system": number;
"serviceFlags": number;
Publisher: {
fields: any;
PublisherFacts: {
fields: any;
PublisherFilterResult: {
fields: any;
PublisherFlags: {
enumValues: {
"unChanged": number;
"none": number;
"disabled": number;
"serviceFlags": number;
PublisherPermissions: {
enumValues: {
"read": number;
"write": number;
"create": number;
"publish": number;
"admin": number;
"trustedPartner": number;
"privateRead": number;
PublisherQuery: {
fields: any;
PublisherQueryFilterType: {
enumValues: {
"tag": number;
"displayName": number;
"my": number;
PublisherQueryFlags: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"includeExtensions": number;
PublisherQueryResult: {
fields: any;
QueryFilter: {
fields: any;
SigningKeyPermissions: {
enumValues: {
"read": number;
"write": number;
declare module 'vso-node-api/GalleryApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import GalleryInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/GalleryInterfaces');
export interface IGalleryApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
shareExtensionById(extensionId: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
unshareExtensionById(extensionId: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
shareExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
unshareExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getAsset(extensionId: string, version: string, assetType: string, accountToken: string, acceptDefault: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getCategories(languages: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, categories: string[]) => void): void;
getCertificate(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
queryExtensions(extensionQuery: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQuery, accountToken: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extensionquery: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryResult) => void): void;
createExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
deleteExtensionById(extensionId: string, version: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getExtensionById(extensionId: string, version: string, flags: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
updateExtensionById(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, extensionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
createExtensionWithPublisher(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
deleteExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version: string, flags: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
updateExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string, extensionName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
queryPublishers(publisherQuery: GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQuery, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisherquery: GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQueryResult) => void): void;
createPublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher) => void): void;
deletePublisher(publisherName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getPublisher(publisherName: string, flags: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher) => void): void;
updatePublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher, publisherName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher) => void): void;
generateKey(keyType: string, expireCurrentSeconds: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getSigningKey(keyType: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, signingkey: string) => void): void;
export interface IQGalleryApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
getCategories(languages?: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
queryExtensions(extensionQuery: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQuery, accountToken?: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryResult>;
createExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
getExtensionById(extensionId: string, version?: string, flags?: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
updateExtensionById(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, extensionId: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
createExtensionWithPublisher(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
getExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version?: string, flags?: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
updateExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string, extensionName: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
queryPublishers(publisherQuery: GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQuery): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQueryResult>;
createPublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.Publisher>;
getPublisher(publisherName: string, flags?: number): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.Publisher>;
updatePublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher, publisherName: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.Publisher>;
getSigningKey(keyType: string): Q.Promise<string>;
export class GalleryApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IGalleryApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {string} accountName
* @param onResult callback function
shareExtensionById(extensionId: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {string} accountName
* @param onResult callback function
unshareExtensionById(extensionId: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param {string} accountName
* @param onResult callback function
shareExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param {string} accountName
* @param onResult callback function
unshareExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, accountName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {string} version
* @param {string} assetType
* @param {string} accountToken
* @param {boolean} acceptDefault
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getAsset(extensionId: string, version: string, assetType: string, accountToken: string, acceptDefault: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param {string} languages
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
getCategories(languages: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, categories: string[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param {string} version
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getCertificate(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQuery} extensionQuery
* @param {string} accountToken
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryResult
queryExtensions(extensionQuery: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQuery, accountToken: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extensionquery: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryResult) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension
createExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {string} version
* @param onResult callback function
deleteExtensionById(extensionId: string, version: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {string} version
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags} flags
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension
getExtensionById(extensionId: string, version: string, flags: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension
updateExtensionById(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, extensionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension
createExtensionWithPublisher(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param {string} version
* @param onResult callback function
deleteExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param {string} version
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags} flags
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension
getExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version: string, flags: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension
updateExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string, extensionName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, extension: GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQuery} publisherQuery
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQueryResult
queryPublishers(publisherQuery: GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQuery, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisherquery: GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQueryResult) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.Publisher} publisher
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.Publisher
createPublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param onResult callback function
deletePublisher(publisherName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {number} flags
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.Publisher
getPublisher(publisherName: string, flags: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher) => void): void;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.Publisher} publisher
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GalleryInterfaces.Publisher
updatePublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher, publisherName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher) => void): void;
* @param {string} keyType
* @param {number} expireCurrentSeconds
* @param onResult callback function
generateKey(keyType: string, expireCurrentSeconds: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} keyType
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string
getSigningKey(keyType: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, signingkey: string) => void): void;
export class QGalleryApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQGalleryApi {
api: GalleryApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {string} languages
getCategories(languages?: string): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQuery} extensionQuery
* @param {string} accountToken
queryExtensions(extensionQuery: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQuery, accountToken?: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryResult>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
createExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
* @param {string} extensionId
* @param {string} version
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags} flags
getExtensionById(extensionId: string, version?: string, flags?: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param {string} extensionId
updateExtensionById(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, extensionId: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param {string} publisherName
createExtensionWithPublisher(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
* @param {string} version
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags} flags
getExtension(publisherName: string, extensionName: string, version?: string, flags?: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionQueryFlags): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage} extensionPackage
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {string} extensionName
updateExtension(extensionPackage: GalleryInterfaces.ExtensionPackage, publisherName: string, extensionName: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublishedExtension>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQuery} publisherQuery
queryPublishers(publisherQuery: GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQuery): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.PublisherQueryResult>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.Publisher} publisher
createPublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.Publisher>;
* @param {string} publisherName
* @param {number} flags
getPublisher(publisherName: string, flags?: number): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.Publisher>;
* @param {GalleryInterfaces.Publisher} publisher
* @param {string} publisherName
updatePublisher(publisher: GalleryInterfaces.Publisher, publisherName: string): Q.Promise<GalleryInterfaces.Publisher>;
* @param {string} keyType
getSigningKey(keyType: string): Q.Promise<string>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/GitInterfaces' {
import TfsInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/TfsInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface AssociatedWorkItem {
assignedTo: string;
id: number;
state: string;
title: string;
* REST url
url: string;
webUrl: string;
workItemType: string;
export interface Change<T> {
changeType: VersionControlChangeType;
item: T;
newContent: ItemContent;
sourceServerItem: string;
url: string;
export interface ChangeCountDictionary {
export interface ChangeList<T> {
allChangesIncluded: boolean;
changeCounts: {
[key: number]: number;
changes: Change<T>[];
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
creationDate: Date;
notes: CheckinNote[];
owner: string;
ownerDisplayName: string;
ownerId: string;
sortDate: Date;
version: string;
* Criteria used in a search for change lists
export interface ChangeListSearchCriteria {
* If provided, a version descriptor to compare against base
compareVersion: string;
* If true, don't include delete history entries
excludeDeletes: boolean;
* Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried
followRenames: boolean;
* If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string)
fromDate: string;
* If provided, a version descriptor for the earliest change list to include
fromVersion: string;
* Path of item to search under
itemPath: string;
* Version of the items to search
itemVersion: string;
* Number of results to skip (used when clicking more...)
skip: number;
* If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string)
toDate: string;
* If provided, the maximum number of history entries to return
top: number;
* If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include
toVersion: string;
* Alias or display name of user who made the changes
user: string;
export interface CheckinNote {
name: string;
value: string;
export interface FileContentMetadata {
contentType: string;
encoding: number;
extension: string;
fileName: string;
isBinary: boolean;
isImage: boolean;
vsLink: string;
export interface GitBaseVersionDescriptor extends GitVersionDescriptor {
* Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit)
baseVersion: string;
* Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
baseVersionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted
baseVersionType: GitVersionType;
export interface GitBlobRef {
_links: any;
* SHA1 hash of git object
objectId: string;
* Size of blob content (in bytes)
size: number;
url: string;
export interface GitBranchStats {
aheadCount: number;
behindCount: number;
commit: GitCommitRef;
isBaseVersion: boolean;
name: string;
export interface GitChange extends Change<GitItem> {
export interface GitCommit extends GitCommitRef {
push: GitPushRef;
treeId: string;
export interface GitCommitChanges {
changeCounts: ChangeCountDictionary;
changes: GitChange[];
export interface GitCommitDiffs {
aheadCount: number;
allChangesIncluded: boolean;
baseCommit: string;
behindCount: number;
changeCounts: {
[key: number]: number;
changes: GitChange[];
commonCommit: string;
targetCommit: string;
export interface GitCommitRef {
_links: any;
author: GitUserDate;
changeCounts: ChangeCountDictionary;
changes: GitChange[];
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
commitId: string;
committer: GitUserDate;
parents: string[];
remoteUrl: string;
url: string;
export interface GitCommitToCreate {
baseRef: GitRef;
comment: string;
pathActions: GitPathAction[];
export interface GitHistoryQueryResults extends HistoryQueryResults<GitItem> {
* Seed commit used for querying history. Used for skip feature.
startingCommitId: string;
unpopulatedCount: number;
unprocessedCount: number;
export interface GitItem extends ItemModel {
* SHA1 of commit item was fetched at
commitId: string;
* Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag, ...)
gitObjectType: GitObjectType;
* Shallow ref to commit that last changed this item Only populated if latestProcessedChange is requested May not be accurate if latest change is not yet cached
latestProcessedChange: GitCommitRef;
* Git object id
objectId: string;
* Git object id
originalObjectId: string;
export interface GitItemDescriptor {
* Path to item
path: string;
* Specifies whether to include children (OneLevel), all descendants (Full), or None
recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType;
* Version string (interpretation based on VersionType defined in subclass
version: string;
* Version modifiers (e.g. previous)
versionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* How to interpret version (branch,tag,commit)
versionType: GitVersionType;
export interface GitItemRequestData {
* Whether to include metadata for all items
includeContentMetadata: boolean;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Collection of items to fetch, including path, version, and recursion level
itemDescriptors: GitItemDescriptor[];
* Whether to include shallow ref to commit that last changed each item
latestProcessedChange: boolean;
* Encapsulates the reference metadata of a Git media object.
export interface GitMediaObjectRef {
* Gets or sets the reference links of the Git media object.
_links: any;
* Gets or sets the Git media object identifier. This Id property duplicates the Oid property, but is required by the VSO REST specification.
id: string;
* Gets or sets the Git media object identifier. This property exists for adherence to the GitHub Git Media contract.
oid: string;
* Gets or sets the size of the Git media object in bytes. This property exists for adherence to the GitHub Git Media contract.
size: number;
* Gets or sets the URL for the Git media object.
url: string;
export enum GitObjectType {
Bad = 0,
Commit = 1,
Tree = 2,
Blob = 3,
Tag = 4,
Ext2 = 5,
OfsDelta = 6,
RefDelta = 7,
export interface GitPathAction {
action: GitPathActions;
base64Content: string;
path: string;
rawTextContent: string;
targetPath: string;
export enum GitPathActions {
None = 0,
Edit = 1,
Delete = 2,
Add = 3,
Rename = 4,
export interface GitPullRequest {
_links: any;
closedDate: Date;
codeReviewId: number;
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
creationDate: Date;
description: string;
lastMergeCommit: GitCommitRef;
lastMergeSourceCommit: GitCommitRef;
lastMergeTargetCommit: GitCommitRef;
mergeId: string;
mergeStatus: PullRequestAsyncStatus;
pullRequestId: number;
remoteUrl: string;
repository: GitRepository;
reviewers: IdentityRefWithVote[];
sourceRefName: string;
status: PullRequestStatus;
targetRefName: string;
title: string;
upgraded: boolean;
url: string;
export interface GitPullRequestSearchCriteria {
creatorId: string;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
repositoryId: string;
reviewerId: string;
sourceRefName: string;
status: PullRequestStatus;
targetRefName: string;
export interface GitPush extends GitPushRef {
commits: GitCommitRef[];
refUpdates: GitRefUpdate[];
repository: GitRepository;
export interface GitPushEventData {
afterId: string;
beforeId: string;
branch: string;
commits: GitCommit[];
repository: GitRepository;
export interface GitPushRef {
_links: any;
date: Date;
pushCorrelationId: string;
pushedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
pushId: number;
url: string;
export interface GitPushSearchCriteria {
fromDate: Date;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
includeRefUpdates: boolean;
pusherId: string;
refName: string;
toDate: Date;
export interface GitQueryCommitsCriteria {
* Number of entries to skip
$skip: number;
* Maximum number of entries to retrieve
$top: number;
* Alias or display name of the author
author: string;
* If provided, the earliest commit in the graph to search
compareVersion: GitVersionDescriptor;
* If true, don't include delete history entries
excludeDeletes: boolean;
* If provided, a lower bound for filtering commits alphabetically
fromCommitId: string;
* If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string)
fromDate: string;
* If provided, specifies the exact commit ids of the commits to fetch. May not be combined with other parameters.
ids: string[];
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Path of item to search under
itemPath: string;
* If provided, identifies the commit or branch to search
itemVersion: GitVersionDescriptor;
* If provided, an upper bound for filtering commits alphabetically
toCommitId: string;
* If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string)
toDate: string;
* Alias or display name of the committer
user: string;
export interface GitRef {
_links: any;
isLockedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
name: string;
objectId: string;
url: string;
export interface GitRefUpdate {
name: string;
newObjectId: string;
oldObjectId: string;
repositoryId: string;
export enum GitRefUpdateMode {
* Indicates the Git protocol model where any refs that can be updated will be updated, but any failures will not prevent other updates from succeeding.
BestEffort = 0,
* Indicates that all ref updates must succeed or none will succeed. All ref updates will be atomically written. If any failure is encountered, previously successful updates will be rolled back and the entire operation will fail.
AllOrNone = 1,
export interface GitRefUpdateResult {
* Custom message for the result object For instance, Reason for failing.
customMessage: string;
* Ref name
name: string;
* New object ID
newObjectId: string;
* Old object ID
oldObjectId: string;
* Name of the plugin that rejected the updated.
rejectedBy: string;
* Repository ID
repositoryId: string;
* True if the ref update succeeded, false otherwise
success: boolean;
* Status of the update from the TFS server.
updateStatus: GitRefUpdateStatus;
export interface GitRefUpdateResultSet {
countFailed: number;
countSucceeded: number;
pushCorrelationId: string;
pushIds: {
[key: number]: number;
pushTime: Date;
results: GitRefUpdateResult[];
export enum GitRefUpdateStatus {
* Indicates that the ref update request was completed successfully.
Succeeded = 0,
* Indicates that the ref update request could not be completed because part of the graph would be disconnected by this change, and the caller does not have ForcePush permission on the repository.
ForcePushRequired = 1,
* Indicates that the ref update request could not be completed because the old object ID presented in the request was not the object ID of the ref when the database attempted the update. The most likely scenario is that the caller lost a race to update the ref.
StaleOldObjectId = 2,
* Indicates that the ref update request could not be completed because the ref name presented in the request was not valid.
InvalidRefName = 3,
* The request was not processed
Unprocessed = 4,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the new object ID for the ref could not be resolved to a commit object (potentially through any number of tags)
UnresolvableToCommit = 5,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks write permissions required to write this ref
WritePermissionRequired = 6,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks note creation permissions required to write this note
ManageNotePermissionRequired = 7,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks the permission to create a branch
CreateBranchPermissionRequired = 8,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks the permission to create a tag
CreateTagPermissionRequired = 9,
* The ref update could not be completed because it was rejected by the plugin.
RejectedByPlugin = 10,
* The ref update could not be completed because the ref is locked by another user.
Locked = 11,
* The ref update could not be completed because, in case-insensitive mode, the ref name conflicts with an existing, differently-cased ref name.
RefNameConflict = 12,
* The ref update could not be completed because it was rejected by policy.
RejectedByPolicy = 13,
* Indicates that the ref update request was completed successfully, but the ref doesn't actually exist so no changes were made. This should only happen during deletes.
SucceededNonExistentRef = 14,
* Indicates that the ref update request was completed successfully, but the passed-in ref was corrupt - as in, the old object ID was bad. This should only happen during deletes.
SucceededCorruptRef = 15,
export interface GitRepository {
_links: any;
defaultBranch: string;
id: string;
name: string;
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
remoteUrl: string;
url: string;
export enum GitRepositoryPermissions {
None = 0,
Administer = 1,
GenericRead = 2,
GenericContribute = 4,
ForcePush = 8,
CreateBranch = 16,
CreateTag = 32,
ManageNote = 64,
PolicyExempt = 128,
* This defines the set of bits that are valid for the git permission space. When reading or writing git permissions, these are the only bits paid attention too.
All = 255,
BranchLevelPermissions = 141,
export interface GitTargetVersionDescriptor extends GitVersionDescriptor {
* Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit)
targetVersion: string;
* Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
targetVersionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted
targetVersionType: GitVersionType;
export interface GitTreeEntryRef {
* Blob or tree
gitObjectType: GitObjectType;
* Mode represented as octal string
mode: string;
* SHA1 hash of git object
objectId: string;
* Path relative to parent tree object
relativePath: string;
* Size of content
size: number;
* url to retrieve tree or blob
url: string;
export interface GitTreeRef {
_links: any;
* SHA1 hash of git object
objectId: string;
* Sum of sizes of all children
size: number;
* Blobs and trees under this tree
treeEntries: GitTreeEntryRef[];
* Url to tree
url: string;
export interface GitUserDate {
date: Date;
email: string;
name: string;
export interface GitVersionDescriptor {
* Version string identifier (name of tag/branch/index, SHA1 of commit)
version: string;
* Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
versionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* Version type (branch, tag, commit, or index). Determines how Id is interpreted
versionType: GitVersionType;
export enum GitVersionOptions {
* Not specified
None = 0,
* Commit that changed item prior to the current version
PreviousChange = 1,
* First parent of commit (HEAD^)
FirstParent = 2,
export enum GitVersionType {
* Interpret the version as a branch name
Branch = 0,
* Interpret the version as a tag name
Tag = 1,
* Interpret the version as a commit ID (SHA1)
Commit = 2,
* Interpret the version as an index name
Index = 3,
export interface HistoryEntry<T> {
* The Change list (changeset/commit/shelveset) for this point in history
changeList: ChangeList<T>;
* The change made to the item from this change list (only relevant for File history, not folders)
itemChangeType: VersionControlChangeType;
* The path of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders)
serverItem: string;
export interface HistoryQueryResults<T> {
* True if there are more results available to fetch (we're returning the max # of items requested) A more RESTy solution would be to include a Link header
moreResultsAvailable: boolean;
* The history entries (results) from this query
results: HistoryEntry<T>[];
export interface IdentityRefWithVote extends VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef {
isRequired: boolean;
reviewerUrl: string;
vote: number;
votedFor: IdentityRefWithVote[];
export interface IncludedGitCommit {
commitId: string;
commitTime: Date;
parentCommitIds: string[];
repositoryId: string;
export interface ItemContent {
content: string;
contentType: ItemContentType;
export enum ItemContentType {
RawText = 0,
Base64Encoded = 1,
* Optional details to include when returning an item model
export interface ItemDetailsOptions {
* If true, include metadata about the file type
includeContentMetadata: boolean;
* Specifies whether to include children (OneLevel), all descendants (Full) or None for folder items
recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType;
export interface ItemModel {
_links: any;
contentMetadata: FileContentMetadata;
isFolder: boolean;
isSymLink: boolean;
path: string;
url: string;
export enum PullRequestAsyncStatus {
NotSet = 0,
Queued = 1,
Conflicts = 2,
Succeeded = 3,
RejectedByPolicy = 4,
Failure = 5,
export enum PullRequestStatus {
NotSet = 0,
Active = 1,
Abandoned = 2,
Completed = 3,
export interface TfvcBranch extends TfvcBranchRef {
children: TfvcBranch[];
mappings: TfvcBranchMapping[];
parent: TfvcShallowBranchRef;
relatedBranches: TfvcShallowBranchRef[];
export interface TfvcBranchMapping {
depth: string;
serverItem: string;
type: string;
export interface TfvcBranchRef extends TfvcShallowBranchRef {
_links: any;
createdDate: Date;
description: string;
isDeleted: boolean;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
url: string;
export interface TfvcChange extends Change<TfvcItem> {
* List of merge sources in case of rename or branch creation.
mergeSources: TfvcMergeSource[];
* Version at which a (shelved) change was pended against
pendingVersion: number;
export interface TfvcChangeset extends TfvcChangesetRef {
accountId: string;
changes: TfvcChange[];
checkinNotes: CheckinNote[];
collectionId: string;
hasMoreChanges: boolean;
policyOverride: TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo;
teamProjectIds: string[];
workItems: AssociatedWorkItem[];
export interface TfvcChangesetRef {
_links: any;
author: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
changesetId: number;
checkedInBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
createdDate: Date;
url: string;
* Criteria used in a search for change lists
export interface TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria {
* Alias or display name of user who made the changes
author: string;
* Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried
followRenames: boolean;
* If provided, only include changesets created after this date (string) Think of a better name for this.
fromDate: string;
* If provided, only include changesets after this changesetID
fromId: number;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Path of item to search under
path: string;
* If provided, only include changesets created before this date (string) Think of a better name for this.
toDate: string;
* If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include
toId: number;
export interface TfvcChangesetsRequestData {
changesetIds: number[];
commentLength: number;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
export interface TfvcCheckinEventData {
changeset: TfvcChangeset;
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
export interface TfvcHistoryEntry extends HistoryEntry<TfvcItem> {
* The encoding of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders)
encoding: number;
* The file id of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders)
fileId: number;
export interface TfvcItem extends ItemModel {
changeDate: Date;
deletionId: number;
isBranch: boolean;
isPendingChange: boolean;
version: number;
* Item path and Version descriptor properties
export interface TfvcItemDescriptor {
path: string;
recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType;
version: string;
versionOption: TfvcVersionOption;
versionType: TfvcVersionType;
export interface TfvcItemRequestData {
* If true, include metadata about the file type
includeContentMetadata: boolean;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
itemDescriptors: TfvcItemDescriptor[];
export interface TfvcLabel extends TfvcLabelRef {
items: TfvcItem[];
export interface TfvcLabelRef {
_links: any;
description: string;
id: number;
labelScope: string;
modifiedDate: Date;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
url: string;
export interface TfvcLabelRequestData {
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
itemLabelFilter: string;
labelScope: string;
maxItemCount: number;
name: string;
owner: string;
export interface TfvcMergeSource {
* Indicates if this a rename source. If false, it is a merge source.
isRename: boolean;
* The server item of the merge source
serverItem: string;
* Start of the version range
versionFrom: number;
* End of the version range
versionTo: number;
export interface TfvcPolicyFailureInfo {
message: string;
policyName: string;
export interface TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo {
comment: string;
policyFailures: TfvcPolicyFailureInfo[];
export interface TfvcShallowBranchRef {
path: string;
export interface TfvcShelveset extends TfvcShelvesetRef {
changes: TfvcChange[];
notes: CheckinNote[];
policyOverride: TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo;
workItems: AssociatedWorkItem[];
export interface TfvcShelvesetRef {
_links: any;
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
createdDate: Date;
id: string;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
url: string;
export interface TfvcShelvesetRequestData {
* Whether to include policyOverride and notes
includeDetails: boolean;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Whether to include workItems
includeWorkItems: boolean;
* Max number of changes to include
maxChangeCount: number;
* Max length of comment
maxCommentLength: number;
* Shelveset's name
name: string;
* Owner's ID. Could be a name or a guid.
owner: string;
export interface TfvcVersionDescriptor {
version: string;
versionOption: TfvcVersionOption;
versionType: TfvcVersionType;
export enum TfvcVersionOption {
None = 0,
Previous = 1,
UseRename = 2,
export enum TfvcVersionType {
None = 0,
Changeset = 1,
Shelveset = 2,
Change = 3,
Date = 4,
Latest = 5,
Tip = 6,
MergeSource = 7,
export interface UpdateRefsRequest {
refUpdateRequests: GitRefUpdate[];
updateMode: GitRefUpdateMode;
export enum VersionControlChangeType {
None = 0,
Add = 1,
Edit = 2,
Encoding = 4,
Rename = 8,
Delete = 16,
Undelete = 32,
Branch = 64,
Merge = 128,
Lock = 256,
Rollback = 512,
SourceRename = 1024,
TargetRename = 2048,
Property = 4096,
All = 8191,
export interface VersionControlProjectInfo {
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
supportsGit: boolean;
supportsTFVC: boolean;
export enum VersionControlRecursionType {
None = 0,
OneLevel = 1,
Full = 120,
export var TypeInfo: {
AssociatedWorkItem: {
fields: any;
Change: {
fields: any;
ChangeCountDictionary: {
fields: any;
ChangeList: {
fields: any;
ChangeListSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
CheckinNote: {
fields: any;
FileContentMetadata: {
fields: any;
GitBaseVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitBlobRef: {
fields: any;
GitBranchStats: {
fields: any;
GitChange: {
fields: any;
GitCommit: {
fields: any;
GitCommitChanges: {
fields: any;
GitCommitDiffs: {
fields: any;
GitCommitRef: {
fields: any;
GitCommitToCreate: {
fields: any;
GitHistoryQueryResults: {
fields: any;
GitItem: {
fields: any;
GitItemDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitItemRequestData: {
fields: any;
GitMediaObjectRef: {
fields: any;
GitObjectType: {
enumValues: {
"bad": number;
"commit": number;
"tree": number;
"blob": number;
"tag": number;
"ext2": number;
"ofsDelta": number;
"refDelta": number;
GitPathAction: {
fields: any;
GitPathActions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"edit": number;
"delete": number;
"add": number;
"rename": number;
GitPullRequest: {
fields: any;
GitPullRequestSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
GitPush: {
fields: any;
GitPushEventData: {
fields: any;
GitPushRef: {
fields: any;
GitPushSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
GitQueryCommitsCriteria: {
fields: any;
GitRef: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdate: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdateMode: {
enumValues: {
"bestEffort": number;
"allOrNone": number;
GitRefUpdateResult: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdateResultSet: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdateStatus: {
enumValues: {
"succeeded": number;
"forcePushRequired": number;
"staleOldObjectId": number;
"invalidRefName": number;
"unprocessed": number;
"unresolvableToCommit": number;
"writePermissionRequired": number;
"manageNotePermissionRequired": number;
"createBranchPermissionRequired": number;
"createTagPermissionRequired": number;
"rejectedByPlugin": number;
"locked": number;
"refNameConflict": number;
"rejectedByPolicy": number;
"succeededNonExistentRef": number;
"succeededCorruptRef": number;
GitRepository: {
fields: any;
GitRepositoryPermissions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"administer": number;
"genericRead": number;
"genericContribute": number;
"forcePush": number;
"createBranch": number;
"createTag": number;
"manageNote": number;
"policyExempt": number;
"all": number;
"branchLevelPermissions": number;
GitTargetVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitTreeEntryRef: {
fields: any;
GitTreeRef: {
fields: any;
GitUserDate: {
fields: any;
GitVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitVersionOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"previousChange": number;
"firstParent": number;
GitVersionType: {
enumValues: {
"branch": number;
"tag": number;
"commit": number;
"index": number;
HistoryEntry: {
fields: any;
HistoryQueryResults: {
fields: any;
IdentityRefWithVote: {
fields: any;
IncludedGitCommit: {
fields: any;
ItemContent: {
fields: any;
ItemContentType: {
enumValues: {
"rawText": number;
"base64Encoded": number;
ItemDetailsOptions: {
fields: any;
ItemModel: {
fields: any;
PullRequestAsyncStatus: {
enumValues: {
"notSet": number;
"queued": number;
"conflicts": number;
"succeeded": number;
"rejectedByPolicy": number;
"failure": number;
PullRequestStatus: {
enumValues: {
"notSet": number;
"active": number;
"abandoned": number;
"completed": number;
TfvcBranch: {
fields: any;
TfvcBranchMapping: {
fields: any;
TfvcBranchRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcChange: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangeset: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangesetRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangesetsRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcCheckinEventData: {
fields: any;
TfvcHistoryEntry: {
fields: any;
TfvcItem: {
fields: any;
TfvcItemDescriptor: {
fields: any;
TfvcItemRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcLabel: {
fields: any;
TfvcLabelRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcLabelRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcMergeSource: {
fields: any;
TfvcPolicyFailureInfo: {
fields: any;
TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo: {
fields: any;
TfvcShallowBranchRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcShelveset: {
fields: any;
TfvcShelvesetRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcShelvesetRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
TfvcVersionOption: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"previous": number;
"useRename": number;
TfvcVersionType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"changeset": number;
"shelveset": number;
"change": number;
"date": number;
"latest": number;
"tip": number;
"mergeSource": number;
UpdateRefsRequest: {
fields: any;
VersionControlChangeType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"add": number;
"edit": number;
"encoding": number;
"rename": number;
"delete": number;
"undelete": number;
"branch": number;
"merge": number;
"lock": number;
"rollback": number;
"sourceRename": number;
"targetRename": number;
"property": number;
"all": number;
VersionControlProjectInfo: {
fields: any;
VersionControlRecursionType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"oneLevel": number;
"full": number;
declare module 'vso-node-api/GitApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import GitInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/GitInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface IGitApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
getBlob(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, download: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Blob: GitInterfaces.GitBlobRef) => void): void;
getBlobContent(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, download: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getBlobsZip(blobIds: string[], repositoryId: string, project: string, filename: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getBlobZip(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, download: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getBranch(repositoryId: string, name: string, project: string, baseVersionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, BranchStat: GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats) => void): void;
getBranches(repositoryId: string, project: string, baseVersionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, BranchStats: GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats[]) => void): void;
getChanges(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Change: GitInterfaces.GitCommitChanges) => void): void;
createCommit(repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commit: GitInterfaces.GitCommit) => void): void;
getCommit(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project: string, changeCount: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commit: GitInterfaces.GitCommit) => void): void;
getCommits(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, project: string, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commits: GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]) => void): void;
getPushCommits(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project: string, top: number, skip: number, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commits: GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]) => void): void;
getCommitsBatch(searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, repositoryId: string, project: string, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CommitsBatch: GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]) => void): void;
getItem(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Item: GitInterfaces.GitItem) => void): void;
getItemContent(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getItems(repositoryId: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, includeLinks: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Items: GitInterfaces.GitItem[]) => void): void;
getItemText(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getItemZip(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getItemsBatch(requestData: GitInterfaces.GitItemRequestData, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ItemsBatch: GitInterfaces.GitItem[][]) => void): void;
createPullRequestReviewer(reviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote) => void): void;
createPullRequestReviewers(reviewers: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[], repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewers: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]) => void): void;
deletePullRequestReviewer(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getPullRequestReviewer(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote) => void): void;
getPullRequestReviewers(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewers: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]) => void): void;
getPullRequestsByProject(project: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, maxCommentLength: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequests: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]) => void): void;
createPullRequest(gitPullRequestToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequest: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest) => void): void;
getPullRequest(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, maxCommentLength: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequest: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest) => void): void;
getPullRequests(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, project: string, maxCommentLength: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequests: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]) => void): void;
updatePullRequest(gitPullRequestToUpdate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequest: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest) => void): void;
getPullRequestWorkItems(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, commitsTop: number, commitsSkip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestWorkItems: GitInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]) => void): void;
createPush(push: GitInterfaces.GitPush, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pushe: GitInterfaces.GitPush) => void): void;
getPush(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project: string, includeCommits: number, includeRefUpdates: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pushe: GitInterfaces.GitPush) => void): void;
getPushes(repositoryId: string, project: string, skip: number, top: number, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPushSearchCriteria, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pushes: GitInterfaces.GitPush[]) => void): void;
getRefs(repositoryId: string, project: string, filter: string, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, refs: GitInterfaces.GitRef[]) => void): void;
updateRefs(refUpdates: GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdate[], repositoryId: string, project: string, projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, refs: GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdateResult[]) => void): void;
createRepository(gitRepositoryToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositorie: GitInterfaces.GitRepository) => void): void;
deleteRepository(repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getRepositories(project: string, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositories: GitInterfaces.GitRepository[]) => void): void;
getRepository(repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositorie: GitInterfaces.GitRepository) => void): void;
updateRepository(newRepositoryInfo: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositorie: GitInterfaces.GitRepository) => void): void;
getTree(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, projectId: string, recursive: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Tree: GitInterfaces.GitTreeRef) => void): void;
getTreeZip(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, projectId: string, recursive: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
export interface IQGitApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
getBlob(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project?: string, download?: boolean, fileName?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitBlobRef>;
getBranch(repositoryId: string, name: string, project?: string, baseVersionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats>;
getBranches(repositoryId: string, project?: string, baseVersionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats[]>;
getChanges(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project?: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitChanges>;
createCommit(repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommit>;
getCommit(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project?: string, changeCount?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommit>;
getCommits(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, project?: string, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]>;
getPushCommits(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project?: string, top?: number, skip?: number, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]>;
getCommitsBatch(searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, repositoryId: string, project?: string, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]>;
getItem(repositoryId: string, path: string, project?: string, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata?: boolean, latestProcessedChange?: boolean, download?: boolean, versionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitItem>;
getItems(repositoryId: string, project?: string, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata?: boolean, latestProcessedChange?: boolean, download?: boolean, includeLinks?: boolean, versionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitItem[]>;
getItemsBatch(requestData: GitInterfaces.GitItemRequestData, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitItem[][]>;
createPullRequestReviewer(reviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote>;
createPullRequestReviewers(reviewers: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[], repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]>;
getPullRequestReviewer(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote>;
getPullRequestReviewers(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]>;
getPullRequestsByProject(project: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, maxCommentLength?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]>;
createPullRequest(gitPullRequestToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest>;
getPullRequest(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string, maxCommentLength?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest>;
getPullRequests(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, project?: string, maxCommentLength?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]>;
updatePullRequest(gitPullRequestToUpdate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest>;
getPullRequestWorkItems(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string, commitsTop?: number, commitsSkip?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]>;
createPush(push: GitInterfaces.GitPush, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPush>;
getPush(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project?: string, includeCommits?: number, includeRefUpdates?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPush>;
getPushes(repositoryId: string, project?: string, skip?: number, top?: number, searchCriteria?: GitInterfaces.GitPushSearchCriteria): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPush[]>;
getRefs(repositoryId: string, project?: string, filter?: string, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRef[]>;
updateRefs(refUpdates: GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdate[], repositoryId: string, project?: string, projectId?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdateResult[]>;
createRepository(gitRepositoryToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository>;
getRepositories(project?: string, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository[]>;
getRepository(repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository>;
updateRepository(newRepositoryInfo: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository>;
getTree(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project?: string, projectId?: string, recursive?: boolean, fileName?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitTreeRef>;
export class GitApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IGitApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Gets a single blob.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitBlobRef
getBlob(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, download: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Blob: GitInterfaces.GitBlobRef) => void): void;
* Gets a single blob.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getBlobContent(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, download: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Gets one or more blobs in a zip file download.
* @param {string[]} blobIds
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} filename
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getBlobsZip(blobIds: string[], repositoryId: string, project: string, filename: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Gets a single blob.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getBlobZip(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, download: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Retrieve statistics about a single branch.
* @param {string} repositoryId - Friendly name or guid of repository
* @param {string} name - Name of the branch
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} baseVersionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats
getBranch(repositoryId: string, name: string, project: string, baseVersionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, BranchStat: GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats) => void): void;
* Retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository.
* @param {string} repositoryId - Friendly name or guid of repository
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} baseVersionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats[]
getBranches(repositoryId: string, project: string, baseVersionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, BranchStats: GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats[]) => void): void;
* Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
* @param {string} commitId - The id of the commit.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of changes to return.
* @param {number} skip - The number of changes to skip.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitCommitChanges
getChanges(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Change: GitInterfaces.GitCommitChanges) => void): void;
* Create a git commit for a project
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitCommit
createCommit(repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commit: GitInterfaces.GitCommit) => void): void;
* Retrieve a particular commit.
* @param {string} commitId - The id of the commit.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} changeCount - The number of changes to include in the result.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitCommit
getCommit(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project: string, changeCount: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commit: GitInterfaces.GitCommit) => void): void;
* Retrieve git commits for a project
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]
getCommits(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, project: string, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commits: GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]) => void): void;
* Retrieve a list of commits associated with a particular push.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {number} pushId - The id of the push.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of commits to return ("get the top x commits").
* @param {number} skip - The number of commits to skip.
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]
getPushCommits(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project: string, top: number, skip: number, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Commits: GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]) => void): void;
* Retrieve git commits for a project
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria} searchCriteria - Search options
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]
getCommitsBatch(searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, repositoryId: string, project: string, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CommitsBatch: GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitItem
getItem(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Item: GitInterfaces.GitItem) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getItemContent(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitItem[]
getItems(repositoryId: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, includeLinks: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Items: GitInterfaces.GitItem[]) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string
getItemText(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getItemZip(repositoryId: string, path: string, project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata: boolean, latestProcessedChange: boolean, download: boolean, versionDescriptor: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Post for retrieving a creating a batch out of a set of items in a repo / project given a list of paths or a long path
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitItemRequestData} requestData
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitItem[][]
getItemsBatch(requestData: GitInterfaces.GitItemRequestData, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ItemsBatch: GitInterfaces.GitItem[][]) => void): void;
* Adds a reviewer to a git pull request
* @param {GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote} reviewer
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} reviewerId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote
createPullRequestReviewer(reviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote) => void): void;
* Adds reviewers to a git pull request
* @param {VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]} reviewers
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]
createPullRequestReviewers(reviewers: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[], repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewers: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]) => void): void;
* Adds reviewers to a git pull request
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} reviewerId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function
deletePullRequestReviewer(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Retrieve a reviewer from a pull request
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} reviewerId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote
getPullRequestReviewer(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote) => void): void;
* Retrieve a pull request reviewers
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]
getPullRequestReviewers(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestReviewers: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]) => void): void;
* Query pull requests by project
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]
getPullRequestsByProject(project: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, maxCommentLength: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequests: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]) => void): void;
* Create a git pull request
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest} gitPullRequestToCreate
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest
createPullRequest(gitPullRequestToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequest: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest) => void): void;
* Retrieve a pull request
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest
getPullRequest(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, maxCommentLength: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequest: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest) => void): void;
* Query for pull requests
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]
getPullRequests(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, project: string, maxCommentLength: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequests: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]) => void): void;
* Updates a pull request
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest} gitPullRequestToUpdate
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest
updatePullRequest(gitPullRequestToUpdate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequest: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest) => void): void;
* Retrieve a pull request work items
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} commitsTop
* @param {number} commitsSkip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]
getPullRequestWorkItems(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project: string, commitsTop: number, commitsSkip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, PullRequestWorkItems: GitInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]) => void): void;
* Push changes to the repository.
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPush} push
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, a project-scoped route must be used.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPush
createPush(push: GitInterfaces.GitPush, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pushe: GitInterfaces.GitPush) => void): void;
* Retrieve a particular push.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {number} pushId - The id of the push.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} includeCommits - The number of commits to include in the result.
* @param {boolean} includeRefUpdates
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPush
getPush(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project: string, includeCommits: number, includeRefUpdates: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pushe: GitInterfaces.GitPush) => void): void;
* Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPushSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitPush[]
getPushes(repositoryId: string, project: string, skip: number, top: number, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPushSearchCriteria, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pushes: GitInterfaces.GitPush[]) => void): void;
* Queries the provided repository for its refs and returns them.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} filter - [optional] A filter to apply to the refs.
* @param {boolean} includeLinks - [optional] Specifies if referenceLinks should be included in the result. default is false.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitRef[]
getRefs(repositoryId: string, project: string, filter: string, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, refs: GitInterfaces.GitRef[]) => void): void;
* Creates or updates refs with the given information
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdate[]} refUpdates - List of ref updates to attempt to perform
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} projectId - The id of the project.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdateResult[]
updateRefs(refUpdates: GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdate[], repositoryId: string, project: string, projectId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, refs: GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdateResult[]) => void): void;
* Create a git repository
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitRepository} gitRepositoryToCreate
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitRepository
createRepository(gitRepositoryToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositorie: GitInterfaces.GitRepository) => void): void;
* Delete a git repository
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function
deleteRepository(repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Retrieve git repositories.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitRepository[]
getRepositories(project: string, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositories: GitInterfaces.GitRepository[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitRepository
getRepository(repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositorie: GitInterfaces.GitRepository) => void): void;
* Updates the Git repository with the single populated change in the specified repository information.
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitRepository} newRepositoryInfo
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitRepository
updateRepository(newRepositoryInfo: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, repositoryId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Repositorie: GitInterfaces.GitRepository) => void): void;
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {boolean} recursive
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting GitInterfaces.GitTreeRef
getTree(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, projectId: string, recursive: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Tree: GitInterfaces.GitTreeRef) => void): void;
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {boolean} recursive
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getTreeZip(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project: string, projectId: string, recursive: boolean, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
export class QGitApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQGitApi {
api: GitApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Gets a single blob.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} fileName
getBlob(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project?: string, download?: boolean, fileName?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitBlobRef>;
* Retrieve statistics about a single branch.
* @param {string} repositoryId - Friendly name or guid of repository
* @param {string} name - Name of the branch
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} baseVersionDescriptor
getBranch(repositoryId: string, name: string, project?: string, baseVersionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats>;
* Retrieve statistics about all branches within a repository.
* @param {string} repositoryId - Friendly name or guid of repository
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} baseVersionDescriptor
getBranches(repositoryId: string, project?: string, baseVersionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitBranchStats[]>;
* Retrieve changes for a particular commit.
* @param {string} commitId - The id of the commit.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of changes to return.
* @param {number} skip - The number of changes to skip.
getChanges(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project?: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitChanges>;
* Create a git commit for a project
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createCommit(repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommit>;
* Retrieve a particular commit.
* @param {string} commitId - The id of the commit.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} changeCount - The number of changes to include in the result.
getCommit(commitId: string, repositoryId: string, project?: string, changeCount?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommit>;
* Retrieve git commits for a project
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getCommits(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, project?: string, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]>;
* Retrieve a list of commits associated with a particular push.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {number} pushId - The id of the push.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of commits to return ("get the top x commits").
* @param {number} skip - The number of commits to skip.
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
getPushCommits(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project?: string, top?: number, skip?: number, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]>;
* Retrieve git commits for a project
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria} searchCriteria - Search options
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getCommitsBatch(searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitQueryCommitsCriteria, repositoryId: string, project?: string, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitCommitRef[]>;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a single item. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
getItem(repositoryId: string, path: string, project?: string, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata?: boolean, latestProcessedChange?: boolean, download?: boolean, versionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitItem>;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content for a collection of items. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeContentMetadata
* @param {boolean} latestProcessedChange
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
getItems(repositoryId: string, project?: string, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: GitInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeContentMetadata?: boolean, latestProcessedChange?: boolean, download?: boolean, includeLinks?: boolean, versionDescriptor?: GitInterfaces.GitVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitItem[]>;
* Post for retrieving a creating a batch out of a set of items in a repo / project given a list of paths or a long path
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitItemRequestData} requestData
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getItemsBatch(requestData: GitInterfaces.GitItemRequestData, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitItem[][]>;
* Adds a reviewer to a git pull request
* @param {GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote} reviewer
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} reviewerId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createPullRequestReviewer(reviewer: GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote>;
* Adds reviewers to a git pull request
* @param {VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]} reviewers
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createPullRequestReviewers(reviewers: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[], repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]>;
* Retrieve a reviewer from a pull request
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} reviewerId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getPullRequestReviewer(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, reviewerId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote>;
* Retrieve a pull request reviewers
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getPullRequestReviewers(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.IdentityRefWithVote[]>;
* Query pull requests by project
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getPullRequestsByProject(project: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, maxCommentLength?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]>;
* Create a git pull request
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest} gitPullRequestToCreate
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createPullRequest(gitPullRequestToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest>;
* Retrieve a pull request
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getPullRequest(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string, maxCommentLength?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest>;
* Query for pull requests
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getPullRequests(repositoryId: string, searchCriteria: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequestSearchCriteria, project?: string, maxCommentLength?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest[]>;
* Updates a pull request
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest} gitPullRequestToUpdate
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
updatePullRequest(gitPullRequestToUpdate: GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest, repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPullRequest>;
* Retrieve a pull request work items
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {number} pullRequestId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} commitsTop
* @param {number} commitsSkip
getPullRequestWorkItems(repositoryId: string, pullRequestId: number, project?: string, commitsTop?: number, commitsSkip?: number): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]>;
* Push changes to the repository.
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPush} push
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, a project-scoped route must be used.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createPush(push: GitInterfaces.GitPush, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPush>;
* Retrieve a particular push.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {number} pushId - The id of the push.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} includeCommits - The number of commits to include in the result.
* @param {boolean} includeRefUpdates
getPush(repositoryId: string, pushId: number, project?: string, includeCommits?: number, includeRefUpdates?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPush>;
* Retrieves pushes associated with the specified repository.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitPushSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
getPushes(repositoryId: string, project?: string, skip?: number, top?: number, searchCriteria?: GitInterfaces.GitPushSearchCriteria): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitPush[]>;
* Queries the provided repository for its refs and returns them.
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} filter - [optional] A filter to apply to the refs.
* @param {boolean} includeLinks - [optional] Specifies if referenceLinks should be included in the result. default is false.
getRefs(repositoryId: string, project?: string, filter?: string, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRef[]>;
* Creates or updates refs with the given information
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdate[]} refUpdates - List of ref updates to attempt to perform
* @param {string} repositoryId - The id or friendly name of the repository. To use the friendly name, projectId must also be specified.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} projectId - The id of the project.
updateRefs(refUpdates: GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdate[], repositoryId: string, project?: string, projectId?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRefUpdateResult[]>;
* Create a git repository
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitRepository} gitRepositoryToCreate
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createRepository(gitRepositoryToCreate: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository>;
* Retrieve git repositories.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
getRepositories(project?: string, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository[]>;
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getRepository(repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository>;
* Updates the Git repository with the single populated change in the specified repository information.
* @param {GitInterfaces.GitRepository} newRepositoryInfo
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
updateRepository(newRepositoryInfo: GitInterfaces.GitRepository, repositoryId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitRepository>;
* @param {string} repositoryId
* @param {string} sha1
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} projectId
* @param {boolean} recursive
* @param {string} fileName
getTree(repositoryId: string, sha1: string, project?: string, projectId?: string, recursive?: boolean, fileName?: string): Q.Promise<GitInterfaces.GitTreeRef>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/TaskAgentInterfaces' {
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface AgentPoolEvent {
eventType: string;
pool: TaskAgentPool;
export interface AgentQueueEvent {
eventType: string;
queue: TaskAgentQueue;
export interface AgentRefreshMessage {
agentId: number;
timeout: any;
export enum ConnectedServiceKind {
* Custom or unknown service
Custom = 0,
* Azure Subscription
AzureSubscription = 1,
* Chef Connection
Chef = 2,
* Generic Connection
Generic = 3,
* GitHub Connection
GitHub = 4,
export interface EndpointAuthorization {
parameters: {
[key: string]: string;
scheme: string;
export interface Issue {
category: string;
data: {
[key: string]: string;
message: string;
type: IssueType;
export enum IssueType {
Error = 1,
Warning = 2,
export interface JobAssignedEvent extends JobEvent {
request: TaskAgentJobRequest;
export interface JobCancelMessage {
jobId: string;
timeout: any;
export interface JobCompletedEvent extends JobEvent {
result: TaskResult;
* Represents the context of variables and vectors for a job request.
export interface JobEnvironment {
endpoints: ServiceEndpoint[];
mask: MaskHint[];
options: {
[key: number]: JobOption;
* Gets or sets the endpoint used for communicating back to the calling service.
systemConnection: ServiceEndpoint;
variables: {
[key: string]: string;
export interface JobEvent {
jobId: string;
name: string;
* Represents an option that may affect the way an agent runs the job.
export interface JobOption {
data: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets the id of the option.
id: string;
export interface JobRequestMessage {
environment: JobEnvironment;
jobId: string;
jobName: string;
lockedUntil: Date;
lockToken: string;
plan: TaskOrchestrationPlanReference;
requestId: number;
tasks: TaskInstance[];
timeline: TimelineReference;
export interface MaskHint {
type: MaskType;
value: string;
export enum MaskType {
Variable = 1,
Regex = 2,
export interface PlanEnvironment {
mask: MaskHint[];
options: {
[key: number]: JobOption;
variables: {
[key: string]: string;
* Represents an endpoint which may be used by an orchestration job.
export interface ServiceEndpoint {
administratorsGroup: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets the authorization data for talking to the endpoint.
authorization: EndpointAuthorization;
* The Gets or sets Identity reference for the user who created the Service endpoint
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
data: {
[key: string]: string;
* Gets or Sets description of endpoint
description: string;
groupScopeId: string;
* Gets or sets the identifier of this endpoint.
id: string;
* Gets or sets the friendly name of the endpoint.
name: string;
readersGroup: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets the type of the endpoint.
type: string;
* Gets or sets the url of the endpoint.
url: string;
export interface TaskAgent extends TaskAgentReference {
* Gets the date on which this agent was created.
createdOn: Date;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this agent should be enabled for job execution.
enabled: boolean;
* Gets or sets the maximum job parallelism allowed on this host.
maxParallelism: number;
properties: any;
* Gets the current connectivity status of the agent.
status: TaskAgentStatus;
* Gets the date on which the last connectivity status change occurred.
statusChangedOn: Date;
systemCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
userCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
export interface TaskAgentJobRequest {
assignTime: Date;
demands: any[];
finishTime: Date;
hostId: string;
jobId: string;
lockedUntil: Date;
planId: string;
planType: string;
queueTime: Date;
receiveTime: Date;
requestId: number;
reservedAgent: TaskAgentReference;
result: TaskResult;
scopeId: string;
serviceOwner: string;
export interface TaskAgentMessage {
body: string;
messageId: number;
messageType: string;
export interface TaskAgentPool extends TaskAgentPoolReference {
* Gets the administrators group for this agent pool.
administratorsGroup: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not a queue should be automatically provisioned for each project collection or not.
autoProvision: boolean;
* Gets the identity who created this pool. The creator of the pool is automatically added into the administrators group for the pool on creation.
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets the date/time of the pool creation.
createdOn: Date;
* Gets the scope identifier for groups/roles which are owned by this pool.
groupScopeId: string;
* Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not this pool is managed by the service.
isHosted: boolean;
properties: any;
* Gets the service accounts group for this agent pool.
serviceAccountsGroup: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Gets the current size of the pool.
size: number;
export interface TaskAgentPoolReference {
id: number;
name: string;
scope: string;
export interface TaskAgentQueue {
id: number;
name: string;
pool: TaskAgentPoolReference;
export interface TaskAgentReference {
* Gets the identifier of the agent.
id: number;
* Gets the name of the agent.
name: string;
* Gets the version of the agent.
version: string;
export interface TaskAgentSession {
agent: TaskAgentReference;
ownerName: string;
sessionId: string;
systemCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
export enum TaskAgentStatus {
Offline = 1,
Online = 2,
export interface TaskAttachment {
_links: any;
createdOn: Date;
lastChangedBy: string;
lastChangedOn: Date;
name: string;
type: string;
export interface TaskChangeEvent {
export interface TaskDefinition {
agentExecution: TaskExecution;
author: string;
category: string;
contentsUploaded: boolean;
demands: any[];
description: string;
friendlyName: string;
groups: TaskGroupDefinition[];
helpMarkDown: string;
hostType: string;
iconUrl: string;
id: string;
inputs: TaskInputDefinition[];
instanceNameFormat: string;
minimumAgentVersion: string;
name: string;
packageLocation: string;
packageType: string;
serverOwned: boolean;
sourceDefinitions: TaskSourceDefinition[];
sourceLocation: string;
version: TaskVersion;
visibility: string[];
export interface TaskDefinitionEndpoint {
* An ID that identifies a service connection to be used for authenticating endpoint requests.
connectionId: string;
* The scope as understood by Connected Services. Essentialy, a project-id for now.
scope: string;
* An XPath/Json based selector to filter response returned by fetching the endpoint Url. An XPath based selector must be prefixed with the string "xpath:". A Json based selector must be prefixed with "json:". The following selector defines an XPath for extracting nodes named 'ServiceName'. endpoint.Selector = "xpath://ServiceName";
selector: string;
* TaskId that this endpoint belongs to.
taskId: string;
* URL to GET.
url: string;
export interface TaskExecution {
* The utility task to run. Specifying this means that this task definition is simply a meta task to call another task. This is useful for tasks that call utility tasks like powershell and commandline
execTask: TaskReference;
* If a task is going to run code, then this provides the type/script etc... information by platform. For example, it might look like. net45: { typeName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShellTask", assemblyName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShell.dll" } net20: { typeName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShellTask", assemblyName: "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Automation.Tasks.PowerShell.dll" } java: { jar: "powershelltask.tasks.automation.teamfoundation.microsoft.com", } node: { script: "powershellhost.js", }
platformInstructions: {
[key: string]: {
[key: string]: string;
export interface TaskGroupDefinition {
displayName: string;
isExpanded: boolean;
name: string;
export interface TaskInputDefinition {
defaultValue: string;
groupName: string;
helpMarkDown: string;
label: string;
name: string;
options: {
[key: string]: string;
properties: {
[key: string]: string;
required: boolean;
type: string;
visibleRule: string;
export interface TaskInstance extends TaskReference {
alwaysRun: boolean;
continueOnError: boolean;
displayName: string;
enabled: boolean;
instanceId: string;
export interface TaskLog extends TaskLogReference {
createdOn: Date;
indexLocation: string;
lastChangedOn: Date;
lineCount: number;
path: string;
export interface TaskLogReference {
id: number;
location: string;
export interface TaskOrchestrationContainer extends TaskOrchestrationItem {
children: TaskOrchestrationItem[];
continueOnError: boolean;
parallel: boolean;
rollback: TaskOrchestrationContainer;
export interface TaskOrchestrationItem {
itemType: TaskOrchestrationItemType;
export enum TaskOrchestrationItemType {
Container = 0,
Job = 1,
export interface TaskOrchestrationJob extends TaskOrchestrationItem {
demands: any[];
executeAs: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
executionTimeout: any;
instanceId: string;
name: string;
tasks: TaskInstance[];
variables: {
[key: string]: string;
export interface TaskOrchestrationPlan extends TaskOrchestrationPlanReference {
environment: PlanEnvironment;
finishTime: Date;
implementation: TaskOrchestrationContainer;
result: TaskResult;
resultCode: string;
startTime: Date;
state: TaskOrchestrationPlanState;
timeline: TimelineReference;
export interface TaskOrchestrationPlanReference {
artifactLocation: string;
artifactUri: string;
planId: string;
planType: string;
scopeIdentifier: string;
version: number;
export enum TaskOrchestrationPlanState {
InProgress = 1,
Queued = 2,
Completed = 4,
export interface TaskPackageMetadata {
* Gets the name of the package.
type: string;
* Gets the url of the package.
url: string;
* Gets the version of the package.
version: string;
export interface TaskReference {
id: string;
inputs: {
[key: string]: string;
name: string;
version: string;
export enum TaskResult {
Succeeded = 0,
SucceededWithIssues = 1,
Failed = 2,
Canceled = 3,
Skipped = 4,
Abandoned = 5,
export interface TaskSourceDefinition {
authKey: string;
endpoint: string;
selector: string;
target: string;
export interface TaskVersion {
isTest: boolean;
major: number;
minor: number;
patch: number;
* Represents a shallow reference to a TeamProject.
export interface TeamProjectReference {
* Project abbreviation.
abbreviation: string;
* The project's description (if any).
description: string;
* Project identifier.
id: string;
* Project name.
name: string;
* Project state.
state: any;
* Url to the full version of the object.
url: string;
export interface Timeline extends TimelineReference {
lastChangedBy: string;
lastChangedOn: Date;
records: TimelineRecord[];
export interface TimelineRecord {
changeId: number;
currentOperation: string;
details: TimelineReference;
errorCount: number;
finishTime: Date;
id: string;
issues: Issue[];
lastModified: Date;
location: string;
log: TaskLogReference;
name: string;
order: number;
parentId: string;
percentComplete: number;
result: TaskResult;
resultCode: string;
startTime: Date;
state: TimelineRecordState;
type: string;
warningCount: number;
workerName: string;
export enum TimelineRecordState {
Pending = 0,
InProgress = 1,
Completed = 2,
export interface TimelineReference {
changeId: number;
id: string;
location: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedService extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
* The user who did the OAuth authentication to created this service
authenticatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
* Extra description on the service.
description: string;
* Friendly Name of service connection
friendlyName: string;
* Id/Name of the connection service. For Ex: Subscription Id for Azure Connection
id: string;
* The kind of service.
kind: string;
* The project associated with this service
project: TeamProjectReference;
* Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as https://windows.azure.com
serviceUri: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceDetails extends WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
* Meta data for service connection
connectedServiceMetaData: WebApiConnectedService;
* Credential info
credentialsXml: string;
* Optional uri to connect directly to the service such as https://windows.azure.com
endPoint: string;
export interface WebApiConnectedServiceRef {
id: string;
url: string;
export var TypeInfo: {
AgentPoolEvent: {
fields: any;
AgentQueueEvent: {
fields: any;
AgentRefreshMessage: {
fields: any;
ConnectedServiceKind: {
enumValues: {
"custom": number;
"azureSubscription": number;
"chef": number;
"generic": number;
"gitHub": number;
EndpointAuthorization: {
fields: any;
Issue: {
fields: any;
IssueType: {
enumValues: {
"error": number;
"warning": number;
JobAssignedEvent: {
fields: any;
JobCancelMessage: {
fields: any;
JobCompletedEvent: {
fields: any;
JobEnvironment: {
fields: any;
JobEvent: {
fields: any;
JobOption: {
fields: any;
JobRequestMessage: {
fields: any;
MaskHint: {
fields: any;
MaskType: {
enumValues: {
"variable": number;
"regex": number;
PlanEnvironment: {
fields: any;
ServiceEndpoint: {
fields: any;
TaskAgent: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentJobRequest: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentMessage: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentPool: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentPoolReference: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentQueue: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentReference: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentSession: {
fields: any;
TaskAgentStatus: {
enumValues: {
"offline": number;
"online": number;
TaskAttachment: {
fields: any;
TaskChangeEvent: {
fields: any;
TaskDefinition: {
fields: any;
TaskDefinitionEndpoint: {
fields: any;
TaskExecution: {
fields: any;
TaskGroupDefinition: {
fields: any;
TaskInputDefinition: {
fields: any;
TaskInstance: {
fields: any;
TaskLog: {
fields: any;
TaskLogReference: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationContainer: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationItem: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationItemType: {
enumValues: {
"container": number;
"job": number;
TaskOrchestrationJob: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationPlan: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationPlanReference: {
fields: any;
TaskOrchestrationPlanState: {
enumValues: {
"inProgress": number;
"queued": number;
"completed": number;
TaskPackageMetadata: {
fields: any;
TaskReference: {
fields: any;
TaskResult: {
enumValues: {
"succeeded": number;
"succeededWithIssues": number;
"failed": number;
"canceled": number;
"skipped": number;
"abandoned": number;
TaskSourceDefinition: {
fields: any;
TaskVersion: {
fields: any;
TeamProjectReference: {
fields: any;
Timeline: {
fields: any;
TimelineRecord: {
fields: any;
TimelineRecordState: {
enumValues: {
"pending": number;
"inProgress": number;
"completed": number;
TimelineReference: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedService: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedServiceDetails: {
fields: any;
WebApiConnectedServiceRef: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/TaskAgentApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import TaskAgentInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/TaskAgentInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface ITaskAgentApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
createAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
deleteAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, includeCapabilities: boolean, propertyFilters: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
getAgents(poolId: number, agentName: string, includeCapabilities: boolean, propertyFilters: string, demands: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agents: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]) => void): void;
replaceAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
updateAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
queryEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, endpoint: string[]) => void): void;
deleteRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, jobrequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest) => void): void;
queueRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, jobrequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest) => void): void;
updateRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, jobrequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest) => void): void;
deleteMessage(poolId: number, messageId: number, sessionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getMessage(poolId: number, sessionId: string, lastMessageId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, message: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage) => void): void;
refreshAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
refreshAgents(poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
sendMessage(message: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage, poolId: number, requestId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
createPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool) => void): void;
deletePool(poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getPool(poolId: number, properties: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool) => void): void;
getPools(poolName: string, properties: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pools: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]) => void): void;
updatePool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool) => void): void;
createQueue(queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue) => void): void;
deleteQueue(queueId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getQueue(queueId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue) => void): void;
getQueues(queueName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queues: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]) => void): void;
getAgentPoolRoles(poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, roles: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]) => void): void;
createServiceEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint, scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, serviceendpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint) => void): void;
deleteServiceEndpoint(scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getServiceEndpointDetails(scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, serviceendpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint) => void): void;
getServiceEndpoints(scopeIdentifier: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, serviceendpoints: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint[]) => void): void;
createSession(session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession) => void): void;
deleteSession(poolId: number, sessionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
deleteTaskDefinition(taskId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTaskContentZip(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility: string[], scopeLocal: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getTaskDefinitions(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility: string[], scopeLocal: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tasks: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]) => void): void;
uploadTaskDefinition(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, taskId: string, overwrite: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
updateUserCapabilities(userCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
}, poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, usercapabilitie: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
export interface IQTaskAgentApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
createAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
getAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, includeCapabilities?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
getAgents(poolId: number, agentName?: string, includeCapabilities?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string, demands?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]>;
replaceAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
updateAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
queryEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint): Q.Promise<string[]>;
getRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>;
queueRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>;
updateRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>;
getMessage(poolId: number, sessionId: string, lastMessageId?: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage>;
createPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>;
getPool(poolId: number, properties?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>;
getPools(poolName?: string, properties?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]>;
updatePool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>;
createQueue(queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>;
getQueue(queueId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>;
getQueues(queueName?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>;
getAgentPoolRoles(poolId?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]>;
createServiceEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint, scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint>;
getServiceEndpointDetails(scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint>;
getServiceEndpoints(scopeIdentifier: string, type?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint[]>;
createSession(session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession>;
getTaskDefinitions(taskId?: string, versionString?: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]>;
updateUserCapabilities(userCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
}, poolId: number, agentId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
export class TaskAgentApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITaskAgentApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent
createAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param {boolean} includeCapabilities
* @param {string} propertyFilters
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent
getAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, includeCapabilities: boolean, propertyFilters: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} agentName
* @param {boolean} includeCapabilities
* @param {string} propertyFilters
* @param {string} demands
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]
getAgents(poolId: number, agentName: string, includeCapabilities: boolean, propertyFilters: string, demands: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agents: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent
replaceAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent
updateAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
* Proxy for a GET request defined by an 'endpoint'. The request is authorized using a service connection. The response is filtered using an XPath/Json based selector.
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint} endpoint - Describes the URL to fetch.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
queryEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, endpoint: string[]) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} requestId
* @param {string} lockToken
* @param onResult callback function
deleteRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} requestId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest
getRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, jobrequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest
queueRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, jobrequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} requestId
* @param {string} lockToken
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest
updateRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, jobrequest: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} messageId
* @param {string} sessionId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteMessage(poolId: number, messageId: number, sessionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} sessionId
* @param {number} lastMessageId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage
getMessage(poolId: number, sessionId: string, lastMessageId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, message: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param onResult callback function
refreshAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function
refreshAgents(poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage} message
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} requestId
* @param onResult callback function
sendMessage(message: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage, poolId: number, requestId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool} pool
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool
createPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function
deletePool(poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} properties
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool
getPool(poolId: number, properties: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool) => void): void;
* @param {string} poolName
* @param {string} properties
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]
getPools(poolName: string, properties: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pools: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool} pool
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool
updatePool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue} queue
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue
createQueue(queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue) => void): void;
* @param {number} queueId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteQueue(queueId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {number} queueId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue
getQueue(queueId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue) => void): void;
* @param {string} queueName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]
getQueues(queueName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, queues: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]
getAgentPoolRoles(poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, roles: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint} endpoint
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} endpointId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint
createServiceEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint, scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, serviceendpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} endpointId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteServiceEndpoint(scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} endpointId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint
getServiceEndpointDetails(scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, serviceendpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} type
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint[]
getServiceEndpoints(scopeIdentifier: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, serviceendpoints: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint[]) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession} session
* @param {number} poolId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession
createSession(session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession, poolId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession) => void): void;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} sessionId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteSession(poolId: number, sessionId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} taskId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteTaskDefinition(taskId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} taskId
* @param {string} versionString
* @param {string[]} visibility
* @param {boolean} scopeLocal
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getTaskContentZip(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility: string[], scopeLocal: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param {string} taskId
* @param {string} versionString
* @param {string[]} visibility
* @param {boolean} scopeLocal
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]
getTaskDefinitions(taskId: string, versionString: string, visibility: string[], scopeLocal: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, tasks: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} taskId
* @param {boolean} overwrite
* @param onResult callback function
uploadTaskDefinition(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, taskId: string, overwrite: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, obj: any) => void): void;
* @param {{ [key: string] : string; }} userCapabilities
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent
updateUserCapabilities(userCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
}, poolId: number, agentId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, usercapabilitie: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent) => void): void;
export class QTaskAgentApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQTaskAgentApi {
api: TaskAgentApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent
* @param {number} poolId
createAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
* @param {boolean} includeCapabilities
* @param {string} propertyFilters
getAgent(poolId: number, agentId: number, includeCapabilities?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} agentName
* @param {boolean} includeCapabilities
* @param {string} propertyFilters
* @param {string} demands
getAgents(poolId: number, agentName?: string, includeCapabilities?: boolean, propertyFilters?: string, demands?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent[]>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
replaceAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent} agent
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
updateAgent(agent: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent, poolId: number, agentId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
* Proxy for a GET request defined by an 'endpoint'. The request is authorized using a service connection. The response is filtered using an XPath/Json based selector.
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint} endpoint - Describes the URL to fetch.
queryEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinitionEndpoint): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} requestId
getRequest(poolId: number, requestId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request
* @param {number} poolId
queueRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest} request
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} requestId
* @param {string} lockToken
updateRequest(request: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest, poolId: number, requestId: number, lockToken: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentJobRequest>;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} sessionId
* @param {number} lastMessageId
getMessage(poolId: number, sessionId: string, lastMessageId?: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentMessage>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool} pool
createPool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>;
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {string} properties
getPool(poolId: number, properties?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>;
* @param {string} poolName
* @param {string} properties
getPools(poolName?: string, properties?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool[]>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool} pool
* @param {number} poolId
updatePool(pool: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentPool>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue} queue
createQueue(queue: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>;
* @param {number} queueId
getQueue(queueId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue>;
* @param {string} queueName
getQueues(queueName?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentQueue[]>;
* @param {number} poolId
getAgentPoolRoles(poolId?: number): Q.Promise<VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef[]>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint} endpoint
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} endpointId
createServiceEndpoint(endpoint: TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint, scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} endpointId
getServiceEndpointDetails(scopeIdentifier: string, endpointId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} type
getServiceEndpoints(scopeIdentifier: string, type?: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.ServiceEndpoint[]>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession} session
* @param {number} poolId
createSession(session: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession, poolId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgentSession>;
* @param {string} taskId
* @param {string} versionString
* @param {string[]} visibility
* @param {boolean} scopeLocal
getTaskDefinitions(taskId?: string, versionString?: string, visibility?: string[], scopeLocal?: boolean): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskDefinition[]>;
* @param {{ [key: string] : string; }} userCapabilities
* @param {number} poolId
* @param {number} agentId
updateUserCapabilities(userCapabilities: {
[key: string]: string;
}, poolId: number, agentId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAgent>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/TaskApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import TaskAgentInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/TaskAgentInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface ITaskApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
getPlanAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachments: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]) => void): void;
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachment: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment) => void): void;
getAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachments: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]) => void): void;
postEvent(eventData: TaskAgentInterfaces.JobEvent, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
postLines(lines: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<string[]>, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
appendLog(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog) => void): void;
createLog(log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog) => void): void;
getLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, startLine: number, endLine: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, logs: string[]) => void): void;
getLogs(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, logs: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog[]) => void): void;
getPlan(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, plan: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskOrchestrationPlan) => void): void;
getRecords(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, records: TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]) => void): void;
updateRecords(records: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, record: TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]) => void): void;
createTimeline(timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline) => void): void;
deleteTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId: number, includeRecords: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline) => void): void;
getTimelines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, timelines: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline[]) => void): void;
export interface IQTaskApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
getPlanAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, type: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]>;
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment>;
getAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]>;
appendLog(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog>;
createLog(log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog>;
getLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, startLine?: number, endLine?: number): Q.Promise<string[]>;
getLogs(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog[]>;
getPlan(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskOrchestrationPlan>;
getRecords(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>;
updateRecords(records: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>;
createTimeline(timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline>;
getTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number, includeRecords?: boolean): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline>;
getTimelines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline[]>;
export class TaskApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITaskApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} type
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]
getPlanAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachments: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]) => void): void;
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment
createAttachment(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachment: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]
getAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachments: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.JobEvent} eventData
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param onResult callback function
postEvent(eventData: TaskAgentInterfaces.JobEvent, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<string[]>} lines
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param onResult callback function
postLines(lines: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<string[]>, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {number} logId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog
appendLog(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog} log
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog
createLog(log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {number} logId
* @param {number} startLine
* @param {number} endLine
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string[]
getLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, startLine: number, endLine: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, logs: string[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog[]
getLogs(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, logs: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskOrchestrationPlan
getPlan(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, plan: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskOrchestrationPlan) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]
getRecords(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, records: TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]) => void): void;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>} records
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]
updateRecords(records: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, record: TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]) => void): void;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline} timeline
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline
createTimeline(timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
* @param {boolean} includeRecords
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline
getTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId: number, includeRecords: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline) => void): void;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline[]
getTimelines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, timelines: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline[]) => void): void;
export class QTaskApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQTaskApi {
api: TaskApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} type
getPlanAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, type: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]>;
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
getAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskAttachment[]>;
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {number} logId
appendLog(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog} log
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
createLog(log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {number} logId
* @param {number} startLine
* @param {number} endLine
getLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, startLine?: number, endLine?: number): Q.Promise<string[]>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
getLogs(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog[]>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
getPlan(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskOrchestrationPlan>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
getRecords(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>} records
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
updateRecords(records: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecord[]>;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline} timeline
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
createTimeline(timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
* @param {boolean} includeRecords
getTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number, includeRecords?: boolean): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline>;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub: "build" for the Build server or "rm" for the Release Management server
* @param {string} planId
getTimelines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Q.Promise<TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline[]>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/TestInterfaces' {
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface AggregatedResultsByOutcome {
count: number;
duration: any;
outcome: TestOutcome;
export interface AggregatedTestResults {
duration: any;
resultsByOutcome: AggregatedResultsByOutcome[];
self: ShallowReference;
totalTests: number;
export enum AttachmentType {
GeneralAttachment = 0,
AfnStrip = 1,
BugFilingData = 2,
CodeCoverage = 3,
IntermediateCollectorData = 4,
RunConfig = 5,
TestImpactDetails = 6,
TmiTestRunDeploymentFiles = 7,
TmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles = 8,
TmiTestResultDetail = 9,
TmiTestRunSummary = 10,
export interface BatchResponse {
error: string;
responses: Response[];
status: string;
export interface BuildConfiguration {
branchName: string;
buildDefinitionId: number;
flavor: string;
id: number;
number: string;
platform: string;
project: ShallowReference;
repositoryId: number;
sourceVersion: string;
uri: string;
export interface BuildCoverage {
codeCoverageFileUrl: string;
configuration: BuildConfiguration;
lastError: string;
modules: ModuleCoverage[];
state: string;
export interface BuildReference {
buildSystem: string;
id: number;
number: string;
uri: string;
* Represents the build configuration (platform, flavor) and coverage data for the build
export interface CodeCoverageData {
* Flavor of build for which data is retrieved/published
buildFlavor: string;
* Platform of build for which data is retrieved/published
buildPlatform: string;
* List of coverage data for the build
coverageStats: CodeCoverageStatistics[];
* Represents the code coverage statistics for a particular coverage label (modules, statements, blocks, etc.)
export interface CodeCoverageStatistics {
* Covered units
covered: number;
* Delta of coverage
delta: number;
* Is delta valid
isDeltaAvailable: boolean;
* Label of coverage data ("Blocks", "Statements", "Modules", etc.)
label: string;
* Position of label
position: number;
* Total units
total: number;
* Represents the code coverage summary results Used to publish or retrieve code coverage summary against a build
export interface CodeCoverageSummary {
* Uri of build for which data is retrieved/published
build: ShallowReference;
* List of coverage data and details for the build
coverageData: CodeCoverageData[];
* Uri of build against which difference in coverage is computed
deltaBuild: ShallowReference;
export enum CoverageQueryFlags {
* If set, the Coverage.Modules property will be populated.
Modules = 1,
* If set, the ModuleCoverage.Functions properties will be populated.
Functions = 2,
* If set, the ModuleCoverage.CoverageData field will be populated.
BlockData = 4,
export interface CoverageStatistics {
blocksCovered: number;
blocksNotCovered: number;
linesCovered: number;
linesNotCovered: number;
linesPartiallyCovered: number;
export interface CustomTestField {
fieldName: string;
value: any;
export interface CustomTestFieldDefinition {
fieldId: number;
fieldName: string;
fieldType: CustomTestFieldType;
scope: CustomTestFieldScope;
export enum CustomTestFieldScope {
None = 0,
TestRun = 1,
TestResult = 2,
System = 4,
All = 7,
export enum CustomTestFieldType {
Bit = 2,
Int = 8,
Float = 6,
Guid = 14,
DateTime = 4,
String = 12,
* This is a temporary class to provide the details for the test run environment.
export interface DtlEnvironmentDetails {
csmContent: string;
csmParameters: string;
subscriptionName: string;
export interface FailingSince {
build: BuildReference;
date: Date;
export interface FunctionCoverage {
class: string;
name: string;
namespace: string;
sourceFile: string;
statistics: CoverageStatistics;
export interface ModuleCoverage {
blockCount: number;
blockData: number[];
functions: FunctionCoverage[];
name: string;
signature: string;
signatureAge: number;
statistics: CoverageStatistics;
export interface PlanUpdateModel {
area: ShallowReference;
automatedTestEnvironment: TestEnvironment;
automatedTestSettings: TestSettings;
build: ShallowReference;
configurationIds: number[];
description: string;
endDate: string;
iteration: string;
manualTestEnvironment: TestEnvironment;
manualTestSettings: TestSettings;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
startDate: string;
state: string;
status: string;
export interface PointAssignment {
configuration: ShallowReference;
tester: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
export interface PointUpdateModel {
export interface PointWorkItemProperty {
workItem: {
key: string;
value: any;
export interface QueryModel {
query: string;
export interface Response {
error: string;
id: string;
status: string;
url: string;
export enum ResultOutcome {
Pass = 1,
Fail = 2,
Pending = 3,
export interface ResultUpdateRequestModel {
actionResultDeletes: TestActionResultModel[];
actionResults: TestActionResultModel[];
parameterDeletes: TestResultParameterModel[];
parameters: TestResultParameterModel[];
testCaseResult: TestCaseResultUpdateModel;
export interface ResultUpdateResponseModel {
revision: number;
export interface RunCreateModel {
automated: boolean;
build: ShallowReference;
buildDropLocation: string;
buildFlavor: string;
buildPlatform: string;
comment: string;
completeDate: string;
configurationIds: number[];
controller: string;
customTestFields: CustomTestField[];
dtlAutEnvironment: ShallowReference;
dtlTestEnvironment: ShallowReference;
dueDate: string;
environmentDetails: DtlEnvironmentDetails;
errorMessage: string;
filter: RunFilter;
iteration: string;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
plan: ShallowReference;
pointIds: number[];
releaseEnvironmentUri: string;
releaseUri: string;
runTimeout: any;
sourceWorkflow: string;
startDate: string;
state: string;
testConfigurationsMapping: string;
testEnvironmentId: string;
testSettings: ShallowReference;
type: string;
* This class is used to provide the filters used for discovery
export interface RunFilter {
* filter for the test case sources (test containers)
sourceFilter: string;
* filter for the test cases
testCaseFilter: string;
export interface RunStatistic {
count: number;
outcome: string;
resolutionState: TestResolutionState;
state: string;
export interface RunUpdateModel {
build: ShallowReference;
comment: string;
completedDate: string;
controller: string;
deleteInProgressResults: boolean;
dtlAutEnvironment: ShallowReference;
dtlEnvironment: ShallowReference;
dtlEnvironmentDetails: DtlEnvironmentDetails;
dueDate: string;
errorMessage: string;
iteration: string;
logEntries: TestMessageLogDetails[];
name: string;
startedDate: string;
state: string;
substate: TestRunSubstate;
testEnvironmentId: string;
testSettings: ShallowReference;
* An abstracted reference to some other resource. This class is used to provide the build data contracts with a uniform way to reference other resources in a way that provides easy traversal through links.
export interface ShallowReference {
* Id of the resource
id: string;
* Name of the linked resource (definition name, controller name, etc.)
name: string;
* Full http link to the resource
url: string;
export interface SharedStepModel {
id: number;
revision: number;
export interface SuiteCreateModel {
export interface SuiteTestCase {
pointAssignments: PointAssignment[];
testCase: WorkItemReference;
export interface SuiteUpdateModel {
export interface TestActionResultModel extends TestResultModelBase {
actionPath: string;
iterationId: number;
sharedStepModel: SharedStepModel;
url: string;
export interface TestAttachmentReference {
id: number;
url: string;
export interface TestAttachmentRequestModel {
attachmentType: string;
comment: string;
fileName: string;
stream: string;
export interface TestCaseResult {
afnStripId: number;
area: ShallowReference;
associatedBugs: ShallowReference[];
automatedTestId: string;
automatedTestName: string;
automatedTestStorage: string;
automatedTestType: string;
automatedTestTypeId: string;
build: ShallowReference;
comment: string;
completedDate: Date;
computerName: string;
configuration: ShallowReference;
createdDate: Date;
customFields: CustomTestField[];
durationInMs: number;
errorMessage: string;
failingSince: FailingSince;
failureType: string;
id: number;
iterationDetails: TestIterationDetailsModel[];
lastUpdatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
lastUpdatedDate: Date;
outcome: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
priority: number;
project: ShallowReference;
resetCount: number;
resolutionState: string;
resolutionStateId: number;
revision: number;
runBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
stackTrace: string;
startedDate: Date;
state: string;
testCase: ShallowReference;
testCaseTitle: string;
testPoint: ShallowReference;
testRun: ShallowReference;
url: string;
export interface TestCaseResult2 {
componentId: string;
custom: any;
endTime: Date;
exceptionStack: string;
externalArtifacts: string[];
externalRunId: string;
externalSystem: string;
externalTestId: string;
failureReasons: string[];
failureSummary: string;
investigationNotes: string;
isSuperseded: boolean;
isValid: boolean;
outcome: ResultOutcome;
resultCustomPropertiesTypeName: string;
resultId: string;
resultName: string;
runId: string;
startTime: Date;
testId: string;
tfsSecurityKey: string;
export interface TestCaseResultAttachmentModel {
id: number;
iterationId: number;
name: string;
size: number;
url: string;
export interface TestCaseResultIdentifier {
export interface TestCaseResultUpdateModel {
associatedWorkItems: number[];
automatedTestTypeId: string;
comment: string;
completedDate: string;
computerName: string;
customFields: CustomTestField[];
durationInMs: string;
errorMessage: string;
failureType: string;
outcome: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
resolutionState: string;
runBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
stackTrace: string;
startedDate: string;
state: string;
testCasePriority: string;
testResult: ShallowReference;
export interface TestEnvironment {
environmentId: string;
environmentName: string;
export interface TestFailureDetails {
count: number;
previousBuild: BuildReference;
self: ShallowReference;
testResults: ShallowReference[];
export interface TestFailures {
existingFailures: TestFailureDetails;
fixedTests: TestFailureDetails;
newFailures: TestFailureDetails;
self: ShallowReference;
export interface TestIterationDetailsModel {
actionResults: TestActionResultModel[];
attachments: TestCaseResultAttachmentModel[];
comment: string;
completedDate: Date;
durationInMs: number;
errorMessage: string;
id: number;
outcome: string;
parameters: TestResultParameterModel[];
startedDate: Date;
url: string;
* An abstracted reference to some other resource. This class is used to provide the build data contracts with a uniform way to reference other resources in a way that provides easy traversal through links.
export interface TestMessageLogDetails {
* Date when the resource is created
dateCreated: Date;
* Id of the resource
entryId: number;
* Message of the resource
message: string;
export enum TestOutcome {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
Unspecified = 0,
* Test has not been completed, or the test type does not report pass/failure.
None = 1,
* Test was executed w/o any issues.
Passed = 2,
* Test was executed, but there were issues. Issues may involve exceptions or failed assertions.
Failed = 3,
* Test has completed, but we can't say if it passed or failed. May be used for aborted tests...
Inconclusive = 4,
* The test timed out
Timeout = 5,
* Test was aborted. This was not caused by a user gesture, but rather by a framework decision.
Aborted = 6,
* Test had it chance for been executed but was not, as ITestElement.IsRunnable == false.
Blocked = 7,
* Test was not executed. This was caused by a user gesture - e.g. user hit stop button.
NotExecuted = 8,
* To be used by Run level results. This is not a failure.
Warning = 9,
* There was a system error while we were trying to execute a test.
Error = 10,
* Test is Not Applicable for execution.
NotApplicable = 11,
* Test is paused.
Paused = 12,
* Test is currently executing. Added this for TCM charts
InProgress = 13,
MaxValue = 13,
export interface TestPlan {
area: ShallowReference;
automatedTestEnvironment: TestEnvironment;
automatedTestSettings: TestSettings;
build: ShallowReference;
clientUrl: string;
description: string;
endDate: Date;
id: number;
iteration: string;
manualTestEnvironment: TestEnvironment;
manualTestSettings: TestSettings;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
previousBuild: ShallowReference;
project: ShallowReference;
revision: number;
rootSuite: ShallowReference;
startDate: Date;
state: string;
updatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
updatedDate: Date;
url: string;
export interface TestPlansWithSelection {
lastSelectedPlan: number;
lastSelectedSuite: number;
plans: TestPlan[];
export interface TestPoint {
assignedTo: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
automated: boolean;
comment: string;
configuration: ShallowReference;
failureType: string;
id: number;
lastResolutionStateId: number;
lastResult: ShallowReference;
lastTestRun: ShallowReference;
lastUpdatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
lastUpdatedDate: Date;
outcome: string;
revision: number;
state: string;
suite: ShallowReference;
testCase: WorkItemReference;
testPlan: ShallowReference;
url: string;
workItemProperties: any[];
export interface TestReport {
aggregatedResults: AggregatedTestResults;
build: BuildReference;
self: ShallowReference;
teamProject: ShallowReference;
testFailures: TestFailures;
export interface TestResolutionState {
id: number;
name: string;
project: ShallowReference;
export interface TestResultCreateModel {
area: ShallowReference;
associatedWorkItems: number[];
automatedTestId: string;
automatedTestName: string;
automatedTestStorage: string;
automatedTestType: string;
automatedTestTypeId: string;
comment: string;
completedDate: string;
computerName: string;
configuration: ShallowReference;
customFields: CustomTestField[];
durationInMs: string;
errorMessage: string;
failureType: string;
outcome: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
resolutionState: string;
runBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
stackTrace: string;
startedDate: string;
state: string;
testCase: ShallowReference;
testCasePriority: string;
testCaseTitle: string;
testPoint: ShallowReference;
export interface TestResultModelBase {
comment: string;
completedDate: Date;
durationInMs: number;
errorMessage: string;
outcome: string;
startedDate: Date;
export interface TestResultParameterModel {
actionPath: string;
iterationId: number;
parameterName: string;
url: string;
value: string;
export interface TestRun {
build: ShallowReference;
buildConfiguration: BuildConfiguration;
comment: string;
completedDate: Date;
controller: string;
createdDate: Date;
customFields: CustomTestField[];
dropLocation: string;
dtlAutEnvironment: ShallowReference;
dtlEnvironment: ShallowReference;
dtlEnvironmentCreationDetails: DtlEnvironmentDetails;
dueDate: Date;
errorMessage: string;
filter: RunFilter;
id: number;
incompleteTests: number;
isAutomated: boolean;
iteration: string;
lastUpdatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
lastUpdatedDate: Date;
name: string;
notApplicableTests: number;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
passedTests: number;
phase: string;
plan: ShallowReference;
postProcessState: string;
project: ShallowReference;
releaseEnvironmentUri: string;
releaseUri: string;
revision: number;
runStatistics: RunStatistic[];
startedDate: Date;
state: string;
substate: TestRunSubstate;
testEnvironment: TestEnvironment;
testMessageLogId: number;
testSettings: ShallowReference;
totalTests: number;
unanalyzedTests: number;
url: string;
webAccessUrl: string;
export interface TestRunCoverage {
lastError: string;
modules: ModuleCoverage[];
state: string;
testRun: ShallowReference;
export enum TestRunState {
* Only used during an update to preserve the existing value.
Unspecified = 0,
* The run is still being created. No tests have started yet.
NotStarted = 1,
* Tests are running.
InProgress = 2,
* All tests have completed or been skipped.
Completed = 3,
* Run is stopped and remaing tests have been aborted
Aborted = 4,
* Run is currently initializing This is a legacy state and should not be used any more
Waiting = 5,
* Run requires investigation because of a test point failure This is a legacy state and should not be used any more
NeedsInvestigation = 6,
export interface TestRunStatistic {
run: ShallowReference;
runStatistics: RunStatistic[];
export enum TestRunSubstate {
None = 0,
CreatingEnvironment = 1,
RunningTests = 2,
CanceledByUser = 3,
AbortedBySystem = 4,
TimedOut = 5,
PendingAnalysis = 6,
Analyzed = 7,
CancellationInProgress = 8,
* Represents the test settings of the run. Used to create test settings and fetch test settings
export interface TestSettings {
* Area path required to create test settings
areaPath: string;
* Description of the test settings. Used in create test settings.
description: string;
* Indicates if the tests settings is public or private.Used in create test settings.
isPublic: boolean;
* Xml string of machine roles. Used in create test settings.
machineRoles: string;
* Test settings content.
testSettingsContent: string;
* Test settings id.
testSettingsId: number;
* Test settings name.
testSettingsName: string;
export interface TestSuite {
areaUri: string;
defaultConfigurations: ShallowReference[];
id: number;
inheritDefaultConfigurations: boolean;
lastError: string;
lastPopulatedDate: Date;
lastUpdatedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
lastUpdatedDate: Date;
name: string;
parent: ShallowReference;
plan: ShallowReference;
project: ShallowReference;
queryString: string;
requirementId: number;
revision: number;
state: string;
suites: ShallowReference[];
suiteType: string;
testCaseCount: number;
testCasesUrl: string;
url: string;
export interface WorkItemReference {
id: string;
url: string;
webUrl: string;
export var TypeInfo: {
AggregatedResultsByOutcome: {
fields: any;
AggregatedTestResults: {
fields: any;
AttachmentType: {
enumValues: {
"generalAttachment": number;
"afnStrip": number;
"bugFilingData": number;
"codeCoverage": number;
"intermediateCollectorData": number;
"runConfig": number;
"testImpactDetails": number;
"tmiTestRunDeploymentFiles": number;
"tmiTestRunReverseDeploymentFiles": number;
"tmiTestResultDetail": number;
"tmiTestRunSummary": number;
BatchResponse: {
fields: any;
BuildConfiguration: {
fields: any;
BuildCoverage: {
fields: any;
BuildReference: {
fields: any;
CodeCoverageData: {
fields: any;
CodeCoverageStatistics: {
fields: any;
CodeCoverageSummary: {
fields: any;
CoverageQueryFlags: {
enumValues: {
"modules": number;
"functions": number;
"blockData": number;
CoverageStatistics: {
fields: any;
CustomTestField: {
fields: any;
CustomTestFieldDefinition: {
fields: any;
CustomTestFieldScope: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"testRun": number;
"testResult": number;
"system": number;
"all": number;
CustomTestFieldType: {
enumValues: {
"bit": number;
"int": number;
"float": number;
"guid": number;
"dateTime": number;
"string": number;
DtlEnvironmentDetails: {
fields: any;
FailingSince: {
fields: any;
FunctionCoverage: {
fields: any;
ModuleCoverage: {
fields: any;
PlanUpdateModel: {
fields: any;
PointAssignment: {
fields: any;
PointUpdateModel: {
fields: any;
PointWorkItemProperty: {
fields: any;
QueryModel: {
fields: any;
Response: {
fields: any;
ResultOutcome: {
enumValues: {
"pass": number;
"fail": number;
"pending": number;
ResultUpdateRequestModel: {
fields: any;
ResultUpdateResponseModel: {
fields: any;
RunCreateModel: {
fields: any;
RunFilter: {
fields: any;
RunStatistic: {
fields: any;
RunUpdateModel: {
fields: any;
ShallowReference: {
fields: any;
SharedStepModel: {
fields: any;
SuiteCreateModel: {
fields: any;
SuiteTestCase: {
fields: any;
SuiteUpdateModel: {
fields: any;
TestActionResultModel: {
fields: any;
TestAttachmentReference: {
fields: any;
TestAttachmentRequestModel: {
fields: any;
TestCaseResult: {
fields: any;
TestCaseResult2: {
fields: any;
TestCaseResultAttachmentModel: {
fields: any;
TestCaseResultIdentifier: {
fields: any;
TestCaseResultUpdateModel: {
fields: any;
TestEnvironment: {
fields: any;
TestFailureDetails: {
fields: any;
TestFailures: {
fields: any;
TestIterationDetailsModel: {
fields: any;
TestMessageLogDetails: {
fields: any;
TestOutcome: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": number;
"none": number;
"passed": number;
"failed": number;
"inconclusive": number;
"timeout": number;
"aborted": number;
"blocked": number;
"notExecuted": number;
"warning": number;
"error": number;
"notApplicable": number;
"paused": number;
"inProgress": number;
"maxValue": number;
TestPlan: {
fields: any;
TestPlansWithSelection: {
fields: any;
TestPoint: {
fields: any;
TestReport: {
fields: any;
TestResolutionState: {
fields: any;
TestResultCreateModel: {
fields: any;
TestResultModelBase: {
fields: any;
TestResultParameterModel: {
fields: any;
TestRun: {
fields: any;
TestRunCoverage: {
fields: any;
TestRunState: {
enumValues: {
"unspecified": number;
"notStarted": number;
"inProgress": number;
"completed": number;
"aborted": number;
"waiting": number;
"needsInvestigation": number;
TestRunStatistic: {
fields: any;
TestRunSubstate: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"creatingEnvironment": number;
"runningTests": number;
"canceledByUser": number;
"abortedBySystem": number;
"timedOut": number;
"pendingAnalysis": number;
"analyzed": number;
"cancellationInProgress": number;
TestSettings: {
fields: any;
TestSuite: {
fields: any;
WorkItemReference: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/TestApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import TestInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/TestInterfaces');
export interface ITestApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
createTestResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Attachment: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference) => void): void;
createTestRunAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Attachment: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference) => void): void;
getBuildCodeCoverage(project: string, buildId: number, flags: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CodeCoverage: TestInterfaces.BuildCoverage[]) => void): void;
getCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, deltaBuildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CodeCoverage: TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageSummary) => void): void;
updateCodeCoverageSummary(coverageData: TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageData, project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTestRunCodeCoverage(project: string, runId: number, flags: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CodeCoverage: TestInterfaces.TestRunCoverage[]) => void): void;
addCustomFields(newFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[], project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ExtensionFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]) => void): void;
queryCustomFields(project: string, scopeFilter: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldScope, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ExtensionFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]) => void): void;
getTestRunLogs(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, MessageLogs: TestInterfaces.TestMessageLogDetails[]) => void): void;
createTestPlan(testPlan: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plan: TestInterfaces.TestPlan) => void): void;
getPlanById(project: string, planId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plan: TestInterfaces.TestPlan) => void): void;
getPlans(project: string, owner: string, skip: number, top: number, includePlanDetails: boolean, filterActivePlans: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plans: TestInterfaces.TestPlan[]) => void): void;
updateTestPlan(planUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plan: TestInterfaces.TestPlan) => void): void;
getPoint(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: number, witFields: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Point: TestInterfaces.TestPoint) => void): void;
getPoints(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, witFields: string, configurationId: string, testCaseId: string, testPointIds: string, includePointDetails: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Points: TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]) => void): void;
updateTestPoints(pointUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PointUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Point: TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]) => void): void;
queryReportForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, includeFailureDetails: boolean, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ReportForBuild: TestInterfaces.TestReport) => void): void;
queryReportForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number, includeFailureDetails: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ReportForBuild: TestInterfaces.TestReport) => void): void;
getTestIteration(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, includeActionResults: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel) => void): void;
getTestIterations(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeActionResults: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel[]) => void): void;
addTestResultsToTestRun(resultCreateModels: TestInterfaces.TestResultCreateModel[], project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
bulkUpdateTestResults(resultUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number, resultIds: number[], onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
getTestCaseResultById(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeIterationDetails: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult) => void): void;
getTestCaseResults(project: string, runId: number, includeIterationDetails: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
updateTestResults(resultUpdateModels: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel[], project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
getActionResults(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestActionResultModel[]) => void): void;
getResultParameters(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, paramName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestResultParameterModel[]) => void): void;
getTestResultsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeResultDetails: boolean, includeIterationDetails: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
getTestRunStatistics(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRunStatistic) => void): void;
getTestRunsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeRunDetails: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun[]) => void): void;
createTestRun(testRun: TestInterfaces.RunCreateModel, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun) => void): void;
deleteTestRun(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTestRunById(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun) => void): void;
getTestRuns(project: string, buildUri: string, owner: string, tmiRunId: string, planId: number, includeRunDetails: boolean, automated: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Runs: TestInterfaces.TestRun[]) => void): void;
updateTestRun(runUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.RunUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun) => void): void;
addTestCasesToSuite(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]) => void): void;
getTestCaseById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase) => void): void;
getTestCases(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]) => void): void;
removeTestCasesFromSuiteUrl(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
createTestSuite(testSuite: TestInterfaces.SuiteCreateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]) => void): void;
deleteTestSuite(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTestSuiteById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, includeChildSuites: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.TestSuite) => void): void;
getTestSuitesForPlan(project: string, planId: number, includeSuites: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]) => void): void;
updateTestSuite(suiteUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.SuiteUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.TestSuite) => void): void;
getSuitesByTestCaseId(testCaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]) => void): void;
queryFailureDetailsForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestFailure: TestInterfaces.TestFailures) => void): void;
queryFailureDetailsForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestFailure: TestInterfaces.TestFailures) => void): void;
createTestSettings(testSettings: TestInterfaces.TestSettings, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestSetting: number) => void): void;
deleteTestSettings(project: string, testSettingsId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getTestSettingsById(project: string, testSettingsId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestSetting: TestInterfaces.TestSettings) => void): void;
export interface IQTestApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
createTestResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference>;
createTestRunAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference>;
getBuildCodeCoverage(project: string, buildId: number, flags: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.BuildCoverage[]>;
getCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, deltaBuildId?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageSummary>;
getTestRunCodeCoverage(project: string, runId: number, flags: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRunCoverage[]>;
addCustomFields(newFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[], project: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>;
queryCustomFields(project: string, scopeFilter: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldScope): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>;
getTestRunLogs(project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestMessageLogDetails[]>;
createTestPlan(testPlan: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan>;
getPlanById(project: string, planId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan>;
getPlans(project: string, owner?: string, skip?: number, top?: number, includePlanDetails?: boolean, filterActivePlans?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan[]>;
updateTestPlan(planUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan>;
getPoint(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: number, witFields?: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPoint>;
getPoints(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, witFields?: string, configurationId?: string, testCaseId?: string, testPointIds?: string, includePointDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]>;
updateTestPoints(pointUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PointUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]>;
queryReportForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, includeFailureDetails: boolean, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestReport>;
queryReportForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number, includeFailureDetails: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestReport>;
getTestIteration(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, includeActionResults?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel>;
getTestIterations(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeActionResults?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel[]>;
addTestResultsToTestRun(resultCreateModels: TestInterfaces.TestResultCreateModel[], project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
bulkUpdateTestResults(resultUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number, resultIds: number[]): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
getTestCaseResultById(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeIterationDetails?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult>;
getTestCaseResults(project: string, runId: number, includeIterationDetails?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
updateTestResults(resultUpdateModels: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel[], project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
getActionResults(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath?: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestActionResultModel[]>;
getResultParameters(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, paramName?: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestResultParameterModel[]>;
getTestResultsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeResultDetails?: boolean, includeIterationDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
getTestRunStatistics(project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRunStatistic>;
getTestRunsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeRunDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun[]>;
createTestRun(testRun: TestInterfaces.RunCreateModel, project: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun>;
getTestRunById(project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun>;
getTestRuns(project: string, buildUri?: string, owner?: string, tmiRunId?: string, planId?: number, includeRunDetails?: boolean, automated?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun[]>;
updateTestRun(runUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.RunUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun>;
addTestCasesToSuite(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]>;
getTestCaseById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase>;
getTestCases(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]>;
createTestSuite(testSuite: TestInterfaces.SuiteCreateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]>;
getTestSuiteById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, includeChildSuites?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite>;
getTestSuitesForPlan(project: string, planId: number, includeSuites?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]>;
updateTestSuite(suiteUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.SuiteUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite>;
getSuitesByTestCaseId(testCaseId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]>;
queryFailureDetailsForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestFailures>;
queryFailureDetailsForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestFailures>;
createTestSettings(testSettings: TestInterfaces.TestSettings, project: string): Q.Promise<number>;
getTestSettingsById(project: string, testSettingsId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSettings>;
export class TestApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITestApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference
createTestResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Attachment: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference
createTestRunAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Attachment: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} flags
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.BuildCoverage[]
getBuildCodeCoverage(project: string, buildId: number, flags: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CodeCoverage: TestInterfaces.BuildCoverage[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} deltaBuildId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageSummary
getCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, deltaBuildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CodeCoverage: TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageSummary) => void): void;
* http://(tfsserver):8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/test/CodeCoverage?buildId=10 Request: Json of code coverage summary
* @param {TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageData} coverageData
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param onResult callback function
updateCodeCoverageSummary(coverageData: TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageData, project: string, buildId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} flags
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRunCoverage[]
getTestRunCodeCoverage(project: string, runId: number, flags: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, CodeCoverage: TestInterfaces.TestRunCoverage[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]} newFields
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]
addCustomFields(newFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[], project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ExtensionFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldScope} scopeFilter
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]
queryCustomFields(project: string, scopeFilter: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldScope, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ExtensionFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestMessageLogDetails[]
getTestRunLogs(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, MessageLogs: TestInterfaces.TestMessageLogDetails[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel} testPlan
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPlan
createTestPlan(testPlan: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plan: TestInterfaces.TestPlan) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPlan
getPlanById(project: string, planId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plan: TestInterfaces.TestPlan) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} owner
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {boolean} includePlanDetails
* @param {boolean} filterActivePlans
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPlan[]
getPlans(project: string, owner: string, skip: number, top: number, includePlanDetails: boolean, filterActivePlans: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plans: TestInterfaces.TestPlan[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel} planUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPlan
updateTestPlan(planUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Plan: TestInterfaces.TestPlan) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {number} pointIds
* @param {string} witFields
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPoint
getPoint(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: number, witFields: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Point: TestInterfaces.TestPoint) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} witFields
* @param {string} configurationId
* @param {string} testCaseId
* @param {string} testPointIds
* @param {boolean} includePointDetails
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]
getPoints(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, witFields: string, configurationId: string, testCaseId: string, testPointIds: string, includePointDetails: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Points: TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.PointUpdateModel} pointUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} pointIds
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]
updateTestPoints(pointUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PointUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Point: TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} sourceWorkflow
* @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} buildToCompare
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestReport
queryReportForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, includeFailureDetails: boolean, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ReportForBuild: TestInterfaces.TestReport) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testRunId
* @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestReport
queryReportForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number, includeFailureDetails: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ReportForBuild: TestInterfaces.TestReport) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {number} iterationId
* @param {boolean} includeActionResults
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel
getTestIteration(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, includeActionResults: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {boolean} includeActionResults
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel[]
getTestIterations(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeActionResults: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestResultCreateModel[]} resultCreateModels
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]
addTestResultsToTestRun(resultCreateModels: TestInterfaces.TestResultCreateModel[], project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel} resultUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number[]} resultIds
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]
bulkUpdateTestResults(resultUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number, resultIds: number[], onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult
getTestCaseResultById(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeIterationDetails: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]
getTestCaseResults(project: string, runId: number, includeIterationDetails: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel[]} resultUpdateModels
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]
updateTestResults(resultUpdateModels: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel[], project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {number} iterationId
* @param {string} actionPath
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestActionResultModel[]
getActionResults(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestActionResultModel[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {number} iterationId
* @param {string} paramName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestResultParameterModel[]
getResultParameters(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, paramName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Results: TestInterfaces.TestResultParameterModel[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.QueryModel} query
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeResultDetails
* @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]
getTestResultsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeResultDetails: boolean, includeIterationDetails: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Result: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRunStatistic
getTestRunStatistics(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRunStatistic) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.QueryModel} query
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeRunDetails
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRun[]
getTestRunsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeRunDetails: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.RunCreateModel} testRun
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRun
createTestRun(testRun: TestInterfaces.RunCreateModel, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteTestRun(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRun
getTestRunById(project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} buildUri
* @param {string} owner
* @param {string} tmiRunId
* @param {number} planId
* @param {boolean} includeRunDetails
* @param {boolean} automated
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRun[]
getTestRuns(project: string, buildUri: string, owner: string, tmiRunId: string, planId: number, includeRunDetails: boolean, automated: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Runs: TestInterfaces.TestRun[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.RunUpdateModel} runUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestRun
updateTestRun(runUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.RunUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Run: TestInterfaces.TestRun) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} testCaseIds
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]
addTestCasesToSuite(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {number} testCaseIds
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase
getTestCaseById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]
getTestCases(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} testCaseIds
* @param onResult callback function
removeTestCasesFromSuiteUrl(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.SuiteCreateModel} testSuite
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]
createTestSuite(testSuite: TestInterfaces.SuiteCreateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteTestSuite(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {boolean} includeChildSuites
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestSuite
getTestSuiteById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, includeChildSuites: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.TestSuite) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {boolean} includeSuites
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]
getTestSuitesForPlan(project: string, planId: number, includeSuites: boolean, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.SuiteUpdateModel} suiteUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestSuite
updateTestSuite(suiteUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.SuiteUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suite: TestInterfaces.TestSuite) => void): void;
* @param {number} testCaseId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]
getSuitesByTestCaseId(testCaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Suites: TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} sourceWorkflow
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} buildToCompare
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestFailures
queryFailureDetailsForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestFailure: TestInterfaces.TestFailures) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testRunId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestFailures
queryFailureDetailsForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestFailure: TestInterfaces.TestFailures) => void): void;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestSettings} testSettings
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting number
createTestSettings(testSettings: TestInterfaces.TestSettings, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestSetting: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testSettingsId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteTestSettings(project: string, testSettingsId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testSettingsId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TestInterfaces.TestSettings
getTestSettingsById(project: string, testSettingsId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, TestSetting: TestInterfaces.TestSettings) => void): void;
export class QTestApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQTestApi {
api: TestApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
createTestResultAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel} attachmentRequestModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
createTestRunAttachment(attachmentRequestModel: TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentRequestModel, project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestAttachmentReference>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} flags
getBuildCodeCoverage(project: string, buildId: number, flags: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.BuildCoverage[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} buildId
* @param {number} deltaBuildId
getCodeCoverageSummary(project: string, buildId: number, deltaBuildId?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.CodeCoverageSummary>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} flags
getTestRunCodeCoverage(project: string, runId: number, flags: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRunCoverage[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]} newFields
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
addCustomFields(newFields: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[], project: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldScope} scopeFilter
queryCustomFields(project: string, scopeFilter: TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldScope): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.CustomTestFieldDefinition[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
getTestRunLogs(project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestMessageLogDetails[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel} testPlan
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createTestPlan(testPlan: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
getPlanById(project: string, planId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} owner
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {boolean} includePlanDetails
* @param {boolean} filterActivePlans
getPlans(project: string, owner?: string, skip?: number, top?: number, includePlanDetails?: boolean, filterActivePlans?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel} planUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
updateTestPlan(planUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PlanUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPlan>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {number} pointIds
* @param {string} witFields
getPoint(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: number, witFields?: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPoint>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} witFields
* @param {string} configurationId
* @param {string} testCaseId
* @param {string} testPointIds
* @param {boolean} includePointDetails
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getPoints(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, witFields?: string, configurationId?: string, testCaseId?: string, testPointIds?: string, includePointDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.PointUpdateModel} pointUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} pointIds
updateTestPoints(pointUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.PointUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, pointIds: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestPoint[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} sourceWorkflow
* @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} buildToCompare
queryReportForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, includeFailureDetails: boolean, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestReport>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testRunId
* @param {boolean} includeFailureDetails
queryReportForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number, includeFailureDetails: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestReport>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {number} iterationId
* @param {boolean} includeActionResults
getTestIteration(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, includeActionResults?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {boolean} includeActionResults
getTestIterations(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeActionResults?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestIterationDetailsModel[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestResultCreateModel[]} resultCreateModels
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
addTestResultsToTestRun(resultCreateModels: TestInterfaces.TestResultCreateModel[], project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel} resultUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number[]} resultIds
bulkUpdateTestResults(resultUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number, resultIds: number[]): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails
getTestCaseResultById(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, includeIterationDetails?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails
getTestCaseResults(project: string, runId: number, includeIterationDetails?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel[]} resultUpdateModels
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
updateTestResults(resultUpdateModels: TestInterfaces.TestCaseResultUpdateModel[], project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {number} iterationId
* @param {string} actionPath
getActionResults(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, actionPath?: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestActionResultModel[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
* @param {number} testCaseResultId
* @param {number} iterationId
* @param {string} paramName
getResultParameters(project: string, runId: number, testCaseResultId: number, iterationId: number, paramName?: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestResultParameterModel[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.QueryModel} query
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeResultDetails
* @param {boolean} includeIterationDetails
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getTestResultsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeResultDetails?: boolean, includeIterationDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestCaseResult[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
getTestRunStatistics(project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRunStatistic>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.QueryModel} query
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeRunDetails
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getTestRunsByQuery(query: TestInterfaces.QueryModel, project: string, includeRunDetails?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.RunCreateModel} testRun
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createTestRun(testRun: TestInterfaces.RunCreateModel, project: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
getTestRunById(project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} buildUri
* @param {string} owner
* @param {string} tmiRunId
* @param {number} planId
* @param {boolean} includeRunDetails
* @param {boolean} automated
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getTestRuns(project: string, buildUri?: string, owner?: string, tmiRunId?: string, planId?: number, includeRunDetails?: boolean, automated?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.RunUpdateModel} runUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} runId
updateTestRun(runUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.RunUpdateModel, project: string, runId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestRun>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {string} testCaseIds
addTestCasesToSuite(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: string): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {number} testCaseIds
getTestCaseById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, testCaseIds: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
getTestCases(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.SuiteTestCase[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.SuiteCreateModel} testSuite
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
createTestSuite(testSuite: TestInterfaces.SuiteCreateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
* @param {boolean} includeChildSuites
getTestSuiteById(project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number, includeChildSuites?: boolean): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {boolean} includeSuites
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getTestSuitesForPlan(project: string, planId: number, includeSuites?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.SuiteUpdateModel} suiteUpdateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} planId
* @param {number} suiteId
updateTestSuite(suiteUpdateModel: TestInterfaces.SuiteUpdateModel, project: string, planId: number, suiteId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite>;
* @param {number} testCaseId
getSuitesByTestCaseId(testCaseId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSuite[]>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} build
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} sourceWorkflow
* @param {TestInterfaces.BuildReference} buildToCompare
queryFailureDetailsForBuild(build: TestInterfaces.BuildReference, project: string, sourceWorkflow: string, buildToCompare: TestInterfaces.BuildReference): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestFailures>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testRunId
queryFailureDetailsForTestRun(project: string, testRunId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestFailures>;
* @param {TestInterfaces.TestSettings} testSettings
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createTestSettings(testSettings: TestInterfaces.TestSettings, project: string): Q.Promise<number>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} testSettingsId
getTestSettingsById(project: string, testSettingsId: number): Q.Promise<TestInterfaces.TestSettings>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/TfvcInterfaces' {
import TfsInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/TfsInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface AssociatedWorkItem {
assignedTo: string;
id: number;
state: string;
title: string;
* REST url
url: string;
webUrl: string;
workItemType: string;
export interface Change<T> {
changeType: VersionControlChangeType;
item: T;
newContent: ItemContent;
sourceServerItem: string;
url: string;
export interface ChangeCountDictionary {
export interface ChangeList<T> {
allChangesIncluded: boolean;
changeCounts: {
[key: number]: number;
changes: Change<T>[];
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
creationDate: Date;
notes: CheckinNote[];
owner: string;
ownerDisplayName: string;
ownerId: string;
sortDate: Date;
version: string;
* Criteria used in a search for change lists
export interface ChangeListSearchCriteria {
* If provided, a version descriptor to compare against base
compareVersion: string;
* If true, don't include delete history entries
excludeDeletes: boolean;
* Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried
followRenames: boolean;
* If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string)
fromDate: string;
* If provided, a version descriptor for the earliest change list to include
fromVersion: string;
* Path of item to search under
itemPath: string;
* Version of the items to search
itemVersion: string;
* Number of results to skip (used when clicking more...)
skip: number;
* If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string)
toDate: string;
* If provided, the maximum number of history entries to return
top: number;
* If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include
toVersion: string;
* Alias or display name of user who made the changes
user: string;
export interface CheckinNote {
name: string;
value: string;
export interface FileContentMetadata {
contentType: string;
encoding: number;
extension: string;
fileName: string;
isBinary: boolean;
isImage: boolean;
vsLink: string;
export interface GitBaseVersionDescriptor extends GitVersionDescriptor {
* Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit)
baseVersion: string;
* Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
baseVersionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted
baseVersionType: GitVersionType;
export interface GitBlobRef {
_links: any;
* SHA1 hash of git object
objectId: string;
* Size of blob content (in bytes)
size: number;
url: string;
export interface GitBranchStats {
aheadCount: number;
behindCount: number;
commit: GitCommitRef;
isBaseVersion: boolean;
name: string;
export interface GitChange extends Change<GitItem> {
export interface GitCommit extends GitCommitRef {
push: GitPushRef;
treeId: string;
export interface GitCommitChanges {
changeCounts: ChangeCountDictionary;
changes: GitChange[];
export interface GitCommitDiffs {
aheadCount: number;
allChangesIncluded: boolean;
baseCommit: string;
behindCount: number;
changeCounts: {
[key: number]: number;
changes: GitChange[];
commonCommit: string;
targetCommit: string;
export interface GitCommitRef {
_links: any;
author: GitUserDate;
changeCounts: ChangeCountDictionary;
changes: GitChange[];
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
commitId: string;
committer: GitUserDate;
parents: string[];
remoteUrl: string;
url: string;
export interface GitCommitToCreate {
baseRef: GitRef;
comment: string;
pathActions: GitPathAction[];
export interface GitHistoryQueryResults extends HistoryQueryResults<GitItem> {
* Seed commit used for querying history. Used for skip feature.
startingCommitId: string;
unpopulatedCount: number;
unprocessedCount: number;
export interface GitItem extends ItemModel {
* SHA1 of commit item was fetched at
commitId: string;
* Type of object (Commit, Tree, Blob, Tag, ...)
gitObjectType: GitObjectType;
* Shallow ref to commit that last changed this item Only populated if latestProcessedChange is requested May not be accurate if latest change is not yet cached
latestProcessedChange: GitCommitRef;
* Git object id
objectId: string;
* Git object id
originalObjectId: string;
export interface GitItemDescriptor {
* Path to item
path: string;
* Specifies whether to include children (OneLevel), all descendants (Full), or None
recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType;
* Version string (interpretation based on VersionType defined in subclass
version: string;
* Version modifiers (e.g. previous)
versionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* How to interpret version (branch,tag,commit)
versionType: GitVersionType;
export interface GitItemRequestData {
* Whether to include metadata for all items
includeContentMetadata: boolean;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Collection of items to fetch, including path, version, and recursion level
itemDescriptors: GitItemDescriptor[];
* Whether to include shallow ref to commit that last changed each item
latestProcessedChange: boolean;
* Encapsulates the reference metadata of a Git media object.
export interface GitMediaObjectRef {
* Gets or sets the reference links of the Git media object.
_links: any;
* Gets or sets the Git media object identifier. This Id property duplicates the Oid property, but is required by the VSO REST specification.
id: string;
* Gets or sets the Git media object identifier. This property exists for adherence to the GitHub Git Media contract.
oid: string;
* Gets or sets the size of the Git media object in bytes. This property exists for adherence to the GitHub Git Media contract.
size: number;
* Gets or sets the URL for the Git media object.
url: string;
export enum GitObjectType {
Bad = 0,
Commit = 1,
Tree = 2,
Blob = 3,
Tag = 4,
Ext2 = 5,
OfsDelta = 6,
RefDelta = 7,
export interface GitPathAction {
action: GitPathActions;
base64Content: string;
path: string;
rawTextContent: string;
targetPath: string;
export enum GitPathActions {
None = 0,
Edit = 1,
Delete = 2,
Add = 3,
Rename = 4,
export interface GitPullRequest {
_links: any;
closedDate: Date;
codeReviewId: number;
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
creationDate: Date;
description: string;
lastMergeCommit: GitCommitRef;
lastMergeSourceCommit: GitCommitRef;
lastMergeTargetCommit: GitCommitRef;
mergeId: string;
mergeStatus: PullRequestAsyncStatus;
pullRequestId: number;
remoteUrl: string;
repository: GitRepository;
reviewers: IdentityRefWithVote[];
sourceRefName: string;
status: PullRequestStatus;
targetRefName: string;
title: string;
upgraded: boolean;
url: string;
export interface GitPullRequestSearchCriteria {
creatorId: string;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
repositoryId: string;
reviewerId: string;
sourceRefName: string;
status: PullRequestStatus;
targetRefName: string;
export interface GitPush extends GitPushRef {
commits: GitCommitRef[];
refUpdates: GitRefUpdate[];
repository: GitRepository;
export interface GitPushEventData {
afterId: string;
beforeId: string;
branch: string;
commits: GitCommit[];
repository: GitRepository;
export interface GitPushRef {
_links: any;
date: Date;
pushCorrelationId: string;
pushedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
pushId: number;
url: string;
export interface GitPushSearchCriteria {
fromDate: Date;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
includeRefUpdates: boolean;
pusherId: string;
refName: string;
toDate: Date;
export interface GitQueryCommitsCriteria {
* Number of entries to skip
$skip: number;
* Maximum number of entries to retrieve
$top: number;
* Alias or display name of the author
author: string;
* If provided, the earliest commit in the graph to search
compareVersion: GitVersionDescriptor;
* If true, don't include delete history entries
excludeDeletes: boolean;
* If provided, a lower bound for filtering commits alphabetically
fromCommitId: string;
* If provided, only include history entries created after this date (string)
fromDate: string;
* If provided, specifies the exact commit ids of the commits to fetch. May not be combined with other parameters.
ids: string[];
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Path of item to search under
itemPath: string;
* If provided, identifies the commit or branch to search
itemVersion: GitVersionDescriptor;
* If provided, an upper bound for filtering commits alphabetically
toCommitId: string;
* If provided, only include history entries created before this date (string)
toDate: string;
* Alias or display name of the committer
user: string;
export interface GitRef {
_links: any;
isLockedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
name: string;
objectId: string;
url: string;
export interface GitRefUpdate {
name: string;
newObjectId: string;
oldObjectId: string;
repositoryId: string;
export enum GitRefUpdateMode {
* Indicates the Git protocol model where any refs that can be updated will be updated, but any failures will not prevent other updates from succeeding.
BestEffort = 0,
* Indicates that all ref updates must succeed or none will succeed. All ref updates will be atomically written. If any failure is encountered, previously successful updates will be rolled back and the entire operation will fail.
AllOrNone = 1,
export interface GitRefUpdateResult {
* Custom message for the result object For instance, Reason for failing.
customMessage: string;
* Ref name
name: string;
* New object ID
newObjectId: string;
* Old object ID
oldObjectId: string;
* Name of the plugin that rejected the updated.
rejectedBy: string;
* Repository ID
repositoryId: string;
* True if the ref update succeeded, false otherwise
success: boolean;
* Status of the update from the TFS server.
updateStatus: GitRefUpdateStatus;
export interface GitRefUpdateResultSet {
countFailed: number;
countSucceeded: number;
pushCorrelationId: string;
pushIds: {
[key: number]: number;
pushTime: Date;
results: GitRefUpdateResult[];
export enum GitRefUpdateStatus {
* Indicates that the ref update request was completed successfully.
Succeeded = 0,
* Indicates that the ref update request could not be completed because part of the graph would be disconnected by this change, and the caller does not have ForcePush permission on the repository.
ForcePushRequired = 1,
* Indicates that the ref update request could not be completed because the old object ID presented in the request was not the object ID of the ref when the database attempted the update. The most likely scenario is that the caller lost a race to update the ref.
StaleOldObjectId = 2,
* Indicates that the ref update request could not be completed because the ref name presented in the request was not valid.
InvalidRefName = 3,
* The request was not processed
Unprocessed = 4,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the new object ID for the ref could not be resolved to a commit object (potentially through any number of tags)
UnresolvableToCommit = 5,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks write permissions required to write this ref
WritePermissionRequired = 6,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks note creation permissions required to write this note
ManageNotePermissionRequired = 7,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks the permission to create a branch
CreateBranchPermissionRequired = 8,
* The ref update request could not be completed because the user lacks the permission to create a tag
CreateTagPermissionRequired = 9,
* The ref update could not be completed because it was rejected by the plugin.
RejectedByPlugin = 10,
* The ref update could not be completed because the ref is locked by another user.
Locked = 11,
* The ref update could not be completed because, in case-insensitive mode, the ref name conflicts with an existing, differently-cased ref name.
RefNameConflict = 12,
* The ref update could not be completed because it was rejected by policy.
RejectedByPolicy = 13,
* Indicates that the ref update request was completed successfully, but the ref doesn't actually exist so no changes were made. This should only happen during deletes.
SucceededNonExistentRef = 14,
* Indicates that the ref update request was completed successfully, but the passed-in ref was corrupt - as in, the old object ID was bad. This should only happen during deletes.
SucceededCorruptRef = 15,
export interface GitRepository {
_links: any;
defaultBranch: string;
id: string;
name: string;
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
remoteUrl: string;
url: string;
export enum GitRepositoryPermissions {
None = 0,
Administer = 1,
GenericRead = 2,
GenericContribute = 4,
ForcePush = 8,
CreateBranch = 16,
CreateTag = 32,
ManageNote = 64,
PolicyExempt = 128,
* This defines the set of bits that are valid for the git permission space. When reading or writing git permissions, these are the only bits paid attention too.
All = 255,
BranchLevelPermissions = 141,
export interface GitTargetVersionDescriptor extends GitVersionDescriptor {
* Version string identifier (name of tag/branch, SHA1 of commit)
targetVersion: string;
* Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
targetVersionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* Version type (branch, tag, or commit). Determines how Id is interpreted
targetVersionType: GitVersionType;
export interface GitTreeEntryRef {
* Blob or tree
gitObjectType: GitObjectType;
* Mode represented as octal string
mode: string;
* SHA1 hash of git object
objectId: string;
* Path relative to parent tree object
relativePath: string;
* Size of content
size: number;
* url to retrieve tree or blob
url: string;
export interface GitTreeRef {
_links: any;
* SHA1 hash of git object
objectId: string;
* Sum of sizes of all children
size: number;
* Blobs and trees under this tree
treeEntries: GitTreeEntryRef[];
* Url to tree
url: string;
export interface GitUserDate {
date: Date;
email: string;
name: string;
export interface GitVersionDescriptor {
* Version string identifier (name of tag/branch/index, SHA1 of commit)
version: string;
* Version options - Specify additional modifiers to version (e.g Previous)
versionOptions: GitVersionOptions;
* Version type (branch, tag, commit, or index). Determines how Id is interpreted
versionType: GitVersionType;
export enum GitVersionOptions {
* Not specified
None = 0,
* Commit that changed item prior to the current version
PreviousChange = 1,
* First parent of commit (HEAD^)
FirstParent = 2,
export enum GitVersionType {
* Interpret the version as a branch name
Branch = 0,
* Interpret the version as a tag name
Tag = 1,
* Interpret the version as a commit ID (SHA1)
Commit = 2,
* Interpret the version as an index name
Index = 3,
export interface HistoryEntry<T> {
* The Change list (changeset/commit/shelveset) for this point in history
changeList: ChangeList<T>;
* The change made to the item from this change list (only relevant for File history, not folders)
itemChangeType: VersionControlChangeType;
* The path of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders)
serverItem: string;
export interface HistoryQueryResults<T> {
* True if there are more results available to fetch (we're returning the max # of items requested) A more RESTy solution would be to include a Link header
moreResultsAvailable: boolean;
* The history entries (results) from this query
results: HistoryEntry<T>[];
export interface IdentityRefWithVote extends VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef {
isRequired: boolean;
reviewerUrl: string;
vote: number;
votedFor: IdentityRefWithVote[];
export interface IncludedGitCommit {
commitId: string;
commitTime: Date;
parentCommitIds: string[];
repositoryId: string;
export interface ItemContent {
content: string;
contentType: ItemContentType;
export enum ItemContentType {
RawText = 0,
Base64Encoded = 1,
* Optional details to include when returning an item model
export interface ItemDetailsOptions {
* If true, include metadata about the file type
includeContentMetadata: boolean;
* Specifies whether to include children (OneLevel), all descendants (Full) or None for folder items
recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType;
export interface ItemModel {
_links: any;
contentMetadata: FileContentMetadata;
isFolder: boolean;
isSymLink: boolean;
path: string;
url: string;
export enum PullRequestAsyncStatus {
NotSet = 0,
Queued = 1,
Conflicts = 2,
Succeeded = 3,
RejectedByPolicy = 4,
Failure = 5,
export enum PullRequestStatus {
NotSet = 0,
Active = 1,
Abandoned = 2,
Completed = 3,
export interface TfvcBranch extends TfvcBranchRef {
children: TfvcBranch[];
mappings: TfvcBranchMapping[];
parent: TfvcShallowBranchRef;
relatedBranches: TfvcShallowBranchRef[];
export interface TfvcBranchMapping {
depth: string;
serverItem: string;
type: string;
export interface TfvcBranchRef extends TfvcShallowBranchRef {
_links: any;
createdDate: Date;
description: string;
isDeleted: boolean;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
url: string;
export interface TfvcChange extends Change<TfvcItem> {
* List of merge sources in case of rename or branch creation.
mergeSources: TfvcMergeSource[];
* Version at which a (shelved) change was pended against
pendingVersion: number;
export interface TfvcChangeset extends TfvcChangesetRef {
accountId: string;
changes: TfvcChange[];
checkinNotes: CheckinNote[];
collectionId: string;
hasMoreChanges: boolean;
policyOverride: TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo;
teamProjectIds: string[];
workItems: AssociatedWorkItem[];
export interface TfvcChangesetRef {
_links: any;
author: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
changesetId: number;
checkedInBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
createdDate: Date;
url: string;
* Criteria used in a search for change lists
export interface TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria {
* Alias or display name of user who made the changes
author: string;
* Whether or not to follow renames for the given item being queried
followRenames: boolean;
* If provided, only include changesets created after this date (string) Think of a better name for this.
fromDate: string;
* If provided, only include changesets after this changesetID
fromId: number;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Path of item to search under
path: string;
* If provided, only include changesets created before this date (string) Think of a better name for this.
toDate: string;
* If provided, a version descriptor for the latest change list to include
toId: number;
export interface TfvcChangesetsRequestData {
changesetIds: number[];
commentLength: number;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
export interface TfvcCheckinEventData {
changeset: TfvcChangeset;
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
export interface TfvcHistoryEntry extends HistoryEntry<TfvcItem> {
* The encoding of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders)
encoding: number;
* The file id of the item at this point in history (only relevant for File history, not folders)
fileId: number;
export interface TfvcItem extends ItemModel {
changeDate: Date;
deletionId: number;
isBranch: boolean;
isPendingChange: boolean;
version: number;
* Item path and Version descriptor properties
export interface TfvcItemDescriptor {
path: string;
recursionLevel: VersionControlRecursionType;
version: string;
versionOption: TfvcVersionOption;
versionType: TfvcVersionType;
export interface TfvcItemRequestData {
* If true, include metadata about the file type
includeContentMetadata: boolean;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
itemDescriptors: TfvcItemDescriptor[];
export interface TfvcLabel extends TfvcLabelRef {
items: TfvcItem[];
export interface TfvcLabelRef {
_links: any;
description: string;
id: number;
labelScope: string;
modifiedDate: Date;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
url: string;
export interface TfvcLabelRequestData {
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
itemLabelFilter: string;
labelScope: string;
maxItemCount: number;
name: string;
owner: string;
export interface TfvcMergeSource {
* Indicates if this a rename source. If false, it is a merge source.
isRename: boolean;
* The server item of the merge source
serverItem: string;
* Start of the version range
versionFrom: number;
* End of the version range
versionTo: number;
export interface TfvcPolicyFailureInfo {
message: string;
policyName: string;
export interface TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo {
comment: string;
policyFailures: TfvcPolicyFailureInfo[];
export interface TfvcShallowBranchRef {
path: string;
export interface TfvcShelveset extends TfvcShelvesetRef {
changes: TfvcChange[];
notes: CheckinNote[];
policyOverride: TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo;
workItems: AssociatedWorkItem[];
export interface TfvcShelvesetRef {
_links: any;
comment: string;
commentTruncated: boolean;
createdDate: Date;
id: string;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
url: string;
export interface TfvcShelvesetRequestData {
* Whether to include policyOverride and notes
includeDetails: boolean;
* Whether to include the _links field on the shallow references
includeLinks: boolean;
* Whether to include workItems
includeWorkItems: boolean;
* Max number of changes to include
maxChangeCount: number;
* Max length of comment
maxCommentLength: number;
* Shelveset's name
name: string;
* Owner's ID. Could be a name or a guid.
owner: string;
export interface TfvcVersionDescriptor {
version: string;
versionOption: TfvcVersionOption;
versionType: TfvcVersionType;
export enum TfvcVersionOption {
None = 0,
Previous = 1,
UseRename = 2,
export enum TfvcVersionType {
None = 0,
Changeset = 1,
Shelveset = 2,
Change = 3,
Date = 4,
Latest = 5,
Tip = 6,
MergeSource = 7,
export interface UpdateRefsRequest {
refUpdateRequests: GitRefUpdate[];
updateMode: GitRefUpdateMode;
export enum VersionControlChangeType {
None = 0,
Add = 1,
Edit = 2,
Encoding = 4,
Rename = 8,
Delete = 16,
Undelete = 32,
Branch = 64,
Merge = 128,
Lock = 256,
Rollback = 512,
SourceRename = 1024,
TargetRename = 2048,
Property = 4096,
All = 8191,
export interface VersionControlProjectInfo {
project: TfsInterfaces.TeamProjectReference;
supportsGit: boolean;
supportsTFVC: boolean;
export enum VersionControlRecursionType {
None = 0,
OneLevel = 1,
Full = 120,
export var TypeInfo: {
AssociatedWorkItem: {
fields: any;
Change: {
fields: any;
ChangeCountDictionary: {
fields: any;
ChangeList: {
fields: any;
ChangeListSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
CheckinNote: {
fields: any;
FileContentMetadata: {
fields: any;
GitBaseVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitBlobRef: {
fields: any;
GitBranchStats: {
fields: any;
GitChange: {
fields: any;
GitCommit: {
fields: any;
GitCommitChanges: {
fields: any;
GitCommitDiffs: {
fields: any;
GitCommitRef: {
fields: any;
GitCommitToCreate: {
fields: any;
GitHistoryQueryResults: {
fields: any;
GitItem: {
fields: any;
GitItemDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitItemRequestData: {
fields: any;
GitMediaObjectRef: {
fields: any;
GitObjectType: {
enumValues: {
"bad": number;
"commit": number;
"tree": number;
"blob": number;
"tag": number;
"ext2": number;
"ofsDelta": number;
"refDelta": number;
GitPathAction: {
fields: any;
GitPathActions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"edit": number;
"delete": number;
"add": number;
"rename": number;
GitPullRequest: {
fields: any;
GitPullRequestSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
GitPush: {
fields: any;
GitPushEventData: {
fields: any;
GitPushRef: {
fields: any;
GitPushSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
GitQueryCommitsCriteria: {
fields: any;
GitRef: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdate: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdateMode: {
enumValues: {
"bestEffort": number;
"allOrNone": number;
GitRefUpdateResult: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdateResultSet: {
fields: any;
GitRefUpdateStatus: {
enumValues: {
"succeeded": number;
"forcePushRequired": number;
"staleOldObjectId": number;
"invalidRefName": number;
"unprocessed": number;
"unresolvableToCommit": number;
"writePermissionRequired": number;
"manageNotePermissionRequired": number;
"createBranchPermissionRequired": number;
"createTagPermissionRequired": number;
"rejectedByPlugin": number;
"locked": number;
"refNameConflict": number;
"rejectedByPolicy": number;
"succeededNonExistentRef": number;
"succeededCorruptRef": number;
GitRepository: {
fields: any;
GitRepositoryPermissions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"administer": number;
"genericRead": number;
"genericContribute": number;
"forcePush": number;
"createBranch": number;
"createTag": number;
"manageNote": number;
"policyExempt": number;
"all": number;
"branchLevelPermissions": number;
GitTargetVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitTreeEntryRef: {
fields: any;
GitTreeRef: {
fields: any;
GitUserDate: {
fields: any;
GitVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
GitVersionOptions: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"previousChange": number;
"firstParent": number;
GitVersionType: {
enumValues: {
"branch": number;
"tag": number;
"commit": number;
"index": number;
HistoryEntry: {
fields: any;
HistoryQueryResults: {
fields: any;
IdentityRefWithVote: {
fields: any;
IncludedGitCommit: {
fields: any;
ItemContent: {
fields: any;
ItemContentType: {
enumValues: {
"rawText": number;
"base64Encoded": number;
ItemDetailsOptions: {
fields: any;
ItemModel: {
fields: any;
PullRequestAsyncStatus: {
enumValues: {
"notSet": number;
"queued": number;
"conflicts": number;
"succeeded": number;
"rejectedByPolicy": number;
"failure": number;
PullRequestStatus: {
enumValues: {
"notSet": number;
"active": number;
"abandoned": number;
"completed": number;
TfvcBranch: {
fields: any;
TfvcBranchMapping: {
fields: any;
TfvcBranchRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcChange: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangeset: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangesetRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria: {
fields: any;
TfvcChangesetsRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcCheckinEventData: {
fields: any;
TfvcHistoryEntry: {
fields: any;
TfvcItem: {
fields: any;
TfvcItemDescriptor: {
fields: any;
TfvcItemRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcLabel: {
fields: any;
TfvcLabelRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcLabelRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcMergeSource: {
fields: any;
TfvcPolicyFailureInfo: {
fields: any;
TfvcPolicyOverrideInfo: {
fields: any;
TfvcShallowBranchRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcShelveset: {
fields: any;
TfvcShelvesetRef: {
fields: any;
TfvcShelvesetRequestData: {
fields: any;
TfvcVersionDescriptor: {
fields: any;
TfvcVersionOption: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"previous": number;
"useRename": number;
TfvcVersionType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"changeset": number;
"shelveset": number;
"change": number;
"date": number;
"latest": number;
"tip": number;
"mergeSource": number;
UpdateRefsRequest: {
fields: any;
VersionControlChangeType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"add": number;
"edit": number;
"encoding": number;
"rename": number;
"delete": number;
"undelete": number;
"branch": number;
"merge": number;
"lock": number;
"rollback": number;
"sourceRename": number;
"targetRename": number;
"property": number;
"all": number;
VersionControlProjectInfo: {
fields: any;
VersionControlRecursionType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"oneLevel": number;
"full": number;
declare module 'vso-node-api/TfvcApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import TfvcInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/TfvcInterfaces');
export interface ITfvcApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
getBranch(path: string, project: string, includeParent: boolean, includeChildren: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Branche: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch) => void): void;
getBranches(project: string, includeParent: boolean, includeChildren: boolean, includeDeleted: boolean, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Branches: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch[]) => void): void;
getBranchRefs(scopePath: string, project: string, includeDeleted: boolean, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Branches: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranchRef[]) => void): void;
getChangesetChanges(id: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ChangesetChanges: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]) => void): void;
createChangeset(changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef) => void): void;
getChangeset(id: number, project: string, maxChangeCount: number, includeDetails: boolean, includeWorkItems: boolean, maxCommentLength: number, includeSourceRename: boolean, skip: number, top: number, orderby: string, searchCriteria: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset) => void): void;
getChangesets(project: string, maxChangeCount: number, includeDetails: boolean, includeWorkItems: boolean, maxCommentLength: number, includeSourceRename: boolean, skip: number, top: number, orderby: string, searchCriteria: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Changesets: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]) => void): void;
getBatchedChangesets(changesetsRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetsRequestData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ChangesetsBatch: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]) => void): void;
getChangesetWorkItems(id: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ChangesetWorkItems: TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]) => void): void;
getItemsBatch(itemRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItemRequestData, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ItemBatch: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[][]) => void): void;
getItem(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Item: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem) => void): void;
getItemContent(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getItems(project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeLinks: boolean, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Items: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]) => void): void;
getItemText(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getItemZip(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getLabelItems(labelId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, LabelItems: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]) => void): void;
getLabel(labelId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Label: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabel) => void): void;
getLabels(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Labels: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRef[]) => void): void;
getProjectInfo(projectId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ProjectInfo: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo) => void): void;
getProjectInfos(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ProjectInfo: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo[]) => void): void;
getShelvesetChanges(shelvesetId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ShelvesetChanges: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]) => void): void;
getShelveset(shelvesetId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Shelveset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelveset) => void): void;
getShelvesets(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Shelvesets: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRef[]) => void): void;
getShelvesetWorkItems(shelvesetId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ShelvesetWorkItems: TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]) => void): void;
export interface IQTfvcApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
getBranch(path: string, project?: string, includeParent?: boolean, includeChildren?: boolean): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch>;
getBranches(project?: string, includeParent?: boolean, includeChildren?: boolean, includeDeleted?: boolean, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch[]>;
getBranchRefs(scopePath: string, project?: string, includeDeleted?: boolean, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranchRef[]>;
getChangesetChanges(id?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]>;
createChangeset(changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef>;
getChangeset(id: number, project?: string, maxChangeCount?: number, includeDetails?: boolean, includeWorkItems?: boolean, maxCommentLength?: number, includeSourceRename?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number, orderby?: string, searchCriteria?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset>;
getChangesets(project?: string, maxChangeCount?: number, includeDetails?: boolean, includeWorkItems?: boolean, maxCommentLength?: number, includeSourceRename?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number, orderby?: string, searchCriteria?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]>;
getBatchedChangesets(changesetsRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetsRequestData): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]>;
getChangesetWorkItems(id?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]>;
getItemsBatch(itemRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItemRequestData, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[][]>;
getItem(path: string, project?: string, fileName?: string, download?: boolean, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem>;
getItems(project?: string, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeLinks?: boolean, versionDescriptor?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]>;
getLabelItems(labelId: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]>;
getLabel(labelId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabel>;
getLabels(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project?: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRef[]>;
getProjectInfo(projectId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo>;
getProjectInfos(project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo[]>;
getShelvesetChanges(shelvesetId: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]>;
getShelveset(shelvesetId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelveset>;
getShelvesets(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRef[]>;
getShelvesetWorkItems(shelvesetId: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]>;
export class TfvcApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITfvcApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Get a single branch hierarchy at the given path with parents or children (if specified)
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeParent
* @param {boolean} includeChildren
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch
getBranch(path: string, project: string, includeParent: boolean, includeChildren: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Branche: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch) => void): void;
* Get a collection of branch roots -- first-level children, branches with no parents
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeParent
* @param {boolean} includeChildren
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch[]
getBranches(project: string, includeParent: boolean, includeChildren: boolean, includeDeleted: boolean, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Branches: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch[]) => void): void;
* Get branch hierarchies below the specified scopePath
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranchRef[]
getBranchRefs(scopePath: string, project: string, includeDeleted: boolean, includeLinks: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Branches: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranchRef[]) => void): void;
* Retrieve Tfvc changes for a given changeset
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]
getChangesetChanges(id: number, skip: number, top: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ChangesetChanges: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]) => void): void;
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset} changeset
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef
createChangeset(changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef) => void): void;
* Retrieve a Tfvc Changeset
* @param {number} id
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxChangeCount
* @param {boolean} includeDetails
* @param {boolean} includeWorkItems
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {boolean} includeSourceRename
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {string} orderby
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset
getChangeset(id: number, project: string, maxChangeCount: number, includeDetails: boolean, includeWorkItems: boolean, maxCommentLength: number, includeSourceRename: boolean, skip: number, top: number, orderby: string, searchCriteria: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset) => void): void;
* Retrieve Tfvc changesets
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxChangeCount
* @param {boolean} includeDetails
* @param {boolean} includeWorkItems
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {boolean} includeSourceRename
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {string} orderby
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]
getChangesets(project: string, maxChangeCount: number, includeDetails: boolean, includeWorkItems: boolean, maxCommentLength: number, includeSourceRename: boolean, skip: number, top: number, orderby: string, searchCriteria: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Changesets: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]) => void): void;
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetsRequestData} changesetsRequestData
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]
getBatchedChangesets(changesetsRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetsRequestData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ChangesetsBatch: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]) => void): void;
* @param {number} id
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]
getChangesetWorkItems(id: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ChangesetWorkItems: TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]) => void): void;
* Post for retrieving a set of items given a list of paths or a long path. Allows for specifying the recursionLevel and version descriptors for each path.
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItemRequestData} itemRequestData
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[][]
getItemsBatch(itemRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItemRequestData, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ItemBatch: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[][]) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem
getItem(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Item: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getItemContent(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Get a list of Tfvc items
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]
getItems(project: string, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeLinks: boolean, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Items: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string
getItemText(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getItemZip(path: string, project: string, fileName: string, download: boolean, scopePath: string, recursionLevel: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Get items under a label.
* @param {string} labelId - Unique identifier of label
* @param {number} top - Max number of items to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of items to skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]
getLabelItems(labelId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, LabelItems: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]) => void): void;
* Get a single deep label.
* @param {string} labelId - Unique identifier of label
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData} requestData - maxItemCount
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabel
getLabel(labelId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Label: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabel) => void): void;
* Get a collection of shallow label references.
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData} requestData - labelScope, name, owner, and itemLabelFilter
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} top - Max number of labels to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of labels to skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRef[]
getLabels(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Labels: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRef[]) => void): void;
* Retrieve the version control information for a given Team Project
* @param {string} projectId - The id (or name) of the team project
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo
getProjectInfo(projectId: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ProjectInfo: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo[]
getProjectInfos(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ProjectInfo: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo[]) => void): void;
* Get changes included in a shelveset.
* @param {string} shelvesetId - Shelveset's unique ID
* @param {number} top - Max number of changes to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of changes to skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]
getShelvesetChanges(shelvesetId: string, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ShelvesetChanges: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]) => void): void;
* Get a single deep shelveset.
* @param {string} shelvesetId - Shelveset's unique ID
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData} requestData - includeDetails, includeWorkItems, maxChangeCount, and maxCommentLength
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelveset
getShelveset(shelvesetId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Shelveset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelveset) => void): void;
* Return a collection of shallow shelveset references.
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData} requestData - name, owner, and maxCommentLength
* @param {number} top - Max number of shelvesets to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of shelvesets to skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRef[]
getShelvesets(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, Shelvesets: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRef[]) => void): void;
* Get work items associated with a shelveset.
* @param {string} shelvesetId - Shelveset's unique ID
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]
getShelvesetWorkItems(shelvesetId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, ShelvesetWorkItems: TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]) => void): void;
export class QTfvcApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQTfvcApi {
api: TfvcApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Get a single branch hierarchy at the given path with parents or children (if specified)
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeParent
* @param {boolean} includeChildren
getBranch(path: string, project?: string, includeParent?: boolean, includeChildren?: boolean): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch>;
* Get a collection of branch roots -- first-level children, branches with no parents
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeParent
* @param {boolean} includeChildren
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
getBranches(project?: string, includeParent?: boolean, includeChildren?: boolean, includeDeleted?: boolean, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranch[]>;
* Get branch hierarchies below the specified scopePath
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
getBranchRefs(scopePath: string, project?: string, includeDeleted?: boolean, includeLinks?: boolean): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcBranchRef[]>;
* Retrieve Tfvc changes for a given changeset
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
getChangesetChanges(id?: number, skip?: number, top?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]>;
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset} changeset
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createChangeset(changeset: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef>;
* Retrieve a Tfvc Changeset
* @param {number} id
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxChangeCount
* @param {boolean} includeDetails
* @param {boolean} includeWorkItems
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {boolean} includeSourceRename
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {string} orderby
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
getChangeset(id: number, project?: string, maxChangeCount?: number, includeDetails?: boolean, includeWorkItems?: boolean, maxCommentLength?: number, includeSourceRename?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number, orderby?: string, searchCriteria?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangeset>;
* Retrieve Tfvc changesets
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} maxChangeCount
* @param {boolean} includeDetails
* @param {boolean} includeWorkItems
* @param {number} maxCommentLength
* @param {boolean} includeSourceRename
* @param {number} skip
* @param {number} top
* @param {string} orderby
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria} searchCriteria
getChangesets(project?: string, maxChangeCount?: number, includeDetails?: boolean, includeWorkItems?: boolean, maxCommentLength?: number, includeSourceRename?: boolean, skip?: number, top?: number, orderby?: string, searchCriteria?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetSearchCriteria): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]>;
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetsRequestData} changesetsRequestData
getBatchedChangesets(changesetsRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetsRequestData): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChangesetRef[]>;
* @param {number} id
getChangesetWorkItems(id?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]>;
* Post for retrieving a set of items given a list of paths or a long path. Allows for specifying the recursionLevel and version descriptors for each path.
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItemRequestData} itemRequestData
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getItemsBatch(itemRequestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItemRequestData, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[][]>;
* Get Item Metadata and/or Content. The download parameter is to indicate whether the content should be available as a download or just sent as a stream in the response. Doesn't apply to zipped content which is always returned as a download.
* @param {string} path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {boolean} download
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
getItem(path: string, project?: string, fileName?: string, download?: boolean, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, versionDescriptor?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem>;
* Get a list of Tfvc items
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} scopePath
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType} recursionLevel
* @param {boolean} includeLinks
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor} versionDescriptor
getItems(project?: string, scopePath?: string, recursionLevel?: TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlRecursionType, includeLinks?: boolean, versionDescriptor?: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcVersionDescriptor): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]>;
* Get items under a label.
* @param {string} labelId - Unique identifier of label
* @param {number} top - Max number of items to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of items to skip
getLabelItems(labelId: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcItem[]>;
* Get a single deep label.
* @param {string} labelId - Unique identifier of label
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData} requestData - maxItemCount
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getLabel(labelId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabel>;
* Get a collection of shallow label references.
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData} requestData - labelScope, name, owner, and itemLabelFilter
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} top - Max number of labels to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of labels to skip
getLabels(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRequestData, project?: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcLabelRef[]>;
* Retrieve the version control information for a given Team Project
* @param {string} projectId - The id (or name) of the team project
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getProjectInfo(projectId: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getProjectInfos(project?: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.VersionControlProjectInfo[]>;
* Get changes included in a shelveset.
* @param {string} shelvesetId - Shelveset's unique ID
* @param {number} top - Max number of changes to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of changes to skip
getShelvesetChanges(shelvesetId: string, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcChange[]>;
* Get a single deep shelveset.
* @param {string} shelvesetId - Shelveset's unique ID
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData} requestData - includeDetails, includeWorkItems, maxChangeCount, and maxCommentLength
getShelveset(shelvesetId: string, requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelveset>;
* Return a collection of shallow shelveset references.
* @param {TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData} requestData - name, owner, and maxCommentLength
* @param {number} top - Max number of shelvesets to return
* @param {number} skip - Number of shelvesets to skip
getShelvesets(requestData: TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRequestData, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.TfvcShelvesetRef[]>;
* Get work items associated with a shelveset.
* @param {string} shelvesetId - Shelveset's unique ID
getShelvesetWorkItems(shelvesetId: string): Q.Promise<TfvcInterfaces.AssociatedWorkItem[]>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/WorkItemTrackingInterfaces' {
export interface AttachmentReference {
id: string;
url: string;
export interface FieldDependentRule extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
dependentFields: WorkItemFieldReference[];
export interface FieldsToEvaluate {
fields: string[];
fieldUpdates: {
[key: string]: any;
fieldValues: {
[key: string]: any;
rulesFrom: string[];
export enum FieldType {
String = 0,
Integer = 1,
DateTime = 2,
PlainText = 3,
Html = 4,
TreePath = 5,
History = 6,
Double = 7,
Guid = 8,
Boolean = 9,
export enum FieldUsage {
None = 0,
WorkItem = 1,
WorkItemLink = 2,
Tree = 3,
WorkItemTypeExtension = 4,
export interface IdentityReference {
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
export interface Link {
attributes: {
[key: string]: any;
rel: string;
title: string;
url: string;
export enum LinkQueryMode {
WorkItems = 0,
LinksOneHopMustContain = 1,
LinksOneHopMayContain = 2,
LinksOneHopDoesNotContain = 3,
LinksRecursiveMustContain = 4,
LinksRecursiveMayContain = 5,
LinksRecursiveDoesNotContain = 6,
export enum LogicalOperation {
NONE = 0,
AND = 1,
OR = 2,
export interface ProjectReference {
id: string;
name: string;
url: string;
export enum ProvisioningActionType {
Import = 0,
Validate = 1,
export interface ProvisioningResult {
provisioningImportEvents: string[];
export enum QueryExpand {
None = 0,
Wiql = 1,
Clauses = 2,
All = 3,
export interface QueryHierarchyItem extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
children: QueryHierarchyItem[];
clauses: WorkItemQueryClause;
columns: WorkItemFieldReference[];
filterOptions: LinkQueryMode;
hasChildren: boolean;
id: string;
isDeleted: boolean;
isFolder: boolean;
isInvalidSyntax: boolean;
isPublic: boolean;
linkClauses: WorkItemQueryClause;
name: string;
path: string;
queryType: QueryType;
sortColumns: WorkItemQuerySortColumn[];
sourceClauses: WorkItemQueryClause;
targetClauses: WorkItemQueryClause;
wiql: string;
export enum QueryResultType {
WorkItem = 1,
WorkItemLink = 2,
export enum QueryType {
Flat = 1,
Tree = 2,
OneHop = 3,
export interface ReportingWorkItemLink {
changedDate: Date;
isActive: boolean;
rel: string;
sourceId: number;
targetId: number;
export interface ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch extends StreamedBatch<ReportingWorkItemLink> {
export interface ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch extends StreamedBatch<WorkItem> {
export interface ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter {
fields: string[];
includeIdentityRef: boolean;
types: string[];
export interface StreamedBatch<T> {
isLastBatch: boolean;
nextLink: string;
values: T[];
export enum TemplateType {
WorkItemType = 0,
GlobalWorkflow = 1,
export enum TreeNodeStructureType {
Area = 0,
Iteration = 1,
export enum TreeStructureGroup {
Areas = 0,
Iterations = 1,
export interface Wiql {
query: string;
export interface WorkItem extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
fields: {
[key: string]: any;
id: number;
relations: WorkItemRelation[];
rev: number;
export interface WorkItemClassificationNode extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
attributes: {
[key: string]: any;
children: WorkItemClassificationNode[];
id: number;
name: string;
structureType: TreeNodeStructureType;
export enum WorkItemExpand {
None = 0,
Relations = 1,
Fields = 2,
All = 3,
export interface WorkItemField extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
name: string;
readOnly: boolean;
referenceName: string;
supportedOperations: WorkItemFieldOperation[];
type: FieldType;
export interface WorkItemFieldOperation {
name: string;
referenceName: string;
export interface WorkItemFieldReference {
name: string;
referenceName: string;
url: string;
export interface WorkItemFieldUpdate {
newValue: any;
oldValue: any;
export interface WorkItemHistory extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
rev: number;
revisedBy: IdentityReference;
revisedDate: Date;
value: string;
export interface WorkItemLink {
rel: string;
source: WorkItemReference;
target: WorkItemReference;
export interface WorkItemQueryClause {
clauses: WorkItemQueryClause[];
field: WorkItemFieldReference;
fieldValue: WorkItemFieldReference;
isFieldValue: boolean;
logicalOperator: LogicalOperation;
operator: WorkItemFieldOperation;
value: string;
export interface WorkItemQueryResult {
asOf: Date;
columns: WorkItemFieldReference[];
queryResultType: QueryResultType;
queryType: QueryType;
sortColumns: WorkItemQuerySortColumn[];
workItemRelations: WorkItemLink[];
workItems: WorkItemReference[];
export interface WorkItemQuerySortColumn {
descending: boolean;
field: WorkItemFieldReference;
export interface WorkItemReference {
id: number;
url: string;
export interface WorkItemRelation extends Link {
export interface WorkItemRelationType extends WorkItemTrackingReference {
attributes: {
[key: string]: any;
export interface WorkItemRelationUpdates {
added: WorkItemRelation[];
removed: WorkItemRelation[];
updated: WorkItemRelation[];
export interface WorkItemRevisionReference extends WorkItemReference {
rev: number;
export interface WorkItemTrackingReference extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
name: string;
referenceName: string;
export interface WorkItemTrackingResource extends WorkItemTrackingResourceReference {
_links: any;
export interface WorkItemTrackingResourceReference {
url: string;
export interface WorkItemType extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
description: string;
fields: WorkItemTypeFieldInstance[];
name: string;
xmlForm: string;
export interface WorkItemTypeCategory extends WorkItemTrackingResource {
defaultWorkItemType: WorkItemTypeReference;
name: string;
referenceName: string;
workItemTypes: WorkItemTypeReference[];
export interface WorkItemTypeFieldInstance {
field: WorkItemFieldReference;
helpText: string;
export interface WorkItemTypeReference extends WorkItemTrackingResourceReference {
name: string;
export interface WorkItemTypeTemplate {
template: string;
export interface WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel {
actionType: ProvisioningActionType;
methodology: string;
template: string;
templateType: TemplateType;
export interface WorkItemUpdate extends WorkItemTrackingResourceReference {
fields: {
[key: string]: WorkItemFieldUpdate;
id: number;
relations: WorkItemRelationUpdates;
rev: number;
revisedBy: IdentityReference;
revisedDate: Date;
workItemId: number;
export var TypeInfo: {
AttachmentReference: {
fields: any;
FieldDependentRule: {
fields: any;
FieldsToEvaluate: {
fields: any;
FieldType: {
enumValues: {
"string": number;
"integer": number;
"dateTime": number;
"plainText": number;
"html": number;
"treePath": number;
"history": number;
"double": number;
"guid": number;
"boolean": number;
FieldUsage: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"workItem": number;
"workItemLink": number;
"tree": number;
"workItemTypeExtension": number;
IdentityReference: {
fields: any;
Link: {
fields: any;
LinkQueryMode: {
enumValues: {
"workItems": number;
"linksOneHopMustContain": number;
"linksOneHopMayContain": number;
"linksOneHopDoesNotContain": number;
"linksRecursiveMustContain": number;
"linksRecursiveMayContain": number;
"linksRecursiveDoesNotContain": number;
LogicalOperation: {
enumValues: {
"nONE": number;
"aND": number;
"oR": number;
ProjectReference: {
fields: any;
ProvisioningActionType: {
enumValues: {
"import": number;
"validate": number;
ProvisioningResult: {
fields: any;
QueryExpand: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"wiql": number;
"clauses": number;
"all": number;
QueryHierarchyItem: {
fields: any;
QueryResultType: {
enumValues: {
"workItem": number;
"workItemLink": number;
QueryType: {
enumValues: {
"flat": number;
"tree": number;
"oneHop": number;
ReportingWorkItemLink: {
fields: any;
ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch: {
fields: any;
ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch: {
fields: any;
ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter: {
fields: any;
StreamedBatch: {
fields: any;
TemplateType: {
enumValues: {
"workItemType": number;
"globalWorkflow": number;
TreeNodeStructureType: {
enumValues: {
"area": number;
"iteration": number;
TreeStructureGroup: {
enumValues: {
"areas": number;
"iterations": number;
Wiql: {
fields: any;
WorkItem: {
fields: any;
WorkItemClassificationNode: {
fields: any;
WorkItemExpand: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"relations": number;
"fields": number;
"all": number;
WorkItemField: {
fields: any;
WorkItemFieldOperation: {
fields: any;
WorkItemFieldReference: {
fields: any;
WorkItemFieldUpdate: {
fields: any;
WorkItemHistory: {
fields: any;
WorkItemLink: {
fields: any;
WorkItemQueryClause: {
fields: any;
WorkItemQueryResult: {
fields: any;
WorkItemQuerySortColumn: {
fields: any;
WorkItemReference: {
fields: any;
WorkItemRelation: {
fields: any;
WorkItemRelationType: {
fields: any;
WorkItemRelationUpdates: {
fields: any;
WorkItemRevisionReference: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTrackingReference: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTrackingResource: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTrackingResourceReference: {
fields: any;
WorkItemType: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTypeCategory: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTypeFieldInstance: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTypeReference: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTypeTemplate: {
fields: any;
WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel: {
fields: any;
WorkItemUpdate: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/WorkItemTrackingApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
import WorkItemTrackingInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/WorkItemTrackingInterfaces');
export interface IWorkItemTrackingApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, fileName: string, uploadType: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachment: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.AttachmentReference) => void): void;
getAttachmentContent(id: string, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getAttachmentZip(id: string, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getRootNodes(project: string, depth: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode[]) => void): void;
createOrUpdateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode) => void): void;
deleteClassificationNode(project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, reclassifyId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getClassificationNode(project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, depth: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode) => void): void;
updateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode) => void): void;
getField(field: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, field: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField) => void): void;
getFields(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, field: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField[]) => void): void;
getHistory(id: number, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, history: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory[]) => void): void;
getHistoryById(id: number, revisionNumber: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, history: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory) => void): void;
createQuery(postedQuery: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem) => void): void;
deleteQuery(project: string, query: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getQueries(project: string, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth: number, includeDeleted: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem[]) => void): void;
getQuery(project: string, query: string, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth: number, includeDeleted: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem) => void): void;
updateQuery(queryUpdate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string, undeleteDescendants: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem) => void): void;
getRevision(id: number, revisionNumber: number, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, revision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
getRevisions(id: number, top: number, skip: number, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, revision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]) => void): void;
evaluateRulesOnField(ruleEngineInput: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldsToEvaluate, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getUpdate(id: number, updateNumber: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, update: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate) => void): void;
getUpdates(id: number, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, update: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate[]) => void): void;
queryByWiql(wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.Wiql, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult) => void): void;
queryById(id: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult) => void): void;
getReportingLinks(project: string, types: string[], watermark: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemLink: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch) => void): void;
getRelationType(relation: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRelationType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType) => void): void;
getRelationTypes(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRelationType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType[]) => void): void;
readReportingRevisionsGet(project: string, fields: string[], types: string[], watermark: number, includeIdentityRef: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRevision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch) => void): void;
readReportingRevisionsPost(filter: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter, project: string, watermark: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRevision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch) => void): void;
getWorkItem(id: number, fields: string[], asOf: Date, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
getWorkItems(ids: number[], fields: string[], asOf: Date, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]) => void): void;
updateWorkItem(customHeaders: any, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, id: number, validateOnly: boolean, bypassRules: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
getWorkItemTemplate(project: string, type: string, fields: string, asOf: Date, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
updateWorkItemTemplate(customHeaders: any, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, project: string, type: string, validateOnly: boolean, bypassRules: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
getWorkItemTypeCategories(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeCategorie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory[]) => void): void;
getWorkItemTypeCategory(project: string, category: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeCategorie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory) => void): void;
getWorkItemType(project: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType) => void): void;
getWorkItemTypes(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType[]) => void): void;
getDependentFields(project: string, type: string, field: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypesField: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldDependentRule) => void): void;
exportWorkItemTypeDefinition(project: string, type: string, exportGlobalLists: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeTemplate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplate) => void): void;
updateWorkItemTypeDefinition(updateModel: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeTemplate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ProvisioningResult) => void): void;
export interface IQWorkItemTrackingApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, fileName?: string, uploadType?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.AttachmentReference>;
getRootNodes(project: string, depth?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode[]>;
createOrUpdateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode>;
getClassificationNode(project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path?: string, depth?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode>;
updateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode>;
getField(field: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField>;
getFields(): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField[]>;
getHistory(id: number, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory[]>;
getHistoryById(id: number, revisionNumber: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory>;
createQuery(postedQuery: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem>;
getQueries(project: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth?: number, includeDeleted?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem[]>;
getQuery(project: string, query: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth?: number, includeDeleted?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem>;
updateQuery(queryUpdate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string, undeleteDescendants?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem>;
getRevision(id: number, revisionNumber: number, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
getRevisions(id: number, top?: number, skip?: number, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]>;
getUpdate(id: number, updateNumber: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate>;
getUpdates(id: number, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate[]>;
queryByWiql(wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.Wiql, project?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult>;
queryById(id: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult>;
getReportingLinks(project?: string, types?: string[], watermark?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch>;
getRelationType(relation: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType>;
getRelationTypes(): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType[]>;
readReportingRevisionsGet(project?: string, fields?: string[], types?: string[], watermark?: number, includeIdentityRef?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch>;
readReportingRevisionsPost(filter: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter, project?: string, watermark?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch>;
getWorkItem(id: number, fields?: string[], asOf?: Date, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
getWorkItems(ids: number[], fields?: string[], asOf?: Date, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]>;
updateWorkItem(customHeaders: any, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, id: number, validateOnly?: boolean, bypassRules?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
getWorkItemTemplate(project: string, type: string, fields?: string, asOf?: Date, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
updateWorkItemTemplate(customHeaders: any, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, project: string, type: string, validateOnly?: boolean, bypassRules?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
getWorkItemTypeCategories(project: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory[]>;
getWorkItemTypeCategory(project: string, category: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory>;
getWorkItemType(project: string, type: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType>;
getWorkItemTypes(project: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType[]>;
getDependentFields(project: string, type: string, field: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldDependentRule>;
exportWorkItemTypeDefinition(project?: string, type?: string, exportGlobalLists?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplate>;
updateWorkItemTypeDefinition(updateModel: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel, project?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ProvisioningResult>;
export class WorkItemTrackingApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IWorkItemTrackingApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Creates an attachment.
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {string} uploadType
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.AttachmentReference
createAttachment(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, fileName: string, uploadType: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, attachment: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.AttachmentReference) => void): void;
* Returns an attachment
* @param {string} id
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getAttachmentContent(id: string, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* Returns an attachment
* @param {string} id
* @param {string} fileName
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getAttachmentZip(id: string, fileName: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} depth
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode[]
getRootNodes(project: string, depth: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode[]) => void): void;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode} postedNode
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode
createOrUpdateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
* @param {number} reclassifyId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteClassificationNode(project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, reclassifyId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
* @param {number} depth
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode
getClassificationNode(project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, depth: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode) => void): void;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode} postedNode
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode
updateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, classificationNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode) => void): void;
* @param {string} field
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField
getField(field: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, field: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField) => void): void;
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField[]
getFields(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, field: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField[]) => void): void;
* Returns history of all revision for a given work item ID
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory[]
getHistory(id: number, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, history: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory[]) => void): void;
* Returns the history value of particular revision
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} revisionNumber
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory
getHistoryById(id: number, revisionNumber: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, history: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory) => void): void;
* Creates a query, or moves a query.
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem} postedQuery - The query to create.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query - The parent path for the query to create.
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem
createQuery(postedQuery: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query
* @param onResult callback function
deleteQuery(project: string, query: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Retrieves all queries the user has access to in the current project
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand} expand
* @param {number} depth
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem[]
getQueries(project: string, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth: number, includeDeleted: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem[]) => void): void;
* Retrieves a single query by project and either id or path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand} expand
* @param {number} depth
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem
getQuery(project: string, query: string, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth: number, includeDeleted: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem) => void): void;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem} queryUpdate
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query
* @param {boolean} undeleteDescendants
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem
updateQuery(queryUpdate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string, undeleteDescendants: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, querie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem) => void): void;
* Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} revisionNumber
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem
getRevision(id: number, revisionNumber: number, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, revision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
* Returns the list of fully hydrated work item revisions, paged.
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]
getRevisions(id: number, top: number, skip: number, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, revision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]) => void): void;
* Validates the fields values.
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldsToEvaluate} ruleEngineInput
* @param onResult callback function
evaluateRulesOnField(ruleEngineInput: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldsToEvaluate, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* Returns a single update for a work item
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} updateNumber
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate
getUpdate(id: number, updateNumber: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, update: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate) => void): void;
* Returns a the deltas between work item revisions
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate[]
getUpdates(id: number, top: number, skip: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, update: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate[]) => void): void;
* Gets the results of the query.
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.Wiql} wiql - The query containing the wiql.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult
queryByWiql(wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.Wiql, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult) => void): void;
* Gets the results of the query by id.
* @param {string} id - The query id.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult
queryById(id: string, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string[]} types
* @param {number} watermark
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch
getReportingLinks(project: string, types: string[], watermark: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemLink: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch) => void): void;
* Gets the work item relation types.
* @param {string} relation
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType
getRelationType(relation: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRelationType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType) => void): void;
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType[]
getRelationTypes(onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRelationType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {string[]} types
* @param {number} watermark
* @param {boolean} includeIdentityRef
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch
readReportingRevisionsGet(project: string, fields: string[], types: string[], watermark: number, includeIdentityRef: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRevision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch) => void): void;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter} filter
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} watermark
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch
readReportingRevisionsPost(filter: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter, project: string, watermark: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemRevision: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch) => void): void;
* Returns a single work item
* @param {number} id
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {Date} asOf
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem
getWorkItem(id: number, fields: string[], asOf: Date, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
* Returns a list of work items
* @param {number[]} ids
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {Date} asOf
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]
getWorkItems(ids: number[], fields: string[], asOf: Date, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]) => void): void;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument} document
* @param {number} id
* @param {boolean} validateOnly
* @param {boolean} bypassRules
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem
updateWorkItem(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, id: number, validateOnly: boolean, bypassRules: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
* Returns a single work item from a template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} fields
* @param {Date} asOf
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem
getWorkItemTemplate(project: string, type: string, fields: string, asOf: Date, expand: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument} document
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {boolean} validateOnly
* @param {boolean} bypassRules
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem
updateWorkItemTemplate(customHeaders: VsoBaseInterfaces.IHeaders, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, project: string, type: string, validateOnly: boolean, bypassRules: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItem: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory[]
getWorkItemTypeCategories(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeCategorie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory[]) => void): void;
* Returns a the deltas between work item revisions
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} category
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory
getWorkItemTypeCategory(project: string, category: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeCategorie: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory) => void): void;
* Returns a the deltas between work item revisions
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType
getWorkItemType(project: string, type: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType[]
getWorkItemTypes(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemType: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType[]) => void): void;
* Returns the dependent fields for the corresponding workitem type and fieldname
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} field
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldDependentRule
getDependentFields(project: string, type: string, field: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypesField: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldDependentRule) => void): void;
* Export work item type
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {boolean} exportGlobalLists
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplate
exportWorkItemTypeDefinition(project: string, type: string, exportGlobalLists: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeTemplate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplate) => void): void;
* Add/updates a work item type
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel} updateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ProvisioningResult
updateWorkItemTypeDefinition(updateModel: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, workItemTypeTemplate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ProvisioningResult) => void): void;
export class QWorkItemTrackingApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQWorkItemTrackingApi {
api: WorkItemTrackingApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Creates an attachment.
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream
* @param {string} fileName
* @param {string} uploadType
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, fileName?: string, uploadType?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.AttachmentReference>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} depth
getRootNodes(project: string, depth?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode[]>;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode} postedNode
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
createOrUpdateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
* @param {number} depth
getClassificationNode(project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path?: string, depth?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode>;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode} postedNode
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup} structureGroup
* @param {string} path
updateClassificationNode(postedNode: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode, project: string, structureGroup: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.TreeStructureGroup, path?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemClassificationNode>;
* @param {string} field
getField(field: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField>;
getFields(): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemField[]>;
* Returns history of all revision for a given work item ID
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
getHistory(id: number, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory[]>;
* Returns the history value of particular revision
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} revisionNumber
getHistoryById(id: number, revisionNumber: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemHistory>;
* Creates a query, or moves a query.
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem} postedQuery - The query to create.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query - The parent path for the query to create.
createQuery(postedQuery: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem>;
* Retrieves all queries the user has access to in the current project
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand} expand
* @param {number} depth
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
getQueries(project: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth?: number, includeDeleted?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem[]>;
* Retrieves a single query by project and either id or path
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand} expand
* @param {number} depth
* @param {boolean} includeDeleted
getQuery(project: string, query: string, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryExpand, depth?: number, includeDeleted?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem>;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem} queryUpdate
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} query
* @param {boolean} undeleteDescendants
updateQuery(queryUpdate: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem, project: string, query: string, undeleteDescendants?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.QueryHierarchyItem>;
* Returns a fully hydrated work item for the requested revision
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} revisionNumber
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
getRevision(id: number, revisionNumber: number, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
* Returns the list of fully hydrated work item revisions, paged.
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
getRevisions(id: number, top?: number, skip?: number, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]>;
* Returns a single update for a work item
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} updateNumber
getUpdate(id: number, updateNumber: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate>;
* Returns a the deltas between work item revisions
* @param {number} id
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} skip
getUpdates(id: number, top?: number, skip?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemUpdate[]>;
* Gets the results of the query.
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.Wiql} wiql - The query containing the wiql.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
queryByWiql(wiql: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.Wiql, project?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult>;
* Gets the results of the query by id.
* @param {string} id - The query id.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
queryById(id: string, project?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemQueryResult>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string[]} types
* @param {number} watermark
getReportingLinks(project?: string, types?: string[], watermark?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemLinksBatch>;
* Gets the work item relation types.
* @param {string} relation
getRelationType(relation: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType>;
getRelationTypes(): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemRelationType[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {string[]} types
* @param {number} watermark
* @param {boolean} includeIdentityRef
readReportingRevisionsGet(project?: string, fields?: string[], types?: string[], watermark?: number, includeIdentityRef?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch>;
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter} filter
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} watermark
readReportingRevisionsPost(filter: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsFilter, project?: string, watermark?: number): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ReportingWorkItemRevisionsBatch>;
* Returns a single work item
* @param {number} id
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {Date} asOf
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
getWorkItem(id: number, fields?: string[], asOf?: Date, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
* Returns a list of work items
* @param {number[]} ids
* @param {string[]} fields
* @param {Date} asOf
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
getWorkItems(ids: number[], fields?: string[], asOf?: Date, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem[]>;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument} document
* @param {number} id
* @param {boolean} validateOnly
* @param {boolean} bypassRules
updateWorkItem(customHeaders: any, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, id: number, validateOnly?: boolean, bypassRules?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
* Returns a single work item from a template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} fields
* @param {Date} asOf
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand} expand
getWorkItemTemplate(project: string, type: string, fields?: string, asOf?: Date, expand?: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemExpand): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
* @param {VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument} document
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {boolean} validateOnly
* @param {boolean} bypassRules
updateWorkItemTemplate(customHeaders: any, document: VSSInterfaces.JsonPatchDocument, project: string, type: string, validateOnly?: boolean, bypassRules?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItem>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getWorkItemTypeCategories(project: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory[]>;
* Returns a the deltas between work item revisions
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} category
getWorkItemTypeCategory(project: string, category: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeCategory>;
* Returns a the deltas between work item revisions
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
getWorkItemType(project: string, type: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getWorkItemTypes(project: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemType[]>;
* Returns the dependent fields for the corresponding workitem type and fieldname
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} field
getDependentFields(project: string, type: string, field: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.FieldDependentRule>;
* Export work item type
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} type
* @param {boolean} exportGlobalLists
exportWorkItemTypeDefinition(project?: string, type?: string, exportGlobalLists?: boolean): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplate>;
* Add/updates a work item type
* @param {WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel} updateModel
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
updateWorkItemTypeDefinition(updateModel: WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.WorkItemTypeTemplateUpdateModel, project?: string): Q.Promise<WorkItemTrackingInterfaces.ProvisioningResult>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/common/FormInputInterfaces' {
export enum InputDataType {
* No data type is specified.
None = 0,
* Represents a textual value.
String = 10,
* Represents a numberic value.
Number = 20,
* Represents a value of true or false.
Boolean = 30,
* Represents a Guid.
Guid = 40,
* Represents a URI.
Uri = 50,
* Describes an input for subscriptions.
export interface InputDescriptor {
* The ids of all inputs that the value of this input is dependent on.
dependencyInputIds: string[];
* Description of what this input is used for
description: string;
* The group localized name to which this input belongs and can be shown as a header for the container that will include all the inputs in the group.
groupName: string;
* If true, the value information for this input is dynamic and should be fetched when the value of dependency inputs change.
hasDynamicValueInformation: boolean;
* Identifier for the subscription input
id: string;
* Mode in which the value of this input should be entered
inputMode: InputMode;
* Gets whether this input is confidential, such as for a password or application key
isConfidential: boolean;
* Localized name which can be shown as a label for the subscription input
name: string;
* Gets whether this input is included in the default generated action description.
useInDefaultDescription: boolean;
* Information to use to validate this input's value
validation: InputValidation;
* A hint for input value. It can be used in the UI as the input placeholder.
valueHint: string;
* Information about possible values for this input
values: InputValues;
* Defines a filter for subscription inputs. The filter matches a set of inputs if any (one or more) of the groups evaluates to true.
export interface InputFilter {
* Groups of input filter expressions. This filter matches a set of inputs if any (one or more) of the groups evaluates to true.
conditions: InputFilterCondition[];
* An expression which can be applied to filter a list of subscription inputs
export interface InputFilterCondition {
* Whether or not to do a case sensitive match
caseSensitive: boolean;
* The Id of the input to filter on
inputId: string;
* The "expected" input value to compare with the actual input value
inputValue: string;
* The operator applied between the expected and actual input value
operator: InputFilterOperator;
export enum InputFilterOperator {
Equals = 0,
NotEquals = 1,
export enum InputMode {
* This input should not be shown in the UI
None = 0,
* An input text box should be shown
TextBox = 10,
* An password input box should be shown
PasswordBox = 20,
* A select/combo control should be shown
Combo = 30,
* Radio buttons should be shown
RadioButtons = 40,
* Checkbox should be shown(for true/false values)
CheckBox = 50,
* A multi-line text area should be shown
TextArea = 60,
* Describes what values are valid for a subscription input
export interface InputValidation {
dataType: InputDataType;
isRequired: boolean;
maxLength: number;
maxValue: number;
minLength: number;
minValue: number;
pattern: string;
patternMismatchErrorMessage: string;
* Information about a single value for an input
export interface InputValue {
* Any other data about this input
data: {
[key: string]: any;
* The text to show for the display of this value
displayValue: string;
* The value to store for this input
value: string;
* Information about the possible/allowed values for a given subscription input
export interface InputValues {
* The default value to use for this input
defaultValue: string;
* Errors encountered while computing dynamic values.
error: InputValuesError;
* The id of the input
inputId: string;
* Should this input be disabled
isDisabled: boolean;
* Should the value be restricted to one of the values in the PossibleValues (True) or are the values in PossibleValues just a suggestion (False)
isLimitedToPossibleValues: boolean;
* Should this input be made read-only
isReadOnly: boolean;
* Possible values that this input can take
possibleValues: InputValue[];
* Error information related to a subscription input value.
export interface InputValuesError {
* The error message.
message: string;
export interface InputValuesQuery {
currentValues: {
[key: string]: string;
* The input values to return on input, and the result from the consumer on output.
inputValues: InputValues[];
* Subscription containing information about the publisher/consumer and the current input values
resource: any;
export var TypeInfo: {
InputDataType: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"string": number;
"number": number;
"boolean": number;
"guid": number;
"uri": number;
InputDescriptor: {
fields: any;
InputFilter: {
fields: any;
InputFilterCondition: {
fields: any;
InputFilterOperator: {
enumValues: {
"equals": number;
"notEquals": number;
InputMode: {
enumValues: {
"none": number;
"textBox": number;
"passwordBox": number;
"combo": number;
"radioButtons": number;
"checkBox": number;
"textArea": number;
InputValidation: {
fields: any;
InputValue: {
fields: any;
InputValues: {
fields: any;
InputValuesError: {
fields: any;
InputValuesQuery: {
fields: any;
declare module 'vso-node-api/interfaces/ReleaseManagementInterfaces' {
import FormInputInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/FormInputInterfaces');
import VSSInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces');
export interface AgentArtifactDefinition {
alias: string;
artifactType: AgentArtifactType;
details: string;
name: string;
version: string;
export enum AgentArtifactType {
XamlBuild = 0,
Build = 1,
Jenkins = 2,
FileShare = 3,
Nuget = 4,
TfsOnPrem = 5,
export interface AgentJenkinsArtifactDetails {
connectionName: string;
jobName: string;
relativePath: string;
export interface AgentNugetArtifactDetails {
connectionName: string;
packageId: string;
relativePath: string;
export interface AgentTfsBuildArtifactDetails {
project: string;
relativePath: string;
export interface AgentTfsOnPremArtifactDetails {
buildDefinition: string;
connectionName: string;
project: string;
relativePath: string;
export interface ApprovalPendingEvent {
export enum ApprovalStatus {
Undefined = 0,
Pending = 1,
Approved = 2,
Rejected = 4,
Reassigned = 6,
Canceled = 7,
export enum ApprovalType {
Undefined = 0,
PreDeploy = 1,
PostDeploy = 2,
export interface ApprovalUpdateMetadata {
* Changes the approver to this identity when status is Reassign
assignedTo: string;
* Comment with which approval/rejection is made
comment: string;
* Run the next step at this time. ToDo: Start handling this when client needs it
scheduledTime: Date;
* Target status of the approval step
status: ApprovalStatus;
export interface Artifact {
definitions: ArtifactDefinition[];
source: ArtifactSource;
export interface ArtifactDefinition {
artifactSourceId: number;
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
createdOn: Date;
description: string;
id: number;
modifiedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
modifiedOn: Date;
name: string;
path: string;
export interface ArtifactInstanceData {
accountName: string;
authenticationToken: string;
tfsUrl: string;
version: string;
export interface ArtifactProvider {
id: number;
name: string;
sourceUri: string;
version: string;
export interface ArtifactSource {
actualSourceReference: {
[key: string]: ArtifactSourceReference;
alias: string;
artifactTypeId: string;
artifactTypeName: string;
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
createdOn: Date;
id: number;
modifiedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
modifiedOn: Date;
sourceData: {
[key: string]: FormInputInterfaces.InputValue;
export interface ArtifactSourceId {
artifactTypeId: string;
sourceIdInputs: SourceIdInput[];
export interface ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult {
artifactSourceIds: ArtifactSourceId[];
sources: {
[key: string]: FormInputInterfaces.InputValue[];
export interface ArtifactSourceReference {
displayValue: string;
value: string;
export interface ArtifactTypeDefinition {
id: string;
inputDescriptors: FormInputInterfaces.InputDescriptor[];
name: string;
export interface ArtifactVersion {
artifactSourceId: number;
errorMessage: string;
versions: BuildVersion[];
export interface ArtifactVersionQueryResult {
artifactVersions: ArtifactVersion[];
versions: {
[key: number]: FormInputInterfaces.InputValue[];
export interface BuildVersion {
id: string;
name: string;
export interface ConfigurationVariableValue {
isSecret: boolean;
value: string;
export interface Consumer {
consumerId: number;
consumerName: string;
export enum EnvironmentStatus {
NotStarted = 0,
Pending = 1,
Succeeded = 2,
Rejected = 3,
InProgress = 4,
Abandoned = 5,
Stopped = 6,
Canceled = 7,
export interface Issue {
issueType: string;
message: string;
export interface RealtimeReleaseEvent {
projectId: string;
releaseId: number;
export interface Release {
artifacts: Artifact[];
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
createdOn: Date;
description: string;
environments: ReleaseEnvironment[];
id: number;
modifiedOn: Date;
name: string;
poolName: string;
releaseDefinition: ShallowReference;
status: ReleaseStatus;
targetEnvironmentId: number;
variables: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseApproval {
approvalHistory: ShallowReference;
approvalType: ApprovalType;
approvedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
approver: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
comments: string;
createdOn: Date;
dateCreated: Date;
dateLastModified: Date;
environmentId: number;
id: number;
isAutomated: boolean;
modifiedOn: Date;
rank: number;
release: ShallowReference;
releaseDefinition: ShallowReference;
releaseEnvironment: ShallowReference;
releaseId: number;
status: ApprovalStatus;
trialNumber: number;
export interface ReleaseArtifact {
artifactProvider: ArtifactProvider;
artifactType: string;
definitionData: string;
definitionId: number;
description: string;
id: number;
name: string;
releaseId: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinition {
createdBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
createdOn: Date;
environments: ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment[];
id: number;
isDeactivated: boolean;
linkedArtifacts: Artifact[];
modifiedBy: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
modifiedOn: Date;
name: string;
triggers: ReleaseTrigger[];
variables: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep extends ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep {
approver: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
isAutomated: boolean;
isNotificationOn: boolean;
rank: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep extends ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep {
workflow: string;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment {
agentPoolId: number;
demands: any[];
deployStep: ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep;
id: number;
name: string;
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
postDeploySteps: ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep[];
preDeploySteps: ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep[];
queueId: number;
rank: number;
runOptions: {
[key: string]: string;
variables: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep {
id: number;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentSummary {
id: number;
lastReleases: ShallowReference[];
name: string;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate {
canDelete: boolean;
category: string;
description: string;
environment: ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment;
iconTaskId: string;
id: string;
name: string;
export interface ReleaseDefinitionSummary {
environments: ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentSummary[];
releaseDefinition: ShallowReference;
releases: Release[];
export interface ReleaseEnvironment {
agentPoolId: number;
createdOn: Date;
definitionEnvironmentId: number;
demands: any[];
* Error log to show any unexpected error that occurred during executing deploy step in the current environment
deployStepErrorLog: string;
id: number;
modifiedOn: Date;
name: string;
originalPostDeployApprovals: ReleaseApproval[];
originalPreDeployApprovals: ReleaseApproval[];
owner: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef;
postDeployApprovals: ReleaseApproval[];
preDeployApprovals: ReleaseApproval[];
queueId: number;
rank: number;
releaseId: number;
runOptions: {
[key: string]: string;
status: EnvironmentStatus;
tasks: ReleaseTask[];
variables: {
[key: string]: ConfigurationVariableValue;
workflow: string;
workflowTaskCount: number;
export interface ReleaseEnvironmentCompletedEvent {
definitionName: string;
environment: ReleaseEnvironment;
projectName: string;
releaseLogsUri: string;
releaseName: string;
status: string;
targetEnvironmentName: string;
title: string;
webAccessUri: string;
export enum ReleaseQueryOrder {
Descending = 0,
Ascending = 1,
export interface ReleaseStartMetadata {
artifactSourceData: {
[key: number]: FormInputInterfaces.InputValue;
definitionId: number;
description: string;
isDraft: boolean;
releaseName: string;
targetEnvironmentId: number;
export enum ReleaseStatus {
Undefined = 0,
Draft = 1,
InProgress = 2,
Released = 3,
Stopped = 4,
Rejected = 5,
Abandoned = 6,
Canceled = 7,
export interface ReleaseTask {
attempt: number;
dateEnded: Date;
dateStarted: Date;
environmentId: number;
id: number;
issues: Issue[];
name: string;
rank: number;
recordType: string;
status: TaskStatus;
timelineRecordId: string;
export interface ReleaseTaskLogUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseEvent {
environmentId: number;
lines: string[];
timelineRecordId: string;
export interface ReleaseTasksUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseEvent {
environmentId: number;
tasks: ReleaseTask[];
export interface ReleaseTrigger {
targetEnvironmentName: string;
* Id of the TriggerType object. For Trigger type ArtifactSource, this would be the ArtifactSourceId
triggerEntityId: number;
triggerType: ReleaseTriggerType;
export enum ReleaseTriggerType {
Undefined = 0,
ArtifactSource = 1,
export interface ReleaseUpdatedEvent extends RealtimeReleaseEvent {
release: Release;
export interface ReleaseUpdateMetadata {
requestTime: Date;
status: ReleaseStatus;
export interface ShallowReference {
id: number;
name: string;
url: string;
export interface SourceIdInput {
id: string;
name: string;
export enum TaskStatus {
Unknown = 0,
Pending = 1,
InProgress = 2,
Success = 3,
Failure = 4,
Canceled = 5,
Skipped = 6,
export var TypeInfo: {
AgentArtifactDefinition: {
fields: any;
AgentArtifactType: {
enumValues: {
"xamlBuild": number;
"build": number;
"jenkins": number;
"fileShare": number;
"nuget": number;
"tfsOnPrem": number;
AgentJenkinsArtifactDetails: {
fields: any;
AgentNugetArtifactDetails: {
fields: any;
AgentTfsBuildArtifactDetails: {
fields: any;
AgentTfsOnPremArtifactDetails: {
fields: any;
ApprovalPendingEvent: {
fields: any;
ApprovalStatus: {
enumValues: {
"undefined": number;
"pending": number;
"approved": number;
"rejected": number;
"reassigned": number;
"canceled": number;
ApprovalType: {
enumValues: {
"undefined": number;
"preDeploy": number;
"postDeploy": number;
ApprovalUpdateMetadata: {
fields: any;
Artifact: {
fields: any;
ArtifactDefinition: {
fields: any;
ArtifactInstanceData: {
fields: any;
ArtifactProvider: {
fields: any;
ArtifactSource: {
fields: any;
ArtifactSourceId: {
fields: any;
ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult: {
fields: any;
ArtifactSourceReference: {
fields: any;
ArtifactTypeDefinition: {
fields: any;
ArtifactVersion: {
fields: any;
ArtifactVersionQueryResult: {
fields: any;
BuildVersion: {
fields: any;
ConfigurationVariableValue: {
fields: any;
Consumer: {
fields: any;
EnvironmentStatus: {
enumValues: {
"notStarted": number;
"pending": number;
"succeeded": number;
"rejected": number;
"inProgress": number;
"abandoned": number;
"stopped": number;
"canceled": number;
Issue: {
fields: any;
RealtimeReleaseEvent: {
fields: any;
Release: {
fields: any;
ReleaseApproval: {
fields: any;
ReleaseArtifact: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinition: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionApprovalStep: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionDeployStep: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionEnvironment: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentStep: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentSummary: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate: {
fields: any;
ReleaseDefinitionSummary: {
fields: any;
ReleaseEnvironment: {
fields: any;
ReleaseEnvironmentCompletedEvent: {
fields: any;
ReleaseQueryOrder: {
enumValues: {
"descending": number;
"ascending": number;
ReleaseStartMetadata: {
fields: any;
ReleaseStatus: {
enumValues: {
"undefined": number;
"draft": number;
"inProgress": number;
"released": number;
"stopped": number;
"rejected": number;
"abandoned": number;
"canceled": number;
ReleaseTask: {
fields: any;
ReleaseTaskLogUpdatedEvent: {
fields: any;
ReleaseTasksUpdatedEvent: {
fields: any;
ReleaseTrigger: {
fields: any;
ReleaseTriggerType: {
enumValues: {
"undefined": number;
"artifactSource": number;
ReleaseUpdatedEvent: {
fields: any;
ReleaseUpdateMetadata: {
fields: any;
ShallowReference: {
fields: any;
SourceIdInput: {
fields: any;
TaskStatus: {
enumValues: {
"unknown": number;
"pending": number;
"inProgress": number;
"success": number;
"failure": number;
"canceled": number;
"skipped": number;
declare module 'vso-node-api/ReleaseManagementApi' {
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../q/Q.d.ts" />
import Q = require('q');
import basem = require('vso-node-api/ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import FormInputInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/FormInputInterfaces');
import ReleaseManagementInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/ReleaseManagementInterfaces');
export interface IReleaseManagementApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
getAgentArtifactDefinitions(project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agentartifacts: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.AgentArtifactDefinition[]) => void): void;
getApprovals(project: string, assignedToFilter: string, statusFilter: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalStatus, releaseIdFilter: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, approvals: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]) => void): void;
getApprovalHistory(project: string, approvalStepId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, approvals: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]) => void): void;
updateReleaseApproval(approvalUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalUpdateMetadata, project: string, approvalId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, approval: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval) => void): void;
createArtifact(artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact) => void): void;
getArtifact(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact) => void): void;
getArtifacts(project: string, typeId: string, name: string, sourceId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifacts: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact[]) => void): void;
updateArtifacts(artifactDefinitions: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[], project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifacts: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]) => void): void;
createReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition) => void): void;
deleteReleaseDefinition(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getReleaseDefinition(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition) => void): void;
getReleaseDefinitions(project: string, searchText: string, artifactIdFilter: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definitions: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition[]) => void): void;
updateReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition) => void): void;
createDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(template: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, environmenttemplate: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate) => void): void;
deleteDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, environmenttemplate: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate) => void): void;
listDefinitionEnvironmentTemplates(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, environmenttemplates: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate[]) => void): void;
getInputValues(query: FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, inputvaluesquery: FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery) => void): void;
getLogs(project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
getLog(project: string, releaseId: number, environmentId: number, taskId: number, attemptId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
createRelease(releaseStartMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStartMetadata, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
deleteRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
getRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, includeAllApprovals: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
getReleaseDefinitionSummary(project: string, definitionId: number, releaseCount: number, includeArtifact: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionSummary) => void): void;
getReleases(project: string, definitionId: number, searchText: string, statusFilter: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStatus, minCreatedTime: Date, maxCreatedTime: Date, queryOrder: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseQueryOrder, top: number, continuationToken: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, releases: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release[]) => void): void;
updateRelease(release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release, project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
updateReleaseStatus(releaseUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseUpdateMetadata, project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
getArtifactsSources(project: string, typeId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, source: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult) => void): void;
getArtifactTypeDefinitions(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, types: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactTypeDefinition[]) => void): void;
getArtifactVersions(project: string, releaseDefinitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, version: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult) => void): void;
getArtifactVersionsForSources(artifactSources: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSource[], project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, version: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult) => void): void;
export interface IQReleaseManagementApi extends basem.QClientApiBase {
getAgentArtifactDefinitions(project: string, releaseId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.AgentArtifactDefinition[]>;
getApprovals(project: string, assignedToFilter?: string, statusFilter?: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalStatus, releaseIdFilter?: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]>;
getApprovalHistory(project: string, approvalStepId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]>;
updateReleaseApproval(approvalUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalUpdateMetadata, project: string, approvalId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval>;
createArtifact(artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact>;
getArtifact(project: string, definitionId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact>;
getArtifacts(project: string, typeId?: string, name?: string, sourceId?: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact[]>;
updateArtifacts(artifactDefinitions: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[], project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]>;
createReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition>;
getReleaseDefinition(project: string, definitionId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition>;
getReleaseDefinitions(project: string, searchText?: string, artifactIdFilter?: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition[]>;
updateReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition>;
createDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(template: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate>;
getDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(project: string, templateId: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate>;
listDefinitionEnvironmentTemplates(project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate[]>;
getInputValues(query: FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery, project: string): Q.Promise<FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery>;
createRelease(releaseStartMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStartMetadata, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
getRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, includeAllApprovals?: boolean): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
getReleaseDefinitionSummary(project: string, definitionId: number, releaseCount: number, includeArtifact?: boolean): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionSummary>;
getReleases(project: string, definitionId?: number, searchText?: string, statusFilter?: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStatus, minCreatedTime?: Date, maxCreatedTime?: Date, queryOrder?: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseQueryOrder, top?: number, continuationToken?: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release[]>;
updateRelease(release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release, project: string, releaseId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
updateReleaseStatus(releaseUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseUpdateMetadata, project: string, releaseId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
getArtifactsSources(project: string, typeId?: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult>;
getArtifactTypeDefinitions(project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactTypeDefinition[]>;
getArtifactVersions(project: string, releaseDefinitionId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult>;
getArtifactVersionsForSources(artifactSources: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSource[], project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult>;
export class ReleaseManagementApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IReleaseManagementApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Returns the artifact details that automation agent requires
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.AgentArtifactDefinition[]
getAgentArtifactDefinitions(project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, agentartifacts: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.AgentArtifactDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} assignedToFilter
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalStatus} statusFilter
* @param {number} releaseIdFilter
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]
getApprovals(project: string, assignedToFilter: string, statusFilter: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalStatus, releaseIdFilter: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, approvals: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} approvalStepId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]
getApprovalHistory(project: string, approvalStepId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, approvals: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalUpdateMetadata} approvalUpdateMetadata
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} approvalId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval
updateReleaseApproval(approvalUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalUpdateMetadata, project: string, approvalId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, approval: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact} artifact
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact
createArtifact(artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact
getArtifact(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} typeId
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} sourceId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact[]
getArtifacts(project: string, typeId: string, name: string, sourceId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifacts: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact[]) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]} artifactDefinitions
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]
updateArtifacts(artifactDefinitions: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[], project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, artifacts: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition} releaseDefinition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition
createReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteReleaseDefinition(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition
getReleaseDefinition(project: string, definitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} searchText
* @param {number} artifactIdFilter
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition[]
getReleaseDefinitions(project: string, searchText: string, artifactIdFilter: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definitions: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition} releaseDefinition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition
updateReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, definition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate} template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate
createDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(template: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, environmenttemplate: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate
getDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(project: string, templateId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, environmenttemplate: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate[]
listDefinitionEnvironmentTemplates(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, environmenttemplates: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate[]) => void): void;
* @param {FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery} query
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery
getInputValues(query: FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, inputvaluesquery: FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ArrayBuffer
getLogs(project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param {number} environmentId
* @param {number} taskId
* @param {number} attemptId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting string
getLog(project: string, releaseId: number, environmentId: number, taskId: number, attemptId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, res: NodeJS.ReadableStream) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStartMetadata} releaseStartMetadata
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release
createRelease(releaseStartMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStartMetadata, project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param onResult callback function
deleteRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param {boolean} includeAllApprovals
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release
getRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, includeAllApprovals: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {number} releaseCount
* @param {boolean} includeArtifact
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionSummary
getReleaseDefinitionSummary(project: string, definitionId: number, releaseCount: number, includeArtifact: boolean, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionSummary) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} searchText
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStatus} statusFilter
* @param {Date} minCreatedTime
* @param {Date} maxCreatedTime
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseQueryOrder} queryOrder
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} continuationToken
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release[]
getReleases(project: string, definitionId: number, searchText: string, statusFilter: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStatus, minCreatedTime: Date, maxCreatedTime: Date, queryOrder: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseQueryOrder, top: number, continuationToken: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, releases: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release[]) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release} release
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release
updateRelease(release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release, project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseUpdateMetadata} releaseUpdateMetadata
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release
updateReleaseStatus(releaseUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseUpdateMetadata, project: string, releaseId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} typeId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult
getArtifactsSources(project: string, typeId: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, source: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactTypeDefinition[]
getArtifactTypeDefinitions(project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, types: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactTypeDefinition[]) => void): void;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseDefinitionId
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult
getArtifactVersions(project: string, releaseDefinitionId: number, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, version: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult) => void): void;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSource[]} artifactSources
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param onResult callback function with the resulting ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult
getArtifactVersionsForSources(artifactSources: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSource[], project: string, onResult: (err: any, statusCode: number, version: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult) => void): void;
export class QReleaseManagementApi extends basem.QClientApiBase implements IQReleaseManagementApi {
api: ReleaseManagementApi;
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]);
* Returns the artifact details that automation agent requires
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
getAgentArtifactDefinitions(project: string, releaseId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.AgentArtifactDefinition[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} assignedToFilter
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalStatus} statusFilter
* @param {number} releaseIdFilter
getApprovals(project: string, assignedToFilter?: string, statusFilter?: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalStatus, releaseIdFilter?: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} approvalStepId
getApprovalHistory(project: string, approvalStepId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval[]>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalUpdateMetadata} approvalUpdateMetadata
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} approvalId
updateReleaseApproval(approvalUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ApprovalUpdateMetadata, project: string, approvalId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseApproval>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact} artifact
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createArtifact(artifact: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
getArtifact(project: string, definitionId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} typeId
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} sourceId
getArtifacts(project: string, typeId?: string, name?: string, sourceId?: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Artifact[]>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]} artifactDefinitions
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
updateArtifacts(artifactDefinitions: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[], project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactDefinition[]>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition} releaseDefinition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
getReleaseDefinition(project: string, definitionId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} searchText
* @param {number} artifactIdFilter
getReleaseDefinitions(project: string, searchText?: string, artifactIdFilter?: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition[]>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition} releaseDefinition
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
updateReleaseDefinition(releaseDefinition: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinition>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate} template
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(template: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} templateId
getDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate(project: string, templateId: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
listDefinitionEnvironmentTemplates(project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionEnvironmentTemplate[]>;
* @param {FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery} query
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getInputValues(query: FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery, project: string): Q.Promise<FormInputInterfaces.InputValuesQuery>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStartMetadata} releaseStartMetadata
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
createRelease(releaseStartMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStartMetadata, project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
* @param {boolean} includeAllApprovals
getRelease(project: string, releaseId: number, includeAllApprovals?: boolean): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {number} releaseCount
* @param {boolean} includeArtifact
getReleaseDefinitionSummary(project: string, definitionId: number, releaseCount: number, includeArtifact?: boolean): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseDefinitionSummary>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} definitionId
* @param {string} searchText
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStatus} statusFilter
* @param {Date} minCreatedTime
* @param {Date} maxCreatedTime
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseQueryOrder} queryOrder
* @param {number} top
* @param {number} continuationToken
getReleases(project: string, definitionId?: number, searchText?: string, statusFilter?: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseStatus, minCreatedTime?: Date, maxCreatedTime?: Date, queryOrder?: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseQueryOrder, top?: number, continuationToken?: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release[]>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release} release
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
updateRelease(release: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release, project: string, releaseId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseUpdateMetadata} releaseUpdateMetadata
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseId
updateReleaseStatus(releaseUpdateMetadata: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ReleaseUpdateMetadata, project: string, releaseId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.Release>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} typeId
getArtifactsSources(project: string, typeId?: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSourceIdsQueryResult>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getArtifactTypeDefinitions(project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactTypeDefinition[]>;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} releaseDefinitionId
getArtifactVersions(project: string, releaseDefinitionId: number): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult>;
* @param {ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSource[]} artifactSources
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
getArtifactVersionsForSources(artifactSources: ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactSource[], project: string): Q.Promise<ReleaseManagementInterfaces.ArtifactVersionQueryResult>;
declare module 'vso-node-api/handlers/apiversion' {
/// <reference path="../../node/node.d.ts" />
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
export class ApiVersionHandler implements VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler {
apiVersion: string;
constructor(apiVersion: string);
prepareRequest(options: any): void;
declare module 'vso-node-api/handlers/basiccreds' {
/// <reference path="../../node/node.d.ts" />
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
export class BasicCredentialHandler implements VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler {
username: string;
password: string;
constructor(username: string, password: string);
prepareRequest(options: any): void;
declare module 'vso-node-api/handlers/bearertoken' {
/// <reference path="../../node/node.d.ts" />
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
export class BearerCredentialHandler implements VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler {
token: string;
constructor(token: string);
prepareRequest(options: any): void;
declare module 'vso-node-api/WebApi' {
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('vso-node-api/interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import buildm = require('vso-node-api/BuildApi');
import corem = require('vso-node-api/CoreApi');
import filecontainerm = require('vso-node-api/FileContainerApi');
import gallerym = require('vso-node-api/GalleryApi');
import gitm = require('vso-node-api/GitApi');
import taskagentm = require('vso-node-api/TaskAgentApi');
import taskm = require('vso-node-api/TaskApi');
import testm = require('vso-node-api/TestApi');
import tfvcm = require('vso-node-api/TfvcApi');
import workitemtrackingm = require('vso-node-api/WorkItemTrackingApi');
import releasemanagementm = require('vso-node-api/ReleaseManagementApi');
import apivm = require('vso-node-api/handlers/apiversion');
import basicm = require('vso-node-api/handlers/basiccreds');
import bearm = require('vso-node-api/handlers/bearertoken');
* Methods to return handler objects (see handlers folder)
export function getVersionHandler(apiVersion: string): apivm.ApiVersionHandler;
export function getBasicHandler(username: string, password: string): basicm.BasicCredentialHandler;
export function getBearerHandler(token: any): bearm.BearerCredentialHandler;
export class WebApi {
serverUrl: string;
authHandler: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler;
constructor(serverUrl: string, authHandler: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler);
* Each factory method can take a serverUrl and a list of handlers
* if these aren't provided, the default url and auth handler given to the constructor for this class will be used
getBuildApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): buildm.IBuildApi;
* Each API has a method here to create the "vanilla" API as well as one with a Q Promise wrapper.
getQBuildApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): buildm.IQBuildApi;
getCoreApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): corem.ICoreApi;
getQCoreApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): corem.IQCoreApi;
getFileContainerApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): filecontainerm.IFileContainerApi;
getQFileContainerApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): filecontainerm.IQFileContainerApi;
getGalleryApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): gallerym.IGalleryApi;
getQGalleryApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): gallerym.IQGalleryApi;
getGitApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): gitm.IGitApi;
getQGitApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): gitm.IQGitApi;
getTaskApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): taskm.ITaskApi;
getQTaskApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): taskm.IQTaskApi;
getTaskAgentApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): taskagentm.ITaskAgentApi;
getQTaskAgentApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): taskagentm.IQTaskAgentApi;
getTestApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): testm.ITestApi;
getQTestApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): testm.IQTestApi;
getTfvcApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): tfvcm.ITfvcApi;
getQTfvcApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): tfvcm.IQTfvcApi;
getWorkItemTrackingApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): workitemtrackingm.IWorkItemTrackingApi;
getQWorkItemTrackingApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): workitemtrackingm.IQWorkItemTrackingApi;
getReleaseManagemntApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): releasemanagementm.IReleaseManagementApi;
getQReleaseManagemntApi(serverUrl?: string, handlers?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[]): releasemanagementm.IQReleaseManagementApi;