204 lines
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204 lines
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import * as fs from 'fs';
import { ExtensionQueryFlags, PublishedExtension, ExtensionQueryFilterType, PagingDirection, SortByType, SortOrderType } from 'vso-node-api/interfaces/GalleryInterfaces';
import { pack, readManifest, writeManifest, IPackageResult } from './package';
import * as tmp from 'tmp';
import { getPublisher } from './store';
import { getGalleryAPI, read } from './util';
import { validatePublisher } from './validation';
import { Manifest } from './manifest';
import * as denodeify from 'denodeify';
import * as yauzl from 'yauzl';
import * as semver from 'semver';
const tmpName = denodeify<string>(tmp.tmpName);
function readManifestFromPackage(packagePath: string): Promise<Manifest> {
return new Promise<Manifest>((c, e) => {
yauzl.open(packagePath, (err, zipfile) => {
if (err) {
return e(err);
const onEnd = () => e(new Error('Manifest not found'));
zipfile.once('end', onEnd);
zipfile.on('entry', entry => {
if (!/^extension\/package\.json$/i.test(entry.fileName)) {
zipfile.removeListener('end', onEnd);
zipfile.openReadStream(entry, (err, stream) => {
if (err) {
return e(err);
const buffers = [];
stream.on('data', buffer => buffers.push(buffer));
stream.once('error', e);
stream.once('end', () => {
try {
} catch (err) {
function _publish(packagePath: string, pat: string, manifest: Manifest): Promise<void> {
const api = getGalleryAPI(pat);
const packageStream = fs.createReadStream(packagePath);
const fullName = `${manifest.publisher}.${manifest.name}@${manifest.version}`;
console.log(`Publishing ${fullName}...`);
return api.getExtension(manifest.publisher, manifest.name, null, ExtensionQueryFlags.IncludeVersions)
.catch<PublishedExtension>(err => err.statusCode === 404 ? null : Promise.reject(err))
.then(extension => {
if (extension && extension.versions.some(v => v.version === manifest.version)) {
return Promise.reject(`${fullName} already exists. Version number cannot be the same.`);
var promise = extension
? api.updateExtension(undefined, packageStream, manifest.publisher, manifest.name)
: api.createExtension(undefined, packageStream);
return promise
.catch(err => Promise.reject(err.statusCode === 409 ? `${fullName} already exists.` : err))
.then(() => console.log(`Successfully published ${fullName}!`));
.catch(err => {
const message = err && err.message || '';
if (/Invalid Resource/.test(message)) {
err.message = `${err.message}\n\nYou're likely using an expired Personal Access Token, please get a new PAT.\nMore info: https://aka.ms/vscodepat`;
return Promise.reject(err);
export interface IPublishOptions {
packagePath?: string;
version?: string;
cwd?: string;
pat?: string;
baseContentUrl?: string;
baseImagesUrl?: string;
function versionBump(cwd: string = process.cwd(), version?: string): Promise<void> {
if (!version) {
return Promise.resolve(null);
return readManifest(cwd, false)
.then(manifest => {
switch (version) {
case 'major':
case 'minor':
case 'patch':
return { manifest, version: semver.inc(manifest.version, version) };
const updatedVersion = semver.valid(version);
if (!updatedVersion) {
return Promise.reject(`Invalid version ${version}`);
return { manifest, version: updatedVersion };
}).then(({ manifest, version }) => {
if (version !== manifest.version) {
manifest.version = version;
return writeManifest(cwd, manifest);
export function publish(options: IPublishOptions = {}): Promise<any> {
let promise: Promise<IPackageResult>;
if (options.packagePath) {
if (options.version) {
return Promise.reject(`Not supported: packagePath and version.`);
promise = readManifestFromPackage(options.packagePath)
.then(manifest => ({ manifest, packagePath: options.packagePath }));
} else {
const cwd = options.cwd;
const baseContentUrl = options.baseContentUrl;
const baseImagesUrl = options.baseImagesUrl;
promise = versionBump(options.cwd, options.version)
.then(() => tmpName())
.then(packagePath => pack({ packagePath, cwd, baseContentUrl, baseImagesUrl }));
return promise.then(({ manifest, packagePath }) => {
if (manifest.enableProposedApi) {
throw new Error('Extensions using proposed API (enableProposedApi: true) can\'t be published to the Marketplace');
const patPromise = options.pat
? Promise.resolve(options.pat)
: getPublisher(manifest.publisher).then(p => p.pat);
return patPromise.then(pat => _publish(packagePath, pat, manifest));
export function list(publisher: string): Promise<any> {
return getPublisher(publisher)
.then(p => p.pat)
.then(api => {
const criteria = [{ filterType: ExtensionQueryFilterType.InstallationTarget, value: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Code' }];
const filters = [{ criteria, direction: PagingDirection.Forward, pageNumber: 0, pageSize: 1000, pagingToken: null, sortBy: SortByType.Relevance, sortOrder: SortOrderType.Default }];
const query = { filters, flags: ExtensionQueryFlags.IncludeLatestVersionOnly | ExtensionQueryFlags.IncludeVersionProperties, assetTypes: [] };
return api.queryExtensions(query).then(result => {
return result.results[0].extensions
.filter(e => e.publisher.publisherName === publisher)
.forEach(e => console.log(`${e.extensionName} @ ${e.versions[0].version}`));
export interface IUnpublishOptions extends IPublishOptions {
id?: string;
export function unpublish(options: IUnpublishOptions = {}): Promise<any> {
let promise: Promise<{ publisher: string; name: string; }>;
if (options.id) {
const [publisher, name] = options.id.split('.');
promise = Promise.resolve(({ publisher, name }));
} else {
promise = readManifest(options.cwd);
return promise.then(({ publisher, name }) => {
const fullName = `${publisher}.${name}`;
const pat = options.pat
? Promise.resolve(options.pat)
: getPublisher(publisher).then(p => p.pat);
return read(`This will FOREVER delete '${fullName}'! Are you sure? [y/N] `)
.then(answer => /^y$/i.test(answer) ? null : Promise.reject('Aborted'))
.then(() => pat)
.then(api => api.deleteExtension(publisher, name))
.then(() => console.log(`Successfully deleted ${fullName}!`));