2016-08-03 11:26:52 +02:00

586 lines
18 KiB

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as cp from 'child_process';
import * as _ from 'lodash';
import * as yazl from 'yazl';
import { Manifest } from './manifest';
import * as util from './util';
import * as _glob from 'glob';
import * as minimatch from 'minimatch';
import * as denodeify from 'denodeify';
import * as mime from 'mime';
import * as urljoin from 'url-join';
import { validatePublisher, validateExtensionName, validateVersion } from './validation';
import { getDependencies } from './npm';
interface IReadFile {
(filePath: string): Promise<Buffer>;
(filePath: string, encoding?: string): Promise<string>;
const readFile = denodeify<string, string, string>(fs.readFile);
const writeFile = denodeify<string, string, string, void>(fs.writeFile);
const unlink = denodeify<string, void>(fs.unlink);
const exec = denodeify<string, { cwd?: string; }, { stdout: string; stderr: string; }>(cp.exec, (err, stdout, stderr) => [err, { stdout, stderr }]);
const glob = denodeify<string, _glob.IOptions, string[]>(_glob);
const resourcesPath = path.join(path.dirname(__dirname), 'resources');
const vsixManifestTemplatePath = path.join(resourcesPath, 'extension.vsixmanifest');
const contentTypesTemplatePath = path.join(resourcesPath, '[Content_Types].xml');
const MinimatchOptions = { dot: true };
export interface IFile {
path: string;
contents?: Buffer;
localPath?: string;
export function read(file: IFile): Promise<string> {
if (file.contents) {
return Promise.resolve(file.contents).then(b => b.toString('utf8'));
} else {
return readFile(file.localPath, 'utf8');
export interface IPackageResult {
manifest: Manifest;
packagePath: string;
export interface IAsset {
type: string;
path: string;
export interface IPackageOptions {
cwd?: string;
packagePath?: string;
version?: string;
baseContentUrl?: string;
baseImagesUrl?: string;
export interface IProcessor {
onFile(file: IFile): Promise<IFile>;
onEnd(): Promise<void>;
assets: IAsset[];
vsix: any;
export class BaseProcessor implements IProcessor {
constructor(protected manifest: Manifest) {}
assets: IAsset[] = [];
vsix: any = Object.create(null);
onFile(file: IFile): Promise<IFile> { return Promise.resolve(file); }
onEnd() { return Promise.resolve(null); }
function getUrl(url: string | { url?: string; }): string {
if (!url) {
return null;
if (typeof url === 'string') {
return <string> url;
return (<any> url).url;
function getRepositoryUrl(url: string | { url?: string; }): string {
const result = getUrl(url);
if (/^[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/.test(result)) {
return `https://github.com/${ result }.git`;
return result;
// Contributed by Mozilla develpoer authors
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions
function escapeRegExp(string){
return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // $& means the whole matched string
class ManifestProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
constructor(manifest: Manifest) {
const flags = ['Public'];
if (manifest.preview) {
const repository = getRepositoryUrl(manifest.repository);
_.assign(this.vsix, {
id: manifest.name,
displayName: manifest.displayName || manifest.name,
version: manifest.version,
publisher: manifest.publisher,
description: manifest.description || '',
categories: (manifest.categories || []).join(','),
flags: flags.join(' '),
links: {
bugs: getUrl(manifest.bugs),
homepage: manifest.homepage
galleryBanner: manifest.galleryBanner || {},
badges: manifest.badges
if (/^https:\/\/github\.com\/|^git@github\.com:/.test(repository)) {
this.vsix.links.github = repository;
export class TagsProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
private static Keywords = {
'git': ['git'],
'npm': ['node'],
'spell': ['markdown'],
'bootstrap': ['bootstrap'],
'lint': ['linters'],
'linting': ['linters'],
'react': ['javascript'],
'js': ['javsacript'],
'node': ['javascript', 'node'],
'c++': ['c++'],
'Cplusplus': ['c++'],
'xml': ['xml'],
'angular': ['javascript'],
'jquery': ['javascript'],
'php': ['php'],
'python': ['python'],
'latex': ['latex'],
'ruby': ['ruby'],
'java': ['java'],
'erlang': ['erlang'],
'sql': ['sql'],
'nodejs': ['node'],
'c#': ['c#'],
'css': ['css'],
'javascript': ['javascript'],
'ftp': ['ftp'],
'haskell': ['haskell'],
'unity': ['unity'],
'terminal': ['terminal'],
'powershell': ['powershell'],
'laravel': ['laravel'],
'meteor': ['meteor'],
'emmet': ['emmet'],
'eslint': ['linters'],
'tfs': ['tfs'],
'rust': ['rust']
onEnd(): Promise<void> {
const keywords = this.manifest.keywords || [];
const trimmedKeywords = keywords.slice(0, 5);
let promise = Promise.resolve(trimmedKeywords);
if (keywords.length > 5) {
console.warn(`The keyword list is limited to 5 keywords; only the following keywords will be in your extension: [${ trimmedKeywords.join(', ') }].`);
promise = util.read('Do you want to continue? [y/N] ')
.then(answer => /^y$/i.test(answer) ? Promise.resolve(trimmedKeywords) : Promise.reject('Aborted'));
return promise.then<any>(keywords => {
const contributes = this.manifest.contributes;
const activationEvents = this.manifest.activationEvents || [];
const themes = contributes && contributes['themes'] && contributes['themes'].length > 0 ? ['theme'] : [];
const snippets = contributes && contributes['snippets'] && contributes['snippets'].length > 0 ? ['snippet'] : [];
const keybindings = contributes && contributes['keybindings'] && contributes['keybindings'].length > 0 ? ['keybindings'] : [];
const debuggers = contributes && contributes['debuggers'] && contributes['debuggers'].length > 0 ? ['debuggers'] : [];
const json = contributes && contributes['jsonValidation'] && contributes['jsonValidation'].length > 0 ? ['json'] : [];
const languageContributions = ((contributes && contributes['languages']) || [])
.reduce((r, l) => r.concat([l.id]).concat(l.aliases || []).concat((l.extensions || []).map(e => `__ext_${e}`)), []);
const languageActivations = activationEvents
.map(e => /^onLanguage:(.*)$/.exec(e))
.filter(r => !!r)
.map(r => r[1]);
const grammars = ((contributes && contributes['grammars']) || [])
.map(g => g.language);
const description = this.manifest.description || '';
const descriptionKeywords = Object.keys(TagsProcessor.Keywords)
.reduce((r, k) => r.concat(new RegExp('\\b(?:' + escapeRegExp(k) + ')(?!\\w)', 'gi').test(description) ? TagsProcessor.Keywords[k] : []), []);
keywords = [
this.vsix.tags = _(keywords).uniq().compact().join(',');
export class ReadmeProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
private baseContentUrl: string;
private baseImagesUrl: string;
constructor(manifest: Manifest, options: IPackageOptions= {}) {
const guess = this.guessBaseUrls();
this.baseContentUrl = options.baseContentUrl || (guess && guess.content);
this.baseImagesUrl = options.baseImagesUrl || options.baseContentUrl || (guess && guess.images);
onFile(file: IFile): Promise<IFile> {
const path = util.normalize(file.path);
if (!/^extension\/readme.md$/i.test(path)) {
return Promise.resolve(file);
this.assets.push({ type: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.Details', path });
if (!this.baseContentUrl && !this.baseImagesUrl) {
return Promise.resolve(file);
const markdownPathRegex = /(!?)\[([^\]\[]+|!\[[^\]\[]+]\([^\)]+\))\]\(([^\)]+)\)/g;
const urlReplace = (all, isImage, title, link) => {
title = title.replace(markdownPathRegex, urlReplace);
const prefix = isImage ? this.baseImagesUrl : this.baseContentUrl;
if (!prefix || /^\w+:\/\//.test(link) || link[0] === '#') {
return `${ isImage }[${ title }](${ link })`;
return `${ isImage }[${ title }](${ urljoin(prefix, link) })`;
return read(file)
.then(contents => contents.replace(markdownPathRegex, urlReplace))
.then(contents => ({
path: file.path,
contents: new Buffer(contents)
// GitHub heuristics
private guessBaseUrls(): { content: string; images: string; } {
let repository = null;
if (typeof this.manifest.repository === 'string') {
repository = this.manifest.repository;
} else if (this.manifest.repository && typeof this.manifest.repository['url'] === 'string') {
repository = this.manifest.repository['url'];
if (!repository) {
return null;
const regex = /github\.com\/([^/]+)\/([^/]+)(\/|$)/;
const match = regex.exec(repository);
if (!match) {
return null;
const account = match[1];
const repositoryName = match[2].replace(/\.git$/i, '');
return {
content: `https://github.com/${ account }/${ repositoryName }/blob/master`,
images: `https://github.com/${ account }/${ repositoryName }/raw/master`
class LicenseProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
private didFindLicense = false;
private filter: (name: string) => boolean;
constructor(manifest: Manifest) {
const match = /^SEE LICENSE IN (.*)$/.exec(manifest.license || '');
if (!match || !match[1]) {
this.filter = name => /^extension\/license(\.(md|txt))?$/i.test(name);
} else {
const regexp = new RegExp('^extension/' + match[1] + '$');
this.filter = regexp.test.bind(regexp);
this.vsix.license = null;
onFile(file: IFile): Promise<IFile> {
if (!this.didFindLicense) {
let normalizedPath = util.normalize(file.path);
if (this.filter(normalizedPath)) {
if (!path.extname(normalizedPath)) {
file.path += '.txt';
normalizedPath += '.txt';
this.assets.push({ type: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Content.License', path: normalizedPath });
this.vsix.license = normalizedPath;
this.didFindLicense = true;
return Promise.resolve(file);
class IconProcessor extends BaseProcessor {
private icon: string;
private didFindIcon = false;
constructor(manifest: Manifest) {
this.icon = manifest.icon ? `extension/${ manifest.icon }` : null;
this.vsix.icon = null;
onFile(file: IFile): Promise<IFile> {
const normalizedPath = util.normalize(file.path);
if (normalizedPath === this.icon) {
this.didFindIcon = true;
this.assets.push({ type: 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.Icons.Default', path: normalizedPath });
this.vsix.icon = this.icon;
return Promise.resolve(file);
onEnd(): Promise<void> {
if (this.icon && !this.didFindIcon) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(`The specified icon '${ this.icon }' wasn't found in the extension.`));
return Promise.resolve(null);
export function validateManifest(manifest: Manifest): Manifest {
if (!manifest.version) {
throw new Error('Manifest missing field: version');
if (!manifest.engines) {
throw new Error('Manifest missing field: engines');
if (!manifest.engines['vscode']) {
throw new Error('Manifest missing field: engines.vscode');
return manifest;
export function readManifest(cwd = process.cwd()): Promise<Manifest> {
const manifestPath = path.join(cwd, 'package.json');
return readFile(manifestPath, 'utf8')
.catch(() => Promise.reject(`Extension manifest not found: ${ manifestPath }`))
.then<Manifest>(manifestStr => {
try {
return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(manifestStr));
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(`Error parsing manifest file: not a valid JSON file.`);
export function writeManifest(cwd: string, manifest: Manifest): Promise<void> {
const manifestPath = path.join(cwd, 'package.json');
return writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, 4), 'utf8');
export function toVsixManifest(assets: IAsset[], vsix: any, options: IPackageOptions = {}): Promise<string> {
return readFile(vsixManifestTemplatePath, 'utf8')
.then(vsixManifestTemplateStr => _.template(vsixManifestTemplateStr))
.then(vsixManifestTemplate => vsixManifestTemplate(vsix));
const defaultExtensions = {
'.json': 'application/json',
'.vsixmanifest': 'text/xml'
export function toContentTypes(files: IFile[]): Promise<string> {
const extensions = Object.keys(_.indexBy(files, f => path.extname(f.path).toLowerCase()))
.filter(e => !!e)
.reduce((r, e) => _.assign(r, { [e]: mime.lookup(e) }), {});
const allExtensions = _.assign({}, extensions, defaultExtensions);
const contentTypes = Object.keys(allExtensions).map(extension => ({
contentType: allExtensions[extension]
return readFile(contentTypesTemplatePath, 'utf8')
.then(contentTypesTemplateStr => _.template(contentTypesTemplateStr))
.then(contentTypesTemplate => contentTypesTemplate({ contentTypes }));
const defaultIgnore = [
function collectAllFiles(cwd: string): Promise<string[]> {
return getDependencies(cwd).then(deps => {
const promises = deps.map(dep => {
return glob('**', { cwd: dep, nodir: true, dot: true, ignore: 'node_modules/**' })
.then(files => files
.map(f => path.relative(cwd, path.join(dep, f)))
.map(f => f.replace(/\\/g, '/')));
return Promise.all(promises).then(util.flatten);
function collectFiles(cwd: string, manifest: Manifest): Promise<string[]> {
return collectAllFiles(cwd).then(files => {
return readFile(path.join(cwd, '.vscodeignore'), 'utf8')
.catch<string>(err => err.code !== 'ENOENT' ? Promise.reject(err) : Promise.resolve(''))
.then(rawIgnore => rawIgnore.split(/[\n\r]/).map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => !!s))
.then(ignore => defaultIgnore.concat(ignore))
.then(ignore => ignore.filter(i => !/^\s*#/.test(i)))
.then<{ ignore: string[]; negate: string[]; }>(ignore => <any> _.indexBy(_.partition(ignore, i => !/^\s*!/.test(i)), (o, i) => i ? 'negate' : 'ignore'))
.then(({ ignore, negate }) => files.filter(f => !ignore.some(i => minimatch(f, i, MinimatchOptions)) || negate.some(i => minimatch(f, i.substr(1), MinimatchOptions))));
export function processFiles(processors: IProcessor[], files: IFile[], options: IPackageOptions = {}): Promise<IFile[]> {
const processedFiles = files.map(file => util.chain(file, processors, (file, processor) => processor.onFile(file)));
return Promise.all(processedFiles).then(files => {
return Promise.all(processors.map(p => p.onEnd())).then(() => {
const assets = _.flatten(processors.map(p => p.assets));
const vsix = (<any> _.assign)({ assets }, ...processors.map(p => p.vsix));
return Promise.all([toVsixManifest(assets, vsix, options), toContentTypes(files)]).then(result => {
return [
{ path: 'extension.vsixmanifest', contents: new Buffer(result[0], 'utf8') },
{ path: '[Content_Types].xml', contents: new Buffer(result[1], 'utf8') },
export function createDefaultProcessors(manifest: Manifest, options: IPackageOptions = {}): IProcessor[] {
return [
new ManifestProcessor(manifest),
new TagsProcessor(manifest),
new ReadmeProcessor(manifest, options),
new LicenseProcessor(manifest),
new IconProcessor(manifest)
export function collect(manifest: Manifest, options: IPackageOptions = {}): Promise<IFile[]> {
const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
const processors = createDefaultProcessors(manifest, options);
return collectFiles(cwd, manifest).then(fileNames => {
const files = fileNames.map(f => ({ path: `extension/${ f }`, localPath: path.join(cwd, f) }));
return processFiles(processors, files, options);
function writeVsix(files: IFile[], packagePath: string): Promise<string> {
return unlink(packagePath)
.catch(err => err.code !== 'ENOENT' ? Promise.reject(err) : Promise.resolve(null))
.then(() => new Promise<string>((c, e) => {
const zip = new yazl.ZipFile();
files.forEach(f => f.contents ? zip.addBuffer(f.contents, f.path) : zip.addFile(f.localPath, f.path));
const zipStream = fs.createWriteStream(packagePath);
zip.outputStream.once('error', e);
zipStream.once('error', e);
zipStream.once('finish', () => c(packagePath));
function defaultPackagePath(cwd: string, manifest: Manifest): string {
return path.join(cwd, `${ manifest.name }-${ manifest.version }.vsix`);
function prepublish(cwd: string, manifest: Manifest): Promise<Manifest> {
if (!manifest.scripts || !manifest.scripts['vscode:prepublish']) {
return Promise.resolve(manifest);
const script = manifest.scripts['vscode:prepublish'];
console.warn(`Executing prepublish script '${ script }'...`);
return exec(script, { cwd })
.then(({ stdout, stderr }) => {
return Promise.resolve(manifest);
.catch(err => Promise.reject(err.message));
export function pack(options: IPackageOptions = {}): Promise<IPackageResult> {
const cwd = options.cwd || process.cwd();
return readManifest(cwd)
.then(manifest => prepublish(cwd, manifest))
.then(manifest => collect(manifest, options)
.then(files => writeVsix(files, path.resolve(options.packagePath || defaultPackagePath(cwd, manifest)))
.then(packagePath => ({ manifest, packagePath }))));
export function packageCommand(options: IPackageOptions = {}): Promise<any> {
return pack(options)
.then(({ packagePath }) => console.log(`Created: ${ packagePath }`));
export function ls(cwd = process.cwd()): Promise<any> {
return readManifest(cwd)
.then(manifest => prepublish(cwd, manifest))
.then(manifest => collectFiles(cwd, manifest))
.then(files => files.forEach(f => console.log(`${f}`)));