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The latest version is available on the [website](https://www.mesen.ca). Older releases are available from the [releases tab on GitHub](https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen/releases).
The official releases (same downloads as the Windows builds above) also contain the Linux version of Mesen, built under Ubuntu 16 - you should be able to use that in most cases if you are using Ubuntu.
The Linux version is a standard .NET executable file and requires Mono to run - you may need to configure your environment to allow it to automatically run .exe files through Mono, or manually run Mesen by using mono (e.g: "mono Mesen.exe").
The following packages need to be installed to run Mesen:
To compile Mesen under Linux you will need a recent version of clang/gcc. This is because Mesen requires a C++14 compiler, along with support for the filesystem API (C++17). Additionally, Mesen has the following dependencies:
The makefile contains some more information at the top. Running "make" will build the x64 version by default, and then "make run" should start the emulator.
To compile the libretro core you will need a recent version of clang/gcc. This is because Mesen requires a C++14 compiler, along with support for the filesystem API (C++17).