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The latest version is available on the [website](https://www.mesen.ca). Older releases are available from the [releases tab on GitHub](https://github.com/SourMesen/Mesen/releases).
The official releases (same downloads as the Windows builds above) also contain the Linux version of Mesen, built under Ubuntu 16 - you should be able to use that in most cases if you are using Ubuntu.
The Linux version is a standard .NET executable file and requires Mono to run - you may need to configure your environment to allow it to automatically run .exe files through Mono, or manually run Mesen by using mono (e.g: "mono Mesen.exe").
The following packages need to be installed to run Mesen:
The makefile contains some more information at the top. Running "make" will build the x64 version by default, and then "make run" should start the emulator.