Updated language translations.
This commit is contained in:
66 changed files with 4345 additions and 688 deletions
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakte</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Groepe</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Groeplede</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Foonnommer-soek</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Vind volgens gebruikersnaam</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nuut</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Kletse</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Boodskappe</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Boodskap %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Vandag</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Gister</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Kletssessie het verfris</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Jou boodskapgeskiedenis met %1$s en \'n ander klets wat aan hulle behoort het, is saamgevoeg.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s behoort aan %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Jy het vir %1$s \'n versoek gestuur om Betalings te aktiveer</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Kies jou land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Jy moet jou landkode spesifiseer
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Voer ’n geldige telefoonnommer in om te registreer.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Ongeldige nommer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Die nommer wat jy gespesifiseer het (%1$s), is ongeldig.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Gaan voort</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Neem privaatheid saam met jou.\nWees jouself in elke boodskap.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Voer jou foonnommer in</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Jy sal ’n verifikasiekode ontvang. Jy sal dalk draer-/diensverskafferfooie moet betaal.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Voer die kode in wat aan %1$s gestuur is</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Maak seker jou foon het ’n sellulêre sein om jou SMS of oproep te kan ontvang</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefoonnommer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Landkode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Bel</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Bevestigingskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Stuur kode weer</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Skakel registrasieslot aan?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-boodskap</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Onbeveiligde SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Onbeveiligde MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Van %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Stuur</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Voeg by kontakte</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Onvangerslys</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Aflewering</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Jou rugsteun bevat \'n baie groot lêer wat nie gerugsteun kan word nie. Skrap dit asb. en skep \'n nuwe rugsteun.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tik om rugsteunkopieë te bestuur.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Verkeerde nommer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bel my eerder \n (Beskikbaar oor %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontak Signal-steundiens</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrasie - verifikasiekode vir Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Vetdruk</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">جهات الاتصال</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">المجموعات</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">أعضاء المجموعة</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">البحث عن طريق رقم الهاتف</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">العثور عبر اسم المستخدم</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">جديد</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">المُحادثات</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">الرسائل</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">رسالة %1$s</string>
@ -710,6 +710,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d دقيقة</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">اليوم</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">الأمس</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">لقد تم إنعاش جلسة المحادثة</string>
@ -1599,7 +1643,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">تمّ دمج سِجّل رسائلك مع %1$s ودردشة أخرى تخصه.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s يعود إلى %2$s.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">أرسلت لـ %1$s طلبًا لتفعيل عمليات الدفع</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1984,7 +2028,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">يجب عليك اختيار بلدك</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">يجب عليك تحديد رمز دولتك
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">فضلاً أدخل رقم هاتف صالح للتسجيل.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">الرقم غير صحيح</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">الرقم الذي حددته (%1$s) غير صحيح.
@ -2019,16 +2063,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">استمرار</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">حافظ على خصوصيتك اينما كنت. كن على طبيعتك في كل رسالة.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">يُرجى إدخال رقم هاتفك</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">ستستلم رمز تحقّق. قد تنطبّق تكلفة من مزوّد الخدمة.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">أدخل الرمز الذي أرسلناه إلى%1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">يُرجى التأكد من أن هاتفك يلتقط الإشارة الخلوية لتلقي الرسائل القصيرة أو المكالمات</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">رقم الهاتف</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">رمز البلد</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">الدولة</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">اتصال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">رمز التحقق</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">أعِد إرسال الرمز</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">هل تريد تشغيل قفل التسجيل ؟</string>
@ -2512,6 +2556,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">رسالة Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">رسائل SMS غير مؤمّنة</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">رسالة متعدّدة الوسائط غير مؤمنة</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">من %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">أرسل</string>
@ -3436,6 +3482,20 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">أضف إلى جهات الاتصال</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="zero">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="two">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">قائمة المستلمون</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">تسليم</string>
@ -3702,7 +3762,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">تحتوي نسختك الاحتياطية على ملف كبير جدًا لا يُمكن نسخه احتياطيًا. يُرجى حذفه وإنشاء نسخة احتياطية جديدة.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">يُرجى اللمس لإدارة النسخ الاحتياطية.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">رقم غير صحيح؟</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">اتصل بي أفضل \n (متاح في %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">الاتصال بخدمة دعم Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">تسجيل Signal - رمز التّحقق لِ Android</string>
@ -6004,7 +6064,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">خط Bold</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Əlaqələr</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Qruplar</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Qrup üzvləri</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefon nömrəsi ilə axtar</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">İstifadəçi adına görə tap</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Yeni</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Söhbətlər</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mesajlar</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mesaj %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$ddəq</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Bu gün</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Dünən</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s - %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Söhbət seansı təzələndi</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s ilə olan mesaj tarixçəniz və ona aid digər bir söhbət birləşdirildi.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s nömrəsi %2$s adlı istifadəçiyə aiddir.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Siz %1$s adlı istifadəçiyə Ödənişləri aktivləşdirmə sorğusu göndərdiniz</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Ölkənizi seçin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Ölkə kodunuzu daxil etməlisiniz
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Qeydiyyatdan keçmək üçün zəhmət olmasa etibarlı bir telefon nömrəsi daxil edin.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Etibarsız nömrə</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Daxil etdiyiniz nömrə (%1$s) etibarsızdır.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Davam et</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Gizliliyinizi qoruyun.\nHər mesajda özünüz olun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Telefon nömrənizi daxil edin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Bir təsdiqləmə kodu alacaqsınız. Operatorunuz buna görə xidmət haqqı bilər.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s nömrəsinə göndərdiyimiz kodu daxil edin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">SMS və ya zəngləri almaq üçün telefonunuzun şəbəkəyə bağlandığına əmin olun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefon nömrəsi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Ölkə kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Ölkə</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zəng et</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Təsdiqləmə kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodu yenidən göndər</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Qeydiyyat Kilidi işə salınsın?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal mesajı</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Güvənli olmayan SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Güvənli olmayan MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s tərəfindən</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Göndər</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Əlaqələrə əlavə et</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Hamısına bax</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Alıcıların siyahısı</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Çatdırılma</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Ehtiyat nüsxənizə çox böyük həcmli bir fayl daxil edildiyi üçün nüsxəni çıxarmaq mümkün olmadı. Həmin faylı silib yeni bir ehtiyat nüsxə yaradın.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Nüsxələri idarə etmək üçün toxunun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Yanlış şifrə?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Əvəzində mənə zəng edin \n (%1$02d:%2$02d ərzində əlçatan olacaq)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal Dəstək komandası ilə əlaqə</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Qeydiyyatı - Android üçün Təsdiqləmə Kodu</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Qalın</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Контакти</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Групи</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Членове на групата</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Търсене по телефонен номер</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Намиране по потребителско име</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Нова</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Чатове</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Съобщения</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Съобщение %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dмин</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Днес</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Вчера</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Чат сесията е презаредена.</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Хронологията на съобщенията между вас и %1$s и друг чат със същия контакт беше слята.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s принадлежи на %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Изпратихте на %1$s заявка за активиране на Плащания</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Изберете държавата си</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Трябва да посочите кода на държавата си
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Моля, въведете валиден телефонен номер, за да се регистрирате.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Невалиден номер</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Посоченият номер (%1$s) е невалиден.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Продължи</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Носете поверителността със себе си.\nБъдете себе си във всяко съобщение.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Въведете телефонния си номер</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Ще получите код за потвърждение. Може да се начислят такси от оператора.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Въведете кода, който изпратихме на %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Уверете се, че телефонът ви има обхват, за да можете да получите SMS или обаждане</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Телефонен номер</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Код на държавата</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Държава</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Обаждане</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код за потвърждение</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Изпращане на нов код</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включване на регистрационно заключване?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Съобщение в Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Некриптиран SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Некриптиран MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">От %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Изпращане</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Добавяне в контакти</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Виж всички</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Участници</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Доставка</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Архивът ви съдържа много голям файл, който не може да бъде архивиран. Моля, изтрийте го и създайте нов архив.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Докоснете, за да управлявате резервни копия.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Грешен номер?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Вместо това ми се обадете \n (Налично след%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Връзка с поддръжката на Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрация за Signal - Код за потвърждение за Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Получер</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">পরিচিতিসমূহ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">গ্রুপসমূহ</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">গ্রুপের সদস্যগণ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ফোন নাম্বার খুঁজুন</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ব্যবহারকারীর নাম দিয়ে খুঁজুন</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">নতুন</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">চ্যাট</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">বার্তা সমূহ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$sটি বার্তা</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d মি.</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">আজ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">গতকাল</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">চ্যাট সেশনটি পুনরায় লোড হয়েছে</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s-এর সাথে আপনার ম্যাসেজের ইতিহাস এবং তাদের সাথে সম্পর্কিত অন্য একটি চ্যাট একত্রিত করা হয়েছে।</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s নম্বরটি %2$s-এর।</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">পেমেন্ট সক্রিয় করার জন্য আপনি %1$s-কে একটি অনুরোধ পাঠিয়েছেন</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">আপনার দেশ নির্বাচন করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">আপনাকে অবশ্যই নির্দিষ্ট করতে হবে দেশ কোড
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">নিবন্ধন করতে একটি সঠিক ফোন নাম্বার লিখুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">অকার্যকর নাম্বার</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">আপনি যে নাম্বার নির্দিষ্ট করেছেন (%1$s) তা সঠিক নয়।
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">চলতে থাকুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">আপনার গোপনীয়তা বজায় রাখুন।\n প্রতিটি বার্তায় নিজস্ব থাকুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">আপনার ফোন নম্বর লিখুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">আপনি একটি যাচাইকরণ কোড পাবেন। ক্যারিয়ারের হার প্রযোজ্য হতে পারে।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s-তে পাঠানো কোড টি এন্টার করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">এসএমএস বা কল পেতে আপনার ফোনে সেলুলার সিগন্যাল রয়েছে তা নিশ্চিত করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ফোন নাম্বার</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">দেশ কোড</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">দেশ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">কল করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">যাচাইকরণ কোড</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">কোড পুনরায় পাঠান</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">রেজিস্ট্রেশন লক চালু করবেন?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal বার্তা</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">অনিরাপদ এসএমএস</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">অনিরাপদ এমএমএস</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s থেকে</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">সিম %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">পাঠান</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">পরিচিতি তালিকায় যোগ করুন</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">সব দেখুন</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">প্রাপকদের তালিকা</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">পৌছে দেওয়া</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">আপনার ব্যাকআপে একটি বেশ বড় আকারের ফাইল রয়েছে যার ব্যাকআপ নেওয়া যাচ্ছে না। ফাইলটি মুছে দিন এবং একটি নতুন ব্যাকআপ তৈরি করুন।</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ব্যাকআপগুলি পরিচালনা করতে আলতো চাপুন।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ভুল নাম্বার?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">পরিবর্তে আমাকে কল করুন \n (%1$02d:%2$02d পাওয়া যাচ্ছে)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal সহায়তায় যোগাযোগ করুন</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal নিবন্ধন - অ্যানড্রয়েড এর জন্য যাচাইকরণ কোড</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">বোল্ড</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakti</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupe</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Članovi grupe</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Pretraživanje po broju</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Pronađite po korisničkom imenu</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Novo</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Poruke</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Poruke</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Poruka %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Danas</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Jučer</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Izbriši</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Konverzacija je osvježena</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Vaša historija razmjenjivanja poruka s korisnikom %1$s i drugim chatom koji je pripadao toj osobi je spojena.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pripada korisniku/ci %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Korisniku %1$s ste poslali zahtjev da aktivira Plaćanja</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Odaberite svoju zemlju</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Morate precizirati kōd svoje države
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Molimo unesite važeći telefonski broj za registraciju.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Nevažeći broj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Broji koji ste unijeli (%1$s) nije važeći.
@ -1877,7 +1921,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Nastavi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Privatnost držite uza se.\nBudite svoji u svakoj poruci.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Unesite svoj broj telefona</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Primit ćete kōd za potvrdu. Vaš operater možda naplati uslugu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Unesite kōd koji smo poslali na %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Potvrdite da je Vaš telefon spojen na mobilnu mrežu kako biste mogli primiti SMS ili poziv</string>
@ -1885,7 +1929,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Državni kōd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Poziv</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Potvrdni kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal poruka</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nezaštićen SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nezaštićen MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Od %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Šalji</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Dodaj među kontakte</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Popis primalaca</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Isporuka</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Boldirano</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contactes</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grups</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membres del grup</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Cerca de número de telèfon</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Cerca per nom d\'usuari</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nova</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Converses</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Missatges</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Missatge %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Avui</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Ahir</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s a %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Suprimeix</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">S\'ha refrescat la sessió.</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">El teu historial de missatges amb %1$s i un altre xat amb la mateixa persona s\'han combinat.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pertany a %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Has enviat una sol·licitud a %1$s perquè activi Pagaments</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Seleccioneu el país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Heu d\'especificar el codi de país
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Marqueu un número de telèfon vàlid per registrar.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Número no vàlid</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">El número que heu especificat (%1$s) no és vàlid.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Continua</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Porteu a sobre la privadesa.\nSigueu vosaltres mateixos a cada missatge.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Marqueu el número de telèfon.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Rebreu un codi de verificació. La vostra operadora podria aplicar algun càrrec.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Marqueu el codi que hem enviat a %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Assegureu-vos que el telèfon té cobertura per a rebre missatges SMS o trucades.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Número de telèfon</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Codi de país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">País</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Truca</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Codi de verificació</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Torna a enviar el codi.</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Voleu activar el bloqueig de registre?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Missatge del Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS no segur</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS no segur</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Des de %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Envia</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Afegeix als contactes</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Mostra-ho tot</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Llista de destinataris</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Lliurament</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">La teva còpia de seguretat conté un arxiu molt gran que no pot desar-se. Si us plau, elimina\'l i crea una nova còpia de seguretat.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toqueu per gestionar les còpies de seguretat.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">El número no és correcte?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Millor que em truquis.\n (Disponible d\'aquí a %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacteu amb el suport de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registre del Signal - Codi de verificació per a Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Negreta</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakty</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Skupiny</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Členové skupiny</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Vyhledání telefonního čísla</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Najít podle uživatelského jména</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Novinka</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Konverzace</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Zprávy</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Zpráva %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Dnes</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Včera</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sezení konverzace aktualizováno</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Historie vašich zpráv s uživatelem %1$s a další konverzace s ním byly sloučeny.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s patří k %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Odeslali jste žádost %1$s, aby si aktivoval/a Platby</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Zvolte svou zemi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Zadejte kód vaší země
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Pro registraci zadejte platné telefonní číslo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Neplatné číslo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Zadané číslo (%1$s) je neplatné.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Pokračovat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Noste soukromí s sebou.\nBuďte sami sebou v každé zprávě.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Zadejte vaše tel. číslo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Bude vám zaslán ověřovací kód. Zaslání může být zpoplatněno.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Zadejte kód, který jsme vám zaslali %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Pro příjem SMS a hovorů se ujistěte, že váš telefon má mobilní signál</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefonní číslo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kód země</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Země</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Volat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Ověřovací kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Znovu odeslat kód</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Zapnout zámek registrace?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Zpráva Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nezabezpečená SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nezabezpečená MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Od %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Odeslat</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Přidat do kontaktů</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Zobrazit vše</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Seznam příjemců</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Doručení</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaše záloha obsahuje příliš velký soubor, který nelze zálohovat. Smažte ho prosím a vytvořte novou zálohu.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Klepněte pro práci se zálohami</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Špatné číslo?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Raději mi zavolejte \n (V době %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktujte podporu Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrace Signal - ověřovací kód pro Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Tučně</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakter</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupper</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Gruppemedlemmer</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Søg telefonnummer</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Find ud fra brugernavn</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Ny</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Samtaler</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Beskeder</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Besked %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">I dag</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">I går</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Samtalesession genopfrisket</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Din meddelelseshistorik med %1$s og en anden chat, der tilhørte vedkommende, er slået sammen.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s tilhører %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Du har sendt %1$s en anmodning om at aktivere betalinger</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Vælg land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Du skal vælge din landekode
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Indtast venligst et gyldigt telefonnummer for at registrere</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Ugyldigt nummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Det indtastede nummer (%1$s) er ugyldigt
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Fortsæt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Tag privatlivet med dig. \nSkriv hvad du ønsker i enhver besked</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Indtast dit telefonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Du modtager en verifikationskode. Takster fra dit teleselskab kan blive pålagt.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Indtast verifikationskoden sendt til %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Sørg for, at din telefon har et mobilsignal til at modtage SMS eller opkald</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Landekode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ring op</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikationskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Gensend kode</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktiver registreringslås?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-besked</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Usikret SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Usikret MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Fra %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Send</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Føj til kontakter</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Modtagerliste</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Levering</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Din seneste sikkerhedskopi indeholder en meget stor fil, som vi ikke kunne lave en sikkerhedskopi af. Slet filen, og opret en ny sikkerhedskopi.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tryk for at administrere sikkerhedskopier.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Forkert nummer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring til mig i stedet \n (Tilgængelig om %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakt Signal Support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrering - Verifikationskode for Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Fed skrift</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakte</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Gruppen</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Gruppenmitglieder</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Rufnummernsuche</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Nach Nutzernamen suchen</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Neu</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Unterhaltungen</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Nachrichten</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Nachricht %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dmin</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Heute</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Gestern</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Unterhaltungssitzung aktualisiert</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Dein Nachrichtenverlauf mit %1$s und einer anderen Unterhaltung, die dazu gehört, wurde zusammengeführt.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s gehört zu %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Du hast %1$s eine Anfrage zur Aktivierung von Zahlungen geschickt.</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Wähle dein Land aus</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Du musst deine Landesvorwahl angeben
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Bitte gib eine gültige Rufnummer ein, um Signal zu registrieren.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Ungültige Rufnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Die angegebene Rufnummer (%1$s) ist ungültig.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Weiter</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Nimm Privatsphäre mit dir.\nSei du selbst in jeder Nachricht.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Gib deine Rufnummer ein</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Du wirst einen Verifikationscode erhalten. Dabei können Mobilfunkgebühren anfallen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Gib den Code ein, den wir an %1$s gesendet haben</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Sorge für den Empfang deiner SMS oder deines Anrufs dafür, dass dein Telefon Mobilfunkempfang hat.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Rufnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Landesvorwahl</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Mich anrufen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikationscode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Code erneut senden</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Registrierungssperre einschalten?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-Nachricht</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Unverschlüsselte SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Unverschlüsselte MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Von %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Senden</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Zu Kontakten hinzufügen</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Alle anzeigen</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Empfängerliste</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Zustellung</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Dein Backup enthält eine sehr große Datei, die nicht gesichert werden kann. Bitte lösche sie und erstelle ein neues Backup.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Antippen zum Verwalten von Datensicherungen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Falsche Rufnummer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Mich stattdessen anrufen \n (Verfügbar in %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal-Support kontaktieren</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-Registrierung – Verifikationscode für Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Fett</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Επαφές</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Ομάδες</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Μέλη ομάδας</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Εύρεση τηλεφωνικού αριθμού</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Αναζήτηση ως όνομα χρήστη</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Νέα</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Συνομιλίες</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Μηνύματα</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Μήνυμα %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dλ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Σήμερα</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Χθες</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s στις %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Η συνομιλία ανανεώθηκε</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Το ιστορικό μηνυμάτων σου με τον χρήστη %1$s και μια άλλη συνομιλία που του άνηκε συγχωνεύτηκε.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">Ο αριθμός %1$s ανήκει στον χρήστη %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Έστειλες στον χρήστη %1$s ένα αίτημα να ενεργοποιήσει τις πληρωμές</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Διάλεξε τη χώρα σου</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Πρέπει να γράψεις τον κωδικό της χώρας σου
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Παρακαλώ γράψε έναν έγκυρο αριθμό τηλεφώνου για να εγγραφείς.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Μη έγκυρος αριθμός</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Ο αριθμός που έγραψες (%1$s) δεν είναι έγκυρος.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Συνέχεια</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Πάρε την ιδιωτικότητα μαζί σου.\nΝα είσαι ο εαυτός σου σε κάθε μήνυμα.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Εισαγωγή αριθμού τηλεφώνου</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Θα λάβεις έναν κωδικό επαλήθευσης. Μπορεί να υπάρξουν χρεώσεις παρόχου.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Γράψε τον κωδικό που σου στείλαμε στο %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Επιβεβαίωσε πως το τηλέφωνό σου έχει σήμα κινητής για να λάβεις το SMS ή την κλήση</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Αριθμός τηλεφώνου</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Κωδικός χώρας</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Χώρα</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Κλήση</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Κωδικός Επαλήθευσης</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Αποστολή κωδικού</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Ενεργοποίηση του Κλειδώματος εγγραφής;</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Μήνυμα Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Μη ασφαλές SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Μη ασφαλές MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Από%1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Αποστολή</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Προσθήκη στις επαφές</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Προβολή όλων</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Λίστα παραλήπτων</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Παράδοση</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Το αντίγραφο ασφαλείας σου περιέχει ένα πολύ μεγάλο αρχείο που δεν μπορεί να αντιγραφεί. Διάγραψέ το και δημιούργησε ένα καινούργιο αντίγραφο ασφαλείας.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Πάτα για διαχείριση αντίγραφων ασφαλείας.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Λάθος αριθμός;</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Καλέστε με \n (Διαθέσιμο σε %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Επικοινωνία με την Υποστήριξη Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Εγγραφή Signal - Κωδικός επαλήθευσης για Android</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Personas</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupos</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Participantes del grupo</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Buscar número de teléfono</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Buscar por alias</string>
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mensajes</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mensaje %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d m</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hoy</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Ayer</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">De acuerdo</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Eliminar</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesión de chat reiniciada</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Tu historial de mensajes con %1$s y con otro chat con la misma persona se han fusionado.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pertenece a %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Has mandado una solicitud a %1$s para activar Pagos</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Selecciona tu país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Debes especificar el código de país
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Para registrarte introduce un número de teléfono válido.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Número inválido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">El número especificado (%1$s) no es válido.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Adelante</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Lleva la privacidad contigo.\nSé tú mism@ en todos tus mensajes.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Introduce tu número de teléfono</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Recibirás un código de verificación SMS. Se aplican las tarifas de tu operador.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Introduce el código que hemos enviado a %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Asegúrate que tu celular/móvil tiene cobertura para recibir SMS o llamadas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Número de teléfono</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Código de país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">País</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Llamada</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificación</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Enviar código de nuevo</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">¿Activar el bloqueo de registro?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mensaje de Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS sin cifrado</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS sin cifrado</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">De %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Enviar</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Añadir a contactos</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Ver todos</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lista de participantes</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Entrega</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Tu copia de seguridad contiene un archivo muy grande que no puede ser copiado. Por favor, bórralo y crea una nueva copia de seguridad.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toca para gestionar las copias.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">¿Número correcto?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Recibir llamada con código \n (Disponible en %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacta con el Centro de Asistencia de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registro de Signal - Código de verificación para Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Negrita</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontaktid</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupid</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Grupiliikmed</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefoninumbri otsing</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Otsi kasutajanime järgi</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Uus</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Vestlused</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Sõnumid</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Sõnum %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Täna</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Eile</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Sobib</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Kustuta</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Vestluse seanss on värskendatud</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Sinu sõnumiajalugu kasutajaga %1$s ja tema teise vestlusega on liidetud.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s kuulub vestlusesse %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Saatsid kasutajale %1$s kutse maksete aktiveerimiseks</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Vali oma riik</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Sa pead määrama oma riigikoodi
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Palun sisesta registreerumiseks kehtiv telefoninumber.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Sobimatu number</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Määratud number (%1$s) on sobimatu.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Jätka</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Võta privaatsus endaga kaasa.\nJää iga sõnumiga iseendaks.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Sisesta enda telefoninumber</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Sa saad kinnituskoodi. Rakenduda võivad operaatoritasud.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Sisesta kood, mille saatsime numbrile %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Kontrolli, et su telefon oleks SMS-i või kõne saamiseks levis.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefoninumber</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Riigikood</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Riik</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Helista</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kinnituskood</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Saada kood uuesti</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Kas lülitada registreerimislukk sisse?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signali sõnum</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Turvamata SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Turvamata MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">SIMilt %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Saada</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Lisa kontaktidesse</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Saajate nimekiri</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Kohaletoimetamine</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Sinu varukoopia sisaldab väga suurt faili, millest ei ole võimalik varukoopiat teha. Palun kustuta see ja loo uus varukoopia.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Koputa varunduste haldamiseks.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Vale number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Helista mulle selle asemel \n (Saadaval vahemikus %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Võta ühendust Signali kasutajatoega</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signali registreerimine - kinnituskood Androidile</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Paks kiri</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontaktuak</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Taldeak</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Taldeko kideak</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefono zenbakia bilatu</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Bilatu erabiltzaile-izenaren arabera</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Berria</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Txatak</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mezuak</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mezu %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Gaur</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Atzo</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Ados</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Ezabatu</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Txataren sesioa eguneratu egin da</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s(r)ekin izandako mezuen historia eta hari zegokion beste txat bat bateratu egin dira.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s erabiltzailearena da</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Ordainketak aktibatzeko eskaera bat bidali diozu %1$s(r)i</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Aukeratu zure herrialdea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Zure herrialdearen kodea zehaztu behar duzu
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Mesedez, baliozkoa den telefono zenbaki bat idatzi erregistratzeko.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Zenbaki baliogabea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Zehaztu duzun zenbakia (%1$s) baliogabea da.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Jarraitu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Pribatutasuna zurekin eraman.\nZu zeu izan mezu bakoitzean.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Idatzi zure telefono zenbakia</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Berifikazio kode bat jasoko duzu. Operadoreak tarifa bat jarri dezake.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Sartu %1$s telefonora bidali dugun kodea.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Ziurtatu zure telefonoa lineara konektatuta dagoela eta SMSak eta dei arruntak jasotzeko gai dela</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefono zenbakia</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Herrialde kodea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Herrialdea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Deitu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Baieztapen kodea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodea birbidali</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktibatu Erregistratzeko Blokeoa?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal mezua</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS ez segurua</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS ez segurua</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s-(e)tik</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">%1$d SIM-a</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Bidali</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Kontaktuetara gehitu</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Ikusi denak</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Hartzaileen zerrenda</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Banatu</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Babeskopiak oso handia den fitxategi bat dauka, eta ezin da egin haren babeskopia. Ezaba ezazu eta sortu beste babeskopia bat.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Sakatu babeskopiak kudeatzeko.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Zenbaki okerra?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Dei iezadazu \n (Hemen topatuko nauzu: %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Harremanetan jarri Signal Laguntza Taldearekin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Errejistratzea - Androiderako Egiaztatze Kodea</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Lodia</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">مخاطبین</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">گروهها</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">اعضای گروه</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">جستجوی شمارهتلفن</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">جستجو با نام کاربری</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">جدید</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">گفتگوها</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">پیامها</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">ارسال پیام به %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d دقیقه</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">امروز</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">دیروز</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">خوب</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">حذف</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">نشست گفتگو تازهسازی شد</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">سابقه پیام شما با %1$s و گفتگوی دیگری که متعلق به او بود ادغام شده است.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s متعلق به %2$s است</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">شما به %1$s درخواستی برای فعال کردن پرداختها ارسال کردید</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">کشور خود را انتخاب کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">شما باید کد کشور خود را مشخص کنید
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">برای عضویت یک شماره تلفن معتبر وارد کنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">شماره نامعتبر</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">شمارهای که شما مشخص کردهاید (%1$s) معتبر نیست.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">ادامه</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">حریم خصوصی را همراه داشته باشید.\nدر هر پیام خودتان باشید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">شمارهتلفن خود را وارد کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">شما یک کد وارسی دریافت خواهید کرد. نرخهای اپراتور ممکن است اعمال شوند.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">کدی را که به %1$s ارسال کردیم وارد کنید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">مطمئن شوید تلفن شما برای دریافت پیامک یا تماس سیگنال شبکهٔ همراه دارد</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">شمارهتلفن</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">کد کشور</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">کشور</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">تماس</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">کد تآیید</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ارسال دوبارهٔ کد</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">روشن کردن قفل ثبتنام؟</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">پیام سیگنال</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">پیامک ناامن</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">فراپیام ناامن</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">از %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">سیم کارت %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">ارسال</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">افزودن به مخاطبین</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">مشاهدهٔ همه</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">فهرست گیرندگان</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">تحویل</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">نسخه پشتیبان شما دارای یک فایل بسیار حجیم است که نمیتوان از آن نسخه پشتیبان تهیه کرد. لطفا آن را حذف کنید و یک نسخه پشتیبان جدید ایجاد کنید.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">برای مدیریت پشتیبانها ضربه بزنید.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">شماره اشتباه؟</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">در عوض با من تماس بگیر \n (موجود در %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">تماس با پشتیبانی سیگنال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">ثبتنام سیگنال - کد وارسی برای اندروید</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">برجسته</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Yhteystiedot</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Ryhmät</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Ryhmän jäsenet</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Puhelinnumerohaku</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Etsi käyttäjätunnuksella</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Uusi</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Keskustelut</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Viestit</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Viesti: %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">tänään</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">eilen</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Keskustelu on päivitetty</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Viestihistoriasi yhteystiedon %1$s kanssa ja toinen siihen kuulunut keskustelu on yhdistetty.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s kuuluu keskusteluun %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Lähetit käyttäjälle %1$s Signal-maksujen aktivointipyynnön</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Valitse maa</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Suuntanumero täytyy määritellä
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Syötä kelvollinen puhelinnumero, jotta voit rekisteröityä.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Virheellinen numero</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Antamasi puhelinnumero (%1$s) on virheellinen.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Jatka</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Yksityisyys aina mukana.\nOle itsesi jokaisessa viestissä.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Syötä puhelinnumerosi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Saat vahvistuskoodin. Matkapuhelinoperaattorisi saattaa veloittaa palvelusta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Syötä koodi, jonka lähetimme numeroon %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Varmista että puhelimesi on matkapuhelinverkossa, jotta tekstiviesti tai puhelu voidaan vastaanottaa.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Puhelinnumero</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Maatunnus</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Maa</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Soita</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Vahvistuskoodi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Lähetä koodi uudelleen</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Otetaanko rekisteröintiesto käyttöön?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-viesti</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Salaamaton tekstiviesti</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Salaamaton multimediaviesti</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">SIM-kortilta %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Lähetä</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Lisää yhteystietoihin</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Vastaanottajalista</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Toimitus</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Varmuuskopiosi sisältää erittäin suuren tiedoston, jota ei voi varmuuskopioida. Poista se ja luo uusi varmuuskopio.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Hallitse varmuuskopioita napauttamalla.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Väärä numero?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Soita minulle sen sijaan \n (Käytettävissä %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Ota yhteyttä Signalin tukeen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signalin rekisteröinti – vahvistuskoodi Androidille</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Lihavointi</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contacts</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Groupes</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membres du groupe</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Recherche par numéro de téléphone</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Trouver par nom d’utilisateur</string>
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nouvelle Story</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Conversations</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Aujourd’hui</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Hier</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">La session de dialogue en ligne a été actualisée</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">L\'historique de vos messages avec %1$s et une autre conversation que cette personne a créée ont été fusionnés.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s appartient à %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Vous avez envoyé une demande d’activation des paiements à %1$s</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Sélectionner votre pays</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Vous devez indiquer votre indicatif de pays
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Veuillez saisir un numéro de téléphone valide pour vous inscrire.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Le numéro est invalide</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Le numéro que vous avez indiqué (%1$s) n’est pas valide.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Poursuivre</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">La confidentialité dans votre poche.\nPour que chaque message reflète qui vous êtes.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Saisir votre numéro de téléphone</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Vous recevrez un code de confirmation. Les frais de l’opérateur peuvent s’appliquer.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Saisissez le code que nous avons envoyé au %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Afin de recevoir un texto ou un appel, assurez-vous que votre téléphone est connecté au réseau cellulaire</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Numéro de téléphone</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Indicatif de pays</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Pays</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Appeler</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Code de confirmation</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Renvoyer le code</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Activer le blocage de l’inscription ?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Message Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Texto non sécurisé</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Message multimédia non sécurisé</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">De %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Envoyer</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Ajouter aux contacts</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Tout afficher</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Liste des destinataires</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Remise</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Votre sauvegarde contient un fichier trop volumineux. Veuillez le supprimer et créer une nouvelle sauvegarde.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toucher pour gérer les sauvegardes</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Mauvais numéro ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Appelez-moi plutôt\n(Proposé dans %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacter l’assistance de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Inscription à Signal – Code de confirmation pour Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Gras</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Teagmhálaithe</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Baiclí</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Comhaltaí na baicle</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Cuardach uimhreach gutháin</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Aimsigh de réir ainm úsáideora</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nua</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Comhráite</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Teachtaireachtaí</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Teachtaireacht %1$s</string>
@ -690,6 +690,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Inniu</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Inné</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Tá go maith</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Scrios</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Chat session refreshed</string>
@ -1543,7 +1587,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Cumascadh stair do theachtaireachtaí le %1$s agus comhrá eile ar leis an duine sin é.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">Is le %2$s %1$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Sheol tú iarratas chuig %1$s chun Íocaíochtaí a ghníomhachtú</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1914,7 +1958,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Roghnaigh do thír</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Ba chóir do cód na tuaithe a shonrú
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Caithfidh tú uimhir ghutháin bhailí a chur isteach chun clárú.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Uimhir neamhbhailí</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Shonraigh tú uimhir (%1$s) neamhbailí.
@ -1948,16 +1992,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Lean ar aghaidh</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Beir an príobháideachas leat.\nBíodh cead cainte agat i ngach teachtaireacht.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Cuir isteach d\'uimhir ghuthàn</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Gheobhaidh tú cód deimhniúcháin. D\'fhéadfadh do sholáthraí seirbhíse táille a ghearradh ort.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Cuir isteach an cód a sheolamar chuig %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Deimhnigh go bhfuil comhartha ceallach ar fáil chun glacadh leis an SMS nó leis an nglao</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Uimhir Ghutháin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Cód Tíre</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Tír</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Glao</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Seol Cód Nua</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">An bhfuil fonn ort Glas Clárúcháin a chur ar siúl?</string>
@ -2436,6 +2480,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Teachtaireacht Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS nach bhfuil slán</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS nach bhfuil slán</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Ó %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Seol</string>
@ -3351,6 +3397,19 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Cuir lena teagmhálaithe</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See All</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="two">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Liosta faighteoirí</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Seachadadh</string>
@ -3610,7 +3669,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Tá comhad an-mhór i do chúltaca nach féidir a chúltacú. Scrios é agus cruthaigh cúltaca nua.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tapáil chun cúltacaí a bhainistiú.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Uimhir mhícheart?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Cuir glao orm ina ionad sin \n (Ar fáil i gceann %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Déan teagmháil le foireann tacaíochta Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Clárúchán Signal — Cód Deimhniúcháin ar Android</string>
@ -5880,7 +5939,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Trom</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contactos</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupos</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membros do grupo</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Buscar número de teléfono</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Buscar por usuario</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Crear</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Conversas</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mensaxes</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mensaxe %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hoxe</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Onte</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesión de conversa actualizada</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">O teu historial de mensaxes con %1$s e outra conversa que lle pertencía uníronse.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pertence a %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Enviaches unha invitación a %1$s para activar os Pagamentos</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Elixe o teu país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Debes especificar o teu código de país
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Insire un número de teléfono válido para rexistrarse.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Número non válido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">O número especifcado (%1$s) non é válido.
@ -1735,7 +1779,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Continuar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Leva a túa privacidade contigo.\nSé ti mesmo/a en cada mensaxe.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Escribe o teu número de teléfono</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Recibirás un código de verificación. Pode supoñer algunha tarifa por parte do operador.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Insire o código que che enviamos a %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Comproba que tes cobertura da rede móbil para recibir o SMS ou chamada</string>
@ -1743,7 +1787,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Código de país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Chamar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificación</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mensaxe de Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS insegura</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS insegura</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">De %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Enviar</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Engadir a contactos</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Listaxe de destinatarios</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Entrega</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">A túa copia de seguranza contén un arquivo moi grande que non se pode gardar. Elimínao e crea unha nova copia.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toca para administrar as copias de seguranza.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Número incorrecto?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Chámame mellor \n (Dispoñible en%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contacta co Centro de Axuda de Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Rexistrarse en Signal - Código de verificación para Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Grosa</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">સંપર્કો</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">ગ્રુપ</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">ગ્રુપ ના સભ્યો</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ફોન નંબર શોધો</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ઉપયોગકર્તા નામ દ્વારા શોધો</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">નવું</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">ચેટ</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">મેસેજ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">મેસેજ %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dમિ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">આજે</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">ગઇકાલે</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s એ %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">બરાબર</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">ડિલીટ કરો</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">ચેટ સેશન રિફ્રેશ તાજું થયું</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s સાથેની તમારી મેસેજ હિસ્ટ્રી અને તેમની સાથેની બીજી ચેટને ભેગી કરી દેવામાં આવી છે.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$sએ %2$s નો નંબર છે</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">તમે %1$sને પેમેન્ટ સક્રિય કરવા વિનંતી મોકલી</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">તમારો દેશ પસંદ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">તમારે તમારો દેશનો કોડ ઉલ્લેખ કરવો આવશ્યક છે
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">કૃપા કરીને રજીસ્ટર કરવા માટે માન્ય ફોન નંબર દાખલ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">અમાન્ય નંબર</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">તમે ઉલ્લેખિત કરેલો નંબર(%1$s) અમાન્ય છે.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">ચાલુ રાખો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">તમારી સાથે ગોપનીયતા લો.\nદરેક મેસેજ માં તમે બનો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">તમારો ફોન નંબર દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">તમને એક ચકાસણી કોડ પ્રાપ્ત થશે. દરો લાગુ થઈ શકે છે.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s અમે મોકલ્યો કોડ દાખલ કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">ખાતરી કરો કે તમારા ફોન પર તમારા SMS અથવા કૉલ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે સેલ્યુલર Signal છે</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ફોન નંબર</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">દેશનો કોડ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">દેશ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">કૉલ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ચકાસણી કોડ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">કોડ ફરીથી મોકલો</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">રજીસ્ટ્રેશન લૉક ચાલુ કરો</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal મેસેજ</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">અસુરક્ષિત SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">અસુરક્ષિત MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$sમાંથી</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">મોકલો</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">સંપર્કોમાં ઉમેરો</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">બધા જુઓ</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">પ્રાપ્તકર્તાઓની સૂચિ</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ડિલિવરી</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">તમારા બૅકઅપમાં એક બહુ મોટી ફાઇલ છે જેનું બૅકઅપ લઈ શકાતું નથી. કૃપા કરીને તેને ડિલીટ કરો અને નવું બૅકઅપ બનાવો.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">બેકઅપ મેનેજ કરવા માટે ટેપ કરો.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ખોટો નંબર?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">તેના બદલે મને કૉલ કરો \n (તેમાં ઉપલબ્ધ છે %1$02d: %2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal સપોર્ટનો સંપર્ક કરો</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal રજીસ્ટ્રેશન - Android માટે ચકાસણી કોડ</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">ઘાટા</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">संपर्क</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">समूह</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">सदस्य</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">फ़ोन नंबर खोजें</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">यूज़रनेम द्वारा खोजें</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">नया</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">चैट</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">मेसेज</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$s को मेसेज</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">आज</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">कल</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">चैट सेशन रीफ्रेश हुआ</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s के साथ आपके संदेश इतिहास को उनके साथ ही किसी अन्य चैट के साथ जोड़ दिया गया है।</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s का है</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">आपने भुगतान सक्रीय करने हेतु %1$s को एक अनुरोध भेजा</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">अपने देश का चयन करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">आपको अपना देश कोड निर्दिष्ट करना होगा
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">कृपया पंजीकरन के लिये कोई वैध फ़ोन नंबर डालें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">अवैध नंबर</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">आपके द्वारा निर्दिष्ट नंबर (%1$s) अमान्य है।
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">आगे</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">अपनी गुप्तता बानाये रखें। वास्तविक बने रहें|</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">अपना फ़ोन नंबर दर्ज करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">आपको एक सत्यापन कोड प्राप्त होगा। कैरियर दरें लागू हो सकती हैं।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s को भेजे गए सत्यापन कोड दर्ज करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">सुनिश्चित करें कि आपके फ़ोन में आपका SMS या कॉल प्राप्त करने के लिए सेल्यूलर सिग्नल है</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">फोन नंबर</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">देश कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">देश</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">कोल</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">कोड फ़िर से भेजें</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">रजिस्ट्रेशन लॉक चालू करना है?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal मेसेज</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">असुरक्षित SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">असुरक्षित SMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s से</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">सिम %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">भेजें</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">संपर्क के खाते में जोड़ दे</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">प्राप्तकर्ता सूची</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">वितरण</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">आपके बैकअप में एक बहुत बड़ी फ़ाइल है जिसका बैकअप नहीं किया जा सकता। कृपया उसे डिलीट करके एक नया बैकअप बनाएँ।</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">बैकअप प्रबंधन के लिए टैप करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">गलत नंबर?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">मुझे काॅल करें (%1$02d:%2$02d में उपलब्ध)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal समर्थन से संपर्क करें</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal पंजीकरण - Android के लिये वेरीफिकेशन कोड</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">बोल्ड</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakti</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupe</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Članovi grupe</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Pretraga po broju</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Traži po korisničkom imenu</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nova priča</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Razgovori</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Poruke</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Poruka %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Danas</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Jučer</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesija razgovora je osvježena</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Povijest vašeg razgovora s korisnikom %1$s sada je povezana s drugim razgovorom s istim korisnikom.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">Broj %1$s pripada korisniku %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Poslali ste korisniku %1$s zahtjev za omogućavanje Plaćanja</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Odaberite svoju državu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Unesite pozivni broj vaše države
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Unesite valjani broj telefona za registraciju.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Nevažeći broj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Broj koji ste unijeli (%1$s) je nevažeći.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Nastavi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Ponesite privatnost sa sobom.\nBudite svoji u svakoj poruci.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Unesite vaš broj telefona</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Primiti će te potvrdni kôd. Mogu se primijeniti naknade operatera.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Unesite kôd koji smo poslali na %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Provjerite ima li vaš telefon uspostavljenu mobilnu vezu za primanje SMS-a ili poziva</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Broj telefona</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kôd države</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Država</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Nazovi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Potvrdni kôd</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno pošalji kôd</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Omogući Zaključavanje registracije?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal poruka</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nesigurni SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nesigurni MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Od %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Pošalji</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Dodaj u kontakte</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Prikaži sve</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Popis primatelja</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Isporuka</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša sigurnosna kopija sadrži vrlo veliku datoteku koja se ne može sigurnosno kopirati. Izbrišite je i napravite novu sigurnosnu kopiju.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Pritisnite za upravljanje sigurnosnim kopijama.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Pogrešan broj?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Nazovi me \n (Dostupno za %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktirajte Signalovu podršku</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registracija Signala - Potvrdni kôd za Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Podebljano</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontaktok</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Csoportok</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Csoporttagok</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefonszám keresés</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Keresés felhasználónév alapján</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Új</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Csevegések</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Üzenetek</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Üzenet %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dp</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Ma</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Tegnap</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s %2$s áron</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">A munkamenet alaphelyzetbe állt</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s és a hozzá tartozó csevegés üzenetelőzményei egyesítésre kerültek.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">A(z) %1$s telefonszám a(z) %2$s beszélgetéshez tartozik</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Kérelmet küldtél %1$s részére a Kifizetések aktiválására</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Saját ország kiválasztása</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Meg kell adnod az országkódodat!
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Adj meg egy valós telefonszámot a regisztrációhoz.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Érvénytelen szám</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Az általad megadott szám (%1$s) érvénytelen.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Folytatás</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Vidd magaddal az adatvédelmet.\nLégy önmagad minden üzenetben.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Add meg telefonszámodat</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Hamarosan megerősítő kódot fogsz kapni. Szolgáltatói költségek felmerülhetnek.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Add meg a %1$s számra küldött kódot</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Gondoskodj róla, hogy a telefonod elérhető legyen a mobilhálózaton SMS vagy hívás fogadása érdekében.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefonszám</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Országkód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Ország</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Hívás</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Hitelesítő kód küldése</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ellenőrző kód újraküldése</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Bekapcsolod a regisztrációs zárat?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal üzenet</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Titkosítatlan SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Titkosítatlan MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s hálózaton</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">%1$d. SIM</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Küldés</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Hozzáadás a névjegyzékhez</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Összes megtekintése</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Címzettek listája</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Kézbesítés</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">A biztonsági mentés egy olyan nagyon nagy fájlt tartalmaz, amelyről nem lehet biztonsági másolatot készíteni. Kérjük, töröld, és hozz létre egy új biztonsági mentést!</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Koppints a biztonsági mentések kezeléséhez!</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Helytelen telefonszám?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hívást kérek inkább \n (elérhető %1$02d:%2$02d múlva)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kapcsolatfelvétel a Signal támogatással</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal regisztráció - megerősítő kód Androidhoz</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Félkövér</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontak</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grup</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Anggota grup</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Pencarian nomor telepon</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Cari menurut nama pengguna</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Baru</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Obrolan</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Pesan</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Pesan %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dmenit</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hari ini</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Kemarin</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesi percakapan diperbarui</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Riwayat pesan Anda dengan %1$s dan satu obrolan lain dengan mereka telah digabungkan.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s milik dari %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Anda mengirimi %1$s permintaan untuk mengaktifkan Pembayaran</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Pilih negara Anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Anda harus mengisi kode negara Anda
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Tolong masukkan nomor telepon yang sah untuk mendaftar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Nomor telepon tidak valid</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Nomor yang anda isikan (%1$s) tidak valid.
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Lanjutkan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Jaga privasimu.\nJadilah dirimu sendiri pada setiap pesan.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Masukkan nomor telepon Anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Anda akan mendapakan kode verifikasi. Tarif operator mungkin berlaku.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Masukkan kode yang kami kirimkan ke %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Pastikan ponsel Anda dapat menerima SMS atau panggilan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Nomor telepon</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kode negara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Negara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Panggil</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kode Verifikasi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kirim Ulang Kode Verifikasi</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Nyalakan Kunci Pendaftaran?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Pesan Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS tanpa enkripsi</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS tanpa enkripsi</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Dari %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Kirim</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Tambah ke kontak</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Lihat semua</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Daftar Penerima</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Pengiriman</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Pencadangan Anda berisi file sangat besar yang tidak dapat dicadangkan. Hapus file dan buat pencadangan baru.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tekan untuk mengatur cadangan.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Salah nomor?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Panggil saya \n (Tersedia di %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontak Pusat Bantuan Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Kode Verifikasi untuk Android</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Tebal</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contatti</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Gruppi</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membri del gruppo</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Ricerca numero di telefono</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Cerca tramite nome utente</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nuova</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chat</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messaggi</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Messaggio %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dmin</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Oggi</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Ieri</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sessione di chat aggiornata</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">La tua cronologia dei messaggi con %1$s è stata collegata a un\'altra sua chat.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s appartiene a %2$s.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Hai inviato a %1$s una richiesta per l\'attivazione della funzione dei pagamenti</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Seleziona il tuo paese</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">È necessario specificare il codice del proprio paese
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Inserire un numero di telefono valido per la registrazione.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Numero non valido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Il numero specificato (%1$s) non è valido.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Continua</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Porta la privacy con te.\nSii te stesso in ogni messaggio.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Inserisci il tuo numero di telefono</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Riceverai un codice di verifica. Potrebbero applicarsi costi del tuo gestore.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Inserisci il codice che abbiamo inviato a %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Assicurati che il telefono sia connesso alla rete cellulare per ricevere il tuo SMS o la chiamata.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Numero di telefono</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Prefisso internazionale</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Stato</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Chiama</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Codice di verifica</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Rinvia codice</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Attivare il blocco registrazione?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Messaggio Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS non sicuro</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS non sicuro</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Da %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Invia</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Aggiungi ai contatti</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lista dei destinatari</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Invio</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Il tuo backup contiene un file di dimensioni troppo grandi e non può essere salvato. Ti consigliamo di eliminarlo e di creare un nuovo backup.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Clicca per gestire i backup.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Numero errato?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Chiamami \n (Disponibile tra %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contatta l\'assistenza Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrazione Signal - Codice di verifica per Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Grassetto</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">אנשי קשר</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">קבוצות</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">חברי קבוצה</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">חיפוש מספר טלפון</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">מצא לפי שם משתמש</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">חדש</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">התכתבויות</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">הודעות</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$s של הודעה</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d ד\'</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">היום</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">אתמול</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">בסדר</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">שיח התכתבות רוענן</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">היסטוריית ההודעות שלך עם %1$s וצ׳אט נוסף ששייך אליו/ה מוזגו יחד.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s שייך ל%2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">שלחת ל%1$s בקשה להפעיל תשלומים</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">בחר את מדינתך</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">אתה חייב לציין את קוד המדינה שלך
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">אנא הכנס מספר תקף של טלפון כדי להירשם.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">מספר בלתי־תקף</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">המספר שציינת (%1$s) אינו תקף.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">המשך</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">קח פרטיות איתך.\nהייה עצמך בכל הודעה.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">הכנס את מספר הטלפון שלך</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">תקבל קוד וידוא. תשלומי מפעיל עשויים לחול.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">הכנס את הקוד ששלחנו אל %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">וודא שלטלפון שלך יש אות סלולרי לקבל מסרון או שיחה</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">מספר טלפון</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">קוד מדינה</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">מדינה</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">התקשר</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">קוד וידוא</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">שלח מחדש קוד</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">להפעיל נעילת הרשמה?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">הודעת Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">מסרון בלתי מאובטח</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS בלתי מאובטח</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">מאת %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">שלח</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">הוסף לאנשי הקשר</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="two">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">רשימת מקבלים</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">מסירה</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">הגיבוי שלך מכיל קובץ גדול מאוד שלא ניתן לגבות. צריך למחוק אותו וליצור גיבוי חדש.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">הקש כדי לנהל גיבויים.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">מספר שגוי?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">התקשר אליי במקום \n (זמין ב־%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">צור קשר עם תמיכת Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">הרשמת Signal - קוד וידוא עבור Android</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">連絡先</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">グループ</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">グループメンバー</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">電話番号検索</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ユーザー名で検索</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">新規</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">チャット</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">メッセージ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$s にメッセージを送る</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d分</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">今日</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">昨日</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s (%2$s現在)</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">OK</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">削除</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">セッションが更新されました</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s さんとのメッセージ履歴と、同じ人との別のチャットが統合されました。</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s は %2$sに所属しています</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">決済機能を有効にするリクエストを %1$s さんに送信しました</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">国を選択してください</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">国番号を入力してください
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">正しい電話番号を入力してください。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">無効な番号</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">指定された番号 (%1$s) は無効です。
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">続行</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">あなたにプライバシーを。\nすべてのメッセージで自分らしく。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">あなたの電話番号を入力してください</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">認証コードが届きます。通信料金が発生する場合があります。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s に届いたコードを入力してください</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">携帯電話が圏内にあり、SMSや通話が可能か確認してください。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">電話番号</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">国番号</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">国</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">通話</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">認証コード</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">コードを再送信する</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">登録ロックを有効にしますか?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signalメッセージ</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">安全でないSMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">安全でないMMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s から</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">送信</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">連絡先に追加</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">すべて表示</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">宛先リスト</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">配送</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">非常に大きなファイルが含まれているためバックアップできません。そのファイルを削除して、新しいバックアップを作成してください。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">タップしてバックアップを管理</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">電話番号を訂正</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">代わりに電話してください\n (利用可能になるまで %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signalサポートに問い合わせ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal登録 - Android用認証コード</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">太字</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">კონტაქტები</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">ჯგუფები</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">ჯგუფის წევრები</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ტელეფონის ნომრის ძიება</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ძებნა მომხმარებლის სახელით</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">ახალი</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">ჩატები</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">შეტყობინებები</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">შეტყობინება %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dწ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">დღეს</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">გუშინ</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s არის %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">წაშლა</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">ჩატის სესია განახლდა</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s-სთან შენი მიმოწერის ისტორია და სხვა ჩატი, რომელიც მას ეკუთვნოდა, გაერთიანდა.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s-ს ეკუთვნის</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">შენ გაუგზავნე მოთხოვნა %1$s-ს, რომ ტრანზაქციები გაააქტიუროს</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1735,7 +1779,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">გაგრძელება</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">გაითვალისწინეთ კონფიდენციალურობა.\nიყავით საკუთარი თავი ყველა შეტყობინებაში.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">შეიყვანე შენი ტელეფონის ნომერი</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">თქვენ მიიღებთ დადასტურების კოდს. შეიძლება მოქმედებდეს გადამზიდავის ტარიფები.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">შეიყვანეთ კოდი, რომელიც გამოვგზავნეთ %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">დარწმუნდით, რომ თქვენს ტელეფონს აქვს მობილური სიგნალი SMS-ის ან ზარის მისაღებად</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-ის შეტყობინება</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">დაუცველი SMS-ი</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">დაუცველი MMS-ი</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s-დან</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM-ბარათი %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">გაგზავნა</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">კონტაქტებში დამატება</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">ყველას ნახვა</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">მიმღებთა სია</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">მიწოდება</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">მუქი</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Жаңа</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Чаттар</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Хабарламалар</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$s нөміріне хат жазу</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dм</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Бүгін</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Кеше</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Жарайды</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Чат сеансы жаңартылды</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s чаты бар хаттар тарихы мен оған тиесілі тағы бір чат біріктірілді.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s нөмірі %2$s деген кісіге тиесілі</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">%1$s деген кісіге Төлемдерді белсендіру керектігі туралы сұрау жібердіңіз</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Еліңізді таңдау</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Ел кодын көрсетуіңіз қажет
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Тіркелу үшін дұрыс телефон нөмірін енгізіңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Нөмір дұрыс емес</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Сіз көрсеткен (%1$s) телефон нөмірі жарамсыз.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Жалғастыру</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Құпиялығыңды сақта.\nӘр хабарламада өз болмысыңды көрсет..</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Телефон нөмірін енгізу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Сіз тексеру кодын аласыз. Тасымалдаушы ақысы алынуы мүмкін.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Біз %1$s нөміріне жіберген кодты енгізіңіз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Телефоныңызда SMS хабарын немесе қоңырау қабылдайтын ұялы сигнал бар екеніне көз жеткізіңіз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Телефон нөмірі</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Ел коды</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Ел</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Қоңырау</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Кодты қайтадан жіберу</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Тіркеу құлпын іске қосу керек пе?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal хаты</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Қорғалмаған SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Қорғалмаған MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Кімнен: %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Жіберу</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Контактілерге қосу</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Алушылар тізімі</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Жеткізу</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Резервтік көшірмеде өте үлкен файл бар және оның резервтік көшірмесін жасау мүмкін емес. Үлкен файлды жойып тастап, жаңасын жасаңыз.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Резервтік көшірмелерді басқару үшін түртіңіз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Нөмір қате ме?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Оның орнына маған қоңырау соғу \n (%1$02d:%2$02d боспын)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal қолдау қызметіне хабарласу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal қолданбасында тіркелу - Android жүйесіне арналған тексеру коды</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Қалың</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">បញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនង</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">ក្រុម</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">សមាជិកក្រុម</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ស្វែងរកលេខទូរស័ព្ទ</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ស្វែងរកតាមឈ្មោះអ្នកប្រើ</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">ថ្មី</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">ការជជែក</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">សារ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">សារ %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dនាទី</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">ថ្ងៃនេះ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">ម្សិលមិញ</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">វគ្គឈែតត្រូវបានផ្ទុកឡើងវិញ</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">ប្រវត្តិសាររបស់អ្នកជាមួយ %1$s និងការជជែកមួយផ្សេងទៀតដែលមានគេនៅក្នុងនោះដែរត្រូវបានបញ្ចូលគ្នា។</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s ជាលេខរបស់ %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">អ្នកបានផ្ញើសំណើទៅ %1$s ដើម្បីបើកដំណើរការការបង់ប្រាក់</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">ជ្រើសរើសប្រទេសរបស់អ្នក</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">អ្នកត្រូវបញ្ជាក់ លេខកូដប្រទេសរបស់អ្នក
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">សូមបញ្ចូលលេខទូរស័ព្ទត្រឹមត្រូវមួយ ដើម្បីចុះឈ្មោះ។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">លេខទូរសព្ទមិនត្រឹមត្រូវ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">លេខរបស់អ្នក ដែលបានបញ្ជាក់(%1$s) មិនត្រឹមត្រូវ
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">បន្ត</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">យកភាពឯកជនជាមួយអ្នក។ \\ n សូមធ្វើខ្លួនអ្នកនៅក្នុងគ្រប់សារទាំងអស់។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">វាយបញ្ចូលលេខរបស់អ្នក</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">អ្នកនឹងទទួលបានកូដផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់។ អត្រាគិតប្រាក់ក្រុមហ៊ុនអាចនឹងត្រូវបានអនុវត្ត។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">បញ្ចូលលេខកូដដែលយើងបានផ្ញើទៅ%1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">ប្រាកដថា ទូរស័ព្ទរបស់អ្នកមានសេវា ដើម្បីទទូលបានសារ SMS ឬការហៅ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">លេខទូរស័ព្ទ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">កូដប្រទេស</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">ប្រទេស</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ហៅចេញ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់កូដ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ផ្ញើកូដម្តងទៀត</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">បើកការចាក់សោរចុះឈ្មោះ?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">សារ Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS គ្មានសុវត្ថិភាព</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS គ្មានសុវត្ថិភាព</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">មកពី %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">ស៊ីមកាត %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">ផ្ញើ</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">បន្ថែមទៅបញ្ជីទំនាក់ទំនង</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">See all</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">បញ្ជីអ្នកទទួល</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ការបញ្ជូន</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ការបម្រុងទុករបស់អ្នកមានឯកសារមួយដែលមានទំហំធំខ្លាំងណាស់ដែលមិនអាចបម្រុងទុកបានទេ។ សូមលុបវា ហើយបង្កើតការបម្រុងទុកថ្មី។</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ចុច ដើម្បីគ្រប់គ្រងការបម្រុងទុក។</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ខុសលេខ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ហៅមកខ្ញុំជំនួសវិញ \n (ទំនេរក្នុងរយៈពេល %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ទាក់ទងជំនួយ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">ការចុះឈ្មោះ Signal - ការផ្ទៀងផ្ទាត់កូដសម្រាប់ Android</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">ដិត</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳು</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">ಗುಂಪುಗಳು</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">ಗುಂಪಿನ ಸದಸ್ಯರು</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ದೂರವಾಣಿ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ ಹುಡುಕಾಟ</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ಯೂಸರ್ನೇಮ್ನಿಂದ ಹುಡುಕಿ</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">ಹೊಸ</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">ಚಾಟ್ ಗಳು</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">ಸಂದೇಶಗಳು</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">ಸಂದೇಶ %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dನಿ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">ಇಂದು</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">ನಿನ್ನೆ</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">ಚಾಟ್ ಸೆಷನ್ ರಿಫ್ರೆಶ್ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s ಅವರೊಂದಿಗಿನ ನಿಮ್ಮ ಮೆಸೇಜ್ ಇತಿಹಾಸ ಮತ್ತು ಅವರಿಗೆ ಸೇರಿದ ಬೇರೊಂದು ಚಾಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ವಿಲೀನಗೊಳಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s ಯು %2$s ಅವರದ್ದಾಗಿದೆ</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">ಪಾವತಿಗಳನ್ನು ಸಕ್ರಿಯಗೊಳಿಸಲು ನೀವು %1$s ಅವರಿಗೆ ವಿನಂತಿ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದ್ದೀರಿ</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇಶವನ್ನು ಆಯ್ಕೆಮಾಡಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">ನಿಮ್ಮ ದೇಶದ ಸಂಕೇತವನ್ನು ನೀವು ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟಪಡಿಸಬೇಕು
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">ನೋಂದಾಯಿಸಲು ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಫೋನ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾದ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">ನೀವು ನಿರ್ದಿಷ್ಟಪಡಿಸಿದ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ (%1$s) ಅಮಾನ್ಯವಾಗಿದೆ.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">ಮುಂದುವರಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">ಖಾಸಗಿತನವನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮೊಂದಿಗೆ ಇರಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳಿ. \nನಿಮ್ಮ ಪ್ರತಿ ಸಂದೇಶದಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಸ್ವಂತಿಕೆ ಕಾಯ್ದುಕೊಳ್ಳಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆಯನ್ನು ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">ನೀವು ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪಡೆಯುತ್ತೀರಿ. ಕೆರಿಯರ್ ದರಗಳು ಅನ್ವಯವಾಗಬಹುದು.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s ಗೆ ನಾವು ಕಳುಹಿಸಿದ ಕೋಡ್ ನಮೂದಿಸಿ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಎಸ್ಎಂಎಸ್ ಅಥಬಾ ಕರೆಯನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಲು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಮೊಬೈಲ್ ಸಿಗ್ನಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ನಿಮ್ಮ ಫೋನ್ ಹೊಂದಿದೆ ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ಖಚಿತಪಡಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ದೂರವಾಣಿ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">ದೇಶದ ಕೋಡ್</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">ದೇಶ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ಕರೆ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ಕೋಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಪುನಃ ಕಳುಹಿಸಿ</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">ರಿಜಿಸ್ಟ್ರೇಶನ್ ಲಾಕ್ ಆನ್ ಮಾಡುವುದೇ?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal ಸಂದೇಶ</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">ಅಸುರಕ್ಷಿತ ಎಸ್ಎಂಎಸ್</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">ಅಸುರಕ್ಷಿತ ಎಂಎಂಎಸ್</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">ಇಂದ %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">ಕಳುಹಿಸು</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">ಸಂಪರ್ಕಗಳಿಗೆ ಸೇರಿಸು</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">ಎಲ್ಲವನ್ನು ನೋಡಿ</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">ಸ್ವೀಕೃತದಾರರ ಪಟ್ಟಿ</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ಡೆಲಿವರಿ</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ನಿಮ್ಮ ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್, ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲದ ತೀರಾ ದೊಡ್ಡ ಫೈಲ್ ಅನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ. ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು ಅದನ್ನು ಅಳಿಸಿ ಮತ್ತು ಹೊಸ ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್ ರಚಿಸಿ.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ಬ್ಯಾಕಪ್ಗಳನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಯಿಸಲು ಟ್ಯಾಪ್ ಮಾಡಿ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ತಪ್ಪಾದ ಸಂಖ್ಯೆ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ಬದಲಿಗೆ ನನಗೆ ಕರೆ ಮಾಡಿ \n (%1$02d:%2$02dನಲ್ಲಿ ಲಭ್ಯವಿದೆ)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ಸಂಪರ್ಕಿಸಿ Signal ಬೆಂಬಲ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal ನೋಂದಣಿ - ಆಂಡ್ರಾಯ್ಡ್ಗೆ ದೃಢೀಕರಣ ಕೋಡ್</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">ದಪ್ಪ</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">연락처</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">그룹</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">그룹 멤버</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">전화번호 검색</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">사용자명으로 검색</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">새 스토리</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">대화</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">메시지</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$s에 메시지 보내기</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d분</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">오늘</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">어제</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%2$s의 %1$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">챗 세션 새로고침됨</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s 님과의 메시지 기록과 해당 사용자가 속하는 다른 채팅의 메시지 기록을 병합했습니다.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s번은 %2$s 님의 전화번호입니다.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">%1$s 님에게 결제를 활성화해달라는 요청을 보냈습니다.</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">국가 선택</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">국가 번호를 입력해야 합니다.
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">유효한 전화번호를 입력하세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">잘못된 전화번호</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">입력한 전화번호 (%1$s)가 잘못되었습니다.
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">확인</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">내 개인 정보는 내 손에서만.\n안전하게 메시지를 보내세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">전화번호를 입력하세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">인증 코드를 보내드립니다. 통신사 요금이 적용될 수 있습니다.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s 번호로 보낸 코드를 입력해 주세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">SMS 또는 전화를 수신하려면 휴대전화에서 데이터 네트워크가 켜져 있어야 합니다.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">전화번호</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">국가 번호</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">국가</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">전화</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">확인 코드</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">코드 다시 보내기</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">등록 잠금을 켜시겠습니까?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal 메시지</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">비보안 SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">비보안 MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s에서</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">보내기</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">연락처에 추가</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">모두 보기</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">수신자 목록</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">전송</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">백업에 대용량 파일이 포함되어 있습니다. 이 파일을 삭제하고 새로운 백업을 만드세요.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">탭하여 백업을 관리하세요.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">번호가 잘못되었나요?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">전화로 인증\n(%1$02d:%2$02d 이후 이용 가능)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal 지원 팀에 문의</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 등록 - 안드로이드용 인증 코드</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">두껍게</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Байланыштар</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Топтор</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Топтун мүчөлөрү</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Телефон номерин издөө</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Колдонуучу аты боюнча издөө</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Жаңы</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Маектер</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Билдирүүлөр</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Билдирүү %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dмүн</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Бүгүн</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Кечээ</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Маектин сессиясы жаңырды</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s менен болгон билдирүүлөр таржымалыңыз жана аларга таандык маек бирикти.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">(%1$s) %2$s таандык.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Төлөмдөр кызматын иштетүү өтүнүчүн жөнөттүңүз: %1$s</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1664,7 +1708,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Улантуу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Купуялуулукту сактаңыз. \\ NБардык билдирүүлөрдө өзүңүздөй жооп бериңиз.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Телефон номериңизди киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Сиз текшерүү кодун аласыз. Оператордун тарифтери колдонулушу мүмкүн.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$sномерине жиберилген кодду киргизиңиз</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">SMS катты же чалууну кабыл алуу үчүн сиздин телефонунундагы уюлдук байланышта болуусун текшериңиз</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal билдирүүсү</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Корголбогон SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Корголбогон MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Каяктан: %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Жөнөтүү</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Байланыштарга кошуу</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Баарын көрүү</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Алуучулар тизмеси</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Жеткирүү</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Жоон</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Adresatai</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupės</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Grupės nariai</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Ieškoti telefono numerio</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Rasti pagal naudotojo vardą</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nauja</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Pokalbiai</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Žinutės</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Žinutė %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min.</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Šiandien</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Vakar</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s ties %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Ištrinti</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Pokalbio seansas atnaujintas</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Tavo ir %1$s žinučių istorija susieta su kitu šiam žmogui priklausiusiu pokalbiu.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s priklauso %2$s.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Nusiuntei %1$s prašymą įjungti Mokėjimus.</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Pasirinkite savo šalį</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Jūs privalote nurodyti savo šalies kodą
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Norėdami užsiregistruoti, įveskite teisingą telefono numerį.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Neteisingas numeris</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Numeris, kurį jūs nurodėte (%1$s) yra neteisingas.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Tęsti</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Pasiimkite privatumą kartu su savimi.\nBūkite savimi kiekvienoje žinutėje.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Įveskite savo telefono numerį</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Gausite patvirtinimo kodą. Gali būti taikomi mobiliojo ryšio tinklo operatoriaus mokesčiai.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Įveskite kodą, kurį išsiuntėme į %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Įsitikinkite, kad jūsų telefone yra mobiliojo ryšio signalas, kad gautumėte SMS ar sulauktumėte skambučio</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefono numeris</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Šalies kodas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Šalis</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Skambinti</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Patvirtinimo kodas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Siųsti kodą iš naujo</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Įjungti registracijos užraktą?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal žinutė</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Neapsaugota SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Neapsaugota MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Nuo %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Siųsti</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Įtraukti į adresatus</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Rodyti visus</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Gavėjų sąrašas</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Pristatymas</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Tavo atsarginė kopija turi itin didelį failą, kurio negalima nukopijuoti. Ištrink jį ir sukurk naują atsarginę kopiją.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Bakstelėkite norėdami tvarkyti atsargines kopijas.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Neteisingas numeris?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Vietoj to, man paskambinkite \n (Prieinama po %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Susisiekti su Signal palaikymu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal registracija - Patvirtinimo kodas, skirtas „Android“</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Paryškintas</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakti</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupas</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Grupas dalībnieki</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Tālruņa numura meklēšana</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Atrast pēc lietotājvārds</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Jauns</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Sarunas</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Ziņas</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Ziņa %1$s</string>
@ -650,6 +650,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Šodien</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Vakar</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sarunas sesija atsvaidzināta</string>
@ -1431,7 +1475,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Jūsu ziņu vēsture ar lietotāju %1$s un citu šī lietotāja sarunu ir apvienota.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s ir kontakta %2$s tālruņa numurs</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Jūs nosūtījāt lietotājam %1$s pieprasījumu aktivizēt maksājumus</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1774,7 +1818,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Izvēlieties savu valsti</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Jums jānorāda savas valsts kods
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Ievadiet derīgu tālruņa numuru, lai reģistrētos.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Nederīgs numurs</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Numurs, kuru jūs norādījāt (%1$s), ir nederīgs
@ -1806,16 +1850,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Turpināt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Ņem privātumu savās rokās.\nKatrā rakstītajā ziņā esi tu pats!</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Ievadiet savu tālruņa numuru</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Jūs saņemsiet verifikācijas kodu. Var tikt piemēroti mobilā operatora tarifi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Ievadiet kodu, kuru nosūtījām uz %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Pārbaudiet, vai tālrunim ir mobilā tīkla signāls, lai saņemtu īsziņu vai zvanu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Tālruņa numurs</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Valsts kods</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Valsts</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zvanīt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Pārbaudes kods</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Saņemt kodu vēlreiz</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Ieslēgt reģistrācijas bloķēšanu?</string>
@ -2284,6 +2328,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal ziņa</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nedroša SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nedroša MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">No %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Sūtīt</string>
@ -3181,6 +3227,17 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Pievienot kontaktiem</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Skatīt visus</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="zero">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Adresātu saraksts</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Piegāde</string>
@ -3426,7 +3483,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Jūsu rezerves kopija satur ļoti lielu failu, ko nav iespējams dublēt. Lūdzu, izdzēsiet to un izveidojiet jaunu rezerves kopiju.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Pieskarties, lai pārvaldību rezerves kopijas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Vai nepareizs numurs?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Tā vietā piezvaniet man \n (Pieejams pēc %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Sazināties ar Signal tehnisko atbalstu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal reģistrācija - Android ierīces verifikācijas kods</string>
@ -5632,7 +5689,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Treknraksts</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Контакти</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Групи</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Членови на групата</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Пребарување по телефонски број</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Пронајдете со корисничко име</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Нова</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Разговори</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Пораки</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Порака %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dм</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Денес</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Вчера</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s во %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Во ред</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Сесијата со разговорот е освежена</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Историјата на вашиот разговор со %1$s и друг разговор со нив се споени.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s припаѓа на %2$s.</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Испративте барање за активирање плаќања на %1$s</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Изберете држава</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Мора да внесете повикувачки број за Вашата држава
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Ве молиме внесете валиден телефонски број за да се регистрирате.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Погрешен број</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Внесениот број (%1$s) е погрешен.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Продолжи</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Задржете ја приватноста со Вас.\nБидете свои во секоја порака.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Внесете го Вашиот телефонски број</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Ќе примите код за проверка. Можно е да важат цените од операторот.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Внесете го кодот што го испративме на %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Осигурајте се дека Вашиот телефон има мобилен сигнал за да примите SMS или повик</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Телефонски број</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Повикувачки број на државата</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Држава</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Повикај</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код за потврда</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Препрати Код</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Да вклучам заклучување на регистрација?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal порака</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Незаштитена SMS порака</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Незаштитена MMS порака</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Од %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Испрати</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Додај во контакти</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Види сѐ</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Листа на примачи</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Испорака</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Вашата резервна копија содржи многу голема датотека од која не може да се направи резервна копија. Ве молиме избришете ја и создајте нова резервна копија.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Допрете за управување со резервните копии.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Погрешен број?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Повикај ме \n (Достапно за %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Контактирај Signal Поддршка</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрација на Signal - Код за проверка за Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Задебели ги буквите</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">കോൺടാക്റ്റുകൾ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">ഗ്രൂപ്പുകൾ</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">ഗ്രൂപ്പിലെ അംഗങ്ങൾ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ഫോൺ നമ്പർ തിരയൽ</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ഉപയോക്തൃനാമം ഉപയോഗിച്ച് കണ്ടെത്തുക</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">പുതിയത്</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">ചാറ്റുകൾ</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">സന്ദേശങ്ങൾ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">സന്ദേശ൦ %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">ഇന്ന്</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">ഇന്നലെ</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%2$s-യിൽ %1$s-ന്</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">ശരി</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">ചാറ്റ് സെഷൻ പുതുക്കി</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s എന്നതുമായുള്ള നിങ്ങളുടെ സന്ദേശ ചരിത്രവും അവരുടേതായ മറ്റൊരു ചാറ്റും ലയിപ്പിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s എന്നയാളുടെ നമ്പറാണ്</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">പേയ്മെന്റുകൾ ആക്ടിവേറ്റ് ചെയ്യാൻ നിങ്ങൾ %1$s എന്നതിന് ഒരു അഭ്യർത്ഥന അയച്ചു</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">നിങ്ങളുടെ രാജ്യം തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">നിങ്ങളുടെ രാജ്യ കോഡ് വ്യക്തമാക്കണം
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">രജിസ്റ്റർ ചെയ്യുന്നതിനായി സാധുവായ ഒരു ഫോൺ നമ്പർ നൽകുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">അസാധുവായ നമ്പർ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">നിങ്ങൾ വ്യക്തമാക്കിയ നമ്പർ (%1$s) അസാധുവാണ്.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">തുടരുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">സ്വകാര്യത നിങ്ങൾക്കൊപ്പം കൊണ്ടുപോകുക.\nഎല്ലാ സന്ദേശത്തിലും നിങ്ങൾ നിങ്ങളെപ്പോലെ ആകുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോൺ നമ്പർ നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">നിങ്ങൾക്ക് ഒരു സ്ഥിരീകരണ കോഡ് ലഭിക്കും. കാരിയർ നിരക്കുകൾ ബാധകമായേക്കാം.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">ഞങ്ങൾ %1$s-ലേക്ക് അയച്ച കോഡ് നൽകുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">നിങ്ങളുടെ SMS അല്ലെങ്കിൽ കോൾ സ്വീകരിക്കുന്നതിന് നിങ്ങളുടെ ഫോണിന് സെല്ലുലാർ സിഗ്നൽ ഉണ്ടെന്ന് ഉറപ്പാക്കുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ഫോൺ നമ്പർ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">രാജ്യ കോഡ്</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">രാജ്യം</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">വിളിക്കുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">പരിശോധിച്ചുറപ്പാക്കൽ കോഡ്</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">കോഡ് വീണ്ടും അയയ്ക്കുക</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ ലോക്ക് ഓണാക്കണോ?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal സന്ദേശം</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">സുരക്ഷിതമല്ലാത്ത SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">സുരക്ഷിതമല്ലാത്ത MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s നിന്ന്</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">അയയ്ക്കുക</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">കോൺടാക്റ്റുകളിൽ ചേർക്കൂ</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">എല്ലാം കാണുക</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">സ്വീകർത്താക്കളുടെ പട്ടിക</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ഡെലിവറി</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ബാക്കപ്പ് ചെയ്യാൻ കഴിയാത്ത വളരെ വലിയ ഒരു ഫയൽ നിങ്ങളുടെ ബാക്കപ്പിൽ ഉൾപ്പെട്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്. അത് ഇല്ലാതാക്കിയ ശേഷം പുതിയ ഒരു ബാക്കപ്പ് സൃഷ്ടിക്കുക.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ബാക്കപ്പുകൾ നിയന്ത്രിക്കാൻ തൊടുക.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">തെറ്റായ നമ്പർ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">പകരം എന്നെ വിളിക്കൂ \n(%1$02d:%2$02d ൽ ലഭ്യമാകും)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal പിന്തുണ ബന്ധപ്പെടുക</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal രജിസ്ട്രേഷൻ - Android-നായുള്ള സ്ഥിരീകരണ കോഡ്</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">ബോൾഡ്</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">संपर्क</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">गट</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">गट सदस्य</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">फोन नंबर शोध</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">वापरकर्ता नावाने शोधा</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">नवीन</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">चॅट</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">संदेश</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">संदेश %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d मि</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">आज</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">काल</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">चॅट सत्र रिफ्रेश झाले</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">आपला %1$s यांच्यासह संदेश इतिहास आणि त्यांच्याशी संबंधित असलेले अन्य चॅट एकत्रित करण्यात आले आहेत.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s हा %2$s च्या मालकीचा आहे</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">आपण %1$s ना पेमेंट्स सक्रिय करण्याची विनंती पाठवली आहे</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">आपला देश निवडा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">आपण आपला देश कोड निर्दिष्ट करायला हवा
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">नोंदणी करण्यासाठी कृपया एक वैध फोन नंबर प्रविष्ट करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">अवैध नंबर</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">आपण निर्दिष्ट केलेला नंबर (%1$s) अवैध आहे.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">सुरू ठेवा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">गोपनीयता आपल्यासोबत न्या.\nप्रत्येक संदेशात आपण स्वतः रहा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">आपला फोन नंबर प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">आपल्याला एक सत्यापन कोड प्राप्त होईल. वाहक रेट लागू होऊ शकतात.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s वर पाठवलेला कोड प्रविष्ट करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">आपला SMS किंवा कॉल प्राप्त करण्यासाठी आपल्या फोनला सेल्यूलर सिग्नल असल्याची खात्री करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">फोन नंबर</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">देश कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">देश</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">कॉल करा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">सत्यापन कोड</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">कोड पुन्हा पाठवा</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">नोंदणी लॉक चालू करायचे?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal संदेश</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">असुरक्षित SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">असुरक्षित MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s याकडून</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">पाठवा</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">संपर्कात जोडा</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">सर्व पहा</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">प्राप्तकर्ते यादी</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">पोचवणी</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">आपल्या बॅकअपमध्ये एक अतिशय मोठी फाईल आहे जिचा बॅकअप घेतला जाऊ शकत नाही. कृपया ती हटवा किंवा नवीन तयार करा.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">बॅकअप व्यवस्थापित करण्यासाठी टॅप करा.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">चुकीचा नंबर?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">नाहीतर मला कॉल करा \n (%1$02d:%2$02d मध्ये उपलब्ध)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal समर्थनाशी संपर्क साधा</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal नोंदणी - Android करिता सत्यापन कोड</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">बोल्ड</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kenalan</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Kumpulan</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Ahli kumpulan</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Pencarian nombor telefon</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Cari dengan nama pengguna</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Baru</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Sembang</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mesej</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mesej %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dmin</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hari ini</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Semalam</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s pada %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Padam</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesi sembang dimulakan semula</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Sejarah mesej anda dengan %1$s dan sembang lain milik mereka telah digabungkan.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s milik %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Anda telah meminta %1$s untuk mengaktifkan Pembayaran</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Pilih negara anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Anda mesti nyatakan kod negara anda
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Sila masukkan nombor telefon yang sah untuk mendaftar.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Nombor tidak sah</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Nombor yang anda nyatakan (%1$s) adalah tidak sah.
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Teruskan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Bawa privasi bersama anda.\nMenjadi diri anda dalam setiap mesej.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Masukkan nombor telefon anda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Anda akan terima satu kod pengesahan. Kadar caj telekomunikasi mungkin dikenakan.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Masukkan kod yang kami hantar ke %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Pastikan telefon anda mempunyai isyarat selular untuk menerima SMS atau panggilan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Nombor telefon</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kod negara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Negara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Panggilan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod pengesahan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Hantar Semula Kod</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Hidupkan Kunci Pendaftaran?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mesej Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS yang tidak selamat</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS yang tidak selamat</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Daripada %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Hantar</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Tambah ke kenalan</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Lihat semua</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Senarai penerima</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Penghantaran</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Sandaran anda mengandungi fail yang saiznya terlalu besar dan tidak boleh disandar. Sila padamkannya dan cipta sandaran baru.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Ketik untuk menguruskan sandaran.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Nombor salah?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hubungi saya \n (Tersedia dalam %1$02d:%2$02d )</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Hubungi Sokongan Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Pendaftaran Signal - Kod Pengesahan untuk Android</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">အဆက်အသွယ်များ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">အဖွဲ့များ</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">အဖွဲ့ဝင်များ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ဖုန်းနံပါတ်ရှာဖွေခြင်း</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">သုံးစွဲသူအမည်ဖြင့် ရှာရန်</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">အသစ်</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">စကားပြောဆိုမှုများ</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">စာများ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">စာတို %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dမိနစ်</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">ယနေ့</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">မနေ့က</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s ကို %2$s ဖြင့်</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">ဖျက်ပါ</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">စကားပြောဆိုမှု အပိုင်းကို ပြန်လည်တင်ထားသည်</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s နှင့် သင်၏ မက်ဆေ့ချ်မှတ်တမ်း၊ ၎င်းတို့နှင့် သက်ဆိုင်သည့် အခြား ချက်(တ်)ကို ပေါင်းစည်းထားပါသည်။</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s ကို %2$s က ပိုင်ဆိုင်ပါသည်</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">%1$s ထံ ငွေပေးချေမှုများကို သက်ဝင်လုပ်ဆောင်ရန် တောင်းဆိုချက် ပို့ထားပါသည်</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">နိုင်ငံရွေးချယ်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">နိုင်ငံ၏ ဖုန်းကုဒ်အားဖော်ပြရမည်
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">စာရင်းသွင်းရန် ဆီလျော်သည့် ဖုန်းနံပါတ်ကို ထည့်သွင်းပါ။ </string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">နံပါတ် မှားနေသည်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">သင်ထည့်လိုက်သော နံပါတ် ( %1$s) သည်မှားယွင်းနေသည်။
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">ရှေ့ဆက်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">လုံခြုံရေးကို သင်နှင့် ယူဆောင်သွားပါ။ \n မက်ဆေ့ချ်တိုင်းတွင် သင်ကိုယ်တိုင်ဖြစ်နိုင်ပါစေ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">သင့်ဖုန်းနံပါတ်ကိုထည့်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">အတည်ပြုချက်နံပါတ် သင်လက်ခံရရှိပါမည်၊ ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုခ သို့ SMS မက်ဆေ့ချ် ပို့ဆောင်ခ ကျသင့်မည်ဖြစ်သည်။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s ကို ပို့လိုက်သည့် အတည်ပြုကုဒ်ကို ထည့်ပါ။</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">မက်ဆေ့ချ် သို့မဟုတ် အဝင်ဖုန်း လက်ခံရရှိရန်အတွက် သင့်ဖုန်းလိုင်းမိနေရန် လိုအပ်သည်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ဖုန်းနံပါတ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">နိုင်ငံ ကုဒ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">နိုင်ငံ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ဖုန်းခေါ်ဆိုမှု</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">အတည်ပြုချက်ကုဒ်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ကုဒ်ကို ပြန်ပို့ပါ</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">မှတ်ပုံတင်မှု ပိတ်ထားခြင်းကို အသုံးပြုမည်လား?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal မက်ဆေ့ချ်</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">မလုံခြုံသော SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">မလုံခြုံသော MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s မှ</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">ဆင်းမ်ကဒ်%1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">ပို့ပါ</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">အဆက်အသွယ်စာရင်းထဲ ထည့်ပါ</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">အားလုံးကြည့်မည်</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">လက်ခံမည့်သူ စာရင်း</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ပေးပို့ခြင်း</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">သင့်ဘက်ခ်အပ်တွင် ဘက်ခ်အပ်လုပ်၍ မရနိုင်သည့် အလွန်ကြီးသော ဖိုင်တစ်ဖိုင် ပါဝင်နေပါသည်။ ၎င်းကို ဖျက်ပြီး ဘက်ခ်အပ်အသစ် ဖန်တီးပါ။</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">အရန်ကူးခြင်းများကိုစီမံရန် နှိပ်ပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ဖုန်းနံပါတ်မှားနေပါသလား?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ဤအချိန် (%1$02d:%2$02d အတွင်း) \n ဖုန်းခေါ်ပေးပါ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal အကူအညီ ရယူမည်</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal မှတ်ပုံတင်ခြင်း Android အတွက် အတည်ပြုကုဒ်</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakter</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupper</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Gruppemedlemmer</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefonnummer søk</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Søk på brukernavn</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Ny</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Samtaler</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Meldinger</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Melding %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">I dag</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">I går</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s for %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Greit</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Slett</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Samtaleøkt lastet inn på nytt</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Meldingsloggen din med %1$s har blitt slått sammen med en annen samtale som tilhørte vedkommende.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s tilhører %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Du har sendt en forespørsel til %1$s om å aktivere betalinger</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Velg land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Du må oppgi landskode
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Vennligst skriv inn et gyldig telefonnummer for å registrere deg.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Ugyldig nummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Nummeret du skrev inn (%1$s) er ugyldig.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Fortsett</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Ta personvernet med deg.\nVær deg selv i hver melding.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Skriv inn ditt telefonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Du vil motta en bekreftelseskode. Teleoperatøren kan belaste deg for dette.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Bruk koden som ble sendt til %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Pass på at din telefon har dekning for å kunne motta SMS eller samtaler.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Landskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ring</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikasjonskode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Send kode på nytt</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktiver registreringslås?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-melding</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Usikret SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Usikret MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Fra %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Send</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Legg til i kontakter</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Se alle</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Mottakerliste</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Levering</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Sikkerhetskopien inneholder en veldig stor fil som ikke kunne kopieres. Slett filen og opprett en ny sikkerhetskopi.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Trykk for å håndtere sikkerhetskopier.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Feil nummer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring meg i stedet \n (Tilgjengelig om %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakt Signal brukerstøtte</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Registrering - Verifikasjonskode for Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Fet</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contacten</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Groepen</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Groepsleden</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Zoeken op telefoonnummer</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Zoeken op gebruikersnaam</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nieuw</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Gesprekken</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Berichten</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Bericht sturen naar %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Vandaag</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Gisteren</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s om %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Oké</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Wissen</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Gesprekssessie vernieuwd</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Je berichtengeschiedenis met %1$s en een andere chat met hen zijn samengevoegd.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s is van %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Je hebt %1$s een verzoek gestuurd om Betalingen te activeren</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Selecteer je land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Je moet je landcode invoeren
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Vul een geldig telefoonnummer in om je te registreren.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Ongeldig nummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Het nummer dat je hebt ingevoerd (%1$s) is ongeldig.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Doorgaan</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Neem je privacy met je mee.\nWees jezelf in elk bericht.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Voer je telefoonnummer in</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Je zult een verificatiecode ontvangen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Vul de code in die we per sms naar %1$s hebben verzonden</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Verzeker je ervan dat je telefoon netwerkbereik heeft zodat je een sms of oproep kunt ontvangen</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefoonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Landcode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Bel me</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verificatiecode</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Stuur code opnieuw</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Registratievergrendeling inschakelen?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-bericht</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Onbeveiligde sms</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Onbeveiligde mms</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Van %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Verzenden</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Aan contactenlijst toevoegen</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Alles weergeven</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lijst met ontvangers</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Verzending</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Je back-up bevat een erg groot bestand dat niet opgeslagen kan worden. Wis het en probeer het opnieuw.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tik hier om het maken van back-upbestanden in te stellen.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Verkeerd telefoonnummer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bel me \n (beschikbaar over %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contact opnemen met Signal-ondersteuning</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registratie - Verificatiecode voor Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Vet</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">ਸੰਪਰਕ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">ਗਰੁੱਪ</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">ਗਰੁੱਪ ਦੇ ਮੈਂਬਰ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ਫੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਖੋਜੋ</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ਵਰਤੋਂਕਾਰ-ਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਲੱਭੋ</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">ਨਵੀਂ</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">ਗੱਲਬਾਤ</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">ਸੁਨੇਹੇ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">ਸੁਨੇਹਾ %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dਮਿੰ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">ਅੱਜ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">ਕੱਲ੍ਹ</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">ਹਟਾਓ</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">ਚੈਟ ਸੈਸ਼ਨ ਤਾਜ਼ਾ ਕੀਤਾ ਗਿਆ</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੁਰਾਣੀ ਚੈਟ ਅਤੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਸਬੰਧਤ ਇੱਕ ਹੋਰ ਚੈਟ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਿਲਾ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ।</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s ਨੰਬਰ %2$s ਦਾ ਹੈ</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">ਤੁਸੀਂ %1$s ਨੂੰ ਭੁਗਤਾਨ ਫੀਚਰ ਐਕਟੀਵੇਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਬੇਨਤੀ ਭੇਜੀ ਹੈ</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">ਆਪਣਾ ਦੇਸ਼ ਚੁਣੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਦੱਸਣ ਦੀ ਜ਼ਰੂਰਤ ਹੈ ਦੇਸ਼ ਕੋਡ
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਰਜਿਸਟਰ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਇੱਕ ਵੈਧ ਫੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਦਰਜ ਕਰੋ.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">ਅਵੈਧ ਨੰਬਰ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ ਦਿੱਤਾ ਗਿਆ ਨੰਬਰ (%1$s) ਅਵੈਧ ਹੈ।
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">ਜਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">ਪਰਦੇਦਾਰੀ ਆਪਣੇ ਤੱਕ ਰੱਖੋ।\nਹਰੇਕ ਸੁਨੇਹਾ ਬੇਝਿਜਕ ਹੋ ਕੇ ਲਿਖੋ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">ਆਪਣਾ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ ਦਿਓ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਪ੍ਰਮਾਣੀਕਰਣ ਕੋਡ ਮਿਲੇਗਾ। ਕੈਰੀਅਰ ਦਰ ਲਾਗੂ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">ਸਾਡੇ ਵਲੋਂ %1$s ’ਤੇ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਕੋਡ ਭਰੋ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">ਯਕੀਨੀ ਬਣਾਓ ਕਿ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਫ਼ੋਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਤੁਹਾਡਾ SMS ਜਾਂ ਕਾਲ ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਸੈਲੂਲਰ ਸਿਗਨਲ ਹੈ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ਫ਼ੋਨ ਨੰਬਰ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">ਦੇਸ਼ ਦਾ ਕੋਡ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">ਦੇਸ਼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">ਕਾਲ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ਤਸਦੀਕੀ ਕੋਡ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ਕੋਡ ਦੁਬਾਰਾ ਭੇਜੋ</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">ਰਜਿਸਟਰੇਸ਼ਨ ਲਾਕ ਚਾਲੂ ਕਰਨਾ ਹੈ?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal ਸੁਨੇਹਾ</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">ਨਾ-ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">ਨਾ-ਸੁਰੱਖਿਅਤ MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s ਵਲੋਂ</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">ਸਿਮ %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">ਭੇਜੋ</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">ਸੰਪਰਕਾਂ ਵਿੱਚ ਸ਼ਾਮਲ ਕਰੋ</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">ਸਾਰੇ ਵੇਖੋ</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">ਪ੍ਰਾਪਤਕਰਤਾ ਸੂਚੀ</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ਡਿਲਿਵਰੀ</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਬਹੁਤ ਵੱਡੀ ਫਾਈਲ ਮੌਜੂਦ ਹੈ ਜਿਸਦਾ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਨਹੀਂ ਲਿਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਮਿਟਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਇੱਕ ਨਵਾਂ ਬੈਕਅੱਪ ਬਣਾਓ।</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ਬੈਕਅੱਪਾਂ ਦਾ ਇੰਤਜ਼ਾਮ ਕਨ ਲਈ ਛੂਹੋ।</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">ਗਲਤ ਨੰਬਰ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">ਇਸ ਦੀ ਬਜਾਏ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕਾਲ ਕਰੋ \n ( ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪਲੱਬਧ %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ਸੰਪਰਕ Signal ਸਹਾਇਤਾ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal ਰਜਿਸਟ੍ਰੇਸ਼ਨ - ਐਂਡਰਾਇਡ ਲਈ ਪੁਸ਼ਟੀਕਰਣ ਕੋਡ</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">ਬੋਲਡ</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakty</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupy</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Członkowie grupy</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Znajdź numer telefonu</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Znajdź po nazwie użytkownika</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nowa</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Rozmowy</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Wiadomości</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Wiadomość %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Dzisiaj</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Wczoraj</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s o %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">OK</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Usuń</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesja rozmowy odświeżona</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Twoja historia wiadomości z %1$s i należącą do niego/niej inną rozmową została połączona.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s należy do %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">%1$s otrzymał(a) od Ciebie prośbę o aktywację płatności</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Wybierz swój kraj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Podaj kod telefoniczny kraju
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Podaj prawidłowy numer telefonu, aby zarejestrować.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Niepoprawny numer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Podany numer (%1$s) jest niepoprawny.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Kontynuuj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Weź prywatność w swoje ręce.\nBądź sobą w każdej wiadomości.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Podaj swój numer telefonu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Otrzymasz kod weryfikacyjny. Mogą obowiązywać stawki operatora.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Wprowadź kod, który wysłaliśmy na %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Upewnij się, że Twój telefon ma połączenie z siecią komórkową, aby otrzymać wiadomość SMS lub połączenie</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Numer telefonu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kod kraju</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Kraj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zadzwoń</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod weryfikacyjny</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Wyślij ponownie kod</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Włączyć blokadę rejestracji?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Wiadomość Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nieszyfrowany SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nieszyfrowany MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Od %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Wyślij</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Dodaj do kontaktów</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Zobacz wszystkie</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lista odbiorców</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Dostarczanie</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Twoja kopia zapasowa zawiera bardzo duży plik, który nie może zostać zarchiwizowany. Usuń go i utwórz nową kopię zapasową.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Stuknij, aby zarządzać kopiami zapasowymi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Błędny numer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Zadzwoń \n (Dostępne za %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Skontaktuj się ze wsparciem technicznym Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Rejestracja Signal - Kod weryfikacyjny dla systemu Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Pogrubienie</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contatos</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupos</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membros do grupo</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Pesquisa por número de telefone</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Encontrar pelo nome de usuário</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Novidade</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Conversas</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mensagens</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mensagem %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dmin</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hoje</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Ontem</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s a %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Ok</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Excluir</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">A sessão da conversa foi reiniciada</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Seu histórico de mensagens com %1$s e outro chat pertencente a este usuário foram mesclados.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pertence à conversa %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Você enviou uma solicitação para %1$s para ativar Pagamentos</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Selecione seu país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Você deve especificar o código do seu país
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Por favor, forneça um número de telefone válido para registrar.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Número inválido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">O número que você especificou (%1$s) é inválido.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Continuar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Leve a privacidade com você.\nSeja você em cada mensagem.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Digite o seu número de telefone</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Você vai receber um código de verificação. Taxas da operadora podem ser aplicadas.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Insira o código que enviamos para %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Verifique se o seu telefone está captando sinal de rede para receber SMS ou chamadas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Número de telefone</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Código do país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">País</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ligar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de Verificação</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Reenviar código</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Habilitar Desbloqueio de registro?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mensagem no Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS inseguro</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS inseguro</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Usando %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Enviar</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Adicionar aos contatos</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Ver todos</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lista de destinatários</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Entrega</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Seu backup contém um arquivo muito grande não compatível com backup. Exclua e crie um backup novo.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toque para gerenciar os backups.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Número errado?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Me ligue \n (Disponível em %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Entre em contato com o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registro Signal - Código de verificação para Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Negrito</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contactos</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupos</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membros do grupo</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Procurar número de telefone</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Procurar por nome de utilizador</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nova</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Conversas</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mensagens</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mensagem %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hoje</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Ontem</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Eliminar</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">A sessão da conversa foi atualizada</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">O seu histórico de mensagens com %1$s e outra conversa com esta pessoa foram juntados.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pertence a %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Enviou a %1$s um pedido para ativar os Pagamentos</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Escolha o seu país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Deverá escolher o seu código do pais
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Por favor, introduza um número de telefone válido.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Número inválido</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">O número que você especificou (%1$s) é inválido.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Continuar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Leve a privacidade consigo.\nSeja você mesmo em todas as mensagens.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Introduza o sue número de telefone</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Irá receber um código de verificação. Poderão existir custos por parte da sua operadora.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Introduza o código que enviamos para %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Confirme que o seu telemóvel tem sinal de rede para receber SMS ou chamadas</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Número de telefone</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Código do país</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">País</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Telefonar</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Código de verificação</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Reenviar código</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Ativar o \'Bloqueio de registo\'?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mensagem do Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS inseguro</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS inseguro</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">De %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Enviar</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Adicionar aos contactos</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Ver tudo</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lista de destinatários</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Entrega</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">A sua cópia de segurança contém um ficheiro muito grande que não pode ser copiado. Elimine esse ficheiro e crie uma nova cópia de segurança.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Toque para gerir as cópias de segurança.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Número errado?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Como alternativa, ligue-me \n (Disponível às %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contactar o Suporte do Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registo Signal - Código de verificação para Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Negrito</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Contacte</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupuri</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Membri grup</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Căutare număr de telefon</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Caută după nume de utilizator</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nou</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Conversații</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mesaje</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mesaj %1$s</string>
@ -650,6 +650,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Azi</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Ieri</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s la %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesiunea conversației a fost resetată</string>
@ -1431,7 +1475,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Istoricul mesajelor tale cu %1$s și altă conversație care le aparținea au fost unite.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s aparține persoanei %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">I-ai trimis lui %1$s o cerere de activare a Plăților</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1774,7 +1818,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Alege țara ta.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Trebuie să introduci codul țarii.
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Te rog introdu un număr de telefon valid pentru a te putea înregistra.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Număr invalid</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Numărul de telefon furnizat (%1$s) este invalid.
@ -1806,16 +1850,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Continuare</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Ia-ți intimitatea cu tine.\nFii tu însuți în fiecare mesaj.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Introdu numărul tău de telefon</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Vei primi un cod de verificare. Se pot aplica tarife de operator.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Introdu codul trimis la %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Asigură-te că telefonul tău are semnal celular pentru a putea primi SMS-ul sau apelul</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Număr de telefon</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Prefixul țării</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Țară</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Apelează</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Cod de Verificare</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Trimite din nou codul</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Activează Blocarea Înregistrării?</string>
@ -2284,6 +2328,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mesaj Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS nesecurizat</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS nesecurizat</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">De la %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Trimite</string>
@ -3181,6 +3227,17 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Adaugă la contacte</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Vezi tot</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Lista destinatari</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Trimitere</string>
@ -3426,7 +3483,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Backup-ul tău conține un fișier foarte mare care nu poate fi adăugat la backup. Șterge-l și creează un backup nou.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Atinge pentru a gestiona backup-uri.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Număr greșit?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Sună-mă mai bine \n (Disponibil în %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Contactează Asistența Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Înregistrare Signal - Cod de Verificare pentru Android</string>
@ -5632,7 +5689,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Aldin</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Контакты</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Группы</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Участники группы</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Поиск по номеру телефона</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Поиск по имени пользователя</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Новая</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Чаты</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Сообщения</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Сообщение %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dм</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Сегодня</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Вчера</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s в %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Хорошо</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Удалить</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Сессия чата обновлена</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Ваши истории сообщений с %1$s и другим чатом, который принадлежал ему/ей, были объединены.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s принадлежит %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Вы отправили %1$s запрос на активацию платежей</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Выберите вашу страну</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Необходимо указать код страны
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Пожалуйста, введите корректный номер телефона, чтобы зарегистрироваться.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Неверный номер</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Указанный вами номер (%1$s) недействителен.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Продолжить</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Возьмите\nконфиденциальность\nс собой.\nБудьте собой в каждом сообщении.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Введите свой номер телефона</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Вы получите код подтверждения. Вашим оператором может взиматься плата за входящее SMS.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Введите код, который мы отправили на %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Убедитесь, что ваш телефон находится в зоне действия сети и сможет принять SMS или звонок</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Номер телефона</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Код страны</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Страна</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Позвонить</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код подтверждения</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Отправить код ещё раз</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включить блокировку регистрации?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Сообщение Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Незащищённое SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Незащищённое MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Через %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Отправить</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Добавить в контакты</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Просмотреть все</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Список получателей</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Доставка</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Ваша резервная копия содержит очень большой файл, резервное копирование которого невозможно. Пожалуйста, удалите его и создайте новую резервную копию.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Нажмите, чтобы управлять резервным копированием.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Неправильный номер?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Позвоните мне вместо SMS \n (доступно через %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Связаться с поддержкой Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Регистрация в Signal - код подтверждения для Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Жирный</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakty</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Skupiny</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Členovia skupiny</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Vyhľadávanie telefónneho čísla</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Nájsť podľa používateľského mena</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Nový</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chat</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Správy</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Správa %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Dnes</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Včera</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s s %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">OK</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Vymazať</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Chatové stretnutie obnovené</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Vaša história správ s používateľom %1$s a ďalším četom, ktorého je súčasťou, bola zlúčená.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s patrí používateľovi %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Odoslali ste žiadosť o aktiváciu platieb používateľovi %1$s</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Vyberte svoju krajinu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Musíte zadať kód krajiny
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Aby ste sa zaregistrovali, zadajte, prosím, platné telefónne číslo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Neplatné číslo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Vami zadané telefónne číslo (%1$s) je neplatné.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Pokračovať</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Vezmite si súkromie so sebou.\nBuďte sami sebou v každej správe.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Zadajte svoje telefónne číslo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Obdržíte overovací kód. Váš mobilný operátor si môže účtovať poplatky.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Zadajte kód, ktorý sme odoslali na %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Uistite sa, že váš telefón má mobilný signál pre prijatie SMS alebo hovoru</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefónne číslo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kód krajiny</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Štát</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Zavolať</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Overovací kód</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Znovu poslať kód</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Zapnúť registračný zámok?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal správa</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nezabezpečená SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nezabezpečená MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Z %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Odoslať</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Pridať medzi kontakty</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Pozrieť všetky</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Zoznam príjemcov</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Doručenie</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša záloha obsahuje veľmi veľký súbor, ktorý nie je možné zálohovať. Odstráňte ho a vytvorte novú zálohu.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Ťukni pre správu záloh.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Zlé číslo?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Radšej mi zavolať \n (Dostupný/á o %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktovať podporu Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registrácia v Signali – Overovací kód pre Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Tučné</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Stiki</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Skupine</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Člani_ce skupine</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Iskanje po telefonskih številkah</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Iskanje po uporabniškem imenu</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Novo</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Pogovori</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Sporočila</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Sporočilo %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d min</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Danes</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Včeraj</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s ob %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okej</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Izbriši</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Seja pogovora je bila osvežena</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Vaša zgodovina sporočil z uporabnikom_co %1$s in še en njen_gov klepet sta bila združena.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s pripada %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Osebi %1$s ste poslali zahtevo za aktiviranje Plačil</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Izberite svojo državo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Navesti morate mednarodno kodo svoje države
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Za registracijo morate vnesti veljavno telefonsko številko.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Napačna številka</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Številka, ki ste jo navedli (%1$s) je neveljavna.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Nadaljuj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Vzemite svojo zasebnost v lastne roke!\nDa boste v sporočilih lahko to kar ste.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Vnesite svojo telefonsko številko</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Prejeli boste potrditveno kodo. Sporočilo SMS je lahko plačljivo.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Vpišite kodo poslano na %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Prepričajte se, če ima vaš telefon dostop do mobilnega signala, da lahko prejmete naš SMS ali klic</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefonska številka</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Koda države</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Država</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Kliči</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifikacijska koda</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ponovno mi pošljite kodo</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Želite vklopiti zaklep registracije?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Sporočilo Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Nezavarovan SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Nezavarovan MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Od %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Pošlji</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Dodaj k stikom</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Prikaz vseh</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="two">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Seznam prejemnikov</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Dostava</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša varnostna kopija vsebuje zelo veliko datoteko, ki je ni mogoče varnostno kopirati. Izbrišite jo in ustvarite novo varnostno kopijo.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tapnite za urejanje varnostnih kopij.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Napačna številka?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Raje me pokličite \n (Dostopno čez %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontaktiraj center za podporo Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Registracija za storitev Signal - verifikacijska koda za Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Krepko</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontaktet</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupet</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Anëtarët e grupit</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Kërkimi i numrit të telefonit</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Gjeni sipas emri përdoruesi</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">I ri</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Fjalosje</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mesazhe</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$s mesazhi</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Sot</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Dje</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s më %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">OK</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Fshije</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Sesioni i fjalosjes u rifreskua</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Historiku i mesazheve të tua me %1$s dhe një bisedë tjetër që i përkiste atyre është bashkuar.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s i përket %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Dërgove %1$s një kërkesë për të aktivizuar Pagesat</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Përzgjidhni vendin tuaj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Duhet të specifikoni kodin e vendit tuaj
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Ju lutemi, jepni për regjistrim një numër telefoni të vlefshëm.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Numër i pavlefshëm</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Numri që specifikuat (%1$s) është i pavlefshëm.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Vazhdo</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Merreni privatësinë me vete.\nJini ju vetë, në çdo mesazh.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Jepni numrin e telefonit tuaj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Do të merrni një kod verifikimi. Mund të ketë tarifa operatori.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Jepni kodin që dërguam te %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Sigurohuni se telefoni juaj ka sinjal celulari për të marrë SMS-në ose thirrjen tuaj</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Numër telefoni</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Kod vendi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Vend</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Thirrje</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Kod Verifikimi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Ridërgo Kod</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Të aktivizohet Kyçja e Regjistrimeve?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mesazh Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS e pasiguruar</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS e pasiguruar</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Nga %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Dërgoje</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Shtoje te kontaktet</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Shihini krejt</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Listë marrësish</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Dërgim</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Rezerva jote përmban një skedar shumë të madh, që nuk mund të rezervohet. Të lutem, fshije dhe krijo një kopje të re rezervë.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Prekeni që të administroni kopjeruajtje.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Numër i gabuar?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Telefonomëni, më mirë \n (E përdorshme në %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Lidhuni Me Asistencën e Signal-it</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Regjistrim Signal-i - Kod Verifikimi për Android</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Контакти</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Групе</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Чланови групе</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Претрага броја телефона</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Пронађите корисничким именом</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Нова</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Ћаскања</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Поруке</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Порука за %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d m</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Данас</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Јуче</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s у %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">У реду</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Обриши</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Чет сесија је освежена</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Историја порука које сте разменили ви и %1$s и друго ћаскање које је припадало том кориснику сада су спојени.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%2$s је власник броја %1$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">%1$s ће од вас примити захтев за активирање плаћања</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Изаберите вашу државу</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Морате навести позивни број ваше државе
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Унесите исправан број телефона да се региструјете.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Неисправан број</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Број који сте навели (%1$s) није исправан.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Настави</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Обезбедите приватност где год се налазите.\nБудите својствени у свакој поруци.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Унесите ваш број телефона</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Примићете верификациони кôд. Могућа је наплата SMS-а.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Унесите кôд послат на %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Проверите да ли је телефонска мрежа доступна и да ли имате могућност примања SMS порука и позива</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Број телефона</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Позивни број државе</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Држава</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Позови</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Верификациони код</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Пошаљи поново</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Укључи закључавање регистрације?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal порука</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Необезбеђени СМС</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Необезбеђени ММС</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Од %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">СИМ %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Пошаљи</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Додај у контакте</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Погледај све</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Списак прималаца</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Испорука</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Vaša rezervna kopija sadrži veoma veliki fajl za koji se ne može kreirati rezervna kopija. Izbrišite ga i kreirajte novu rezervnu kopiju.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Додирните за управљање резервним копијама.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Погрешан број?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Позовите ме (Доступно у %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Контактирајте Signal подршку</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal регистрација - верификациони кôд за Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Podebljano</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kontakter</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Grupper</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Gruppmedlemmar</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefonnummer-sökning</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Hitta via användarnamn</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Ny</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chattar</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Meddelanden</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Meddelande %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Idag</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Igår</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okej</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Ta bort</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Chattsessionen uppdaterad</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Din meddelandehistorik med %1$s och en annan chatt som tillhörde dem har slagits samman.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s tillhör %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Du har skickat en begäran till %1$s om att aktivera betalningar</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Välj ditt land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Du måste ange din landskod
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Ange ett giltigt telefonnummer för att registrera dig.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Ogiltigt nummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Numret du angav (%1$s) är ogiltigt.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Fortsätt</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Ta med dig integritet.\nVar dig själv i varje meddelande.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Ange ditt telefonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Du kommer att få en verifieringskod. Din operatör kan ta betalt för det.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Ange koden vi skickade till %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Se till att din telefon har en mobilsignal för att ta emot ditt SMS eller samtal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefonnummer</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Landskod</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Land</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ring</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verifieringskod</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Skicka koden på nytt</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Aktivera registreringslåset?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal-meddelande</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Osäkert SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Osäkert MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Från %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Skicka</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Lägg till som kontakt</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Se alla</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Mottagarlista</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Leverans</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Din säkerhetskopia innehåller en stor fil som inte kan säkerhetskopieras. Radera den och skapa en ny säkerhetskopia.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Tryck för att hantera säkerhetskopior.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Fel nummer?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Ring mig istället \n (Tillgänglig om %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Kontakta Signal-support</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal-registrering - Verifieringskod för Android</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Mawasiliano</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Makundi</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Wanachama wa kikundi</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Utafutaji wa nambari ya simu</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Tafuta kwa jina la mtumiaji</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Mpya</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Gumzo</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Jumbe</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Ujumbe %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">d %1$d</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Leo</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Jana</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s kwa %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Futa</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Kipindi cha gumzo kimeonyeshwa upya</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Historia ya jumbe zako na %1$s na gumzo lao lingine zimeunganishwa.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s inamilikiwa na %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Umemtumia %1$s ombi la kuamilisha Malipo</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Chagua nchi yako</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Lazima utaje nambari za nchi yako
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Tafadhali ingiza nambari halali ya simu kujisajili</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Nambari si sahihi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Nambari uliyotaja (%1$s) sio sahihi
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Endelea</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Enda na faragha.\n Kuwa wewe katika kila ujumbe</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Weka nambari yako ya simu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Utapokea msimbo wa kuthibitisha. Gharama za mtoa huduma ya mawasiliano yako zitatumika.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Ingiza msimbo tuliotuma kwa %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Hakikisha simu yako ina ishara ya rununu ili kupokea Ujumbe wa ko Mfupi au mwito</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Nambari ya simu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Nambari ya nchi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Nchi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Piga</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Nambari ya kuthibitisha</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Tuma upya Nambari</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Je, washa Kufuli ya Usajili?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Ujumbe wa Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Ujumbe usio salama</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS isiyo salama</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Kutoka 1%1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Tuma</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Ongeza kwa wawasiliani</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Tazama zote</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Orodha ya wapokeaji</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Uwasilishaji</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Nakala rudufu yako ina faili kubwa ambalo haliweze kurudufiwa. Tafadhali lifute na tengeneza nakala rudufu mpya.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Gonga ili udhibiti nakala hifadhi.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Namba sio sahihi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Nipigie badala yake. \n (Inapatikana kwenye %1$02d : %2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Wasiliana na Msaada wa Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Usajili wa Signal: Msimbo wa Hakiki wa Android</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Kooza</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">தொடர்புகள்</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">குழுக்கள்</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">குழு உறுப்பினர்கள்</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">தொலைபேசி எண் தேடல்</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">பயனர் பெயர் மூலம் கண்டறியவும்</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">புதியது</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">உரையாடல்கள் </string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">செய்திகள்</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">செய்தி %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d மீ</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">இன்று</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">நேற்று</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s இல் %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">சரி</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">அழி</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">உரையாடல் அமர்வு புதுப்பிக்கப்பட்டது</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s உடனான உங்கள் செய்தி வரலாறும் அவர்களுக்குச் சொந்தமான மற்றொரு சாட்டும் இணைக்கப்பட்டது.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s க்கு சொந்தமானது</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">கட்டணங்களைச் செயல்படுத்த %1$s க்குக் கோரிக்கை அனுப்பியுள்ளீர்கள்</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">உங்கள் நாட்டை தேர்ந்தெடுக்கவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">நீங்கள் கண்டிப்பாக குறிப்பிடவேண்டியது உங்கள்: நாட்டின் குறியீடு
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">பதிவு செய்ய சரியான தொலைபேசி எண்ணை உள்ளிடவும்.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">செல்லா எண்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">நீங்கள் குறிப்பிட்ட எண் (%1$s) செல்லாது.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">தொடர்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">உங்களுடன் தனியுரிமையைப் பெறுங்கள். ஒவ்வொரு செய்தியிலும் நீங்கள் நீங்கலாய் இருங்கள் .</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">உள்ளிடவும் உங்கள் தொலைபேசி எண்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீட்டைப் பெறுவீர்கள். கேரியர் கட்டணங்கள் பொருந்தக்கூடும்.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">நாங்கள் அனுப்பிய குறியீட்டை %1$s க்கு உள்ளிடவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">உங்கள் எஸ்எம்எஸ் அல்லது அழைப்பைப் பெற உங்கள் தொலைபேசியில் செல்லுலார் சிக்னல் இருப்பதை உறுதிப்படுத்திக் கொள்ளுங்கள்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">தொலைபேசி எண்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">நாட்டின் குறியீடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">நாடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">அழை</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">குறியீட்டை மீண்டும் அனுப்பு</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">பதிவு பூட்டை இயக்கவா?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal செய்தி</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">பாதுகாப்பற்ற SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">பாதுகாப்பற்ற எம்.எம்.எஸ்</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s இலிருந்து</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">சிம் 1%1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">அனுப்பு</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">தொடர்புகளுடன் சேர்க்க</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">அனைத்தையும் பார்</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">பெறுநர்கள் பட்டியல்</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">விநியோகம்</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">உங்கள் காப்புப்பிரதியில் நகலெடுக்க முடியாத மிகப் பெரிய கோப்பு ஒன்று உள்ளது. தயவுசெய்து அதை நீக்கிவிட்டு ஒரு புதிய காப்புப்பிரதியை உருவாக்கவும்.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">மறுபிரதிகளை நிர்வகிக்க தட்டவும்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">தவறான எண்?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">அதற்கு பதிலாக என்னை அழைக்கவும் \\ n ( %1$02d :%2$02d இல் கிடைக்கும்)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal ஆதரவைத் தொடர்பு கொள்ளுங்கள்</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal பதிவு - அண்ட்ராய்டு க்கான சரிபார்ப்புக் குறியீடு</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">போல்ட்</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">కాంటాక్ట్స్</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">సమూహాలు</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">సమూహ సభ్యులు</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ఫోన్ నంబర్ శోధన</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">యూజర్నేమ్ ద్వారా కనుగొనండి</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">కొత్తది</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">మాటామంతి</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">సందేశాలు</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">%1$sకి సందేశం పంపు</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">నేడు</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">నిన్న</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">సరే</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">తొలగించండి</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">చాట్ సెషన్ రిఫ్రెష్ చేయబడింది</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s తో మీ సందేశ చరిత్ర మరియు వాటికి సంబంధించిన మరో చాట్ విలీనం చేయబడ్డాయి.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s %2$s కు చెందినది</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">చెల్లింపులను యాక్టివేట్ చేయడానికి మీరు %1$s కు ఒక అభ్యర్థనను పంపారు</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">మీ దేశాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">మీరు మీ దేశం కోడ్ తప్పకుండా పేర్కొనాలి
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">నమోదు చేయడానికి దయచేసి చెల్లుబాటు అయ్యే ఫోన్ నంబర్ను నమోదు చేయండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">చెల్లని సంఖ్య</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">మీరు పేర్కొన్న సంఖ్య (%1$s) చెల్లదు.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">కొనసాగించు</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">మీతో గోప్యతను తీసుకోండి.\nప్రతి సందేశంలో మీరే ఉండండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">మీ ఫోన్ నంబర్ను నమోదు చేయండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">మీరు ధృవీకరణ కోడ్ను అందుకుంటారు. క్యారియర్ రేట్లు వర్తించవచ్చు.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">మేము పంపిన కోడ్ను నమోదు చేయండి %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">మీ SMS లేదా కాల్ను స్వీకరించడానికి మీ ఫోన్కు సెల్యులార్ సంకేతం ఉందని నిర్ధారించుకోండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">ఫోను నంబరు</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">దేశం కోడ్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">దేశం</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">కాల్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">ధృవీకరణ కోడ్</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">మళ్ళీ పంపు కోడ్</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ లాక్ ఆన్ చేయాలా?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal మెసేజ్</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">భద్రతలేని సందేశం</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">భద్రతలేని MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$s నుండి</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">%1$dSIM</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">పంపించు</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">పరిచయాలకు జోడించండి</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">అన్నింటిని చూడు</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">గ్రహీతల జాబితా</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">చేర్చుట</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">మీ బ్యాకప్లో బ్యాకప్ చేయలేని చాలా పెద్ద ఫైలు ఉంది. దయచేసి దానిని తొలగించండి మరియు కొత్త బ్యాకప్ని సృష్టించండి.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">ప్రత్యామ్నాయములు ను నిర్వహించడానికి నొక్కండి.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">తపైనా సంఖ్యా?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">బదులుగా నాకు కాల్ చేయండి \n (అందుబాటులో ఉంది %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal మద్దతును సంప్రదించండి</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal రిజిస్ట్రేషన్ - Android కోసం ధృవీకరణ కోడ్</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">బోల్డ్</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">ผู้ติดต่อ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">กลุ่ม</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">สมาชิกกลุ่ม</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">ค้นด้วยหมายเลขโทรศัพท์</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">ค้นหาด้วยชื่อผู้ใช้</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">ใหม่</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">การสนทนา</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">ข้อความ</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">ข้อความ %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d m</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">วันนี้</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">เมื่อวาน</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">ตกลง</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">ข้อมูลสนทนาถูกเรียกขึ้นใหม่</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">ประวัติการส่งข้อความของคุณกับ %1$s และอีกแชทของผู้ติดต่อถูกรวมเข้าด้วยกันเรียบร้อยแล้ว</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s เป็นหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของ %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">คุณได้ส่งคำขอให้ %1$s เปิดใช้การชำระเงินแล้ว</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">เลือกประเทศของคุณ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">คุณต้องระบุรหัส ประเทศของคุณ
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">โปรดป้อนหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ที่ถูกต้องเพื่อลงทะเบียน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">หมายเลขไม่ถูกรูปแบบ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">หมายที่คุณ ระบุ (%1$s) ไม่ถูกรูปแบบ
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">ทำต่อ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">นำความเป็นส่วนตัวไปกับคุณทุกที่\nเป็นตัวคุณในทุกข้อความ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">ป้อนหมายเลขโทรศัพท์ของคุณ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">คุณจะได้รับรหัสตรวจยืนยัน ซึ่งอาจมีค่าบริการจากผู้ให้บริการโทรศัพท์</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">ใส่รหัสที่เราส่งไปให้ %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">ตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าโทรศัพท์ของคุณมีสัญญาณเซลลูลาร์เพื่อรับ SMS หรือการโทร</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">หมายเลขโทรศัพท์</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">รหัสประเทศ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">ประเทศ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">โทร</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">รหัสยืนยัน</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">ส่งรหัสอีกครั้ง</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">เปิดกุญแจลงทะเบียนหรือไม่?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">ข้อความ Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS ที่ไม่ปลอดภัย</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS ที่ไม่ปลอดภัย</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">จาก %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">ซิม %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">ส่ง</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">เพิ่มลงในรายชื่อผู้ติดต่อ</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">ดูทั้งหมด</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">รายชื่อผู้รับ</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">ส่ง</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">ข้อมูลสำรองของคุณมีไฟล์ขนาดใหญ่ที่ไม่สามารถเก็บสำรองได้ กรุณาลบไฟล์ดังกล่าวและสร้างข้อมูลสำรองใหม่</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">แตะเพื่อจัดการข้อมูลสำรอง</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">หมายเลขไม่ถูกต้องหรือ?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">โทรหาฉันแทน \n (ใช้งานได้ใน %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">ติดต่อทีมซัพพอร์ตของ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">การลงทะเบียน Signal - รหัสตรวจยืนยันสำหรับ Android</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">ตัวหนา</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Mga Kontak</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Mga Grupo</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Mga kasapi ng grupo</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Maghanap ng numero ng telepono</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Hanapin gamit ang username</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Bago</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Mga chat</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Mga Mensahe</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Mensahe %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dm</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Ngayong araw</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Kahapon</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Chat session refreshed</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Pinagsama na ang iyong message history ni %1$s at isa pa niyang chat.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">Kay %2$s ang %1$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Nag-send ka ng request kay %1$s para i-activate ang Payments</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1735,7 +1779,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Magpatuloy</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Dalhin ang privacy kahit saan.\nMaging ikaw sa bawat mensahe.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Ilagay ang numero ng iyong telepono</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Makakatanggap ka ng verification code. Maaaring mailapat ang mga singilin ng Carrier.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Ilagay ang code na ipinadala namin sa %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Siguraduhing may cellular signal ang iyong telepono para matanggap ang iyong mga tawag at SMS</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Mensahe sa Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Hindi secure na SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Hindi secure na MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Mula kay %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Ipadala</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Idagdag sa mga kontak</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Ipakita lahat</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Listahan ng mga tatanggap</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Paghahatid</string>
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Kişiler</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Gruplar</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Grup üyeleri</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Telefon numarasıyla arama</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Kullanıcı adına göre bul</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Yeni Hikaye</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Konuşmalar</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">İletiler</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">İleti %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dd</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Bugün</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Dün</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%2$s\'de %1$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Tamam</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Sil</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Konuşma oturumu yenilendi</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s ile olan mesaj geçmişin ve onlara ait başka bir sohbet birleştirildi.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s, %2$s adlı kişiye aittir</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Ödemeleri etkinleştirmek için %1$s adlı kişiye bir istek gönderdin</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Ülkenizi seçin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Ülke kodunuzu girmelisiniz
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Kaydolmak için lütfen geçerli bir telefon numarası girin.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Geçersiz numara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Girdiğiniz numara (%1$s) geçersiz.
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Devam Et</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Gizliliğinizi koruyun.\nHer iletide kendiniz olun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Telefon numaranızı girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Doğrulama kodu alacaksınız. Tarife ücreti uygulanabilir.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">%1$s numarasına gönderdiğimiz kodu girin</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">SMS ve çağrıları alabilmek için telefonununuz hücresel ağa bağlı olduğundan emin olunuz</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Telefon numarası</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Ülke kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Ülke</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Ara</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Doğrulama Kodu</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Kodu Yeniden Gönder</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Kayıt Kilidi Açılsın mı?</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal iletisi</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Şifresiz SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Şifresiz MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Gönderen %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Gönder</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Kişilere ekle</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Tümünü gör</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Alıcı listesi</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">İletim</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Yedekleme işlemi, çok büyük bir dosya içeriyor ve yedeklenemiyor. Lütfen bu dosyayı sil ve yeni bir yedekleme oluştur.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Yedekleri yönetmek için dokunun.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Yanlış numara?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Bunun yerine beni ara \n (Kullanılabilir olmasına %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal Destek Ekibiyle İletişime Geç</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal Kaydı - Android için Doğrulama Kodu</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Kalın</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Контакти</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Групи</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Учасники групи</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Пошук за номером</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Пошук за ім\'ям користувача</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Нова</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Чати</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Повідомлення</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Повідомлення %1$s</string>
@ -670,6 +670,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dхв</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Сьогодні</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Вчора</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s в %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Добре</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Видалити</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Сесію чату оновлено</string>
@ -1487,7 +1531,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Об’єднано вашу історію повідомлень із користувачем %1$s й іншим чатом, який належить йому.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%2$s володіє номером %1$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Ви надіслали користувачу %1$s запит на активацію платежів</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1844,7 +1888,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Оберіть вашу країну</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Ви повинні вказати код вашої країни
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Щоб зареєструватися, уведіть дійсний номер телефону.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Хибний номер</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Номер, що ви ввели (%1$s) хибний.
@ -1877,16 +1921,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Продовжити</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Візьміть конфіденційність з собою. \\ n-разів Будьте собою в кожному повідомленні.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Введіть ваш номер телефону</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Ви отримаєте код підтвердження. Можливе списання з оператором</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Введіть код, який ми відправили на %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Переконайтеся, що ваш телефон знаходиться в зоні дії мережі і зможе прийняти SMS або дзвінок</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Номер телефону</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Код Країни</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Країна</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Виклик</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Код підтвердження</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Надіслати код знову</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Включити блокування реєстрації?</string>
@ -2360,6 +2404,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Повідомлення Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">Незахищене SMS</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">Незахищене MMS</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Від %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Надіслати</string>
@ -3266,6 +3312,18 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Додати до контактів</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Побачити все</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="few">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="many">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Список одержувачів</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Доставка</string>
@ -3518,7 +3576,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Резервна копія містить великий файл, який неможливо зберегти. Будь ласка, видаліть його і створіть нову резервну копію.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Натисніть, щоб керувати резервним копіюванням.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Невірний номер?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Подзвони мені взамін \n (Доступний о%1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Зверніться в службу підтримки Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Реєстрація в Signal - код підтвердження для Android</string>
@ -5756,7 +5814,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Жирний</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">رابطے</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">گروپس</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">گروپ کے اراکین</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">فون نمبر تلاش کریں</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">صارفی نام سے تلاش کریں</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">نیا</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">باتیں</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">پیغامات</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">پیغام %1$s</string>
@ -630,6 +630,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dایم</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">آج</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">کل</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s پر %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">ٹھیک ہے</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">چیٹ سیشن تازہ</string>
@ -1375,7 +1419,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">%1$s اور ایک اور چیٹ کے ساتھ آپ کی میسج ہسٹری کو ضم کر دیا گیا ہے جو ان سے متعلقہ تھی۔</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s کا تعلق %2$s سے ہے</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">آپ نے پیمنٹس فعال کرنے کی درخواست %1$s کو بھیجی تھی</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1704,7 +1748,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">اپنے ملک کا انتخاب کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">آپ لازمی ملک کا کوڈ واضع کریں
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">براہ کرم رجسٹر کرنے کیلئے درست نمبر داخل کریں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">غلط نمبر</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">آپ نے جو نمبر واضع کیا ہے (%1$s) غلط ہے۔
@ -1735,16 +1779,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">جاری رکھیں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">اپنے ساتھ رازداری اختیار کریں۔/n ہر پیغام میں اپنے آپ کو سمجھیں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">اپنا فون نمبر درج کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">آپ کو تصدیقی کوڈ وصول ہوگا۔ کیریئر کی درجہ بندی لاگو ہو گی۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">ہم نے جو کوڈ بھیجا ہے%1$sداخل کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">اس بات کو یقینی بنائیں کہ آپ کے فون میں آپ کے ایس ایم ایس یا کال موصول کرنے کے لئے سیلولر Signal موجود ہے</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">فون نمبر</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">ملک کا کوڈ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">ملک</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">کال</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">تصدیقی کوڈ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">کوڈ دوبارہ بھیجیں</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">رجسٹریشن لاک آن کریں؟</string>
@ -2208,6 +2252,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal پیغام</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">غیر محفوظ ایس ایم ایس</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">غیر محفوظ ایم ایم ایس</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">%1$sکی طرف سے</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">سم %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">بھیجیں</string>
@ -3096,6 +3142,16 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">رابطوں میں شامل کریں</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">تمام دیکھیں</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="one">%1$d message scheduled</item>
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">وصول کنندگان کی فہرست</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">سپردگی</string>
@ -3334,7 +3390,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">آپ کے بیک اپ میں ایک بہت بڑی فائل شامل ہے جسے بیک اپ نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔ براہ کرم اسے حذف کریں اور ایک نیا بیک اپ تخلیق کریں۔</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">بیک اپ کا انتظام کرنے کے لئے ٹیپ کریں۔</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">غلط نمبر؟</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">اس کی بجائے مجھے کال کریں/n ( %1$02d: %2$02d میں دستیاب ہے)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Signal رابطہ سپورٹ کریں</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal رجسٹریشن- Android کے لیے تصدیقی کوڈ درج کریں</string>
@ -5508,7 +5564,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">بولڈ کریں</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">Danh bạ</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">Nhóm</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Thành viên trong nhóm</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">Tìm kiếm số điện thoại</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">Tìm theo tên người dùng</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">Mới</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Trò chuyện</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Tin nhắn</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">Tin nhắn %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$dph</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">Hôm nay</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">Hôm qua</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s tại %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">OK</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Xóa</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">Đã làm mới phiên trò chuyện</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">Lịch sử tin nhắn của bạn với %1$s và một cuộc trò chuyện khác của liên hệ này đã được hợp nhất.</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s thuộc về %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">Bạn đã gửi cho %1$s một yêu cầu bật tính năng Thanh toán</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">Chọn quốc gia bạn</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">Bạn phải cho biết mã quốc gia bạn
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Vui lòng nhập số điện thoại hợp lệ để đăng ký.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">Số không hợp lệ</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">Số bạn cung cấp (%1$s) không hợp lệ.
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">Tiếp tục</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">Mang quyền riêng tư luôn bên bạn.\nHãy là chính mình trong từng tin nhắn.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">Nhập số điện thoại của bạn</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">Bạn sẽ nhận tin nhắn chứa mã xác minh. Có thể mất phí nhà mạng.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">Điền mã xác minh được gửi đến %1$s</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">Đảm bảo là điện thoại của bạn có tín hiệu di động để nhận tin nhắn SMS hoặc cuộc gọi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">Số điện thoại</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">Mã quốc gia</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Quốc gia</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">Gọi</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Mã Xác nhận</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Gửi lại Mã</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">Bật Khóa đăng kí?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Tin nhắn Signal</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">SMS không bảo mật</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">MMS không bảo mật</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">Từ %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">Gửi</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">Thêm vào danh bạ</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">Xem tất cả</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">Danh sách người nhận</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">Cách chuyển tin</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">Bản lưu dự phòng của bạn chứa một tập tin rất lớn và không thể được sao lưu. Vui lòng xóa tập tin đó và tạo một bản lưu dự phòng mới.</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">Nhấn để quản lý các bản sao lưu.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Sai số điện thoại?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">Hãy gọi tôi \n (Khả dụng sau %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">Liên lạc Bộ phận hỗ trợ Signal</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Đăng ký Signal - Mã Xác minh cho Android</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Đậm</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">联系人</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">群组</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">群组成员</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">手机号码搜索</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">按用户名查找</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">新建</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">聊天</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">消息</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">消息 %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d 分钟</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">今天</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">昨天</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s 于 %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">Okay</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">删除</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">聊天会话已刷新</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">您与%1$s的消息记录和属于对方的其他聊天信息已合并。</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s 属于%2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">您给%1$s发送了激活付款请求</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">选择国家</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">必须指定 国家代码
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">请输入一个有效的电话号码来注册。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">号码无效</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">指定的号码 (%1$s) 无效。
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">继续</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">让隐私与您形影不离。\n在每一条消息中展现真正的自己。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">输入您的电话号码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">您将收到验证码,运营商可能收取短信费用。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">请输入 %1$s 收到的验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">请确保你的手机网络信号可接收短信或来电</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">手机号码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">国家代码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">国家</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">呼叫</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">验证码</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新发送验证码</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">开启注册锁定?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">发送 Signal 消息</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">不安全短信</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">不安全彩信</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">来自 %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">发送</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">添加到联系人</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">查看全部</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">接收人列表</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">送达</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">您的备份中包含一个无法备份的超大文件。请将其删除并创建一个新的备份。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">点击以管理备份。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">错误的号码?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">电话验证\n(%1$02d:%2$02d 后可用)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">联系 Signal 支持</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 注册 - 安卓验证码</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">加粗</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">聯絡人</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">群組</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">群組成員</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">搜尋電話號碼</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">以使用者名稱搜尋</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">新增</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">聊天</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">訊息</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">傳送訊息給 %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d 分鐘前</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">今天</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">昨天</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">好</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">Delete</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">聊天工作階段已重新整理</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">你與 %1$s 的訊息紀錄和屬於他們的另一個聊天已經合併。</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s 是屬於 %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">你向 %1$s 傳送了啟動付款的請求</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">選擇你的國家</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">你必須標明 國家編號
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">請輸入有效的電話號碼來註冊。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">電話號碼無效</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">你所標明的號碼 (%1$s) 無效
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">繼續</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">保護你的私隱。\n讓你在所有訊息中都能安然做自己。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">輸入您的電話號碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">你將會收到一個驗證碼。網絡供應商或會收取相關費用。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">請輸入發送到 %1$s 的代碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">請確保你的電話已接駁流動通訊訊號,以接收短訊或來電用</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">電話號碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">國碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">國家</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">通話</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新傳送驗證碼</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">開啟註冊鎖定?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal 訊息</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">不安全的短訊</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">不安全的多媒體短訊</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">自 %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM 卡 %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">傳送</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">新增至通訊錄</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">查看全部</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">收件人清單</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">送達</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">你的備份包含一個非常大型的檔案,而且無法進行備份。請刪除該檔案,並建立新的備份。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">輕觸以管理備份。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">號碼錯誤?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">請致電給我 \n (將於%1$02d:%2$02d 內可行)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 — Android 用的驗證碼</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">粗體</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_contacts">聯絡人</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_groups">群組</string>
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">Group members</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_group_members">群組成員</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search">搜尋電話號碼</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username">以使用者名稱搜尋</string>
@ -234,9 +234,9 @@
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader_new">新增</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">Chats</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__chats">聊天</string>
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">Messages</string>
<string name="ContactsCursorLoader__messages">訊息</string>
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name="ContactsDatabase_message_s">傳送訊息給 %1$s</string>
@ -610,6 +610,50 @@
<string name="DateUtils_minutes_ago">%1$d 分鐘前</string>
<string name="DateUtils_today">今天</string>
<string name="DateUtils_yesterday">昨天</string>
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_schedule_at">%1$s at %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tomorrow">Tomorrow</string>
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
<string name="DateUtils_tonight">Tonight</string>
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessages_pick_time">Pick Date & Time</string>
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title">Scheduled messages</string>
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer">When you send a scheduled message, make sure your device will be on and connected to the internet at the time of sending. If not, your message will send when your device reconnects.</string>
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay">好的</string>
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title">To enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
<string name="ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title">To re-enable message scheduling:</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title">Select date</string>
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title">Select time</string>
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title">Schedule message</string>
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send">Schedule send</string>
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT-05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
<string name="ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer">All times in (%1$s) %2$s</string>
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now">Send now</string>
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule">Reschedule</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action">刪除</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message">Delete selected scheduled message?</string>
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
<string name="ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message">Deleting scheduled message…</string>
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name="DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed">聊天會話已刷新</string>
@ -1319,7 +1363,7 @@
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged">你與 %1$s 的訊息紀錄和屬於他們的另一個聊天已經合併。</string>
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s belongs to %2$s</string>
<string name="MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s">%1$s 是屬於 %2$s</string>
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
<string name="MessageRecord_you_sent_request">你向 %1$s 傳送了啟動付款的請求</string>
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
@ -1634,7 +1678,7 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_select_your_country">選擇您的國家</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code">您必須輸入 您的國碼
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">Please enter a valid phone number to register.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register">註冊時需提供有效的電話號碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_invalid_number">無效的手機號碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid">您輸入的 號碼 (%1$s) 是無效的
@ -1664,16 +1708,16 @@
<string name="RegistrationActivity_continue">繼續</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message">保護你的隱私權。\n在每個訊息中做你自己。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number">輸入你的電話號碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">You will receive a verification code.\nCarrier rates may apply.</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_verification_code">你將收到驗證碼。各電信公司的收費費率可能有所不同。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s">輸入我們傳送給 %1$s 的驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal">確保你的手機具有電信訊號以接收你的SMS或電話</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description">電話號碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_description">國碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">Country</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint">國家</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call">撥打</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">Verification Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">Resend Code</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_verification_code">驗證碼</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_resend_code">重新傳送認證碼</string>
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name="RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock">開啟註冊鎖?</string>
@ -2132,6 +2176,8 @@
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_push">Signal 訊息</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure">不安全的簡訊</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure">不安全的多媒體訊息</string>
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
<string name="conversation_activity__option_schedule_message">Schedule message</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__from_sim_name">來自 %1$s</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__sim_n">SIM %1$d</string>
<string name="conversation_activity__send">送出</string>
@ -3011,6 +3057,15 @@
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name="conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts">新增至聯絡人</string>
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all">查看全部</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name="conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages">
<item quantity="other">%1$d messages scheduled</item>
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name="convesation_group_options__recipients_list">收件人清單</string>
<string name="conversation_group_options__delivery">傳送</string>
@ -3242,7 +3297,7 @@
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file">你的備份內容包含一個大型檔案,因此無法成功備份。請刪除該檔案,並建立新的備份內容。</string>
<string name="LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups">點擊以管理備份。</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">Wrong number?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_wrong_number">錯誤的號碼?</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in">改為致電給我 \n (請稍候 %1$02d:%2$02d)</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support">聯絡 Signal 支援</string>
<string name="RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject">Signal 註冊 - Android驗證碼</string>
@ -5384,7 +5439,7 @@
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">Bold</string>
<string name="TextFormatting_bold">粗體</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
<string name="TextFormatting_italic">Italic</string>
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
ext.service_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.cdn_ips='new String[]{"","","",""}'
ext.storage_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.cdn_ips='new String[]{"","","",""}'
ext.cdn2_ips='new String[]{"",""}'
ext.cds_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.kbs_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.sfu_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.sfu_ips='new String[]{""}'
ext.content_proxy_ips='new String[]{""}'
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