2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- smartling.instruction_comments_enabled = on -->
2012-11-20 20:54:07 -08:00
<resources >
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="app_name" translatable="false">Signal</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="install_url" translatable="false">https://signal.org/install</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="donate_url" translatable="false">https://signal.org/donate</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="backup_support_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059752</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="transfer_support_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059752</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="support_center_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="terms_and_privacy_policy_url" translatable="false">https://signal.org/legal</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="google_pay_url" translatable="false">https://pay.google.com</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="donation_decline_code_error_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/4408365318426#errors</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="sms_export_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007321171</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="signal_me_username_url" translatable="false">https://signal.me/#u/%1$s</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="signal_me_username_url_no_scheme" translatable="false">signal.me/#u/%1$s</string> -->
2023-02-16 16:05:49 -05:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="username_support_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/5389476324250</string> -->
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="export_account_data_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/5538911756954</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "yes" > 是</string>
<string name= "no" > 否</string>
<string name= "delete" > 删除</string>
<string name= "please_wait" > 请稍候…</string>
<string name= "save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "note_to_self" > 备忘录</string>
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<!-- Alternate label for the Signal Application in the device\'s home screen launcher, as in a weather/climate application. -->
<string name= "app_icon_label_weather" > 天气</string>
<!-- Alternate label for the Signal Application in the device\'s home screen launcher, as in a note - taking application. -->
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<string name= "app_icon_label_notes" > 笔记</string>
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<!-- Alternate label for the Signal Application in the device\'s home screen launcher, as in a news/journalism application. -->
<string name= "app_icon_label_news" > 新闻</string>
<!-- Alternate label for the Signal Application in the device\'s home screen launcher, as in waves of the ocean. -->
<string name= "app_icon_label_waves" > 波浪</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- AlbumThumbnailView -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="AlbumThumbnailView_plus" translatable="false">\+%d</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ApplicationMigrationActivity -->
<string name= "ApplicationMigrationActivity__signal_is_updating" > Signal 正在更新…</string>
<!-- ApplicationPreferencesActivity -->
<string name= "ApplicationPreferenceActivity_you_havent_set_a_passphrase_yet" > 您尚未设置密码!</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_disable_passphrase" > 禁用密码?</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_this_will_permanently_unlock_signal_and_message_notifications" > 这将永久解锁 Signal 和消息通知。</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_disable" > 禁用</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_disable_signal_messages_and_calls" > 禁用 Signal 消息和呼叫?</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_disable_signal_messages_and_calls_by_unregistering" > 从服务器注销将禁用 Signal 消息和呼叫。如果以后想要使用这些功能,那么需使用手机号码重新注册。</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_error_connecting_to_server" > 连接服务出错!</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pins_are_required_for_registration_lock" > PIN 对于注册锁定是必需的。如需禁用 PIN, 请先禁用注册锁定。</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pin_created" > PIN 已创建。</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_pin_disabled" > 已禁用 PIN。</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_record_payments_recovery_phrase" > 记下付款恢复短语</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_record_phrase" > 记下短语</string>
<string name= "ApplicationPreferencesActivity_before_you_can_disable_your_pin" > 在禁用 PIN 码之前,务必记下付款恢复短语,以确保可恢复您的付款帐户。</string>
<!-- NumericKeyboardView -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__1" translatable="false">1</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__2" translatable="false">2</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__3" translatable="false">3</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__4" translatable="false">4</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__5" translatable="false">5</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__6" translatable="false">6</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__7" translatable="false">7</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__8" translatable="false">8</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__9" translatable="false">9</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="NumericKeyboardView__0" translatable="false">0</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Back button on numeric keyboard -->
<string name= "NumericKeyboardView__backspace" > 退格键</string>
<!-- DraftDatabase -->
<string name= "DraftDatabase_Draft_image_snippet" > (图片)</string>
<string name= "DraftDatabase_Draft_audio_snippet" > (音频)</string>
<string name= "DraftDatabase_Draft_video_snippet" > (视频)</string>
<string name= "DraftDatabase_Draft_location_snippet" > (位置)</string>
<string name= "DraftDatabase_Draft_quote_snippet" > (回复)</string>
<string name= "DraftDatabase_Draft_voice_note" > (语音消息)</string>
<!-- AttachmentKeyboard -->
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_gallery" > 相册</string>
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_file" > 文件</string>
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_contact" > 联系人</string>
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_location" > 位置</string>
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_Signal_needs_permission_to_show_your_photos_and_videos" > Signal 需相应权限以显示图片和视频。</string>
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_give_access" > 给予权限</string>
<string name= "AttachmentKeyboard_payment" > 付款</string>
<!-- AttachmentManager -->
<string name= "AttachmentManager_cant_open_media_selection" > 未找到选择媒体的应用。</string>
<string name= "AttachmentManager_signal_requires_the_external_storage_permission_in_order_to_attach_photos_videos_or_audio" > Signal 需“存储”权限,来发送图片、视频和音频,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“存储”。</string>
<string name= "AttachmentManager_signal_requires_contacts_permission_in_order_to_attach_contact_information" > Signal 需“通讯录”权限,来发送通讯录信息,但是该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“通讯录”。</string>
<string name= "AttachmentManager_signal_requires_location_information_in_order_to_attach_a_location" > Signal 需“位置”权限,来发送位置信息,但是该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“位置”。</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog title to show the recipient has not activated payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "AttachmentManager__not_activated_payments" > %1$s还未激活付款 </string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog description to send the recipient a request to activate payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "AttachmentManager__request_to_activate_payments" > 要给对方发送激活付款请求吗?</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog button to send request -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "AttachmentManager__send_request" > 发送请求</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog button to cancel dialog -->
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<string name= "AttachmentManager__cancel" > 取消</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- AttachmentUploadJob -->
<string name= "AttachmentUploadJob_uploading_media" > 上传媒体中…</string>
<string name= "AttachmentUploadJob_compressing_video_start" > 压缩视频中…</string>
<!-- BackgroundMessageRetriever -->
<string name= "BackgroundMessageRetriever_checking_for_messages" > 正在检查消息…</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Fcm notifications -->
<!-- Notification we show when there may be messages for you, but we cannot connect to the server to check -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "FcmFetchManager__you_may_have_messages" > 您有新的消息</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- BlockedUsersActivity -->
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users" > 已屏蔽的用户</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__add_blocked_user" > 添加屏蔽用户</string>
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__blocked_users_will" > 被屏蔽的用户将无法向您发起通话或发送消息。</string>
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__no_blocked_users" > 无屏蔽用户</string>
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__block_user" > 要屏蔽用户吗?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BlockedUserActivity__s_will_not_be_able_to" > “%1$s”将无法呼叫您或向您发送消息。</string>
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__block" > 屏蔽</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- CreditCardFragment -->
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Title of fragment detailing the donation amount for one - time donation, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__donation_amount_s" > 捐赠金额:%1$s</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Title of fragment detailing the donation amount for monthly donation, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__donation_amount_s_per_month" > 捐赠金额:%1$s/月</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Explanation of how to fill in the form, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Explanation of how to fill in the form and a note about pii, displayed above the credit card text fields -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__enter_your_card_details" > 请输入您的卡片信息。Signal 不会收集或储存您的个人信息。</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Displayed as a hint in the card number text field -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__card_number" > 卡号</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Displayed as a hint in the card expiry text field -->
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__mm_yy" > MM/YY</string>
<!-- Displayed as a hint in the card cvv text field -->
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__cvv" > CVV</string>
<!-- Error displayed under the card number text field when there is an invalid card number entered -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__invalid_card_number" > 卡号无效</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card expiry text field when the card is expired -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__card_has_expired" > 卡片已过期</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card cvv text field when the cvv is too short -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__code_is_too_short" > 代码太短</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card cvv text field when the cvv is too long -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__code_is_too_long" > 代码太长</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card cvv text field when the cvv is invalid -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__invalid_code" > 代码无效</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card expiry text field when the expiry month is invalid -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__invalid_month" > 月份无效</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card expiry text field when the expiry is missing the year -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__year_required" > 年份为必填项</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Error displayed under the card expiry text field when the expiry year is invalid -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__invalid_year" > 年份无效</string>
<!-- Button label to confirm credit card input and proceed with payment -->
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<string name= "CreditCardFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- BlockUnblockDialog -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave_s" > 要屏蔽并离开%1$s吗?</string>
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_block_s" > 要屏蔽%1$s吗?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_no_longer_receive_messages_or_updates" > 您将不再收到来自此群组的信息或更新,同时成员将无法再将您加入此群组。</string>
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_wont_be_able_to_add_you" > 群组成员将无法再次将您添加到此群组。</string>
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_group_members_will_be_able_to_add_you" > 组成员将能够再次将您添加到此组。</string>
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking a Signal contact -->
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_call_and_message_each_other" > 您将能与之通话和发消息,同时分享您的昵称和头像。</string>
<!-- Text that is shown when unblocking an SMS contact -->
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_you_will_be_able_to_message_each_other" > 您将可以互相发送消息。</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_call_you_or_send_you_messages" > 被屏蔽的用户无法向您发起通话或给您发送消息。</string>
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_blocked_people_wont_be_able_to_send_you_messages" > 被屏蔽的用户无法给您发送消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Message shown on block dialog when blocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_block_getting_signal_updates_and_news" > 阻止获取 Signal 的更新和新闻。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Message shown on unblock dialog when unblocking the Signal release notes recipient -->
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_resume_getting_signal_updates_and_news" > 恢复接收 Signal 更新和新闻。</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_unblock_s" > 要取消屏蔽%1$s吗?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_block" > 屏蔽</string>
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_block_and_leave" > 屏蔽并离开</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockUnblockDialog_report_spam_and_block" > 举报垃圾消息并屏蔽</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- BucketedThreadMedia -->
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_Today" > 今天</string>
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_Yesterday" > 昨天</string>
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_This_week" > 本周</string>
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_This_month" > 本月</string>
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_Large" > 大</string>
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_Medium" > 中</string>
<string name= "BucketedThreadMedia_Small" > 小</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- CameraFragment -->
<!-- Toasted when user device does not support video recording -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "CameraFragment__video_recording_is_not_supported_on_your_device" > 您的设备不支持视频录制</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CameraXFragment -->
<string name= "CameraXFragment_tap_for_photo_hold_for_video" > 点击拍照,长按录像</string>
<string name= "CameraXFragment_capture_description" > 拍照</string>
<string name= "CameraXFragment_change_camera_description" > 切换相机</string>
<string name= "CameraXFragment_open_gallery_description" > 打开相册</string>
<!-- CameraContacts -->
<string name= "CameraContacts_recent_contacts" > 最近联系人</string>
<string name= "CameraContacts_signal_contacts" > Signal 联系人</string>
<string name= "CameraContacts_signal_groups" > Signal 群组</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- A warning shown in a toast when -->
<plurals name= "CameraContacts_you_can_share_with_a_maximum_of_n_conversations" >
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 您最多可与 %1$d 个聊天分享。</item>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "CameraContacts_select_signal_recipients" > 选择 Signal 收件人</string>
<string name= "CameraContacts_no_signal_contacts" > 没有 Signal 联系人</string>
<string name= "CameraContacts_you_can_only_use_the_camera_button" > 仅可通过相机按钮来发送照片给 Signal 联系人。 </string>
<string name= "CameraContacts_cant_find_who_youre_looking_for" > 未找到联系人?</string>
<string name= "CameraContacts_invite_a_contact_to_join_signal" > 邀请联系人加入 Signal</string>
<string name= "CameraContacts__menu_search" > 搜索</string>
<!-- Censorship Circumvention Megaphone -->
<!-- Title for an alert that shows at the bottom of the chat list letting people know that circumvention is no longer needed -->
<string name= "CensorshipCircumventionMegaphone_turn_off_censorship_circumvention" > 要关闭审查规避吗?</string>
<!-- Body for an alert that shows at the bottom of the chat list letting people know that circumvention is no longer needed -->
<string name= "CensorshipCircumventionMegaphone_you_can_now_connect_to_the_signal_service" > 您现在可以直接连接 Signal 服务,获取更佳的体验。</string>
<!-- Action to prompt the user to disable circumvention since it is no longer needed -->
<string name= "CensorshipCircumventionMegaphone_turn_off" > 关闭</string>
<!-- Action to prompt the user to dismiss the alert at the bottom of the chat list -->
<string name= "CensorshipCircumventionMegaphone_no_thanks" > 不,谢谢。</string>
<!-- ClearProfileActivity -->
<string name= "ClearProfileActivity_remove" > 删除</string>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ClearProfileActivity_remove_profile_photo" > 删除头像?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ClearProfileActivity_remove_group_photo" > 删除群组头像?</string>
<!-- ClientDeprecatedActivity -->
<string name= "ClientDeprecatedActivity_update_signal" > 升级 Signal</string>
<string name= "ClientDeprecatedActivity_this_version_of_the_app_is_no_longer_supported" > 此版本 Signal 已过期,升级到最新版本后才能收发消息。</string>
<string name= "ClientDeprecatedActivity_update" > 更新</string>
<string name= "ClientDeprecatedActivity_dont_update" > 不要更新</string>
<string name= "ClientDeprecatedActivity_warning" > 警告</string>
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "ClientDeprecatedActivity_your_version_of_signal_has_expired_you_can_view_your_message_history" > 您的 Signal 版本已过期,目前您只能查看消息记录,并且在升级 Signal 后才能收发消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CommunicationActions -->
<string name= "CommunicationActions_no_browser_found" > 未找到网页浏览器。</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_send_email" > 发送邮件</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_a_cellular_call_is_already_in_progress" > 手机通话正在进行。</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_start_voice_call" > 发起语音通话?</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_cancel" > 取消</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_call" > 呼叫</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_insecure_call" > 不安全的通话</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_carrier_charges_may_apply" > 运营商可能会收取额外的费用。 您呼叫的号码未在Signal中注册。 该呼叫将通过您的移动运营商发出,而不是通过互联网发出。</string>
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "CommunicationActions_cant_join_call" > 无法加入通话</string>
<string name= "CommunicationActions_this_call_link_is_no_longer_valid" > 此通话链接已失效。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ConfirmIdentityDialog -->
<!-- ContactsCursorLoader -->
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_recent_chats" > 最近对话</string>
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_contacts" > 联系人</string>
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_groups" > 群组</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Contact search header for individuals who the user has not started a conversation with but is in a group with -->
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_group_members" > 群组成员</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_phone_number_search" > 手机号码搜索</string>
<!-- Header for username search -->
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_find_by_username" > 按用户名查找</string>
<!-- Label for my stories when selecting who to send media to -->
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_my_stories" > 我的动态</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- Text for a button that brings up a bottom sheet to create a new story. -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader_new" > 新建</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Chats" -->
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader__chats" > 聊天</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Header for conversation search section labeled "Messages" -->
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "ContactsCursorLoader__messages" > 消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ContactsDatabase -->
<string name= "ContactsDatabase_message_s" > 消息 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ContactsDatabase_signal_call_s" > Signal 呼叫 %1$s</string>
<!-- ContactNameEditActivity -->
<!-- Toolbar title for contact name edit activity -->
<string name= "ContactNameEditActivity_given_name" > 名</string>
<string name= "ContactNameEditActivity_family_name" > 姓</string>
<string name= "ContactNameEditActivity_prefix" > 前缀</string>
<string name= "ContactNameEditActivity_suffix" > 后缀</string>
<string name= "ContactNameEditActivity_middle_name" > 中间名</string>
<!-- ContactShareEditActivity -->
<!-- ContactShareEditActivity toolbar title -->
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity__send_contact" > 发送联系人</string>
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity_type_home" > 家庭</string>
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity_type_mobile" > 手机</string>
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity_type_work" > 工作</string>
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity_type_missing" > 其他</string>
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity_invalid_contact" > 所选联系人无效</string>
<!-- Content descrption for name edit button on contact share edit activity -->
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity__edit_name" > 编辑名称</string>
<!-- Content description for user avatar in edit activity -->
<string name= "ContactShareEditActivity__avatar" > 头像</string>
<!-- ConversationItem -->
<string name= "ConversationItem_error_not_sent_tap_for_details" > 未发送,点击查看详情</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_error_partially_not_delivered" > 仅部分人收到消息,点击查看详情</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_error_network_not_delivered" > 发送失败</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_received_key_exchange_message_tap_to_process" > 已收到密钥交换消息,点击处理。</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_group_action_left" > %1$s 已经离开该群组。</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_send_paused" > 发送已暂停</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_click_to_approve_unencrypted" > 发送失败,点击使用不安全的方式发送</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_click_to_approve_unencrypted_sms_dialog_title" > 使用未加密的短信?</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_click_to_approve_unencrypted_mms_dialog_title" > 使用未加密的彩信?</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_click_to_approve_unencrypted_dialog_message" > 由于对方已不再使用 Signal, 该消息<b > 不是</b> 加密的。\n\n是否发送不安全消息? </string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_unable_to_open_media" > 未找到可打开该媒体的应用。</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_copied_text" > 已复制 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_from_s" > 来自 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_to_s" > 发至 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_read_more" > 查看更多</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_download_more" > 下载更多</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_pending" > 待处理</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_this_message_was_deleted" > 消息已删除。</string>
<string name= "ConversationItem_you_deleted_this_message" > 您删除了此消息。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog error message shown when user can\'t download a message from someone else due to a permanent failure (e.g., unable to decrypt), placeholder is other\'s name -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_cant_download_message_s_will_need_to_send_it_again" > 无法下载消息。%1$s需要重发一遍。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog error message shown when user can\'t download an image message from someone else due to a permanent failure (e.g., unable to decrypt), placeholder is other\'s name -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_cant_download_image_s_will_need_to_send_it_again" > 无法下载图片。%1$s需要重发一遍。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog error message shown when user can\'t download a video message from someone else due to a permanent failure (e.g., unable to decrypt), placeholder is other\'s name -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_cant_download_video_s_will_need_to_send_it_again" > 无法下载视频。%1$s需要重发一遍。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog error message shown when user can\'t download a their own message via a linked device due to a permanent failure (e.g., unable to decrypt) -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_cant_download_message_you_will_need_to_send_it_again" > 无法下载消息。您需要重发一遍。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog error message shown when user can\'t download a their own image message via a linked device due to a permanent failure (e.g., unable to decrypt) -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_cant_download_image_you_will_need_to_send_it_again" > 无法下载图片。您需要重发一遍。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog error message shown when user can\'t download a their own video message via a linked device due to a permanent failure (e.g., unable to decrypt) -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_cant_download_video_you_will_need_to_send_it_again" > 无法下载视频。您需要重发一遍。</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Display as the timestamp footer in a message bubble in a conversation when a message has been edited. The timestamp will go from \'11m\' to \'edited 11m\' -->
2023-06-29 18:40:18 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem_edited_timestamp_footer" > %1$s前编辑</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Displayed if the link preview in the conversation item is for a call link call -->
2023-06-09 16:19:06 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem__join_call" > 加入通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ConversationActivity -->
<string name= "ConversationActivity_add_attachment" > 添加附件</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Accessibility text associated with image button to send an edited message. -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_send_edit" > 发送已编辑消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_select_contact_info" > 选择联系人信息</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_compose_message" > 撰写消息</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_sorry_there_was_an_error_setting_your_attachment" > 抱歉,设置附件时出现错误。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_recipient_is_not_a_valid_sms_or_email_address_exclamation" > 收件人不是有效的短信或电子邮件地址!</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_message_is_empty_exclamation" > 消息为空!</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_group_members" > 群组成员</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity__tap_here_to_start_a_group_call" > 点这里发起群语音通话</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Warning toast shown to user if they somehow try to edit an sms/mms message -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_edit_sms_message_error" > 无法编辑消息</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Warning dialog text shown to user if they try to send a message edit that is too old where %1$d is replaced with the amount of hours, e.g. 3 -->
<plurals name= "ConversationActivity_edit_message_too_old" >
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 您只能在发送此消息的 %1$d以内进行编辑。</item>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
2023-08-02 17:59:21 -04:00
<!-- Warning dialog text shown to user if they try to edit a message too many times. Where %1$d is replaced with the number of edits -->
<plurals name= "ConversationActivity_edit_message_too_many_edits" >
<item quantity= "other" > Only %1$d edits can be applied to this message.</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_invalid_recipient" > 无效收件人!</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_added_to_home_screen" > 已添加到主屏幕</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_calls_not_supported" > 呼叫不支持</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_this_device_does_not_appear_to_support_dial_actions" > 该设备看起来不支持拨号操作。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_transport_insecure_sms" > 不安全短信</string>
<!-- A title for the option to send an SMS with a placeholder to put the name of their SIM card -->
<string name= "ConversationActivity_transport_insecure_sms_with_sim" > 不安全的短信(%1$s) </string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_transport_insecure_mms" > 不安全彩信</string>
<!-- A title for the option to send an SMS with a placeholder to put the name of their SIM card -->
<string name= "ConversationActivity_transport_signal" > 发送 Signal 消息</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_lets_switch_to_signal" > 用 Signal 来聊天吧 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_specify_recipient" > 请选择联系人</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_unblock" > 取消屏蔽</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_attachment_exceeds_size_limits" > 附件超过当前消息类型的大小限制。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_unable_to_record_audio" > 无法录音!</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_you_cant_send_messages_to_this_group" > 您已不是此群组成员,不能向其发送消息。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_only_s_can_send_messages" > 只有 %1$s 可发送消息。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_admins" > 管理员</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_message_an_admin" > 给管理人发消息</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_cant_start_group_call" > 无法开启群组通话</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_only_admins_of_this_group_can_start_a_call" > 只有该群组的管理员可发起通话。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_there_is_no_app_available_to_handle_this_link_on_your_device" > 你的设备上没有处理该链接的应用。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_your_request_to_join_has_been_sent_to_the_group_admin" > 您的入群申请已发送给群组管理员,您将在管理员作出决定后收到通知。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_cancel_request" > 撤回申请</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_to_send_audio_messages_allow_signal_access_to_your_microphone" > 如需发送语音,请允许 Signal 使用麦克风。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_requires_the_microphone_permission_in_order_to_send_audio_messages" > Signal 需“麦克风”权限,来发送音频,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“麦克风”。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_needs_the_microphone_and_camera_permissions_in_order_to_call_s" > Signal 需“麦克风”和“相机”权限,来呼叫 %1$s, 但这些权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单, 选择“权限”并启用“麦克风”和“相机”。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_to_capture_photos_and_video_allow_signal_access_to_the_camera" > 要拍照或录像,请允许 Signal 访问相机。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_needs_the_camera_permission_to_take_photos_or_video" > Signal 需“相机”权限,来拍摄图片或视频,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“相机”。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_needs_camera_permissions_to_take_photos_or_video" > Signal 需要相机权限以拍摄照片或视频</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_enable_the_microphone_permission_to_capture_videos_with_sound" > 开启麦克风权限以录制有声视频。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_needs_the_recording_permissions_to_capture_video" > Signal 需“麦克风”权限,来录制视频,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“麦克风”。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_needs_recording_permissions_to_capture_video" > Signal 需要麦克风权限以录制视频。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_quoted_contact_message" > %1$s %2$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_cannot_sent_sms_mms_messages_because_it_is_not_your_default_sms_app" > Signal 不是默认的短信应用,不能发送短信或彩信。是否修改安卓系统的相应设置?</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_yes" > 是</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_no" > 否</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_search_position" > %1$d / %2$d 匹配</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_no_results" > 无结果</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_sticker_pack_installed" > 已安装表情包</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_new_say_it_with_stickers" > 新功能!可以发表情啦!</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_cancel" > 取消</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_delete_conversation" > 要删除聊天吗?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_delete_and_leave_group" > 删除和离开群组?</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_this_conversation_will_be_deleted_from_all_of_your_devices" > 此操作将从您的所有设备上删除此聊天。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity_you_will_leave_this_group_and_it_will_be_deleted_from_all_of_your_devices" > 你将离开这个组,它将从你所有的设备中删除。</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_delete" > 删除</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_delete_and_leave" > 删除并离开</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity__to_call_s_signal_needs_access_to_your_microphone" > Signal 需要访问您的麦克风来呼叫 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_join" > 加入</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_full" > 已满</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_error_sending_media" > 媒体发送失败</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity__reported_as_spam_and_blocked" > 已举报为垃圾消息并屏蔽。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and they have unexported sms messages -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_currently_disabled_you_can_export_your_messages_to_another_app_on_your_phone" > 短信消息服务目前已禁用。您可以将您的短信消息导出到您手机的另一个应用中。</string>
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and they have unexported sms messages -->
<string name= "ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_no_longer_supported_in_signal_you_can_export_your_messages_to_another_app_on_your_phone" > Signal 不再支持短信消息服务。您可以将您的消息导出到您手机的另一个应用中。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Action button shown when in sms conversation, sms is disabled, and unexported sms messages are present -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity__export_sms_messages" > 导出短信消息</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and there are no exported messages -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_currently_disabled_invite_s_to_to_signal_to_keep_the_conversation_here" > 短信消息服务目前已禁用。您可以邀请%1$s加入 Signal, 在这里进行对话。</string>
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<!-- Message shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and there are no exported messages -->
<string name= "ConversationActivity__sms_messaging_is_no_longer_supported_in_signal_invite_s_to_to_signal_to_keep_the_conversation_here" > Signal 不再支持短信消息服务。您可以邀请%1$s加入 Signal, 在这里进行对话。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Action button shown when opening an SMS conversation with SMS disabled and there are no exported messages -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity__invite_to_signal" > 邀请使用 Signal</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar message shown after dismissing the full screen sms export megaphone indicating we\'ll do it again soon -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationActivity__you_will_be_reminded_again_soon" > 我们将会很快再次提醒您。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Title for dialog shown when first sending formatted text -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "SendingFormattingTextDialog_title" > 发送格式文本</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Message for dialog shown when first sending formatted text -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "SendingFormattingTextDialog_message" > 有些会员使用的 Signal 版本不支持格式文本功能。他们将无法看到消息中的格式变化。</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Button text for confirming they\'d like to send the message with formatting after seeing warning. -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "SendingFormattingTextDialog_send_anyway_button" > 仍要发送</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Button text for canceling sending the message with formatting after seeing warning. -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "SendingFormattingTextDialog_cancel_send_button" > 取消</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ConversationAdapter -->
<plurals name= "ConversationAdapter_n_unread_messages" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 条未读消息</item>
<!-- ConversationFragment -->
<!-- Toast text when contacts activity is not found -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__contacts_app_not_found" > 找不到联系人应用。</string>
<plurals name= "ConversationFragment_delete_selected_messages" >
<item quantity= "other" > 删除已选消息?</item>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_save_to_sd_card" > 保存到存储?</string>
<plurals name= "ConversationFragment_saving_n_media_to_storage_warning" >
<item quantity= "other" > 保存 %1$d 个媒体至内部存储之后,可供设备上的其他应用访问。\n\n是否继续? </item>
<plurals name= "ConversationFragment_error_while_saving_attachments_to_sd_card" >
<item quantity= "other" > 保存附件到存储时出错!</item>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_unable_to_write_to_sd_card_exclamation" > 存储无法写入!</string>
<plurals name= "ConversationFragment_saving_n_attachments" >
<item quantity= "other" > 正在保存 %1$d 附件</item>
<plurals name= "ConversationFragment_saving_n_attachments_to_sd_card" >
<item quantity= "other" > 正在保存 %1$d 附件到存储…</item>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_pending" > 待处理…</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_push" > 数据 (Signal)</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_mms" > 彩信</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_sms" > 短信</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_deleting" > 删除中</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_deleting_messages" > 正在删除消息…</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_delete_for_me" > 对我删除</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_delete_for_everyone" > 对每个人删除</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Dialog button for deleting one or more note - to - self messages only on this device, leaving that same message intact on other devices. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment_delete_on_this_device" > 仅从此设备中删除</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Dialog button for deleting one or more note - to - self messages on all linked devices. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment_delete_everywhere" > 从所有设备中删除</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment_this_message_will_be_deleted_for_everyone_in_the_conversation" > 此操作将对此聊天中使用较新版本 Signal 的所有成员永久删除此消息,他们将看到您删除了一条消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment_quoted_message_not_found" > 未找到原始消息</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_quoted_message_no_longer_available" > 原始消息已不存在</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_failed_to_open_message" > 打开消息失败</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_you_can_swipe_to_the_right_reply" > 右滑任何消息可快速回复</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_you_can_swipe_to_the_left_reply" > 左滑任何消息可快速回复</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_outgoing_view_once_media_files_are_automatically_removed" > 一次性媒体文件在发送之后将自动删除</string>
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment_you_already_viewed_this_message" > 您已查看该消息</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__you_can_add_notes_for_yourself_in_this_conversation" > 您可以在此聊天中添加备忘。如果您的账户关联了其他设备,新的备忘将会同步到其他设备上。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__d_group_members_have_the_same_name" > %1$d 位群组成员的名字相同。</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment__tap_to_review" > 点击开始审查</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment__review_requests_carefully" > 请仔细审查请求</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment__signal_found_another_contact_with_the_same_name" > Signal 碰到了一个同名的联系人。</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_contact_us" > 联系我们</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_verify" > 验证</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_your_safety_number_with_s_changed" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码已更改</string>
<string name= "ConversationFragment_your_safety_number_with_s_changed_likey_because_they_reinstalled_signal" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码已更改,很可能是因为他们重新安装了 Signal 或更改了设备。点击“验证”以确认新的安全码。该操作可选。</string>
<!-- Message shown to indicate which notification profile is on/active -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__s_on" > %1$s 开启</string>
<!-- Dialog title for block group link join requests -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__block_request" > 要屏蔽请求吗?</string>
<!-- Dialog message for block group link join requests -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__s_will_not_be_able_to_join_or_request_to_join_this_group_via_the_group_link" > %1$s将无法加入群组, 或通过群组链接申请加入。不过您仍然可以手动将对方加入群组。</string>
<!-- Dialog confirm block request button -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__block_request_button" > 屏蔽请求</string>
<!-- Dialog cancel block request button -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__cancel" > 取消</string>
<!-- Message shown after successfully blocking join requests for a user -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__blocked" > 已屏蔽</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Action shown to allow a user to update their application because it has expired -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__update_build" > 升级 Signal</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Action shown to allow a user to re - register as they are no longer registered -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__reregister_signal" > 重新注册 Signal</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Label for a button displayed in the conversation toolbar to return to the previous screen. -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__content_description_back_button" > 向后导航。</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Label for a button displayed in the conversation toolbar to open the main screen of the app. -->
2023-05-26 15:46:39 -03:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__content_description_launch_signal_button" > 打开 Signal</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title shown when more than one contact in a group conversation is no longer verified -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationFragment__no_longer_verified" > 验证已失效</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Label for a button displayed in conversation list to clear the chat filter -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment__clear_filter" > 清除筛选</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Notice on chat list when no unread chats are available, centered on display -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment__no_unread_chats" > 没有未读的聊天记录</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_delete_selected_conversations" >
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 要删除选定的聊天吗?</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_this_will_permanently_delete_all_n_selected_conversations" >
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 这将永久删除全部 %1$d 个已选聊天。</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_deleting" > 正在删除</string>
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_deleting_selected_conversations" > 正在删除选定的聊天…</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_conversations_archived" >
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个聊天已存档</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_undo" > 撤消</string>
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_moved_conversations_to_inbox" >
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 已将 %1$d 个聊天移至收件箱</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_read_plural" >
2023-03-22 14:20:13 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 标为已读</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_unread_plural" >
2023-03-22 14:20:13 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 标为未读</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_pin" > 置顶</string>
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_unpin" > 取消置顶</string>
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_mute" > 静音</string>
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_unmute" > 取消静音</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_select" > 选择</string>
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_archive" > 存档</string>
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_unarchive" > 取消存档</string>
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_delete" > 删除</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_select_all" > 选择全部</string>
<plurals name= "ConversationListFragment_s_selected" >
<item quantity= "other" > 已选择 %1$d</item>
<!-- Show in conversation list overflow menu to open selection bottom sheet -->
<string name= "ConversationListFragment__notification_profile" > 通知配置</string>
<!-- Tooltip shown after you have created your first notification profile -->
<string name= "ConversationListFragment__turn_your_notification_profile_on_or_off_here" > 您可以在此处开启或关闭您的通知配置。</string>
<!-- Message shown in top toast to indicate the named profile is on -->
<string name= "ConversationListFragment__s_on" > %1$s 开启</string>
<!-- ConversationListItem -->
<string name= "ConversationListItem_key_exchange_message" > 密钥交换消息</string>
<!-- ConversationListItemAction -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListItemAction_archived_conversations_d" > 已存档聊天(%1$d) </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ConversationTitleView -->
<string name= "ConversationTitleView_verified" > 已验证</string>
<string name= "ConversationTitleView_you" > 您</string>
<!-- ConversationTypingView -->
<string name= "ConversationTypingView__plus_d" > +%1$d</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Title for a reminder bottom sheet to users who have re - registered that they need to go back to re - link their devices. -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "RelinkDevicesReminderFragment__relink_your_devices" > 重新关联您的设备</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Description for a reminder bottom sheet to users who have re - registered that they need to go back to re - link their devices. -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "RelinkDevicesReminderFragment__the_devices_you_added_were_unlinked" > 当您的设备注销时,您添加的设备会取消关联。请前往设置页面重新关联您的设备。</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Button label for the re - link devices bottom sheet reminder to navigate to the Devices page in the settings. -->
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "RelinkDevicesReminderFragment__open_settings" > 打开设置</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Button label for the re - link devices bottom sheet reminder to dismiss the pop up. -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "RelinkDevicesReminderFragment__later" > 稍后再说</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CreateGroupActivity -->
<string name= "CreateGroupActivity__select_members" > 选择成员</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- ConversationListFilterPullView -->
<!-- Note in revealable view before fully revealed -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFilterPullView__pull_down_to_filter" > 下拉以筛选</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Note in revealable view after fully revealed -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListFilterPullView__release_to_filter" > 拉开以筛选</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CreateProfileActivity -->
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity__profile" > 个人资料</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_error_setting_profile_photo" > 设置头像出错</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_problem_setting_profile" > 设置个人资料出错</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_set_up_your_profile" > 设置个人资料</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_signal_profiles_are_end_to_end_encrypted" > 您的个人资料以及您对其做的更改将会对您发送消息的对象、联系人及群组可见。</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_set_avatar_description" > 设置头像</string>
<!-- ProfileCreateFragment -->
<!-- Displayed at the top of the screen and explains how profiles can be viewed. -->
<string name= "ProfileCreateFragment__profiles_are_visible_to_contacts_and_people_you_message" > 个人资料对您发送消息的对象、联系人及群组可见。</string>
<!-- Title of clickable row to select phone number privacy settings -->
<string name= "ProfileCreateFragment__who_can_find_me" > 谁可以通过电话号码找到我?</string>
<!-- WhoCanSeeMyPhoneNumberFragment -->
<!-- Toolbar title for this screen -->
<string name= "WhoCanSeeMyPhoneNumberFragment__who_can_find_me_by_number" > 谁可以通过电话号码找到我?</string>
<!-- Description for radio item stating anyone can see your phone number -->
<string name= "WhoCanSeeMyPhoneNumberFragment__anyone_who_has" > 在通讯录中存有您的电话号码的任何人都可以在 Signal 上看到您这个联系人。其他人可以通过搜索您的电话号码找到您。</string>
<!-- Description for radio item stating no one will be able to see your phone number -->
<string name= "WhoCanSeeMyPhoneNumberFragment__nobody_on_signal" > 在 Signal 上没人可以通过您的电话号码找到您。</string>
<!-- ChooseBackupFragment -->
<string name= "ChooseBackupFragment__restore_from_backup" > 是否从备份进行还原?</string>
<string name= "ChooseBackupFragment__restore_your_messages_and_media" > 从本地备份还原消息和媒体。如果现在不进行还原,以后将无法还原。</string>
<string name= "ChooseBackupFragment__icon_content_description" > 通过备份图标进行还原</string>
<string name= "ChooseBackupFragment__choose_backup" > 选择备份</string>
<string name= "ChooseBackupFragment__learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
<string name= "ChooseBackupFragment__no_file_browser_available" > 没有可用的文件浏览器</string>
<!-- RestoreBackupFragment -->
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__restore_complete" > 还原完成</string>
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__to_continue_using_backups_please_choose_a_folder" > 请选择文件以进行备份,新的备份将保存到该位置。</string>
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__choose_folder" > 选择文件夹</string>
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- Couldn\'t find the selected backup -->
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__backup_not_found" > 未找到备份。</string>
<!-- Couldn\'t read the selected backup -->
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__backup_could_not_be_read" > 备份无法读取。</string>
<!-- Backup has an unsupported file extension -->
<string name= "RestoreBackupFragment__backup_has_a_bad_extension" > 备份扩展名错误。</string>
<!-- BackupsPreferenceFragment -->
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__chat_backups" > 聊天备份</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__backups_are_encrypted_with_a_passphrase" > 备份通过密码加密并保存在您的设备上。</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__create_backup" > 创建备份</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__last_backup" > 上次备份:%1$s</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__backup_folder" > 备份文件夹</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Title for a preference item allowing the user to selected the hour of the day when their chats are backed up. -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__backup_time" > 备份时间</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__verify_backup_passphrase" > 验证备份密码</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__test_your_backup_passphrase" > 测试备份密码并验证是否匹配</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__turn_on" > 开启</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__turn_off" > 关闭</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__to_restore_a_backup" > "如需还原备份,请重新安装 Signal, 然后打开该应用并点击“还原备份”, 接着打开备份文件。%1$s"</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__in_progress" > 正在进行…</string>
<!-- Status text shown in backup preferences when verifying a backup -->
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__verifying_backup" > 正在验证备份……</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__d_so_far" > %1$d 到目前为止…</string>
<!-- Show percentage of completion of backup -->
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment__s_so_far" > 目前已完成 %1$s%%…</string>
<string name= "BackupsPreferenceFragment_signal_requires_external_storage_permission_in_order_to_create_backups" > Signal 需外部存储权限,来创建备份,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“存储”。</string>
<!-- CustomDefaultPreference -->
<string name= "CustomDefaultPreference_using_custom" > 使用定制:%1$s</string>
<string name= "CustomDefaultPreference_using_default" > 使用默认:%1$s</string>
<string name= "CustomDefaultPreference_none" > 无</string>
<!-- AvatarSelectionBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "AvatarSelectionBottomSheetDialogFragment__taking_a_photo_requires_the_camera_permission" > 拍照需要相机权限。</string>
<string name= "AvatarSelectionBottomSheetDialogFragment__viewing_your_gallery_requires_the_storage_permission" > 查看相册需存储权限。</string>
<!-- DateUtils -->
<string name= "DateUtils_just_now" > 刚刚</string>
<string name= "DateUtils_minutes_ago" > %1$d 分钟</string>
<string name= "DateUtils_today" > 今天</string>
<string name= "DateUtils_yesterday" > 昨天</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- When scheduling a message, %1$s replaced with either today, tonight, or tomorrow. %2$s replaced with the time. e.g. Tonight at 9:00pm -->
<string name= "DateUtils_schedule_at" > %1$s 于 %2$s</string>
<!-- Used when getting a time in the future. For example, Tomorrow at 9:00pm -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "DateUtils_tomorrow" > 明天</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Used in the context: Tonight at 9:00pm for example. Specifically this is after 7pm -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "DateUtils_tonight" > 今晚</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Scheduled Messages -->
<!-- Title for dialog that shows all the users scheduled messages for a chat -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet__schedules_messages" > 定时消息</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Option when scheduling a message to select a specific date and time to send a message -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduledMessages_pick_time" > 选择日期与时间</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Title for dialog explaining to users how the scheduled messages work -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__title" > 定时消息</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Disclaimer text for scheduled messages explaining to users that the scheduled messages will only send if connected to the internet -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__disclaimer" > 请确保您的设备在您设定的消息发送时间与互联网保持连接。如果当时没有可用连接,消息将在重新连接时发送。</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Confirmation button text acknowledging the user understands the disclaimer -->
2023-01-27 17:35:15 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet__okay" > 好的</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Title for section asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageFTUXBottomSheet_enable_title" > 启用定时发送消息:</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Title for dialog asking users to allow alarm permissions for scheduled messages -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ReenableScheduleMessagesDialogFragment_reenable_title" > 重新启用定时发送消息:</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Title of dialog with a calendar to select the date the user wants to schedule a message. -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_date_title" > 选择日期</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Title of dialog with a clock to select the time at which the user wants to schedule a message. -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_title" > 选择时间</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Title of dialog that allows user to set the time and day that their message will be sent -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__dialog_title" > 定时发送消息</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Text for confirmation button when scheduling messages that allows the user to confirm and schedule the sending time -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__schedule_send" > 定时发送</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Disclaimer in message scheduling dialog. %1$s replaced with a GMT offset (e.g. GMT - 05:00), and %2$s is replaced with the time zone name (e.g. Eastern Standard Time) -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__timezone_disclaimer" > 所有时间为%2$s( %1$s) </string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Warning dialog message text shown when select time for scheduled send is in the past resulting in an immediate send if scheduled. -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_in_past_dialog_warning" > 所选时间已过。如果选择此时间,消息将会立刻发送。</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Positive button text for warning dialog shown when scheduled send is in the past -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ScheduleMessageTimePickerBottomSheet__select_time_in_past_dialog_positive_button" > 立刻发送</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Context menu option to send a scheduled message now -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_send_now" > 现在发送</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Context menu option to reschedule a selected message -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_menu_reschedule" > 重新定时</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
<string name= "ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_action" > 删除</string>
<!-- Button in dialog asking user if they are sure they want to delete the selected scheduled message -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_delete_dialog_message" > 是否删除已选定时消息?</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Progress message shown while deleting selected scheduled message -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ScheduledMessagesBottomSheet_deleting_progress_message" > 正在删除定时消息……</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- DecryptionFailedDialog -->
<string name= "DecryptionFailedDialog_chat_session_refreshed" > 聊天会话已刷新</string>
<string name= "DecryptionFailedDialog_signal_uses_end_to_end_encryption" > Signal 使用端对端加密,有时可能需刷新聊天会话。虽然这并不影响聊天的安全性,但可能错过该联系人的消息。您可请求他们重新发送。</string>
<!-- DeviceListActivity -->
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_unlink_s" > 取消关联“%1$s”? </string>
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_by_unlinking_this_device_it_will_no_longer_be_able_to_send_or_receive" > 取消关联之后,将不能再通过该设备发送或接收消息。</string>
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_network_connection_failed" > 网络连接失败</string>
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_try_again" > 重试</string>
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_unlinking_device" > 取消关联设备中…</string>
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_unlinking_device_no_ellipsis" > 正在取消关联设备</string>
<string name= "DeviceListActivity_network_failed" > 网络失败!</string>
<!-- DeviceListItem -->
<string name= "DeviceListItem_unnamed_device" > 未命名设备</string>
<string name= "DeviceListItem_linked_s" > 已关联 %1$s</string>
<string name= "DeviceListItem_last_active_s" > 最近活动 %1$s</string>
<string name= "DeviceListItem_today" > 今天</string>
<!-- DocumentView -->
<string name= "DocumentView_unnamed_file" > 未命名文件</string>
<!-- DozeReminder -->
<string name= "DozeReminder_optimize_for_missing_play_services" > 缺失 Google Play 服务时优化</string>
<string name= "DozeReminder_this_device_does_not_support_play_services_tap_to_disable_system_battery" > 该设备不支持 Google Play 服务。点击禁用系统电池优化,防止 Signal 非活动时无法获取新消息。</string>
<!-- ExpiredBuildReminder -->
<string name= "ExpiredBuildReminder_this_version_of_signal_has_expired" > 此 Signal 版本已过期,请升级到最新版本以继续收发消息。</string>
<string name= "ExpiredBuildReminder_update_now" > 现在升级</string>
<!-- PendingGroupJoinRequestsReminder -->
<plurals name= "PendingGroupJoinRequestsReminder_d_pending_member_requests" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 待处理成员请求。</item>
<string name= "PendingGroupJoinRequestsReminder_view" > 查看</string>
<!-- GcmRefreshJob -->
<string name= "GcmRefreshJob_Permanent_Signal_communication_failure" > Signal 持续连接失效!</string>
<string name= "GcmRefreshJob_Signal_was_unable_to_register_with_Google_Play_Services" > Signal 无法注册 Google Play 服务。Signal 消息和呼叫已禁用。请尝试在设置 > 高级中重新注册。</string>
<!-- GiphyActivity -->
<string name= "GiphyActivity_error_while_retrieving_full_resolution_gif" > 获取原始分辨率的 GIF 图片时出错</string>
<!-- GiphyFragmentPageAdapter -->
<!-- AddToGroupActivity -->
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_add_member" > 添加成员</string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_add_s_to_s" > 添加“%1$s”到“%2$s”? </string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_s_added_to_s" > 已添加“%1$s”到“%2$s”。</string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_add_to_group" > 添加至群组</string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_add_to_groups" > 添加至群组</string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_this_person_cant_be_added_to_legacy_groups" > 此用户不能被添加到旧版群组中。</string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_add" > 添加</string>
<string name= "AddToGroupActivity_add_to_a_group" > 添加至群组</string>
<!-- ChooseNewAdminActivity -->
<string name= "ChooseNewAdminActivity_choose_new_admin" > 选择新的管理员。</string>
<string name= "ChooseNewAdminActivity_done" > 完成</string>
<string name= "ChooseNewAdminActivity_you_left" > 您已离开“%1$s”。</string>
<!-- GroupMembersDialog -->
<string name= "GroupMembersDialog_you" > 您</string>
<!-- GV2 access levels -->
<string name= "GroupManagement_access_level_anyone" > 任何人</string>
<string name= "GroupManagement_access_level_all_members" > 全部成员</string>
<string name= "GroupManagement_access_level_only_admins" > 仅限管理员</string>
<string name= "GroupManagement_access_level_no_one" > 无人</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="GroupManagement_access_level_unknown" translatable="false">Unknown</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<array name= "GroupManagement_edit_group_membership_choices" >
<item > @string/GroupManagement_access_level_all_members</item>
<item > @string/GroupManagement_access_level_only_admins</item>
<array name= "GroupManagement_edit_group_info_choices" >
<item > @string/GroupManagement_access_level_all_members</item>
<item > @string/GroupManagement_access_level_only_admins</item>
<!-- GV2 invites sent -->
<plurals name= "GroupManagement_invitation_sent" >
<item quantity= "other" > 已发送%1$d个邀请</item>
<string name= "GroupManagement_invite_single_user" > “%1$s”不能直接被您邀请入群。\n\n对方已收到入群邀请, 但在他同意入群前他将无法看到群消息。</string>
<string name= "GroupManagement_invite_multiple_users" > 这些用户不能直接被你邀请入群组。\n\n他们已经收到入群邀请, 但在他们同意之前无法收到来自该群组的任何消息。</string>
<!-- GroupsV1MigrationLearnMoreBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationLearnMore_what_are_new_groups" > 什么是新版群组?</string>
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationLearnMore_new_groups_have_features_like_mentions" > 新版群组支持@提醒和群管理员的功能,未来还将支持更多功能。</string>
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationLearnMore_all_message_history_and_media_has_been_kept" > 升级前已保存消息记录和媒体文件。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationLearnMore_you_will_need_to_accept_an_invite_to_join_this_group_again" > 您需要再次同意入群邀请。同意邀请之前,您将不会收到群组消息。</string>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationLearnMore_these_members_will_need_to_accept_an_invite" >
<item quantity= "other" > 这些成员需要再次同意入群邀请来加入群组,其同意前不会收到群组消息:</item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationLearnMore_these_members_were_removed_from_the_group" >
<item quantity= "other" > 这些成员已被移出群组,其升级客户端前将无法加入新的群组:</item>
<!-- GroupsV1MigrationInitiationBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_upgrade_to_new_group" > 升级到新版群组</string>
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_upgrade_this_group" > 升级此群组</string>
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_new_groups_have_features_like_mentions" > 新版群组支持@提醒和群管理员的功能,未来还将支持更多功能。</string>
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_all_message_history_and_media_will_be_kept" > 升级前将保存消息记录和媒体文件。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_encountered_a_network_error" > 网络错误,请稍候重试。</string>
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_failed_to_upgrade" > 升级失败</string>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_these_members_will_need_to_accept_an_invite" >
<item quantity= "other" > 这些成员需要再次同意入群邀请来加入群组,其同意前不会收到群组消息:</item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationInitiation_these_members_are_not_capable_of_joining_new_groups" >
<item quantity= "other" > 这些成员无法加入新版群组,所以其将被移出群组:</item>
<!-- GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsReminder -->
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsReminder_members_couldnt_be_added_to_the_new_group" >
<item quantity= "other" > 无法转移%1$d位成员到新版群组, 您现要再尝试添加其到新版群组吗? </item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsReminder_add_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > 添加成员</item>
<string name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsReminder_no_thanks" > 不,谢谢。</string>
<!-- GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsDialog -->
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsDialog_add_members_question" >
<item quantity= "other" > 要添加成员吗?</item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsDialog_these_members_couldnt_be_automatically_added" >
<item quantity= "other" > 升级到新版群组时无法自动添加这些成员:</item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsDialog_add_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > 添加成员</item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsDialog_failed_to_add_members_try_again_later" >
<item quantity= "other" > 添加成员失败,请稍候重试。</item>
<plurals name= "GroupsV1MigrationSuggestionsDialog_cannot_add_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > 无法添加成员。</item>
<!-- LeaveGroupDialog -->
<string name= "LeaveGroupDialog_leave_group" > 离开群组?</string>
<string name= "LeaveGroupDialog_you_will_no_longer_be_able_to_send_or_receive_messages_in_this_group" > 您将无法在这个群聊里面发送和接收消息。</string>
<string name= "LeaveGroupDialog_leave" > 离开群组</string>
<string name= "LeaveGroupDialog_choose_new_admin" > 选择新的管理员。</string>
<string name= "LeaveGroupDialog_before_you_leave_you_must_choose_at_least_one_new_admin_for_this_group" > 在离开群组之前,必须选择至少一位新的管理员。</string>
<string name= "LeaveGroupDialog_choose_admin" > 选择管理员</string>
<!-- LinkPreviewView -->
<string name= "LinkPreviewView_no_link_preview_available" > 没有预览链接可用</string>
<string name= "LinkPreviewView_this_group_link_is_not_active" > 此群组链接未激活</string>
<string name= "LinkPreviewView_domain_date" > %1$s · %2$s</string>
2023-06-28 17:21:07 -04:00
<!-- Description for Call Link url previews -->
2023-07-06 16:19:42 -03:00
<string name= "LinkPreviewView__use_this_link_to_join_a_signal_call" > 使用此链接加入 Signal 通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- LinkPreviewRepository -->
<plurals name= "LinkPreviewRepository_d_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d位成员</item>
<!-- PendingMembersActivity -->
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_pending_group_invites" > 待处理的入群邀请</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_requests" > 入群申请</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_invites" > 邀请</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_people_you_invited" > 你邀请的人</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_you_have_no_pending_invites" > 您没有待处理的邀请。</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_invites_by_other_group_members" > 其他群组成员的邀请</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_no_pending_invites_by_other_group_members" > 没有来自其它群成员的待处理邀请。</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_missing_detail_explanation" > 未显示其他群组成员邀请的人员详情。当受邀者选择加入时,他们的信息将分享至群组。在加入之前,他们不会看到任何消息。</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_revoke_invite" > 撤回邀请</string>
<string name= "PendingMembersActivity_revoke_invites" > 撤回邀请</string>
<plurals name= "PendingMembersActivity_revoke_d_invites" >
<item quantity= "other" > 撤回%1$d条邀请</item>
<plurals name= "PendingMembersActivity_error_revoking_invite" >
<item quantity= "other" > 撤回邀请时出现错误</item>
<!-- RequestingMembersFragment -->
<string name= "RequestingMembersFragment_pending_member_requests" > 待处理成员请求</string>
<string name= "RequestingMembersFragment_no_member_requests_to_show" > 没有成员请求。</string>
<string name= "RequestingMembersFragment_explanation" > 此表中的人想通过群组链接入群。</string>
<string name= "RequestingMembersFragment_added_s" > "已添加 “%1$s”"</string>
<string name= "RequestingMembersFragment_denied_s" > "已拒绝“%1$s”"</string>
<!-- AddMembersActivity -->
<string name= "AddMembersActivity__done" > 完成</string>
<string name= "AddMembersActivity__this_person_cant_be_added_to_legacy_groups" > 此用户不能被添加到旧版群组中。</string>
<plurals name= "AddMembersActivity__add_d_members_to_s" >
<item quantity= "other" > 添%3$d位成员到“%2$s”? </item>
<string name= "AddMembersActivity__add" > 添加</string>
<string name= "AddMembersActivity__add_members" > 添加成员</string>
<!-- AddGroupDetailsFragment -->
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__name_this_group" > 命名该群组</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__create_group" > 创建群组</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__create" > 创建</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__members" > 成员</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__you_can_add_or_invite_friends_after_creating_this_group" > 您可以在创建此群组后添加或邀请朋友。</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__group_name_required" > 群组名称(必填)</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__group_name_optional" > 群组名称(可选)</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__this_field_is_required" > 必须填写此项。</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__group_creation_failed" > 群组创建失败。</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__try_again_later" > 稍候再试。</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__remove" > 删除</string>
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__sms_contact" > 短信联系人</string>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__remove_s_from_this_group" > 将%1$s从群组移除? </string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Info message shown in the middle of the screen, displayed when adding group details to an MMS Group -->
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__youve_selected_a_contact_that_doesnt_support" > 您选择了一个无法使用 Signal 群组的联系人,因此该群组将是一个多媒体信息群组。只有您能看到自定义多媒体信息群组的名称和照片。</string>
<!-- Info message shown in the middle of the screen, displayed when adding group details to an MMS Group after SMS Phase 0 -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "AddGroupDetailsFragment__youve_selected_a_contact_that_doesnt_support_signal_groups_mms_removal" > 您选择的联系人不支持 Signal 群组功能,因此此群组将以彩信形式存在。自定义彩信群组名称和图片将仅对您可见。我们将很快不再支持彩信群组,以专注于加密消息服务。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ManageGroupActivity -->
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_who_can_add_new_members" > 谁能添加新成员?</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_who_can_edit_this_groups_info" > 谁能编辑群组信息?</string>
<plurals name= "ManageGroupActivity_added" >
<item quantity= "other" > 已添加%1$d位成员。</item>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_you_dont_have_the_rights_to_do_this" > 您没有此操作的权限</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_not_capable" > 您添加的部分用户无法使用新版群组,这些用户需要升级 Signal。</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_not_announcement_capable" > 您添加的某个人无法使用公告群组,对方需要更新 Signal</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_failed_to_update_the_group" > 无法更新群组</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_youre_not_a_member_of_the_group" > 您不是该群组成员</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_failed_to_update_the_group_please_retry_later" > 无法更新群组,请稍候再试</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_failed_to_update_the_group_due_to_a_network_error_please_retry_later" > 由于网络错误无法更新群组,请稍候再试</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_edit_name_and_picture" > 编辑昵称和头像</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_legacy_group" > 旧版群组</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_legacy_group_learn_more" > 这是个旧版群组,管理员等功能支持新版群组。</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_legacy_group_upgrade" > 这是一个旧版群组,要是使用@提醒和管理员功能,</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_legacy_group_too_large" > 由于人数太多,此旧版群组无法升级成新版群组。升级要求人数在%1$d以下。</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_upgrade_this_group" > 升级此群组。</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_this_is_an_insecure_mms_group" > 这是个未加密的彩信群组。要加密聊天,请邀请您的联系人加入 Signal。</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_invite_now" > 现在邀请</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_more" > 更多</string>
<string name= "ManageGroupActivity_add_group_description" > 添加群组描述…</string>
<!-- GroupMentionSettingDialog -->
<string name= "GroupMentionSettingDialog_notify_me_for_mentions" > 提到我时通知我</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "GroupMentionSettingDialog_receive_notifications_when_youre_mentioned_in_muted_chats" > 在静音聊天中被他人提及时是否接收提醒?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "GroupMentionSettingDialog_always_notify_me" > 总是通知我</string>
<string name= "GroupMentionSettingDialog_dont_notify_me" > 不通知我</string>
<!-- ManageProfileFragment -->
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_profile_name" > 个人资料名称</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_username" > 用户名</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_about" > 关于</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_write_a_few_words_about_yourself" > 简单介绍下自己</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_your_name" > 你的名字</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_your_username" > 你的用户名</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_failed_to_set_avatar" > 设置头像失败</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment_badges" > 徽章</string>
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment__edit_photo" > 编辑照片</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after creating username -->
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment__username_created" > 用户名已创建</string>
<!-- Snackbar message after copying username -->
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment__username_copied" > 用户名已复制</string>
2023-02-16 16:05:49 -05:00
<!-- Snackbar message after network failure while trying to delete username -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment__couldnt_delete_username" > 无法删除用户名,请稍后再试。</string>
2023-02-16 16:05:49 -05:00
<!-- Snackbar message after successful deletion of username -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "ManageProfileFragment__username_deleted" > 用户名已删除</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- UsernameOutOfSyncReminder -->
<!-- Displayed above the conversation list when a user needs to address an issue with their username -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__something_went_wrong" > 您的用户名出了点问题,它已不再分配给您的账户。您可以尝试重新设置,或选择一个新的用户名。</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Action text to navigate user to manually fix the issue with their username -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "UsernameOutOfSyncReminder__fix_now" > 立刻解决</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ManageRecipientActivity -->
<string name= "ManageRecipientActivity_no_groups_in_common" > 无共同群组</string>
<plurals name= "ManageRecipientActivity_d_groups_in_common" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个共同群组</item>
<plurals name= "GroupMemberList_invited" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s 邀请了%2$d位用户</item>
<!-- CustomNotificationsDialogFragment -->
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__custom_notifications" > 自定义通知</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__messages" > 消息</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__use_custom_notifications" > 使用自定义通知</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__notification_sound" > 通知声音</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__vibrate" > 振动</string>
<!-- Button text for customizing notification options -->
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__customize" > 自定义</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__change_sound_and_vibration" > 更改音效和振动模式</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__call_settings" > 通话设置</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__ringtone" > 铃声</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__default" > 默认</string>
<string name= "CustomNotificationsDialogFragment__unknown" > 未知</string>
<!-- ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment -->
<string name= "ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment__group_link" > 群组链接</string>
<string name= "ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment__share" > 分享</string>
<string name= "ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment__reset_link" > 重置链接</string>
<string name= "ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment__approve_new_members" > 批准新成员</string>
<string name= "ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment__require_an_admin_to_approve_new_members_joining_via_the_group_link" > 通过群组链接的新成员需要经过管理员同意才能入群。</string>
<string name= "ShareableGroupLinkDialogFragment__are_you_sure_you_want_to_reset_the_group_link" > 确定要重置群组链接吗?重置后他人将无法通过原来的链接加入群组。</string>
<!-- GroupLinkShareQrDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupLinkShareQrDialogFragment__qr_code" > 二维码</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkShareQrDialogFragment__people_who_scan_this_code_will" > 扫描此码的人即可加入您的群组。如果您激活了管理员审核,那么入群者还需要管理员同意才能入群。</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkShareQrDialogFragment__share_code" > 分享二维码</string>
<!-- GV2 Invite Revoke confirmation dialog -->
<string name= "InviteRevokeConfirmationDialog_revoke_own_single_invite" > 是否撤销您发给 %1$s 的入群邀请?</string>
<plurals name= "InviteRevokeConfirmationDialog_revoke_others_invites" >
<item quantity= "other" > 是否撤销 %1$s 发出的 %2$d 条入群邀请?</item>
<!-- GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_you_are_already_a_member" > 您已在群组中</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_join" > 加入</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_request_to_join" > 申请入群</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_unable_to_join_group_please_try_again_later" > 无法加入群组,请稍候再试</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_encountered_a_network_error" > 网络出错。</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_this_group_link_is_not_active" > 此群组链接未激活</string>
<!-- Title shown when there was an known issue getting group information from a group link -->
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_cant_join_group" > 无法加入群组</string>
<!-- Message shown when you try to get information for a group via link but an admin has removed you -->
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_you_cant_join_this_group_via_the_group_link_because_an_admin_removed_you" > 您无法通过此群组链接加入群组,因为有一位管理员移除了您。</string>
<!-- Message shown when you try to get information for a group via link but the link is no longer valid -->
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_this_group_link_is_no_longer_valid" > 此群组链接已失效。</string>
<!-- Title shown when there was an unknown issue getting group information from a group link -->
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_link_error" > 链接错误</string>
<!-- Message shown when you try to get information for a group via link but an unknown issue occurred -->
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_joining_via_this_link_failed_try_joining_again_later" > 通过该链接加入失败,请稍后尝试再次加入。</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_direct_join" > 您要加入此群组并向其成员分享您的名字和头像吗?</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_admin_approval_needed" > 您需要经过此群管理员同意才能加入群组。当您申请入群时,群组成员将能看到您的您的昵称和头像。</string>
<plurals name= "GroupJoinBottomSheetDialogFragment_group_dot_d_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > 群组 · %1$d位成员</item>
<!-- GroupJoinUpdateRequiredBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupJoinUpdateRequiredBottomSheetDialogFragment_update_signal_to_use_group_links" > 升级 Signal 以使用群组链接</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinUpdateRequiredBottomSheetDialogFragment_update_message" > 您当前版本的 Signal 不支持群组链接。请升级到最新版来通过链接入群。</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinUpdateRequiredBottomSheetDialogFragment_update_signal" > 升级 Signal</string>
<string name= "GroupJoinUpdateRequiredBottomSheetDialogFragment_group_link_is_not_valid" > 群组链接无效</string>
<!-- GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_invite_friends" > 邀请好友</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_share_a_link_with_friends_to_let_them_quickly_join_this_group" > 通过分享链接来要请朋友们快速加入此群组。</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_enable_and_share_link" > 启用和分享链接</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_share_link" > 分享链接</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_unable_to_enable_group_link_please_try_again_later" > 无法启用群组链接,请稍后再试。</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_encountered_a_network_error" > 网络出错。</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_you_dont_have_the_right_to_enable_group_link" > 您没有取得启用群组链接的权限,请联系群组管理员。</string>
<string name= "GroupInviteLinkEnableAndShareBottomSheetDialogFragment_you_are_not_currently_a_member_of_the_group" > 您当前不是该群组成员。</string>
<!-- GV2 Request confirmation dialog -->
<string name= "RequestConfirmationDialog_add_s_to_the_group" > 将“%1$s”添加到群组? </string>
<string name= "RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s" > 拒绝“%1$s”的入群申请? </string>
<!-- Confirm dialog message shown when deny a group link join request and group link is enabled. -->
<string name= "RequestConfirmationDialog_deny_request_from_s_they_will_not_be_able_to_request" > 要拒绝“%1$s”的请求吗? 对方将无法再通过群组链接申请加入群组。</string>
<string name= "RequestConfirmationDialog_add" > 添加</string>
<string name= "RequestConfirmationDialog_deny" > 拒绝</string>
<!-- ImageEditorHud -->
<string name= "ImageEditorHud_blur_faces" > 面部模糊</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud_new_blur_faces_or_draw_anywhere_to_blur" > 新功能:在脸部或任意位置涂抹,可实现模糊效果</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud_draw_anywhere_to_blur" > 任意位置涂抹实现模糊效果</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud_draw_to_blur_additional_faces_or_areas" > 涂抹更多脸部或区域进行模糊</string>
<!-- InputPanel -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "InputPanel_tap_and_hold_to_record_a_voice_message_release_to_send" > 按住可以录制语音,松手即可发送语音消息</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Message shown if the user tries to switch a conversation from Signal to SMS -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "InputPanel__sms_messaging_is_no_longer_supported_in_signal" > Signal 不再支持短信消息服务。</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- When editing a message, label shown above the text input field in the composer -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "InputPanel_edit_message" > 编辑消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- InviteActivity -->
<string name= "InviteActivity_share" > 分享</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_share_with_contacts" > 与联系人分享</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_share_via" > 分享方式…</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_cancel" > 取消</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_sending" > 正在发送…</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_invitations_sent" > 邀请已发送!</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_invite_to_signal" > 邀请使用 Signal</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_send_sms" > 发送短信(%1$d) </string>
<plurals name= "InviteActivity_send_sms_invites" >
<item quantity= "other" > 发送 %1$d 个短信邀请?</item>
<string name= "InviteActivity_lets_switch_to_signal" > 用 Signal 来聊天吧:%1$s</string>
<string name= "InviteActivity_no_app_to_share_to" > 看起来设备上没有可用于分享的应用。</string>
<!-- LearnMoreTextView -->
<string name= "LearnMoreTextView_learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
<string name= "SpanUtil__read_more" > 阅读全文</string>
<!-- LongMessageActivity -->
<string name= "LongMessageActivity_unable_to_find_message" > 找不到消息</string>
<string name= "LongMessageActivity_message_from_s" > 来自 %1$s 的消息</string>
<string name= "LongMessageActivity_your_message" > 您的消息</string>
<!-- MessageRetrievalService -->
<string name= "MessageRetrievalService_signal" > Signal</string>
<string name= "MessageRetrievalService_background_connection_enabled" > 后台连接已启用</string>
<!-- MmsDownloader -->
<string name= "MmsDownloader_error_reading_mms_settings" > 读取运营商彩信设置时出错</string>
<!-- MediaOverviewActivity -->
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Media" > 媒体</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Files" > 文件</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Audio" > 音频</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_All" > 全部</string>
<plurals name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Media_delete_confirm_title" >
<item quantity= "other" > 删除选中条目?</item>
<plurals name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Media_delete_confirm_message" >
<item quantity= "other" > 这将永久删除全部 %1$d 个已选文件,与其关联的所有消息也将删除。</item>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Media_delete_progress_title" > 正在删除</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Media_delete_progress_message" > 正在删除消息…</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_collecting_attachments" > 正在收集附件…</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Sort_by" > 排序</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Newest" > 最新</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Oldest" > 最旧</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Storage_used" > 已用存储</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_All_storage_use" > 储存使用总量</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Grid_view_description" > 网格视图</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_List_view_description" > 列表视图</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_Selected_description" > 选中</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_select_all" > 选择全部</string>
<plurals name= "MediaOverviewActivity_save_plural" >
<item quantity= "other" > 保存</item>
<plurals name= "MediaOverviewActivity_delete_plural" >
<item quantity= "other" > 删除</item>
<plurals name= "MediaOverviewActivity_d_selected_s" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 已选择(%2$s) </item>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_file" > 文件</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_audio" > 音频</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_video" > 视频</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_image" > 图片</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MediaOverviewActivity_detail_line_2_part" translatable="false">%1$s · %2$s</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MediaOverviewActivity_detail_line_3_part" translatable="false">%1$s · %2$s · %3$s</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_sent_by_s" > 发送人 %1$s</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_sent_by_you" > 由您发送</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_sent_by_s_to_s" > 由 %1$s 发送至 %2$s</string>
<string name= "MediaOverviewActivity_sent_by_you_to_s" > 由您发送至 %1$s</string>
<!-- Megaphones -->
<string name= "Megaphones_remind_me_later" > 稍后提醒</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_verify_your_signal_pin" > 验证 Signal PIN 码</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_well_occasionally_ask_you_to_verify_your_pin" > 为了方便记住 PIN 密码,将偶尔提示验证。</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_verify_pin" > 验证 PIN</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_get_started" > 开始使用</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_new_group" > 新建群组</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_invite_friends" > 邀请好友</string>
<string name= "Megaphones_use_sms" > 使用短信</string>
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "Megaphones_chat_colors" > 聊天颜色</string>
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "Megaphones_add_a_profile_photo" > 添加个人资料照片</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Title of a bottom sheet to render messages that all quote a specific message -->
<string name= "MessageQuotesBottomSheet_replies" > 回复</string>
<!-- NotificationBarManager -->
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__establishing_signal_call" > 正在建立 Signal 呼叫</string>
<!-- Temporary notification shown when starting the calling service -->
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__starting_signal_call_service" > 开始 Signal 通话服务</string>
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__stopping_signal_call_service" > 正在停止 Signal 通话服务</string>
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__decline_call" > 拒绝通话</string>
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__answer_call" > 接听</string>
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__end_call" > 结束呼叫</string>
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__cancel_call" > 取消呼叫</string>
<string name= "NotificationBarManager__join_call" > 加入通话</string>
<!-- NotificationsMegaphone -->
<string name= "NotificationsMegaphone_turn_on_notifications" > 是否开启通知?</string>
<string name= "NotificationsMegaphone_never_miss_a_message" > 不错过任何消息。</string>
<string name= "NotificationsMegaphone_turn_on" > 开启</string>
<string name= "NotificationsMegaphone_not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- NotificationMmsMessageRecord -->
<string name= "NotificationMmsMessageRecord_multimedia_message" > 多媒体消息</string>
<string name= "NotificationMmsMessageRecord_downloading_mms_message" > 正在下载彩信</string>
<string name= "NotificationMmsMessageRecord_error_downloading_mms_message" > 下载彩信时出错,点击重试</string>
<!-- MediaPickerActivity -->
<string name= "MediaPickerActivity__menu_open_camera" > 打开相机</string>
<!-- MediaSendActivity -->
<string name= "MediaSendActivity_camera_unavailable" > 相机不可用。</string>
<!-- MediaRepository -->
<string name= "MediaRepository_all_media" > 全部媒体</string>
<string name= "MediaRepository__camera" > 相机</string>
<!-- MessageRecord -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_unknown" > 未知</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_message_encrypted_with_a_legacy_protocol_version_that_is_no_longer_supported" > 收到来自旧版本 Signal 的加密消息,该版本已不再支持。请提醒发送人升级至最新版本并重发该消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_left_group" > 您已离开该群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_updated_group" > 您已更新该群组</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_was_updated" > 群组已更新。</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when placing an outgoing 1:1 voice/audio call and it\'s answered by the other party -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_outgoing_voice_call" > 拨出语音通话</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when placing an outgoing 1:1 video call and it\'s answered by the other party -->
2023-01-06 13:06:33 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_outgoing_video_call" > 拨出视频通话</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when placing an outgoing 1:1 voice/audio call and it\'s not answered by the other party -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_unanswered_voice_call" > 未接语音通话</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when placing an outgoing 1:1 video call and it\'s not answered by the other party -->
2023-01-06 13:06:33 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_unanswered_video_call" > 未接视频通话</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when receiving an incoming 1:1 voice/audio call and it\'s answered -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_incoming_voice_call" > 语音来电</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when receiving an incoming 1:1 video call and answered -->
2023-01-06 13:06:33 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_incoming_video_call" > 视频来电</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when receiving an incoming 1:1 voice/audio call and not answered -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_missed_voice_call" > 未接语音来电</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when receiving an incoming 1:1 video call and not answered -->
2023-01-06 13:06:33 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_missed_video_call" > 未接视频来电</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when receiving an incoming 1:1 voice/audio call and explicitly declined -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_declined_a_voice_call" > 您拒接了语音通话</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Update message shown when receiving an incoming 1:1 video call and explicitly declined -->
2023-01-06 13:06:33 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_declined_a_video_call" > 您拒接了视频通话</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Call update formatter string to place the update message next to a time stamp. e.g., \'Incoming voice call · 11:11am\' -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_call_message_with_date" > %1$s · %2$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_updated_group" > %1$s 已更新该群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_joined_signal" > %1$s 加入 Signal! </string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_disabled_disappearing_messages" > 您已禁用阅后即焚。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_disabled_disappearing_messages" > %1$s 已禁用阅后即焚。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_set_disappearing_message_time_to_s" > 设置阅后即焚消失时间为 %1$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_set_disappearing_message_time_to_s" > %1$s 设置阅后即焚消失时间为 %2$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_disappearing_message_time_set_to_s" > 阅后即焚消息的销毁时间被设置为 %1$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_this_group_was_updated_to_a_new_group" > 此群已升级为新版群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_couldnt_be_added_to_the_new_group_and_have_been_invited_to_join" > 您被邀请重新加入之前无法加入的新版群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_chat_session_refreshed" > 聊天会话已刷新</string>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_members_couldnt_be_added_to_the_new_group_and_have_been_invited" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s 位无法加入新版群组,已向其发送入群邀请。</item>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_members_couldnt_be_added_to_the_new_group_and_have_been_removed" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s 位无法加入新版群组,已被移除。</item>
<!-- Profile change updates -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_changed_their_profile_name_to" > %1$s 更改其昵称为 %2$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_changed_their_profile_name_from_to" > %1$s 的个人资料名称已从 %2$s 更改为 %3$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_changed_their_profile" > %1$s 更改了其资料。</string>
<!-- GV2 specific -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_created_the_group" > 您创建了群组</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_group_updated" > 群组更新完成。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_invite_friends_to_this_group" > 通过群组链接邀请好友加入该群组</string>
<!-- GV2 member additions -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_added_s" > 已添加 %1$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_added_s" > %1$s 添加了 %2$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_added_you" > %1$s 已将您加入群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_joined_the_group" > 你已加入该群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_joined_the_group" > %1$s 加入群组。</string>
<!-- GV2 member removals -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_removed_s" > 您移除了%1$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_removed_s" > %1$s移除了%2$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_removed_you_from_the_group" > %1$s已将您移出群组。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_left_the_group" > 您已离开该群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_left_the_group" > %1$s 已离开该群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_are_no_longer_in_the_group" > 您已不在群组中。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_is_no_longer_in_the_group" > %1$s 已不在群组中。</string>
<!-- GV2 role change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_made_s_an_admin" > 您已将 %1$s 设为管理员。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_made_s_an_admin" > %1$s 已将 %2$s 设为管理员。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_made_you_an_admin" > %1$s 已将您设为管理员。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_revoked_admin_privileges_from_s" > 您已撤销 %1$s 的管理员权限。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_revoked_your_admin_privileges" > %1$s已撤回您的管理员权限。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_revoked_admin_privileges_from_s" > %1$s 撤销了 %2$s 的管理员权限。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_is_now_an_admin" > %1$s 已成为管理员。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_are_now_an_admin" > 你被设置为管理员。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_is_no_longer_an_admin" > %1$s 已不是管理员。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_are_no_longer_an_admin" > 您已不是管理员。</string>
<!-- GV2 invitations -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_invited_s_to_the_group" > 您邀请了 %1$s 入群。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_invited_you_to_the_group" > %1$s 了您入群。</string>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_s_invited_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s 邀请了%2$d位用户入群。</item>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_were_invited_to_the_group" > 你被邀请加入此群</string>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_d_people_were_invited_to_the_group" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 位用户收到了入群邀请。</item>
<!-- GV2 invitation revokes -->
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_you_revoked_invites" >
<item quantity= "other" > 您撤销了%1$d条入群邀请。</item>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_s_revoked_invites" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s 撤销了%2$d条入群邀请。</item>
<string name= "MessageRecord_someone_declined_an_invitation_to_the_group" > 某人回绝了入群邀请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_declined_the_invitation_to_the_group" > 您回绝了入群邀请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_revoked_your_invitation_to_the_group" > %1$s 撤销了对您的入群邀请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_an_admin_revoked_your_invitation_to_the_group" > 管理员撤销了对您的入群邀请。</string>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_d_invitations_were_revoked" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d条入群邀请被撤销。</item>
<!-- GV2 invitation acceptance -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_accepted_invite" > 您接受了入群邀请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_accepted_invite" > %1$s 接受了入群邀请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_added_invited_member_s" > 您添加了受邀用户 %1$s。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_added_invited_member_s" > %1$s 添加了受邀用户 %2$s。</string>
<!-- GV2 title change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_changed_the_group_name_to_s" > 您更改了群组名字为“%1$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_changed_the_group_name_to_s" > %1$s 更改了群名称为 “%2$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_name_has_changed_to_s" > 群组名称更改为“%1$s”。</string>
<!-- GV2 description change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_changed_the_group_description" > 您已更改群组描述。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_changed_the_group_description" > %1$s 已更改群组描述。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_description_has_changed" > 群组描述已更改。</string>
<!-- GV2 avatar change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_changed_the_group_avatar" > 您更改了群组头像。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_changed_the_group_avatar" > %1$s 更改了群组头像。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_group_avatar_has_been_changed" > 群组头像已更改。</string>
<!-- GV2 attribute access level change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_changed_who_can_edit_group_info_to_s" > 你更改了能编辑群资料的权限为“%1$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_changed_who_can_edit_group_info_to_s" > %1$s 更改了能编辑群资料的权限为“%2$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_who_can_edit_group_info_has_been_changed_to_s" > 能编辑群资料的权限已设为“%1$s”。</string>
<!-- GV2 membership access level change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_changed_who_can_edit_group_membership_to_s" > 你更改了能编辑群成员的权限为“%1$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_changed_who_can_edit_group_membership_to_s" > %1$s 更改了能编辑群成员的权限为“%2$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_who_can_edit_group_membership_has_been_changed_to_s" > 能编辑群成员的权限已设为“%1$s”。</string>
<!-- GV2 announcement group change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_allow_all_members_to_send" > 您已将群组设置更改为允许全部成员发送消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_allow_only_admins_to_send" > 您已将群组设置更改为仅允许管理员发送消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_allow_all_members_to_send" > %1$s已将群组设置改为允许所有成员发送消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_allow_only_admins_to_send" > %1$s已将群组设置改为仅允许管理员发送消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_allow_all_members_to_send" > 群组设置已更改为允许全部成员发送消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_allow_only_admins_to_send" > 群组设置已更改为仅允许管理员发送消息。</string>
<!-- GV2 group link invite access level change -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_turned_on_the_group_link_with_admin_approval_off" > 您打开了无需管理员认证的群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_turned_on_the_group_link_with_admin_approval_on" > 你已打开了启用管理员认证的群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_turned_off_the_group_link" > 您关闭了群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_turned_on_the_group_link_with_admin_approval_off" > %1$s 打开了无需管理员审核的群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_turned_on_the_group_link_with_admin_approval_on" > %1$s 启用了需要管理员审核的群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_turned_off_the_group_link" > %1$s 关闭了群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_link_has_been_turned_on_with_admin_approval_off" > 无需管理员审核的群组链接已启用。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_link_has_been_turned_on_with_admin_approval_on" > 需要管理员审核的群组链接已启用。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_link_has_been_turned_off" > 群组链接已关闭。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_turned_off_admin_approval_for_the_group_link" > 您取消了群组链接的管理员审核要求。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_turned_off_admin_approval_for_the_group_link" > %1$s 取消了群组链接的管理员审核要求。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_admin_approval_for_the_group_link_has_been_turned_off" > 群组链接的管理员审核要求已被取消。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_turned_on_admin_approval_for_the_group_link" > 您激活了群组链接的管理员审核要求。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_turned_on_admin_approval_for_the_group_link" > %1$s 启用了群组链接的管理员审核要求。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_admin_approval_for_the_group_link_has_been_turned_on" > 群组链接的管理员审核要求已启用。</string>
<!-- GV2 group link reset -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_reset_the_group_link" > 您重置了群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_reset_the_group_link" > %1$s 重置了群组链接。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_the_group_link_has_been_reset" > 群组链接已重置。</string>
<!-- GV2 group link joins -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_joined_the_group_via_the_group_link" > 您通过群组链接加入了群组。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_joined_the_group_via_the_group_link" > %1$s 已通过群组链接入群组。</string>
<!-- GV2 group link requests -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_sent_a_request_to_join_the_group" > 您发送了入群请求。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_requested_to_join_via_the_group_link" > %1$s 通过群组链接申请入群。</string>
<!-- Update message shown when someone requests to join via group link and cancels the request back to back -->
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_s_requested_and_cancelled_their_request_to_join_via_the_group_link" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s发起和取消了通过群组链接加入群组的 %2$d 个请求</item>
<!-- GV2 group link approvals -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_approved_your_request_to_join_the_group" > %1$s 同意了您的入群申请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_approved_a_request_to_join_the_group_from_s" > %1$s 同意了 %2$s 的入群申请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_approved_a_request_to_join_the_group_from_s" > 您同意了 %1$s 的入群申请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_your_request_to_join_the_group_has_been_approved" > 您的入群申请已通过。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_a_request_to_join_the_group_from_s_has_been_approved" > %1$s 的入群申请已通过。</string>
<!-- GV2 group link deny -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_your_request_to_join_the_group_has_been_denied_by_an_admin" > 您的入群申请已被管理员拒绝。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_denied_a_request_to_join_the_group_from_s" > %1$s 拒绝了 %2$s 的入群申请。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_a_request_to_join_the_group_from_s_has_been_denied" > %1$s 的入群申请未通过。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_canceled_your_request_to_join_the_group" > 您撤回了入群请求。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_canceled_their_request_to_join_the_group" > %1$s 撤回了其入群申请。</string>
<!-- End of GV2 specific update messages -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_your_safety_number_with_s_has_changed" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码已更改。</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_marked_your_safety_number_with_s_verified" > 已将您与 %1$s 的安全码标记为已验证</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_marked_your_safety_number_with_s_verified_from_another_device" > 已在另一设备上将您与 %1$s 的安全码标记为已验证</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_marked_your_safety_number_with_s_unverified" > 已将您与 %1$s 的安全码标记为未验证</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_marked_your_safety_number_with_s_unverified_from_another_device" > 已在另一设备上将您与 %1$s 的安全码标记为未验证</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_a_message_from_s_couldnt_be_delivered" > 来自 %1$s 消息无法送到</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_changed_their_phone_number" > %1$s已更改电话号码</string>
<!-- Update item message shown in the release channel when someone is already a sustainer so we ask them if they want to boost. -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_like_this_new_feature_help_support_signal_with_a_one_time_donation" > 喜欢这个新功能吗?请通过单次捐款支持 Signal 吧。</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together. First placeholder is a name, second placeholder is a phone number. -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_their_number_s_has_been_merged" > 您与%1$s的消息记录和对方的号码 %2$s 已合并。</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Update item message shown when we merge two threads together and we don\'t know the phone number of the other thread. The placeholder is a person\'s name. -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_your_message_history_with_s_and_another_chat_has_been_merged" > 您与%1$s的消息记录和属于对方的其他聊天信息已合并。</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Update item message shown when you find out a phone number belongs to a person you had a conversation with. First placeholder is a phone number, second placeholder is a name. -->
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_belongs_to_s" > %1$s 属于%2$s</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Message to notify sender that activate payments request has been sent to the recipient -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_sent_request" > 您给%1$s发送了激活付款请求</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Request message from recipient to activate payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_wants_you_to_activate_payments" > %1$s希望您激活付款。只给信任的人发送付款。</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Message to inform user that payments was activated -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_activated_payments" > 您已激活付款</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Message to inform sender that recipient can now accept payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_can_accept_payments" > %1$s现在可以接受付款啦</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Group Calling update messages -->
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_started_a_group_call_s" > %1$s发起了群组通话 · %2$s</string>
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_started_a_group_call_s" > 您发起了一个群组通话 · %1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_is_in_the_group_call_s" > %1$s 在群通话中 · %2$s</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_are_in_the_group_call_s1" > 您在群通话中 · %1$s</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_and_s_are_in_the_group_call_s1" > %1$s 和 %2$s 在群通话中 · %3$s</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_group_call_s" > 群组通话 · %1$s</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_started_a_group_call" > %1$s发起了群通话</string>
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_started_a_group_call" > 您发起了一个群组通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_is_in_the_group_call" > %1$s 在群通话中</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you_are_in_the_group_call" > 您在此群组通话中</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_s_and_s_are_in_the_group_call" > %1$s 和 %2$s 在群通话中</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_group_call" > 群组通话</string>
<string name= "MessageRecord_you" > 您</string>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_s_s_and_d_others_are_in_the_group_call_s" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s, %2$s 和其他%3$d位成员在群组通话中 · %4$s</item>
<plurals name= "MessageRecord_s_s_and_d_others_are_in_the_group_call" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s, %2$s 和其他%3$d位成员在群组通话中</item>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- In - conversation update message to indicate that the current contact is sms only and will need to migrate to signal to continue the conversation in signal. -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord__you_will_no_longer_be_able_to_send_sms_messages_from_signal_soon" > 您很快将无法从 Signal 发送短信消息。您可以邀请%1$s加入 Signal, 在这里进行对话。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- In - conversation update message to indicate that the current contact is sms only and will need to migrate to signal to continue the conversation in signal. -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord__you_can_no_longer_send_sms_messages_in_signal" > 您无法再从 Signal 发送短信消息。您可以邀请%1$s加入 Signal, 在这里进行对话。</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Body for quote when message being quoted is an in - app payment message -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRecord__payment_s" > 付款:%1$s</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- MessageRequestBottomView -->
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_accept" > 接受</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_delete" > 删除</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_block" > 屏蔽</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_unblock" > 取消屏蔽</string>
2023-04-12 16:58:53 -04:00
<!-- Text explaining a message request from someone you\'ve removed before -->
2023-04-14 16:38:20 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_you_removed_them_before" > 是否允许%1$s给您发送消息并与其分享您的名字和照片? 您此前已移除该用户。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept" > 是否允许 %1$s 给您发消息并查看您的昵称头像?您同意前对方无法知晓您是否查看了其消息。</string>
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock a Signal user -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them" > 是否允许%1$s给您发送消息并向其显示您的名称和照片? 在取消屏蔽之前, 您不会收到对方的任何消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Shown in message request flow. Describes what will happen if you unblock an SMS user -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_let_s_message_you_wont_receive_any_messages_until_you_unblock_them_SMS" > 是否允许%1$s给您发送消息? 在取消屏蔽之前, 您不会收到对方的任何消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_get_updates_and_news_from_s_you_wont_receive_any_updates_until_you_unblock_them" > 是否要接收%1$s的更新和新闻? 在取消屏蔽之前, 您不会收到对方的任何更新消息。</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo" > 要参与此群组对话并向其成员分享您的昵称和头像吗?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_upgrade_this_group_to_activate_new_features" > 升级此群组来激活@提及和管理员新功能,将邀请未在此群分享名称和头像的成员入群。</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_this_legacy_group_can_no_longer_be_used" > 由于人数太多,此旧版群组已无法使用。人数上限为%1$d。</string>
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_continue_your_conversation_with_s_and_share_your_name_and_photo" > 要继续与%1$s聊天并与其分享您的昵称和头像吗? </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept" > 是否加入此群组并与之分享您的名字和头像?接受邀请前群成员无法知道您是否阅读了他们发来的消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_do_you_want_to_join_this_group_you_wont_see_their_messages" > 要加入此群组并与群组成员分享您的名称和照片吗?在您接受之前,您将不会看到群组成员的消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_join_this_group_they_wont_know_youve_seen_their_messages_until_you_accept" > 是否加入此群组?接受邀请前群成员无法知道您是否阅读了他们发来的消息。</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "MessageRequestBottomView_unblock_this_group_and_share_your_name_and_photo_with_its_members" > 是否取消屏蔽该群组并向其显示您的名称和照片?在取消屏蔽之前,您不会收到该群组的任何消息。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="MessageRequestBottomView_legacy_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageRequestProfileView_view" > 查看</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_one_group" > %1$s 的成员</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_two_groups" > %1$s 和 %2$s 的成员</string>
<string name= "MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_many_groups" > %1$s、%2$s 和 %3$s 的成员</string>
<plurals name= "MessageRequestProfileView_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 成员</item>
<!-- Describes the number of members in a group. The string MessageRequestProfileView_invited is nested in the parentheses. -->
<plurals name= "MessageRequestProfileView_members_and_invited" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个成员(%2$s) </item>
<!-- Describes the number of people invited to a group. Nested inside of the string MessageRequestProfileView_members_and_invited -->
<plurals name= "MessageRequestProfileView_invited" >
<item quantity= "other" > 已邀请 %1$d 人</item>
<plurals name= "MessageRequestProfileView_member_of_d_additional_groups" >
<item quantity= "other" > 更多%1$d个群组</item>
<!-- PassphraseChangeActivity -->
<string name= "PassphraseChangeActivity_passphrases_dont_match_exclamation" > 密码不匹配!</string>
<string name= "PassphraseChangeActivity_incorrect_old_passphrase_exclamation" > 错误的旧密码!</string>
<string name= "PassphraseChangeActivity_enter_new_passphrase_exclamation" > 输入新的密码!</string>
<!-- DeviceProvisioningActivity -->
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_link_this_device" > 关联该设备?</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_intro" > 这将可以:</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_bullets" >
• 查看你的全部消息 \n• 以你的名义发送消息
2020-02-03 14:57:15 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_progress_title" > 正在关联设备</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_progress_content" > 正在关联新设备…</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_progress_success" > 设备成功关联!</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_progress_no_device" > 未找到设备。</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_progress_network_error" > 网络错误。</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_content_progress_key_error" > 无效二维码。</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_sorry_you_have_too_many_devices_linked_already" > 很抱歉,关联设备过多,请先移除一些。</string>
<string name= "DeviceActivity_sorry_this_is_not_a_valid_device_link_qr_code" > 抱歉,设备关联二维码无效。</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_link_a_signal_device" > 关联 Signal 设备?</string>
<string name= "DeviceProvisioningActivity_it_looks_like_youre_trying_to_link_a_signal_device_using_a_3rd_party_scanner" > 您好像在使用第三方扫描应用来关联 Signal 设备。出于安全考量,请使用 Signal 再次扫描二维码。</string>
<string name= "DeviceActivity_signal_needs_the_camera_permission_in_order_to_scan_a_qr_code" > Signal 需“相机”权限,来扫描二维码,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“相机”。</string>
<string name= "DeviceActivity_unable_to_scan_a_qr_code_without_the_camera_permission" > 没有“相机”权限,无法扫描二维码</string>
<!-- OutdatedBuildReminder -->
<string name= "OutdatedBuildReminder_update_now" > 现在升级</string>
<string name= "OutdatedBuildReminder_your_version_of_signal_will_expire_today" > 此 Signal 版本将在今天过期,请升级到最新版本。</string>
<plurals name= "OutdatedBuildReminder_your_version_of_signal_will_expire_in_n_days" >
<item quantity= "other" > 此版本 Signal 将在%1$d天后过期, 请升级到最新版本。</item>
<!-- PassphrasePromptActivity -->
<string name= "PassphrasePromptActivity_enter_passphrase" > 输入密码</string>
<string name= "PassphrasePromptActivity_watermark_content_description" > Signal 图标</string>
<string name= "PassphrasePromptActivity_ok_button_content_description" > 提交密码</string>
<string name= "PassphrasePromptActivity_invalid_passphrase_exclamation" > 无效密码!</string>
<string name= "PassphrasePromptActivity_unlock_signal" > 解锁 Signal</string>
<string name= "PassphrasePromptActivity_signal_android_lock_screen" > Signal Android - 锁定屏幕</string>
<!-- PlacePickerActivity -->
<string name= "PlacePickerActivity_title" > 地图</string>
<string name= "PlacePickerActivity_drop_pin" > 标注</string>
<string name= "PlacePickerActivity_accept_address" > 接受地址</string>
<!-- PlayServicesProblemFragment -->
<string name= "PlayServicesProblemFragment_the_version_of_google_play_services_you_have_installed_is_not_functioning" > 当前安装的 Google Play 服务版本无法正常运行。请重新安装 Google Play 服务并重试。</string>
<!-- PinRestoreEntryFragment -->
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_incorrect_pin" > PIN 错误</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_skip_pin_entry" > 跳过 PIN 码设置?</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_need_help" > 需要协助?</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_your_pin_is_a_d_digit_code" > PIN 码是您创建的%1$d位及以上的密码, 可以是纯数字或数字字母混合。如果忘了 PIN 码,您可以注册一个新账户,但您会丢失所有保存过的设置,比如您的个人介绍。</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_if_you_cant_remember_your_pin" > 如果忘记你的 PIN, 可再新建一个。你可以注册并使用你的账号, 但某些已保存设置, 如个人资料信息, 将丢失。</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_create_new_pin" > 新建 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_contact_support" > 联系支持</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_cancel" > 取消</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_skip" > 跳过</string>
<plurals name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_you_have_d_attempt_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 您还剩%1$d次机会。若尝试次数达到上限, 您可以创建新的 PIN 码。您可以注册和使用您的账户,但会丢失所有保存过的设置,比如您的个人介绍。</item>
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_signal_registration_need_help_with_pin" > Signal 注册 - 需要安卓 PIN 码相关帮助</string>
2023-06-28 17:21:07 -04:00
<!-- Button label to prompt the user to switch between an alphanumeric and numeric - only keyboards -->
2023-07-06 16:19:42 -03:00
<string name= "PinRestoreEntryFragment_switch_keyboard" > 切换键盘</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PinRestoreLockedFragment -->
<string name= "PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_your_pin" > 创建 PIN</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreLockedFragment_youve_run_out_of_pin_guesses" > 你的 PIN 码错误次数达到上限,但你还是可以通过创建新的 PIN 码以进入你的 Signal 账户。出于对你的隐私和安全考虑,你的账户会在不保存任何个人资料或设置下被还原。</string>
<string name= "PinRestoreLockedFragment_create_new_pin" > 新建 PIN 码</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PinRestoreLockedFragment_learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Dialog button text indicating user wishes to send an sms code isntead of skipping it -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "ReRegisterWithPinFragment_send_sms_code" > 发送短信验证码</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Email subject used when user contacts support about an issue with the reregister flow. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "ReRegisterWithPinFragment_support_email_subject" > Signal 注册 - 需要安卓版重新注册 PIN 码的相关帮助</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when tapping a informational button to to learn about pins or contact support for help -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "ReRegisterWithPinFragment_need_help_local" > PIN 码是您创建的一个不少于 %1$d 位数的密码。这个密码可以是纯数字,也可以是数字和字母的组合。如果您忘记了自己的 PIN 码,您可以创建一个新的 PIN 码。</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user requests to skip this flow and return to the normal flow -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "ReRegisterWithPinFragment_skip_local" > 如果您忘记了自己的 PIN 码,您可以创建一个新的 PIN 码。</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Dialog message shown in reregister flow when user uses up all of their guesses for their pin and we are going to move on -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "ReRegisterWithPinFragment_out_of_guesses_local" > 您尝试输入 PIN 码的次数已超过限定的次数,不过您仍然可以通过创建一个新的 PIN 码来登录您的 Signal 账户。</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PinOptOutDialog -->
<string name= "PinOptOutDialog_warning" > 警告</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "PinOptOutDialog_if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data" > 如果禁用 PIN, 重新注册 Signal 时您将会丢失全部数据,除非您手动备份并还原这些数据。注册锁定功能在禁用 PIN 期间无法启用。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PinOptOutDialog_disable_pin" > 禁用 PIN</string>
<!-- RatingManager -->
<string name= "RatingManager_rate_this_app" > 对此应用评分</string>
<string name= "RatingManager_if_you_enjoy_using_this_app_please_take_a_moment" > 如果您喜欢使用此应用,请使用片刻时间对其进行打分。</string>
<string name= "RatingManager_rate_now" > 立刻评价!</string>
<string name= "RatingManager_no_thanks" > 不,谢谢。</string>
<string name= "RatingManager_later" > 稍后</string>
<!-- ReactionsBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "ReactionsBottomSheetDialogFragment_all" > 全部 · %1$d</string>
<!-- ReactionsConversationView -->
<string name= "ReactionsConversationView_plus" > +%1$d</string>
<!-- ReactionsRecipientAdapter -->
<string name= "ReactionsRecipientAdapter_you" > 您</string>
<!-- RecaptchaRequiredBottomSheetFragment -->
<string name= "RecaptchaRequiredBottomSheetFragment_verify_to_continue_messaging" > 验证以继续发送消息</string>
<string name= "RecaptchaRequiredBottomSheetFragment_to_help_prevent_spam_on_signal" > 为了防止 Signal 垃圾消息,请完成验证。</string>
<string name= "RecaptchaRequiredBottomSheetFragment_after_verifying_you_can_continue_messaging" > 验证之后,可继续发送消息。任何暂停消息将自动发送。</string>
<!-- Recipient -->
<string name= "Recipient_you" > 您</string>
<!-- Name of recipient representing user\'s \'My Story\' -->
<string name= "Recipient_my_story" > 我的动态</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Name of recipient for a call link without a name -->
2023-05-26 15:46:39 -03:00
<string name= "Recipient_signal_call" > Signal 通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- RecipientPreferencesActivity -->
<string name= "RecipientPreferenceActivity_block" > 屏蔽</string>
<string name= "RecipientPreferenceActivity_unblock" > 取消屏蔽</string>
<!-- RecipientProvider -->
<!-- RedPhone -->
<string name= "RedPhone_answering" > 正在接听…</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_ending_call" > 正在挂断…</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_ringing" > 响铃中…</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_busy" > 占线</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_recipient_unavailable" > 接收人无法应答</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_network_failed" > 网络失败!</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_number_not_registered" > 号码未注册!</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_the_number_you_dialed_does_not_support_secure_voice" > 您输入的号码不支持加密语音!</string>
<string name= "RedPhone_got_it" > 知道了</string>
<!-- Valentine\'s Day Megaphone -->
<!-- Title text for the Valentine\'s Day donation megaphone. The placeholder will always be a heart emoji. Needs to be a placeholder for Android reasons. -->
<!-- Body text for the Valentine\'s Day donation megaphone. -->
<!-- WebRtcCallActivity -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__tap_here_to_turn_on_your_video" > 点击这里以启用视频</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__to_call_s_signal_needs_access_to_your_camera" > Signal 需要访问您的麦克风来呼叫 %1$s</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__signal_s" > Signal 呼叫 %1$s</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__calling" > 呼叫中…</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__group_is_too_large_to_ring_the_participants" > 群组人数过多,无法与参与人通话。</string>
<!-- Call status shown when an active call was disconnected (e.g., network hiccup) and is trying to reconnect -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__reconnecting" > 重连中…</string>
<!-- Title for dialog warning about lacking bluetooth permissions during a call -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__bluetooth_permission_denied" > 蓝牙权限被拒</string>
<!-- Message for dialog warning about lacking bluetooth permissions during a call and references the permission needed by name -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__please_enable_the_nearby_devices_permission_to_use_bluetooth_during_a_call" > 请启用“附近的设备”以便在通话中使用蓝牙。</string>
<!-- Positive action for bluetooth warning dialog to open settings -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__open_settings" > 打开设置</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Negative action for bluetooth warning dialog to dismiss dialog -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- WebRtcCallView -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__signal_call" > Signal 通话</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__signal_video_call" > Signal 视频通话</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__start_call" > 发起通话</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__join_call" > 加入通话</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__call_is_full" > 通话人数已满</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__the_maximum_number_of_d_participants_has_been_Reached_for_this_call" > 此通话人数已达%1$d人上限, 请稍候再试。</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__your_video_is_off" > 您的视频已关闭</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__reconnecting" > 重连中…</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__joining" > 正在加入…</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__disconnected" > 连接已断开</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__signal_will_ring_s" > Signal 将会拨给%1$s</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__signal_will_ring_s_and_s" > Signal 将会拨给%1$s和%2$s</string>
<plurals name= "WebRtcCallView__signal_will_ring_s_s_and_d_others" >
<item quantity= "other" > Signal 将会拨给%1$s、%2$s和其他 %3$d 人</item>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_will_be_notified" > %1$s将会收到通知</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_and_s_will_be_notified" > %1$s和%2$s将会收到通知</string>
<plurals name= "WebRtcCallView__s_s_and_d_others_will_be_notified" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s、%2$s和其他 %3$d 人将会收到通知</item>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__ringing_s" > 正在呼叫%1$s</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__ringing_s_and_s" > 正在呼叫%1$s和%2$s</string>
<plurals name= "WebRtcCallView__ringing_s_s_and_d_others" >
<item quantity= "other" > 正在呼叫%1$s、%2$s和其他 %3$d 人</item>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_is_calling_you" > %1$s正在呼叫您</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_is_calling_you_and_s" > %1$s正在呼叫您和%2$s</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_is_calling_you_s_and_s" > %1$s正在呼叫您、%2$s和%3$s</string>
<plurals name= "WebRtcCallView__s_is_calling_you_s_s_and_d_others" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s正在呼叫您、%2$s、%3$s和其他 %4$d 人</item>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__no_one_else_is_here" > 没有人在这里</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_is_in_this_call" > %1$s 在此通话中</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_are_in_this_call" > %1$s正在此通话中</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__s_and_s_are_in_this_call" > %1$s 和 %2$s 在此通话中</string>
<plurals name= "WebRtcCallView__s_s_and_d_others_are_in_this_call" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s、%2$s 及其它 %3$d 位用户在此通话中</item>
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<!-- Toggle content description for toggling camera direction -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__toggle_camera_direction" > 切换相机方向</string>
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<!-- Toggle content description for toggling audio output -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__toggle_speaker" > 切换扬声器</string>
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<!-- Toggle content description for toggling camera state -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__toggle_camera" > 切换相机</string>
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<!-- Toggle content description for toggling mute state -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__toggle_mute" > 切换静音</string>
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<!-- Toggle content description for toggling group ring state -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__toggle_ring" > 切换铃声</string>
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<!-- Content description for end - call button -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallView__end_call" > 结束呼叫</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Error message when the developer added a button in the wrong place. -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggleButton_fragment_activity_error" > 出现了一个 UI 错误。请向开发人员报告该错误。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Error message when the user is trying to change audio outputs but none are present. -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggleButton_no_eligible_audio_i_o_detected" > 未检测到符合条件的音频输入/输出。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- A text description of the bluetooth icon, used for accessibility. -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputBottomSheet__bluetooth_icon_content_description" > 蓝牙设备图标。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- A text description of the headset icon, used for accessibility. -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputBottomSheet__headset_icon_content_description" > 有线耳机图标。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- A text description of the speaker icon, used for accessibility. -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputBottomSheet__speaker_icon_content_description" > 扬声器图标。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- A text description of the earpiece icon, used for accessibility. -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputBottomSheet__earpiece_icon_content_description" > 设备耳机图标。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CallParticipantsListDialog -->
<plurals name= "CallParticipantsListDialog_in_this_call_d_people" >
<item quantity= "other" > 此通话 · %1$d位用户</item>
<!-- CallParticipantView -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "CallParticipantView__s_is_blocked" > %1$s已被屏蔽</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "CallParticipantView__more_info" > 更多信息</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantView__you_wont_receive_their_audio_or_video" > 你将不会收到他们的音频或视频,他们也不会收到你的。</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_video_from_s" > 无法从%1$s接收音频 & 视频</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantView__cant_receive_audio_and_video_from_s" > 无法从%1$s接收音频与视频</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "CallParticipantView__this_may_be_Because_they_have_not_verified_your_safety_number_change" > 这可能是因为对方还未对您的安全码更新进行验证,或对方的设备有问题,或对方已将您屏蔽。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CallToastPopupWindow -->
<string name= "CallToastPopupWindow__swipe_to_view_screen_share" > 轻扫查看屏幕共享</string>
<!-- ProxyBottomSheetFragment -->
<string name= "ProxyBottomSheetFragment_proxy_server" > 代理服务器</string>
<string name= "ProxyBottomSheetFragment_proxy_address" > 代理地址</string>
<string name= "ProxyBottomSheetFragment_do_you_want_to_use_this_proxy_address" > 是否使用该代理地址?</string>
<string name= "ProxyBottomSheetFragment_use_proxy" > 使用代理</string>
<string name= "ProxyBottomSheetFragment_successfully_connected_to_proxy" > 成功连接代理。</string>
<!-- RecaptchaProofActivity -->
<string name= "RecaptchaProofActivity_failed_to_submit" > 提交失败</string>
<string name= "RecaptchaProofActivity_complete_verification" > 完成验证</string>
<!-- RegistrationActivity -->
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_select_your_country" > 选择国家</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_you_must_specify_your_country_code" > 必须指定 国家代码
2020-02-03 14:57:15 -05:00
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_please_enter_a_valid_phone_number_to_register" > 请输入一个有效的电话号码来注册。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_invalid_number" > 号码无效</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_specified_s_is_invalid" > 指定的号码 (%1$s) 无效。
2020-02-03 14:57:15 -05:00
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title shown when registering and we want to verify they entered the correct number before proceeding. -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_phone_number_verification_dialog_title" > 下方的电话号码是否正确?</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title shown when re - registering and skip sms flow failed or was aborted and now need perform additional verification via sms and warn about carrier charges -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_additional_verification_required" > 需要进行额外验证</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message shown when we need to verify sms and carrier rates may apply. -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_a_verification_code_will_be_sent_to_this_number" > 此电话号码将会收到一个验证码。发送验证码可能会收取短信费。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_you_will_receive_a_call_to_verify_this_number" > 您将收到来电以验证该数字。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_is_your_phone_number_above_correct" > 上方的电话号码是否正确?</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_edit_number" > 编辑号码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_missing_google_play_services" > Google Play 服务缺失</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_this_device_is_missing_google_play_services" > 设备缺少 Google Play 服务框架,可使用 Signal, 但功能与稳定性将受到影响。\n\n如果您不是高级用户, 或者运行的为原厂安卓系统, 或者认为该提示有误, 请联系 support@signal.org 获取帮助。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_i_understand" > 我明白。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_play_services_error" > Google Play 服务错误</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_google_play_services_is_updating_or_unavailable" > Google Play 服务正在更新或者暂时不可用,请稍后再试。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_terms_and_privacy" > 条款和隐私政策</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_and_media_in_order_to_connect_with_friends" > Signal 需要通讯录和媒体权限以帮助您联系朋友和发送消息。您的通讯录将通过 Signal 的私密联系人发现技术上传,这意味着您的联系人将获得端对端加密保护,对 Signal 服务绝对不可见。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_connect_with_friends" > Signal 需要通讯录权限以帮助您联系朋友。您的通讯录将通过 Signal 的私密联系人发现技术上传,这意味着您的联系人将获得端对端加密保护,对 Signal 服务绝对不可见。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_service" > 您尝试注册此号码次数过多,请稍候再试。</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- During registration, if the user attempts (and fails) to register, we display this error message with a number of minutes timer they are allowed to try again. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_rate_limited_to_try_again" > 您尝试注册此号码的次数过多,请在 %1$s 后再试。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_unable_to_connect_to_service" > 无法连接到 Signal 服务,请检查网络连接并重试。</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- A description text for an alert dialog where we do not or can not explain the error to the user. -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_generic_error" > 出现意外错误。</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- A description text for an alert dialog when the entered phone number is not eligible for a verification SMS. -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_we_couldnt_send_you_a_verification_code" > 我们无法通过短信给您发送验证码。请尝试通过语音通话进行接收。</string>
2023-05-10 16:05:55 -04:00
<!-- Generic error when the app is unable to request an SMS code for an unknown reason. -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_unable_to_request_verification_code" > 无法请求验证码。请检查互联网连接并重试。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_non_standard_number_format" > 非标准号码格式</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_the_number_you_entered_appears_to_be_a_non_standard" > 您输入的号码(%1$s) 似乎是非标准格式。\n\n您要输入的是 %2$s 吗?</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_signal_android_phone_number_format" > Signal Android - 电话号码格式</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via voice call. -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_call_requested" > 已请求通话</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code via SMS. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_sms_requested" > 已请求发送短信</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Small "toast" notification to the user confirming that they have requested a new code (through an unspecified channel). -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_code_requested" > 已请求发送验证码</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "RegistrationActivity_debug_log_hint" >
<item quantity= "other" > 距离提交调试日志还有 %1$d 步之遥。</item>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_we_need_to_verify_that_youre_human" > 我们需要验证您是真正的用户。</string>
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<!-- An error shown when the request was valid, but due to an issue with a partner vendor, the server is unable to send an SMS code -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_external_service_error" > 由于外部故障, Signal 无法发送短信验证码。</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Button label to trigger a phone call to provide the registration code, in lieu of an SMS code -->
2023-06-09 16:19:06 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_voice_call" > 语音通话</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Dialog button to cancel the pending action and return to the previous state. -->
2023-06-09 16:19:06 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_cancel" > 取消</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_take_privacy_with_you_be_yourself_in_every_message" > 让隐私与您形影不离。\n在每一条消息中展现真正的自己。</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Title of registration screen when asking for the users phone number -->
2023-04-21 15:30:24 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_phone_number" > 手机号码</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Subtitle of registration screen when asking for the users phone number -->
2023-04-21 15:30:24 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_enter_your_phone_number_to_get_started" > 请输入您的手机号以开始操作。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_enter_the_code_we_sent_to_s" > 请输入 %1$s 收到的验证码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_make_sure_your_phone_has_a_cellular_signal" > 请确保你的手机网络信号可接收短信或来电</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_phone_number_description" > 手机号码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_country_code_description" > 国家代码</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_country_code_hint" > 国家</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_call" > 呼叫</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_verification_code" > 验证码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_resend_code" > 重新发送验证码</string>
2023-02-23 12:30:21 -05:00
<!-- A title for a bottom sheet dialog offering to help a user having trouble entering their verification code. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_title" > 在注册时遇到问题?</string>
2023-02-23 12:30:21 -05:00
<!-- A list of suggestions to try for a user having trouble entering their verification code. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_suggestions" > • 确保您的手机有手机信号,能够接收短信或来电\n • 确认您可以接听拨到该号码的来电 • 检查您输入的电话号码是否正确无误。</string>
2023-02-23 12:30:21 -05:00
<!-- A call to action for a user having trouble entering the verification to seek further help. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_body_call_to_action" > 如需更多信息,请按照这里列出的故障排查步骤进行操作,或联系支持人员</string>
2023-02-23 12:30:21 -05:00
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will take the user to our website with additional suggestions. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_troubleshooting_steps_substring" > 这里列出的故障排查步骤</string>
2023-02-23 12:30:21 -05:00
<!-- A clickable piece of text that will pre - fill a request for support email in the user\'s email app. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_support_bottom_sheet_cta_contact_support_substring" > 联系支持人员</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- RegistrationLockV2Dialog -->
<string name= "RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on_registration_lock" > 开启注册锁定?</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_off_registration_lock" > 关闭注册锁定?</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockV2Dialog_if_you_forget_your_signal_pin_when_registering_again" > 再次注册 Signal 时,如果忘记 Signal PIN, 将在 7 天内无法使用你的帐户。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_on" > 开启</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockV2Dialog_turn_off" > 关闭</string>
<!-- RevealableMessageView -->
<string name= "RevealableMessageView_view_photo" > 查看图片</string>
<string name= "RevealableMessageView_view_video" > 查看视频</string>
<string name= "RevealableMessageView_viewed" > 已查看</string>
<string name= "RevealableMessageView_media" > 媒体</string>
<!-- Search -->
<string name= "SearchFragment_no_results" > 没有找到关于“%1$s”的信息</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "SearchFragment_header_conversations" > 聊天</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SearchFragment_header_contacts" > 联系人</string>
<string name= "SearchFragment_header_messages" > 消息</string>
<!-- ShakeToReport -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ShakeToReport_shake_detected" translatable="false">Shake detected</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ShakeToReport_submit_debug_log" translatable="false">Submit debug log?</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ShakeToReport_submit" translatable="false">Submit</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ShakeToReport_failed_to_submit" translatable="false">Failed to submit :(</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ShakeToReport_success" translatable="false">Success!</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ShakeToReport_share" translatable="false">Share</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- SharedContactDetailsActivity -->
<string name= "SharedContactDetailsActivity_add_to_contacts" > 添加到联系人</string>
<string name= "SharedContactDetailsActivity_invite_to_signal" > 邀请使用 Signal</string>
<string name= "SharedContactDetailsActivity_signal_message" > Signal 消息</string>
<string name= "SharedContactDetailsActivity_signal_call" > Signal 呼叫</string>
<!-- SharedContactView -->
<string name= "SharedContactView_add_to_contacts" > 添加到联系人</string>
<string name= "SharedContactView_invite_to_signal" > 邀请使用 Signal</string>
<string name= "SharedContactView_message" > Signal 消息</string>
<!-- SignalBottomActionBar -->
<string name= "SignalBottomActionBar_more" > 更多</string>
<!-- SignalPinReminders -->
<string name= "SignalPinReminders_well_remind_you_again_later" > PIN 码验证成功。我们稍后会再次提醒您。</string>
<string name= "SignalPinReminders_well_remind_you_again_tomorrow" > PIN 码验证成功。我们明日会再次提醒您。</string>
<string name= "SignalPinReminders_well_remind_you_again_in_a_few_days" > PIN 码验证成功。我们会在几天后再次提醒您。</string>
<string name= "SignalPinReminders_well_remind_you_again_in_a_week" > PIN 码验证成功。我们将会在一周后再次提醒您。</string>
<string name= "SignalPinReminders_well_remind_you_again_in_a_couple_weeks" > PIN 码验证成功。我们将会在几周后再次提醒您。</string>
<string name= "SignalPinReminders_well_remind_you_again_in_a_month" > PIN 码验证成功。我们将会在一个月后再次提醒您。</string>
<!-- Slide -->
<string name= "Slide_image" > 图片</string>
<string name= "Slide_sticker" > 表情</string>
<string name= "Slide_audio" > 音频</string>
<string name= "Slide_video" > 视频</string>
<!-- SmsMessageRecord -->
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_received_corrupted_key_exchange_message" > 收到损坏的密钥 交换消息!
2020-02-03 14:57:15 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_received_key_exchange_message_for_invalid_protocol_version" >
2020-02-03 14:57:15 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_received_message_with_new_safety_number_tap_to_process" > 收到新安全码消息,点击继续并显示。</string>
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_secure_session_reset" > 您已重置安全会话。</string>
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_secure_session_reset_s" > %1$s 已重置安全会话。</string>
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_duplicate_message" > 重复消息。</string>
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_this_message_could_not_be_processed_because_it_was_sent_from_a_newer_version" > 无法处理该消息,因其发自新版 Signal。请更新 Signal 并联系发送人重发。</string>
<string name= "SmsMessageRecord_error_handling_incoming_message" > 处理传入消息时出错。</string>
<!-- StickerManagementActivity -->
<string name= "StickerManagementActivity_stickers" > 表情</string>
<!-- StickerManagementAdapter -->
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_installed_stickers" > 已安装表情</string>
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_stickers_you_received" > 收到的表情</string>
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_signal_artist_series" > Signal 艺术家系列</string>
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_no_stickers_installed" > 未安装表情</string>
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_stickers_from_incoming_messages_will_appear_here" > 此处将显示传入消息中的表情</string>
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_untitled" > 未命名</string>
<string name= "StickerManagementAdapter_unknown" > 未知</string>
<!-- StickerPackPreviewActivity -->
<string name= "StickerPackPreviewActivity_untitled" > 未命名</string>
<string name= "StickerPackPreviewActivity_unknown" > 未知</string>
<string name= "StickerPackPreviewActivity_install" > 安装</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- Label for a button that, if pressed, will uninstall the sticker pack that is currently being previewed. -->
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<string name= "StickerPackPreviewActivity_remove" > 卸载</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "StickerPackPreviewActivity_stickers" > 表情</string>
<string name= "StickerPackPreviewActivity_failed_to_load_sticker_pack" > 加载表情包失败</string>
<!-- SubmitDebugLogActivity -->
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_edit" > 编辑</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_done" > 完成</string>
<!-- Menu option to save a debug log file to disk. -->
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_save" > 保存</string>
<!-- Error that is show in a toast when we fail to save a debug log file to disk. -->
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_failed_to_save" > 保存失败</string>
<!-- Toast that is show to notify that we have saved the debug log file to disk. -->
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_save_complete" > 保存完成</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_tap_a_line_to_delete_it" > 点击一行删除它</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_submit" > 提交</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_failed_to_submit_logs" > 未能提交日志</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_success" > 成功!</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_copy_this_url_and_add_it_to_your_issue" > 复制此 URL 并将其添加到问题报告或支持电子邮件:\n\n<b > %1$s</b> </string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_share" > 分享</string>
<string name= "SubmitDebugLogActivity_this_log_will_be_posted_publicly_online_for_contributors" > 此日志将会在线上公开发布,供赞助人查看。您可以先仔细检查再上传。</string>
<!-- SupportEmailUtil -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="SupportEmailUtil_support_email" translatable="false">support@signal.org</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_filter" > 筛选器:</string>
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_device_info" > 设备信息:</string>
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_android_version" > Android版本: </string>
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_signal_version" > Signal版本:</string>
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_signal_package" > Signal 软件包:</string>
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_registration_lock" > 注册锁定:</string>
<string name= "SupportEmailUtil_locale" > 语言环境:</string>
<!-- ThreadRecord -->
<string name= "ThreadRecord_group_updated" > 群组已更新</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_left_the_group" > 已离开该群组</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_secure_session_reset" > 安全会话已重置。</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_draft" > 草稿:</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_media_message" > 媒体消息</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_sticker" > 表情</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_view_once_photo" > 一次性图片</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_view_once_video" > 一次性视频</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_view_once_media" > 一次性媒体</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_this_message_was_deleted" > 消息已删除。</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_you_deleted_this_message" > 您删除了此消息。</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the user sends a request to activate payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_you_sent_request" > 您发送了激活付款请求</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the recipient wants to activate payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_wants_you_to_activate_payments" > %1$s希望您激活付款</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the user activates payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_you_activated_payments" > 您已激活付款</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the recipient can accept payments -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_can_accept_payments" > %1$s现在可以接受付款啦</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_s_is_on_signal" > %1$s 加入 Signal! </string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_disappearing_messages_disabled" > 已禁用阅后即焚</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_disappearing_message_time_updated_to_s" > 设置阅后即焚消失时间为 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_safety_number_changed" > 安全码已更改</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_your_safety_number_with_s_has_changed" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码已更改。</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_you_marked_verified" > 已将您标识为已验证</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_you_marked_unverified" > 已将您标识为未验证</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_message_could_not_be_processed" > 无法处理消息</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_delivery_issue" > 发送问题</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_message_request" > 通信请求</string>
2023-04-12 16:58:53 -04:00
<!-- Thread preview for a recipient that has been hidden -->
2023-04-20 13:29:59 -04:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_hidden_recipient" > 你已隐藏该用户,与对方发送消息可以将其重新添加到您的列表中。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_photo" > 图片</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_gif" > GIF</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_voice_message" > 语音消息</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_file" > 文件</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_video" > 视频</string>
<string name= "ThreadRecord_chat_session_refreshed" > 聊天会话已刷新</string>
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the user is sent a gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord__s_donated_for_you" > %1$s代您捐了款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the user sends a gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord__you_donated_for_s" > 您代%1$s捐了款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification when the user has opened a received gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord__you_redeemed_a_badge" > 您领取了一个徽章</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when someone reacted to your story -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord__reacted_s_to_your_story" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when you reacted to someone\'s story -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord__reacted_s_to_their_story" > 用 %1$s 回应了对方的动态</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your most recent message is a payment to or from the person the conversation is with -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_payment" > 付款</string>
2023-02-06 17:09:45 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your only message in a conversation is a scheduled send. -->
2023-02-13 13:31:23 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_scheduled_message" > 定时消息</string>
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when your message history has been merged -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_message_history_has_been_merged" > 您的消息历史记录已合并</string>
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
<!-- Displayed in the conversation list when identities have been merged. The first placeholder is a phone number, and the second is a person\'s name -->
2023-02-17 15:33:09 -05:00
<string name= "ThreadRecord_s_belongs_to_s" > %1$s 属于%2$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- UpdateApkReadyListener -->
<string name= "UpdateApkReadyListener_Signal_update" > Signal 更新</string>
<string name= "UpdateApkReadyListener_a_new_version_of_signal_is_available_tap_to_update" > Signal 新版本可用,点击升级</string>
<!-- UntrustedSendDialog -->
<string name= "UntrustedSendDialog_send_message" > 发送消息?</string>
<string name= "UntrustedSendDialog_send" > 发送</string>
<!-- UnverifiedSendDialog -->
<string name= "UnverifiedSendDialog_send_message" > 发送消息?</string>
<string name= "UnverifiedSendDialog_send" > 发送</string>
<!-- UsernameEditFragment -->
<!-- Toolbar title when entering from registration -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__add_a_username" > 添加用户名</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Instructional text at the top of the username edit screen -->
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__choose_your_username" > 选择您的用户名</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_username" > 用户名</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_delete" > 删除</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_successfully_removed_username" > 成功移除用户名。</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_encountered_a_network_error" > 网络出错。</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_this_username_is_taken" > 该用户名已有人使用。</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_usernames_can_only_include" > 用户名仅能包含字母、数字和下划线。</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_usernames_cannot_begin_with_a_number" > 用户名不能以数字开头。</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_username_is_invalid" > 用户名无效。</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment_usernames_must_be_between_a_and_b_characters" > 用户名所含字符数量必须在 %1$d 与 %2$d 之间。</string>
<!-- Explanation about what usernames provide -->
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__usernames_let_others_message" > 用户名可以让其他会员无需您的电话号码也能给您发送消息。系统会将用户名与一组数字配对,从而将您的地址保密。</string>
<!-- Dialog title for explanation about numbers at the end of the username -->
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__what_is_this_number" > 这个号码是什么?</string>
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__these_digits_help_keep" > 这些数字可以将您的用户名保密,以免您收到骚扰消息。请仅将您的用户名分享给您想要聊天的对象和群组。如果您更改用户名,您将会收到一组新的数字。</string>
<!-- Button to allow user to skip -->
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__skip" > 跳过</string>
<!-- Content description for done button -->
<string name= "UsernameEditFragment__done" > 完成</string>
<plurals name= "UserNotificationMigrationJob_d_contacts_are_on_signal" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个联系人在使用 Signal! </item>
<!-- UsernameShareBottomSheet -->
<!-- Explanation of what the sheet enables the user to do -->
<string name= "UsernameShareBottomSheet__copy_or_share_a_username_link" > 复制或分享用户名链接</string>
<!-- VerifyIdentityActivity -->
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_your_contact_is_running_an_old_version_of_signal" > 联系人正在使用旧版 Signal。在验证安全码之前, 请提示他们升级。</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_your_contact_is_running_a_newer_version_of_Signal" > 联系人正在使用较新版本的 Signal, 其二维码格式不兼容。请升级并比较。</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_the_scanned_qr_code_is_not_a_correctly_formatted_safety_number" > 扫描二维码所获的安全码格式有误,请重新扫描。</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_share_safety_number_via" > 安全码分享方式…</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_our_signal_safety_number" > 我们的 Signal 安全码:</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_no_app_to_share_to" > 看起来设备上没有可用于分享的应用。</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_no_safety_number_to_compare_was_found_in_the_clipboard" > 剪切板没有可比较的安全码</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_signal_needs_the_camera_permission_in_order_to_scan_a_qr_code_but_it_has_been_permanently_denied" > Signal 需“相机”权限,来扫描二维码,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“相机”。</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_unable_to_scan_qr_code_without_camera_permission" > 没有“相机”权限,无法扫描二维码</string>
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_you_must_first_exchange_messages_in_order_to_view" > 为了查看 %1$s 的安全码,必须首先交换消息。</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message explaining to user they must exchange messages first to create a safety number -->
2023-07-24 19:27:13 -04:00
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_dialog_exchange_messages_to_create_safety_number_message" > 对方与您互发消息后,系统将会针对其生成一个安全码。</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Confirmation option for dialog explaining to user they must exchange messages first to create a safety number -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_dialog_exchange_messages_to_create_safety_number_ok" > 好</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Learn more option for dialog explaining to user they must exchange messages first to create a safety number -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "VerifyIdentityActivity_dialog_exchange_messages_to_create_safety_number_learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2023-07-20 17:08:55 -04:00
<!-- Confirmation button on scan result dialogs -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "VerifyDisplayFragment__scan_result_dialog_ok" > 好</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ViewOnceMessageActivity -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ViewOnceMessageActivity_video_duration" translatable="false">%1$02d:%2$02d</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- AudioView -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="AudioView_duration" translatable="false">%1$d:%2$02d</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- MessageDisplayHelper -->
<string name= "MessageDisplayHelper_message_encrypted_for_non_existing_session" > 加密消息的对话不存在</string>
<!-- MmsMessageRecord -->
<string name= "MmsMessageRecord_bad_encrypted_mms_message" > 不良加密彩信</string>
<string name= "MmsMessageRecord_mms_message_encrypted_for_non_existing_session" > 加密彩信的对话不存在</string>
<!-- MuteDialog -->
<string name= "MuteDialog_mute_notifications" > 静音通知</string>
<!-- ApplicationMigrationService -->
<string name= "ApplicationMigrationService_import_in_progress" > 正在导入数据</string>
<string name= "ApplicationMigrationService_importing_text_messages" > 正在导入文本信息</string>
<string name= "ApplicationMigrationService_import_complete" > 导入完成</string>
<string name= "ApplicationMigrationService_system_database_import_is_complete" > 系统数据库导入完毕。</string>
<!-- KeyCachingService -->
<string name= "KeyCachingService_signal_passphrase_cached" > 点击开启。</string>
<string name= "KeyCachingService_passphrase_cached" > Signal 已解锁</string>
<string name= "KeyCachingService_lock" > 锁定 Signal</string>
<!-- MediaPreviewActivity -->
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_you" > 您</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_unssuported_media_type" > 不支持的媒体类型</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_draft" > 草稿</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_signal_needs_the_storage_permission_in_order_to_write_to_external_storage_but_it_has_been_permanently_denied" > Signal 需“存储”权限,来保存文件至外部存储,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“存储”。</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_unable_to_write_to_external_storage_without_permission" > 没有权限,无法保存至外部存储</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_media_delete_confirmation_title" > 删除消息?</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_media_delete_confirmation_message" > 这将永久删除该消息。</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_s_to_s" > %1$s 至 %2$s</string>
<!-- All media preview title when viewing media send by you to another recipient (allows changing of \'You\' based on context) -->
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_you_to_s" > 您发送给%1$s</string>
<!-- All media preview title when viewing media sent by another recipient to you (allows changing of \'You\' based on context) -->
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_s_to_you" > %1$s发送给您</string>
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_media_no_longer_available" > 媒体已失效。</string>
2022-12-19 18:38:42 -05:00
<!-- Notifying the user that the device has encountered a technical issue and is unable to render a video. -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_unable_to_play_media" > 无法播放媒体。</string>
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_error_finding_message" > 查找消息时出错。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_cant_find_an_app_able_to_share_this_media" > 未找到可分享此媒体的应用。</string>
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewActivity_dismiss_due_to_error" > 关闭</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewFragment_edit_media_error" > 媒体错误</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- This is displayed as a toast notification when we encounter an error deleting a message, including potentially on other people\'s devices -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewFragment_media_delete_error" > 删除消息时出错,消息可能仍然存在。</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- A suffix to be attached to truncated captions that the user may tap onto to view the entire text caption -->
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<string name= "MediaPreviewFragment_read_more_overflow_text" > 查看更多</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- MessageNotifier -->
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- Text shown in a system notification that is used to summarize your notification. The first placeholder is a pluralized string that describes how many messages (e.g. "3 messages"), and the second placeholder is a pluralized string that describes the number of unique chats those message appear in (e.g. "2 chats"). -->
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_s_in_s" > %2$s中的%1$s</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- Text shown in a system notification that is used to summary how many messages you received. -->
<plurals name= "MessageNotifier_d_messages" >
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 条消息</item>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- Text shown in a system notification that is used to summary how many chats have new messages. -->
<plurals name= "MessageNotifier_d_chats" >
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个聊天</item>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_d_new_messages_in_d_conversations" > %2$d 个聊天中有 %1$d 条新消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_most_recent_from_s" > 最新消息来自:%1$s</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_locked_message" > 锁定消息</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_message_delivery_failed" > 消息发送失败。</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Shown in a notification when a story the user tries to send fails to be sent -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_story_delivery_failed" > 动态发送失败</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Shown as notification title for when a notification about a story sent to a group story %1$s replaced with the group name -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_group_story_title" > 您发送至%1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_failed_to_deliver_message" > 消息发送失败。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_error_delivering_message" > 发送消息出错。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_message_delivery_paused" > 消息发送已暂停。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_verify_to_continue_messaging_on_signal" > 验证以继续在 Signal 上发送消息。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_mark_all_as_read" > 全部已读</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_mark_read" > 已读</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_turn_off_these_notifications" > 关闭这些通知</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_view_once_photo" > 一次性图片</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_view_once_video" > 一次性图片</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reply" > 回复</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_signal_message" > Signal 消息</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_unsecured_sms" > 不安全短信</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_contact_message" > %1$s %2$s</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_unknown_contact_message" > 联系人</string>
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_s" > 用 %1$s 回应了 “%2$s”。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_video" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的视频。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_image" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的图片。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_gif" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的 GIF。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_file" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的文件。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_audio" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的音频。</string>
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_view_once_media" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的阅后即焚媒体。</string>
<!-- Body of notification shown to user when someone they sent a payment to reacts to it. Placeholder is the emoji used in the reaction. -->
2023-03-20 16:56:13 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_payment" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的付款。</string>
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_reacted_s_to_your_sticker" > 用 %1$s 回应了您的贴纸。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MessageNotifier_this_message_was_deleted" > 消息已删除。</string>
<string name= "TurnOffContactJoinedNotificationsActivity__turn_off_contact_joined_signal" > 关闭联系人加入 Signal 的通知吗?您可以在 Signal > 设置 > 通知 中再次启用。</string>
<!-- Notification Channels -->
<string name= "NotificationChannel_channel_messages" > 消息</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_calls" > 通话</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_failures" > 失败</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_backups" > 备份</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_locked_status" > 锁定状态</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_app_updates" > 应用更新</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_other" > 其他</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_group_chats" > 聊天</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_missing_display_name" > 未知</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_voice_notes" > 语音笔记</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannel_contact_joined_signal" > 联系人加入 Signal</string>
<string name= "NotificationChannels__no_activity_available_to_open_notification_channel_settings" > 无可用活动以打开通知渠道设置。</string>
<!-- Notification channel name for showing persistent background connection on devices without push notifications -->
<string name= "NotificationChannel_background_connection" > 后台连接</string>
<!-- Notification channel name for showing call status information (like connection, ongoing, etc.) Not ringing. -->
<string name= "NotificationChannel_call_status" > 通话状态</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- Notification channel name for occasional alerts to the user. Will appear in the system notification settings as the title of this notification channel. -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "NotificationChannel_critical_app_alerts" > 重要应用警报</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Notification channel name for other notifications related to messages. Will appear in the system notification settings as the title of this notification channel. -->
2023-07-24 19:27:13 -04:00
<string name= "NotificationChannel_additional_message_notifications" > 其他消息通知</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ProfileEditNameFragment -->
<!-- QuickResponseService -->
<string name= "QuickResponseService_quick_response_unavailable_when_Signal_is_locked" > Signal 锁定时不可使用快速回复。</string>
<string name= "QuickResponseService_problem_sending_message" > 发送消息时出现问题!</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- A small toast notification to let the user know their image/video/audio was downloaded and saved to their device, accessible in other apps. -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "SaveAttachmentTask_saved" > 媒体已保存</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- SearchToolbar -->
<string name= "SearchToolbar_search" > 搜索</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Hint when searching filtered chat content -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "SearchToolbar_search_unread_chats" > 搜索未读聊天</string>
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "SearchToolbar_search_for_conversations_contacts_and_messages" > 搜索聊天、联系人和消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Material3 Search Toolbar -->
<string name= "Material3SearchToolbar__close" > 关闭</string>
<string name= "Material3SearchToolbar__clear" > 清除</string>
<!-- ShortcutLauncherActivity -->
<string name= "ShortcutLauncherActivity_invalid_shortcut" > 无效的快捷方式</string>
<!-- SingleRecipientNotificationBuilder -->
<string name= "SingleRecipientNotificationBuilder_signal" > Signal</string>
<string name= "SingleRecipientNotificationBuilder_new_message" > 新消息</string>
<string name= "SingleRecipientNotificationBuilder_message_request" > 消息请求</string>
<string name= "SingleRecipientNotificationBuilder_you" > 您</string>
<!-- Notification subtext for group stories -->
<string name= "SingleRecipientNotificationBuilder__s_dot_story" > %1$s • 动态</string>
<!-- ThumbnailView -->
<string name= "ThumbnailView_Play_video_description" > 播放视频</string>
<string name= "ThumbnailView_Has_a_caption_description" > 带有描述</string>
<!-- TransferControlView -->
<plurals name= "TransferControlView_n_items" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个条目</item>
<!-- UnauthorizedReminder -->
<string name= "UnauthorizedReminder_device_no_longer_registered" > 设备已注销</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Message shown in a reminder banner when the user\'s device is no longer registered -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UnauthorizedReminder_this_is_likely_because_you_registered_your_phone_number_with_Signal_on_a_different_device" > 此设备已注销。这可能是因为您使用您的电话号码在其他设备上注册了 Signal。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Action in reminder banner that will take user to re - register -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UnauthorizedReminder_reregister_action" > 重新注册设备</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Push notification when the app is forcibly logged out by the server. -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "LoggedOutNotification_you_have_been_logged_out" > 您在此设备上已被登出 Signal。</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<!-- EnclaveFailureReminder -->
<!-- Banner message to update app to use payments -->
<string name= "EnclaveFailureReminder_update_signal" > 更新 Signal 以继续使用付款功能。您的余额可能未刷新。</string>
<!-- Banner button to update now -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- WebRtcCallActivity -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity_to_answer_the_call_give_signal_access_to_your_microphone" > 如要接通,请允许 Signal 使用您的麦克风。</string>
2023-06-26 14:16:45 -04:00
<!-- Message shown in permission dialog when attempting to answer a video call without camera or microphone permissions already granted. -->
2023-07-06 16:19:42 -03:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity_to_answer_the_call_give_signal_access_to_your_microphone_and_camera" > 如要接通视频通话,请允许 Signal 使用您的麦克风和相机。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity_signal_requires_microphone_and_camera_permissions_in_order_to_make_or_receive_calls" > Signal 需“麦克风”和“相机”权限,来进行通话,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“麦克风”和“相机”。</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__answered_on_a_linked_device" > 已在在其它设备上接听。</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__declined_on_a_linked_device" > 已在其它设备上拒接。</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallActivity__busy_on_a_linked_device" > 在其它设备上忙碌未接。</string>
<string name= "GroupCallSafetyNumberChangeNotification__someone_has_joined_this_call_with_a_safety_number_that_has_changed" > 有人用变更过的安全码加入了这次通话</string>
<!-- WebRtcCallScreen -->
<string name= "WebRtcCallScreen_swipe_up_to_change_views" > 上滑改变显示</string>
<!-- WebRtcCallScreen V2 -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallScreen__decline" > 拒绝</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallScreen__answer" > 接听</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallScreen__answer_without_video" > 关视频接</string>
<!-- WebRtcAudioOutputToggle -->
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Label for a dialog asking the user to switch the audio output device during a call -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__audio_output" > 音频输出</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Audio output option referring to the earpiece built into the phone -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__phone_earpiece" > 电话耳机</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Audio output option referring to the louder speaker built into the phone -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__speaker" > 扬声器</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Audio output option referring to an external audio device connected via wireless Bluetooth -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__bluetooth" > 蓝牙</string>
2023-06-09 16:19:06 -04:00
<!-- Audio output option referring to a pair of headphones that do not contain a microphone connected via a 3.5mm headphone jack -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__wired_headphones" > 有线耳机</string>
2023-06-09 16:19:06 -04:00
<!-- Audio output option referring to an external headset that contains a microphone connected via a 3.5mm headphone jack -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__wired_headset" > 有线耳机</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Audio output option referring to an external headset connected via a USB - C data cable -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcAudioOutputToggle__wired_headset_usb" > 有线耳机( USB) </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "WebRtcCallControls_answer_call_description" > 接听来电</string>
<string name= "WebRtcCallControls_reject_call_description" > 拒接来电</string>
<!-- change_passphrase_activity -->
<string name= "change_passphrase_activity__old_passphrase" > 旧密码</string>
<string name= "change_passphrase_activity__new_passphrase" > 新密码</string>
<string name= "change_passphrase_activity__repeat_new_passphrase" > 重复新密码</string>
<!-- contact_selection_activity -->
<string name= "contact_selection_activity__invite_to_signal" > 邀请使用 Signal</string>
<string name= "contact_selection_activity__new_group" > 新建群组</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Row item title for refreshing contacts -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "contact_selection_activity__refresh_contacts" > 刷新联系人</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Row item description for refreshing contacts -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "contact_selection_activity__missing_someone" > 找不到某个好友?请刷新试试</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Row header title for more section -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "contact_selection_activity__more" > 更多</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- contact_filter_toolbar -->
<string name= "contact_filter_toolbar__clear_entered_text_description" > 清除已输入文字</string>
<string name= "contact_filter_toolbar__show_keyboard_description" > 显示键盘</string>
<string name= "contact_filter_toolbar__show_dial_pad_description" > 显示拨号键盘</string>
<!-- contact_selection_group_activity -->
<string name= "contact_selection_group_activity__no_contacts" > 没有联系人。</string>
<string name= "contact_selection_group_activity__finding_contacts" > 加载联系人…</string>
<!-- single_contact_selection_activity -->
<string name= "SingleContactSelectionActivity_contact_photo" > 联系人图片</string>
<!-- ContactSelectionListFragment -->
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_signal_requires_the_contacts_permission_in_order_to_display_your_contacts" > Signal 需“联系人”权限,来显示联系人,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“联系人”。</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_error_retrieving_contacts_check_your_network_connection" > 获取联系人出错,请检查您的网络连接</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_username_not_found" > 未找到该用户名</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_s_is_not_a_signal_user" > "“%1$s”不是 Signal 用户,请检查用户名并重试。"</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_you_do_not_need_to_add_yourself_to_the_group" > 您不需要将自己添加到群组中</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_maximum_group_size_reached" > 已达到群组人数上限</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_signal_groups_can_have_a_maximum_of_d_members" > Signal 群组最多可有 %1$d 个成员。</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_recommended_member_limit_reached" > 已达到建议成员数上限</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_signal_groups_perform_best_with_d_members_or_fewer" > 成员不多于 %1$d 时 Signal 群组性能最佳。更多成员可造成消息接发延迟。</string>
<plurals name= "ContactSelectionListFragment_d_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个成员</item>
<!-- contact_selection_list_fragment -->
<string name= "contact_selection_list_fragment__signal_needs_access_to_your_contacts_in_order_to_display_them" > 为了显示联系人, Signal 需要其访问权限。</string>
<string name= "contact_selection_list_fragment__show_contacts" > 显示联系人</string>
<!-- contact_selection_list_item -->
<plurals name= "contact_selection_list_item__number_of_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d位成员</item>
<!-- Displays number of viewers for a story -->
<plurals name= "contact_selection_list_item__number_of_viewers" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 位访客</item>
<!-- conversation_activity -->
<string name= "conversation_activity__type_message_push" > 发送 Signal 消息</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__type_message_sms_insecure" > 不安全短信</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__type_message_mms_insecure" > 不安全彩信</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- Option in send button context menu to schedule the message instead of sending it directly -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "conversation_activity__option_schedule_message" > 定时发送消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_activity__from_sim_name" > 来自 %1$s</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__sim_n" > SIM %1$d</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__send" > 发送</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__compose_description" > 编写消息</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__emoji_toggle_description" > 切换表情键盘</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__attachment_thumbnail" > 附件缩略图</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__quick_attachment_drawer_toggle_camera_description" > 切换快速相机附件抽屉</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__quick_attachment_drawer_record_and_send_audio_description" > 录音并分享附件</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__quick_attachment_drawer_lock_record_description" > 锁定音频附件录音状态</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__enable_signal_for_sms" > 启用 Signal 短信功能</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__message_could_not_be_sent" > 无法发送消息,请检查您的网络后再试。</string>
<!-- conversation_input_panel -->
<string name= "conversation_input_panel__slide_to_cancel" > 滑动取消</string>
<string name= "conversation_input_panel__cancel" > 取消</string>
<!-- conversation_item -->
<string name= "conversation_item__mms_image_description" > 媒体消息</string>
<string name= "conversation_item__secure_message_description" > 安全消息</string>
<!-- conversation_item_sent -->
<string name= "conversation_item_sent__send_failed_indicator_description" > 发送失败</string>
<string name= "conversation_item_sent__pending_approval_description" > 待处理审批</string>
<string name= "conversation_item_sent__delivered_description" > 已送达</string>
<string name= "conversation_item_sent__message_read" > 消息已读</string>
<!-- conversation_item_received -->
<string name= "conversation_item_received__contact_photo_description" > 联系人图片</string>
<!-- ConversationUpdateItem -->
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_loading" > 正在加载</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_join_call" > 加入通话</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_return_to_call" > 回到通话</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_call_is_full" > 通话人数已满</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_invite_friends" > 邀请好友</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_enable_call_notifications" > 启用通话通知</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_update_contact" > 更新联系人</string>
<!-- Update item button text to show to block a recipient from requesting to join via group link -->
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_block_request" > 屏蔽请求</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_no_groups_in_common_review_requests_carefully" > 无共同群组。请仔细审查请求。</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_no_contacts_in_this_group_review_requests_carefully" > 该群组无联系人。请仔细审查请求。</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_view" > 查看</string>
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_the_disappearing_message_time_will_be_set_to_s_when_you_message_them" > 在您向他们发送消息时,限时消息时间将设置为 %1$s。</string>
<!-- Update item button text to show to boost a feature -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_donate" > 捐款</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Update item button text to send payment -->
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_send_payment" > 发送付款</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Update item button text to activate payments -->
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_activate_payments" > 激活付款</string>
2023-04-12 16:58:53 -04:00
<!-- Update item alerting the user they hid this person and that they can message them to unhide them -->
2023-04-14 16:38:20 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationUpdateItem_hidden_contact_message_to_add_back" > 你已移除该用户,与对方发送消息会将其重新添加到您的列表中。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- audio_view -->
<string name= "audio_view__play_pause_accessibility_description" > 播放 … 暂停</string>
<string name= "audio_view__download_accessibility_description" > 下载</string>
<!-- QuoteView -->
<string name= "QuoteView_audio" > 音频</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_video" > 视频</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_photo" > 图片</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_gif" > GIF</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_view_once_media" > 一次性媒体</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_sticker" > 表情</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_you" > 您</string>
<string name= "QuoteView_original_missing" > 未找到原始消息</string>
<!-- Author formatting for group stories -->
<string name= "QuoteView_s_story" > %1$s · 动态</string>
<!-- Label indicating that a quote is for a reply to a story you created -->
<string name= "QuoteView_your_story" > 您 · 动态</string>
<!-- Label indicating that the story being replied to no longer exists -->
<string name= "QuoteView_no_longer_available" > 已不存在</string>
<!-- Label for quoted gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "QuoteView__donation_for_a_friend" > 代朋友捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- ConversationParentFragment -->
<!-- Title for dialog warning about lacking bluetooth permissions during a voice message -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationParentFragment__bluetooth_permission_denied" > 蓝牙权限被拒</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Message for dialog warning about lacking bluetooth permissions during a voice message and references the permission needed by name -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationParentFragment__please_enable_the_nearby_devices_permission_to_use_bluetooth_during_a_call" > 请启用“附近的设备”权限以便使用蓝牙录制语音消息。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Positive action for bluetooth warning dialog to open settings -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationParentFragment__open_settings" > 打开设置</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Negative action for bluetooth warning dialog to dismiss dialog -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationParentFragment__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- conversation_fragment -->
<string name= "conversation_fragment__scroll_to_the_bottom_content_description" > 滚动到底部</string>
<!-- BubbleOptOutTooltip -->
<!-- Message to inform the user of what Android chat bubbles are -->
<string name= "BubbleOptOutTooltip__description" > 气泡是 Android 版的功能,您可以为 Signal 聊天关闭该功能。</string>
<!-- Button to dismiss the tooltip for opting out of using Android bubbles -->
<string name= "BubbleOptOutTooltip__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- Button to move to the system settings to control the use of Android bubbles -->
<string name= "BubbleOptOutTooltip__turn_off" > 关闭</string>
<!-- safety_number_change_dialog -->
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__safety_number_changes" > 安全码更变</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__accept" > 接受</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__call_anyway" > 仍要呼叫</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__join_call" > 加入通话</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__continue_call" > 继续通话</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__leave_call" > 离开通话</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__the_following_people_may_have_reinstalled_or_changed_devices" > 以下用户可能重新安装了 Signal 或更换了设备,请重新与之验证安全码以保护您的隐私。</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__view" > 查看</string>
<string name= "safety_number_change_dialog__previous_verified" > 已验证</string>
<!-- EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__call_notifications_checklist -->
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__call_notifications_enabled" > 通话通知已启用。</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__enable_call_notifications" > 启用通话通知</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__enable_background_activity" > 启用背景活动</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__everything_looks_good_now" > 目前看起来一切正常!</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__to_receive_call_notifications_tap_here_and_turn_on_show_notifications" > 为了接收通话通知,请点击此处并开启“显示通知”。</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__to_receive_call_notifications_tap_here_and_turn_on_notifications" > 为了接收通话通知,请点击此处并开启通知,以及确保已启用“声音”和“弹出”。</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__to_receive_call_notifications_tap_here_and_enable_background_activity_in_battery_settings" > 为了接收通话通知,请点击此处并启用“电池”设置下的背景活动。 </string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__settings" > 设置</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__to_receive_call_notifications_tap_settings_and_turn_on_show_notifications" > 为了接收通话通知,请点击设置并开启“显示通知”。</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__to_receive_call_notifications_tap_settings_and_turn_on_notifications" > 为了接收通话通知,请点击此处并开启通知,以及确保已启用“声音”和“弹出”。</string>
<string name= "EnableCallNotificationSettingsDialog__to_receive_call_notifications_tap_settings_and_enable_background_activity_in_battery_settings" > 为了接收通话通知,请点击设置并启用“电池”设置下的背景活动。</string>
<!-- country_selection_fragment -->
<string name= "country_selection_fragment__loading_countries" > 正在加载国家…</string>
<string name= "country_selection_fragment__search" > 搜索</string>
<string name= "country_selection_fragment__no_matching_countries" > 没有相应国家</string>
<!-- device_add_fragment -->
<string name= "device_add_fragment__scan_the_qr_code_displayed_on_the_device_to_link" > 扫描设备上显示的二维码进行关联</string>
<!-- device_link_fragment -->
<string name= "device_link_fragment__link_device" > 关联设备</string>
<!-- device_list_fragment -->
<string name= "device_list_fragment__no_devices_linked" > 无关联设备</string>
<string name= "device_list_fragment__link_new_device" > 关联新设备</string>
<!-- expiration -->
<string name= "expiration_off" > 关</string>
<plurals name= "expiration_seconds" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 秒</item>
<string name= "expiration_seconds_abbreviated" > %1$d 秒</string>
<plurals name= "expiration_minutes" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 分钟</item>
<string name= "expiration_minutes_abbreviated" > %1$d 分钟</string>
<plurals name= "expiration_hours" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 小时</item>
<string name= "expiration_hours_abbreviated" > %1$d 小时</string>
<plurals name= "expiration_days" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 天</item>
<string name= "expiration_days_abbreviated" > %1$d 天</string>
<plurals name= "expiration_weeks" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 周</item>
<string name= "expiration_weeks_abbreviated" > %1$d 周</string>
<string name= "expiration_combined" > %1$s %2$s</string>
<!-- unverified safety numbers -->
<string name= "IdentityUtil_unverified_banner_one" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码已更改,并不再标识为已验证</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_unverified_banner_two" > 您与 %1$s 和 %2$s 的安全码已不再标识未已验证</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_unverified_banner_many" > 您与 %1$s、%2$s 和 %3$s 的安全码已不再标识为已验证</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_unverified_dialog_one" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码已更改,并不再标识为已验证。可能有人试图截获你的通信,或者只是 %1$s 重装了 Signal。</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_unverified_dialog_two" > 您与 %1$s 和 %2$s 的安全码不再标识为已验证。可能有人试图截获你的通信,或者只是他们重装了 Signal。</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_unverified_dialog_many" > 您与 %1$s、%2$s 和 %3$s 的安全码不再标识为已验证。可能有人试图截获你的通信,或者只是他们重装了 Signal。</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_untrusted_dialog_one" > 您与 %1$s 的安全码刚刚更改。</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_untrusted_dialog_two" > 您与 %1$s 和 %2$s 的安全码刚刚更改。</string>
<string name= "IdentityUtil_untrusted_dialog_many" > 您与 %1$s、%2$s 和 %3$s 的安全码刚刚更改。</string>
<plurals name= "identity_others" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个其他人</item>
<!-- giphy_activity -->
<string name= "giphy_activity_toolbar__search_gifs" > 搜索 GIF 图片</string>
<!-- giphy_fragment -->
<string name= "giphy_fragment__nothing_found" > 未找到</string>
<!-- database_migration_activity -->
<string name= "database_migration_activity__would_you_like_to_import_your_existing_text_messages" > 是否将现有短信导入至 Signal 加密数据库?</string>
<string name= "database_migration_activity__the_default_system_database_will_not_be_modified" > 默认系统数据库不会发生任何形式的修改或变更。</string>
<string name= "database_migration_activity__skip" > 跳过</string>
<string name= "database_migration_activity__import" > 导入</string>
<string name= "database_migration_activity__this_could_take_a_moment_please_be_patient" > 这可能需要一段时间,请耐心等待。导入完成之后,将提示通知。</string>
<string name= "database_migration_activity__importing" > 正在导入</string>
<!-- load_more_header -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "load_more_header__see_full_conversation" > 查看完整聊天</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "load_more_header__loading" > 正在加载</string>
<!-- media_overview_activity -->
<string name= "media_overview_activity__no_media" > 无媒体</string>
<!-- message_recipients_list_item -->
<string name= "message_recipients_list_item__view" > 查看</string>
<string name= "message_recipients_list_item__resend" > 重新发送</string>
<!-- Displayed in a toast when user long presses an item in MyStories -->
<string name= "MyStoriesFragment__copied_sent_timestamp_to_clipboard" > 发送的时间戳已复制到剪贴板。</string>
<!-- Displayed when there are no outgoing stories -->
<string name= "MyStoriesFragment__updates_to_your_story_will_show_up_here" > 您的动态更新将会在这里显示。</string>
<!-- GroupUtil -->
<plurals name= "GroupUtil_joined_the_group" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s 加入群组。</item>
<string name= "GroupUtil_group_name_is_now" > 现在群组名称为“%1$s”。</string>
<!-- prompt_passphrase_activity -->
<string name= "prompt_passphrase_activity__unlock" > 解锁</string>
<!-- prompt_mms_activity -->
<string name= "prompt_mms_activity__signal_requires_mms_settings_to_deliver_media_and_group_messages" > 为了通过电信运营商发送媒体和群组消息, Signal 需要访问彩信设置。无法从你的设备获取相关信息。对于锁定设备或限制性配置的设备,有时存在这种情况。</string>
<string name= "prompt_mms_activity__to_send_media_and_group_messages_tap_ok" > 如需发送媒体和群组消息,点击“确定”并完成所需的设置。通常可搜索“运营商 APN”, 来找到相应的彩信设置。该操作只需进行一次。</string>
<!-- BadDecryptLearnMoreDialog -->
<string name= "BadDecryptLearnMoreDialog_delivery_issue" > 发送问题</string>
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "BadDecryptLearnMoreDialog_couldnt_be_delivered_individual" > 来自 %1$s 的消息、贴纸、回应或已读回执无法发送给您。对方可能曾经尝试直接发送给您,或在群组中发送。</string>
<string name= "BadDecryptLearnMoreDialog_couldnt_be_delivered_group" > 来自 %1$s 的消息、贴纸、回应或已读回执无法发送给您。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- profile_create_activity -->
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_first_name_required" > 名字(必需)</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_last_name_optional" > 姓氏(可选)</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_custom_mms_group_names_and_photos_will_only_be_visible_to_you" > 自定义MMS群组名称和图片将仅对你可见。</string>
<string name= "CreateProfileActivity_group_descriptions_will_be_visible_to_members_of_this_group_and_people_who_have_been_invited" > 群组描述对于该群组成员以及受邀人可见。</string>
<!-- EditAboutFragment -->
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_about" > 关于</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_write_a_few_words_about_yourself" > 简单介绍下自己…</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_count" > %1$d/%2$d</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_speak_freely" > 畅所欲言</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_encrypted" > 已加密</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_be_kind" > 温和且无害</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_coffee_lover" > 咖啡爱好者</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_free_to_chat" > 陪聊不收费</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_taking_a_break" > 休息一下下</string>
<string name= "EditAboutFragment_working_on_something_new" > 打磨新玩意儿</string>
<!-- EditProfileFragment -->
<string name= "EditProfileFragment__edit_group" > 编辑群组</string>
<string name= "EditProfileFragment__group_name" > 群组名称</string>
<string name= "EditProfileFragment__group_description" > 群组描述</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="EditProfileFragment__support_link" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- EditProfileNameFragment -->
<string name= "EditProfileNameFragment_your_name" > 你的名字</string>
<string name= "EditProfileNameFragment_first_name" > 名</string>
<string name= "EditProfileNameFragment_last_name_optional" > 姓氏(可选)</string>
<string name= "EditProfileNameFragment_save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "EditProfileNameFragment_failed_to_save_due_to_network_issues_try_again_later" > 因网络故障无法保存,请稍后再试。</string>
<!-- recipient_preferences_activity -->
<string name= "recipient_preference_activity__shared_media" > 分享媒体</string>
<!-- recipients_panel -->
<!-- verify_display_fragment -->
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__to_verify_the_security_of_your_end_to_end_encryption_with_s" > <![CDATA[如要验证您与%1$s的端对端加密安全性, 请将上方的数字与对方的设备比对。您还可以扫描对方手机上的二维码。<a href=\"https://signal.org/redirect/safety-numbers\">了解详情。</a>]]> </string>
2023-07-20 17:08:55 -04:00
<!-- Explanation of how to verify the safety numbers. %s is replaced with the name of the other recipient -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__pnp_verify_safety_numbers_explanation_with_s" > 如要验证您与%1$s的端对端加密安全性, 请将上方的色卡与对方的设备匹配, 并比对安全码。如果二者不匹配, 请滑动并尝试另一对安全码。验证仅需匹配一对安全码。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__tap_to_scan" > 点击扫描</string>
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__successful_match" > 成功匹配</string>
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__failed_to_verify_safety_number" > 验证安全码失败</string>
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__loading" > 正在加载…</string>
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__mark_as_verified" > 标记为已验证</string>
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__clear_verification" > 清除验证</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Banner at top of safety numbers screen explaining that we\'re updating how safety numbers work. -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "verify_display_fragment__safety_numbers_are_updating_banner_no_learn_more" > 安全码正在更新中。</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Title for dialog explaining for how safety numbers are transitioning to support usernames -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "PnpSafetyNumberEducationDialog__title" > 关于安全码的变更</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Message for dialog explaining for how safety numbers are transitioning to support usernames -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "PnpSafetyNumberEducationDialog__body" > 安全码将在过渡期内更新,以启用 Signal 即将推出的隐私功能。\n\n如要验证安全码, 请将色卡与联系人的设备匹配。如果二者不匹配, 请滑动并尝试另一对安全码。验证仅需匹配一对安全码。</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Button for more information about the safety number changes. Takes user to support article -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "PnpSafetyNumberEducationDialog__help" > 需要协助?</string>
2023-07-19 17:22:58 -04:00
<!-- Confirmation button for educating users about new safety number changes -->
2023-07-21 22:30:36 -04:00
<string name= "PnpSafetyNumberEducationDialog__confirm" > 知道了</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- verify_identity -->
<string name= "verify_identity__share_safety_number" > 分享安全码</string>
<!-- verity_scan_fragment -->
<string name= "verify_scan_fragment__scan_the_qr_code_on_your_contact" > 在你联系人设备上扫描QR码</string>
<!-- webrtc_answer_decline_button -->
<string name= "webrtc_answer_decline_button__swipe_up_to_answer" > 上滑接听</string>
<string name= "webrtc_answer_decline_button__swipe_down_to_reject" > 下滑拒接</string>
<!-- message_details_header -->
<string name= "message_details_header__issues_need_your_attention" > 出现故障,请注意。</string>
<string name= "message_details_header_sent" > 发送</string>
<string name= "message_details_header_received" > 接收</string>
<string name= "message_details_header_disappears" > 消失</string>
<string name= "message_details_header_via" > 通道</string>
<!-- message_details_recipient_header -->
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__pending_send" > 处理中</string>
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__sent_to" > 已发送</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__sent_from" > 收自</string>
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__delivered_to" > 送达</string>
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__read_by" > 已读</string>
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__not_sent" > 未发</string>
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__viewed" > 已查看:</string>
<string name= "message_details_recipient_header__skipped" > 已跳过</string>
<!-- message_Details_recipient -->
<string name= "message_details_recipient__failed_to_send" > 发送失败</string>
<string name= "message_details_recipient__new_safety_number" > 新的安全码</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Button text shown in message details when the message has an edit history and this will let them view the history -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "MessageDetails__view_edit_history" > 查看编辑历史</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- AndroidManifest.xml -->
<string name= "AndroidManifest__create_passphrase" > 创建密码</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__select_contacts" > 选择联系人</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__change_passphrase" > 修改密码</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__verify_safety_number" > 验证安全码</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__media_preview" > 媒体预览</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__message_details" > 消息详情</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__linked_devices" > 已关联设备</string>
<string name= "AndroidManifest__invite_friends" > 邀请好友</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "AndroidManifest_archived_conversations" > 已存档聊天</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "AndroidManifest_remove_photo" > 删除图片</string>
<!-- HelpFragment -->
<string name= "HelpFragment__have_you_read_our_faq_yet" > 您阅读常见问题了吗?</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__contact_us" > 联系我们</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__tell_us_whats_going_on" > 告诉我们发生了什么</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__include_debug_log" > 包括调试日志。</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__whats_this" > 这是什么?</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__how_do_you_feel" > 你觉得怎么样? (可选的)</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__tell_us_why_youre_reaching_out" > 请告知您联系我们的因由。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__emoji_5" translatable="false">emoji_5</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__emoji_4" translatable="false">emoji_4</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__emoji_3" translatable="false">emoji_3</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__emoji_2" translatable="false">emoji_2</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__emoji_1" translatable="false">emoji_1</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__link__debug_info" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007318591</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="HelpFragment__link__faq" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "HelpFragment__support_info" > 支持信息</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__signal_android_support_request" > Signal Android支持请求</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__debug_log" > 调试日志:</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__could_not_upload_logs" > 无法上传日志</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__please_be_as_descriptive_as_possible" > 请尽可能描述一下,以帮助我们理解该问题。</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<string-array name= "HelpFragment__categories_5" >
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<item > \\-\\- 请选择一个选项 \\-\\-</item>
<item > 系统异常</item>
<item > 功能请求</item>
<item > 问题</item>
<item > 反馈</item>
<item > 其他</item>
<item > 付款( MobileCoin) </item>
<item > 捐款和徽章</item>
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<item > 短信导出</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__this_message" > 此消息</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__recently_used" > 最近使用</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__smileys_and_people" > 笑脸和情感</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__nature" > 自然</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__food" > 食物</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__activities" > 活动</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__places" > 地点</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__objects" > 物品</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__symbols" > 符号</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__flags" > 旗帜</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__emoticons" > 颜文字</string>
<string name= "ReactWithAnyEmojiBottomSheetDialogFragment__no_results_found" > 未找到结果</string>
<!-- arrays.xml -->
<string name= "arrays__use_default" > 使用默认</string>
<string name= "arrays__use_custom" > 使用自定义</string>
<string name= "arrays__mute_for_one_hour" > 静音 1 小时</string>
<string name= "arrays__mute_for_eight_hours" > 静音 8 小时</string>
<string name= "arrays__mute_for_one_day" > 静音 1 天</string>
<string name= "arrays__mute_for_seven_days" > 静音 7 天</string>
<string name= "arrays__always" > 总是</string>
<string name= "arrays__settings_default" > 默认设置</string>
<string name= "arrays__enabled" > 启用</string>
<string name= "arrays__disabled" > 禁用</string>
<string name= "arrays__name_and_message" > 名字和消息</string>
<string name= "arrays__name_only" > 仅名字</string>
<string name= "arrays__no_name_or_message" > 无名字或消息</string>
<string name= "arrays__images" > 图片</string>
<string name= "arrays__audio" > 音频</string>
<string name= "arrays__video" > 视频</string>
<string name= "arrays__documents" > 文档</string>
<string name= "arrays__small" > 小尺寸</string>
<string name= "arrays__normal" > 正常尺寸</string>
<string name= "arrays__large" > 大尺寸</string>
<string name= "arrays__extra_large" > 超大尺寸</string>
<string name= "arrays__default" > 默认</string>
<string name= "arrays__high" > 高</string>
<string name= "arrays__max" > 最大</string>
<!-- plurals.xml -->
<plurals name= "hours_ago" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 小时</item>
<!-- preferences.xml -->
<string name= "preferences_beta" > Beta</string>
<string name= "preferences__sms_mms" > 短信和彩信</string>
<string name= "preferences__pref_use_address_book_photos" > 使用通讯录图片</string>
<string name= "preferences__display_contact_photos_from_your_address_book_if_available" > 显示通讯录中联系人图片(若可用)</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Preference menu item title for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "preferences__pref_keep_muted_chats_archived" > 继续存档静音聊天</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<!-- Preference menu item description for a toggle switch for preserving the archived state of muted chats. -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "preferences__muted_chats_that_are_archived_will_remain_archived" > 当收到新消息时,已存档的静音聊天将会保持存档状态。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__generate_link_previews" > 生成链接预览</string>
<string name= "preferences__retrieve_link_previews_from_websites_for_messages" > 直接从您发送的链接网站中生成预览。</string>
<string name= "preferences__change_passphrase" > 修改密码</string>
<string name= "preferences__change_your_passphrase" > 修改您的密码</string>
<string name= "preferences__enable_passphrase" > 启用屏幕锁定密码</string>
<string name= "preferences__lock_signal_and_message_notifications_with_a_passphrase" > 使用密码锁定屏幕和通知</string>
<string name= "preferences__screen_security" > 屏幕安全</string>
<string name= "preferences__auto_lock_signal_after_a_specified_time_interval_of_inactivity" > 如果 Signal 非活动状态超过指定时间,自动锁定</string>
<string name= "preferences__inactivity_timeout_passphrase" > 非活动逾时密码</string>
<string name= "preferences__inactivity_timeout_interval" > 非活动逾时时长</string>
<string name= "preferences__notifications" > 通知</string>
<string name= "preferences__led_color" > LED 颜色</string>
<string name= "preferences__led_color_unknown" > 未知</string>
<string name= "preferences__pref_led_blink_title" > LED 闪烁模式</string>
<string name= "preferences__customize" > 自定义</string>
<string name= "preferences__change_sound_and_vibration" > 更改音效和振动模式</string>
<string name= "preferences__sound" > 声音</string>
<string name= "preferences__silent" > 无提示</string>
<string name= "preferences__default" > 默认</string>
<string name= "preferences__repeat_alerts" > 通知重复</string>
<string name= "preferences__never" > 永不</string>
<string name= "preferences__one_time" > 一次</string>
<string name= "preferences__two_times" > 两次</string>
<string name= "preferences__three_times" > 三次</string>
<string name= "preferences__five_times" > 五次</string>
<string name= "preferences__ten_times" > 十次</string>
<string name= "preferences__vibrate" > 振动</string>
<string name= "preferences__green" > 绿色</string>
<string name= "preferences__red" > 红色</string>
<string name= "preferences__blue" > 蓝色</string>
<string name= "preferences__orange" > 橙色</string>
<string name= "preferences__cyan" > 蓝绿色</string>
<string name= "preferences__magenta" > 洋红色</string>
<string name= "preferences__white" > 白色</string>
<string name= "preferences__none" > 无</string>
<string name= "preferences__fast" > 快速</string>
<string name= "preferences__normal" > 正常</string>
<string name= "preferences__slow" > 缓慢</string>
<string name= "preferences__help" > 帮助</string>
<string name= "preferences__advanced" > 高级</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "preferences__donate_to_signal" > 捐款给 Signal</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Preference label for making one - time donations to Signal -->
<string name= "preferences__privacy" > 隐私</string>
<!-- Preference label for stories -->
<string name= "preferences__stories" > 动态</string>
<string name= "preferences__mms_user_agent" > 彩信用户代理</string>
<string name= "preferences__advanced_mms_access_point_names" > 手动设置彩信</string>
<string name= "preferences__mmsc_url" > MMSC URL</string>
<string name= "preferences__mms_proxy_host" > 彩信代理主机</string>
<string name= "preferences__mms_proxy_port" > 彩信代理端口</string>
<string name= "preferences__mmsc_username" > MMSC 用户名</string>
<string name= "preferences__mmsc_password" > MMSC 密码</string>
<string name= "preferences__sms_delivery_reports" > 短信送达报告</string>
<string name= "preferences__request_a_delivery_report_for_each_sms_message_you_send" > 为每一条发送的短信请求送达报告</string>
<string name= "preferences__data_and_storage" > 数据和存储</string>
<string name= "preferences__storage" > 存储</string>
<string name= "preferences__payments" > 付款</string>
<!-- Privacy settings payments section description -->
<string name= "preferences__payment_lock" > 付款锁</string>
<string name= "preferences__payments_beta" > 付款( Beta 版)</string>
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__conversation_length_limit" > 聊天中的最大消息数量</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__keep_messages" > 保留消息</string>
<string name= "preferences__clear_message_history" > 清除消息记录</string>
<string name= "preferences__linked_devices" > 已关联设备</string>
<string name= "preferences__light_theme" > 浅色</string>
<string name= "preferences__dark_theme" > 深色</string>
<string name= "preferences__appearance" > 外观</string>
<string name= "preferences__theme" > 主题</string>
<string name= "preferences__chat_color_and_wallpaper" > 聊天颜色与墙纸</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Clickable settings text allowing the user to change the icon visible on their phone\'s home screen. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon" > 应用图标</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Approval for changing the app icon. -->
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_dialog_ok" > 好</string>
<!-- Cancelling the operation of changing the app icon. -->
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_dialog_cancel" > 取消</string>
<!-- Title for the confirmation dialog of changing the app icon. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_dialog_title" > 更改应用图标并将其命名为“%1$s”</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Description for the confirmation dialog of changing the app icon. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_dialog_description" > Signal 需要关闭以更改应用图标和名称。通知将始终显示默认的 Signal 图标和名称。</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Visible warning label for the limitations of changing the app icon with learn more call to action. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_warning_learn_more" > 请选择一个应用图标和名称,这将显示在您手机的主屏幕和应用程序抽屉中。通知将始终显示默认的 Signal 图标和名称。了解详情</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Visible warning label for the limitations of changing the app icon. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_warning" > 应用图标和名称将显示在主屏幕和应用程序抽屉中。</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Visible warning label explaining that changing the app icon and name does not affect notifications. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_notification_warning" > 通知将始终显示默认的 Signal 图标和名称。</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Call to action to get more information about the limitations of the change app icon functionality. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Text description of the app icon option for visually impaired users. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__app_icon_content_description" > %1$s 的图标</string>
2023-05-18 20:28:13 -04:00
<!-- Text description of a graphic illustrating the limitations of the app icon change. -->
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__graphic_illustrating_where_the_replacement_app_icon_will_be_visible" > 图片说明了替代的应用图标将在哪里可见。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__disable_pin" > 禁用 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "preferences__enable_pin" > 启用 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "preferences__if_you_disable_the_pin_you_will_lose_all_data" > 如果禁用 PIN 码,重新注册 Signal 时全部数据将丢失, 除非使用手动备份并还原。PIN 码禁用时,无法启用注册锁定。</string>
<string name= "preferences__pins_keep_information_stored_with_signal_encrypted_so_only_you_can_access_it" > PIN 用于加密 Signal 存储的信息,这样只有你可以访问。重装之后,可还原你的个人资料、设置和联系人。打开 Signal 无需使用 PIN。</string>
<string name= "preferences__system_default" > 系统默认</string>
<string name= "preferences__language" > 语言</string>
<string name= "preferences__signal_messages_and_calls" > Signal 消息和通话</string>
<string name= "preferences__advanced_pin_settings" > 高级 PIN 设置</string>
<string name= "preferences__free_private_messages_and_calls" > Signal 用户可使用免费的加密消息和通话</string>
<string name= "preferences__submit_debug_log" > 提交调试日志</string>
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "preferences__delete_account" > 删除账户</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "preferences__support_wifi_calling" > “WiFi 呼叫”兼容模式</string>
<string name= "preferences__enable_if_your_device_supports_sms_mms_delivery_over_wifi" > 当设备通过 WiFi 发送短信或彩信时, 请启用( 仅当设备启用“WiFi 呼叫”时,启用该选项)</string>
<string name= "preferences__incognito_keyboard" > 隐身键盘</string>
<string name= "preferences__read_receipts" > 已读回执</string>
<string name= "preferences__if_read_receipts_are_disabled_you_wont_be_able_to_see_read_receipts" > 禁用已读回执之后,将无法查看来其他用户的已读回执。</string>
<string name= "preferences__typing_indicators" > “正在输入”提示</string>
<string name= "preferences__if_typing_indicators_are_disabled_you_wont_be_able_to_see_typing_indicators" > 禁用“正在输入”提示之后,无法查看其他用户的正在输入状态。</string>
<string name= "preferences__request_keyboard_to_disable" > 请求键盘禁用个性化学习。</string>
<string name= "preferences__this_setting_is_not_a_guarantee" > 该设置并非保证,您的键盘可能忽略该设置。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="preferences__incognito_keyboard_learn_more" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360055276112</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_chats__when_using_mobile_data" > 当使用移动数据时</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__when_using_wifi" > 当使用 WiFi 时</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__when_roaming" > 当漫游时</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__media_auto_download" > 自动下载媒体</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__message_history" > 消息记录</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__storage_usage" > 存储使用量</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__photos" > 图片</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__videos" > 视频</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__files" > 文件</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__audio" > 音频</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__review_storage" > 查看存储</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__delete_older_messages" > 删除更早消息?</string>
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_storage__clear_message_history" > 要清除消息记录吗?</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__this_will_permanently_delete_all_message_history_and_media" > 这将从您的设备中永久删除所有早于 %1$s的消息记录和媒体文件。</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- The body of an alert dialog that is shown when confirming a trim operation. Trimming will delete all but the most recent messages in a chat. The placeholder represents how many messages are kept in each chat. All older messages are deleted. -->
<plurals name= "preferences_storage__this_will_permanently_trim_all_conversations_to_the_d_most_recent_messages" >
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 这将永久删减所有聊天,使之仅保留最近 %1$s 条消息。</item>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_storage__this_will_delete_all_message_history_and_media_from_your_device" > 这将从您的设备中永久删除所有消息记录和媒体文件。</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_all_message_history" > 您确定要删除所有消息记录吗?</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__all_message_history_will_be_permanently_removed_this_action_cannot_be_undone" > 所有消息记录将会被永久删除。此操作无法撤销。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_storage__delete_all_now" > 马上删除所有</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__forever" > 永久</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__one_year" > 1 年</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__six_months" > 6 个月</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__thirty_days" > 30 天</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__none" > 无</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__s_messages" > %1$s 条消息</string>
<string name= "preferences_storage__custom" > 自定义</string>
<string name= "preferences_advanced__use_system_emoji" > 使用系统表情符号</string>
<string name= "preferences_advanced__relay_all_calls_through_the_signal_server_to_avoid_revealing_your_ip_address" > 通过 Signal 服务器中转全部通话,避免向联系人显示 IP 地址。启用该选项会降低通话质量。</string>
<string name= "preferences_advanced__always_relay_calls" > 总是转发通话</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__who_can" > 谁能…</string>
<!-- Privacy settings payments section title -->
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__payments" > 付款</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__chats" > 聊天</string>
<string name= "preferences_data_and_storage__manage_storage" > 管理存储</string>
<string name= "preferences_data_and_storage__use_less_data_for_calls" > 通话使用更少数据</string>
<string name= "preferences_data_and_storage__never" > 永不</string>
<string name= "preferences_data_and_storage__wifi_and_mobile_data" > WiFi 和移动数据</string>
<string name= "preferences_data_and_storage__mobile_data_only" > 仅移动数据</string>
<string name= "preference_data_and_storage__using_less_data_may_improve_calls_on_bad_networks" > 网络较差时,使用更少数据可能改善通话</string>
<string name= "preferences_notifications__in_chat_sounds" > 聊天音效</string>
<string name= "preferences_notifications__show" > 显示</string>
<string name= "preferences_notifications__ringtone" > 铃声</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__message_text_size" > 消息字体大小</string>
<string name= "preferences_notifications__priority" > 优先级</string>
<!-- Heading for the \'censorship circumvention\' section of privacy preferences -->
<string name= "preferences_communication__category_censorship_circumvention" > 审查规避</string>
<!-- Title of the \'censorship circumvention\' toggle switch -->
<string name= "preferences_communication__censorship_circumvention" > 审查规避</string>
<string name= "preferences_communication__censorship_circumvention_if_enabled_signal_will_attempt_to_circumvent_censorship" > 若启用, Signal 会尝试规避审查。除非 Signal 在您所在地受到审查,否则不要打开该功能。</string>
<!-- Summary text for \'censorship circumvention\' toggle. Indicates that we automatically enabled it because we believe you\'re in a censored country -->
<string name= "preferences_communication__censorship_circumvention_has_been_activated_based_on_your_accounts_phone_number" > 已根据您的电话号码启动审查规避。</string>
<!-- Summary text for \'censorship circumvention\' toggle. Indicates that you disabled it even though we believe you\'re in a censored country -->
<string name= "preferences_communication__censorship_circumvention_you_have_manually_disabled" > 您已手动禁用了审查规避功能</string>
<!-- Summary text for \'censorship circumvention\' toggle. Indicates that you cannot use it because you\'re already connected to the Signal service -->
<string name= "preferences_communication__censorship_circumvention_is_not_necessary_you_are_already_connected" > 不需要规避审查;您已连接上了 Signal 服务。</string>
<!-- Summary text for \'censorship circumvention\' toggle. Indicates that you cannot use it because you\'re not connected to the internet -->
<string name= "preferences_communication__censorship_circumvention_can_only_be_activated_when_connected_to_the_internet" > 审查规避只能在联网时启动。</string>
<string name= "preferences_communication__category_sealed_sender" > 密封发送人</string>
<string name= "preferences_communication__sealed_sender_allow_from_anyone" > 允许来自任何人</string>
<string name= "preferences_communication__sealed_sender_allow_from_anyone_description" > 对于非联系人和未与其分享个人资料的其他人,启用传入消息的密封发送人功能。</string>
<string name= "preferences_communication__sealed_sender_learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
<string name= "preferences_setup_a_username" > 设置用户名</string>
<string name= "preferences_proxy" > 代理</string>
<string name= "preferences_use_proxy" > 使用代理</string>
<string name= "preferences_off" > 关</string>
<string name= "preferences_on" > 开启</string>
<string name= "preferences_proxy_address" > 代理地址</string>
<string name= "preferences_only_use_a_proxy_if" > 仅在无法通过移动数据或 Wi-Fi 连接 Signal 时,使用代理。</string>
<string name= "preferences_share" > 分享</string>
<string name= "preferences_save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "preferences_connecting_to_proxy" > 正在连接代理…</string>
<string name= "preferences_connected_to_proxy" > 已连接代理</string>
<string name= "preferences_connection_failed" > 连接失败</string>
<string name= "preferences_couldnt_connect_to_the_proxy" > 无法连接代理。请检查代理地址并重试。</string>
<string name= "preferences_you_are_connected_to_the_proxy" > 已连接代理。可在“设置”下随时关闭该代理。</string>
<string name= "preferences_success" > 成功</string>
<string name= "preferences_failed_to_connect" > 无法连接</string>
<string name= "preferences_enter_proxy_address" > 请输入代理地址</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Preference title for changing navigation (bottom) bar size -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_navigation_bar_size" > 导航栏大小</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Preference summary for normal navigation bar size -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_normal" > 正常</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Preference summary for compact navigation bar size -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_compact" > 紧凑</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "configurable_single_select__customize_option" > 自定义选项</string>
<!-- Internal only preferences -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="preferences__internal_preferences" translatable="false">Internal Preferences</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="preferences__internal_details" translatable="false">Internal Details</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="preferences__internal_stories_dialog_launcher" translatable="false">Stories dialog launcher</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Payments -->
<string name= "PaymentsActivityFragment__all_activity" > 全部活动</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAllActivityFragment__all" > 全部</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAllActivityFragment__sent" > 发送</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAllActivityFragment__received" > 接收</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__introducing_payments" > 推出付款功能( Beta 版)</string>
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__use_signal_to_send_and_receive" > 使用 Signal 收发 MobileCoin, 这是一种注重隐私的新款数字货币。启用以开始体验。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__activate_payments" > 激活付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__activating_payments" > 正在激活付款…</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__restore_payments_account" > 还原付款帐户</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__no_recent_activity_yet" > 最近无活动</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__recent_activity" > 最近活动</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__see_all" > 查看全部</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__add_funds" > 添加资金</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__send" > 发送</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__sent_s" > 发送 %1$s</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__received_s" > 接收 %1$s</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__transfer_to_exchange" > 转帐至交易平台</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__currency_conversion" > 货币转换</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__deactivate_payments" > 停用付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__recovery_phrase" > 恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__help" > 帮助</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__coin_cleanup_fee" > 货币清理费</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__sent_payment" > 已发送付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__received_payment" > 已接收付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__processing_payment" > 正在处理付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__unknown_amount" > ---</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__currency_conversion_not_available" > 货币转换不可用</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__cant_display_currency_conversion" > 无法显示货币转换。请检查手机的网络连接并重试。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__payments_is_not_available_in_your_region" > 您所在地区付款不可用。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__could_not_enable_payments" > 无法启用付款,请稍后重试。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__deactivate_payments_question" > 是否停用付款?</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__you_will_not_be_able_to_send" > 停用付款之后,将无法在 Signal 中收发 MobileCoin。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__deactivate" > 停用</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__balance_is_not_currently_available" > 余额当前不可用。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__payments_deactivated" > 付款已停用。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__payment_failed" > 付款失败</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__details" > 更多</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsHomeFragment__learn_more__activate_payments" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_activate
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__you_can_use_signal_to_send" > 可使用 Signal 收发 MobileCoin。全部付款遵守 MobileCoins 以及 MobileCoin Wallet 的使用条款。付款当前仍为 beta 功能,可能出现一些故障,可能丢失付款或余额且不可恢复。 </string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__activate" > 激活</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__view_mobile_coin_terms" > 查看 MobileCoin 条款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__payments_not_available" > Signal 的付款不再可用,不过您仍可将资金转移至交易平台,但是不再能够收发付款或添加资金。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsHomeFragment__mobile_coin_terms_url" translatable="false">https://www.mobilecoin.com/terms - of - use.html</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog title which shows up after a payment to turn on payment lock -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__turn_on" > 要为以后的付款开启付款锁吗?</string>
<!-- Alert dialog description for why payment lock should be enabled before sending payments -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__add_an_additional_layer" > 转账时需要 Android 屏幕锁或指纹识别,多加一重安全保障。</string>
<!-- Alert dialog button to enable payment lock -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__enable" > 开启</string>
<!-- Alert dialog button to not enable payment lock for now -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__not_now" > 以后再说</string>
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog title which shows up to update app to send payments -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__update_required" > 需要更新</string>
<!-- Alert dialog description that app update is required to send payments -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__an_update_is_required" > 如要发送和接收付款,并查看更新的付款余额,您需要更新 Signal。</string>
<!-- Alert dialog button to cancel -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__cancel" > 取消</string>
<!-- Alert dialog button to update now -->
<string name= "PaymentsHomeFragment__update_now" > 现在升级</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment -->
<!-- Toolbar title -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__security_setup" > 安全设置</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Title to enable payment lock -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__protect_your_funds" > 保护您的资金</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Description as to why payment lock is required -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__help_prevent" > 额外增加一层保护,防止接触到您手机的人获取您的资金。您可以在设置中禁用该选项。</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Option to enable payment lock -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__enable_payment_lock" > 启用付款锁</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Option to cancel -->
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title to confirm skipping the step -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__skip_this_step" > 要跳过这一步吗?</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog description to let users know why payment lock is required -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__skipping_this_step" > 如果您跳过这一步,接触您手机的任何人均可以转移您的资金或查看您的恢复短语。</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog option to cancel -->
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__cancel" > 取消</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog option to skip -->
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsSecuritySetupFragment__skip" > 跳过</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsAddMoneyFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsAddMoneyFragment__add_funds" > 添加资金</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAddMoneyFragment__your_wallet_address" > 您的钱包地址</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAddMoneyFragment__copy" > 复制</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAddMoneyFragment__copied_to_clipboard" > 已复制到剪切板</string>
<string name= "PaymentsAddMoneyFragment__to_add_funds" > 为了添加资金,请发送 MobileCoin 至您的钱包地址。在支持 MobileCoin 的交易平台上,从您的帐户开启交易,然后扫描该二维码或复制您的钱包地址。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsAddMoneyFragment__learn_more__information" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_transfer_from_exchange</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsDetailsFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__details" > 更多</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__status" > 状态</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__submitting_payment" > 正在提交付款…</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__processing_payment" > 正在处理付款…</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__payment_complete" > 付款完成</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__payment_failed" > 付款失败</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__network_fee" > 网络费</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_by" > 发送人</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_to_s" > 发送至 %1$s</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__you_on_s_at_s" > 您在 %1$s 于 %2$s</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__s_on_s_at_s" > %1$s 在 %2$s 于 %3$s</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__to" > 至</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__from" > 来自</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__information" > 交易详情(包括付款金额和交易时间)是 MobileCoin 账簿的一部分。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__coin_cleanup_fee" > 货币清理费</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__coin_cleanup_information" > 当您拥有的货币无法合并以完成交易时,将收取“货币清理费”。清理后可继续发送付款。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__no_details_available" > 该交易无更多详情可用</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__learn_more__information" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_details</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsDetailsFragment__learn_more__cleanup_fee" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_details_fees</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__sent_payment" > 已发送付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__received_payment" > 已接收付款</string>
<string name= "PaymentsDeatilsFragment__payment_completed_s" > 付款已完成 %1$s</string>
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "PaymentsDetailsFragment__block_number" > 区块码</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsTransferFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__transfer" > 转帐</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__scan_qr_code" > 扫描二维码</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__to_scan_or_enter_wallet_address" > 转至:扫描或输入钱包地址</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__you_can_transfer" > 向交易平台提供的钱包地址完成一次转帐之后,即可进行 MobileCoin 转帐。钱包地址为数字字母字符串,大多数情况下,位于二维码下方。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__invalid_address" > 无效地址</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__check_the_wallet_address" > 请检查转帐至的钱包地址,然后重试。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__you_cant_transfer_to_your_own_signal_wallet_address" > 无法向您的 Signal 钱包地址转帐。请输入支持的交易平台帐户的钱包地址。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__to_scan_a_qr_code_signal_needs" > 为了扫描二维码, Signal 需摄像头访问权限。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__signal_needs_the_camera_permission_to_capture_qr_code_go_to_settings" > Signal 需“相机”权限,来扫描二维码。请访问设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“相机”。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__to_scan_a_qr_code_signal_needs_access_to_the_camera" > 为了扫描二维码, Signal 需摄像头访问权限。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferFragment__settings" > 设置</string>
<!-- PaymentsTransferQrScanFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsTransferQrScanFragment__scan_address_qr_code" > 扫描地址二维码</string>
<string name= "PaymentsTransferQrScanFragment__scan_the_address_qr_code_of_the_payee" > 扫描收款人的地址二维码</string>
<!-- CreatePaymentFragment -->
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__request" > 入群请求</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__pay" > 付款</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__available_balance_s" > 可用余额:%1$s</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__toggle_content_description" > 切换</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__1" > 1</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__2" > 2</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__3" > 3</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__4" > 4</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__5" > 5</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__6" > 6</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__7" > 7</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__8" > 8</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__9" > 9</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__decimal" > .</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__0" > 0</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__lt" > < </string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__backspace" > 退格键</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__add_note" > 添加备注</string>
<string name= "CreatePaymentFragment__conversions_are_just_estimates" > 转换仅为估计,可能并不准确。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="CreatePaymentFragment__learn_more__conversions" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_currency_conversion</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- EditNoteFragment -->
<string name= "EditNoteFragment_note" > 备注</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Content descriptor explaining the use of the save note FAB for Android accessibility settings -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "EditNoteFragment__content_description_save_note" > 保存笔记</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ConfirmPaymentFragment -->
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__confirm_payment" > 确认付款</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__network_fee" > 网络费</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__estimated_s" > 估计 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__to" > 至</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__total_amount" > 总金额</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__balance_s" > 余额:%1$s</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__submitting_payment" > 正在提交付款…</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__processing_payment" > 正在处理付款…</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__payment_complete" > 付款完成</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__payment_failed" > 付款失败</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPayment__payment_will_continue_processing" > 付款将继续处理</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPaymentFragment__invalid_recipient" > 无效接收人</string>
<!-- Title of a dialog show when we were unable to present the user\'s screenlock before sending a payment -->
<string name= "ConfirmPaymentFragment__failed_to_show_payment_lock" > 无法显示付款锁</string>
<!-- Body of a dialog show when we were unable to present the user\'s screenlock before sending a payment -->
<string name= "ConfirmPaymentFragment__you_enabled_payment_lock_in_the_settings" > 您在设置中启用了付款锁,但系统无法显示该锁。</string>
<!-- Button in a dialog that will take the user to the privacy settings -->
<string name= "ConfirmPaymentFragment__go_to_settings" > 前往设置</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPaymentFragment__this_person_has_not_activated_payments" > 此人尚未激活付款</string>
<string name= "ConfirmPaymentFragment__unable_to_request_a_network_fee" > 无法请求网络费。为了继续付款,请点击“确定”以重试。</string>
<!-- BiometricDeviceAuthentication -->
<!-- Biometric/Device authentication prompt title -->
<string name= "BiometricDeviceAuthentication__signal" > Signal</string>
<!-- CurrencyAmountFormatter_s_at_s -->
<string name= "CurrencyAmountFormatter_s_at_s" > %1$s 于 %2$s</string>
<!-- SetCurrencyFragment -->
<string name= "SetCurrencyFragment__set_currency" > 设置货币</string>
<string name= "SetCurrencyFragment__all_currencies" > 全部货币</string>
<!-- **************************************** -->
<!-- menus -->
<!-- **************************************** -->
<!-- contact_selection_list -->
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a row on the new call screen when searching by phone number. -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "contact_selection_list__new_call" > 拨打 Signal 电话给…</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "contact_selection_list__unknown_contact" > 新消息至…</string>
<string name= "contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_block" > 屏蔽用户</string>
<string name= "contact_selection_list__unknown_contact_add_to_group" > 添加至群组</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name= "conversation_callable_insecure__menu_call" > 呼叫</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_secure -->
<string name= "conversation_callable_secure__menu_call" > Signal 呼叫</string>
<string name= "conversation_callable_secure__menu_video" > Signal 视频通话</string>
<!-- conversation_context -->
<!-- Heading which shows how many messages are currently selected -->
<plurals name= "conversation_context__s_selected" >
<item quantity= "other" > 已选择 %1$d 条</item>
<!-- conversation_context_image -->
<!-- Button to save a message attachment (image, file etc.) -->
<!-- conversation_expiring_off -->
<string name= "conversation_expiring_off__disappearing_messages" > 阅后即焚</string>
<!-- conversation_selection -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to view detailed information for a message; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_message_details" > 信息</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to copy a message\'s text to the clipboard; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_copy" > 复制</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to delete a message; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_delete" > 删除</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to forward a message to another person or group chat; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_forward" > 转发</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to reply to a message; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_reply" > 回复</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Button to edit a message; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2023-04-21 15:30:24 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_edit" > 编辑</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to save a message attachment (image, file etc.); Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_save" > 保存</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to retry sending a message; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_resend_message" > 重新发送</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to select a message and enter selection mode; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_multi_select" > 选择</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button to view a in - chat payment message\'s full payment details; Action item with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_selection__menu_payment_details" > 付款详情</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- conversation_expiring_on -->
<!-- conversation_insecure -->
<string name= "conversation_insecure__invite" > 邀请</string>
<!-- conversation_list_batch -->
<!-- conversation_list -->
<string name= "conversation_list_settings_shortcut" > 设置快捷方式</string>
<string name= "conversation_list_search_description" > 搜索</string>
<string name= "conversation_list__pinned" > 已置顶</string>
<string name= "conversation_list__chats" > 聊天</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- A warning shown in a toast that tells you that you can\'t pin any more chats. Pinning a chat means keeping the chat at the top of your chat list. The placeholder represents how many chats you\'re allowed to pin. -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_list__you_can_only_pin_up_to_d_chats" > 您最多只能置顶%1$d个对话。</string>
<!-- conversation_list_item_view -->
<string name= "conversation_list_item_view__contact_photo_image" > 联系人图片</string>
<string name= "conversation_list_item_view__archived" > 已存档</string>
<!-- conversation_list_fragment -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_list_fragment__fab_content_description" > 新聊天</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_list_fragment__open_camera_description" > 打开相机</string>
<string name= "conversation_list_fragment__no_chats_yet_get_started_by_messaging_a_friend" > 还没有聊天记录。\n开始使用, 给朋友发个消息吧。</string>
<!-- conversation_secure_verified -->
<!-- conversation_muted -->
<string name= "conversation_muted__unmute" > 解除静音</string>
<!-- conversation_unmuted -->
<string name= "conversation_unmuted__mute_notifications" > 静音通知</string>
<!-- conversation -->
<string name= "conversation__menu_group_settings" > 群组设置</string>
<string name= "conversation__menu_leave_group" > 离开群组</string>
<string name= "conversation__menu_view_all_media" > 全部媒体</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "conversation__menu_conversation_settings" > 聊天设置</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation__menu_add_shortcut" > 添加到主屏幕</string>
<string name= "conversation__menu_create_bubble" > 创建气泡</string>
2023-06-21 20:26:24 -04:00
<!-- Overflow menu option that allows formatting of text -->
2023-06-26 14:16:45 -04:00
<string name= "conversation__menu_format_text" > 添加格式</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- conversation_popup -->
<string name= "conversation_popup__menu_expand_popup" > 展开弹窗</string>
<!-- conversation_callable_insecure -->
<string name= "conversation_add_to_contacts__menu_add_to_contacts" > 添加到联系人</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<!-- conversation scheduled messages bar -->
<!-- Label for button in a banner to show all messages currently scheduled -->
<string name= "conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__see_all" > 查看全部</string>
<!-- Body text for banner to show all scheduled messages for the chat that tells the user how many scheduled messages there are -->
<plurals name= "conversation_scheduled_messages_bar__number_of_messages" >
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 条定时消息</item>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- conversation_group_options -->
<string name= "convesation_group_options__recipients_list" > 接收人列表</string>
<string name= "conversation_group_options__delivery" > 送达</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- Label for a menu item that appears after pressing the three - dot icon in a -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_group_options__conversation" > 聊天</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "conversation_group_options__broadcast" > 广播</string>
<!-- text_secure_normal -->
<string name= "text_secure_normal__menu_new_group" > 新建群组</string>
<string name= "text_secure_normal__menu_settings" > 设置</string>
<string name= "text_secure_normal__menu_clear_passphrase" > 锁定</string>
<string name= "text_secure_normal__mark_all_as_read" > 全部已读</string>
<string name= "text_secure_normal__invite_friends" > 邀请好友</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Overflow menu entry to filter unread chats -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "text_secure_normal__filter_unread_chats" > 筛选未读的聊天记录</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Overflow menu entry to disable unread chats filter -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "text_secure_normal__clear_unread_filter" > 清除未读筛选</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- verify_display_fragment -->
<string name= "verify_display_fragment_context_menu__copy_to_clipboard" > 复制到剪切板</string>
<string name= "verify_display_fragment_context_menu__compare_with_clipboard" > 与剪切板中的内容进行比较</string>
<!-- reminder_header -->
<string name= "reminder_header_sms_import_title" > 导入系统短信</string>
<string name= "reminder_header_sms_import_text" > 点击将手机短信复制到 Signal 加密数据库。</string>
<string name= "reminder_header_push_title" > 启用 Signal 消息和呼叫</string>
<string name= "reminder_header_push_text" > 升级您的通信体验。</string>
<string name= "reminder_header_service_outage_text" > Signal 出现技术故障,我们将努力处理尽快恢复服务。</string>
<string name= "reminder_header_progress" > %1$d%%</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Body text of a banner that will show at the top of the chat list when we temporarily cannot process the user\'s contacts -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "reminder_cds_warning_body" > Signal 的私密式发现联系人功能暂时无法处理您手机中的联系人。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Label for a button in a banner to learn more about why we temporarily can\'t process the user\'s contacts -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "reminder_cds_warning_learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Body text of a banner that will show at the top of the chat list when the user has so many contacts that we cannot ever process them -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "reminder_cds_permanent_error_body" > Signal 的私密式发现联系人功能无法处理您手机中的联系人。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Label for a button in a banner to learn more about why we cannot process the user\'s contacts -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "reminder_cds_permanent_error_learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- media_preview -->
<string name= "media_preview__save_title" > 保存</string>
2022-10-28 17:53:22 -03:00
<string name= "media_preview__edit_title" > 编辑</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- media_preview_activity -->
<string name= "media_preview_activity__media_content_description" > 媒体预览</string>
<!-- new_conversation_activity -->
<string name= "new_conversation_activity__refresh" > 刷新</string>
<!-- redphone_audio_popup_menu -->
<!-- Edit KBS Pin -->
<!-- BaseKbsPinFragment -->
<string name= "BaseKbsPinFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
2023-06-28 17:21:07 -04:00
<!-- Button label to prompt them to create a password ("PIN") using numbers and letters rather than only numbers. -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BaseKbsPinFragment__create_alphanumeric_pin" > 创建字母数字 PIN</string>
2023-06-28 17:21:07 -04:00
<!-- Button label to prompt them to return to creating a numbers - only password ("PIN") -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BaseKbsPinFragment__create_numeric_pin" > 创建数字 PIN 码</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="BaseKbsPinFragment__learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- CreateKbsPinFragment -->
<plurals name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__pin_must_be_at_least_characters" >
<item quantity= "other" > PIN 必须不少于 %1$d 个字符</item>
<plurals name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__pin_must_be_at_least_digits" >
<item quantity= "other" > PIN 必须不少于 %1$d 数字</item>
<string name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__create_a_new_pin" > 新建 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__you_can_choose_a_new_pin_as_long_as_this_device_is_registered" > 只有该设备已注册,你可以更改你的 PIN。</string>
<string name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__create_your_pin" > 创建 PIN 码</string>
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__pins_can_help_you_restore_your_account" > PIN 码可以帮您恢复账户,并保证您在 Signal 上的信息加密。 </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "CreateKbsPinFragment__choose_a_stronger_pin" > 选择更安全 PIN 码</string>
<!-- ConfirmKbsPinFragment -->
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__pins_dont_match" > PIN 码不匹配,请重试。</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Prompt for the user to repeat entering the PIN in order to help them remember it correctly. -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__re_enter_the_pin_you_just_created" > 重新输入您刚创建的 PIN 码。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__confirm_your_pin" > 确认 PIN 码。</string>
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__pin_creation_failed" > PIN 码创建失败</string>
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__your_pin_was_not_saved" > PIN 码没有保存。我们将稍后提示您创建 PIN 码。</string>
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__pin_created" > PIN 已创建。</string>
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__re_enter_your_pin" > 重新入您的 PIN</string>
<string name= "ConfirmKbsPinFragment__creating_pin" > 正在创建 PIN…</string>
<!-- KbsSplashFragment -->
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__introducing_pins" > 新推出 PIN 密码功能</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__pins_keep_information_stored_with_signal_encrypted" > PIN 用于加密 Signal 存储的信息,只有您可以访问。借此可在您重装后还原个人资料、设置和联系人。打开 Signal 无需使用 PIN。</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="KbsSplashFragment__learn_more_link" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__registration_lock_equals_pin" > 注册锁定 = PIN</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__your_registration_lock_is_now_called_a_pin" > 注册锁定现在改名为 PIN, 功能更强大, 马上更新。</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__update_pin" > 更新 PIN</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__create_your_pin" > 创建 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__learn_more_about_pins" > 了解更多关于 PIN 码的信息</string>
<string name= "KbsSplashFragment__disable_pin" > 禁用 PIN 码</string>
<!-- KBS Reminder Dialog -->
<string name= "KbsReminderDialog__enter_your_signal_pin" > 请输入 Signal PIN 码</string>
<string name= "KbsReminderDialog__to_help_you_memorize_your_pin" > 为了便于记住 PIN 码,我们将定期提示输入该密码。提示次数将逐渐减少。</string>
<string name= "KbsReminderDialog__skip" > 跳过</string>
<string name= "KbsReminderDialog__submit" > 提交</string>
<string name= "KbsReminderDialog__forgot_pin" > 忘记 PIN 码?</string>
<string name= "KbsReminderDialog__incorrect_pin_try_again" > PIN 错误,请重试。</string>
<!-- AccountLockedFragment -->
<string name= "AccountLockedFragment__account_locked" > 帐户已锁定</string>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "AccountLockedFragment__your_account_has_been_locked_to_protect_your_privacy" > 你的账户已经锁定以保护你的安全及隐私。你的账户在 %1$d 天的不活跃之后,你可以在不需要 PIN 码的情况下用重新用手机号注册。不过所有的数据都会被删除。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "AccountLockedFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "AccountLockedFragment__learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="AccountLockedFragment__learn_more_url" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007059792</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- KbsLockFragment -->
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__enter_your_pin" > 请输入 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created" > 输入帐户的 PIN 码。该密码不是短信验证码。</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Info text shown above a pin entry text box describing what pin they should be entering. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__enter_the_pin_you_created_for_your_account" > 请输入您为您的账户创建的 PIN 码。</string>
2023-06-28 17:21:07 -04:00
<!-- Button label to prompt the user to switch between an alphanumeric and numeric - only keyboards -->
2023-07-06 16:19:42 -03:00
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__switch_keyboard" > 切换键盘</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_try_again" > PIN 错误,请重试。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__forgot_pin" > 忘记 PIN? </string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin" > PIN 错误</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__forgot_your_pin" > 忘记 PIN? </string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__not_many_tries_left" > 可尝试的次数不多了!</string>
<string name= "RegistrationLockFragment__signal_registration_need_help_with_pin_for_android_v2_pin" > Signal 注册 - 关于 Android 版本 PIN 需要帮助( v2 PIN) </string>
<plurals name= "RegistrationLockFragment__for_your_privacy_and_security_there_is_no_way_to_recover" >
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 为了保护你的隐私和安全,你无法找回你的 PIN 码。如果您记不住您的PIN码, 你可以在 %1$d 天的帐户不活跃后用短信重新验证。在这种情况下,你的帐户会被抹除并且所有的信息都会被删除。</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "RegistrationLockFragment__incorrect_pin_d_attempts_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 密码错误。还能尝试%1$d次。</item>
<plurals name= "RegistrationLockFragment__if_you_run_out_of_attempts_your_account_will_be_locked_for_d_days" >
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 如果尝试次数用尽,你的帐户将会被锁定 %1$d 天。账户在 %1$d 天不活跃后,你可以在没有你的 PIN 码的情况下重新注册。你的帐户会被抹除并且所有数据都会被删除。</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "RegistrationLockFragment__you_have_d_attempts_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 你还能尝试%1$d次。</item>
<plurals name= "RegistrationLockFragment__d_attempts_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 还能尝试%1$d次。</item>
<!-- CalleeMustAcceptMessageRequestDialogFragment -->
<string name= "CalleeMustAcceptMessageRequestDialogFragment__s_will_get_a_message_request_from_you" > %1$s 将收到您的消息请求,对发接受邀请后您即可向其发起通话。</string>
<!-- KBS Megaphone -->
<string name= "KbsMegaphone__create_a_pin" > 创建 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "KbsMegaphone__pins_keep_information_thats_stored_with_signal_encrytped" > Signal 储存的信息使用你的 PIN 码来加密。</string>
<string name= "KbsMegaphone__create_pin" > 创建 PIN 码</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- CallNotificationBuilder -->
<!-- Displayed in a notification when a Signal voice call is ringing -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder__incoming_signal_voice_call" > Signal 语音来电</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a notification when a Signal video call is ringing -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder__incoming_signal_video_call" > Signal 视频来电</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a notification when a Signal group call is ringing -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder__incoming_signal_group_call" > Signal 群组通话来电</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a notification when a Signal voice call is in progress -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder__ongoing_signal_voice_call" > 正在进行 Signal 语音通话</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a notification when a Signal video call is in progress -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder__ongoing_signal_video_call" > 正在进行 Signal 视频通话</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a notification when a Signal group call is in progress -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder__ongoing_signal_group_call" > 正在进行 Signal 群组通话</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- transport_selection_list_item -->
<string name= "transport_selection_list_item__transport_icon" > 传输图标</string>
<string name= "ConversationListFragment_loading" > 正在加载…</string>
<string name= "CallNotificationBuilder_connecting" > 正在连接…</string>
<string name= "Permissions_permission_required" > 所需权限</string>
<string name= "ConversationActivity_signal_needs_sms_permission_in_order_to_send_an_sms" > Signal 需“短信”权限,来发送短信,但该权限已永久禁用。请访问应用设置菜单,选择“权限”并启用“短信”。</string>
<string name= "Permissions_continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "Permissions_not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<string name= "conversation_activity__enable_signal_messages" > 启用 Signal 消息</string>
<string name= "SQLCipherMigrationHelper_migrating_signal_database" > 迁移 Signal 数据库</string>
<string name= "PushDecryptJob_new_locked_message" > 新的锁定消息</string>
<string name= "PushDecryptJob_unlock_to_view_pending_messages" > 解锁查看待处理消息</string>
<string name= "enter_backup_passphrase_dialog__backup_passphrase" > 备份密码</string>
<string name= "backup_enable_dialog__backups_will_be_saved_to_external_storage_and_encrypted_with_the_passphrase_below_you_must_have_this_passphrase_in_order_to_restore_a_backup" > 备份将保存至外部存储,并使用以下密码加密。备份还原时需使用该密码。</string>
<string name= "backup_enable_dialog__you_must_have_this_passphrase" > 为了还原备份,必须提供密码。</string>
<string name= "backup_enable_dialog__folder" > 文件夹</string>
<string name= "backup_enable_dialog__i_have_written_down_this_passphrase" > 我已记下该密码。没有密码,将无法还原备份。</string>
<string name= "registration_activity__restore_backup" > 还原备份</string>
<string name= "registration_activity__transfer_or_restore_account" > 转移或还原帐户</string>
<string name= "registration_activity__transfer_account" > 转移帐户</string>
<string name= "registration_activity__skip" > 跳过</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__chat_backups" > 聊天备份</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__transfer_account" > 转移帐户</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__transfer_account_to_a_new_android_device" > 转移帐户至新的 Android 设备</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_enter_backup_passphrase" > 输入备份密码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_restore" > 还原</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_backup_failure_downgrade" > 无法从较新版本的 Signal 导入备份</string>
2023-04-25 16:03:22 -04:00
<!-- Error message indicating that we could not restore the user\'s backup. Displayed in a toast at the bottom of the screen. -->
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_backup_failure_foreign_key" > 备份包含格式错误的数据</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_incorrect_backup_passphrase" > 备份密码错误</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_checking" > 正在检查…</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_d_messages_so_far" > 已处理 %1$d 条消息…</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_restore_from_backup" > 是否从备份进行还原?</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_restore_your_messages_and_media_from_a_local_backup" > 从本地备份还原消息和媒体。如果现在不进行还原,以后将无法还原。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_backup_size_s" > 备份大小:%1$s</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_backup_timestamp_s" > 备份时间戳:%1$s</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_enable_local_backups" > 启用本地备份?</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_enable_backups" > 启用备份</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_please_acknowledge_your_understanding_by_marking_the_confirmation_check_box" > 请选择确认复选框,表示您已理解。</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_delete_backups" > 删除备份?</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_disable_and_delete_all_local_backups" > 禁用并删除全部本地备份?</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_delete_backups_statement" > 删除备份</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_to_enable_backups_choose_a_folder" > 如需启用备份,请选择用于保存备份的文件夹。</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_choose_folder" > 选择文件夹</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_copied_to_clipboard" > 已复制到剪切板</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_no_file_picker_available" > 无文件选取器可用。</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_enter_backup_passphrase_to_verify" > 输入备份密码进行验证</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_verify" > 验证</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_you_successfully_entered_your_backup_passphrase" > 已成功输入备份密码</string>
<string name= "BackupDialog_passphrase_was_not_correct" > 密码错误</string>
<string name= "LocalBackupJob_creating_signal_backup" > 创建 Signal 备份…</string>
<!-- Title for progress notification shown in a system notification while verifying a recent backup. -->
<string name= "LocalBackupJob_verifying_signal_backup" > 正在验证 Signal 的备份……</string>
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_backup_failed" > 备份失败</string>
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_directory_has_been_deleted_or_moved" > 备份目录已删除或移动。</string>
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_file_is_too_large" > 您的备份文件太大,无法保存到此位置。</string>
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_there_is_not_enough_space" > 没有足够的空间来存放您的备份。</string>
<!-- Error message shown if a newly created backup could not be verified as accurate -->
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_could_not_be_verified" > 无法创建和验证您最近的备份。请创建一个新的备份。</string>
<!-- Error message shown if a very large attachment is encountered during the backup creation and causes the backup to fail -->
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_your_backup_contains_a_very_large_file" > 您的备份中包含一个无法备份的超大文件。请将其删除并创建一个新的备份。</string>
<string name= "LocalBackupJobApi29_tap_to_manage_backups" > 点击以管理备份。</string>
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_wrong_number" > 错误的号码?</string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new code via phone call during registration. -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_call_me_instead_available_in" > 给我打电话:(%1$02d:%2$02d) </string>
2023-02-22 22:34:30 -05:00
<!-- Countdown to when the user can request a new SMS code during registration. -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_resend_sms_available_in" > 重发验证码(%1$02d:%2$02d) </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_contact_signal_support" > 联系 Signal 支持</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_code_support_subject" > Signal 注册 - 安卓验证码</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_incorrect_code" > 验证码不正确</string>
<string name= "BackupUtil_never" > 永不</string>
<string name= "BackupUtil_unknown" > 未知</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__see_my_phone_number" > 查看我的电话号码</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__find_me_by_phone_number" > 通过电话号码找到我</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Phone number heading displayed as a screen title -->
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__phone_number" > 手机号码</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Subtext below option to launch into phone number privacy settings screen -->
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__choose_who_can_see" > 选择谁可以在 Signal 上看到您的电话号码,以及谁可以通过您的电话号码与您联系。</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Section title above two radio buttons for enabling and disabling phone number display -->
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacySettingsFragment__who_can_see_my_number" > 谁可以看到我的电话号码</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Subtext below radio buttons when who can see my number is set to nobody -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacySettingsFragment__nobody_will_see" > 没有人能在 Signal 中看到您的电话号码</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Section title above two radio buttons for enabling and disabling whether users can find me by my phone number -->
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacySettingsFragment__who_can_find_me_by_number" > 谁可以通过电话号码找到我</string>
2023-03-08 15:12:21 -04:00
<!-- Subtext below radio buttons when who can see my number is set to everyone -->
2023-03-10 15:17:36 -04:00
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacySettingsFragment__your_phone_number" > 与您会话的联系人和群组将能看到您的电话号码。在通讯录存有您的电话号码的用户也能在 Signal 中看到您的电话号码。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacy_everyone" > 所有人</string>
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacy_my_contacts" > 我的联系人</string>
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacy_nobody" > 没有人</string>
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacy_everyone_see_description" > 您的电话号码将对所有对话者和群组成员可见。</string>
<string name= "PhoneNumberPrivacy_everyone_find_description" > 电话簿里存有您电话号码的用户会在 Signal 联系人列表里看到您。其它知晓您电话号码的用户将能在搜索界面找到您。</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__screen_lock" > 屏幕锁定</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__lock_signal_access_with_android_screen_lock_or_fingerprint" > 使用 Android 锁屏或者指纹锁定 Signal</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__screen_lock_inactivity_timeout" > 不活跃锁屏逾时</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__signal_pin" > Signal PIN 码</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__create_a_pin" > 创建 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__change_your_pin" > 更改 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__pin_reminders" > PIN 码提醒</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__turn_off" > 关闭</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__confirm_pin" > 确认 PIN</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__confirm_your_signal_pin" > 请确认您的 Signal PIN 码</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__make_sure_you_memorize_or_securely_store_your_pin" > 请确保你能牢记或安全保存好你的 PIN 码,因为它不能被找回。如果你忘记了 PIN 码,你可能会在重新注册 Signal 账号时丢失一些数据。</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__incorrect_pin_try_again" > PIN 错误,请重试。</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__failed_to_enable_registration_lock" > 无法启用注册锁。</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__failed_to_disable_registration_lock" > 无法禁用注册锁。</string>
<string name= "AppProtectionPreferenceFragment_none" > 无</string>
<string name= "preferences_app_protection__registration_lock" > 注册锁定</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_you_must_enter_your_registration_lock_PIN" > 必须输入注册锁定 PIN</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_your_pin_has_at_least_d_digits_or_characters" > 您的密码必须是由至少%1$d位数字或字母组成</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_too_many_attempts" > 尝试次数过多</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_you_have_made_too_many_incorrect_registration_lock_pin_attempts_please_try_again_in_a_day" > 注册锁定 PIN 输入错误过多,请一天后重试。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_you_have_made_too_many_attempts_please_try_again_later" > 您的尝试次数过多,请稍候再试。</string>
<string name= "RegistrationActivity_error_connecting_to_service" > 连接服务出错</string>
<string name= "preferences_chats__backups" > 备份</string>
<string name= "prompt_passphrase_activity__signal_is_locked" > Signal 已锁定</string>
<string name= "prompt_passphrase_activity__tap_to_unlock" > 点击解锁</string>
<string name= "Recipient_unknown" > 未知</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Option in settings that will take use to re - register if they are no longer registered -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_reregister" > 重新注册账户</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Option in settings that will take user to our website or playstore to update their expired build -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_update_signal" > 升级 Signal</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Option in settings shown when user is no longer registered or expired client that will WIPE ALL THEIR DATA -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_delete_all_data" > 删除所有数据</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Title for confirmation dialog confirming user wants to delete all their data -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_delete_all_data_confirmation_title" > 是否删除所有数据?</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Message in confirmation dialog to delete all data explaining how it works, and that the app will be closed after deletion -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_delete_all_data_confirmation_message" > 这将重置应用并删除所有消息。应用将会在这个过程完成后关闭。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Confirmation action to proceed with application data deletion -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_delete_all_data_confirmation_proceed" > 继续</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Confirmation action to cancel application data deletion -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_delete_all_data_confirmation_cancel" > 取消</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Error message shown when we fail to delete the data for some unknown reason -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "preferences_account_delete_all_data_failed" > 无法删除数据</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- TransferOrRestoreFragment -->
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_or_restore_account" > 转移或还原帐户</string>
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__if_you_have_previously_registered_a_signal_account" > 如果之前已注册 Signal 帐户,可转移或还原您的帐户和消息</string>
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_from_android_device" > 从 Android 设备转移</string>
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__transfer_your_account_and_messages_from_your_old_android_device" > 从旧的 Android 设备转移您的帐户和消息。您需要可访问旧设备。</string>
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__you_need_access_to_your_old_device" > 您需要可访问旧设备。</string>
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__restore_from_backup" > 从备份还原</string>
<string name= "TransferOrRestoreFragment__restore_your_messages_from_a_local_backup" > 从本地备份还原消息。如果现在不进行还原,以后将无法还原。</string>
<!-- NewDeviceTransferInstructionsFragment -->
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__open_signal_on_your_old_android_phone" > 在旧的 Android 手机上打开 Signal</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__first_bullet" > 1.</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__tap_on_your_profile_photo_in_the_top_left_to_open_settings" > 点击左上侧个人资料图片,打开设置。</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__second_bullet" > 2.</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__tap_on_account" > "点击“帐户”。"</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__third_bullet" > 3.</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferInstructions__tap_transfer_account_and_then_continue_on_both_devices" > "在两个设备,点击“转移帐户”,然后选择“继续”"</string>
<!-- NewDeviceTransferSetupFragment -->
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__preparing_to_connect_to_old_android_device" > 正在准备连接至旧的 Android 设备…</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__take_a_moment_should_be_ready_soon" > 请稍等,将很快准备就绪</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__waiting_for_old_device_to_connect" > 正在等待旧的 Android 设备连接…</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__signal_needs_the_location_permission_to_discover_and_connect_with_your_old_device" > Signal 需位置权限,以发现并连接旧的 Android 设备。</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__signal_needs_location_services_enabled_to_discover_and_connect_with_your_old_device" > Signal 需已启用的位置服务,以发现并连接旧的 Android 设备。</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__signal_needs_wifi_on_to_discover_and_connect_with_your_old_device" > Signal 需开启的 Wi-Fi, 以发现并连接旧的 Android 设备。Wi-Fi 需开启但不必连接 Wi-Fi 网络。</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__sorry_it_appears_your_device_does_not_support_wifi_direct" > 抱歉,该设备好像不支持 Wi-Fi Direct。Signal 通过 Wi-Fi Direct 来发现并连接旧的 Android 设备。仍可通过从旧的 Android 设备还原帐户来还原备份。</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__restore_a_backup" > 还原备份</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferSetup__an_unexpected_error_occurred_while_attempting_to_connect_to_your_old_device" > 尝试连接旧的 Android 设备时,发生意外错误。</string>
<!-- OldDeviceTransferSetupFragment -->
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__searching_for_new_android_device" > 正在搜索新的 Android 设备…</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__signal_needs_the_location_permission_to_discover_and_connect_with_your_new_device" > Signal 需位置权限,以发现并连接新的 Android 设备。</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__signal_needs_location_services_enabled_to_discover_and_connect_with_your_new_device" > Signal 需已启用的位置服务,以发现并连接新的 Android 设备。</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__signal_needs_wifi_on_to_discover_and_connect_with_your_new_device" > Signal 需开启的 Wi-Fi, 以发现并连接新的 Android 设备。Wi-Fi 需开启但不必连接 Wi-Fi 网络。</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__sorry_it_appears_your_device_does_not_support_wifi_direct" > 抱歉,该设备好像不支持 Wi-Fi Direct。Signal 通过 Wi-Fi Direct 来发现并连接新的 Android 设备。仍可通过从新的 Android 设备还原帐户来还原备份。</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__create_a_backup" > 创建备份</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferSetup__an_unexpected_error_occurred_while_attempting_to_connect_to_your_old_device" > 尝试连接新的 Android 设备时,发生意外错误。</string>
<!-- DeviceTransferSetupFragment -->
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__unable_to_open_wifi_settings" > 无法打开 Wi-Fi 设置,请手动开启 Wi-Fi。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__grant_location_permission" > 授予位置权限</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__turn_on_location_services" > 开启位置服务</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__turn_on_wifi" > 开启 Wi-Fi</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__error_connecting" > 连接时出错</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__retry" > 重试</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__submit_debug_logs" > 提交调试日志</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__verify_code" > 验证代码</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__verify_that_the_code_below_matches_on_both_of_your_devices" > 请验证下方代码在两个设备上匹配,然后点击继续。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__the_numbers_do_not_match" > 代码不匹配</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__continue" > 继续</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__if_the_numbers_on_your_devices_do_not_match_its_possible_you_connected_to_the_wrong_device" > 如果设备上的代码不匹配,可能连接了错误的设备。请停止转移并重试,保持两个设备贴近。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__stop_transfer" > 停止转移</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__unable_to_discover_old_device" > 找不到旧设备</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__unable_to_discover_new_device" > 找不到新设备</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__make_sure_the_following_permissions_are_enabled" > 请确保启用以下权限和服务:</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__location_permission" > 位置权限</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__location_services" > 位置服务</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__wifi" > Wi-Fi</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__on_the_wifi_direct_screen_remove_all_remembered_groups_and_unlink_any_invited_or_connected_devices" > 在 WiFi Direct 屏幕,移除全部记住的群组,并取消关联任何邀请或关联的设备。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__wifi_direct_screen" > WiFi Direct 屏幕</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__try_turning_wifi_off_and_on_on_both_devices" > 在两个设备上,尝试开启并关闭 Wi-Fi。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__make_sure_both_devices_are_in_transfer_mode" > 请确保两个设备处于转移模式。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__go_to_support_page" > 访问支持页面</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__try_again" > 重试</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__waiting_for_other_device" > 正在等待另一个设备</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__tap_continue_on_your_other_device_to_start_the_transfer" > 在另一设备上点击“继续”,开始转移。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransferSetup__tap_continue_on_your_other_device" > 在另一设备上点击“继续”…</string>
<!-- NewDeviceTransferFragment -->
<string name= "NewDeviceTransfer__cannot_transfer_from_a_newer_version_of_signal" > 无法从较新版 Signal 转移</string>
2023-04-25 16:03:22 -04:00
<!-- Error message indicating that we could not finish the user\'s device transfer. Displayed in a toast at the bottom of the screen. -->
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<string name= "NewDeviceTransfer__failure_foreign_key" > 传输的数据存在格式错误</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- DeviceTransferFragment -->
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__transferring_data" > 正在转移数据</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__keep_both_devices_near_each_other" > 请确保两个设备互相贴近。不要关闭设备,并保持 Signal 运行。转移是端对端加密的。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__d_messages_so_far" > 目前 %1$d 消息…</string>
<!-- Filled in with total percentage of messages transferred -->
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__s_of_messages_so_far" > 目前已传输 %1$s%%…</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__cancel" > 取消</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__try_again" > 重试</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__stop_transfer" > 停止转移</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__all_transfer_progress_will_be_lost" > 将丢失全部转移数据。</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__transfer_failed" > 转移失败</string>
<string name= "DeviceTransfer__unable_to_transfer" > 无法转移</string>
<!-- OldDeviceTransferInstructionsFragment -->
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__transfer_account" > 转移帐户</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__first_bullet" > 1.</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__download_signal_on_your_new_android_device" > 在新的 Android 设备上下载 Signal</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__second_bullet" > 2.</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__tap_on_transfer_or_restore_account" > "点击“转移或还原帐户”"</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__third_bullet" > 3.</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__select_transfer_from_android_device_when_prompted_and_then_continue" > "出现提示时选择“从 Android 设备转移”,然后选择“继续”。保持两个设备互相贴近。"</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferInstructions__continue" > 继续</string>
<!-- OldDeviceTransferComplete -->
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferComplete__go_to_your_new_device" > 转至新设备</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferComplete__your_signal_data_has_Been_transferred_to_your_new_device" > 您的 Signal 数据已转移至新设备。为了完成转移流程,必须在新设备上继续注册。</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferComplete__close" > 关闭</string>
<!-- NewDeviceTransferComplete -->
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferComplete__transfer_successful" > 成功转移</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferComplete__transfer_complete" > 转移完成</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferComplete__to_complete_the_transfer_process_you_must_continue_registration" > 为了完成转移流程,必须继续注册。</string>
<string name= "NewDeviceTransferComplete__continue_registration" > 继续注册</string>
<!-- DeviceToDeviceTransferService -->
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_content_title" > 帐户转移</string>
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_status_ready" > 正在准备连接其他 Android 设备…</string>
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_status_starting_up" > 正在准备连接其他 Android 设备…</string>
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_status_discovery" > 正在搜索其他 Android 设备…</string>
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_status_network_connected" > 正在连接其他 Android 设备…</string>
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_status_verification_required" > 需要验证</string>
<string name= "DeviceToDeviceTransferService_status_service_connected" > 正在转移帐户…</string>
<!-- OldDeviceTransferLockedDialog -->
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferLockedDialog__complete_registration_on_your_new_device" > 在新设备上完成注册</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferLockedDialog__your_signal_account_has_been_transferred_to_your_new_device" > 您的 Signal 帐户已转移到新设备,但必须在该设备上完成注册以继续。该设备上的 Signal 将停用。</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferLockedDialog__done" > 完成</string>
<string name= "OldDeviceTransferLockedDialog__cancel_and_activate_this_device" > 取消并激活该设备</string>
<!-- AdvancedPreferenceFragment -->
<!-- RecipientBottomSheet -->
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_block" > 屏蔽</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_unblock" > 取消屏蔽</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_contacts" > 添加到联系人</string>
<!-- Error message that displays when a user tries to tap to view system contact details but has no app that supports it -->
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_unable_to_open_contacts" > 找不到可以打开通讯录的应用。</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_a_group" > 添加至群组</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_add_to_another_group" > 添加至另一群组</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_view_safety_number" > 查看安全码</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_make_admin" > 设为管理员</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_remove_as_admin" > 取消其管理员身份</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_remove_from_group" > 从群组移除</string>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_remove_s_as_group_admin" > 取消%1$s的管理员身份? </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_s_will_be_able_to_edit_group" > "“%1$s” 将能编辑此群组及其成员。"</string>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_remove_s_from_the_group" > 将%1$s从群组移除? </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message shown when removing someone from a group with group link being active to indicate they will not be able to rejoin -->
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_remove_s_from_the_group_they_will_not_be_able_to_rejoin" > 要将%1$s移除出群组吗? 对方将无法通过群组链接重新加入群组。</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_remove" > 移除</string>
<string name= "RecipientBottomSheet_copied_to_clipboard" > 已复制到剪切板</string>
<string name= "GroupRecipientListItem_admin" > 管理员</string>
<string name= "GroupRecipientListItem_approve_description" > 批准</string>
<string name= "GroupRecipientListItem_deny_description" > 拒绝</string>
<!-- GroupsLearnMoreBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupsLearnMore_legacy_vs_new_groups" > 新旧版群组对比</string>
<string name= "GroupsLearnMore_what_are_legacy_groups" > 什么是旧版群组?</string>
<string name= "GroupsLearnMore_paragraph_1" > 旧版群组不兼容新版群组的功能,如管理员和更完善群组更新通知。</string>
<string name= "GroupsLearnMore_can_i_upgrade_a_legacy_group" > 我能升级旧版群组吗?</string>
<string name= "GroupsLearnMore_paragraph_2" > 旧版群组暂时无法升级为新版群组,但若群成员都已升级到最新版 Signal, 您可以创建一个包含相同成员的新版群组。</string>
<string name= "GroupsLearnMore_paragraph_3" > Signal 将在未来提供升级旧版群组的渠道。</string>
<!-- GroupLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_share_hint_requiring_approval" > 任何人都能凭此链接查看群组名称和头像,并提交入群申请。请仅分享给您信任的人。</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_share_hint_not_requiring_approval" > 任何人都能凭此链接查看群组名称和头像,并加入群组。请仅分享给您信任的人。</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_share_via_signal" > 通过 Signal 分享</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_copy" > 复制</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_qr_code" > QR 代码</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_share" > 分享</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_copied_to_clipboard" > 已复制到剪切板</string>
<string name= "GroupLinkBottomSheet_the_link_is_not_currently_active" > 此链接尚未激活</string>
<!-- VoiceNotePlaybackPreparer -->
<string name= "VoiceNotePlaybackPreparer__failed_to_play_voice_message" > 无法播放语音消息</string>
<!-- VoiceNoteMediaDescriptionCompatFactory -->
<string name= "VoiceNoteMediaItemFactory__voice_message" > 语音消息 · %1$s</string>
<string name= "VoiceNoteMediaItemFactory__s_to_s" > %1$s 至 %2$s</string>
<!-- StorageUtil -->
<string name= "StorageUtil__s_s" > %1$s/%2$s</string>
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_blocked" > 已屏蔽“%1$s”。</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__failed_to_block_s" > 无法屏蔽“%1$s”</string>
<string name= "BlockedUsersActivity__s_has_been_unblocked" > 已取消屏蔽“%1$s”。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ReviewCardDialogFragment -->
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__review_members" > 审查成员</string>
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__review_request" > 审查请求</string>
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__d_group_members_have_the_same_name" > %1$d 位群组成员的名字相同,请审查以下成员并采取相应措施。</string>
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__if_youre_not_sure" > 如果您不确定此请求的来源,请审查以下联系人并采取相应措施。</string>
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__no_other_groups_in_common" > 没有其它共同群组。</string>
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__no_groups_in_common" > 无共同群组。</string>
<plurals name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__d_other_groups_in_common" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个共同群组</item>
<plurals name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__d_groups_in_common" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个共同群组</item>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__remove_s_from_group" > 将%1$s从群组移除? </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__remove" > 移除</string>
<string name= "ReviewCardDialogFragment__failed_to_remove_group_member" > 移除群组成员失败。</string>
<!-- ReviewCard -->
<string name= "ReviewCard__member" > 成员</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__request" > 入群请求</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__your_contact" > 您的联系人</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__remove_from_group" > 从群组移除</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__update_contact" > 更新联系人</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__block" > 屏蔽</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__delete" > 删除</string>
<string name= "ReviewCard__recently_changed" > 最近更改了其用户名 %1$s 为 %2$s</string>
<!-- CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow -->
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_joined" > %1$s已加入</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_and_s_joined" > %1$s与%2$s已加入</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_s_and_s_joined" > %1$s、%2$s和 %3$s已加入</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_s_and_d_others_joined" > %1$s、%2$s 及其它 %3$d 位用户已加入</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_left" > %1$s 已离开</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_and_s_left" > %1$s和%2$s已离开</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_s_and_s_left" > %1$s、%2$s和%3$s已离开</string>
<string name= "CallParticipantsListUpdatePopupWindow__s_s_and_d_others_left" > %1$s、%2$s 及其它 %3$d 位用户已离开</string>
<string name= "CallParticipant__you" > 您</string>
<string name= "CallParticipant__you_on_another_device" > 您(其它设备)</string>
<string name= "CallParticipant__s_on_another_device" > %1$s( 其它设备) </string>
<!-- WifiToCellularPopupWindow -->
<!-- Message shown during a call when the WiFi network is unusable, and cellular data starts to be used for the call instead. -->
<string name= "WifiToCellularPopupWindow__weak_wifi_switched_to_cellular" > Wi-Fi 信号弱。已切换到蜂窝网络。</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountFragment -->
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_your_account_will" > 删除账户将会:</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__enter_your_phone_number" > 输入您的电话号码</string>
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__delete_account" > 删除账户</string>
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__delete_your_account_info_and_profile_photo" > 删除您的账户信息和个人资料照片</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__delete_all_your_messages" > 删除您的全部消息</string>
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__delete_s_in_your_payments_account" > 在您的付款账户中删除 %1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__no_country_code" > 未指定国家代码</string>
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__no_number" > 未指定号码</string>
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__the_phone_number" > 您输入的手机号码和您的帐户不符。</string>
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__are_you_sure" > 您确定要删除您的账号吗?</string>
2023-02-28 15:40:43 -05:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__this_will_delete_your_signal_account" > 此操作将会删除您的 Signal 账户并重置 Signal 应用。应用将会在这个过程完成后关闭。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__failed_to_delete_local_data" > 删除本地数据失败。您可以手动在系统的应用设置中进行清除。</string>
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__launch_app_settings" > 打开应用设置</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving all groups -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__leaving_groups" > 正在离开群组…</string>
<!-- Title of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process has left all groups -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_account" > 正在删除账户…</string>
<!-- Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is canceling their subscription -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__canceling_your_subscription" > 正在取消您的定期捐款……</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process is leaving groups -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__depending_on_the_number_of_groups" > 这可能需要数分钟,根据您所在的群组人数而定</string>
<!-- Message of progress dialog shown when a user deletes their account and the process has left all groups -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__deleting_all_user_data_and_resetting" > 正在删除用户数据和重置应用</string>
<!-- Title of error dialog shown when a network error occurs during account deletion -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__account_not_deleted" > 帐户未删除</string>
<!-- Message of error dialog shown when a network error occurs during account deletion -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountFragment__there_was_a_problem" > 完成删除步骤时出现问题。请检查您的网络连接并重试。</string>
<!-- DeleteAccountCountryPickerFragment -->
<string name= "DeleteAccountCountryPickerFragment__search_countries" > 搜索国家</string>
<!-- CreateGroupActivity -->
<string name= "CreateGroupActivity__skip" > 跳过</string>
<plurals name= "CreateGroupActivity__d_members" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个成员</item>
<!-- ShareActivity -->
<string name= "ShareActivity__share" > 分享</string>
<string name= "ShareActivity__send" > 发送</string>
<string name= "ShareActivity__comma_s" > , %1$s</string>
<!-- Toast when the incoming intent is invalid -->
<string name= "ShareActivity__could_not_get_share_data_from_intent" > 无法从意图获取共享数据。</string>
<!-- MultiShareDialogs -->
<string name= "MultiShareDialogs__failed_to_send_to_some_users" > 无法发送给某些用户</string>
<string name= "MultiShareDialogs__you_can_only_share_with_up_to" > 最多只能分享 %1$d 个对话</string>
<!-- ChatWallpaperActivity -->
<!-- ChatWallpaperFragment -->
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__chat_color" > 聊天颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_chat_colors" > 重置聊天颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_chat_color" > 重置聊天颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_chat_color_question" > 是否重置聊天颜色?</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__set_wallpaper" > 设置墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__dark_mode_dims_wallpaper" > 深色模式暗淡墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__contact_name" > 联系人名字</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset" > 重置</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__wallpaper_preview_description" > 墙纸预览</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__would_you_like_to_override_all_chat_colors" > 是否想要覆盖全部聊天颜色?</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__would_you_like_to_override_all_wallpapers" > 是否想要覆盖全部墙纸?</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_default_colors" > 重置默认颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_all_colors" > 重置全部颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_default_wallpaper" > 重置默认墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_all_wallpapers" > 重置全部墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_wallpapers" > 重置墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_wallpaper" > 重置墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperFragment__reset_wallpaper_question" > 是否重置墙纸?</string>
<!-- ChatWallpaperSelectionFragment -->
<string name= "ChatWallpaperSelectionFragment__choose_from_photos" > 从图片中选择</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperSelectionFragment__presets" > 预设</string>
<!-- ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity -->
<string name= "ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity__preview" > 预览</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity__set_wallpaper" > 设置墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity__swipe_to_preview_more_wallpapers" > 轻扫预览更多墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity__set_wallpaper_for_all_chats" > 对全部聊天设置墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity__set_wallpaper_for_s" > 对 %1$s 设置墙纸</string>
<string name= "ChatWallpaperPreviewActivity__viewing_your_gallery_requires_the_storage_permission" > 查看相册需存储权限。</string>
<!-- WallpaperImageSelectionActivity -->
<!-- WallpaperCropActivity -->
<string name= "WallpaperCropActivity__pinch_to_zoom_drag_to_adjust" > 捏合缩放,拖拉调整。</string>
<string name= "WallpaperCropActivity__set_wallpaper_for_all_chats" > 对全部聊天设置墙纸。</string>
<string name= "WallpaperCropActivity__set_wallpaper_for_s" > 对 %1$s 设置墙纸。</string>
<string name= "WallpaperCropActivity__error_setting_wallpaper" > 设置墙纸出错。</string>
<string name= "WallpaperCropActivity__blur_photo" > 模糊图片</string>
<!-- InfoCard -->
<string name= "payment_info_card_about_mobilecoin" > 关于 MobileCoin</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "payment_info_card_mobilecoin_is_a_new_privacy_focused_digital_currency" > MobileCoin 是一种注重隐私的新款数字货币。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "payment_info_card_adding_funds" > 正在添加资金</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_you_can_add_funds_for_use_in" > 通过将 MobileCoin 发送至钱包地址,即可在 Signal 中添加并使用资金。</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_cashing_out" > 兑现</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_you_can_cash_out_mobilecoin" > 在支持 MobileCoin 的交易平台上,可随时兑现 MobileCoin。只需在该交易平台上, 将资金转移至您的帐户。</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_hide_this_card" > 是否隐藏该卡片?</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_hide" > 隐藏</string>
<!-- Title of save recovery phrase card -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "payment_info_card_save_recovery_phrase" > 保存恢复短语</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "payment_info_card_your_recovery_phrase_gives_you" > 恢复短语提供了另一种方式,可用于还原您的付款帐户。</string>
<!-- Button in save recovery phrase card -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "payment_info_card_save_your_phrase" > 保存您的短语</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "payment_info_card_update_your_pin" > 更新 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_with_a_high_balance" > 余额较高时,可升级为字母数字 PIN 码,更好地保护您的帐号。</string>
<string name= "payment_info_card_update_pin" > 更新 PIN</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="payment_info_card__learn_more__about_mobilecoin" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_which_ones</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="payment_info_card__learn_more__adding_to_your_wallet" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_transfer_from_exchange</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="payment_info_card__learn_more__cashing_out" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_transfer_to_exchange</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- DeactivateWalletFragment -->
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__deactivate_wallet" > 停用钱包</string>
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__your_balance" > 您的余额</string>
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__its_recommended_that_you" > 我们建议您在停用付款之前将资金转移至其他钱包地址。如果您当前选择不转移,在重新激活付款时,您的资金将保留在 Signal 关联的钱包内。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__transfer_remaining_balance" > 转移剩余余额</string>
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__deactivate_without_transferring" > 停用而不转移</string>
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__deactivate" > 停用</string>
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__deactivate_without_transferring_question" > 是否停用而不转移?</string>
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__your_balance_will_remain" > 当重新激活付款时,您的余额将保留在 Signal 关联的钱包内。</string>
<string name= "DeactivateWalletFragment__error_deactivating_wallet" > 停用钱包出错。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="DeactivateWalletFragment__learn_more__we_recommend_transferring_your_funds" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_deactivate</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__recovery_phrase" > 恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__view_recovery_phrase" > 查看恢复短语</string>
<!-- Title in save recovery phrase screen -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__save_recovery_phrase" > 保存恢复短语</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__enter_recovery_phrase" > 输入恢复短语</string>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<plurals name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__your_balance_will_automatically_restore" >
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<item quantity= "other" > 重新安装 Signal 并确认 Signal PIN 码后,您的余额将自动恢复。另外您也可以使用恢复短语来恢复您的余额。恢复短语是一个对您具有唯一性的 %1$d 词短语。请将其记下并妥善保存。</item>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Description in save recovery phrase screen which shows up when user has non zero balance -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__got_balance" > 您还有一部分余额!是时候保存您的恢复短语了——这是一个 24 字/词的密钥,可以用来恢复您的余额。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Description in save recovery phrase screen which shows up when user navigates from info card -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__time_to_save" > 是时候保存您的恢复短语了——这是一个 24 字/词的密钥,可以用来恢复您的余额。了解详情</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__your_recovery_phrase_is_a" > 恢复短语包含 %1$d 个单词,并且对您是唯一的,可用于还原您的余额。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__start" > 开始</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__enter_manually" > 手动输入</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__paste_from_clipboard" > 从剪贴板粘贴</string>
<!-- Alert dialog title which asks before going back if user wants to save recovery phrase -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__continue_without_saving" > 是否在不保存的情况下继续?</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog description to let user know why recovery phrase needs to be saved -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__your_recovery_phrase" > 您的恢复短语可以让您在最坏的情况下恢复您的余额。我们强烈建议您保存您的恢复短语。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog option to skip recovery phrase -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__skip_recovery_phrase" > 跳过恢复短语</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog option to cancel dialog -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__cancel" > 取消</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsRecoveryPasteFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPasteFragment__paste_recovery_phrase" > 粘贴恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPasteFragment__recovery_phrase" > 恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPasteFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPasteFragment__invalid_recovery_phrase" > 无效的恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPasteFragment__make_sure" > 请确保输入了 %1$d 单词,然后重试。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__learn_more__view" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_wallet_view_passphrase</string> -->
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="PaymentsRecoveryStartFragment__learn_more__restore" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360057625692#payments_wallet_restore_passphrase</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__edit" > 编辑</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__your_recovery_phrase" > 您的恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__write_down_the_following_d_words" > 依次记下以下 %1$d 个单词。请将该列表存储在安全的地方。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__make_sure_youve_entered" > 请确保输入短语正确。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__do_not_screenshot_or_send_by_email" > 请勿使用屏幕截图或通过电子邮件发送。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__payments_account_restored" > 付款帐户已还原。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__invalid_recovery_phrase" > 无效的恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__make_sure_youve_entered_your_phrase_correctly_and_try_again" > 请确保输入短语正确,然后重试。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__copy_to_clipboard" > 是否复制到剪贴板?</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__if_you_choose_to_store" > 如果选择以数字方式存储恢复短语,请确保将其安全地存储在可信任之处。</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryPhraseFragment__copy" > 复制</string>
<!-- PaymentsRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment__confirm_recovery_phrase" > 确认恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment__enter_the_following_words" > 请输入恢复短语中以下单词。</string>
<string name= "PaymentRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment__word_d" > 单词 %1$d</string>
<string name= "PaymentRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment__see_phrase_again" > 再次查看短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment__done" > 完成</string>
<string name= "PaymentRecoveryPhraseConfirmFragment__recovery_phrase_confirmed" > 恢复短语已确认</string>
<!-- PaymentsRecoveryEntryFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryEntryFragment__enter_recovery_phrase" > 输入恢复短语</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryEntryFragment__enter_word_d" > 输入单词 %1$d</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryEntryFragment__word_d" > 单词 %1$d</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryEntryFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<string name= "PaymentsRecoveryEntryFragment__invalid_word" > 无效单词</string>
<!-- ClearClipboardAlarmReceiver -->
<!-- PaymentNotificationsView -->
<string name= "PaymentNotificationsView__view" > 查看</string>
<!-- UnreadPayments -->
<string name= "UnreadPayments__s_sent_you_s" > %1$s 向您发送了 %2$s</string>
<string name= "UnreadPayments__d_new_payment_notifications" > %1$d 个新的付款通知</string>
<!-- CanNotSendPaymentDialog -->
<string name= "CanNotSendPaymentDialog__cant_send_payment" > 无法发送付款</string>
<string name= "CanNotSendPaymentDialog__to_send_a_payment_to_this_user" > 为了发送付款,该用户需接受您的消息请求。请向他们发送消息,来创建消息请求。</string>
<string name= "CanNotSendPaymentDialog__send_a_message" > 发送消息</string>
<!-- GroupsInCommonMessageRequest -->
<string name= "GroupsInCommonMessageRequest__you_have_no_groups_in_common_with_this_person" > 与此人无共同群组。为了避免垃圾消息,请在接受之前仔细审查请求。</string>
<string name= "GroupsInCommonMessageRequest__none_of_your_contacts_or_people_you_chat_with_are_in_this_group" > 该群组没有您的联系人或曾聊过的人。为了避免垃圾消息,请在接受之前仔细审查请求。</string>
<string name= "GroupsInCommonMessageRequest__about_message_requests" > 关于消息请求</string>
<string name= "GroupsInCommonMessageRequest__okay" > 好的</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="GroupsInCommonMessageRequest__support_article" translatable="false">https://support.signal.org/hc/articles/360007459591</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__heres_a_preview_of_the_chat_color" > 此处为聊天颜色预览。</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__the_color_is_visible_to_only_you" > 该颜色仅对您可见。</string>
<!-- GroupDescriptionDialog -->
<string name= "GroupDescriptionDialog__group_description" > 群组描述</string>
<!-- QualitySelectorBottomSheetDialog -->
<string name= "QualitySelectorBottomSheetDialog__standard" > 标准</string>
<string name= "QualitySelectorBottomSheetDialog__faster_less_data" > 速度更快,数据更少</string>
<string name= "QualitySelectorBottomSheetDialog__high" > 高</string>
<string name= "QualitySelectorBottomSheetDialog__slower_more_data" > 速度更慢,数据更多</string>
<string name= "QualitySelectorBottomSheetDialog__photo_quality" > 图片质量</string>
<!-- AppSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "AppSettingsFragment__invite_your_friends" > 邀请好友</string>
<string name= "AppSettingsFragment__copied_subscriber_id_to_clipboard" > 定期捐款人 ID 已复制到剪贴板</string>
<!-- AccountSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "AccountSettingsFragment__account" > 帐户</string>
<string name= "AccountSettingsFragment__youll_be_asked_less_frequently" > 提醒次数将逐渐减少</string>
<string name= "AccountSettingsFragment__require_your_signal_pin" > 再次用您的手机号码注册 Signal, 要求输入 Signal PIN 码。</string>
<string name= "AccountSettingsFragment__change_phone_number" > 更改电话号码</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Account setting that allows user to request and export their signal account data -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "AccountSettingsFragment__request_account_data" > 您的账户数据</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- ExportAccountDataFragment -->
<!-- Part of requesting account data flow, this is the section title for requesting that account data -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__your_account_data" > 您的账户数据</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Explanation of account data the user can request. %1$s is replaced with Learn more with a link -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_explanation" > 导出您的 Signal 账户数据报告。该报告不包含任何消息或媒体。%1$s</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Learn more link to more information about requesting account data -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Button action to export the report data to another app (e.g. email) -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_report" > 导出报告</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Radio option to export the data as a text file .txt -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_as_txt" > 导出为 TXT 文件</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Label for the text file option -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_as_txt_label" > 易读文本文件</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Radio option to export the data as a json (java script object notation) file .json -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_as_json" > 导出为 JSON 文件</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Label for the json file option, the account data in a machine readable file format -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_as_json_label" > 机器可读文件</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Action to cancel (in a dialog) -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__cancel_action" > 取消</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Acknowledgement for download failure -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__ok_action" > 好</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Title of dialog shown when report fails to generate -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__report_generation_failed" > 无法生成报告</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Message of dialog shown when report fails to generate asking user to check network connection -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__check_network" > 请检查您的网络连接并重试。</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Title for export confirmation dialog -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_report_confirmation" > 要导出数据?</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Message for export confirmation dialog -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_report_confirmation_message" > 请只将您的 Signal 账户数据分享给您信任的人或应用。</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Action to export in for export confirmation dialog -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__export_report_action" > 导出</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Shown in a dialog with a spinner while the report is downloading -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__download_progress" > 正在生成报告…</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Explanation that the report is only generated on export and is not saved on the device -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "ExportAccountDataFragment__report_not_stored_disclaimer" > 您的报告只在导出时生成,不会由 Signal 保存在您的设备上。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ChangeNumberFragment -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberFragment__use_this_to_change_your_current_phone_number_to_a_new_phone_number" > 您可以以此将当前的电话号码更改为新号码。变更将无法撤消。\n\n在继续操作之前, 请确保您的新号码能接收短信或接听电话。</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
<!-- Message shown on dialog after your number has been changed successfully. -->
<string name= "ChangeNumber__your_phone_number_has_changed_to_s" > 您的电话号码已被改为 %1$s</string>
<!-- Confirmation button to dismiss number changed dialog -->
<string name= "ChangeNumber__okay" > 好的</string>
<!-- ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__change_number" > 更换号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__your_old_number" > 您的旧号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__old_phone_number" > 旧电话号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__your_new_number" > 您的新号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__new_phone_number" > 新电话号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__the_phone_number_you_entered_doesnt_match_your_accounts" > 您输入的手机号码和您的帐户不符。</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__you_must_specify_your_old_number_country_code" > 您必须明确列出旧号码的国家代码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__you_must_specify_your_old_phone_number" > 您必须明确列出您的旧电话号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__you_must_specify_your_new_number_country_code" > 您必须明确列出新号码的国家代码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberEnterPhoneNumberFragment__you_must_specify_your_new_phone_number" > 您必须明确列出您的新电话号码</string>
<!-- ChangeNumberVerifyFragment -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberVerifyFragment__change_number" > 更换号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberVerifyFragment__verifying_s" > 正在查验 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberVerifyFragment__captcha_required" > 需要验证码</string>
<!-- ChangeNumberConfirmFragment -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberConfirmFragment__change_number" > 更改号码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberConfirmFragment__you_are_about_to_change_your_phone_number_from_s_to_s" > 您即将把您的电话号码从 %1$s 改为 %2$s。\n\n在继续操作之前, 请检查下方的电话号码正确无误。</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberConfirmFragment__edit_number" > 编辑号码</string>
<!-- ChangeNumberRegistrationLockFragment -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberRegistrationLockFragment__signal_change_number_need_help_with_pin_for_android_v2_pin" > Signal 更改号码 - Android 版需要 PIN 码帮助( v2 PIN 码)</string>
<!-- ChangeNumberPinDiffersFragment -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberPinDiffersFragment__pins_do_not_match" > PIN 码不正确</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberPinDiffersFragment__the_pin_associated_with_your_new_number_is_different_from_the_pin_associated_with_your_old_one" > 关联新号码的 PIN 码与关联旧号码的 PIN 码不符。您想保留旧 PIN 码还是换成新 PIN 码?</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberPinDiffersFragment__keep_old_pin" > 保留旧 PIN 码</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberPinDiffersFragment__update_pin" > 更新 PIN</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberPinDiffersFragment__keep_old_pin_question" > 要保留旧 PIN 码吗?</string>
<!-- ChangeNumberLockActivity -->
<!-- Info message shown to user if something crashed the app during the change number attempt and we were unable to confirm the change so we force them into this screen to check before letting them use the app -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__it_looks_like_you_tried_to_change_your_number_but_we_were_unable_to_determine_if_it_was_successful_rechecking_now" > 您似乎尝试过更改您的电话号码,但我们无法确定电话号码是否已成功更改。\n\n正在重新检查…</string>
<!-- Dialog title shown if we were able to confirm your change number status (meaning we now know what the server thinks our number is) after a crash during the regular flow -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__change_status_confirmed" > 更改状态已确认</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown if we were able to confirm your change number status (meaning we now know what the server thinks our number is) after a crash during the regular flow -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__your_number_has_been_confirmed_as_s" > 您的电话号码已确认为 %1$s。如果这不是您的新号码, 请重新开始号码更改步骤。</string>
<!-- Dialog title shown if we were not able to confirm your phone number with the server and thus cannot let leave the change flow yet after a crash during the regular flow -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__change_status_unconfirmed" > 更改状态未确认</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown when we can\'t verify the phone number on the server, only shown if there was a network error communicating with the server after a crash during the regular flow -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__we_could_not_determine_the_status_of_your_change_number_request" > 我们无法确认您的号码更改请求处于什么状态。\n\n( 错误: %1$s) </string>
<!-- Dialog button to retry confirming the number on the server -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__retry" > 重试</string>
<!-- Dialog button shown to leave the app when in the unconfirmed change status after a crash in the regular flow -->
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__leave" > 离开群组</string>
<string name= "ChangeNumberLockActivity__submit_debug_log" > 提交调试日志</string>
<!-- ChatsSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "ChatsSettingsFragment__keyboard" > 键盘</string>
<string name= "ChatsSettingsFragment__enter_key_sends" > 按回车发送</string>
<!-- SmsSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__use_as_default_sms_app" > 用作默认短信应用</string>
<!-- Preference title to export sms -->
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__export_sms_messages" > 导出短信消息</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Preference title to re - export sms -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__export_sms_messages_again" > 再次导出短信消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Preference title to delete sms -->
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__remove_sms_messages" > 移除短信消息</string>
<!-- Snackbar text to confirm deletion -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__removing_sms_messages_from_signal" > 正在从 Signal 中移除短信消息…</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar text to indicate can delete later -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__you_can_remove_sms_messages_from_signal_in_settings" > 您可以随时在设置中将短信消息从 Signal 中移除。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Description for export sms preference -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__you_can_export_your_sms_messages_to_your_phones_sms_database" > 您可以将您的短信消息导出到您手机的短信数据库中</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Description for re - export sms preference -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__exporting_again_can_result_in_duplicate_messages" > 再次导出可能会导致出现重复的消息。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Description for remove sms preference -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__remove_sms_messages_from_signal_to_clear_up_storage_space" > 从 Signal 中移除短信消息,以清理您的存储空间。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Information message shown at the top of sms settings to indicate it is being removed soon. -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsSettingsFragment__sms_support_will_be_removed_soon_to_focus_on_encrypted_messaging" > 我们将很快不再支持短信服务,以专注于加密消息服务。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- NotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__messages" > 消息</string>
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__calls" > 通话</string>
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__notify_when" > 发送通知,当…</string>
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__contact_joins_signal" > 联系人加入 Signal</string>
<!-- Notification preference header -->
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__notification_profiles" > 通知配置</string>
<!-- Notification preference option header -->
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__profiles" > 配置</string>
<!-- Notification preference summary text -->
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__create_a_profile_to_receive_notifications_only_from_people_and_groups_you_choose" > 创建通知配置,仅接收您选择的用户和群组的通知。</string>
<!-- NotificationProfilesFragment -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Title for notification profiles screen that shows all existing profiles; Title with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "NotificationProfilesFragment__notification_profiles" > 通知配置</string>
<!-- Button text to create a notification profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfilesFragment__create_profile" > 创建配置</string>
<!-- PrivacySettingsFragment -->
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__blocked" > 已屏蔽</string>
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__d_contacts" > %1$d 个联系人</string>
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__messaging" > 消息传输</string>
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__disappearing_messages" > 限时消息</string>
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__app_security" > 应用安全</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__block_screenshots_in_the_recents_list_and_inside_the_app" > 阻止在最近聊天和应用内进行截图</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__signal_message_and_calls" > Signal 消息和通话,总是转发通话以及密封发送人</string>
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__default_timer_for_new_changes" > 新聊天的默认计时器</string>
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__set_a_default_disappearing_message_timer_for_all_new_chats_started_by_you" > 对于您开启的全部新聊天,设置默认的限时消息计时器。</string>
<!-- Summary for stories preference to launch into story privacy settings -->
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__payment_lock_require_lock" > 转账时需要 Android 屏幕锁或指纹识别</string>
<!-- Alert dialog title when payment lock cannot be enabled -->
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__cant_enable_title" > 无法启用付款锁</string>
<!-- Alert dialog description to setup screen lock or fingerprint in phone settings -->
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__cant_enable_description" > 如要使用付款锁,您必须首先在您的手机设置中启用屏幕锁或指纹 ID 识别。</string>
<!-- Shown in a toast when we can\'t navigate to the user\'s system fingerprint settings -->
<string name= "PrivacySettingsFragment__failed_to_navigate_to_system_settings" > 无法前往系统设置</string>
<!-- Alert dialog button to go to phone settings -->
<!-- Alert dialog button to cancel the dialog -->
<!-- AdvancedPrivacySettingsFragment -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="AdvancedPrivacySettingsFragment__sealed_sender_link" translatable="false">https://signal.org/blog/sealed - sender</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "AdvancedPrivacySettingsFragment__show_status_icon" > 显示状态图标</string>
<string name= "AdvancedPrivacySettingsFragment__show_an_icon" > 当使用密封发送人送达消息时,在详情中显示图标。</string>
<!-- ExpireTimerSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__when_enabled_new_messages_sent_and_received_in_new_chats_started_by_you_will_disappear_after_they_have_been_seen" > 如果启用,由您开启的新聊天,收发的新消息将在查看之后消失。</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__when_enabled_new_messages_sent_and_received_in_this_chat_will_disappear_after_they_have_been_seen" > 如果启用,该聊天中收发的新消息将在查看之后消失。</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__off" > 关</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__4_weeks" > 4 周</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__1_week" > 1 周</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__1_day" > 1 天</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__8_hours" > 8 小时</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__1_hour" > 1 小时</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__5_minutes" > 5分钟</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__30_seconds" > 30秒</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__custom_time" > 自定义时间</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__set" > 设置</string>
<string name= "ExpireTimerSettingsFragment__save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "CustomExpireTimerSelectorView__seconds" > 秒</string>
<string name= "CustomExpireTimerSelectorView__minutes" > 分钟</string>
<string name= "CustomExpireTimerSelectorView__hours" > 小时</string>
<string name= "CustomExpireTimerSelectorView__days" > 天</string>
<string name= "CustomExpireTimerSelectorView__weeks" > 周</string>
<!-- HelpSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "HelpSettingsFragment__support_center" > 支持中心</string>
<string name= "HelpSettingsFragment__contact_us" > 联系我们</string>
<string name= "HelpSettingsFragment__version" > 版本</string>
<string name= "HelpSettingsFragment__debug_log" > 调试日志</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Header for the screen that displays the licenses of the open - source software dependencies of the Signal app -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "HelpSettingsFragment__licenses" > 许可证</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "HelpSettingsFragment__terms_amp_privacy_policy" > 条款和隐私政策</string>
<string name= "HelpFragment__copyright_signal_messenger" > 版权所有 Signal Messenger</string>
2023-05-24 10:36:15 -04:00
<string name= "HelpFragment__licenced_under_the_agplv3" > 根据 GNU AGPLv3 授权许可</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- DataAndStorageSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "DataAndStorageSettingsFragment__media_quality" > 媒体质量</string>
<string name= "DataAndStorageSettingsFragment__sent_media_quality" > 已发送媒体质量</string>
<string name= "DataAndStorageSettingsFragment__sending_high_quality_media_will_use_more_data" > 发送高质量媒体将会使用更多数据。</string>
<string name= "DataAndStorageSettingsFragment__high" > 高</string>
<string name= "DataAndStorageSettingsFragment__standard" > 标准</string>
<string name= "DataAndStorageSettingsFragment__calls" > 通话</string>
<!-- ChatColorSelectionFragment -->
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__auto" > 自动</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__use_custom_colors" > 使用自定义颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__chat_color" > 聊天颜色</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__edit" > 编辑</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__duplicate" > 复制</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__delete" > 删除</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__delete_color" > 删除颜色</string>
<plurals name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__this_custom_color_is_used" >
<item quantity= "other" > 该自定义颜色将在 %1$d 个聊天中使用。是否想要对全部聊天删除?</item>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__delete_chat_color" > 是否删除聊天颜色?</string>
<!-- CustomChatColorCreatorFragment -->
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragment__solid" > 纯色</string>
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragment__gradient" > 渐变</string>
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragment__hue" > 色调</string>
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragment__saturation" > 饱和度</string>
<!-- CustomChatColorCreatorFragmentPage -->
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragmentPage__save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragmentPage__edit_color" > 编辑颜色</string>
<plurals name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragmentPage__this_color_is_used" >
<item quantity= "other" > 该颜色将在 %1$d 个聊天中使用。是否想要对全部聊天保存?</item>
<!-- ChatColorGradientTool -->
<!-- Title text for prompt to donate. Shown in a popup at the bottom of the chat list. -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "Donate2022Q2Megaphone_donate_to_signal" > 捐款给 Signal</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Body text for prompt to donate. Shown in a popup at the bottom of the chat list. -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "Donate2022Q2Megaphone_signal_is_powered_by_people_like_you" > Signal 全仰仗您及其他热心用户的支持来维持运营。每月给 Signal 捐款,收获一枚徽章。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Button label that brings a user to the donate screen. Shown in a popup at the bottom of the chat list. -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "Donate2022Q2Megaphone_donate" > 捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Button label that dismissed a prompt to donate. Shown in a popup at the bottom of the chat list. -->
<string name= "Donate2022Q2Megaphone_not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- EditReactionsFragment -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "EditReactionsFragment__customize_reactions" > 自定义回应</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "EditReactionsFragment__tap_to_replace_an_emoji" > 点击替换表情符号</string>
<string name= "EditReactionsFragment__reset" > 重置</string>
<string name= "EditReactionsFragment_save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "ChatColorSelectionFragment__auto_matches_the_color_to_the_wallpaper" > 颜色自动匹配墙纸</string>
<string name= "CustomChatColorCreatorFragment__drag_to_change_the_direction_of_the_gradient" > 拖动更改渐变方向</string>
<!-- AddAProfilePhotoMegaphone -->
<string name= "AddAProfilePhotoMegaphone__add_a_profile_photo" > 添加个人资料照片</string>
<string name= "AddAProfilePhotoMegaphone__choose_a_look_and_color" > 选择一个外观和颜色,或自定义您的首字母缩写。</string>
<string name= "AddAProfilePhotoMegaphone__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<string name= "AddAProfilePhotoMegaphone__add_photo" > 添加照片</string>
<!-- BecomeASustainerMegaphone -->
<string name= "BecomeASustainerMegaphone__become_a_sustainer" > 成为定期捐款人</string>
<!-- Displayed in the Become a Sustainer megaphone -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "BecomeASustainerMegaphone__signal_is_powered_by" > Signal 全仰仗您及其他热心用户的支持来维持运营。赶快捐款并获取徽章吧。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "BecomeASustainerMegaphone__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "BecomeASustainerMegaphone__donate" > 捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- KeyboardPagerFragment -->
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_emoji" > 表情符号</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_open_emoji_search" > 打开表情符号搜索</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_open_sticker_search" > 打开贴纸搜索</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_open_gif_search" > 打开 gif 搜索</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_stickers" > 贴纸</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_backspace" > 退格键</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_gifs" > Gif</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_search_emoji" > 搜索表情符号</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerfragment_back_to_emoji" > 返回表情符号</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerfragment_clear_search_entry" > 清除搜索条目</string>
<string name= "KeyboardPagerFragment_search_giphy" > 搜索 GIPHY</string>
<!-- StickerSearchDialogFragment -->
<string name= "StickerSearchDialogFragment_search_stickers" > 搜索贴纸</string>
<string name= "StickerSearchDialogFragment_no_results_found" > 未找到结果</string>
<string name= "EmojiSearchFragment__no_results_found" > 未找到结果</string>
<string name= "NotificationsSettingsFragment__unknown_ringtone" > 未知铃声</string>
<!-- ConversationSettingsFragment -->
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
<!-- Dialog title displayed when non - admin tries to add a story to an audience group -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__cant_add_to_group_story" > 无法添加到群组动态</string>
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
<!-- Dialog message displayed when non - admin tries to add a story to an audience group -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__only_admins_of_this_group_can_add_to_its_story" > 只有该组管理员才可以添加到群组动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Error toasted when no activity can handle the add contact intent -->
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__contacts_app_not_found" > 未找到联系人应用</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__start_video_call" > 发起视频通话</string>
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__start_audio_call" > 发起语音通话</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-12-02 13:50:44 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__story" > 动态</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__message" > 消息</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__video" > 视频</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__audio" > 音频</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__call" > 呼叫</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__mute" > 静音</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__muted" > 已静音</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Button label with hyphenation. Translation can use soft hyphen - Unicode U+00AD -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__search" > 搜索</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__disappearing_messages" > 限时消息</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__sounds_and_notifications" > 声音与通知</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Removed by excludeNonTranslatables <string name="ConversationSettingsFragment__internal_details" translatable="false">Internal details</string> -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__contact_details" > 联系人详情</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__view_safety_number" > 查看安全码</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__block" > 屏蔽</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__block_group" > 屏蔽群组</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock" > 取消屏蔽</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__unblock_group" > 取消屏蔽群组</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__add_to_a_group" > 添加至群组</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__see_all" > 查看全部</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__add_members" > 添加成员</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__permissions" > 权限</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__requests_and_invites" > 请求与邀请</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__group_link" > 群组链接</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__add_as_a_contact" > 添加为联系人</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__unmute" > 取消静音</string>
2023-05-17 15:45:48 -04:00
<!-- The subtitle for a settings item that describes how long the user\'s chat is muted. If a chat is muted, you will not receive notifications unless @mentioned. The placeholder represents a time (e.g. 10pm, March 4, etc). -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_until_s" > 聊天静音至 %1$s</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__conversation_muted_forever" > 聊天已永久静音</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__copied_phone_number_to_clipboard" > 已复制手机号码至剪贴板。</string>
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__phone_number" > 手机号码</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ConversationSettingsFragment__get_badges" > 欢迎给 Signal 捐款,在个人资料中显示捐款徽章。点击徽章了解详情。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- PermissionsSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__add_members" > 添加成员</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__edit_group_info" > 编辑群组信息</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__send_messages" > 发送消息</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__all_members" > 全部成员</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__only_admins" > 仅限管理员</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__who_can_add_new_members" > 谁能添加新成员?</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__who_can_edit_this_groups_info" > 谁能编辑群组信息?</string>
<string name= "PermissionsSettingsFragment__who_can_send_messages" > 谁可以发送消息?</string>
<!-- SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment -->
<string name= "SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mute_notifications" > 静音通知</string>
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__not_muted" > 未静音</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__mentions" > 提及我</string>
<string name= "SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__always_notify" > 总是通知</string>
<string name= "SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__do_not_notify" > 不通知</string>
<string name= "SoundsAndNotificationsSettingsFragment__custom_notifications" > 自定义通知</string>
<!-- StickerKeyboard -->
<string name= "StickerKeyboard__recently_used" > 最近使用</string>
<!-- PlaybackSpeedToggleTextView -->
<string name= "PlaybackSpeedToggleTextView__p5x" > .5x</string>
<string name= "PlaybackSpeedToggleTextView__1x" > 1x</string>
<string name= "PlaybackSpeedToggleTextView__1p5x" > 1.5x</string>
<string name= "PlaybackSpeedToggleTextView__2x" > 2x</string>
<!-- PaymentRecipientSelectionFragment -->
<string name= "PaymentRecipientSelectionFragment__new_payment" > 新付款</string>
<!-- NewConversationActivity -->
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__new_message" > 新消息</string>
<!-- Context menu item message -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__message" > 消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Context menu item audio call -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__audio_call" > 语音通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Context menu item video call -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__video_call" > 视频通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Context menu item remove -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__remove" > 删除</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Context menu item block -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__block" > 屏蔽</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title when removing a contact -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__remove_s" > 要移除%1$s吗? </string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message when removing a contact -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__you_wont_see_this_person" > 您在搜索时将不会看到此用户。如果对方在日后给您发送消息,您将会收到消息请求。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar message after removing a contact -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_removed" > 已移除%1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar message after blocking a contact -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__s_has_been_blocked" > 已屏蔽%1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__unable_to_remove_s" > 无法移除%1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message when remove target contact is in system contacts -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__this_person_is_saved_to_your" > 此用户已保存到您设备的通讯录中。请在通讯录中删除对方并重试。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog action to view contact when they can\'t be removed otherwise -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__view_contact" > 查看联系人</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Error message shown when looking up a person by phone number and that phone number is not associated with a signal account -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "NewConversationActivity__s_is_not_a_signal_user" > %1$s不是 Signal 用户</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ContactFilterView -->
<string name= "ContactFilterView__search_name_or_number" > 搜索名字或号码</string>
<!-- VoiceNotePlayerView -->
<string name= "VoiceNotePlayerView__dot_s" > · %1$s</string>
<string name= "VoiceNotePlayerView__stop_voice_message" > 停止语音消息</string>
<string name= "VoiceNotePlayerView__change_voice_message_speed" > 调整语音消息速度</string>
<string name= "VoiceNotePlayerView__pause_voice_message" > 暂停语音消息</string>
<string name= "VoiceNotePlayerView__play_voice_message" > 播放语音消息</string>
<string name= "VoiceNotePlayerView__navigate_to_voice_message" > 前往语音消息</string>
<!-- AvatarPickerFragment -->
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__avatar_preview" > 头像预览</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__camera" > 相机</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__take_a_picture" > 拍照</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__choose_a_photo" > 选择照片</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__photo" > 图片</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__text" > 文本</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__save" > 保存</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerFragment__clear_avatar" > 清除头像</string>
<string name= "AvatarPickerRepository__failed_to_save_avatar" > 无法保持头像</string>
<!-- TextAvatarCreationFragment -->
<string name= "TextAvatarCreationFragment__preview" > 预览</string>
<string name= "TextAvatarCreationFragment__done" > 完成</string>
<string name= "TextAvatarCreationFragment__text" > 文本</string>
<string name= "TextAvatarCreationFragment__color" > 颜色</string>
<!-- VectorAvatarCreationFragment -->
<string name= "VectorAvatarCreationFragment__select_a_color" > 选择一种颜色</string>
<!-- ContactSelectionListItem -->
<string name= "ContactSelectionListItem__sms" > 短信</string>
<string name= "ContactSelectionListItem__dot_s" > · %1$s</string>
<!-- Displayed in the toolbar when externally sharing text to multiple recipients -->
<string name= "ShareInterstitialActivity__share" > 分享</string>
<!-- DSLSettingsToolbar -->
<string name= "DSLSettingsToolbar__navigate_up" > 向上导航</string>
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__forward_to" > 转发给</string>
<!-- Displayed when sharing content via the fragment -->
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__share_with" > 分享至</string>
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__add_a_message" > 添加消息</string>
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__faster_forwards" > 快捷转发</string>
<!-- Displayed when user selects a video that will be clipped before sharing to a story -->
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__videos_will_be_trimmed" > 视频将会被剪成 30 秒的片段并以多个动态发送。</string>
<!-- Displayed when user selects a video that cannot be sent as a story -->
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__videos_sent_to_stories_cant" > 发送到动态的视频时长不能超过 30 秒。</string>
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__forwarded_messages_are_now" > 转发的消息现在将立即发送。</string>
<plurals name= "MultiselectForwardFragment_send_d_messages" >
<item quantity= "other" > 发送 %1$d 条消息</item>
<plurals name= "MultiselectForwardFragment_messages_sent" >
<item quantity= "other" > 消息已发送</item>
<plurals name= "MultiselectForwardFragment_messages_failed_to_send" >
<item quantity= "other" > 消息发送失败</item>
<plurals name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__couldnt_forward_messages" >
<item quantity= "other" > 无法转发消息,因为消息已不可用。</item>
<!-- Error message shown when attempting to select a group to forward/share but it\'s announcement only and you are not an admin -->
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__only_admins_can_send_messages_to_this_group" > 只有管理员可发送消息至该群组。</string>
<string name= "MultiselectForwardFragment__limit_reached" > 已达上限</string>
<!-- Media V2 -->
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
<!-- Dialog message when sending a story via an add to group story button -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__add_to_the_group_story" > 添加到群组动态“%1$s”</string>
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
<!-- Positive dialog action when sending a story via an add to group story button -->
2022-12-02 13:50:44 -04:00
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__add_to_story" > 添加到动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__add_a_message" > 添加消息</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__add_a_reply" > 添加回复</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__send_to" > 发送给</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__view_once_message" > 一次性消息</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_too_large" > 一个或多个项目过大</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__one_or_more_items_were_invalid" > 一个或多个项目无效</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewFragment__too_many_items_selected" > 选择的项目过多</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__cancel" > 取消</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__draw" > 绘画</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__write_text" > 编写文本</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__add_a_sticker" > 添加贴纸</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__blur" > 模糊</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__done_editing" > 完成编辑</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__clear_all" > 全部清除</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__undo" > 撤消</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__toggle_between_marker_and_highlighter" > 在马克笔和高亮笔之间切换</string>
<string name= "ImageEditorHud__toggle_between_text_styles" > 切换文本样式</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Header for section of featured stickers (location/time stickers) -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "ScribbleStickersFragment__featured_stickers" > 精选</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MediaCountIndicatorButton__send" > 发送</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewSelectedItem__tap_to_remove" > 点击移除</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewSelectedItem__tap_to_select" > 点击选择</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewImagePageFragment__discard" > 放弃</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewImagePageFragment__discard_changes" > 要放弃更改吗?</string>
<string name= "MediaReviewImagePageFragment__youll_lose_any_changes" > 您将会丢失对这张照片所做的任何更改。</string>
<string name= "BadgesOverviewFragment__my_badges" > 我的徽章</string>
<string name= "BadgesOverviewFragment__featured_badge" > 精选徽章</string>
<string name= "BadgesOverviewFragment__display_badges_on_profile" > 在个人资料中显示徽章</string>
<string name= "BadgesOverviewFragment__failed_to_update_profile" > 无法更新个人资料</string>
<string name= "SelectFeaturedBadgeFragment__select_a_badge" > 选择一个徽章</string>
<string name= "SelectFeaturedBadgeFragment__you_must_select_a_badge" > 您必须选择一个徽章</string>
<string name= "SelectFeaturedBadgeFragment__failed_to_update_profile" > 无法更新个人资料</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Displayed on primary button in the bottom sheet as a call - to - action to launch into the donation flow -->
2023-01-06 13:06:33 -05:00
<string name= "ViewBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__donate_now" > 立即捐款</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Title of a page in the bottom sheet. Placeholder is a user\'s short - name -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "ViewBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__s_supports_signal" > %1$s正在支持 Signal</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Description of a page in the bottom sheet of a monthly badge. Placeholder is a user\'s short - name -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "ViewBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__s_supports_signal_with_a_monthly" > %1$s通过每月定期捐款为 Signal 提供支持。Signal 是一个非盈利机构,没有广告商或投资方,仅凭您和千千万万的用户提供赞助。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Description of a page in the bottom sheet of a one - time badge. Placeholder is a user\'s short - name -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "ViewBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__s_supports_signal_with_a_donation" > %1$s正在通过捐款为 Signal 提供支持Signal 是一个非盈利机构,没有广告商或投资方,仅凭您和千千万万的用户提供赞助。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ImageView__badge" > 徽章</string>
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__cancel_subscription" > 取消定期捐款</string>
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__confirm_cancellation" > 确定要取消吗?</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__you_wont_be_charged_again" > 之后您不会再被扣款。您的徽章将会在到期后从您的个人资料中移除。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__confirm" > 确认</string>
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__update_subscription" > 更新定期捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__your_subscription_has_been_cancelled" > 您的定期捐款已取消。</string>
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__update_subscription_question" > 要更新定期捐款计划吗?</string>
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__update" > 更新</string>
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__you_will_be_charged_the_full_amount_s_of" > 今天您将会被收取新定期捐款的全额(%1$s) 。您的新定期捐款将会每月续期。</string>
<string name= "Subscription__s_per_month" > %1$s/月</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Shown when a subscription is active and isn\'t going to expire at the end of the term -->
2022-10-28 17:53:22 -03:00
<string name= "Subscription__renews_s" > 到 %1$s 续期</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Shown when a subscription is active and is going to expire at the end of the term -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "Subscription__expires_s" > %1$s到期</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Title of learn more sheet -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "SubscribeLearnMoreBottomSheetDialogFragment__signal_is_different" > Signal 与众不同。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- First small text blurb on learn more sheet -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "SubscribeLearnMoreBottomSheetDialogFragment__private_messaging" > 私密通信。无广告,无跟踪,无监视。</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Second small text blurb on learn more sheet -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeLearnMoreBottomSheetDialogFragment__signal_is_supported_by" > Signal 依靠捐款维持运营, 这意味着在我们的经营和运作中, 保护您的隐私才是我们的重中之重。Signal 为用户而生,不为数据,也不为盈利。</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Third small text blurb on learn more sheet -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "SubscribeLearnMoreBottomSheetDialogFragment__if_you_can" > 如果可以的话,欢迎立即给 Signal 捐款,让 Signal 继续成为一个充满乐趣和值得信赖的平台,供所有人自由使用。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__thanks_for_your_support" > 感谢您的支持!</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- Subtext underneath the dialog title on the thanks sheet -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__youve_earned_a_donor_badge" > 您获得了 Signal 的一个捐款徽章!赶快在个人资料中展示徽章吧,让大家看到您对 Signal 的支持。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__you_can_also" > 您还可以</string>
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__become_a_montly_sustainer" > 成为每月捐款的定期捐款人。</string>
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__display_on_profile" > 在个人资料中显示</string>
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__make_featured_badge" > 设为精选徽章</string>
2022-11-04 16:12:29 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetDialogFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ThanksForYourSupportBottomSheetFragment__when_you_have_more" > 当您拥有多个徽章时,您可以选择将其中一个徽章设为精选徽章,在个人资料中向他人展示。</string>
<string name= "BecomeASustainerFragment__get_badges" > 支持 Signal, 为您的个人资料添加徽章吧。</string>
<string name= "BecomeASustainerFragment__signal_is_a_non_profit" > Signal 是一个非盈利机构,没有广告商或投资方,仅凭您和千千万万的用户提供赞助。</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Button label for creating a donation -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__donate_to_signal" > 捐款给 Signal</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Heading for more area of manage subscriptions page -->
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__more" > 更多</string>
<!-- Heading for receipts area of manage subscriptions page -->
<!-- Heading for my subscription area of manage subscriptions page -->
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__my_support" > 我的赞助</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__manage_subscription" > 管理定期捐款</string>
<!-- Label for Donation Receipts button -->
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__donation_receipts" > 捐款收据</string>
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__badges" > 徽章</string>
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__subscription_faq" > 定期捐款常见问题解答</string>
<!-- Preference heading for other ways to donate -->
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__other_ways_to_give" > 其他赞助方式</string>
<!-- Preference label to launch badge gifting -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ManageDonationsFragment__donate_for_a_friend" > 代朋友捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "Boost__enter_custom_amount" > 输入自定义金额</string>
<string name= "Boost__one_time_contribution" > 单次捐款</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Error label when the amount is smaller than what we can accept -->
2022-12-13 16:41:01 -05:00
<string name= "Boost__the_minimum_amount_you_can_donate_is_s" > 捐款的最小金额是 %1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MySupportPreference__s_per_month" > %1$s/月</string>
2022-10-28 17:53:22 -03:00
<string name= "MySupportPreference__renews_s" > 到 %1$s 续期</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "MySupportPreference__processing_transaction" > 正在处理交易……</string>
<!-- Displayed on "My Support" screen when user badge failed to be added to their account -->
<string name= "MySupportPreference__couldnt_add_badge_s" > 无法添加徽章。%1$s</string>
<string name= "MySupportPreference__please_contact_support" > 请联系支持人员。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Title of dialog telling user they need to update signal as it expired -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UpdateSignalExpiredDialog__title" > 升级 Signal</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Message of dialog telling user they need to update signal as it expired -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "UpdateSignalExpiredDialog__message" > 此 Signal 版本已过期,请立即更新以继续使用 Signal。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button text of expiration dialog, will take user to update the app -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UpdateSignalExpiredDialog__update_action" > 更新</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button text of expiration dialog to cancel the dialog. -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UpdateSignalExpiredDialog__cancel_action" > 取消</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Title of dialog telling user they need to re - register signal -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ReregisterSignalDialog__title" > 设备未注册</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Message of dialog telling user they need to re - register signal as it is no longer registered -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "ReregisterSignalDialog__message" > 此设备已注销。请重新注册以继续在此设备上使用 Signal。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button text of re - registration dialog to re - register the device. -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ReregisterSignalDialog__reregister_action" > 重新注册</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button text of re - registration dialog to cancel the dialog. -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "ReregisterSignalDialog__cancel_action" > 取消</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Title of expiry sheet when boost badge falls off profile unexpectedly. -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__boost_badge_expired" > 随手捐徽章已到期</string>
<!-- Displayed in the bottom sheet if a monthly donation badge unexpectedly falls off the user\'s profile -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__monthly_donation_cancelled" > 每月捐款已取消</string>
<!-- Displayed in the bottom sheet when a boost badge expires -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__your_boost_badge_has_expired_and" > 您的随手捐徽章已到期,无法显示在您的个人资料中。</string>
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__you_can_reactivate" > 您可以给 Signal 单次捐款,将您的随手捐徽章重新激活 30 天。</string>
<!-- Displayed when we do not think the user is a subscriber when their boost expires -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__you_can_keep" > 您可以继续使用 Signal, 但如果您想支持为用户而生的 Signal 技术,您可以考虑成为定期捐款人,每月给 Signal 捐款。</string>
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__become_a_sustainer" > 成为定期捐款人</string>
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__add_a_boost" > 增加一次随手捐</string>
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- Copy displayed when badge expires after user inactivity -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__your_recurring_monthly_donation_was_automatically" > 由于您长期不活跃,您的每月定期捐款已自动取消。您的个人资料已不再显示您的%1$s徽章。</string>
<!-- Copy displayed when badge expires after payment failure -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__your_recurring_monthly_donation_was_canceled" > 由于我们无法处理您的付款,您的每月定期捐款已自动取消。您的个人资料已不再显示您的徽章。</string>
<!-- Copy displayed when badge expires after a payment failure and we have a displayable charge failure reason -->
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__your_recurring_monthly_donation_was_canceled_s" > 您的每月定期捐款已自动取消。%1$s 您的个人资料已不再显示您的%2$s徽章。</string>
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__you_can" > 您可以继续使用 Signal, 但如果您要支持我们的应用并重新激活您的徽章, 请立即为您的定期捐款续期吧。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__renew_subscription" > 定期捐款续期</string>
<!-- Button label to send user to Google Pay website -->
<string name= "ExpiredBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__go_to_google_pay" > 前往 Google Pay</string>
<string name= "CantProcessSubscriptionPaymentBottomSheetDialogFragment__cant_process_subscription_payment" > 无法处理定期捐款的付款</string>
<string name= "CantProcessSubscriptionPaymentBottomSheetDialogFragment__were_having_trouble" > 我们在收取您的 Signal 定期捐款时遇到了问题。请确认您的付款方式依然可用。如不可用,请前往 Google Pay 更新付款方式。Signal 将会在几天后重新尝试收款。</string>
<string name= "CantProcessSubscriptionPaymentBottomSheetDialogFragment__dont_show_this_again" > 不再显示</string>
<string name= "Subscription__contact_support" > 联系支持</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<string name= "Subscription__get_a_s_badge" > 获得一个%1$s徽章</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "SubscribeFragment__processing_payment" > 正在处理付款…</string>
<!-- Displayed in notification when user payment fails to process on Stripe -->
<string name= "DonationsErrors__error_processing_payment" > 处理付款发生错误</string>
<!-- Displayed on "My Support" screen when user subscription payment method failed. -->
<string name= "DonationsErrors__error_processing_payment_s" > 处理付款发生错误。%1$s</string>
<string name= "DonationsErrors__your_payment" > 系统无法处理您的付款,并且您尚未被扣款。请重试。</string>
<string name= "DonationsErrors__still_processing" > 仍在处理中</string>
<string name= "DonationsErrors__couldnt_add_badge" > 无法添加徽章</string>
<!-- Displayed when badge credential couldn\'t be verified -->
<string name= "DonationsErrors__failed_to_validate_badge" > 无法验证徽章</string>
<!-- Displayed when badge credential couldn\'t be verified -->
<string name= "DonationsErrors__could_not_validate" > 无法验证服务器响应。请联系支持团队。</string>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as title when some generic error happens during sending donation on behalf of another user -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "DonationsErrors__donation_failed" > 捐款失败</string>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as message when some generic error happens during sending donation on behalf of another user -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "DonationsErrors__your_payment_was_processed_but" > 您的付款已处理,但 Signal 无法发送您的捐款消息。请联系支持团队。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "DonationsErrors__your_badge_could_not" > 您的徽章无法添加到您的帐户中,但您可能已经成功捐款。请联系支持人员。</string>
<string name= "DonationsErrors__your_payment_is_still" > 您的付款仍在处理中。这可能需要几分钟时间,视您的网络连接情况而定。</string>
<string name= "DonationsErrors__failed_to_cancel_subscription" > 无法取消定期捐款</string>
<string name= "DonationsErrors__subscription_cancellation_requires_an_internet_connection" > 取消定期捐款需要连接互联网。</string>
<string name= "ViewBadgeBottomSheetDialogFragment__your_device_doesn_t_support_google_pay_so_you_can_t_subscribe_to_earn_a_badge_you_can_still_support_signal_by_making_a_donation_on_our_website" > 您的设备不支持 Google Pay, 因此您无法定期捐款和获取徽章。您可以在我们的网站中捐款以支持 Signal。</string>
<string name= "NetworkFailure__network_error_check_your_connection_and_try_again" > 网络出错。请检查您的网络连接并重试。</string>
<string name= "NetworkFailure__retry" > 重试</string>
<!-- Displayed as a dialog title when the selected recipient for a gift doesn\'t support gifting -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "DonationsErrors__cannot_send_donation" > 无法送出捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a dialog message when the selected recipient for a gift doesn\'t support gifting -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "DonationsErrors__this_user_cant_receive_donations_until" > 该用户需要更新 Signal 才能接收送出的捐款。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a dialog message when the user\'s profile could not be fetched, likely due to lack of internet -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "DonationsErrors__your_donation_could_not_be_sent" > 由于出现网络错误,您的捐款无法送出。请检查您的网络连接并重试。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Gift message view title -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "GiftMessageView__donation_on_behalf_of_s" > 代%1$s捐款</string>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Gift message view title for incoming donations -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "GiftMessageView__s_donated_to_signal_on" > %1$s代您给 Signal 捐了款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Gift badge redeem action label -->
<string name= "GiftMessageView__redeem" > 领取</string>
<!-- Gift badge view action label -->
<string name= "GiftMessageView__view" > 查看</string>
<!-- Gift badge redeeming action label -->
<string name= "GiftMessageView__redeeming" > 正在领取……</string>
<!-- Gift badge redeemed label -->
<string name= "GiftMessageView__redeemed" > 已领取</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code generic_failure -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__try_another_payment_method_or_contact_your_bank" > 请尝试另一种付款方式或联系您的银行了解详情。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code verify on Google Pay and try again -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__verify_your_payment_method_is_up_to_date_in_google_pay_and_try_again" > 请在 Google Pay 中检查您的付款方式是否仍然可用,然后重试。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code learn more action label -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__learn_more" > 了解更多</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code contact issuer -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__verify_your_payment_method_is_up_to_date_in_google_pay_and_try_again_if_the_problem" > 请在 Google Pay 中检查您的付款方式是否仍然可用,然后重试。如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的银行。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code purchase not supported -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_card_does_not_support_this_type_of_purchase" > 您的卡不支持此类消费。请尝试其他付款方式。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code your card has expired -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_card_has_expired" > 您的卡已过期。请在 Google Pay 中更新您的付款方式,然后重试。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code go to google pay action label -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__go_to_google_pay" > 前往 Google Pay</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code try credit card again action label -->
2022-12-02 13:50:44 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__try" > 重试</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Stripe decline code incorrect card number -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_card_number_is_incorrect" > 您的卡号不正确。请在 Google Pay 中更新卡号,然后重试。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code incorrect cvc -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_cards_cvc_number_is_incorrect" > 您卡片的 CVC 码不正确。请在 Google Pay 中更新,然后重试。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code insufficient funds -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_card_does_not_have_sufficient_funds" > 您的卡余额不足,无法完成此次消费。请尝试其他付款方式。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code incorrect expiration month -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__the_expiration_month" > 您的付款方式的到期月份不正确。请在 Google Pay 中更新,然后重试。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code incorrect expiration year -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__the_expiration_year" > 您的付款方式的到期年份不正确。请在 Google Pay 中更新,然后重试。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code issuer not available -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__try_completing_the_payment_again" > 请再次尝试完成付款,或联系您的银行了解详情。</string>
<!-- Stripe decline code processing error -->
<string name= "DeclineCode__try_again" > 请重试或联系您的银行了解详情。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Credit Card decline code error strings -->
<!-- Stripe decline code approve_with_id for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__verify_your_card_details_are_correct_and_try_again" > 请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code call_issuer for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__verify_your_card_details_are_correct_and_try_again_if_the_problem_continues" > 请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。如果问题仍然存在,请联系您的银行。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code expired_card for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_card_has_expired_verify_your_card_details" > 您的卡片已过期。请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code incorrect_cvc and invalid_cvc for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_cards_cvc_number_is_incorrect_verify_your_card_details" > 您卡片的 CVC 码不正确。请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code invalid_expiry_month for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__the_expiration_month_on_your_card_is_incorrect" > 您卡片上的到期月份不正确。请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code invalid_expiry_year for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__the_expiration_year_on_your_card_is_incorrect" > 您卡片上的到期年份不正确。请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
<!-- Stripe decline code incorrect_number and invalid_number for credit cards displayed in a notification or dialog -->
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<string name= "DeclineCode__your_card_number_is_incorrect_verify_your_card_details" > 您的卡号不正确。请检查您的卡片信息正确无误并重试。</string>
2022-11-29 11:39:38 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Title of create notification profile screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__name_your_profile" > 命名配置</string>
<!-- Hint text for create/edit notification profile name -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__profile_name" > 个人资料名称</string>
<!-- Name has a max length, this shows how many characters are used out of the max -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__count" > %1$d/%2$d</string>
<!-- Call to action button to continue to the next step -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<!-- Call to action button once the profile is named to create the profile and continue to the customization steps -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__create" > 创建</string>
<!-- Call to action button once the profile name is edited -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__save" > 保存</string>
<!-- Title of edit notification profile screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__edit_this_profile" > 编辑配置</string>
<!-- Error message shown when attempting to create or edit a profile name to an existing profile name -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__a_profile_with_this_name_already_exists" > 此名称的配置已存在。</string>
<!-- Preset selectable name for a profile name, shown as list in edit/create screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__work" > 工作</string>
<!-- Preset selectable name for a profile name, shown as list in edit/create screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__sleep" > 睡觉</string>
<!-- Preset selectable name for a profile name, shown as list in edit/create screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__driving" > 驾驶</string>
<!-- Preset selectable name for a profile name, shown as list in edit/create screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__downtime" > 休息</string>
<!-- Preset selectable name for a profile name, shown as list in edit/create screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__focus" > 专注</string>
<!-- Error message shown when attempting to next/save without a profile name -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileFragment__profile_must_have_a_name" > 必须要有名字</string>
<!-- Title for add recipients to notification profile screen in create flow -->
<string name= "AddAllowedMembers__allowed_notifications" > 允许通知</string>
<!-- Description of what the user should be doing with this screen -->
<string name= "AddAllowedMembers__add_people_and_groups_you_want_notifications_and_calls_from_when_this_profile_is_on" > 添加您启用此配置时想要接收通知或接到通话的用户和群组</string>
<!-- Button text that launches the contact picker to select from -->
<string name= "AddAllowedMembers__add_people_or_groups" > 添加用户或群组</string>
<!-- Call to action button on contact picker for adding to profile -->
<string name= "SelectRecipientsFragment__add" > 添加</string>
<!-- Notification profiles home fragment, shown when no profiles have been created yet -->
<string name= "NotificationProfilesFragment__create_a_profile_to_receive_notifications_and_calls_only_from_the_people_and_groups_you_want_to_hear_from" > 创建通知配置,仅接收/接听您感兴趣的用户和群组的通知和通话。</string>
<!-- Header shown above list of all notification profiles -->
<string name= "NotificationProfilesFragment__profiles" > 配置</string>
<!-- Button that starts the create new notification profile flow -->
<string name= "NotificationProfilesFragment__new_profile" > 新配置</string>
<!-- Profile active status, indicating the current profile is on for an unknown amount of time -->
<string name= "NotificationProfilesFragment__on" > 开启</string>
<!-- Button use to permanently delete a notification profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__delete_profile" > 删除配置</string>
<!-- Snakbar message shown when removing a recipient from a profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__s_removed" > “%1$s”已移除。</string>
<!-- Snackbar button text that will undo the recipient remove -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__undo" > 撤消</string>
<!-- Dialog message shown to confirm deleting a profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__permanently_delete_profile" > 要永久删除配置吗?</string>
<!-- Dialog button to delete profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__delete" > 删除</string>
<!-- Title/accessibility text for edit icon to edit profile emoji/name -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__edit_notification_profile" > 编辑通知配置</string>
<!-- Schedule description if all days are selected -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__everyday" > 每天</string>
<!-- Profile status on if it is the active profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__on" > 开启</string>
<!-- Profile status on if it is not the active profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__off" > 关</string>
<!-- Description of hours for schedule (start to end) times -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__s_to_s" > %1$s 至 %2$s</string>
<!-- Section header for exceptions to the notification profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__exceptions" > 例外情况</string>
<!-- Profile exception to allow all calls through the profile restrictions -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__allow_all_calls" > 允许所有来电</string>
<!-- Profile exception to allow all @mentions through the profile restrictions -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__notify_for_all_mentions" > 被提及时均通知</string>
<!-- Section header for showing schedule information -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__schedule" > 时间安排</string>
<!-- If member list is long, will truncate the list and show an option to then see all when tapped -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileDetails__see_all" > 查看全部</string>
<!-- Title for add schedule to profile in create flow -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__add_a_schedule" > 添加时间安排</string>
<!-- Descriptor text indicating what the user can do with this screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__set_up_a_schedule_to_enable_this_notification_profile_automatically" > 添加自动启用此通知配置的时间安排。</string>
<!-- Text shown next to toggle switch to enable/disable schedule -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__schedule" > 时间安排</string>
<!-- Label for showing the start time for the schedule -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__start" > 开始</string>
<!-- Label for showing the end time for the schedule -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__end" > 结束通话</string>
<!-- First letter of Sunday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__sunday_first_letter" > 周日</string>
<!-- First letter of Monday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__monday_first_letter" > 周一</string>
<!-- First letter of Tuesday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__tuesday_first_letter" > 周二</string>
<!-- First letter of Wednesday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__wednesday_first_letter" > 周三</string>
<!-- First letter of Thursday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__thursday_first_letter" > 周四</string>
<!-- First letter of Friday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__friday_first_letter" > 周五</string>
<!-- First letter of Saturday -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__saturday_first_letter" > 周六</string>
<!-- Title of select time dialog shown when setting start time for schedule -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__set_start_time" > 设置开始时间</string>
<!-- Title of select time dialog shown when setting end time for schedule -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__set_end_time" > 设置结束时间</string>
<!-- If in edit mode, call to action button text show to save schedule to profile -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__save" > 保存</string>
<!-- If in create mode, call to action button text to show to skip enabling a schedule -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__skip" > 跳过</string>
<!-- If in create mode, call to action button text to show to use the enabled schedule and move to the next screen -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__next" > 下一步</string>
<!-- Error message shown if trying to save/use a schedule with no days selected -->
<string name= "EditNotificationProfileSchedule__schedule_must_have_at_least_one_day" > 时间安排必须至少涉及一天</string>
<!-- Title for final screen shown after completing a profile creation -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileCreated__profile_created" > 配置已创建</string>
<!-- Call to action button to press to close the created screen and move to the profile details screen -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileCreated__done" > 完成</string>
<!-- Descriptor text shown to indicate how to manually turn a profile on/off -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileCreated__you_can_turn_your_profile_on_or_off_manually_via_the_menu_on_the_chat_list" > 您可以通过聊天列表上的菜单手动开启或关闭通知配置。</string>
<!-- Descriptor text shown to indicate you can add a schedule later since you did not add one during create flow -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileCreated__add_a_schedule_in_settings_to_automate_your_profile" > 在设置中添加时间安排以自动管理您的配置。</string>
<!-- Descriptor text shown to indicate your profile will follow the schedule set during create flow -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileCreated__your_profile_will_turn_on_and_off_automatically_according_to_your_schedule" > 您的配置将会按照您的时间安排自动开启和关闭。</string>
<!-- Button text shown in profile selection bottom sheet to create a new profile -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileSelection__new_profile" > 新配置</string>
<!-- Manual enable option to manually enable a profile for 1 hour -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileSelection__for_1_hour" > 持续 1 小时</string>
<!-- Manual enable option to manually enable a profile until a set time (currently 6pm or 8am depending on what is next) -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileSelection__until_s" > 直到 %1$s</string>
<!-- Option to view profile details -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileSelection__view_settings" > 查看设置</string>
<!-- Descriptor text indicating how long a profile will be on when there is a time component associated with it -->
<string name= "NotificationProfileSelection__on_until_s" > 开启到 %1$s</string>
<!-- Displayed in a toast when we fail to open the ringtone picker -->
<string name= "NotificationSettingsFragment__failed_to_open_picker" > 无法打开选择器。</string>
<!-- Description shown for the Signal Release Notes channel -->
<string name= "ReleaseNotes__signal_release_notes_and_news" > Signal 版本说明与新闻</string>
<!-- Donation receipts activity title -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__all_activity" > 全部活动</string>
<!-- Donation receipts all tab label -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__all" > 全部</string>
<!-- Donation receipts recurring tab label -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__recurring" > 定期</string>
<!-- Donation receipts one - time tab label -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__one_time" > 一次性</string>
<!-- Donation receipts gift tab label -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__donation_for_a_friend" > 代朋友捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Donation receipts boost row label -->
<!-- Donation receipts details title -->
<!-- Donation receipts donation type heading -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__donation_type" > 捐款类型</string>
<!-- Donation receipts date paid heading -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__date_paid" > 付款日期</string>
<!-- Donation receipts share PNG -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__share_receipt" > 分享收据</string>
<!-- Donation receipts list end note -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__if_you_have" > 如果您重新安装了 Signal, 系统将无法提供先前的捐款收据。</string>
<!-- Donation receipts document title -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__donation_receipt" > 捐款收据</string>
<!-- Donation receipts amount title -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__amount" > 金额</string>
<!-- Donation receipts thanks -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__thank_you_for_supporting" > 感谢支持 Signal。您的捐款将助力我们完成开发开源隐私技术的使命, 以保护自由表达, 实现全球安全通信, 让全球数百万用户有一个安全私密的沟通平台。如果您是美国居民, 请保留此收据作为您的税务记录。Signal 技术基金会是美国国内税收法第 501c3 条定义的美国免税非盈利组织。我们的联邦税号为 82-4506840。</string>
<!-- Donation receipt type -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptDetailsFragment__s_dash_s" > %1$s - %2$s</string>
<!-- Donation reciepts screen empty state title -->
<string name= "DonationReceiptListFragment__no_receipts" > 无收据</string>
<!-- region "Stories Tab" -->
<!-- Label for Chats tab in home app screen -->
<string name= "ConversationListTabs__chats" > 聊天</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Label for Calls tab in home app screen -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationListTabs__calls" > 通话</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Label for Stories tab in home app screen -->
<string name= "ConversationListTabs__stories" > 动态</string>
<!-- String for counts above 99 in conversation list tabs -->
<string name= "ConversationListTabs__99p" > 99+</string>
<!-- Menu item on stories landing page -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__story_privacy" > 动态隐私</string>
<!-- Title for "My Stories" row item in Stories landing page -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__my_stories" > 我的动态</string>
<!-- Subtitle for "My Stories" row item when user has not added stories -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__tap_to_add" > 点击添加</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when there are no stories to display -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__no_recent_updates_to_show_right_now" > 目前没有可显示的更新。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Context menu option to hide a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__hide_story" > 隐藏动态</string>
<!-- Context menu option to unhide a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__unhide_story" > 取消隐藏动态</string>
<!-- Context menu option to forward a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__forward" > 转发</string>
<!-- Context menu option to share a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__share" > 分享……</string>
<!-- Context menu option to go to story chat -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__go_to_chat" > 前往聊天</string>
<!-- Context menu option to go to story info -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__info" > 信息</string>
<!-- Label when a story is pending sending -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__sending" > 正在发送…</string>
<!-- Label when multiple stories are pending sending -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__sending_d" > 正在发送%1$d……</string>
<!-- Label when a story fails to send due to networking -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__send_failed" > 发送失败</string>
<!-- Label when a story fails to send due to identity mismatch -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__partially_sent" > 未完全发送</string>
<!-- Status label when a story fails to send indicating user action to retry -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingItem__tap_to_retry" > 点击重试</string>
<!-- Title of dialog confirming decision to hide a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__hide_story" > 要隐藏动态吗?</string>
<!-- Message of dialog confirming decision to hide a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__new_story_updates" > 隐藏后%1$s的新动态更新将不会显示在动态列表的顶部。</string>
<!-- Positive action of dialog confirming decision to hide a story -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__hide" > 隐藏</string>
<!-- Displayed in Snackbar after story is hidden -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__story_hidden" > 已隐藏的动态</string>
<!-- Section header for hidden stories -->
<string name= "StoriesLandingFragment__hidden_stories" > 隐藏的动态</string>
<!-- Displayed on each sent story under My Stories -->
<plurals name= "MyStories__d_views" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 次浏览</item>
<!-- Forward story label, displayed in My Stories context menu -->
<string name= "MyStories_forward" > 转发</string>
<!-- Label for stories for a single user. Format is {given name}\'s Story -->
<string name= "MyStories__ss_story" > %1$s的动态</string>
<!-- Title of dialog to confirm deletion of story -->
<string name= "MyStories__delete_story" > 要删除动态吗?</string>
<!-- Message of dialog to confirm deletion of story -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "MyStories__this_story_will_be_deleted" > 您和收到此动态的所有人将看不到此动态。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Toast shown when story media cannot be saved -->
<string name= "MyStories__unable_to_save" > 无法保存</string>
<!-- Displayed at bottom of story viewer when current item has views -->
<plurals name= "StoryViewerFragment__d_views" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 次浏览</item>
<!-- Displayed at bottom of story viewer when current item has replies -->
<plurals name= "StoryViewerFragment__d_replies" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个回复</item>
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
<!-- Label on group stories to add a story -->
2022-12-02 13:50:44 -04:00
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__add" > 添加</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Used when view receipts are disabled -->
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__views_off" > 查看功能关闭</string>
<!-- Used to join views and replies when both exist on a story item -->
<string name= "StoryViewerFragment__s_s" > %1$s %2$s</string>
<!-- Displayed when viewing a post you sent -->
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__you" > 您</string>
<!-- Displayed when viewing a post displayed to a group -->
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__s_to_s" > %1$s 至 %2$s</string>
<!-- Displayed when viewing a post from another user with no replies -->
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__reply" > 回复</string>
<!-- Displayed when viewing a post that has failed to send to some users -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__partially_sent" > 未完全发送。点击查看详情</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when viewing a post that has failed to send -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__send_failed" > 发送失败。点击重试</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Label for the reply button in story viewer, which will launch the group story replies bottom sheet. -->
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__reply_to_group" > 回复群组</string>
<!-- Displayed when a story has no views -->
<string name= "StoryViewsFragment__no_views_yet" > 未有浏览</string>
<!-- Displayed when user has disabled receipts -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "StoryViewsFragment__enable_view_receipts_to_see_whos_viewed_your_story" > 启用浏览回执功能,看看谁浏览了您的动态。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Button label displayed when user has disabled receipts -->
<string name= "StoryViewsFragment__go_to_settings" > 前往设置</string>
<!-- Dialog action to remove viewer from a story -->
<string name= "StoryViewsFragment__remove" > 移除</string>
<!-- Dialog title when removing a viewer from a story -->
<string name= "StoryViewsFragment__remove_viewer" > 要移除访客吗?</string>
<!-- Dialog message when removing a viewer from a story -->
<string name= "StoryViewsFragment__s_will_still_be_able" > %1$s 仍然能看到这个帖子,但对方将无法看到您之后分享到 %2$s 的任何帖子。</string>
<!-- Story View context menu action to remove them from a story -->
<string name= "StoryViewItem__remove_viewer" > 移除访客</string>
<!-- Displayed when a story has no replies yet -->
<string name= "StoryGroupReplyFragment__no_replies_yet" > 未有回复</string>
2022-10-06 16:12:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when no longer a group member -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "StoryGroupReplyFragment__you_cant_reply" > 您已不是此群组的成员,因此不能回复此动态。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed for each user that reacted to a story when viewing replies -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "StoryGroupReactionReplyItem__reacted_to_the_story" > 回应了此动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Label for story views tab -->
<string name= "StoryViewsAndRepliesDialogFragment__views" > 浏览</string>
<!-- Label for story replies tab -->
<string name= "StoryViewsAndRepliesDialogFragment__replies" > 回复</string>
<!-- Description of action for reaction button -->
<string name= "StoryReplyComposer__react_to_this_story" > 回应此动态</string>
<!-- Displayed when the user is replying privately to someone who replied to one of their stories -->
<string name= "StoryReplyComposer__replying_privately_to_s" > 私密回复%1$s</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Displayed when the user is replying privately to someone who replied to one of their stories -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "StoryReplyComposer__reply_to_s" > 回复 %1$s</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Context menu item to privately reply to a story response -->
<!-- Context menu item to copy a story response -->
<string name= "StoryGroupReplyItem__copy" > 复制</string>
<!-- Context menu item to delete a story response -->
<string name= "StoryGroupReplyItem__delete" > 删除</string>
<!-- Page title for My Story options -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__my_story" > 我的动态</string>
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<!-- Number of total signal connections displayed in "All connections" row item -->
<plurals name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__viewers" >
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 位访客</item>
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<!-- Button on all signal connections row to view all signal connections. Please keep as short as possible. -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__view" > 查看</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Section heading for story visibility -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__who_can_view_this_story" > 谁可以看到此动态</string>
<!-- Clickable option for selecting people to hide your story from -->
<!-- Privacy setting title for sending stories to all your signal connections -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__all_signal_connections" > 所有 Signal 联系人</string>
<!-- Privacy setting description for sending stories to all your signal connections -->
<!-- Privacy setting title for sending stories to all except the specified connections -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__all_except" > 所有人,除了……</string>
<!-- Privacy setting description for sending stories to all except the specified connections -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__hide_your_story_from_specific_people" > 对特定用户隐藏您的动态</string>
<!-- Summary of clickable option displaying how many people you have excluded from your story -->
<plurals name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__d_people_excluded" >
<item quantity= "other" > 已排除 %1$d 人</item>
<!-- Privacy setting title for only sharing your story with specified connections -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__only_share_with" > 只分享给……</string>
<!-- Privacy setting description for only sharing your story with specified connections -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__only_share_with_selected_people" > 只分享给选定的人</string>
<!-- Summary of clickable option displaying how many people you have included to send to in your story -->
<plurals name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__d_people" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 人</item>
<!-- My story privacy fine print about what the privacy settings are for -->
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__choose_who_can_view_your_story" > 选择谁可以查看您的动态。此更改不会影响您已发送的动态。</string>
<!-- Section header for options related to replies and reactions -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__replies_amp_reactions" > 回复和回应</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Switchable option for allowing replies and reactions on your stories -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__allow_replies_amp_reactions" > 允许回复和回应</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Summary for switchable option allowing replies and reactions on your story -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "MyStorySettingsFragment__let_people_who_can_view_your_story_react_and_reply" > 让动态的可见对象回应和回复</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Signal connections bolded text in the Signal Connections sheet -->
<string name= "SignalConnectionsBottomSheet___signal_connections" > Signal 联系人</string>
<!-- Displayed at the top of the signal connections sheet. Please remember to insert strong tag as required. -->
<string name= "SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__signal_connections_are_people" > Signal 联系人是您选择信任的人,选择方式有:</string>
<!-- Signal connections sheet bullet point 1 -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__starting_a_conversation" > 发起聊天</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Signal connections sheet bullet point 2 -->
<string name= "SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__accepting_a_message_request" > 接受消息请求</string>
<!-- Signal connections sheet bullet point 3 -->
<string name= "SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__having_them_in_your_system_contacts" > 对方在您的系统通讯录中</string>
<!-- Note at the bottom of the Signal connections sheet -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "SignalConnectionsBottomSheet__your_connections_can_see_your_name" > "您的密友能看到您的名称和照片,还能看到您在“我的动态”中发布的帖子,除非您向对方隐藏动态。"</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Clickable option to add a viewer to a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PrivateStorySettingsFragment__add_viewer" > 添加访客</string>
<!-- Clickable option to delete a custom story -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "PrivateStorySettingsFragment__delete_custom_story" > 删除自定义动态</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title when attempting to remove someone from a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PrivateStorySettingsFragment__remove_s" > 要移除%1$s吗? </string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message when attempting to remove someone from a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PrivateStorySettingsFragment__this_person_will_no_longer" > 此人将无法再看到您的动态。</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Positive action label when attempting to remove someone from a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "PrivateStorySettingsFragment__remove" > 移除</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title when deleting a custom story -->
<!-- Dialog message when deleting a custom story -->
<!-- Page title for editing a custom story name -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "EditPrivateStoryNameFragment__edit_story_name" > 编辑动态名称</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Input field hint when editing a custom story name -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "EditPrivateStoryNameFragment__story_name" > 动态名称</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Save button label when editing a custom story name -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in text post creator before user enters text -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostCreationFragment__tap_to_add_text" > 点击添加文本</string>
<!-- Button label for changing font when creating a text post -->
<!-- Displayed in text post creator when prompting user to enter text -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostTextEntryFragment__add_text" > 添加文本</string>
<!-- Content description for \'done\' button when adding text to a story post -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostTextEntryFragment__done_adding_text" > 添加文本完毕</string>
<!-- Text label for media selection toggle -->
<string name= "MediaSelectionActivity__text" > 文本</string>
<!-- Camera label for media selection toggle -->
<string name= "MediaSelectionActivity__camera" > 相机</string>
<!-- Hint for entering a URL for a text post -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostLinkEntryFragment__type_or_paste_a_url" > 输入或粘贴 URL</string>
<!-- Displayed prior to the user entering a URL for a text post -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostLinkEntryFragment__share_a_link_with_viewers_of_your_story" > 向您的动态访客分享链接</string>
<!-- Hint text for searching for a story text post recipient. -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostSendFragment__search" > 搜索</string>
<!-- Toast shown when an unexpected error occurs while sending a text story -->
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Toast shown when a trying to add a link preview to a text story post and the link/url is not valid (e.g., missing .com at the end) -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "TextStoryPostSendFragment__please_enter_a_valid_link" > 请输入一个有效链接。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Title for screen allowing user to exclude "My Story" entries from specific people -->
<string name= "ChangeMyStoryMembershipFragment__all_except" > 所有人,除了……</string>
<!-- Title for screen allowing user to only share "My Story" entries with specific people -->
<string name= "ChangeMyStoryMembershipFragment__only_share_with" > 只分享给……</string>
<!-- Done button label for hide story from screen -->
<string name= "HideStoryFromFragment__done" > 完成</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title for removing a group story -->
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__remove_group_story" > 要移除群组动态吗?</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message for removing a group story -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__s_will_be_removed" > “%1$s”将被移除。</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog positive action for removing a group story -->
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__remove" > 删除</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title for deleting a custom story -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__delete_custom_story" > 要删除自定义动态吗?</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message for deleting a custom story -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__s_and_updates_shared" > 分享到此动态的“%1$s”和更新将被移除。</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog positive action for deleting a custom story -->
2022-10-07 18:44:25 -04:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__delete" > 删除</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title for first time sending something to a beta story -->
<!-- Dialog message for first time sending something to a beta story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title for first time adding something to a story -->
<!-- Dialog message for first time adding something to a story -->
<!-- First time share to story dialog: Positive action to go ahead and add to story -->
<!-- First time share to story dialog: Neutral action to edit who can view "My Story" -->
<!-- Error message shown when a failure occurs during story send -->
<string name= "StoryDialogs__story_could_not_be_sent" > 动态无法发送。请检查您的网络连接并重试。</string>
<!-- Error message dialog button to resend a previously failed story send -->
<string name= "StoryDialogs__send" > 发送</string>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Action button for turning off stories when stories are present on the device -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "StoryDialogs__turn_off_and_delete" > 关闭和删除</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Privacy Settings toggle title for stories -->
<!-- Privacy Settings toggle summary for stories -->
<!-- New story viewer selection screen title -->
<string name= "CreateStoryViewerSelectionFragment__choose_viewers" > 选择访客</string>
<!-- New story viewer selection action button label -->
<string name= "CreateStoryViewerSelectionFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<!-- New story viewer selection screen title as recipients are selected -->
<plurals name= "SelectViewersFragment__d_viewers" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 位访客</item>
<!-- Name story screen title -->
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__name_story" > 动态命名</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Name story screen note under text field -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__only_you_can" > 只有您能看到此动态的名称。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Name story screen label hint -->
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__story_name_required" > 动态名称(必填)</string>
<!-- Name story screen viewers subheading -->
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__viewers" > 访客</string>
<!-- Name story screen create button label -->
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__create" > 创建</string>
<!-- Name story screen error when save attempted with no label -->
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__this_field_is_required" > 必须填写此项。</string>
<!-- Name story screen error when save attempted but label is duplicate -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "CreateStoryWithViewersFragment__there_is_already_a_story_with_this_name" > 此动态名称已被使用。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Text for select all action when editing recipients for a story -->
<string name= "BaseStoryRecipientSelectionFragment__select_all" > 选择全部</string>
<!-- Choose story type bottom sheet title -->
<string name= "ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__choose_your_story_type" > 选择您的动态类型</string>
<!-- Choose story type bottom sheet new story row title -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__new_custom_story" > 新自定义动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Choose story type bottom sheet new story row summary -->
<string name= "ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__visible_only_to" > 仅对特定用户可见</string>
<!-- Choose story type bottom sheet group story title -->
<string name= "ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__group_story" > 群组动态</string>
<!-- Choose story type bottom sheet group story summary -->
<string name= "ChooseStoryTypeBottomSheet__share_to_an_existing_group" > 分享给一个现有群组</string>
<!-- Choose groups bottom sheet title -->
<string name= "ChooseGroupStoryBottomSheet__choose_groups" > 选择群组</string>
<!-- Displayed when copying group story reply text to clipboard -->
<string name= "StoryGroupReplyFragment__copied_to_clipboard" > 已复制到剪切板</string>
<!-- Displayed in story caption when content is longer than 5 lines -->
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<string name= "StoryViewerPageFragment__see_more" > 查看更多</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in toast after sending a direct reply -->
<string name= "StoryDirectReplyDialogFragment__sending_reply" > 正在发送回复……</string>
<!-- Displayed in the viewer when a story is no longer available -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "StorySlateView__this_story_is_no_longer_available" > 此动态已不存在。</string>
2022-10-27 18:00:31 -03:00
<!-- Displayed in the viewer when a story has permanently failed to download. -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "StorySlateView__cant_download_story_s_will_need_to_share_it_again" > 无法下载动态。%1$s需要再分享一遍。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the viewer when the network is not available -->
<string name= "StorySlateView__no_internet_connection" > 无可用的互联网连接</string>
<!-- Displayed in the viewer when network is available but content could not be downloaded -->
<string name= "StorySlateView__couldnt_load_content" > 无法加载内容</string>
<!-- Toasted when the user externally shares to a text story successfully -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostCreationFragment__sent_story" > 已发送动态</string>
<!-- Toasted when the user external share to a text story fails -->
<string name= "TextStoryPostCreationFragment__failed_to_send_story" > 无法发送动态</string>
<!-- Displayed in a dialog to let the user select a given users story -->
<string name= "StoryDialogs__view_story" > 查看动态</string>
<!-- Displayed in a dialog to let the user select a given users profile photo -->
<string name= "StoryDialogs__view_profile_photo" > 查看个人资料照片</string>
<!-- Title for a notification at the bottom of the chat list suggesting that the user disable censorship circumvention because the service has become reachable -->
<!-- Body for a notification at the bottom of the chat list suggesting that the user disable censorship circumvention because the service has become reachable -->
<!-- Label for a button to dismiss a notification at the bottom of the chat list suggesting that the user disable censorship circumvention because the service has become reachable -->
<!-- Label for a button in a notification at the bottom of the chat list to turn off censorship circumvention -->
<!-- Conversation Item label for when you react to someone else\'s story -->
<string name= "ConversationItem__you_reacted_to_s_story" > 您回应了%1$s的动态</string>
<!-- Conversation Item label for reactions to your story -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem__reacted_to_your_story" > 回应了您的动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Conversation Item label for reactions to an unavailable story -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "ConversationItem__reacted_to_a_story" > 回应了动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- endregion -->
<!-- Content description for expand contacts chevron -->
<string name= "ExpandModel__view_more" > 查看更多</string>
<string name= "StoriesLinkPopup__visit_link" > 访问链接</string>
<!-- Gift price and duration, formatted as: {price} dot {n} day duration -->
<plurals name= "GiftRowItem_s_dot_d_day_duration" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s · %2$d 天期限</item>
<!-- Headline text on start fragment for gifting a badge -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "GiftFlowStartFragment__donate_for_a_friend" > 代朋友捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Description text on start fragment for gifting a badge -->
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<plurals name= "GiftFlowStartFragment__support_signal_by" >
2023-01-19 13:38:09 -05:00
<item quantity= "other" > 代使用 Signal 的朋友或家人进行捐款,为 Signal 提供一份支持。对方将会收到捐款徽章并可以在个人资料中展示 %1$d 天。</item>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Action button label for start fragment for gifting a badge -->
<string name= "GiftFlowStartFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
<!-- Title text on choose recipient page for badge gifting -->
<string name= "GiftFlowRecipientSelectionFragment__choose_recipient" > 选择收礼人</string>
<!-- Title text on confirm gift page -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__confirm_donation" > 确认捐款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Heading text specifying who the gift will be sent to -->
<string name= "GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__send_to" > 发送给</string>
<!-- Text explaining that gift will be sent to the chosen recipient -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__the_recipient_will_be_notified" > 收礼人将会在一对一消息中看到代捐通知。您可以在下方添加自己的消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Text explaining that this gift is a one time donation -->
<string name= "GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__one_time_donation" > 单次捐款</string>
<!-- Hint for add message input -->
<string name= "GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__add_a_message" > 添加消息</string>
<!-- Displayed in the dialog while verifying the chosen recipient -->
<string name= "GiftFlowConfirmationFragment__verifying_recipient" > 正在验证收礼人……</string>
<!-- Title for sheet shown when opening a redeemed gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ViewReceivedGiftBottomSheet__s_made_a_donation_for_you" > %1$s代您捐了款</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Title for sheet shown when opening a sent gift -->
<string name= "ViewSentGiftBottomSheet__thanks_for_your_support" > 感谢您的支持!</string>
<!-- Description for sheet shown when opening a redeemed gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ViewReceivedGiftBottomSheet__s_made_a_donation_to_signal" > %1$s以您的名义给 Signal 捐了款!在个人资料中显示您对 Signal 的支持吧。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Description for sheet shown when opening a sent gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ViewSentGiftBottomSheet__youve_made_a_donation_to_signal" > 您以%1$s的名义给 Signal 捐了款。对方可以选择是否在个人资料中显示自己对 Signal 的支持。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Primary action for pending gift sheet to redeem badge now -->
<string name= "ViewReceivedGiftSheet__redeem" > 领取</string>
<!-- Primary action for pending gift sheet to redeem badge later -->
<string name= "ViewReceivedGiftSheet__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- Dialog text while redeeming a gift -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ViewReceivedGiftSheet__redeeming_badge" > 正在领取徽章…</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar text when user presses "not now" on redemption sheet -->
<string name= "ConversationFragment__you_can_redeem_your_badge_later" > 您可以稍后领取您的徽章。</string>
<!-- Description text in gift thanks sheet -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "GiftThanksSheet__youve_made_a_donation" > 您以%1$s的名义给 Signal 捐了款。对方可以选择是否在个人资料中显示自己对 Signal 的支持。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Expired gift sheet title -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ExpiredGiftSheetConfiguration__your_badge_has_expired" > 您的徽章已到期</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Expired gift sheet top description text -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "ExpiredGiftSheetConfiguration__your_badge_has_expired_and_is" > 您的徽章已到期,无法显示在您的个人资料中向大家展示。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Expired gift sheet bottom description text -->
<string name= "ExpiredGiftSheetConfiguration__to_continue" > 如要继续支持为用户而生的 Signal 技术,您可以考虑成为每月定期捐款人。</string>
<!-- Expired gift sheet make a monthly donation button -->
<string name= "ExpiredGiftSheetConfiguration__make_a_monthly_donation" > 每月捐款</string>
<!-- Expired gift sheet not now button -->
<string name= "ExpiredGiftSheetConfiguration__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
<!-- My Story label designating that we will only share with the selected viewers. -->
<string name= "ContactSearchItems__only_share_with" > 只分享给</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Label under name for custom stories -->
<plurals name= "ContactSearchItems__custom_story_d_viewers" >
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<item quantity= "other" > 自定义动态 · %1$d 位访客</item>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Label under name for group stories -->
<plurals name= "ContactSearchItems__group_story_d_viewers" >
<item quantity= "other" > 群组动态 · %1$d 位访客</item>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
<!-- Label under name for groups -->
<plurals name= "ContactSearchItems__group_d_members" >
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 位成员</item>
2022-10-06 11:58:23 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Label under name for my story -->
<plurals name= "ContactSearchItems__my_story_s_dot_d_viewers" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s · %2$d 位访客</item>
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
<!-- Label under name for my story -->
<plurals name= "ContactSearchItems__my_story_s_dot_d_excluded" >
2022-12-07 10:29:02 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$s · 排除 %2$d 人</item>
2022-11-30 20:05:03 -05:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Label under name for My Story when first sending to my story -->
<string name= "ContactSearchItems__tap_to_choose_your_viewers" > 点击选择您的访客</string>
<!-- Label for context menu item to open story settings -->
<string name= "ContactSearchItems__story_settings" > 动态设置</string>
<!-- Label for context menu item to remove a group story from contact results -->
<string name= "ContactSearchItems__remove_story" > 移除动态</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Label for context menu item to delete a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ContactSearchItems__delete_story" > 删除动态</string>
<!-- Dialog title for removing a group story -->
<string name= "ContactSearchMediator__remove_group_story" > 要移除群组动态吗?</string>
<!-- Dialog message for removing a group story -->
<string name= "ContactSearchMediator__this_will_remove" > 此操作将会从清单中移除此动态。您仍然可以查看群组的动态。</string>
<!-- Dialog action item for removing a group story -->
<string name= "ContactSearchMediator__remove" > 移除</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title for deleting a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ContactSearchMediator__delete_story" > 要删除动态吗?</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog message for deleting a custom story -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ContactSearchMediator__delete_the_custom" > 要删除自定义动态“%1$s”吗? </string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Dialog action item for deleting a custom story -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "ContactSearchMediator__delete" > 删除</string>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Donation for a friend expiry days remaining -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "Gifts__d_days_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 还剩 %1$d 天</item>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Donation for a friend expiry hours remaining -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<plurals name= "Gifts__d_hours_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 还剩 %1$d 小时</item>
<!-- Gift expiry minutes remaining -->
<plurals name= "Gifts__d_minutes_remaining" >
<item quantity= "other" > 还剩 %1$d 分钟</item>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Donation for a friend expiry expired -->
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<string name= "Gifts__expired" > 已过期</string>
<!-- Label indicating that a user can tap to advance to the next post in a story -->
<string name= "StoryFirstTimeNavigationView__tap_to_advance" > 点击前进</string>
<!-- Label indicating swipe direction to skip current story -->
<string name= "StoryFirstTimeNavigationView__swipe_up_to_skip" > 上滑跳过</string>
<!-- Label indicating swipe direction to exit story viewer -->
<string name= "StoryFirstTimeNavigationView__swipe_right_to_exit" > 右滑退出</string>
<!-- Button label to confirm understanding of story navigation -->
<string name= "StoryFirstTimeNagivationView__got_it" > 知道了</string>
<!-- Content description for vertical context menu button in safety number sheet rows -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberRecipientRowItem__open_context_menu" > 打开上下文菜单</string>
<!-- Sub - line when a user is verified. -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberRecipientRowItem__s_dot_verified" > %1$s · 已验证</string>
<!-- Sub - line when a user is verified. -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberRecipientRowItem__verified" > 已验证</string>
<!-- Title of safety number changes bottom sheet when showing individual records -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__safety_number_changes" > 安全码变更</string>
<!-- Message of safety number changes bottom sheet when showing individual records -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__the_following_people" > 以下用户可能已重新安装 Signal 或更改设备。请点击接收人以核实新的安全码。此为非必选操作。</string>
<!-- Title of safety number changes bottom sheet when not showing individual records -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__safety_number_checkup" > 安全码检查</string>
<!-- Title of safety number changes bottom sheet when not showing individual records and user has seen review screen -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__safety_number_checkup_complete" > 安全码检查完成</string>
<!-- Message of safety number changes bottom sheet when not showing individual records and user has seen review screen -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__all_connections_have_been_reviewed" > 已检查所有联系人,请点击发送以继续操作。</string>
<!-- Message of safety number changes bottom sheet when not showing individual records -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__you_have_d_connections" > 您有 %1$d 位密友可能已重新安装 Signal 或更改设备。在与他们分享您的动态之前,请检查对方的安全码或考虑将他们从您的动态中移除。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Menu action to launch safety number verification screen -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__verify_safety_number" > 验证安全代码</string>
<!-- Menu action to remove user from story -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__remove_from_story" > 移除出动态</string>
<!-- Action button at bottom of SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment to send anyway -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__send_anyway" > 仍要发送</string>
<!-- Action button at bottom of SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment to review connections -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__review_connections" > 检查联系人</string>
<!-- Empty state copy for SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBottomSheetFragment__no_more_recipients_to_show" > 已经没有可显示的接收人</string>
<!-- Done button on safety number review fragment -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberReviewConnectionsFragment__done" > 完成</string>
<!-- Title of safety number review fragment -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberReviewConnectionsFragment__safety_number_changes" > 安全码变更</string>
<!-- Message of safety number review fragment -->
<plurals name= "SafetyNumberReviewConnectionsFragment__d_recipients_may_have" >
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d 个接收人可能已重新安装 Signal 或更改设备。请点击接收人以核实新的安全码。此为非必选操作。</item>
<!-- Section header for 1:1 contacts in review fragment -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberBucketRowItem__contacts" > 联系人</string>
<!-- Context menu label for distribution list headers in review fragment -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberReviewConnectionsFragment__remove_all" > 全部移除</string>
<!-- Context menu label for 1:1 contacts to remove from send -->
<string name= "SafetyNumberReviewConnectionsFragment__remove" > 移除</string>
<!-- Title of initial My Story settings configuration shown when sending to My Story for the first time -->
<string name= "ChooseInitialMyStoryMembershipFragment__my_story_privacy" > 我的动态隐私</string>
<!-- Subtitle of initial My Story settings configuration shown when sending to My Story for the first time -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseInitialMyStoryMembershipFragment__choose_who_can_see_posts_to_my_story_you_can_always_make_changes_in_settings" > 选择谁可以查看“我的动态”帖子。您可以随时在设置中更改。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- All connections option for initial My Story settings configuration shown when sending to My Story for the first time -->
<string name= "ChooseInitialMyStoryMembershipFragment__all_signal_connections" > 所有 Signal 熟人</string>
<!-- All connections except option for initial My Story settings configuration shown when sending to My Story for the first time -->
<string name= "ChooseInitialMyStoryMembershipFragment__all_except" > 所有人,除了……</string>
<!-- Only with selected connections option for initial My Story settings configuration shown when sending to My Story for the first time -->
<string name= "ChooseInitialMyStoryMembershipFragment__only_share_with" > 只分享给……</string>
<!-- Story info header sent heading -->
<string name= "StoryInfoHeader__sent" > 发送</string>
<!-- Story info header received heading -->
<string name= "StoryInfoHeader__received" > 接收</string>
<!-- Story info header file size heading -->
<string name= "StoryInfoHeader__file_size" > 文件大小</string>
<!-- Story info "Sent to" header -->
<!-- Story info "Sent from" header -->
<!-- Story info "Failed" header -->
<!-- Story Info context menu label -->
<!-- StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment -->
<!-- Explanation about how stories are deleted and managed -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__story_updates_automatically_disappear" > 动态更新将会在 24 小时后自动消失。请选择谁可以查看您的动态,或创建对特定访客或群组可见的新动态。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Preference title to turn off stories -->
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__turn_off_stories" > 关闭动态</string>
<!-- Preference summary to turn off stories -->
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__if_you_opt_out" > 如果您选择关闭动态,您将无法再分享或浏览动态。</string>
<!-- Preference title to turn on stories -->
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__turn_on_stories" > 开启动态</string>
<!-- Preference summary to turn on stories -->
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__share_and_view" > 分享自己的动态和浏览其他人的动态。动态将会在 24 小时后自动消失。</string>
<!-- Dialog title to turn off stories -->
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__turn_off_stories_question" > 要关闭动态吗?</string>
<!-- Dialog message to turn off stories -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__you_will_no_longer_be_able_to_share" > 您将无法再分享或浏览动态。您最近发布的动态更新也将会被删除。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Page title when launched from stories landing screen -->
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__story_privacy" > 动态隐私</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Header for section that lists out stories -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__stories" > 动态</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Story views header -->
<!-- Story view receipts toggle title -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__view_receipts" > 浏览回执</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Story view receipts toggle message -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "StoriesPrivacySettingsFragment__see_and_share" > 当动态被浏览时您可以查看和分享。如果禁用此功能,其他人浏览您的动态时您将看不到浏览情况。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- NewStoryItem -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "NewStoryItem__new_story" > 新动态</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- GroupStorySettingsFragment -->
<!-- Section header for who can view a group story -->
<string name= "GroupStorySettingsFragment__who_can_view_this_story" > 谁可以看到此动态</string>
<!-- Explanation of who can view a group story -->
2022-10-11 14:30:07 -04:00
<string name= "GroupStorySettingsFragment__members_of_the_group_s" > "“%1$s”群组的成员可以浏览和回复此动态。您可以更新此群组聊天的成员资格。"</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Preference label for removing this group story -->
<string name= "GroupStorySettingsFragment__remove_group_story" > 移除群组动态</string>
<!-- Generic title for overflow menus -->
<string name= "OverflowMenu__overflow_menu" > 溢出菜单</string>
<!-- SMS Export Service -->
<!-- Displayed in the notification while export is running -->
<string name= "SignalSmsExportService__exporting_messages" > 正在导出消息……</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification title when export completes -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SignalSmsExportService__signal_sms_export_complete" > Signal 短信导出完成</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in the notification message when export completes -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SignalSmsExportService__tap_to_return_to_signal" > 点击返回 Signal</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ExportYourSmsMessagesFragment -->
<!-- Title of the screen -->
<string name= "ExportYourSmsMessagesFragment__export_your_sms_messages" > 导出您的短信消息</string>
<!-- Message of the screen -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportYourSmsMessagesFragment__you_can_export_your_sms_messages_to_your_phones_sms_database_and_youll_have_the_option_to_keep_or_remove_them_from_signal" > 您可以将您的短信消息导出到您手机的短信数据库中,并且您可以选择将其保留在 Signal 中或从 Signal 中将其删除。导出短信消息可以让您手机上的其他短信应用导入这些消息。此操作不会为您的短信记录创建共享文件。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Button label to begin export -->
<string name= "ExportYourSmsMessagesFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
<!-- ExportingSmsMessagesFragment -->
<!-- Title of the screen -->
<string name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__exporting_sms_messages" > 正在导出短信消息</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Message of the screen when exporting sms messages -->
2023-03-14 15:08:53 -04:00
<string name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__this_may_take_awhile" > 这可能需要一些时间</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Progress indicator for export -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<plurals name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__exporting_d_of_d" >
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 正在导出 %1$d/%2$d ……</item>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog title shown when we think a user may not have enough local storage available to export sms messages -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__you_may_not_have_enough_disk_space" > 您的磁盘空间可能不足</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog message shown when we think a user may not have enough local storage available to export sms messages, placeholder is the file size, e.g., 128kB -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__you_need_approximately_s_to_export_your_messages_ensure_you_have_enough_space_before_continuing" > 导出消息大约需要 %1$s 才可导出您的短信,在继续操作之前请确保您有足够的磁盘空间。</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Alert dialog button to continue with exporting sms after seeing the lack of storage warning -->
<string name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__continue_anyway" > 仍然继续</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Dialog text shown when Signal isn\'t granted the sms permission needed to export messages, different than being selected as the sms app -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "ExportingSmsMessagesFragment__signal_needs_the_sms_permission_to_be_able_to_export_your_sms_messages" > Signal 需要短信权限才能导出您的短信消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment -->
<!-- Title of the screen -->
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__choose_a_new" > 选择一个新的默认短信应用</string>
<!-- Button label to launch picker -->
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
<!-- Button label for when done with changing default SMS app -->
2022-09-29 19:25:51 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__done" > 完成</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- First step number/bullet for choose new default sms app instructions -->
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__bullet_1" > 1</string>
<!-- Second step number/bullet for choose new default sms app instructions -->
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__bullet_2" > 2</string>
<!-- Third step number/bullet for choose new default sms app instructions -->
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__bullet_3" > 3</string>
<!-- Fourth step number/bullet for choose new default sms app instructions -->
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__bullet_4" > 4</string>
<!-- Instruction step for choosing a new default sms app -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__tap_continue_to_open_the_defaults_apps_screen_in_settings" > 点击“继续”以便在设置中打开“默认应用”页面</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Instruction step for choosing a new default sms app -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__select_sms_app_from_the_list" > 从列表中选择“短信应用”</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Instruction step for choosing a new default sms app -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__choose_another_app_to_use_for_sms_messaging" > 选择另一个应用来使用短信消息</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Instruction step for choosing a new default sms app -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__return_to_signal" > 返回 Signal</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Instruction step for choosing a new default sms app -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__open_your_phones_settings_app" > 打开您手机的设置应用</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Instruction step for choosing a new default sms app -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseANewDefaultSmsAppFragment__navigate_to_apps_default_apps_sms_app" > 前往“应用”> “默认应用”> “短信应用”</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- RemoveSmsMessagesDialogFragment -->
<!-- Action button to keep messages -->
<string name= "RemoveSmsMessagesDialogFragment__keep_messages" > 保留消息</string>
<!-- Action button to remove messages -->
<string name= "RemoveSmsMessagesDialogFragment__remove_messages" > 移除消息</string>
<!-- Title of dialog -->
<string name= "RemoveSmsMessagesDialogFragment__remove_sms_messages" > 要从 Signal 将短信消息移除吗?</string>
<!-- Message of dialog -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "RemoveSmsMessagesDialogFragment__you_can_now_remove_sms_messages_from_signal" > 您现在可以从 Signal 中移除短信消息,以清理您的存储空间。移除后,您手机上的其他短信应用仍可以使用这些消息。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- ReExportSmsMessagesDialogFragment -->
<!-- Action button to re - export messages -->
2022-11-18 16:54:16 -04:00
<string name= "ReExportSmsMessagesDialogFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Action button to cancel re - export process -->
2022-11-18 16:54:16 -04:00
<string name= "ReExportSmsMessagesDialogFragment__cancel" > 取消</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Title of dialog -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "ReExportSmsMessagesDialogFragment__export_sms_again" > 要再次导出短信消息吗?</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
<!-- Message of dialog -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "ReExportSmsMessagesDialogFragment__you_already_exported_your_sms_messages" > 您已将您的短信消息导出。\n警告: 如果您继续导出, 您可能得到重复的消息。</string>
2022-11-16 15:10:26 -04:00
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- SetSignalAsDefaultSmsAppFragment -->
<!-- Title of the screen -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "SetSignalAsDefaultSmsAppFragment__set_signal_as_the_default_sms_app" > 将 Signal 设为默认的短信应用</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Message of the screen -->
2022-10-04 14:49:19 -04:00
<string name= "SetSignalAsDefaultSmsAppFragment__to_export_your_sms_messages" > 如要导出您的短信消息,您需要将 Signal 设为默认的短信应用。</string>
2022-09-28 11:11:58 -04:00
<!-- Button label to start export -->
<string name= "SetSignalAsDefaultSmsAppFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
2022-10-12 15:43:44 -04:00
<!-- BackupSchedulePermission Megaphone -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- The title on an alert window that explains to the user that we are unable to backup their messages -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__cant_back_up_chats" > 无法备份聊天记录</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- The body text of an alert window that tells the user that we are unable to backup their messages -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__your_chats_are_no_longer_being_automatically_backed_up" > 您的聊天记录无法再自动备份。</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- The text on a button in an alert window that, when clicked, will take the user to a screen to re - enable backups -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__back_up_chats" > 备份聊天记录</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- The text on a button in an alert window that, when clicked, will take the user to a screen to re - enable backups -->
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
2022-10-12 15:43:44 -04:00
<!-- Re - enable backup permission bottom sheet title -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__to_reenable_backups" > 如要重新启用备份功能:</string>
2022-10-12 15:43:44 -04:00
<!-- Re - enable backups permission bottom sheet instruction 1 text -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__tap_the_go_to_settings_button_below" > 点击下方的“前往设置”按钮</string>
2022-10-12 15:43:44 -04:00
<!-- Re - enable backups permission bottom sheet instruction 2 text -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__turn_on_allow_settings_alarms_and_reminders" > 打开“允许设置警报和提醒。”</string>
2022-10-12 15:43:44 -04:00
<!-- Re - enable backups permission bottom sheet call to action button to open settings -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "BackupSchedulePermissionMegaphone__go_to_settings" > 前往设置</string>
2022-10-12 15:43:44 -04:00
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- SmsExportMegaphoneActivity -->
<!-- Phase 2 title of full screen megaphone indicating sms will no longer be supported in the near future -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__signal_will_no_longer_support_sms" > Signal 将不再支持短信功能</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Phase 3 title of full screen megaphone indicating sms is longer supported -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__signal_no_longer_supports_sms" > Signal 不再支持短信功能</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Phase 2 message describing that sms is going away soon -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__signal_will_soon_remove_support_for_sending_sms_messages" > Signal 将很快不再支持发送短信消息,因为 Signal 消息提供短信消息不具备的端到端加密功能和强大的隐私保护功能。此举还将利于我们优化 Signal 的消息收发体验。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Phase 3 message describing that sms has gone away -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__signal_has_removed_support_for_sending_sms_messages" > Signal 已不支持发送短信消息,因为 Signal 消息提供短信消息不具备的端到端加密功能和强大的隐私保护功能。此举还将利于我们优化 Signal 的消息收发体验。</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- The text on a button in a popup that, when clicked, will take the user to a screen to export their SMS messages -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__export_sms" > 导出短信</string>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<!-- The text on a button in a popup that, when clicked, will dismiss the popup and schedule the prompt to occur at a later time. -->
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__remind_me_later" > 稍后提醒</string>
<!-- The text on a button in a popup that, when clicked, will navigate the user to a web article on SMS removal -->
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphoneActivity__learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Phase 1 Small megaphone title indicating sms is going away -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphone__sms_support_going_away" > 短信支持即将撤销</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Phase 1 small megaphone description indicating sms is going away -->
2023-01-24 13:59:39 -05:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphone__dont_worry_encrypted_signal_messages_will_continue_to_work" > 不要担心,加密的 Signal 消息服务仍然可用。</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Phase 1 small megaphone button that takes the user to the sms export flow -->
2023-01-20 18:12:17 -05:00
<string name= "SmsExportMegaphone__continue" > 继续</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Title for screen shown after sms export has completed -->
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<string name= "ExportSmsCompleteFragment__export_complete" > 导出完成</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Button to continue to next screen -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<string name= "ExportSmsCompleteFragment__next" > 下一步</string>
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
<!-- Message showing summary of sms export counts -->
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
<plurals name= "ExportSmsCompleteFragment__d_of_d_messages_exported" >
2022-10-18 17:02:09 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > %1$d/%2$d 条消息已导出</item>
2022-10-17 11:40:12 -04:00
2022-10-13 16:21:20 -04:00
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Title of screen shown when some sms messages did not export -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__export_partially_complete" > 导出仅部分完成</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Debug step 1 on screen shown when some sms messages did not export -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__ensure_you_have_an_additional_s_free_on_your_phone_to_export_your_messages" > 为顺利导出您的消息,请确保您的手机上有额外的 %1$s 闲置空间。</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Debug step 2 on screen shown when some sms messages dit not export -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__retry_export_which_will_only_retry_messages_that_have_not_yet_been_exported" > 请重试导出,此操作仅会重试尚未导出的消息。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Partial sentence for Debug step 3 on screen shown when some sms messages did not export, is combined with \'contact us\' -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__if_the_problem_persists" > 如果问题依然存在, </string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- Partial sentence for deubg step 3 on screen shown when some sms messages did not export, combined with \'If the problem persists\', link text to open contact support view -->
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__contact_us" > 联系我们</string>
<!-- Button text to retry sms export -->
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__retry" > 重试</string>
<!-- Button text to continue sms export flow and not retry failed message exports -->
<string name= "ExportSmsPartiallyComplete__continue_anyway" > 仍然继续</string>
<!-- Title of screen shown when all sms messages failed to export -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportSmsFullError__error_exporting_sms_messages" > 导出短信消息时出错</string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
<!-- Helper text shown when all sms messages failed to export -->
2022-10-24 20:52:52 -03:00
<string name= "ExportSmsFullError__please_try_again_if_the_problem_persists" > 请重试。如果问题依然存在, </string>
2022-10-20 21:58:46 -04:00
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- DonateToSignalFragment -->
<!-- Title below avatar -->
2022-11-14 12:45:03 -04:00
<string name= "DonateToSignalFragment__privacy_over_profit" > 我们坚信隐私高于盈利。</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Continue button label -->
<string name= "DonateToSignalFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
<!-- Description below title -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "DonateToSignalFragment__private_messaging" > 私密通信平台,依用户而生。无广告,无跟踪,服务不打折。立即捐款支持 Signal。</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Donation pill toggle monthly text -->
<string name= "DonationPillToggle__monthly" > 每個月的</string>
<!-- Donation pill toggle one - time text -->
<string name= "DonationPillToggle__one_time" > 一次性</string>
<!-- GatewaySelectorBottomSheet -->
<!-- Sheet title when subscribing -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "GatewaySelectorBottomSheet__donate_s_month_to_signal" > 给 Signal 捐款 %1$s/月</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Sheet summary when subscribing -->
<string name= "GatewaySelectorBottomSheet__get_a_s_badge" > 获得一个%1$s徽章</string>
<!-- Sheet title when giving a one - time donation -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "GatewaySelectorBottomSheet__donate_s_to_signal" > 给 Signal 捐款 %1$s</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Sheet summary when giving a one - time donation -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<plurals name= "GatewaySelectorBottomSheet__get_a_s_badge_for_d_days" >
2022-11-08 17:37:41 -05:00
<item quantity= "other" > 获得一个为期 %2$d 天的%1$s徽章</item>
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- Button label for paying with a credit card -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "GatewaySelectorBottomSheet__credit_or_debit_card" > 信用卡或借记卡</string>
2023-01-11 14:22:49 -04:00
<!-- Sheet summary when giving donating for a friend -->
2023-01-17 14:00:36 -05:00
<string name= "GatewaySelectorBottomSheet__donate_for_a_friend" > 代朋友捐款</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
<!-- StripePaymentInProgressFragment -->
2022-11-02 15:45:33 -04:00
<string name= "StripePaymentInProgressFragment__cancelling" > 正在取消……</string>
2022-10-24 21:38:02 -03:00
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- The title of a bottom sheet dialog that tells the user we temporarily can\'t process their contacts. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CdsTemporaryErrorBottomSheet_title" > 处理的联系人过多</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- The first part of the body text in a bottom sheet dialog that tells the user we temporarily can\'t process their contacts. The placeholder represents the number of days the user will have to wait until they can again. -->
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<plurals name= "CdsTemporaryErrorBottomSheet_body1" >
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 我们将会在 %1$d 天内再次尝试处理您的联系人。</item>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- The second part of the body text in a bottom sheet dialog that advises the user to remove contacts from their phone to fix the issue. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CdsTemporaryErrorBottomSheet_body2" > 为了尽快解决该问题,您可以考虑删除手机上同步大量联系人的联系人或账户。</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- A button label in a bottom sheet that will navigate the user to their contacts settings. -->
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- A toast that will be shown if we are unable to open the user\'s default contacts app. -->
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- The title of a bottom sheet dialog that tells the user we can\'t process their contacts. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CdsPermanentErrorBottomSheet_title" > 无法处理您的联系人</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- The first part of the body text in a bottom sheet dialog that tells the user we can\'t process their contacts. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CdsPermanentErrorBottomSheet_body" > 您手机上的联系人数量已超过 Signal 的处理极限。如要在 Signal 中寻找您手机上的联系人,您可以考虑删除手机上与大量联系人同步的联系人或账户。</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- The first part of the body text in a bottom sheet dialog that tells the user we can\'t process their contacts. -->
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "CdsPermanentErrorBottomSheet_learn_more" > 了解详情</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- A button label in a bottom sheet that will navigate the user to their contacts settings. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CdsPermanentErrorBottomSheet_contacts_button" > 打开联系人</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- A toast that will be shown if we are unable to open the user\'s default contacts app. -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "CdsPermanentErrorBottomSheet_no_contacts_toast" > 未找到联系人应用</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- PaymentMessageView -->
<!-- In - chat conversation message shown when you sent a payment to another person, placeholder is the other person name -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentMessageView_you_sent_s" > 您已向%1$s发送</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- In - chat conversation message shown when another person sent a payment to you, placeholder is the other person name -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "PaymentMessageView_s_sent_you" > %1$s已向您发送</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
<!-- YourInformationIsPrivateBottomSheet -->
2022-11-15 16:06:48 -04:00
<string name= "YourInformationIsPrivateBottomSheet__your_information_is_private" > 个人信息安全无忧</string>
<string name= "YourInformationIsPrivateBottomSheet__signal_does_not_collect" > 当您捐款时, Signal 不会收集或储存您的任何个人信息。</string>
<string name= "YourInformationIsPrivateBottomSheet__we_use_stripe" > 我们使用 Stripe 作为接收捐款的付款处理方。我们不会访问、储存或保存您向 Stripe 提供的任何信息。</string>
<string name= "YourInformationIsPrivateBottomSheet__signal_does_not_and_cannot" > Signal 不会也无法关联您的捐款和您的 Signal 账户。</string>
2022-11-11 10:41:52 -05:00
<string name= "YourInformationIsPrivateBottomSheet__thank_you" > 谢谢您的支持!</string>
2022-11-10 17:00:51 -05:00
2022-11-17 16:39:38 -04:00
<!-- GroupStoryEducationSheet -->
<!-- Displayed as the title of the education bottom sheet -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "GroupStoryEducationSheet__introducing_group_stories" > 群组动态火热上线</string>
2022-11-17 16:39:38 -04:00
<!-- Line item on the sheet explaining group stories -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "GroupStoryEducationSheet__share_story_updates_to" > 您可以在已加入的群组中分享动态更新。</string>
2022-11-17 16:39:38 -04:00
<!-- Line item on the sheet explaining that anyone in the group can share to group stories -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "GroupStoryEducationSheet__anyone_in_the_group" > 群组中的任何成员均可以追加动态内容。</string>
2022-11-17 16:39:38 -04:00
<!-- Line item on the sheet explaining that anyone in the group can view replies -->
2022-11-24 22:35:30 -05:00
<string name= "GroupStoryEducationSheet__all_group_chat_members" > 所有的群组聊天成员均可以查看动态回复记录。</string>
2022-11-17 16:39:38 -04:00
<!-- Button label to dismiss sheet -->
2022-11-18 16:54:16 -04:00
<string name= "GroupStoryEducationSheet__next" > 下一步</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<string name= "Registration_country_code_entry_hint" > +0</string>
2022-11-17 16:39:38 -04:00
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
<!-- PaypalCompleteOrderBottomSheet -->
2022-12-09 14:16:58 -04:00
<string name= "PaypalCompleteOrderBottomSheet__donate" > 捐款</string>
<string name= "PaypalCompleteOrderBottomSheet__payment" > 付款</string>
2022-12-08 12:11:48 -04:00
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- ChatFilter -->
<!-- Displayed in a pill at the top of the chat list when it is filtered by unread messages -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "ChatFilter__filtered_by_unread" > 按未读筛选</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Displayed underneath the filter circle at the top of the chat list when the user pulls at a very low velocity -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "ChatFilter__pull_to_filter" > 下拉筛选</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
<!-- Displayed in the "clear filter" item in the chat feed if the user opened the filter from the overflow menu -->
2023-01-09 13:29:12 -04:00
<string name= "ChatFilter__tip_pull_down" > 提示:下拉聊天列表进行筛选</string>
2023-01-04 16:57:05 -05:00
2023-01-19 13:38:09 -05:00
<!-- Title for screen describing that sms support is going to be removed soon -->
2023-01-24 13:59:39 -05:00
<string name= "SmsRemoval_title_going_away" > 短信服务即将结束</string>
2023-02-06 17:09:45 -04:00
<!-- Bullet point message shown on describing screen as first bullet why sms is being removed, placeholder with be date of removal (e.g., March 21st) -->
2023-07-14 17:57:49 -04:00
<string name= "SmsRemoval_info_bullet_1" > Signal 应用即将下线短信聊天服务。</string>
2023-01-19 13:38:09 -05:00
<!-- Bullet point message shown on describing screen as second bullet why sms is being removed -->
2023-01-24 13:59:39 -05:00
<string name= "SmsRemoval_info_bullet_2" > 短信消息与 Signal 消息不一样。<b > 这不会影响加密的 Signal 消息服务。此服务仍然可用。</b> </string>
2023-01-19 13:38:09 -05:00
<!-- Bullet point message shown on describing screen as third bullet why sms is being removed -->
2023-01-24 13:59:39 -05:00
<string name= "SmsRemoval_info_bullet_3" > 您可以将短信消息导出,或选择其他的短信应用。</string>
2023-01-19 13:38:09 -05:00
<!-- Bullet point message shown on describing screen as first bullet variant why sms is being removed when user is locked out of sms -->
2023-01-24 13:59:39 -05:00
<string name= "SmsRemoval_info_bullet_1_phase_3" > Signal 已不再支持发送短信消息。</string>
2023-01-19 13:38:09 -05:00
<!-- Button label on sms removal info/megaphone to start the export SMS flow -->
2023-01-20 18:12:17 -05:00
<string name= "SmsRemoval_export_sms" > 导出短信</string>
2023-01-12 15:41:46 -04:00
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Set up your username megaphone -->
<!-- Displayed as a title on a megaphone which prompts user to set up a username -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "SetUpYourUsername__set_up_your_signal_username" > 设置您的 Signal 用户名</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Displayed as a description on a megaphone which prompts user to set up a username -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "SetUpYourUsername__usernames_let_others" > 用户名可以让其他会员无需您的电话号码也能给您发送消息</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Displayed as an action on a megaphone which prompts user to set up a username -->
2023-02-06 17:09:45 -04:00
<string name= "SetUpYourUsername__not_now" > 稍后再说</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Displayed as an action on a megaphone which prompts user to set up a username -->
2023-02-06 17:09:45 -04:00
<string name= "SetUpYourUsername__continue" > 继续</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Text Formatting -->
<!-- Popup menu label for applying bold style -->
2023-01-26 19:17:35 -05:00
<string name= "TextFormatting_bold" > 加粗</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Popup menu label for applying italic style -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "TextFormatting_italic" > 斜体</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Popup menu label for applying strikethrough style -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "TextFormatting_strikethrough" > 删除线</string>
2023-01-25 17:08:53 -05:00
<!-- Popup menu label for applying monospace font style -->
2023-01-31 16:15:40 -05:00
<string name= "TextFormatting_monospace" > 等宽字体</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Popup menu label for applying spoiler style -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "TextFormatting_spoiler" > 防剧透</string>
2023-06-21 20:26:24 -04:00
<!-- Popup menu label for clearing applied formatting -->
2023-06-26 14:16:45 -04:00
<string name= "TextFormatting_clear_formatting" > 清除格式</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- UsernameEducationFragment -->
<!-- Continue button which takes the user to the add a username screen -->
2023-02-06 17:09:45 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameEducationFragment__continue" > 继续</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Displayed as a title on the username education screen -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameEducationFragment__set_up_your_signal_username" > 设置您的 Signal 用户名</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as body text in the username education screen -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "UsernameEducationFragment__usernames_are_paired_with_a_set_of_digits" > 每个用户名会与一组数字匹配,并且不会显示在您的个人资料中</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as body text in the username education screen -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "UsernameEducationFragment__each_username_has_a_unique_qr_code" > 每个用户名均有一个唯一的二维码和链接,您可以将其分享给您的朋友以开始聊天</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as body text in the username education screen. The string references the names of settings, so they should match our translations for those settings. -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "UsernameEducationFragment__turn_off_phone_number_discovery" > 您可以在“设置 > 隐私 > 电话号码 > 谁可以查找我的电话号码”中关闭电话号码搜索功能,将您的用户名用作其他人联系您的主要方式</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Username edit dialog -->
<!-- Option to open username editor displayed as a list item in a dialog -->
2023-02-07 15:00:56 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameEditDialog__edit_username" > 编辑用户名</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- Option to delete username displayed as a list item in a dialog -->
2023-02-06 17:09:45 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameEditDialog__delete_username" > 删除用户名</string>
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
<!-- Time duration picker -->
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for hour, e.g., 12h -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_hour_abbreviation" > 小时</string>
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label shown after the user input value for minute, e.g., 24m -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "TimeDurationPickerDialog_single_letter_minute_abbreviation" > 分钟</string>
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, label for button that will apply the setting -->
2023-02-17 15:33:09 -05:00
<string name= "TimeDurationPickerDialog_positive_button" > 设置</string>
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
<!-- Shown in a time duration picker for selecting duration in hours and minutes, helper text indicating minimum allowable duration -->
2023-02-21 09:59:19 -05:00
<string name= "TimeDurationPickerDialog_minimum_duration_warning" > 距离屏幕锁定生效的最短时间为 1 分钟。</string>
2023-02-14 22:47:20 -05:00
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Call Log -->
<!-- Displayed below the user\'s name in row items on the call log. First placeholder is the call status, second is when it occurred -->
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__s_dot_s" > %1$s · %2$s</string>
<!-- Displayed for incoming calls -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__incoming" > 来电</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed for outgoing calls -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__outgoing" > 去电</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed for missed calls -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__missed" > 未接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Displayed on Group Call button if user is not in the call -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__join" > 加入</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Displayed on Group Call button if user is in the call -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__return" > 返回</string>
2023-04-12 16:58:53 -04:00
<!-- Call state template when there is more than one call collapsed into a single row. D is a number > 1 and S is a call info string (like Missed) -->
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__d_s" > (%1$d) %2$s</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Status text on call links -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "CallLogAdapter__call_link" > 通话链接</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Call Log context menu -->
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to start a video call -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__video_call" > 视频通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to join an ongoing group call -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__join_call" > 加入通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to return to active call -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__return_to_call" > 回到通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to start an audio call -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__audio_call" > 语音通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to go to chat -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__go_to_chat" > 前往聊天</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to see call info -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__info" > 详情</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to select multiple calls -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__select" > 选择</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as a context menu item to delete this call -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallContextMenu__delete" > 删除</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Call Log Fragment -->
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when deleting call history items -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__deleting" > 正在删除…</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a toast when a deletion fails for an unknown reason -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__deletion_failed" > 删除失败。</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as message in error dialog when can\'t delete links -->
<plurals name= "CallLogFragment__cant_delete_call_link" >
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 有些通话链接无法删除。请检查您的网络连接并重试。</item>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar text after clearing the call history -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__cleared_call_history" > 已清除通话记录</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Dialog title to clear all call events -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__clear_call_history_question" > 要清除通话记录吗?</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Dialog body to clear all call events -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__this_will_permanently_delete_all_call_history" > 此操作将永久删除所有通话记录</string>
2023-06-07 15:14:47 -04:00
<!-- Action bar menu item to delete all call events -->
2023-06-13 10:51:44 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__clear_call_history" > 清除通话记录</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Action bar menu item to only display missed calls -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__filter_missed_calls" > 筛选未接通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Action bar menu item to clear missed call filter -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__clear_filter" > 清除筛选</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Action bar menu item to open settings -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__settings" > 设置</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Action bar menu item to open notification profile settings -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__notification_profile" > 通知配置</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Call log new call content description -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__start_a_new_call" > 发起一个新通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Filter pull text when pulled -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__filtered_by_missed" > 已按未接通话筛选</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Bottom bar option to select all call entries -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__select_all" > 选择全部</string>
2023-06-28 17:21:07 -04:00
<!-- Bottom bar option to delete all selected call entries and dialog action to confirm deletion -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__delete" > 删除</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<plurals name= "CallLogFragment__delete_d_calls" >
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 删除 %1$d 个通话?</item>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Snackbar label after deleting call logs -->
<plurals name= "CallLogFragment__d_calls_deleted" >
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<item quantity= "other" > 已删除 %1$d 个通话</item>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Undo action for deletion snackbar -->
2023-03-24 14:37:17 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__undo" > 撤消</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Shown during empty state -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__no_calls" > 无通话。</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Shown during empty state -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallLogFragment__get_started_by_calling_a_friend" > 呼叫朋友开始互动吧。</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- New call activity -->
<!-- Activity title in title bar -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "NewCallActivity__new_call" > 新通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Call state update popups -->
<!-- Displayed when the user enables group call ringing -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__ringing_on" > 铃声开启</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when the user disables group call ringing -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__ringing_off" > 铃声关闭</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when the user cannot enable group call ringing -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__group_is_too_large" > 群组人数过多,无法与参与人通话</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when the user turns on their mic -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__mic_on" > 麦克风开启</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when the user turns off their mic -->
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__mic_off" > 麦克风关闭</string>
2023-08-02 17:59:21 -04:00
<!-- Displayed when the user turns on their speakerphone -->
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__speaker_on" > Speaker on</string>
<!-- Displayed when the user turns off their speakerphone -->
<string name= "CallStateUpdatePopupWindow__speaker_off" > Speaker off</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Accessibility label describing the capture button on the camera screen -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "CameraControls_capture_button_accessibility_label" > 拍照按钮</string>
2023-03-29 14:13:51 -04:00
<!-- Accessibility label describing the continue button on the camera screen -->
2023-04-04 11:01:17 -03:00
<string name= "CameraControls_continue_button_accessibility_label" > 继续按钮</string>
2023-03-23 18:21:58 -04:00
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- CallPreference -->
2023-04-12 16:58:53 -04:00
<!-- Generic group call in call info -->
2023-04-14 16:38:20 -04:00
<string name= "CallPreference__group_call" > 群组通话</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Missed group call in call info -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CallPreference__missed_group_call" > 未接群组通话</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Incoming group call in call info -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CallPreference__incoming_group_call" > 拨入群组通话</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Outgoing group call in call info -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CallPreference__outgoing_group_call" > 拨出群组通话</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- CreateCallLink -->
<!-- Call link creation item title on calls tab -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLink__create_a_call_link" > 创建通话链接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Call link creation item description on calls tab -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLink__share_a_link_for" > 分享 Signal 通话链接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment -->
<!-- Fragment title -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__create_call_link" > 创建通话链接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Displayed as a default name for the signal call -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__signal_call" > Signal 通话</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Displayed on a small button to allow user to instantly join call -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__join" > 加入</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Option to open a full screen dialog to enter a call name -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__add_call_name" > 添加通话名称</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Toggle to require approval for all members before joining -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__approve_all_members" > 批准所有成员</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Row label to share the link via Signal -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__share_link_via_signal" > 通过 Signal 分享链接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Row label to copy the link to the clipboard -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__copy_link" > 复制链接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Row label to share the link with the external share sheet -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__share_link" > 分享链接</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Button text to dismiss the sheet and add it as an upcoming call -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__done" > 完成</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Displayed when we can\'t find a suitable way to open the system share picker -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__failed_to_open_share_sheet" > 无法分享通话链接。</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Displayed when we copy the call link to the clipboard -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "CreateCallLinkBottomSheetDialogFragment__copied_to_clipboard" > 已复制到剪贴板</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- EditCallLinkNameDialogFragment -->
<!-- App bar title for editing a call name -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "EditCallLinkNameDialogFragment__edit_call_name" > 编辑通话名称</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Text on button to confirm edit -->
2023-04-10 10:18:37 -04:00
<string name= "EditCallLinkNameDialogFragment__save" > 保存</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
<!-- Placeholder text on input field when editing call name -->
2023-04-11 10:32:42 -04:00
<string name= "EditCallLinkNameDialogFragment__call_name" > 通话名称</string>
2023-04-05 16:44:15 -03:00
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- ChooseNavigationBarStyleFragment -->
<!-- Dialog title, displayed below the header image -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseNavigationBarStyleFragment__navigation_bar_size" > 导航栏大小</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Toggle button label for normal size -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseNavigationBarStyleFragment__normal" > 正常</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Toggle button label for compact size -->
2023-04-24 19:17:10 -04:00
<string name= "ChooseNavigationBarStyleFragment__compact" > 紧凑</string>
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
<!-- Title shown at top of bottom sheet dialog for displaying a message\'s edit history -->
2023-04-21 15:30:24 -04:00
<string name= "EditMessageHistoryDialog_title" > 编辑历史</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Title of dialog shown alerting user that edit message is in beta only -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "SendingEditMessageBetaOnlyDialog_title" > 仅限 Signal 测试版</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Body of dialog shown alerting user that edit message is in beta only and only sent to beta users. -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "SendingEditMessageBetaOnlyDialog_body" > 编辑消息功能仅限 Signal 测试版用户使用。如果您编辑消息,其将仅对 Signal 最新测试版的用户可见。</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Button to cancel sending edit message as it is beta only -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "SendingEditMessageBetaOnlyDialog_cancel" > 取消</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
<!-- Button to continue sending edit message despite it being beta only -->
2023-06-20 14:24:16 -04:00
<string name= "SendingEditMessageBetaOnlyDialog_send" > 发送</string>
2023-06-15 15:10:25 -04:00
2023-04-20 14:56:40 -04:00
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- CallLinkDetailsFragment -->
<!-- Displayed in action bar at the top of the fragment -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__call_details" > 通话详情</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a text row, allowing the user to click and add a call name -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__add_call_name" > 添加通话名称</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a toggle row, allowing the user to click to enable or disable member approval -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__approve_all_members" > 批准所有成员</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a text row, allowing the user to share the call link -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__share_link" > 分享链接</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Displayed in a text row, allowing the user to delete the call link -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__delete_call_link" > 删除通话链接</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Displayed whenever a name change, revocation, etc, fails. -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__couldnt_save_changes" > 无法保存更改,请检查您的互联网连接并重试。</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as title in dialog when user attempts to delete the link -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__delete_link" > 要删除链接吗?</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Displayed as body in dialog when user attempts to delete the link -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "CallLinkDetailsFragment__this_link_will_no_longer_work" > 删除后,拥有链接的任何人将无法再使用此链接。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button label for the share button in the username link settings -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_share_button_label" > 分享</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button label for the color selector button in the username link settings -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_color_button_label" > 颜色</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Description text for QR code and links in the username link settings -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_qr_description" > 请只将您的二维码和链接分享给信任的人。分享之后,对方将能看到您的用户名并开始与您聊天。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Content of a toast that will show after the username is copied to the clipboard -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_username_copied_toast" > 用户名已复制</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Content of a toast that will show after the username link is copied to the clipboard -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_link_copied_toast" > 链接已复制</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button label for a button that will reset your username and give you a new link -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_reset_button_label" > 重置</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Button label for a button that indicates that the user is done changing the current setting -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_done_button_label" > 完成</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Label for a tab that shows a screen to view your username QR code -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_code_tab_name" > 二维码</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Label for a tab that shows a screen to scan a QR code -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_scan_tab_name" > 扫描</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- Description text shown underneath the username QR code scanner -->
2023-05-17 15:25:16 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_qr_scan_description" > 请扫描您的联系人设备上的二维码。</string>
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
<!-- App bar title for the username QR code color picker screen -->
2023-05-12 13:59:34 -04:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_color_picker_app_bar_title" > 颜色</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Body of a dialog that is displayed when we failed to read a username QR code. -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_qr_result_invalid" > 二维码已失效。</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Body of a dialog that is displayed when the username we looked up could not be found. -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_qr_result_not_found" > 无法找到用户名为%1$s的用户。</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
<!-- Body of a dialog that is displayed when we experienced a network error when looking up a username. -->
2023-05-31 16:42:28 -03:00
<string name= "UsernameLinkSettings_qr_result_network_error" > 网络连接出错,请重试。</string>
2023-05-24 12:11:15 -04:00
2023-05-09 13:48:06 -04:00
2023-02-02 17:55:12 -05:00
<!-- EOF -->
2012-11-20 20:54:07 -08:00